xt73n58cjk1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cjk1z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2004-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2004 text GLSO News, July 2004 2004 2004-07 2019 true xt73n58cjk1z section xt73n58cjk1z 1.7: I; GAY and a .
j LESBIAN A; ..i,
377-; SERVICE _.r'
‘:.' Lexington, ul 04
Kentucky J y 20
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 19 Number 6
A Closer Walk Volliuiiniiteeir Awaiiml \Wiliniiniceirs
The Oscar nominated film, “A Closer
Walk”, will be shown at the KY Theater on . On Sunday, June 271th? GLBT commu—
Thursday July 1 at 7:30 PM. There is no nity gave awards to the Individuals and the
charge so bring your friends to see this group that have made great contributionsto
incredible film and stay for the discussion. our community “"0th volunteer'actIVIty.
The film is sponsored by Kentuclw's Student The Wasson Award went to Tom Collins for
Global AIDS Campaign Lexington's who has been active In our community for
Laymen's Response to AIDS, NCCJ many years.
(Lexington), and the interfaith Alliance “Tom has served on the boards Of
Shot on four continents, this documentary Fairness, B'Uégrass Chapter' and the Gay
reveals through vignettes, interviews and per— Lesbian SerVIce Organization. He has '
sonal narratives, the scope and consequence helped make the Pride P'Cn"? 5"] funlevent
ofAIDS. There is particular focus on women’s by organizmg games and aSS'Stmg mm the
status and vulnerability, the disproportion of many other tasks. We particularly appreCI-
infections outside the West, and the phenom- ate h's Willingness to shovel horse manure
enal demographic group- over 13 million- off one of the fields: Tom is reliable and
called “AIDS orphans.” There is also informa- resourceful making him a valuable asset to
tion about the response from the world's reli- any group W'th whom. he works.
gious organizations and AIDS epidemiology Congratulations to Tom Collins for this well
related to cultural institutions. deserved recognition. _ .
Excerpts from interviews with UN The Rainbow Community SerVIce
Secretary General Kofi Annan the Dalai Award was given to Moveable Feast. For
Lama, development economist Jeffrey the past six years Moveable Feast has
Sachs U2’s Bono UNAIDS director Peter delivered well over 100,000 meals and over
Plot, Partners in Health’s Paul Farmer, with 20'000 bags Of groceries to people living
testimonies from American Indian African with HIV/AIDS. Last fall they established a
and Ukrainian physicians give context to the cooperative relationship with Hospice of the
stories of HIV+-patients, caregivers and advo- Bluegrass and ...continued on next page
cates fiercely supporting the sick, and family I‘— :1.
members, often parents who survive their Everyday Heroes
childrens’ death. ...continued on page 20 V .
Pamiiies For Fairness Campaign: V
No on Jthe Amendment pg 15—16 .
4th of: Julu paraae, see next: page
See Pa 9 5
4|. Q J)

