xt73n58cjp5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjp5z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-08-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 04, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 04, 1977 1977 1977-08-04 2020 true xt73n58cjp5z section xt73n58cjp5z '77 ' KENTUCKY


an independent student newspaper



Vol. LXIX. No. 8
August 4, 1977


l UniversityofKentuchy
Lexington. Kentucky





One student finds peace and quiet away from fair

Far from the maddening crOWd weather temptations as he studies his way toward

anaher semester's end.

 Z—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. Augusf4, 1977


Marla Mitchell

Joe Kemp

Bruce W. Singleton...

But how shall we remember Kent State?

Geographical names often
find symbolic meaning when
they become linked with
events. Dresden. Hiroshima,
Watergate...the list is a long
one. Their common
denominator is the fact that




the single geographical term
connotes a whole spectrum of
ideas and emotions.

Kent, Ohio is such a
symbdic location. The events
that took place there on that
day in early May seven years
ago sent shock waves
throughout the nation.

No one needs to be
reminded that the 1960’s,
particularly the years of the


Vietnam War. were turbulent
ones. Demonstrations were
stylish. Violence com-

The decade had seen
successful civil righs ac-
tivism. The campus.
historically a scene of
demonstration for “liberal"
cause and ideologies, was a
logical place for the anti-war
demonstrations to center,
even at the dawn of the 1970's.

The people who par-
ticipated in those uprisings
had more than an ideology to
defend, though. For many,

.the college campus was a

haven from the draft. And the
draft, so hated by the eligible
cannon fodder, was the
perpetual target for dissent.

Space limitations


The amount of space avail-
able to the users of the
Computing Center in McVey
Hall has recently been re-
duced. Room 109, which con-
tained much needed refer-
enoe manuals and additional
table space at which users
could work, has been conver-
ted for Computing Center
staff usage. This latest devel-
opment has made it clearly
impossible for the Center to
serve adequately the needs of
the non—staff user.

The last year has seen a
marked increase in student
rse of the computing facilities
in McVey Hall. The loss of
Room 109 worsens an already
deplorable situation in which
hundreds of users compete
for only a handful of seats and
other limited resources. The
unavailability of reference
manuals after 5 pm. and on
weekends makes anything
buts am. to 5 pm. computer
use extremely difficult and,
at times, impossible. The
facilities available to the

non-staff user have never
bear satisfactory. and the
further loss of space ampli-
fis the alread existent prob-
lems in addition to creating
some new ones.

We feel that it is time
to forego the temporary and
invariably inadequate short-
term “patching" of prob-
lems. These problems can
only be solved by a long-
range, comprehensive com-
puting-relating policy.

It seems to us that devoting
mtre of the space in McVey
Hall to computing facilities is
necessary. Another alterna-
tive might be the creation of
an additional complete user
complex elsewhere on cam-
pus. But either of these
solutions is at best a tempor-
ary, though necessary, ex-
pedient, and we call on the
administration to develop a
cogent and realistic policy.

The fact is undeniable:
mire space and a better
computing policy is a must.

Concerned students
and faculty

The atmosphere of the
nation did little to alleviate
that dissent. Recent
revelations on the activities
of the FBI under J. Edgar
Hoover show some of the
official paranoia. The press,
too, reported and perhaps
distorted what occurred.

The battle lines were

For college ad-
ministrations. the thought
was to preserve the facilities
of higher learning that been
entrusted to them by the

To preserve those facilities,
they felt, it was necessary to
meet violence with violence.
Perhaps real violence was not
in tended by either side.

T" W§ntéd=§gpe‘n p’a

Dear Editor:

Am um:
Nancy Dab

Jennifer Greer
Ken Kalan
Dav“ Hlbbltu

(h lat Photographer
Steven J. Schular

Perhaps it was a national
poker game: each side
bluffing. raising, calling.

But both sides lost.

