xt73n58cjn85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjn85/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 02, 1971 1971 1971-11-02 2020 true xt73n58cjn85 section xt73n58cjn85 an independent newspaper published by studentsy at the university of kentucky ' ., " r. ,
Tuesday, Nov. 2, 197] LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Vol. LXIII. No. H , '_ '.
m ' ' l 4 i I. I,
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L . .t hfi bill k d f d
HARTM NN . _ , , ,4
[angisfifiifiianaging E‘ditor headed) by Jerryd tSJtevins. Future BSU proiects thing.” Stevens said there would continue to be '. ID"
, . must 6 a rove ‘ t e Minorit Affairs Off‘c . ‘ - .
UK has shifted its funding of the Black Student pp Pro] h y l e ctultjuratl and tutorial programs for minority ;
Union to the Minority Student Affairs Office,but gm” “3383 S “Ste“ 5- .d h h .-f- I f . s
what the effect of the change will be is uncertain. Members Of the BSU 531d there WOUId be th eyen; gal” Ft SS ’20 spheci R: p ants, oSrt udsmg ' i;
According to Vice President for Student Affairs changes 1“ the” programs, bl” declined to e - un 5- a 0“ e 0 e. mo“ y .. u en 7-,
. . . comment further Affairs Office. He referred to himself as a conduit _. .,
Dr. Robert Zumwmkle, the shift has been in the - f t d t . 't‘ t d ,, d .. 'd h 1d
works for some time. “When I arrived here in 1970 What does Stevens Plan to do for future or shu en firm lat e hprogriirfns d2“: 3d! 1e wig t 3’ “
it was made clear to me that we needed a full time minority affall’? programs? . . lvlvscfulds p12): ionmglgmannestuudlpstso Exiimsthe: "
person to coordinate our minority students Im not $01118 to be programming JUSt to say b' t' p d ,yd 1;” i. __ .
programs,” he said. I’m doing something,” Stevens said. “Figuring out 0 16C Ives as St” ents an peOP "' " ix, ‘_ ’; ‘ i‘
“Originally the University asked the BSU to how to spend $12,000 or 15,000 isn’t going to (”lemme “‘3" P’Og’ams p '-
undertake certain projects. Approximately make that much difference with minority affairs. “1 like to think I have more to offer than
$15,000 was set aside and earmarked for certain Same objectives thinking up programs so money isn‘t wasted." he ; . '_
purposes—so much for tutoring. recruiting, etC-” “There will be a continuity of what the BSU was $31}?- , , , ‘ _;
. Zumwinkle said the $15,000 was added to and trying to do. I hope I can complement the I have to develop a Viable, legitimate concept . _> , . , .
used to set up the Minority Student Affairs Office, objectives of the BSU, if we’re both after the same Continued on Page 6, Col. 4 ' j ' ‘ ‘_-‘ ‘ 5 .~
sns*dd.hgs UK .
InSlde the Kernel ,,.t_-- n
this Ky. in national news " _ c .-
:5:i:§:;:5 . ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - . - ~ - - page 8 3:92:22: : = on ~ t '-
Revzew of B. S.&T. concert . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 .. fig 0 car PV 5,
Tennis coach may moonlight . . . . . . . . . . page 6 :? " l 'r
lgvers cargpaign series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 $.53??? - 1,... .
.am us ri'e s . . . . . . . . . . . $5555: - '
p f ' ' . I ' ' ‘ page 2 f5? . return S .:
f /- , pd...” stain ”enema annmwxfi‘ftmdmfiifibn ,5. . 4%; §§§§ UniVersity -owed radio mm)“ 2.,
g3: g g I WBKY. 9l .o-FM. will broadcast -:.. fr
$351. ”2,4 ‘ g, _ state election returns beginning :.
' to 6 o-m- Ioddy- *
. 7N; WBKY Will also proVide ,, .