 started delivering to 27 in-home Hospice patients.
. _.. GAYand . . . .
g-‘i' LESBIAN Michael Thompson had the VISion and determi-
SERVICE nation that got Moveable Feast started in 1998 and
I ORGANIZATION he was the Director until 2003. Terry Mullins became
‘7’". Lexington, mucky Director in 2003 and initiated the expansion to
include Hospits patients. Hundreds of volunteers
have given their time over the years. This year
@LSQ NEWS Moveable Feast gave three. volunteer awards to
Vernon Sims, Don Reichert and Bud Laster. Thanks
Volume 19 Issue 6 you all for the time and energy you share with us.
. The Imperial Court has just finished Reign XXII
published monthly by and gave their volunteer of the Year Award to Harold
The Lexington Gay Hamilton, AKA Cheyenne.
Lesbian Service GLSO has many projects and volunteers keep
. . our various activities operating. This year we gave
Organization our Volunteer of the Year award to Kelly O’Ferrell.
389 Waller Ave. Kelly has served on the Board and has written for the
Editors GLSO News. She has hosted the Pride Reading for
a number of years and has organized the Pride
Mary Crone Picnic for many years. Kelly is moving out of town
Jackle Cobern . . . .
and we fear the picnic Will not be the same Without
Board Members her. Thanks for all the years of work, Kelly.
Thomas Collins, President . The Gay Straight Alliance of the GILSO gave its
Joan Branon, Vice-Pres. first award this year to Trilby Trent. Trilby has been
Ben Salyers, Sec. as adult advisors for more than two years and has
Mary Crone, Editor attended almost every meeting in that time. The
Jackie Cobern young members of the GSA enjoy and benefit from
Tom Collins her personal attention and cheerful attitude.
Sarah Martin Kentucky Fairness Alliance, Bluegrass Chapter
Ginger M0?” honored Scott Ackerman as their outstanding volun-
Terry Mullms teer. Scott has been a significant financial support-
Bill Merl Office Manager er of the Fairness fundraising dinner over the last
GLSO Annual Dues & ELVJ‘Ziiniii’iéii £3235! EELSSEOT'W 8“
Newsletter. '
Individual - 315 July 4th Weekend Activities
Couple - $20
Friday, July 2, Interfaith Service For Unity
Opinions expressed in the GLSO 7.30 Temple Adath lsreal 124 N. Ashland AVG
News are those of the authors and
Sh? 5326353323,,fagggsnfggfgg’faf; Saturday the 3rd 4th of July Parade, 2pm.
welcome and,st?ffreservesthe right Join Fairness on Midland Ave, beside the
to edit submiSSions and advertise-
ments as well as the right to reject Herald Leader between 1 and 1:30 pm.
submissions or advertisements.
GLSO Page 2

 Community News
CD Release Event Diversitg in Genole‘r’ Alliance
3; c“Iilcl cpatience http://groupsyahoo.com/group/IexDGA

Lori O'Connor's invites you to the cel- The Lexington DGA has changed its
ebration of her debut CD, A Wild name. Instead of Dress and Gender
Patience, on Saturday, July 10 at Alliance it is now diversity in Gender
Natasha’s Cafe, 112 Esplanade in down- Alliance. They still welcome all people who
town Lexington from 9 to 11pm. Lori will transcend gender norms or who are ques-
be performing and will be joined by Keith tioning their gender identity. This includes
Otterson on violin with Teresa O'Connor transsexuals, intersexuals, effeminate men,
and Bambina Merriman on backing masculine women, drag Kings, drag
vocals. queens, gender queers... and more.

Natasha's is a favorite of people who Family and supportive allies who WOUld
enjoy downtown Lexington. Their menu like to discuss trans issues are also wel—
includes a good selection of international come. This is not a therapy group. we
dishes. Reservations recommended. Call meet at a private location 30 please contact
859-259-2754 Kelli for inforamtion and location at

A Service For Unity

The Interfaith Alliance of the Voter ID Walks .

. , Volunteers are needed to canvass With
Bluegrass & Temple Adath Israel inVIte Fairness on Saturdays,, July 10 and 31
you to celebrate the Independence Day Meet at the KFA office, 110 N. Upper
weekend byioming US m a "A SerVIce For Street. Netta Brooks will be providin train-

. . 9
Unity" at 7:30 pm. Friday, July 2nd at ' food and encoura ement. The sched-
Temple Adath Israel, 124 North Ashland ing, . ’ _ g

uIe Will be as follows.

Last year the Interfaith Alliance 10:00 — 10:45 Training (food available)
organized "Faces of Faith", a public 11:00- 1:45 Walking door—to-door
event professing the belief that we are 2:00 - 2:30 Lunch and debriefing
one people with one heart, and that there
is no room in Lexington forthe forces that Personal contact With voters does work.
tear us from one another. You can help. See page 15 or call Netta

In an effort to further this message of Brooks at 396-5251 for more information.
mutual respect and understanding, and
to demonstrate our unity on this special .
holiday weekend, we ask you to join us in COhgthlahons


a welcome to the Jewish Sabbath and a BI" Chandler
celebration of each other. Rabbi Marc
Kline will conduct the worship while a Henry Faulkner munity
representative of The Interfaith Alliance '
will preach the sermon. SW“ Award
www.theinterfaithaIliancebluegrass.org/ Imperial Court Reign XXlll

