xt73n58cjp3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjp3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-04-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1975 1975 1975-04-30 2020 true xt73n58cjp3s section xt73n58cjp3s Yocum's 'ribald reputation' does ”not apply

K'ei’hel m" bno’io by com cat...

filed against
56 elections

My st svs .io\i-;s
\ssistant Managing Editor

.-\ challenge has been filed with the
Student (tovernment (Stt' Ffections
Board questioning the legality
presidential and presidential clec
tions on gmunds of excessive campaign

The challenge was filed .\pril 3t by two
at large candidates. Madelyn
and .loe “right. who lost their
Teller Wright
members of a to person slate headed by
t raig Meeker,
and his running mate Sherry

\ ice

elections and were


a presidential

\fliliKl-‘lt \\l)
races Jim
and (ilenn Stith. \ lt‘tLpl‘t‘Sltlt'ltl elect


also lost their
to president elect.

\ccording to a statement filed with the
l'llections Board by 'l’eller and \\ right. the
challenge is “based the belief that
lfarralson and Stith violated paragraph
tll(‘ and five" of the exix-nditures section
of the l‘Ilections Board Procedures
Paragraph one limits the evpcmthtures

presidential and vice presidential
candidates to $73 each The fifth
paragraph states "challenges should be
made for violations which would
materially affect the outcome the
election and were more prejudicial to one
candidate or group of candidates than to
others ‘




’I‘I'Ll,|.lal{ \\I) “ltltill'l~ state
believe llarraLson and Stith exceeded their
spending limit by underestimating the
printing cost of a newsletter which en
dorsed them and the cost of sheets. paint


used in the
Stith said the
agriculture student
dirsed them. but because of complaints
surrounding the endorsement. it
decided not to distribute the newsletter as

and woe

newsletter. en
w as

the (ornucopia

Since the endorsement newsletters were
already printed. they distributed
alter the name ('orniicopia had been torn
off the top 'l'hereforc llarralsoii and Stith
paid for printing afiicfi
estimated at $10 .30

\\ i‘l‘t‘

costs were

tt-lli-g .itttl

‘ttltllltllt‘ll Ull p.|"i- it

VI \ I'l”\|l \l
ttml I

”ll ”t
statt they


\‘llflllt ititi' it

Kernel Staff Writer

Yocum's Motor Lodge. a motel located across the
street from the University of Kentucky, apparently as
(hveloped a ribald reputation among students on the

nearby campus.

For several years jokes and rumors about the illegal
activities which alledgedly occured at the lodge have

floated around UK

"I NEVER WENT into Yocum‘s but it was always
thought of as a weird place
"It was the place where the college boys supposedly
went to learn. you know.
facts of life."

Yocum's Lodge is a large building located on the
lusy corner of Limestone Street and Waller Avenue

tut about the


plants and

the owner of Yocum's,

gtassed-in sun porch stretches across the front of the

SITTING 0N Till-1 porch among some of the many

flowers that decorate her motel, Elizabeth
lokked slightly

perturbed as she talked about the reputation the motor

aunt, Mrs.
said a 1969 UK graduate.

if they hadn't already found

Hior to the early 1900s there were two homes on the

corner but a construction proyect resulted in the two
being combined into the single structure now housing

the tfrunit motel


\ol l..'\'\l


\\ednesday \piil t0 197')

Inside. Yocuni‘s is a complicated maze of narrow
decorated with

men to her love of God and says she has had success

lodge has developed among UK students.
”I think many of the rumors that go around probably
started a few years ago,"

she said. "At that time my
James Yocum, owned the lodge. She was

getting very old, close to 90. and she hired a man to
(perate this place...
careful about the people be rented to.“
Deaton purchased the motel at an auction in March
t973 following the death of her aunt. “I paid $225,000 for
‘ she said.
banker catches me,"

I just don't think he was very

"A little bit down and a lot when the
she laughed.

