xt73n58cg68z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73n58cg68z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-08-aug18. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-08-aug18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-08-aug18. 1967 1967-08-aug18. 2011 true xt73n58cg68z section xt73n58cg68z 

       Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Friday, August 18, 1967

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in special session
called by the Chairman on Friday, August 18, 1967, in the Board Room of the
Administration Building on the campus of the University at 2:00 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time. The full voting membership of the Board was present: Governor
Edward T. Breathitt, Dr. Harry A. Sparks, Mr. Wendell Butler, Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Henry Besuden, Mr. William Black, Mrs.
Rexford Blazer, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Richard Cooper,
Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. Charles 0. Landrum, and Mr.
Hudson Milner. Dr. Stephen Diachun anid Professor Paul Oberst, non-voting
faculty members, were out of the state and did not attend. Members of the Uni-
versity administration present at the meeting included: President John W. Oswald,
Vice Presidents Robert Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech, and Robert L. Johnson,
and Provost Lewis Cochran. Representatives of the press, radio, and television
were in attendance as was County Judge Joe Johnson, who had requested an
opportunity to present the case for Fayette Countv relative to the acquisition of
Maine Chance Farm by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. There
were other visitors present.

       A. Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Landrum and Mr. Besuden

       Governor Breathitt called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and adminis-
tered the oath of office to Mr. Charles 0. Landrum, appointed to fill the unexpired
term of Mr. W. F. Foster, and to Mr. Henry Besuden, appointed to fill the
unexpired term of Dr. H. B. Murray. Both terms expire December 31, 1967.

       B. Acting Secretary Named

       Due to the death of Dr. Hershell Murray in May, a vacancy exists in the
office of Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The Chairman appointed Mr. Sam
Ezelle as Acting Secretary for the August 18 Special Meeting of the Board of

       C. Meeting Officially Opened

       Following call of the roll, Mr. Ezelle reported that the full voting member-
ship of the Board of Trustees was present. The Governor then declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business.



      D. Ten-Day Notice of Special Meeting Waived

      Mr. Robert HIillenmeyer made a motion that the statutory requirement of
giving ten days' written notice of a special meeting called by the Chairman or by
any three members of the Board be waived. His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Blazer and passed unanimously.

      E. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Mr. Broadbent, duly seconded and carried, the reading of
the Minutes of the June 2, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       F. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Oswald commented that since printed copies of the report were
before those present and since the agenda for the meeting was a long one, he would
call attention to only a few items in the report. He mentioned particularly the honor
which had come to Dr. F. Story Musgrave, a University physician-scientist, who
had recently been named a scientist-astronaut by NASA; the report of a 25 percent
increase in enrollment in the associate degree nursing education program over last
year; the low cost experimental house designed by Unversity faculty which will be
erected under the sponsorship of CALF and the City-County Planning Commission;
and the receipt of $3, 772, 067 in grants and agreement awards by the University of
Kentucky Research Foundation during the month of July.

       The President laid the report before the Board and, without objection, it
was received and ordered filed.

       G. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Oswald said PR 2, Recommendations of the President, had been nmailed
to the members of the Board in advance of the meeting and, inasmuch as the
matters contained in it were important but of a routine nature, he would make no
special comments and recommended approval of the report as a whole.

       Dr. Denham moved, seconded by Mr. Broadbent, that PR 2, Recommen-
dations of the President, be approved as a whole and made a part of the Minutes of
the August 18, 1967 Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The motion passed
without dissent. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )



      H. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

      President Oswald read the major portion of the background statement given
as Item I of PR 3 relating to the Lexington Technical Institute and the appointment
of Dr. G. Robert Boyd as its Acting Director, stating that he felt the important
function performed by this unique and significant unit of the Community College
System warranted such a report to the Board of Trustees.

       On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Dr. Sparks, PR 3, Supplemental
Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made a
part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       I. Amendment to the Governing Regulations Approved (PR 4)

       President Oswald called attention to PR 4, Amendment to the Governing
Regulations, copies of which had been mailed to the members in advance of the
meeting. He said the proposed amendment, which changed the manner of filling
vacancies on the University Senate, had been recommended by the University
Senate and had his endorsement.