It is not fashionable today
to demonstrate. Dissent,
certainly, is common, witness
the confrontation at our own
law school last fall. But the
type of demonstration that
frequently occurred in the
1960 ’s has hopefully become a
thing of the past.

Perhaps the issues are not
as burning today. Perhaps
the level of awareness is not
as high. I prefer to think that'
neither is the case.

I hope today’s lack of
violence in dissent is a sign of
maturity and understanding.
For if we learned anything
from Kent State, it’s the

Salt Writers

Advertising Director
Anthony Gray

Sta“ Artlll
William Fulate


awful consequences of official
overreaction to student

There are those today who
would remember the people
who fell there by forbidding
the erection of a gymnasium.
This is unfortunate. I can
think of no more fitting
memorial than an outward
sign of rebuilding.

If we cannot recall and yet
rebuild, the lesson of Kent
State has not been learned.
And the next geographically
significant location may be
likened to the Plains of Ar‘


Bruce W. Shgleton is a third-
year law student. 11ris is his
last column for the summer

0:. .

It would be wonderful

My name is Alan Winters.
I‘m writing from a prison in
New York where I‘m serving
a very lonely couple of years
for beingin a house where a

hearing from any students
who would like to brighten up
my life—it sure could use it.
Alan Winters, 12328, Wallkill
Correctional Facility, Box G,

reefer sale was going on.


.. Wallkill, NY 12589? .-


For safe abortions— NOW

Dear Editor:

Senator Mike Moloney has
proposed a resolution to the
Interim Judiciary Committee
to place pressure on the
Department for Human
Resources to change its
present policy of providing
Medicaid reimbursements
for abortions.

The Lexington—Bluegrass
Chapter of the National
Organization of Women
(NOW) strongly condemns
such a resolution and sup
ports the right of all women to
choose abortion, including
women who are eligibb for
the Medicaid program

(without it these women will
be unable to obtain safe and
legal abortions).

It is outrageous that people
attempt to impose their
personal definition of
morality on women,
especially those least able to
fight back. We oppose forced
pregnancies and we oppose
this attempt to force women
to badt-alley abortionists.

We demand that Mike
Moloney listen to the
majority opinion on abortion,
rather than that of the vocal
minority, and retract his
resolution in favor of one that
supports abortion rights for

all wanen.

Mike Moloney should also
educate himself on the
general issue of birth control:
given the lack of birth control
information and the lack of
available safe and fail-proof
birth control methods,
abortion allows women some
measure of control over their
reproductive lives.

NOW calls upon all men
and women who support
every woman’s right to
choose aba'tion to respond
publicy to this insensitive

Patricia Pryse, Lexington
NOW President




m mucky Kamal. in Journalism Mime. University or Kant-city. Lexington. Kamaky, cases, is mailed a... mil.
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as one of the
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—Vincent Canby.
New York Times




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F ingernails

S'even J khulev

If you can’t grow ’em, buy ’em

Kernel Reporter

Whatever the excuse
(habitual nailbiter or
frequent mishaps). long
fingernails are difficult to

If you have tried gelatin.
nail hardeners and drugstore
fake nails in hopes of having
enviable fingemails without
success. nail sculpturing at
Nails by Rox Anne could be
the answer.

Nail sculpturing is a
proce$ that constructs nails
by painting an acrylic mix-
ture onto the real nail to form
a perfect simulated nail.

With 21 other salons
throughout the country.
Kentucky’s first shop has
recently been opened in

Lexington at 1429 Village Dr.
Owner Peggy Arvine says
most of her customers have
been females between the
ages of 12 and 65. Anyone
under 18 years of age must
have parental permission.

“Many women don't feel
complete with stubby nails.
Nail sculpturing is a con-
tinuing process so you can get
your nails out to the length
you want them. After the
customer's nails have grown
out. we will remove the
simulated nail at no charge.

“However, many women
prefer the simulated nails to
their own as they are much
stronger. inflammable and
can be worn with clear polish
because they are so natural

Many celebrities frequent
Hox Anne‘s numerous salons,
including Barbara Streisand.
('her and the Atlanta Braves
baseball team «for product
endorsement shots and
sturdy nails are an advantage
in gripping the baseball).