GLSO page 3

 Lexington Men’s Chorus Lyons Levi/ Leather Club
Listen to The Lexington Men's Chorus The Lyons is a social club for those
the whole year round, LMC still has a large interested in the leather/ levi lifestyle. They
supply of music CD's and Cassettes so we have donated some materials to the Pride
are having a Music Sale! "Facets" LMC's Library so that the community can have
first in-studio recording with 12 songs from access to information.
our early years. $7 CD / $5 for Cassette. The Lyons meet every other month at
"LMC LlVEl" LMC's selection of live the Pride Center. The next meeting will be
concert recordings includes 16 songs cel- August 9th. They also meet for brunch at
ebrating our 10th year. $7 for CD (sorry, no Mia’s on the last Sunday of each month at
cassette). SPECIAL...Both CD's for $10. 1 pm. You are welcome to join us there.
See/Buy from Kenneth, at The Bar
(224 E. Main Street), or call Kenneth at Buddhlst Dlscusswn Group
(859)255'1974 or E'Ma”: 'mc‘li‘en' The Buddhist Discussion Group will
neth@hotmail.com. Add $1.00 per item .
_ meet at the Pride Center on Thursday, July
for postage and handling. . .
, , _ , , 8. We are open to anyone interested in
If you are interested in ioming LMC, . . .
L , t , F' t G & G S rt' learning and talking about Buddhism.
exmg ons irs ay ay- uppo “(9 Some of us attend buddhist meditation
Men's Choral Group, as a Singing or auxrl- .
, , , groups, some do not. We share an interest
iary member, or With your tax-deductible . .
_ in becoming more centered and compas-
donation, speakto Kenneth. . .
sronate through reading and contempla-
MEN or All comm TOGETHER “0“ P'ease J°'" ”3-
KY Men of all Colors Together
MACT is a local cha ter of a nation- 1;???“
( ) . . p . . . 53%“ Keep the love you find, .
al gay multiraCIal organization which page G tth | t
fosters a supportive environment where w" e e owe you wan”
friendships and partnerships can be cele- ._.- - A,“ . ,
brated free of racial and cultural barri- Jessica Boillnge'r’ LCSW
ers. They will meet at the Pride Center Certified lmago Relationship
on Sun., July 18 at 7 pm. For informa- Therm iS’i:
tion email MACTky@aol.com, call 859- _ P _ _ _ ’
351-4453(Jon) or www.mactky.com COUples' famlly' IndIVIdual
imagooonnectionoom 859-552-6533
Dinning Out For Life
On Thursday, August 26 many ,
local restaurants are generously 3
donating a portion of their revenue l
to Moveable Feast, Lexington. l
Mark this date on your calender . . 7 , l
and check next month’s newsletter u m I nosrty l ' . i - l
for participating restaurants. Or 1 . . ‘9 ‘ ' l
see www.feastlex.org. cum“ ”“P “eahmérepm - 2

 l. .‘e;£".-f}§if 5:2 [3; iii}? 2;: ' 2'.'}.‘..“:;--_:.'.f.‘-.T f FEW-5'23":1':.:..v:{ .59. f3. 71"...135 3:5 1.1.7.. ' i1"- ?L,’ .3114.r.,l'ifii.-5:Ll.f.‘..i'§:;€ {
| El ‘ 33?;
|:“.} T:
V l if»,
e l SATUIQDAY, AUGUST 21 9 2004
a i . .
01;, jig;
a i , g ,_ ,
t $33 A Performance to benefit GLSO & . “ ‘ 'a 1.2“ E25.
if??? . l
t ll The Prtde Center of the Bluegrass ,- . 3;;
l - , is:
£535; R 82 B , ‘ , , . :2}:-
BLUES ., flea
JAZZ 4 . W! ,
i performer in Lexington. Mark
’ . . . Wt?
. thts date and come see what ever one IS talktn about.
l 5’3 y “in? 1
[12d £2:
. l in
W E da ' H
in very y 8 r0 6 S h
pi“ iii-W"
Fill This year we have had two women who have donated {Iii
j money or items with a total worth over $1,000 to GLSO. hi
1, o o o ngg
“iii They 10m Scott Ackerman who has been a $2000 Pride it
5 Month sponsor for years, as individuals who's commit- ii
:54} ment to the GLBT community is greatly appreciated. Li
W- . . {W
Li We have created a new category of finanCial sponsors, iigfig
3:4 Everyday Heroes, for these and other individual who {—2.1
Egg contribute at or above the $1,000 level. Thank you, lane, fig:
Li‘ . . . . it”.
ggjgi? for our wonderful Pride Library, and for your dedication H .
iii and hard work over the years. Thanks also to the gener- lit:
gm ous woman who donated the car raffeled off in lune. Li
i953 iii-’34
GLSO Page 5