       Mr. Milner made the motion that the recommendation in PR 4 proposing an
amendment to the December 1960 Governing Regulations be approved. The motion
was seconded and passed unanimously and PR 4 was ordered made an official part
of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

       J. Patent Policy Statement Adopted (PR 5)

       PR 5, Patent Policy Statement, was sent in advance of the meeting to
members of the Board. Dr. Oswald reported that just prior to the meeting of the
Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation had approved the statement as a policy statement for the Foundation. He
emphasized that the statement would become a joint policy statement of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation upon
approval by the Board of Trustees.

       On motion by Dr. Bushart, seconded by Dr. Sparks, and passed without
dissent, the Patent Policy Statement set forth as a part of PR 5 was adopted as a
joint statement of the University of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       K. Resolution Relating to Certain Improvements Upon Lands Reserved
and Dedicated for the Use of Spindletop Hall, Inc. Adopted (PR 6)

Copies of PR 6, Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of



Kentucky Relating to Certain Improvements Upon the Lands Reserved and Dedi-
cated for the Use of Spindletop Hall, Inc. , together with a Master Plan for
Spindletop Hall prepared by Helm Roberts had been submitted to the Board of
Trustees earlier for review. Dr. Oswald recommended that the Resolution,
which approved "in principle" the master plan and specifically approved the plans
for the construction of the swimming pool complex, be adopted.

       Dr. Denham inquired about the membership of Spindletop Hall and was told
that it was open to all staff, faculty and alumni of the University and that at
present there were 1, 800 members with the club serving approximately 6, 000

       On motion by Mr. Landrum, duly seconded, and unanimously approved the
Resolution presented in full in PR 6 was adopted and ordered made an official part
of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       L. Institute for Environmental Studies Established (PR 7)

       Dr. Lewis Cochran, Provost, reminded the Board that approval had pre-
viously been given to several similar institutes serving as the administrative
control for interdisciplinary areas, reporting to the Executive Vice President, and
having as director someone who is a member of one of the departments involved.
He pointed out that studies over the past few years had shown the advisability of
establishing an institute to conduct area studies and categorical studies with empha-
sis placed upon techniques and methodologies for implementing desireddevelopment.

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and
passed unanimously an Institute for Environmental Studies was established, ef-
fective September 1, 1967, and Professor James A. Prestridge, School of
Architecture was named Acting Director. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

       M. President Authorized to Execute Lease of Land at Spindletop Farm
to the Council of State Governments (PR 8)

      At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation held on August 18, 1967, just prior to the meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, a Resolution was adopted con-
veying a certain tract of land to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and
benefit of the University of Kentucky. This tract of land, which was a part of the
property conveyed to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation by Mrs.
Pansy M. Grant and her husband W. C. Grant, is a gift to the University of
Kentucky by the Foundation and contains 25. 74 acres. The Commonwealth of
Kentucky will provide the money to construct a building upon this acreage and the
University of Kentucky, in turn, will lease this land to the Council of State
Governmenlts for a term of nlinety-nine years for use as the national headquarters



of the Council. President Oswald recommended that authorization be given for the
execution of the lease with the Council of State Governments.

      Governor Breathitt gave a brief background statement on the Council of
State Governments, indicating that the headquarters of the organization is presently
situated in Chicago. Recently the decision was made to relocate the headquarters
and the Executive Committee of the Council visited various sites throughout the
country. In April they visited the University of Kentucky and toured the campus,
Spindletop Research, the new Computer Center, and Spindletop Farm. He empha-
sized that when the group came to Kentucky they had practically made their choice
of another site. After having had the opportunity to see the facilities available to
them here, they changed their minds and decided to locate in Lexington on a part of
the land on Spindletop Farm which had previously been reserved and dedicated by
the Board of Trustees for use as a research park and which was today conveyed to
the University by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.

       Dr. Angelucci thanked the Governor for his comments relative to the Uni-
versity and for the role the Governor played in bringing this organization to
Kentucky. The Governor repeated that it was the University which "sold" them on
coming to Kentucky.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Milner and approved
unanimously, the President of the University was authorized to execute the lease
of land at Spindletop Farm as set forth in PR 8 to the Council of State Governments.
(See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Report of the Finance Committee

       Dr. Denham, Chairman, reported that the Finance Committee had no
special report and asked Mr. Kerley-to explain about the financial statement. Mr.
Kerley said that it had been impossible to have a year end statement ready for
presentation at the August 18, 1967 meeting of the Board but that one would be
mailed to the members as soon as the auditors had completed their work. He in-
dicated that the final report would come very close to the projection reported at the
end of May.