After the initial $35 fee for
both hands. a $15 refill is
necessary every two or three
weeks to keep pace with the
natural nail growth.

One word of caution: Nails
by Rox Anne is approved by
the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration whereas many
nail salors in the country are
not. Nail sculpturing can be
very dangerous (resulting in
permanent loss of finger—
nails) unless it has been
federally approved and done
by a liscened beautician.



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skincare? ; 4’...


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. .gma Ms...“ ._ m... ._ ._.s.._.._

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THEKENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. August 4, 1977—5

: Watch your step

Construction under way on campus


Bulldozers and bloutorches blend with summer sounds as the W. Rogers Co. works
toward completion of a 15-foot wide utility trench-walkway. extending from Euclid
Avenue to Kastle Hall. The 5:05.000 project will stretch into the fall semester with an
expected October completion date.

Photos by Steven J. Schuler


First there was
Dirty Ernie's,


then there was



corner of Irvine
and North lst
Richmond, Ky.


"Wherever you bought them,
we'll buy them back"




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BE E R so cents and under



 6—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. August 4, 1977






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IEID om:
”No Passes.


Amogo vnagalaxyfar faraway


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Jqugggeu n... .... .... .... .. ..







THEKENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. August 4. 1977—7







Kernel Reporter

If enthusiasm can be a
play’s saving grace, the Di-
ner’s Playhouse production of
“A Funny Thing Happened
OnThe Way To The Forum”
may have a redeeming qual-
ity. If not, then leave this one

'Ihe opener, “Comedy To-
night," was pitifully per-
formed by Scott Ehredt, the
Playhouse’s current fair-





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"duwinw; «a. .. . .. ...


haired boy. Pitiful, not be
catse Ehredt is a poor singer,
but because the band played
well below his key, forcing
him into inaudibility. Surely a
four-piece band can arrange
its music to suit the cast;
“Forum” is, after all, a

'lhe singing in general was
inconsistent, indicating a too-
hurried production job. A
gidly rendition of “Every-

just sort of silly

body Ought To Have A Maid"
with Ehredt (Pseudolus) and
Ray Smith (Senex) was the
joyful highpoint of “Forum."
Martin Brothers delivering
Miles Gloriosus’ “Bring Me
My Bride” was also powerful-
lysung, and fun to watch.
Weakest of the perform-
ances were Jennifer Pritchett
and Jim Miller. as Philia and
H60, the lovers. Pritchett’s
w‘spy warble may suit the
character of Philia, the desir—
able virgin, but extended

listening tends to grate—
Jeannette McDonald has no
place in a Roman forum.
Miller sang softly, lacking
spirit and interest. While
Hero is a vacuous character,
his singing could certainly
benefit from some substance.

The worst fault of this
production was the insistence
on overacting. “Forum" is a
farce, the audience knows it,
and should not be subjected to

At Diner’s Playhouse,

where ’Forum’ was

a Three Stooges slapstick
approach. The play was viva-
cious, enthusiasm abounded,
but so did a severe lack of
restraint. The offering was
ma‘e in the style of children's

Marcia Urban as Domina,
the wife of long-suffering
Senex, lost all restraint—her
acting troweled on, and her
cracking shriek was unfunni-
ly overdone—bringing to
mind no one so much as the
Great Guildersleeve. As a


singer, though, she belied
those shortcomings, sounding
strong, clear and enjoyable.
Dean Haynes (Hysterium,
the woebegone slave) vacil-
lated between perfect and far
too nervous, even for farce.
H's drag scene is one of the
funniest of the play, and his
siiging was not so whiny as
the bulk of his performance.
The best acting came from
the Proteans, working as


soldiers, eunuchs and slaves,
Martin Ambrose (Erroneous)
and Miles Stevens. Stevens as
Marcus Lycus offered the
mmt even performance. The
courtesans, too, were good,
and provided a very able
chorus at the funeral. It may
be that their time on stage
was too short to offer the
opportunity for the overkill
the rest of the cast suffered
from, but they were enjoy-