RELIGIOL'S woman. Deaton refers

(perating Yocum s because "the Lord has been good to

colorful w allpaper A

an independent student news


Unconditional surrender

South Viet Nam falls to Viet Cong

Hy tifitllttil‘, [SPICH
\ssociated Press \t riter
.s'.\l(tti\ t \Pi South \'ieti.am declared
unconditional surrender to the \‘iet ('ong
\Nednesday. ending to years of warfare

President ltuong Van “lbg' Minh spoke
to the nation only hours after an armada of

f' 5' Marine helicopters had completed an
etiiergency‘ evacuation of Hon
\iiiericans and thousands of \"ietiiaiiiest-

from the besieged capital

.\ll\ll. .\ RETIRE!) general and neu
tralist. was named president Monday in a
d-spirate and attempt to
negotiate a peuce (‘ommunist

In a five minute address. Minh said
“The Republic of Vietnam policy is the
policy of peace and reconcilliation. aimed
at saving the blood of our people, I ask all
sierv icemen tostop fighting and stay where
you are I also demand that soldiers of the
Hovisional Revolutionary Government
\lt‘t (‘ong stop firing and stay in place

“We are here waiting for the Provisional
Rmolutionary titht'l‘llltlt'lll. to hand over



authority in order to stop useless blood
shed ‘

t.l-‘.\. \(il YIC\ lll'l lfanlt.
chief of staff. then went on the air to order
all South Vietnamese troops to carry olif


Minfi's orders “All commanders must be

tt'tltl} to enter into relations with com
manders of the Provisional Revolutionary
Government to carry out the ceasefire

fell silent and
along the northern

\‘iet t‘ong gunners had been

without bloodshed." he
.\s they spoke
sliellfii'e subsided
lioiiibardiiig the airport
Saigon police and iiiilitiaii.en remained
at ’llt‘fl' posts indicating tht t‘ommuiiist


w here

led troops had not yet entered the city



\tHll' stil tlf Viv-inanew-

'itllait'wl ‘litt' 'llt' ma f).i“t‘t rt

l‘itffs had caused panic in the military.
with many top army officers and most of
the air force fleeing

ltiit it had been obvious that the capital
fall More than a doren North
Vietnamese Viet (‘ong divisions were
nngmg Saigon. w liicli was defended by
less than one div mom of deiiioralized green

:\.\\'(K'f.’llt’(l Press special correspondent
H-ter .\riiett. reported
nervous soldiers tired occasionally into the
air but saw no (lead or wounded
Soldiers near the radio station at the
iIirtheastern edge of town said t‘omniunis‘t


touring the city.


(‘ontinued on page 5

University a]

21 Kentucky

Lexington. Ky 4006

led forces had moved up to the Saigon
River bridge and were poised to enter the

STR El‘lTS .\Rt)l'.\l) the abandoned l' S.
Hubassy and ambassadors residence
were littered with papers and broken
furniture left behind by footers who
diarged in after the Americans left

Americans going to assembly points for
the emergency evacuation dodged random
shots fired by bitter South Vietnamese
soldiers and fought off desperate civilians
trying to go with them

Court of Appeals orders
bail set for witnesses

Hy RUN Nll'l‘t'llflll
Managing liditor

the purpose of a recent federal grand
itiry inyestigann must be determined by
.i IA'Xiiigton federal court. according to a
ruling Monday by the Sixth District ('ourt
of Appeals in t'iiicinnati

\Khile the determination is being made.
four grand iury witnesses who were found
guilty of contempt of court and tailed
\lanch it must released on bond. the
iiidge appellate court ruled Two
were released
before the

they testified

other iailed

eiand iiiry


“It: ltl'l I\(. “AS the result of
appeal filed by attorneys for the six \A'It'
\fl other points of the appeal were
dismissed by the judges

the grand iury was investigating two
tiigiti\es who allegedly ll\t‘tl in leyingfon
fail the
..nrf Susan S.i\e
with .I
‘vtrit h .2 pots "ft:.‘f|



and two
l'iu'. ei

.rigfit tt‘.

last summer

l\.ifliei lllt' were

3-. ftlf' toniiectioii f'fil'

l.ll lir’ .lllbil‘llll'l‘y ttv

was killed

Saxe was arrested earlier this month in
Philadelphia and Power remains at large.
Both have been on the FBI's “Ten Most
Wanted” list since 1970

’l'lllttil'ttlltit ’l‘ 'I‘IIE contempt hearing
for the witnesses. their attorney. t'K law
professor Robert Sedler. argued that the
grand _]ltt‘_\‘ is being used to obtain in‘
formation which might aid the FBI in
locating the fugitives

the appellate court rifled that the
federal court must determine what the
grand jury's purpose was. Federal law
gives grand ‘iuries the authority to in—
v estigate possible \ iolations of the law and
to autliori7e federal indictments.