       O. Report of the Hospital Committee

       Dr. Angelucci, Chairman, indicated that the Hospital Committee had no
report at this time.

       P. Report of Committee on Codification of Governing Regulations

       Dr. Oswald reported that the chairman, Professor Oberst, was out of the
state and, therefore, there was no report from this committee.



       Q. Report of Special Committee Relating to Acquisition of
Maine Chance Farm

       Governor Breathitt said that before calling on Dr. Angelucci for the
report from the Special Committee Relating to Acquisition of Maine Chance Farm,
he wished to recognize Mr. Joe Johnson, Judge, Fayette County, who had formally
requested through letters to Governor Breathitt and to President Oswald ". . . . an
opportunity to state the case for Fayette County before the Board of Trustees on
Friday (August 18, 1967). " These two letters are on file. Judge Johnson thanked
Governor Breathitt and the members of the Board for the opportunity to appear
before them at the meeting and stated his opposition to the acquisition of Maine
Chance Farm by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation as set forth in a
letter addressed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky which is
included at the end of the Minutes, marked Appendix A. The Governor accepted the
letter on behalf of the Board of Trustees and said he would defer questions on Judge
Johnson's statement until after the presentation of the committee's report, at which
time the floor would be open for discussion.

       Dr. Angelucci read the committee report, a copy of which is included at the
end of the Minutes, marked Appendix B. He asked Dr. Creech to expand the
statement prepared by the committee with charts and maps illustrative of the use
being made of present acreage, the need for additional land, and the planned use of
both the unassigned acreage on Spindletop Farm and all of Maine Chance Farm.

       Dr. Creech's presentation included five maps and overlays. Map 1 showed
the central part of the campus and the close proximity of the Experiment Station
Farm. He pointed out that the farm is also surrounded by residential areas and
it had been necessary to remove the livestock from this farm to Coldstream Farm
because of complaints received from nearby property owners. The overlay showed
the encroachment that has already occurred on the original 640 acres since 1940.
The area north of Cooper Drive has been almost totally absorbed by such buildings
as the Wenner-Gren Laboratory: residence halls, including the newly completed
Dormitory Complex, the Sports Center, the Medical Center, the Agricultural
Science Center, the Tobacco Research Laboratory, and the site of the new Veterans
Administration Hospital. The ETV building, now under construction, and the
Shawneetown Apartments occupy acreage south of Cooper Drive.

       Map 2 and its overlay showed the present usage of the 350 acres, which is all
that now remains available for agriculturalpurposes of the original 640 acres
comprising the Experiment Station Farm. This acreage, which is now being in-
tensively used for agronomic research, does not provide enough land for expansion
of present programs or the development of needed new programs. Moreover, long-
range plans call for all this remaining acreage to be used for the necessary
expansion of academic and service facilities such as: a diagnostic laboratory; a
School of Veterinary Science; a forestry and agricultural engineering facility; a
regulatory services-building; six residential colleges to care for a total of 10, 000



lower division students and requiring 50 acres per college; and physical education
complex. possibly including a stadium.

       Map 3 was of the South Farm, located on the Nicholasville Road, and con-
sisting of 202 acres. The major portion of this farm is devoted to horticultural
research with a small portion reserved for the Kentucky Life Museum.

       Map 4 was of Coldstream Farrn with an acreage of 1, 153. Thirty acres of
this farm was taken for the construction of 1-75 and a small portion is reserved for
a Conference Center, serving 1 4, 000 or more persons a year. Coldstream Farm
is devoted to livestock research and is used intensively. On July 1, there were
1 956 head of livestock on 993 acres, or I animal unit on less than 1.02 acres. The
average for the central Kentucky area is 1 animal unit for 3.5 acres and for the
state as a whole, the average is I animal unit per 7 acres.