'Die set was a shoddy,
flimsy affair. While simple
sets have their charm, this
one threatened to fall down at
evay hop, skip and jump of
the active cast. When Philia


Illustrations by William Fugate

crawled to the roof, one
wmdered whether she might
not land in the basement——an
interesting thought, but dis-

Despite all these flaws, the
cast cannot be faulted for its
enthusiasm. Through low key
and no key, wobbly walls and
superfluous slapstick, it man-
aged to convey a good time
had by all. But, like a high
school play, the laughs too
often came from embarrass-
mait for the production rath-
er than humor for the mater-

“A Funny Thing Happened
OnThe Way To The Forum“
closes Aug. 21.





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 ; mam“. .

s—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. August 4, 1977
The battle against
boredom continues...


Is this



.,.' ._

your wallet?

It could be fatter

’M an of
La Mancha'

A new production of the
Broadway musical Man of
LaMancha is the attraction
tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Guignol Theatre. Repeat

Wallace’s change all that!

Wallace’s Book Store

(one block off campus)

Instant Cash

performance will be held
tomorrow and Saturday
nights at 8 p.m. The
production is staged by the
University of Kentucky
Opera Workshop.

Bill Nave stats in the title
role of Miguel de Cervantes.

Other featured players in-
clude Suzanne Fleming as
Aldonm and Ned Farrer as
Sancho Panza. Phyllis
Jenness, a UK music in-
structor, is the d'n'ector.

The mus‘cal is set within
the confine of a 16th century
prison in Seville, Spain, and
expands to include other
settings in the imagination of
the protagonist. During a
mock trial in the prison
dungeon, Cervantes, a failure
at the time of the play’s
setting, acts out his newly-
written character Don
Quixote. Other prisoners
assume the roles of other
characters in the play, and
Cervantes’ ever-fathful valet
assumes the role of Sancho

Numerous well—known
songs are performed in the
play, including the multiple
award-winning The lm-
possible Dream.

Ticket prices are $3.50 for
adults and $2.50 for children
and students. Ticket reser-
vations are available by
calling $86858.


Unless you’ve been living in
a hole the last couple of
weeks, you are by now aware
that Elvis Presley is ap-
pearing at Rupp Arena Aug.
23 at 8 p.m. The good tickets
are mostly gone, but some
$7.50 seats are still available.

That, of course, is
assuming that you want to put
up with the crowds, not to
mention Elvis' recent habit of
turning in rather short shows.
Other area concerts include
Willie Nelson and Emmylou
Harris in Rupp Arena on
August 17, and Linda Ron-
stadt on August 30.

Also, Alice Cooper, Johnny
Winter, the Beach Boys and
Yes are scheduled to perform
in Louisville in the next
month, the latter two as part
of the Kentucky State Fair.
Cooper’s show is in Freedom
Hall, AUQJSt7; Winter will be
in Louisville Gardens August
20; the Beach Boys will be in
Freedom Hall August 20; and
Yes will be in Freedom Hall
August 28.

In Cincinnati, Yes is
schedaled to perform August
29 at Riverfront Coliseum,
Leo Sayer isscheduled for the
Music Hall on August 23 and
the new Commander Cody
Band will be at Bogart‘s

Finally, there's the Central
Kentucky Bluegrass Festival
at Camp Nelson, Kentucky on
August 13. JD. Crowe and
John Hartford are among the
main attractions.


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Rocking once more

Arts Editor

Onemore time around with the hard
rockers. Three are new bands, the other
group has been around nearly forever. All
are at least interesting. but I‘m not sure if
that means that the state of heavy metal
rock is improving. or if everybody"s learning
the same studio gimmicks.