t‘ 8 Federal District Judge Bernard T
’\toynahan .lr must make the deter»
mination of the grand jury ‘s' investigation
and must also set had for the jailed wit
.\toynalian was the Judge who
sentenced the six witnesses to

|.lfl for ietiisiiig to answer questions posed

('ontinued on page ”i



Editor incmet. Linda Carries
Managing editor Ron Mitchell : ‘
Associate editor Nancy Daly

Editorial page editor Dan C'utchev


sports editor
anoqvaphy editor Fd Gerald

Features i‘UI'Ol Larry Mead
C-n-q Hotetitti

A an Manon:

tdvlta at. I. . ll‘l no iiiui hi






ERA opponents peddle pure speculation

Recent rejection of the proposed
Equal Rights Amendment i ERAl i by
the North (‘arolina and Florida state
legislatures made chances of passage
impossible this year and dim in 1976.

There has been considerable op~
position to the ERA recently despite
its being overwhelmingly approved
by the 92nd Congress in March. 1972
and sent to the states for ratification
The sudden change in reaction to the
ERA is suprising since nearly 30
states ratified the amendment within

a year of its proposal. Since they

however. only four others have ap
proved the ERA while a dozen
legislatures rejected it this year

The proposed constitutional
amendment. needing ratification
from 38 states by March. 1979 to be

enacted. states simply: "Equality of
rights under the law shall not be
denied or abridged by the l'nited
States or by any other state on ac?
count of sex." If ratified. the ERA
would not go into effect for two years
in order to allow individual states to
change conflicting laws.

There have been numerous
legislative manuevers aimed at
rejecting the ERA. The Illinois
legislature. for example. elected to
require a three-fifths vote for passage
rather than the usual majority. After
previosly ratifying the amendment.
state legislatures in 'I‘ennessee and
Nebraska have now passed measures

to rescind the proposal. Ii‘ortunately.

a similar rescission effort in the 1974
Kentucky General Assembly failed.
The question of whether a state can

The American Mercury

rescind t'atltteatton is. as yet legally
unanswered and will pi'esuiiiably be
determined in the courts

.\ major opponent to passage of the
lnliA. a group known as \\omens
Right to be Women. has distributed
leaflets opposing it on the grounds
that women would be drafted tor
military seryice and forced to share
"sleeping quarters. restrooms and
fo\holes " This seems unlikely eyeii it
the draft is reinstated

Perhaps the most ardent l-ilt \
opponent. I‘hyllis Schlatly ot Alton,
llliiiois. also makes the draft
argument as well as asserting that
women “already are quite well or!
I‘Iyen assuming \ls Schlatly toi‘rect
and l‘IIy‘A only proposes guaranteed
equality of the sexes, making i.o
mention of the current status of


titllt'l‘s argue that passage of the
t t; \ would lead to a breakup of the
iaiiiily structure Although no one
knows what ettects w ill result from a
iaiitied tilt \ these conjectures are
ijitttilltltlt‘tl and impractical In fact.
iiiosi arguments against the liltA are
’lit‘lt'stllt ot speculation on the part of
poorly informed groups These op
poneiits have been gaining iiioiiieii
ttiiii beiietittiug from a highly
propagaiidi/ed campaign of paranoid

;\lj('\\\s\ Ht'k

1;.i'itit'atroii by four more states is
needed in order tor the liltA to
llt‘t‘illlll .i ionstitiitional amendment
ltopetiilly~ legislators in the states yet
i., trillsltlt'l' the l'Ily’A will look past
‘iiese puiy'ly speculatory arguments
and tii‘ially guarantee se\tlal equality

‘ilalt‘l the layy

'A University crisis of the most major proportions'


The journalism department's
loss of accreditation from the
American Council on Education
for Journalism tACEJi has turn-
ed out to be such a momentous
happening that channel 27
tWKYTi played it as the third
story on Monday night. the
Herald run two front page stories
on it and Lexington media types
pounced upon the Enoch Grehan
Journalism building in droves to
get the story on the hottest event
of the year.