       Map 5 showed Spindletop Farm., consisting of 1, 066 acres, which was
acquired by the University of Kentucky in 1959 through a gift-purchase arrangement
with Mrs. Pansy Yount Grant. The overlay of Map 5 showed the 545 acres of
Spindletop Farm originally zoned for an industrial research park, of which 129
acres was sold to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for Spindletop Research, Inc. and
190 acres was reserved and dedicated for a research park. At the meeting today
(Aug-ust 18) approval was given to the execution of a 99-year lease of 25. 74 acres
within the 190 acres already reserved for such purposes for the National Head-
quarters of the Council of State Governments. The Animal Care Facility of the
Medical Center is located on 26. 149 acres made available in August 1965; and in
july 1966, the Board of Trustees reserved and dedicated for a period of ten years
sixty-one acres for use by Spindletop Hall, the faculty-staff-alumni club. Dr.
Creech indicated that this left approximately 600 acres which have not yet been
permanently assigned because it did not provide enough land to satisfy the estimated
minimum need of approximately 1, 400 acres for agricultural research purposes.
The acquisition of the 721 acre Maine Chance Farm, plus the acreage now available
on Spindletop Farm, would provide a large part of the acreage required by agronomy,
animal science, and veterinary science for present research programs, which must
be moved from the Experiment Station Farm because of encroachment on that land
by the central campus- would permit expansion of these programs; and would provide
land for new projects; including an Equine Research Center. Some additional land
will be needed to nmeet specLfic research needs in agronomy which require certain
types and characteristics of soil not available on either Spindletop Farm or Maine
Chance Fa rm.

       In closing, Dr. Creech again called attention to the fact that Maine Chance
Farm is bounded on three sides by present land holdings of the University and said
he felt that the commitAtee report, plus the vis1al evidence just presented, fully
justified the purchase of Maine Chance Farm by the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation on the basis of the need to protect the present investment in programs
and properties, the need for land for present and expanded research programs in
agronomy, animal sciences and veterinary science, and the need for space to
permit the- development of new research activities which will, be essential for the



further development of Kentucky's agricultural industry.

      Governor Breathitt asked for questions and recognized Mr. Besuden who
read the following Resolution:


WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky has responsibility for, and is continually
      being called upon to support, an ever-increasing number of research
      programs and projects for maximizing the contribution of agriculture
      to the economy of the State, and

WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky has been called upon to provide land for a
      variety of excellent causes, including a home site for Spindletop Research
      Incorporated, and the Council of State Governments, and

WHEREAS, with the rapidly growing student enrollment which the institution must
       accommodate, the University of Kentucky is rapidly approaching the point
       where no additional land adjacent to the campus proper will be available
       for agricultural and other land-based research programs and projects, and

WHEREAS, any delay in the acquisition of real property in the Fayette County area
       would prove costly, and

WHEREAS, added property is and will be needed for present programs and effective
       long- range planning,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we the undersigned comprising the full
       voting membership of the Board of Trustees hereby unanimously support
       and ratify all actions taken by the Executive Committee and officers of the
       University of Kentucky in the purchase of Maine Chance Farm, and express
       complete agreement and approval of all actions taken by the University of
       Kentucky Research Foundation Board and its officers pertaining to this

       Following the reading of the Resolution, Mr. Besuden moved its adoption.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Broadbent. The Governor called for discussion on
the Resolution, indicating that action on the report of the committee would be con-
sidered following action on the Resolution. After a brief discussion, it was agreed
that it would be advisable to permit questions and answers on both the Resolution
and the report at the same time but the final vote would be taken as two separate
actions--(1) on the Resolution alone, and (2) on the report of the committee, in-
cluding the Resolution, which was also a part of the committee's report.