' 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat we open at 10 am.
, On most Mon, Tues, Thrus. and Sat. we stay open until 5pm .
and on Wed until 7pm. Call if coming after 3 to be sure a volunteer is here.
Discussion Group We will meet at the Pride Center at 7 pm
The discussion group meets every and decide where to go. Bring your ideas
Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride with you. For information call Ginger or
Center and is open to all. We strive to make Jane 859'253'0061.

’ this a safe space where you can be your— We have tentative plans to attend a
self. if you are just coming out, or are new Legends Baseball Game at Applebees
to the community, this is a great place to park on North Broadway. on Monday' July
come meet some good people. 12th, at6230. We may have "Free Tickets"

If, on the other hand, you have been out for the first 8 people. For details call Jane
forever and would like to participate in 859'253'0061
some lively discussions, plese join us on _ _
any Wednesday evening at the pride cen- Gay Stra'ght Alllance for “Him
ter. For more info contact Jane at lady- The Gay Straight Alliance is open to all
janeky@yahoo.com youth ages 15 - 20. You do not have to label
yourself to join. We meet every week at a
LESBNAN VHDEO NllGi—ii private location. Approximatly 40 young
Join us Friday, July 9, at 8:00 pm. for If people. have attended at least one meeting.
These Walls Could Talk 2. This HBO film somet'mes weJUSt hang 0‘“ and mm" Other
. . . times we watch a video, discuss some
prOVldeS portraits of three lesblans from ,
three generations, who occupied the same [SSW-32m have a speaker. , ,
house. Vanessa Redgrave stars as a This year for the first time five GSA
woman "widowed" in 1961 when her part- members attended the. Pride Banquet.
ner of 50 years suddenly dies. They also brought their friends to the picnic
Michelle Williams finds dealing with the and 9th“ ””3 e‘fents' Th's fa” we are
sexual politics of the 1972 lesbian commu- planning our 4th'tl'lp to Kings Island Gay
nity increasingly more complex when she Day. For Information contact Mary Crone at
falls in love with a masculine woman 266—5904 or. email lexgsa@yahoo.com or
(Ch|o° Sevigny). Sharon Stone and Ellen see www.|exmgtongsa.com
DeGeneres portray a lesbian couple in ‘
2000 determined to have a baby. Every PRECISION
one is invited to join us at the Pride Center FINANCIAL GROUP INC.
for Lesbian Video night at 8:00 pm.
Please bring a snack to share. Providing you with your Mortgage
and financial Planning needs.
Womew Over 40’s Grasp
All lesbian and bi-sexual women over 40 Mlke Blake
are invited to attend our regular meetings 859-255-5574 Office
and social events. On Friday, July 9th, we
have planned an evening of dinner & music. 859-558-2755 Cell