Graduate 5011001 4’ g”; " Q?” _ network service for 17 stations . s
' it: mi" f- jg , . statewide and 106 other stations ,
. coast-to—coast via the National
I. t d 1] g 3 (37%st ( Public Radio System.
a e exec ent rj' - ,_. *5; Mobile units from WBKY will
V ‘ ,~ -' . s f be set up in Republican
The UK Graduate School has Dr. Wimberly Royster, newly M - _, .. . .27; g Cddquérftr? d Pom?“ 6‘ “id ‘. 1
. . . - , . yo , Democratic headquarters at .
been given a rating of excellent appomted dean of the Graduate . ,_ , / Lexington .
by the US. Office of Education, School effective July 1, said “A . ~ . ., g g - _ ~ ‘ .. I
National Defense Education Act, high quality graduate program . :5 Prowdmg interpretation and
(NDEA). on a campus such as UK’s makes "‘ . ‘ at ' M commentary will be UK political ‘
. - - - possible the recruiting and S z. ‘ science department Chairman . ,
' (1 Dr. wfll 11:11:“ 1:; Bennenésfigmlg retaining of better scholars. This .v . , it Dr. Malcom Jewell, - .i
can 0 e Ia ua e O ’ ' ' xv has . ’ I . . .I ,
pointed out the NDEA is an {233; dim; (1:213: pfiggalfigade “292.2: . . .. . ‘ i According to station manager '
outside group evaluating the g ' _, .. I '_ .1.) 0" Wheeler‘ MW” is ”‘9 7‘
overall program for graduate Emphasis may shift " ' ' " " V“ 'i ' .zce .r} hem?“ CXP er t on the state‘s V ,
StUdieS- *3‘ ‘79" POIItICS- -' _ g
Royster explained the _ He, ., W, W,“ be Mam -. ,. .. . . »
The NDEA gave UK’S graduate future, it is possible that the , ' “V ".i: Mancptii fies from University 4:, . .
program the highest rating for emphasis 011 graduate programs I: ’ I II “W Vi,“ . , Public Relations \ fl : ‘ ,' t
“recent progress in the will shift from the doctor of ~ -. ' I. . ~ .- - .r -
expansion and strengthening of philosophy degree in the - . I» My. .' Wheeler also said the WBKY : 1 7‘ ._ ‘
literature, philosophy, lustory, ., _ f . . ~ 9“?) ' coverage in the state because of ,1 .1 . _
Each department visited chemistry and woods, .to the .. new the remote cresw at the -1 ~
_ “ professional fields-espeCially in n,_ - campaign headquarters. .
Dennen 11.521113, d liacg theareaofhealth.” o o t rn i 9 0th t t‘ t in
department W 1C as eve ope . S g l h p er s a 10115 repor C ._
agraduate program was visited.” T1118 year UK. received 18 ur lca 1” e S . results as they come over the '- 1 3
He explained, “We have no idea new NDEA graduate fellowships The Great Pumpkin underwent a facial uplift during the Halloween wire services which is not as .5: .’ ‘ ‘
who the individuals were that to be used for 26 doctorial Haunt sponsored by the Student Center Board Friday night. (Staff current as live coverage from _-' _.
surveyed the campus.” degree programs. Photo by Bill Craig) headquarters, Wheeler said. .‘ , . "‘
\ j
o 9 '. ’
Advises on students role , 2
S' l t dd t d t l d It
By DAN D. RHEA Singletary distinguished day when the University the university, including costs, Replying to a .question ., . . w.
Kernel Staff Writer between student control of the administration was not 51'th faculty quality and public concerning the HEW suit 383m“ - ' . _
President Otis A. Singletary University and student automatically “the enemy" 85 opinion. the _UT‘1V?"S“Y charging 59" ~ . ' i ,
asked student leaders Monday participation in the governing of far as students are concerned. Answers questions d‘,scnm.‘nat1,0.n D" Singletary I. ' ’
night to keep the role of the the University. He noted Pu ose of UK Answering a qUCStiOH 531d univerSities have histonc‘ally '\ f . ‘
student and roles of the students now serve on the Board , I’P , concerning possible action in the discriminated against various .. ' ‘. .
community, faculty and of Trustees, the Senate and on Singletary also discussed the next General Assembly, Dr. groups. He said he remembered r, . ‘
administration of the University every academic committee in the purpose °_f the UniverSity as a Singletary predicted two bitter when universities discriminated . _ ,
“in perspective.” University. gate intstitutiont. He {saw tl‘te fights, one on the budget and against single men. - .