Burning for You
toyster-Polydor) ‘-


The current Strawbs nucleus
Cousins. Dave Lambert. Chas Cronk and
Rod Coombes) has held forth for five albums
now. longer than any previous lineup. Their
maturity is apparent with their new release.
although the limits of the band's creativity
are also beginning to show.

That statement is based not on the notion
that Strawbs‘ work is ofa lower quality than
before" quite the contrary—but that said
work is just bearing a suspicious resem»
blance to earlier works.

It‘s not that “Cut Likea Diamond" is a bad
song. it‘s that it sounds just like “Turn Me
Round" from the earlier Deep Cuts. The
same can be said about the title cut and its
similarity to “So Close and Yet So Far
Away." also from Deep Cuts.

Hard-core Strawbs fans shouldn‘t be put
off too much by the situation; new keyboard
players John Mealing and Robert Kirby
contribute some nice string arrangements.
as well as good double-keyboard attacks.
that keep the whole affair from sliding into

And if you‘re not a hard-core fan, you
probablyhaven’t heard of the group at all, in
which case you owe it to yourself to pick up
at least one of the more recent Strawbs

Secret Damage

Guitarist-vocalist Ross Stagg is the
driving lorce behind this album, which
features excellent songs at the beginning and
end, and garbage in between.

The record starts out hot with “Down to
You” an! “Pain ofLove,” both melodic (and
melodramah'c) rockers, and bogs down



immediately thereafter. “Soft Touch" on
side two gets the proceedings back in gear
and “Violent Love-Secret Damage" brings
the album to a rousing finish.

What's left are three dismal numbers,
including one little goodie whose main at-
tribute is. of all things. a drum solo. (I hate
drum solos.) Aside from that. drummer
Mick Underwood is perfectly competent. He
just has problems, as do must drummers,
when ldt to his own devices.

Producer Chris Kimsey does a creditable
job with Stagg‘s deep. gravelly voice, par~
ticularly considering that he was called in at
the last minute after Roger Glover and Louie
Austin butchered “In Your Ear.“

lfyou can live with that and the other weak
material~fortunately the shortest cuts on
the album—the rest of the record is well
worth the time and money.

Hit and Run

Theyplay Black Sabbath with more talent.
energy and imagination than the original.
and have one important advantage. namely
that they know how to use an uptempo riff.
They also know about stolen riffs. like the
bridge of the album‘s title track, lifted from
Thin Lizzy‘s “It‘s Only Money."

Despite the obvious borrowing of material.
not to mention lyrics that frequently veer
toward Grand Funk would-be street smarts,
Dirty Tricks tum out lean, tough material
that increases geometrically in interest as
the volume goes up. Tony Visconti‘s
production is laden with overdubs. as usual.
but at least there are no pathetic string
arrangements a la T. Rex.

Look out for flying power chords.

(A & M)

This group’s first album is more melodic
than either the Strapps or Dirty Tricks en-
tries, although it’sa toss-uptor more likely a
matter of taste) as to which is actually

Group leader Billy Squier writes catchy,
harmony~laced tunes with enough hooks to
supply a fisher-men’s convention, and where
he falls off. guitarists Tommy Gunn and
Alan Scott pick up the slack pretty well.

The cover version of the Rolling Stones’
“The Last Time” is neither particularly
better nor worse than the original. If that
doesn’t give you a clue as to the band's
major influeices, consider that Squier’s
voice likewise bears a distinct resemblance
in phrasing and diction to ol’ Thick Lips.

Geez. Heavy metal you can dance to.
Who’d have thought it?


THEKENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. August 4,1977—9


Man of La Mancha
Dwight Kelley stands in front of the set he designed for the LR
Department of Music‘s production of “Man of l.a.\lancha."
The production runs tonight through Saturday night at the
(iuignol Theatre, Phyllis Jenness directs the production of the
hit Broadway musical.