 l’ . .
a Real Estate Serme W1tl1
,r , ,1 RESULTS
as -
Scott Ackerman E NTHUSIASM
Mobile: 859-338-8483
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055 Servmg lgeXIngton
all Office: 859-269-7331
. All of Central Kentuck
6' E-Maii: SAcker4224@aol.com V
a _
ig .
9. Call me mth all your Real Estate Needs
ie . . .
National Women’s MUSIC Festival supports and enjoys this incredible,
.A . . . empowering, joyful music and cultural phe-
:t. _ Were late. We re late. For'a very nomenon of NWMF over the last 30 years.
ic important date.) The §Oth Anniversary We're the oldest women’s festival. In 30
'e National Women s MUSIC Festival is hap- years, thousands of women have joined in
iy pening July 22:25' 200‘} on the campus Of community with their sisters to show their
at Oh'o State University I.“ Columbus, OH' commitment to women, our lives and our
3r Check 0‘“ www.WIaonline.org/nwmf. culture by working year round to produce
Because we re late, we need your help an extraordinary festival,. to hear the
to spread the word. What a celebration brightest stars of the women's music circuit
festival this is going to be! Music and com- as well as some up and comers, to experi-
edy to die for (old favorites, new discover- ence memorable drama performances, and
ies): Cris, Margie, Tret, Alix,' Ember, to be connected to women’s spirituality.
Pamela, "Ubaka, Suzanne, Vickie, Lisa, We need “guerilla marketing” to get the
and Zoe. Also Drama, Workshops, word out, the same underground, occa-
Merchants, Open M'C' Drag Kings, and sionaliy subversive, method we've always
Song 8‘ Drum Jams. used to maintain our culture. So, tell all
Step OUt Of your everyday world for 4 your friends, gay and straight, post the info
days and be your truest self 'n the compa- on the internet and any available walls, and
ny of fabulous women. As always, it will fill make a committment to attend. We need
you, heart and soul. Become part of this your support.
community of women that established,
- GLSO Page 7

 Sp iritu (1] R850 M 7088 Soc1ety of enends ~ Quakers
Do you seek a religious home, without
St MYChal The Martyr creeds or required statements of belief? Are
5" Mychal has services each Sunday at you looking for a meaningful spiritual com-
10:30, 1350 Eastland Dr. with Rev. Kenneth munity? Are you concerned for peace, jus-
Waibel performing mass. St- Mychal is a tice and reconciliation? We invite you to
member of the Orthodox Catholic church of join with us for silent worship where we do
America, a national denomination that iS not have the Complications of ritua|s or pro-
‘ gay supportive. We welcome all people grams. We believe that in such periods of
regardless of the blessings or problems in quiet waiting we can open to spiritual
their life. resources which will enable us to live more
The OCCA performs blessings 0f gay calmly, more compassionately and more
UhiOhS, welcomes divorced people, and creatively in this chaotic age. Sundays,
ordains women to the orders of Deacon, 10303413an 649 Price Avenue, phone
Prient and BiShOP- 254-3319. Everyone is welcomed.
. . Unitarian Universalist Church
Integrity is a group of GLBT
Episcopalians and friends . The group During the summer months, the UU
meets on the second Sunday 0f each service will begin at 10 am. We are locat-
month in the Chapter room at St. Michael's ed at 3654 Clays Mill Rd. one block from
Parish on Bellefonte Drive. July's meeting Man O’War. There are signs on the left as
on Sunday July 11 at 4:00 will be led by you drive away from town. We welcome
James Campbell who will discuss "How visitors at any time.
We Can Read The Bible ‘ Does God Our church community is inclusive
Speak From the Bible VS- DO We Find GOd rather than exclusive. We do not have a
'h The Bible?" dogma or creed that defines the beliefs of
Integrity Wi“ 3'30 be marching With the all members. We are not a Christian
Fairness ”hit in Lexington's Independence Church although there are some Christians
Day parade on Saturday JU'Y 3- Oh within our congregation; there are also
Sunday, August 8 Dan Bernitt Wi” be per- Jews, Buddhists, Humanists, and Pagans.
forming his one man show “Moments Of We do not always agree with each other,
Disconnect.” Some Of ”5 saw a short and we see lively discussion as a sign of a
selection of Dan’s performance at the healthy community.
Pride Banquet and know this is something We are held together by seven princi-
special, funny and heart felt. ples including the inherent worth and digni-
Dignity ty of each human being and the right of
each person to search for truth and mean-
DignityUSA is a national organization ing in their own way. We believe that we
working for respect and justice for all 9th are part of an interconnected web of life
lesbian, bisexual, and transgender per— and this leads us to work to protect the
sons - The local group meets on the sec- environment. We believe in freedom,
ond and forth Sundays at6 pm. For place equality and justice and there are many
and other information, contact Rchard at social activists among us. Join us!
850 494-1933.
GLSO Page 8