       Judge Johnson was recognized and enlarged on the points made in his earlier
statement. He reiterated his personal opposition to the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation's acquisition of the farm, stating that there was other land
available at much less per acre for the purposes for which the University would use
the land; whereas this was the only horse farm in which Mr. Ellsworth was inter-
ested. He explained that it was important to Kentucky for the horse industry to
remain here and helping Mr. Ellsworth to acquire Maine Chance Farm would show
the horse people that such an interest existed. He stated that the Fayette Fiscal
Court opposed the University's acquisition of the farm because it would remove it
from the tax rolls of the county, thereby reducing the present tax revenue by $10. 000
and eliminating additional taxes which might result from an increased assessment
based on $2, 000, 000 for the land plus the $3, 000, 000 or $3, 500, 000 improvements
pledged by Mr. Ellsworth. The state would lose taxes resulting from the sale of

       Judge Johnson agreed, in response to questions on the points he had made,
that the land was a good investment; that the University was the main generator of
business in the community and was a tremendous asset to Fayette County and
Kentucky; that the master plan of Fayette County did not allow for zoning of the
property but that the University with its power of condemnation could always use
that power in the event an effort should be made to use Maine Chance Farm for
purposes that would harm the University's present holdings on three sides of the
farm; that there were many other horse farms available but that Mr. Ellsworth
wanted this particular farm and the use of the name, Maine Chance; and that he
did not accuse the University of "conspiring" in the purchase of the farm but
rather felt they were "being used".

       Mr. Ezelle reminded the Board of Trustees that the University was a state-
wide institution and the interests of all sections of the state must be considered in
reaching any decision. He expressed the feeling that "the dirt farmer in Kentucky
is just as entitled to the research potential from the Maine Chance Farm as the
wealthy combine headed by a wealthy horseman from California". He asked, for
purposes of identification, if the Dr, Arnold Pessin who was associated with Mr.
Ellsworth was the same Dr. Arnold Pessin who had been the defendant in several
law suits. He closed his remarks by saying that in his opinion "this is a wise,
long time investment and necessary implement to our agricultural research program
of Kentucky, is a move which we can take and look back on ten years from now, a
full generation from now, with pride''.

       Governor Breathitt, having determined that there was no further discussion
called for a vote on the motion made by Mr. Besuden, seconded by Mr. Broadbent,
to adopt the Resolution read earlier by Mr. Besuden. A roll call. vote was taken
with the following persons voting for adoption of the Resolution: Ralph J. Angelucci,
Harry Denham, Henry Besuden, William R. Black, Lucile T. Blazer, Smith
Broadbent, R. Ward Bushart, Wendell P. Butler, Richard E. Cooper, Robert
Hillenmeyer, Charles 0. Landrum. B. Hudson Milner, Harry M. Sparks, and Sam
Ezelle. The secretary reported a unanimous vote to the Governor who said that,



as Chairman, he would like his vote recorded as "Aye". Each member of the
Board affixed his signature to the Resolution which had been unanimously
adopted by voice vote. Governor Breathitt read letters addressed to him as
Chairman of the Board from Dr. Stephen Diachun and Professor Paul Oberst,
non-voting members of the Board, and asked that these two letters be recorded
as statements in support of the vote which was taken by the voting members of
the Board. (See Appendix C and D)

      Since discussion of the Special Committee's Report had already been
held at the time the Resolution was discussed, Governor Breathitt called for a
motion relative to the report. Mrs. Blazer moved that the Report of the Special
Committee relating to acquisition of Maine Chance Farm, including the Resolution,
be accepted. The motion was seconded and a roll call vote was requested. Mr.
Ezelle called the roll and the following persons voted "Aye": Ralph J. Angelucci,
Harry Denham, Henry Besuden, William R. Black, Lucile T. Blazer, Smith
Broadbent, R. Ward Bushart, Richard E. Cooper, Robert Hillenmeyer, Charles
0. Landrum, B. Hudson Milner, Harry M. Sparks, and Sam Ezelle. Mr. Ezelle
reported a unanimous vote of all those present and noted that Mr. Butler's vote
was not recorded since he had left the meeting immediately following the adoption
of the Resolution. Governor Breathitt indicated his wish to be recorded as voting
"Aye" .