Singletary addressed the . “wet“ Y mus per 0”“ 1.5 one on the future of the Singletary said his major ' - ,
annual Omicron Delta Kappa “0th? groups haveinterest “1"?“th 0f research and Public Community College System. concern in this suit is the term 3 ‘ . ;
Presidents’ Dinner held at the D_°“t ever make the {"153ka serVice 3““ as much as teaching. Singletary commented on under which the University is . g u
Central Kentucky Women’s that its only your umverSity, he He said all three purposes were public attitudes, “Sometimes allowed to correct the situation. .' ‘-
Club. 33““ 0“ the Wheel Of student integral parts 0f the UniverSity. our countrymen want things He warned against student .
“You ought to have some power. He ”3“ several other H? 531d research and PUP!” that are not good {or us." But he groups here requesting a cut off " , , 4’
feeling of what the word STOPPS ' had interest In the 3"va are Vltal t0 the “53°th maintained public attitude must of federal aid to the University ‘ ' , ‘
‘Univcrsity’ means,” Singletary UNVCTSlt)’, 11101“de taxpayers, function. . be respected and that the because it may discriminate. He . . ,‘
said. He said the word means the General Assembly, alumni Singletary mentioned several anti-campus feeling from the said this would cut off nearly all ..
more than a strictly and f3CUltY- other factors Wide“? should public has subsided in the last scholarships and cut back several ‘ I. ‘
student-oriented institution. He said he was waiting for the consrder in their relations With year. needed programs. ,

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday. Nov. 2, 197l ____________—-————/————— _
. . . ,9a'i.‘r35’fxfl'fiwkéfiffl‘gw‘écrygf ‘
to be held atur ay C AM P ,I.
BY GAYLE MCGUIRE entitles the OWDL’T 0'10 V019 ‘d x....................w.-v...........w.........t-.-...~.~.w...-..........-...-.....................;.:.;..,.,.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.5.:.-,.;.;.5.5.;.;.-tang:-:;-.;;5t5;.;;;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;::2z:s::,-;:3:g:g:g:g:g:g:a:53:3:3:3:a:523:3:3zhesitate;53252333533;5;i5S3E5g5:55;Egiisiisitsitatieiiiitttsttg j .. .. ‘
« ’ '1'1'2‘5'12:55=‘=$E=::.<;:::;:S:z:;::2;:::::;:~:;:;:::5:522:45;:;:;::::.;:;::I::;:;:::::::;:::::;:5:23;::=:::::::::=:=:1;=:I:15:12:32:51;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:::;:;:5::z::2:35;::1:21:15:izézizizizizzzsirzzs:rztzi-.zI:fzizitizifitizifizizfi:~:;:;::::::I:1::222.1:I:1:1:1:15:32::12:31:32?::::r:::155:1:I:1:1:122212121231:1:15:7:1:$215112=3:E$=§§-’. r ., .1 . ‘i Z, i 2: I, 2 3' , II/‘g‘ .110) .. .r i false or misleading advertising should
' ‘. 2 . m “2 «i 2”. 2‘ ‘2; have.“ t :1; t. . o 2' I ' . it? * W’t 2. -.2’/. l ‘- . ,. ~ ”'3 "Wm“ ‘0 The Editor--
I . , _ IQr a) 5 \ 5, ,. - ,I, 3.. _; , .- “1622'“ _ 1,;/$¢ ,fl r z . 2 SUBSCRIPTION rum
, MI 4 . «I, e WK l » . ”if/5’4 . 1;; t- 2“, , // my. (“50“! 4" ..‘. i 1' II I J 4 szifly' ht); malflu— ”05530
. ' ‘ 2- . ‘. ‘2 " ' 2 5,20" '-. ’2 ’ '- ’ T” . 2* r \ ,X-s 2..22..~:\,:.\ 0W- 0!“ €8— -
2 ,2 o r: 5» 2*. Min; 55 I I 3% ’ 22" 2' a ctr Aid—er V r2 22 2*“ Q mm mmom
0 .1: ”i P” ‘ ".2“ z "t": .1 225 u. a": 3 'A ' " ail-5. ., I 'Céf'a>/L'1i l ' ,2’ A '9'- 2"." Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755
2' ‘0 o 3 1*. f —" 1W 1% ( é -' .2- . 7" iy 't as; 2" 2 42/” f, .- ‘ 3. L. Editorial Pa 4: Edit
\ .3 in . . 3,5 «NM 24., . ._ v.4 .. *l“. I I m .\ 9;, \ it.” A “/[y’f/‘ZIH v A 8 or.