 ,ut ,3 . w. fa}—

: gt ..._... a

1 The Imperial Court of Kentucky would i»

hke to congratulate Empress 22 ].D. and


j: Emperor 22 Larry on the completion of

:1: a very successful Reign 22.
Congratulations also to the new

JU Monarchs, Empress 23 Lady

ii} Marmalade and Regent Emperor 23

“8 Donnie ”EN.” Royse.

2V: Thank you to the charities of

aori Reign 22 for all the work they

i2: continue to do in our

:3: community.

’fa Moveable Feast Lexington,

EL AIDS Volunteers Lexington

32f fl Kentucky Fairness Alliance is???

vile . t s15 (Bluegrass and Gray Dove Chapters}, #2

ii: ii; Leather Archives and Museum, {if

__ Wm

' ~.,‘. 5.3
Empress 22 JD. Vaughn and Emperor ., 5’ ' ' 7i:
22 Larry Stanley played host to Courtiers ' {-f i‘ E,
from across the US and Canada for a 7" -» 3 V‘ .
weekend of events marking the conclusion i“
f R ' 22 4—7 ‘k' ff P'd "
O eign We klc ing 0 . n e l to r Board Members John Ridener
Month in the region. The Coronatton 23 ,
. and Michael Thompson, Senator
Ball held at the Radisson Plaza Hotel cul- _
. . . Scorsone, Emperor 20 Christopher
minated in the crowning of the new mon- Rhorer Photo b Lisa Cente
archs for Reign 23, Empress Lady ' y rs
Marmalade and Regent Emperor Donnie
(EV) Royse. 23. At the Victory Brunch on June 7,
The Board Of directors Presented Empress Lady Marmalade named Imperial
Senator Ernesto Scorsone with the James Crown princess Rachel Rache| and
Herndon Lifetime achievement award Princess Royal Sabrina Nicole to her line
while members of the Court voted Bill of descent.
Chandler as recipient of the Henry Reign 22 has donated more than
Faulkner Community Service award. $23,000 to organizations including its des-
Empress Vaughn and Emperor Stanley ignated charity Moveable Feast Lexington
named Jeff Henken the Board member of plus the GLSO, AVOL, the Bluegrass and
the year. Gray Dove Chapters of the Kentucky
John Ridener, Daryl Royse, Larry Fairness Alliance and the LeatherArchives
Stanley and Bart Steele were elected to and Museum in Chicago.
two-year terms to the Board of Directors preparations have already begun for
and will join current board members Jeff June 2005 when the Kentucky Court will
Henken, Christopher Rhorer and Wayne host a meeting of the International Court
Swope plus the new Monarchs for reign Council at Coronation 24_
It is important to meet this month’s deadline as the
editor will be leaving town. If you are more than
a day late, you may not get printed.
GLSO News Deadline for Articles and Ads
put newsletter in the subject line and send to
Iexingtonglso@yahoo.com if;
Do not send to Mary 5 email after July 20.
GLSO page 10

 GLSO Rainbow Sponsor
Ilnpcrial Court of Kcntucky........252-3014
A Charity Organization
200’! Pride Manta Sponsors
:: ScoflAckerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs. . (mobile) 338-8483
7’ TheBarComplex........................255-1551
'ial 224 East Main Street
:3 GLSO News Sponsors 2004
“d Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
e: Promoting equality for all people
for EmestoScorsane. 254-5766
vill Attorney at law i
“rt SisterSound .....................................268-0113.
Diverse music for all women
RichardsonVisionCenter ..........................278-4201
1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
Unitana' nUniversalistChurch ......................223-1448
Seeking a Diverse Congregation
I 1513 Nicholasville Road
M/indyKnollFaml ................................29.9-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
— GLSO page 11