       R. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the meeting, the Governor called for a motion to adjourn. The motion being duly
made, seconded, and carried, the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees ad-
journed at 4:25 p. m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Sam Ezelle, Acting Secretary
                                            Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, PR 7, and PR 8, and the copy of the Report of
the Special Committee Relating to Acquisition of Maine Chance Farm which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
on Friday, August 18, 1967)


                    PRESIDENT'S R-PORT TO TliE TRUSTEES

                              August 18, 1967


      A University physician--scientist, Dr. F. Story 1Musg:^ave, is
among 11 news scientist-astronauts named by the U. S. space agency.
He will leave Lexington next month f-or the 'Manned Soacecraft
Center at ::ouston, where eventualv he will conduct scientific
experiments in manned orbiting satellites and observe and investi--
gate t-he lunar surface and soaca.  Dr. Musgrave, a native of Boston,
has particinated in -:elated areas of research, including the study
of extreme stress during narachute descent by measuring associated
physiological and biochemical ch--es.   He has worked in the
development of a vertical wind tunnel for free-fall parachute
training, study ofE the aerodvnami-z: of the human body and develop-
ment of new escane and recovery ecr-ioment and techniques.  Dr.
Mfusgrave received his M.S. degree -n physiology and biophysics at
the University in 1966.  He has compinleted all his work on his
doctor of -hiloso-ohy degree in the same two fields, exceot for his
dissertation. He came to Ientuck-! three years ago as a surgical
intern, and joined Drs. Loren Car',:on and,- Fred Zechman, who were
doina research in aerosnace Dnys ielog_. Dr. Musgrave also is a
flight instructor and a charter p'.ot for Lexington Air Taxi and
has over 1,000 hours' flying time.


      Associate degree nursing eduz:ation'. beginning its fifth year
at the University, reorts an enrollment increase of 25 per cent
over last year. First semester frnshmen enrolled for the fall
semester at Nlorth.ern Co.munity College is 45; Henderson, 42;
Elizabethtown, 27, and Lexington 'f.-chnical Institute, 34; 225 students
are ex-oected to enroll in th1e aroc-ram this fall, compared with last
fall's 17Q! .  l_ Unive:-sIL,7 a-,.a0rdC_ associate degrees in anplied
science-s to 481  nursing StuC  in "lay.

      In cuestionaires sent to g7racuates and their employers, a
majoritv of the graduates renorted -7orking in agencies in communities
served by the colleaes.  Fmnloyers rated their oerformance as equal
to those of comoarable experience and srenaration.   A renort to the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation  wnjhich ',- s sunport the program, describes
a telelecturec series featured montlv.  students in Henderson, Coving-
ton and Nlizabethtown heard the sare lecturer, speaking from Lexington,
and could join in discussion through a telephone hookup. This was the
first such exneriment by tl-he University as a whole, and there is inter-
est in its continued study.



3).  12' SP-CIAL EP.UCA\7T_ 0 T-A(-7 _7  E~TE n"PD

      Lo-sv lle's WIzAS on Jul,, 26 honored 123 special education
teachers who studied thnis summer at the University, at a dinner
in the Student Center. The teachers' studies were partly financed
from the WHAS Crusade for Children. Judge Bert Combs of the UJ. S.
District Court of Appeals, and former Kentucky governor, was the
principal speaker. Awards were presented by Victor Sholis, chief
of WHAS and WHAS-TV, and Barry Bingham, publis er of The Courier
Journal and Times. Certificates of appreciation also were pre--
sented to Mr. Sholis and Mr. Bingham.


      The Kentuckv7 Pharmaceutical Association has named four
youths to receive scholarship grants to the College of Pharmacy.
Thev are Lowell K. Tucker Jr., Paducah; Charles Michael: Louis-
uille, and Robert Bishop and Ronald Cobb, both of Lexington. All
four currently are enrolled in the college, and in addition to the
scholarships, are eligible for loans from the KPA. The sclholar-
ships are worth $200 each. In a resolution, delegates to the
recent KPA meeting in Paducah urged development and implementation
of an education program for pharmacists supportedby the Univer-
sity College of Pharmacy.


      A nine-man committee to advise the Agronomy Department on
grain production problems, testing and research, has been formed
as a result of a meeting in Louisville in April at which the
heads of various state grain and seed organizations called for
greater efforts in grain testing.


      The University Library has been chosen as a depository to
receive documents prepared by the Republican National Committee.
The program is a special project of the Committee's Arts and
Sciences Division, headed by Dr. John D. Hunger.


- 3-


      Eleven Thai students who will be future staff members at the
University's agriculture research center in Northeast Thailand are
in Lexington for two years of study in agricultural-related fields.
After earning their master's degrees, they will return to Thailand
to become agricultural "extension agents."