All this occured while a country
we wasted billions of dollars and
tens of thousands of lives upon
was falling to its rightful leaders.
It happened while our local
gay-feminist activists were holed
up in some stench-hole of a jail
waiting for the thumbs up or
thumbs down on their fate. It
happened while this Common-
wealth nestled into the pus of its
own nineompoopery. settling into
an abese plop of self-righteous-
ness while suckling on the breasts
of bigotry. sexism and the failure
to serve.

YET THE MEDIA featured
stories on the I'K journalism
program losing its accreditation
Not that there aren't any other
departments. schools. colleges or
what have you that have lost it.
but somehow this deserved front
page. What a waste,

Its a true waste in the sense the
real story isn‘t being told. In the
Department of Journalism as
in many other academic sections
at campus ~~ the t'niversity
administration. the Board of
Trustees. the state legislature
and the governor have not taken
reed of student wants and needs.

The number of fulltinie jourr
nalism faculty has more than
doubled in that period The
department receives 8139.839 in
funds from the I'niycrsity of
which $133.45? went for faculty
Slltll‘lt‘S That leaves $4.44!: for
other expenses (in top of that.
with all that money the faculty is

still not paid as much as at other

A.\'l) THAT'S NOT the half of
it. The Med Center flunked an
inspection given a few months
ago. Renovations will cost
mutton. Why weren't the neces
sary changes made sooner'.’ Hos
pital adniinstrator Judge (‘alton
explained the center "just now
received funding for the project“
when contacted April 24. Why
wasn’t the money made available
and used before"

Teaching iiSSISliIIItS-' the ones
who do most of the work at this
I'niy‘ersity will not receive a
raise in pay for the 197176 school
year. For one semester‘s work
the highest pay a TA can expect
to get while working on a
doctorate is $800 per semester
That is preposteroUs

The Department of Business
Adriimistration no longer has
mough money to use copying
Xerox machines Roth business
administration and accounting
have faced massive growth in the
number of students in the past to
years while funding remained
about the same

\(‘('(lltl)l.\'(i Tt) \"iee l’i‘esi
:ieiit for Academic Affairs Lewis
Cochran. the departments of
home economics. biology and
music have all experienced “un-
usual and unexpected expenses."
Emergency funds are limited and
comprise only one-half of one per
cent of the total l'niy‘ersity

And on top of everything else.
union demands are being justi-
fiably made upon the University
as outlined in last week‘s column
Add this to the journalism
lrouhaha and you have a I'niy'nr
aty crisis of the must major
troportions ‘

tine would assume the I'nivei‘
sity .s'enate would call an imme
diate emergency meeting and
request President Htis Smgletary
to present a State of the [hint

sity' address. Perhaps a request hilt Its
for a special legislative session to

disperse the excess funds of last

year's state budget Ht toiirse

said tort'iizc'

sent a State of the I‘niversity

address this year” No Frat; Wha'
t'urci was supposed to speak eyen 't..i' s'
though heney'er did A I'niyersitj. I‘m a,
boby iously iii dire s’rai’s w her; a in e"
tootball t‘tltft'll with v'» 3 record is e
listed ahead of the pi‘esidei.‘ or l‘ai-x

the priorities lis‘ Maybe it ‘ta ey s'c'?.ii
lxiseball team wins more "Mar; must"

L‘atttes tle\'

lloi‘iie will make . 1 address

I.\ lia‘. tttti.


uir' 'I‘iitt'. 'lieii: a Ilt't't‘ll' education Its ..

'lllll'.‘.li.ttl'\ 'o the old Kentucky

plan'atioii systeii. without the


iiais' be .\.i'|'tl!‘i’ltit 'liiown :i.
Illt'ttiii'liall teaft‘ \ii.\ that 'lit‘ littlst' lids Llalliiti
'92.:7‘ 'llt‘ «for of ‘l e fiat :; \iiiglefary at It
~ it"i losit‘.‘ ’liebarii door
"A? i i titlil 'ltt‘ \lt'il ('o'
blunt M“? ~‘. lll‘yilnll-lt' "l“ Lllllllgjlllll'i

”bit 1 -"' i ’t' HI i'l til‘

1 . M- __-_.--_.-_.
' 'mr'~ l'.i|l stiaub ls .l l'. t. s st‘ltltil
...; '? llls inluinii llie \lllt'l it at:
‘ l ' \leit Ill \ appeals \\edliesd.iys