‘Ui w '12 “‘ in ‘2; .- \~:~r~‘ :32‘ ‘22-.‘3— 2- .i ' r 1,.» \ . .‘v’ 47%-,llmm “5:363:71 E§3°F- SW5“ 22 ”7"”
. ‘ N A (Y4 ‘ ' if? . ap‘v‘i‘afi*a’iti“. 7' ‘ ‘ ‘fi [girl t: «that, $15.?“ :iM/ /A“; ‘e , wast. e as “3,1210“: 31“. oncfze y £11130 - BY rtahss BS&T’s lackadasical attitude was the conduct of Tears” leans into the music in the group‘s opening number, 3 ‘j x , ‘; 3‘.
c, 3:113? 0]; t: everyF-értilg rom d armer in. e the audience. The 15,000 or so at the concert paid “GOiU’ DOWH Gamblin." “BlOOd, Sweat and Tears" '
o the . O ee offintsb 1k Wscteeme tofsiihea into an embarrassing lack of attention to a patient performed Saturday evening in Memorial Coliseum as part -.
It Itgamt§llshlordst a ,tr.0_ e inho solme 0. esontgls. Withers, buzzing and occasionally shouting right 0f the Homecoming Weekend festivities. (Staff PhOtO by
id . S 51 ar 0 CH ic1zet ese ong Jam5.m e through his songs. The main show of the night Ken Weaver) ‘ 4‘
31 middle Of some numbers. The group was at Its best simply drowned out the conversation. Why an I f .
geri—efiaelclsiially Bobbyt Collomby onhdrums an: audience would shell out thousands of dollars to
5. 1C t' a tgant 3n romt fine, t: 0 58:”; sit in tight, straightbacked chairs and mumble to ,
er zome 1mes o s an way on rom e res o e itself is beyond this writer. .
W rass. Mike Wines I, ».
22553535333531,:ng35;E;Ss3355353353235555933535353255555553535233333?52355333533353355355333333;53;E5Sg53333;;2-53352335335553E;33555355E355E3§53333332gignggE;25353;335333532593ng5333533555253323532333235332355333353;3553333333333333333325333;E;EgE;E;E;E;E;E3E33325353333335553333333333332325333335233315333323553?525355333333335335333332;?5555333333332E;332333523233333233323533323333233332553533532:3F23332?23232353E332333333333555553E53323E?335333533“-3393,’2-2{iififi'iifii3:5,?23';'i*:”::"1:.:.*3:'3:.j£3."-33.351331:35'5E52i35;3?33:53353i£353.;33'135i23'3fii "“"I'E-‘:Z"Z':'£:7.'f‘53f;‘.'.'3.32., ~
'l Long before the world discovered Jane “Walk on the Wild Side” when she spoke The KentUCky Kernel
Fonda—the actress—and certainly long this truly poignant line to Laurence Harvey, - . .
in before Jane Fonda discovered Jane Fonda, “New Orleans is full of chili,” Fonda had .
:d the woman, the sex kitten played a class. She also had talent, but Hollywood
)e Cat—“Cat Ballou”. couldn’t see that for her sex appeal. ,
it The year was 1965. The film, which will Fonda is one of the few actresses in the , ,
in ' be showing this Friday and Saturday at the world who makes an easy tranSItlon from "115353355733355553.3.5;33553355335352.5555:‘5E332%;?3'53535555533353535;33533535355g:3-_*:55553.1555:3133vE:3.:-3235355‘5535333'53353523‘352531:355:35; l3:5:3353523:::3i.2:i'..'55r-;is:5555..3.33::~'.s:5:3:;.3:s.::5:3:33:.~:.:3:.23. W
Student Center Theater, was director Elliot comedy to drama. She handles each wrth .,
a Silverstein’s wild western spoof about the enVIable ease. ‘But try telhng Warner
ivs prim and proper school teacher Catherine Brothers Jane IS an actress instead Of a _
1d ' Ballou who turned into the scheming and bonbon and watch all those blank faces. ,. ' -
ty rebellious outlaw Cat Ballou to avenge the “They 5.1100} H0395, Dont They? was a . .. .