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- “anwwwwwwwm ”was, ,». ,.. . . «

 la—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, August 4, 1977




Mild August fades into dramatic fall

Kernel Staff Writer

A prophecy of an 11-0
record for Wildcat football;
the tantalizing chance of an
all-Chicago World Series or
George Foster snapping Ro-
ger Maris‘ single season
homerun mark: Seattle Slew
challenging Forego for Horse
of the Year honors in the
Woodward Stakes.

As the mild. radiant days of
early August eventually fade
into the transient but colorful.
drama-filled seasons of Sep-
tember and October, these
are just a few of the specta-
cles an idealist might envi-

An unbeaten season for
Kentucky and Foster’s chase
after one of baseball’s most
recognized records defy the
oddsmakers. But a Slew-
Ftrego confrontation to be
followed by a World Series in
the city Richard Daly built


*Stevcn J. 5d! er
lt‘s empty and only in the grooming stages now but Commonwealth Stadium. shown on
a sunny August afternoon. patiently awaits the kickoff of UK‘s football season against



North Carolina Sept. 10.

can realistically start whet-
ting a few appetites.
Kentucky‘s football sched-
ule indeed paints a rugged
“road” ahead as Fran Curci’s
Cats must face Baylor and
Penn State away from home
during the first four games.
Yet a sweep of those first
four games would reverse the

Kentucky Kernel

210 Journalism Building
University of Kentucky


Whig; 331. .4 {NJ v

ignominious trend of 1975 and
would bring Commonwealth
Stadium to another feverish
frenzy. Who knows, if the
Wildcats go undefeated or
even win nine or 10 games,
people might start asking if
Fran Curci can walk on

Those darling White Sox

and Cubs from the North and
South sides of Chicago al-
ready have their fans believ—
ing in such miracles. A World
Series between the two teams
could set a record for stand-

The last intercity World
Series was in 1956 between
the two teams who built the

mlbk for circulation Kentucky Kernel
dum Fall and Spring semesters. (Monday
thrul-‘rlday, C: 30 -.m.-11:30 mm.) Must have
car. will train. Soc Tony Gray. Rm. 210
Journalism Bldg. at call 250-3872 for more



hottest rivalry of the decade,
the New York Yankees and
the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Looking ahead through the
August and September sched—
ules, three tight division rac-
es are conceivable. The Cubs
play their last 12 games
against heavy breathing Phil—
adelphia and Pittsburgh.

Philly should squeeze out
the title by a couple of games,
but the present top three
could successfully knock each
other out and allow St. Louis
tosneak in the back door with
series against New York and

In the American League
Emt, the Boston Red Sox,
Baltimore Orioles and New
York Yankees have found
first place hotter than the
month of July. These three
contenders will not have the
misfortune of facing each
other after Boston and New
York conclude their season
series Sept. 19 and 20.

This is one race which will
almost definitely go down to
thelast day.

The AL West is also draw-
ing tighter as the White Sox
cling to a 3% game lead over
Minnesota. Kansas City and
fast closing Texas lurk mena-
cingly only 51/2 back. This
should be Kansas City's piece
d cake but none of the other
three can be discounted.

In order to find a genuine
lu'serace this fall, one must
look ahead to the possibility
d a classic confrontation
between Triple Crown winner
Seattle Slew and three-time
Htrse of the Year Forego, a
seven-year-old gelding.

Those two leading candi-
dates for 1977’s Horse of the
Year could hook up in the

’Woodward while the Marlbo-

ro Cup and the Jockey Gold
Cup are other ‘possibilities.
For-ego should disappoint the
Seattle Slew fan club with a
characteristic stretch drive
to win by at least three
lengths if his weight disad-
vantage is not too severe.

So if in that empty stadium
you see a scoreboard reading
Kentucky 17, North Carolina 0
or if you happen to be at a
deserted racetrack and con-
'yre up visions of Forego and
Seattle Slew in a dead heat,
don’t go see a psychiatrist.
You could be having apoca-
lyptic visions of the months




as and

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.ch will
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i draw-
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id over
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: mena-
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