1,. in ”It heiuel



Letters to the editor

Rate-a-chick misinterpreted

The ”I‘tllO'tl—(‘lllt'ly'H fad has
aroused much controversy on
campus But many Iniamly the
“chicks”: have misinterpreted to
this endeavor These people feel
disgusted by the whole flung
Too bad for them

Those who organi/ed this ridi
culoiis judging contest did so only
in fun They are ‘he ones who are
concerned about apathy .iiid lile
lessness on campus The “rate i
chick" has aroused extitement
and gossip
llt’t‘tttlt‘tl for

l teil sorry for anyone who

takes it seriously or


Vicki lit-ck
\llied llealtli

exactly what it was In responsi-

dislike or mere apathy between
then-ks and independents there

is offended are some facts concernltltl ”l"
by ll The only reason I think it's
.s that I didn‘t rate a

subject w hich might prove inter
«sting to Greeks and indepett
dents alike

For the 1m per cent of 1-K
students who are not involved in
(Ireek life, here are some stall.s
tics taken from the (’ommissiolt
of I’r.’itcrnity Research stud}-
I’h government college ("N‘-

Greek faC'S and Fortune maga/ine sur\e_\

I-‘oiirty seven per cent ol
'll‘lf‘llttli non members of campuses with
out fraternities w ill graduate, bul

tontinued on page




Mideast refugees
Arab states prevented formation of Palestinian nation

I‘Idilor’s note: This is the third comment

ot a three-part series on the iiiideast
In two previous articles: this author

e\aiiiiiied the historical basis of the Arab
‘.tt'\\ regardiu ‘. the Arab Israeli conflict
I'liis i-saiiiiiiatiou was prniiipted by three
pinpnsitinie contained lIt an article which
appeared iii the Kernel on April ". written
by liruce .\llliright Ill

\llbi'itllits thud proposition was tltat the
nlqec'ive of Israeli military action lll 110429.
imo too; "the
iemnyal of the I’alestiiiiaii nation Il'tllll its

and was systematic

homeland \s established in the first two
articles oi this series. the sole obtet'tive ol

I~rael military action has always been

seltdeteiise Ill this article. it will be
deiiinnstrated that the I’alestiiiiau refit
gees. who were timer a “iialioti‘ at any

time Ill history. were not evicted lroiii
their homes by any "sysleiiiatic cltni't" on
the part oi the Israelis tin the contrary.
they fled their homes for learnt their lives.
largely at the pi'niiiptiiig of radio broad
casts by their Arab leaders in the days
[il't't citing the lwtt'. war
'I‘IIIC Ittttt'l‘fi HI” 'l'Ill‘I
refugee [il‘ttlllt'lll extend back as far as
\\ni'ld\\’ai'l In WIT
Italtoiir I)ec|ai‘.'itioii uttering the Jews a

the British issued the
hniiielaiid in I'alestiiie I"nr .ln years after

llill.iltll.tlll\ of British ruled I’alestiue con

this declaration the and Jewish


ducted \ignrnus political acti\ity

ultimate control of this troubled
\(‘t'tllt'_\\ to

supporting the Zionist cause was bolstered

say. world wide
by the \a/i murder of si\ iiiillinii .lews III
the l‘Hlls and ltttns .\iid on .\n\ember .ltt
lftlf, tlzc tit’llt‘l'dl Assembly of the l'iiitcd
\atiniis voted in partition I’alestiiie iiitn
iiiterdepeiident and

two ei niintitically

politically sovereign I'alestiiiiaii states_

one Mali and one ,leyytsli

It was tltil the Israelis who pl't'\t‘l1lt'tl
the establishment of the Arab Palestinian
wit-Iv with the nations ot the .\iati Leaguc
All.“ l‘.t"l Illt'
Israel's til; all and permitted the

state in (itllll hit the crime resides

who Israel. lost giniiiid to
.iiiiie\atini; Hi \i ab I'alestiiic by Jordan on
\piil L', likely that the Arab
Palestinian would haye been es

tablished .it cording to the partition plan it

l‘.t to It is


the \l.!l s had been willing to negotiate a
peaii ‘iwat'. with the Israelis alter
't‘ll‘ltltulzitl'. 'it 'be lios'ilitics 'I'lic \i'abs

:ltl'.\t ‘,tl ictttsi‘il to acknowledge the t‘tL‘ltt
ct Ist‘at l to c\isl. t'i‘tttscit to conduct tltt‘t'ct

Zit'z,‘_ttlt.tlltill.\ with the Isiaclis. and must.