,ia murder of her father. turning pomt in Fonda’s career. Finally most ; __ .
s.’ (Her father, who was played by John of the film world discovered what a few of a In a l‘Oun ',
Marley pre-“Love Story,” was gunned down us had always suspected—Jane Fonda is .a ,' V. ,
by the infamous “man with the silver nose.” damn 800d actress. Her portrayal 0f G10“?! ’
Do you think dying means never having to Beatty, the down and out marathon dancer f ,
say you’re sorry?) W33 searing. . ‘
ai She “kidded” sex “Million dollar babies” Early Fonda movie .. .-
:h In “Cat Ballou,” Fonda played comedy Gloria Beatty may have once been one of . .1 A 3 .
m and she played it brilliantly. She kidded sex the “million dollar babies found in 5 and . . 23 . . 2
CS with all the cool assurance of the ultimate 10 cents stores’ that the old song lamented, a S t ls wee en .' -.
ill sensuous woman. Remember, this is 1965 but this was the depression and Gloria was . . .
when sex in the movies could still be fun. definitely depressed and devalued. With this . . f
to Fonda’s Cat wasa wide-eyed innocent anda film Fonda Changed her image and her . . _ .
18 super romanticist with both feet firmly off consciousness. _ .' , .‘
:r. the ground. This year her film is “Klute”, in which she 1’ . . . ,' _. - .
or Cat and her gang: Lee Marvin as the gives the best performance of the year-2y , ,
le drunkest gun in the West, Michael Callan as ANY actress. Her role of Bree, a call girl w o ,‘ , . .
l. the wolf in sheep’s clothing, Dwayne is beginning to hate the sound of a (OUIIRNIDE IHE‘IRES, Inc.
to Hickman as the self-styled preacher who telephone, should win her an Academy . . I.
1e knew the value of the Bible especially when Award, but probably won‘t because KENTUCKY N ‘ f l .
it had a gun inside, and Tom Nardini as the Hollywood doesn't like radicals and Lady . 1., L Mm... :i. 25,, ,. o . . , . , _ .
3e token redskin lit up the screen with their Jane Fonda is definitely aradical. . . . .3, .1
nt high-spirited high jinks. In “Klute” Fonda is a caged animal eyes . AN UNBELIEVABLE ORGYotTERIIOR! . W
The acting was good; the dialogue was blazing with a staggering fright that she W . , .‘
. snappy; the. direction was sharp. The film knows she must hide to keep her sanity. .h .i... EWIIIII'SI? aTORTURE ""7“! Wu -\ . .’y-- ,
a was a joy. But the most interesting problem With all the high-charged tensmn of a .3: ,a. mu‘” Damn”... M 1.!- , :
in “Cat Ballou" is trying to place it in the trapped animal, she paces theiungles of New .- ’m- . . . ' W . W . . . . W . . W . . . ' . . . . . . . . W I . W- , _,
evolution of Jane Fonda as actress and as York City looking for. her flife but nJever . .
woman. quite finding it. With this per ormance, ane - ~ I . _ .‘
I . Fonda firmly establishes herself as the . s T R A N D N O“ . , .
. She SurmOuntS material greatest young actress of her generation. But . ' ' ' . - .y ‘
T Fonda has always had the ability to Friend pgoptl}? (100“,t really BPPYCCIMC Jane . (fl . WALTDISNEY'S . * ‘ ’ '
I surmount her material. No matter what the ‘On a, 0 CY- mm M m. TECHNICOLOR' - '.
. . . m - - . .
,3, part, she rises (or in working With her By Pat. Elam, . i m lIVIIG Van'snu'g {61° . , . J
”" estranged husband Vadim, she reclines) to - I Staff Writer . _ _ -_ ', _ .
I: the occasion. Even in a ridiculous effort like kerne . . . ”ESERI PI‘flII‘Ie . W . .
I: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOUPON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: : ' ' '3' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If - " -W~ . ,‘ V.
to: I I I ‘_ _» a ' '
I . . W3 , . . .
ABORTION - Pancake PERKINS House r. .. c l N E MA 3 - 3, '~. . rs: . .
“(I = In ' 220 E. MAIN SI. 254-6006 ‘ .