 To schedule events at MM
the Prlde Center, call carton,“
BIII at 253-3233. uni-e
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
. . 2 3
Meetings at the Pride Center may be 7:30 Interfaith Service 1 pm 4th of July
' For Unity Temple Parade Join
abbreVIated to PC Map. Email 124 N, Fairness on Midland
. Ashland Ave. .
Call for Place abbreVIated to Call E“; (33:15??? '5
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA GP d ‘Slf
www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet (Call for place) f“ er'ema' 0i
p ace
4 5 . 6 7 8 9 1o
10 am uu Church Service with Pnlde Centeropen tll 59m 1" pm Gay Straight 7 pm Discussion Group 7:00 Buddhist Discssion :5 pm Lesbian Movie Pride Center Open 105
ist Sunday lunch following Alliance (Call for 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Group — Pride Center Night. Pride Center
AA Step Study place 266-5904) .
1030 Mass@St. Mychaiine Martyr (Call for Place) Pride Center open til 5pm Pr'de Callie" Open
until 7pm 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Cal for place)
1 1 12 .. . 1 14 15 16 17
10 am UU Church Service AA Step StUdy / 9"! Gay Straight 7 pm 0:31:88?" Group GLSO News 730 pm Ga [Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-5Pm
10:30 Sunday Mass, St. Mychal (33“ ‘0' 9'3”) Alliance for youth (Call ° 4"“ Deadline (Cally for place)
2 40+ G PC . ‘ for place 266-5904) 8 pm Gag/TEN”: AA _ _
pm Iroup- Pride Center open til 5pm Pflde Center open t" 5pm ( a or p ace) particularly important ~ _
6 pm lmpenal Court PC Pride Center Open this month
until 7pm
1 3 19 2" 7 DI i G 21 A - 23 Pride Center Open 24
. Pride Center open tll 5pm 7 pm Gay Straight pm scusson roup 7:30 pm Gay/LeSb'a” AA 10_
9. 5 pm
15 8‘ 1‘ 8'“ ”U Chm“ S°""°° GLSO Board Meeting Alliance for youth rear 8 pm Gay/Lesb'a" AA (08“ ‘0’ P'acel
10:30 Sunday Mass. sr. Mychal 7:30 pm for place 266-5904) .
Pride Centeropen tl|5pm PC Open until 7 pm
7 pm MACT Pride Center
2 26 2 2. ' 30 31
10 am UU Church Service 8 pm AA Step StUdy 7 Pm Falmes Steering 7 pm Discussion Group 730 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10 - 5
7pm GSA for Youth Committee p C .
10:30 Sunday Mass, - 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place)
ages 15 - 20 call mary C t
St. Mychal the Martyr for lace 266-5904 9" 9" (Call for place)
1 pm Lyons Brunch at Mia s p Pride Center open "I 5pm Pride Celnt76r Open
unti m
6 pm imperial Court PC p
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 KY Fanfiljes For Fairness continue to strengthen Fairness across i
by Sarah Reece Kentucky from Boyd to Hickman and l
every county in-between.
Fairness Campaign came togetherto create are currently doing as we ramp up to l
Kentucky Families for Fairness — the cam- a full-fledged campaign. I want to ‘
paign to defeat the constitutional amend- assure you that there is a lot going i
. . _ i
ment 0“ mamage '“ KentUCky~ on, even though it may not be highly ,
I am pleased to introduce myself to you Visible right now. ‘
, appreCiate the Opportunity to br'“9 my and national searches for qualified t
organlzmg me" to KentUCky to help 'aunCh Director and a Statewide Field Director. .
and manage this massive and dynamic The nominating committee is 1
campaign to defeat this anti-gay amend' working overtime to solicit candidates i
ment. For over a decade l have worked as for the campaign steering committee. \
a community and electoral organizer for They are working diligently to make t
nonprofit organizations, candidate cam- sure our committee is well represent- i
paigns, federal and municipal government ed in terms of geography, race, ClaSS,
and most recently on staff of the National age, gender, gender identity and seX- 3
Gay and LeSbia“ Taéi‘ Force- . ual orientation, as well as prior cam— F
In these capaCIties, l have recrurted, paign experience. I’m confident this
teers working to create change in their com- experienced team of folks. r
munities and build political power to move Thanks to Andrea Hildebran and ‘
forward an agenda of equality. I served at Barry Grossheim, we have officially E
the Task Force as a Senior Field Organizer. registered as an issue campaign With
My job was to work side-by-side with state the Secretary of State. Special C
and local communities facing anti-LGBT thanks to Andrea and the KFA Staff & y
ballot initiatives. The Task Force has gener— Board and the Fairness Campaign t'
ously let me take a 6 month leave of Staff & Board as they have worked g
absence to accept this position. It isahuge tirelessly to launch this campaign 2
investment of staff resources and indicates since April 12th _ raising money recruit— .
. . . ’ If
the” h'gh level 0f support and confidence ing volunteers and continuing to identify
for ourcampaign. _ voters on the issue. Andrea has been
Additionally, ' am a life-long and proud working hard to raise money to fill the E
Kentuckian, a former staff member and account. Thanks to Charles King in
steering committee member of Kentucky Northern KY, we have found office space
Fairness Alliance as well as a former CFAlR that seems to fit our needs in that region.
member at the Fairness Campaign. We are still working to identify office
.AS your campaign-managerhl am com- space in Louisville and Lexington. If
mitted to writing and implementing ff“ cam- you’re interested in helping out with iden-
paign plan that includes an aggresswe VOI' tifying offices, please let me know and I'll
unteer voter identification effort: intentional get you the space needs we’re looking for.
coalition and ally budding. We Will not focus We’re starting now to train voters on
on just the urban areas of the state, but will how to vote in November and to help
W” _