Letters (cont.)

therefore. bear exclusive responsibility for
perpetuating the refugee problem

The Arab constitute a real
pl‘tililt'lll. a fact Israel has never denied.
per cent of the Arab
inhabitants of pt't‘vl‘NH Palestine continue

Nevertheless. 70

to reside on land that was formerly called
I’alestiiie Hue hundred Illi_\'~lllt)ll5£lll(l of
these Arab people currently live within the
I’alestiiiian Arab families who (lid not flee
Israel in l‘ttt-t They have always enjoyed
tull Israeli eiti/eiiship full equality and
full freedom to practice their religion.

pre-ttiii? borders of Israel 'I‘hese

They are e\eiiipt from military service in
the Israeli .‘ll’llly 'I'hey occupy seats in the
And. along with their
fellow the highest
standard of liying in the Middle I‘Iast

Israeli parliament

Israelis. tlie\ enioy

Il' \IHH’IDS HI” 'l‘lltil S \\I)S ot other
I’alestiniau i‘etiigees currently reside iii
territory occupied by Isi‘ael after the lite»?
\lthniigh they have not been granted
Israeli citi/eiisbip. these inhabitants of the


Opinions 6: om mute and outsme the universny com mumty


West Bank and the Gaza Strip enjoy a
degree of political autonomy and economic
prosperity far beyond anything granted to
them while they were minions of their
Egyptian and Jordanian hosts, They are
tree to travel and work anywhere in Israel.
They elect their own governors. They
attend schools with financial support of the
Israeli government, They have their own
police forces They receive the same high
standard of comprehensive medical care
as any Israeli citizen The Israelis have
built and homes for these
persons who formerly lived in squalor.
These people now enjoy the simple
benefits of electricity. plumbing. sewage
treatment and public transportation And.
finally. the Israeli government has made
an important policy abundantly clear to
these l’alestiniaii refugees of the ()('( upied
territories upon resolution of the “I’ales~

roads new

tinian problem. ' they will have the option
to proclaim their allegiance to any Arab

state ultimately responsible for their
\\('ll'lt(‘lll}l, These are not the practices and
the policies of a nation bent upon the





Alain Nogues/quma

systematic removal of human beings from
their homes.

This concludes the last of three articles
in which an effort has been made to place
the issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict in
some historical perspective. For many
Arabs in the Middle East. there is only one
acceptable solution to this conflict. It is not
r)turn of the “conquered territories" of
1967. It is not the establishment of an Arab
Palestinian state, It is not
the internationalization of Jerusalem. For
many Arabs. the only acceptable solution
is that for which the Arab League went to
war in 1948: the destruction of the state of
Israel and the annihilation of all Jewish
inhabitants of that land. It would be a very
sad conclusion to the short life of a brave.
compassionate and magnificent little na—
tion if that solution to the conflict were
ever to come to pass


Stephen NI. Herman is a graduate of
\\ est Point and is currently a student in the
('ollege of Medicine.

Road to success detours through fraternity house

tontiiiiied from page 3, these so called “positive

lb per cent of all fraternity images ” in the Kernel

members graduate I’olitical leftists. yeti arc obvi As for Mr
li'i'ateriiity membership niisly e\cluded Ilut for the

msts less than I.» per cent of remainder, the (it‘t‘t‘k system

mos total college e\peiise
livery l' S president except
two have traternity men.
most members ot (‘ongress are
fraternity members. and so are


appears to be much more than
“positive images "

Alter all. does one judge a book
by its cover”

required to him e a weekly column of a

Straub. I
should return to his New Jersey
hell because he obviously neither
appreciates or deserves the hea
yen offered by our Kentucky

English Education


feel he
against these
“psychological rape "
However. I feel that
Dianna Nichols

longstanding \‘(‘\'l,\'t

Also, a good point was
brought up by the demonstrators
last Wednesday who sounded off


overt political action is occurring
frequently on campus that should

idco- no concern whatsoever for the
nghts of others: as a matter of
fact. spitters have consistently.
nonrishly and blatantly assaulted
by the sidewalks and streets.

claiming that ratca—chick was

So I feel that this vulgar act

more should be stopped immediately.
.»\nti-spittci‘s campaigns and
demonstrations should be





the the 75th largest

"I’ositive images'
\'ot quite. iust straight

leaders of


\ls I‘clttt seems to li't‘l tliat tttt
pi-i'i t‘ltl nt I K students don t see

dniit lxllit\\_ ni' doiit cair about


Bill Patrick
Journalism sophomore


\ttei reading Ilill Straiib's
.tl‘lli'li' of April 1-1. I am ama/ed

at the lack nt inui‘ualistic ability


Ban spitting

The rate a tlllt‘kt‘l'\

are maliciously

cniiitiiittiiit: an

inert political .iit dillt l. is

perpetuation ant :i-::il~ii‘ceii.ci:t

have been brought to everyone's
attention a long time ago. This
action is spitting on the streets
and sidewalks

(then I

ha\c been physically irritated by

Spitting is unsanitary

Illt)\(‘ ('Ullt‘.‘ 'Il(‘\' \\ lllt t‘\ H‘VIHI'XIIO
titt‘.l I'l‘lil .lIllI

:‘ttt\ltlti' tit stint

llll‘t'l‘; \Iost nt all. spittei‘s lime

tormed. A good place to start this
anti~spitters campaign would be
to have Bill Straub feature it in
one of his "American Mercury“
columns. so he can accuse all
icing "chauvinistic.
pea brained and tumbling

spitters of

\lark \Ian T‘JL‘fJHI'I
\t\,\ ti‘eshiiiau















 L l‘lll" l\l"\ l‘l ( K\ Kl‘lli\l':l.. “Hlm‘sdufi. \pl'il 110. 1973

Division of Basic Studies U3‘VS brlefs
University oi Kentucky


Concessions to President
made on strip mine bill

\\ \\'lll\(. I‘U\ \l' lllill‘i‘iillll \l‘llJll' \'l|lll|‘l('l‘\ ll'.ll‘lll‘(l lllMl
win-”1H” ’l iimil‘n on .i “MI \ll 1;» iniiiiiiu lllll .lllI‘l Ill.ll\ll1L‘ \\ll.ll


Five PartrTime Professional Academic Advisors
Master’s Degree and Relevant Experience Required
Applications Accepted Until May 15, 1975

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'l'lii» i-iinli-i'i-iii-v mniiiiiii'H-i- iiiiulilii-il .i lllllliln‘i' fill ihi- \lgH
i‘ll\ll'(‘illll(‘lll.ll.lllll|i'(l.ill‘:.1'lHl;\'.llitl.llll\llllllr' li-iti»|.vliuii HH-
Address laniries TO: li‘llllll‘lll'\llll'l1ll‘lllll\ \NH Ni ii \Hllil.” llll‘.l\|ll|‘ l.l\i llt'l'l'lllln'l

llimmm' i'iiiilvi’i'iiii»l'li.iii'zii.iii lli‘p \lvll‘lh l\ lil.ill I) \ll,’

\‘llll lll‘ Illillll kiiim llllll'\ll.lll1l_l"‘ \\Hlllil inwi' .iiiiifiii-i “in [i





Assistant Dean Ben Black Assistant Dean Carlton Williams mm “HM. mm“ MM; -, “pin...“ “My“. WW ..i.-
251 Patterson Office Tower 265 Patterson Office Tower (llilliLlll cm in. ..xmmi. ii :. 1- I _
Phone. 258 87ll PhOHO: 258 5825 1.!1“!““\I;lll‘~ll-l .'%\ nixi‘t A'J‘J" 1’. 3' ill; '3 - i l-n ll'lllll."‘ .llli'l
\I'lifill err .lll' fui' " ~‘«1:'€v-:i: \i iww ii ii; ‘1 mi: w i‘
Mil-ii "v 1.2' ' 1.: :i. 'i"ir:w: 'l‘.i' wriqi'uii
The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity Employer M W .:
l l li\‘l ' i' ii:
a Featherston probe ends
ll ‘i\l.|H\ i' , - . . 'v.
Boscflofi ll' 'v~' " '- l' ' " r i: ii ' -’<»i-'iii;' _l,“r
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lii~ .iiui'm v: ‘itiim
\l‘.i\i"'i" ‘ll' i'nim ~ is llil‘» riiiowt ‘i ti‘ l'ui'i u‘rs‘i-i, - 'l- :"