 58 make it clear what we are asking, the pub-

td iic name of the campaign is "NO on the HOW You can Help
Amendment". The legal name of the cam- We need your involvement in this cam-

re paign will remain KFF, but it will only paign to defeat the Constitutional

to appear in the paid for by... Ali checks and Amendment. There are committees that

to donations should be made payable to "NO COUtd use yur help including media,

'9 on the Amendment". fundraising, coalition-building, and voter ID.

iy and sent to p0 Box 2904 , Louisville, KY Please call Netta Brooks at 859-396-5251 if
40201-2904. you have some time to donate.

al We have a tremendous amount of work We would love for you to join us for one

id to do and I need your help. The most of our door-to-door voter ID walks that are

'9 important work we can be doing right now happening every couple of weeks this sum-

?r' is raising money and talking with voters at mer. t“ the walks we have done so far, the

'8 their homes and on the phone. if you’re people we talk with have been receptive (or

ts interested in helping with any piece of this at least polite). We Wt” be canvassing on

3' work, please don’t hesitate to contact me Saturdays, JUIY 10 and 31- We’ll meet at

:e by email or by phone. My phone number the KFA office, 110 N. Upper Street. The

t: is 502-533-0037. If there are things on schedule Wt” be as follows:

:: ybur mind that you warnt [:0 see happHening, 10:00 - 10:45 Training (food available)

ease contact me wit t ose as we . . . -

t' P Please don’t ever hesitate to contact 2.1680 ‘21:: aifgnagniocogctgioor

'8 me with any questions or concerns you ' t ' r ng

d have about the campaign. My door is You can also reach out to our circle of
always open and i’m committed to a cam- friends, neighbors, co-workers, and church

d paign of honest and direct communication. members and talk to them about the

'Y Again, thanks so much for the work you’ve amendment. Make sure they understand _

th done this year or for the past five, 10 or 15 that it prohibits not only marriage, bUt civil

al years to move Fairness fonNard in Ken- unions and domestic partner benefits for

8‘ tucky. We didn’t ask for this fight, but we’re employees 0t state universities. Many peo-

n going to seize this opportunity and pie who aren’t yet with us on marriage will

d strengthen Fairness and equality for Les- see that this amendment 9095 too far.

n bian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender folks We also need your financial support.

t' in all 120 cou