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located at 41 1 East Vine (several thousand miles
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l llllllVl‘lJll'Wl 1"!» ‘iiri iiiwiim: {“17 l. -. 'l
l'i'.i‘lir'!'~i-~ri Aiir r. l‘ vi iii' Yu‘i' ‘--.’ w‘dli' fix?» Avivltlwl 'iiI-w...’

\H‘ E! l'ii'ii'lii‘ls'nfi \i \ l! ‘li‘-~ 'Ai‘t‘v' ‘.iill.:'lv2 Ain‘t lll' \Mi

“Mi livi, flit lii~';= .- M'w'w-x ‘.Il’l 'll" .‘wlvziiz u i'ii‘i' . ”xvi."

Illl.lll;ill \iul.i‘2ut.~ Hi 1 :x'.‘ l it'li'\ ll.lll|l.\;. inrtim 1: tiii prim-i ‘l'
h — — — — — _ — — — — d , UH, i i . . ,.
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\Vllll'lli’i xtl'l ‘lii'i l’l‘lll;_l 1'? '.'i" l'I‘.z'li"! ~‘HY Yii ‘lluw izii' mil i .1"

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”Li! ‘li.1"lu'ft .‘.ii\ .2 mil .n '".Ml"l.ll ‘w ~,’in.t thll'llll'l 'lii

f‘iL‘ll'\ liml lwr ‘. m; lll‘l

House panel votes to extend

Appalachian Regional Commission

\\ \VlllVi'l'lH \l’ \ llniiu- ‘lllll‘lllllllllillw \Hll‘ll llil.i!‘i
llllHl\l\ 'l‘iivsilii} in rx’v-nrl 'lii- \piml.“ lii.iii lii-iziiiiml l'uiiiniivmn
lui‘ lHlll' Manx

l'i‘t'nle-il ill l‘m. ll) lllllllt'l .iiiliimxi-i'tx lllllll\ in H'mw" leh
(i'ln‘i‘SM‘ll \ppiilni'lim llll‘ l.l\lilll‘ ('(Illlllll\\lHll L‘HOK illl' Hi
([‘xhli'llt'i' Ull .lllllt‘ {H lll]ll'\\ l‘l‘lli‘\\l‘ll lrx l‘uiiuii'ss

'l'hi' (‘('Ulll)llll(' tli'u-lupiiii-iil \lllH'Hllllllllli'l' iii ”11' lluusw l’illilii

Works (‘uiniiiitli-i- zipprm'i-il lll!’ lllll iii l(’\\ than in llllllll'i‘\ 4"

ll illwi \llli‘ll in (”\ll‘ll'l ('l‘l‘inlil lilulmii) Pl'Ufllillih .‘(llllllllsh i‘i'li
JEANS. BOO I midi-i. lllf' 11m, .\l)l);ilm'lii.in lti-uiiiiiul Iii-\i-Iupiiii-ii' ,\ri llll‘HllLlll
my“ 'HW‘“ WHL‘i‘iinix iiiini-il .‘ll pi'mliiiiiig .i Lllilzli llilll‘ \mmlii

"hm“ “MN“ \VW‘HL .ii‘i' «urn-nil) luiiili-il tlirniuzl. MT?
in". [)ililé'l All“ “”lwl l" l"““li lllUH' lmlmul (lllllill'\ llllU llii-

liiuliuu) pl‘IlL‘l'illllx Slim lllllllllll {l )fi‘ill‘ :ilmiil WI l('(‘ llN' ('iiri‘i‘rli
l‘illi‘ nl \[N'lHllHLi

B l 'CKLES ’I'lll' lull Him lines lH'lHH' llH' lull ['UMH. “Ui‘ks l'mnmnii-p
03- 23-3th III R I TheKemucky Kernel m J00rnalism muqu Unwersatyoo


Kentucky Lexmcnon Kentucky «)506, is mailed five lines

";/1’.Z'cctcrn\ weekly analogs scmol year except wring Vol-days am
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