xt73j9608k5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608k5g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 2007 2007 2007-01-24 2020 true xt73j9608k5g section xt73j9608k5g After struggling against Vandy, the Cats use one of their
H 0 Pl N G F0 R A 0U I c K FIX longest practices of the year to get ready for tonight's
match-up against Georgia SEE PAGE 4




Todd announces creation of four new scholarships

Board Of Trustees approves 9 percent tuition that “I“ go into eiieet in iall Iii)" and a H eiiiiiulatise (il’i\ tan reeene I llie i‘l.i:.‘\ilt}‘ Stiioiars is a

up to $30M) per seat tor tuo ~sears S‘tmtml pr'oerarii iliat \\lll grie ai‘iitit
increase room and board Increase I l‘he Trustees Scholars initiiitise l_astl_\. students with at least 34 hours at 42‘ students \\ ho earn a .‘(i or I“ on
r \\ as created to iiierease the number oi an atei‘edited institution and a _\ i (it their \( l and a i \ (il’\ an aiitoiiiaiit
strident transieis from the state's L’Ulti- mulatne (il’A ean reeene up to SI .00” Elfiiiti stholarship lt students riiaiii
By Juliann Vachon The "2020 Seholars“ program ml] munrt) and teehnieal Li‘llL‘:.‘L‘\ to l'K. in their tirst _\ear tain a i < (ii’.-\. the\ Liili app!) tor tur
ivéchon—inietnélcram proiide 3.800 students \\ith $5.5 ltlll-v costing $1.8 million and aiieeting v5 I The ('aiai} st Seliolars initiatn es tuie seholarships
lion in i’iriiineial aid h} Zilll \\hile studentsnhen iull} implemented “1“ proside Kentueles studeniseligilile I [he l’roiissr \iliolars is .i
NC“ year's Itts‘lttttlllg \‘iUdeN “l“ pushingt students to take more rigorous 'l‘rttstees Scholars \\ill be disided tor l’ell (irants. a lederal illltll‘ikltll aid \tmooiiti proeiarii .iisardiiie students
hi‘ ““9th ill" tour ”C“ ‘Chiiliir‘hllh- math and seienee eourses in high into three groups l’ii'st. Kentus’ls) ('orii- Program l‘rosidiny .i\\t\i.inet‘ to iaiiii vs ho cat‘lt a .‘\ on their \(‘l and a i 1
UK PR‘WM" [£9 “KM “ml at .Vs‘stcr- sehool munit) and 'l‘eehnieal College S}stem lies lfiil peteerii or more lielois the (il’.\ a \I Still ierieisalile ‘-\lll‘ltif\hl;‘ ll
“1“)“ BUN“ ”1 Tm‘lk‘s“ "testing Th0 “Whenmer' \se iiialse a tuition 111* students “ho earn an :\sstikl.tlL‘\ l)e- po\ett_\ line. up to $3M)“ per )ear ior tlies iiiairitairi a i i (il'\ \iiiderits
nevi seholarships are part oi a broad ercusc. use are al\\a_\s looking; to in- gi‘ee and a 3 5 euiiiiilatisetll’-\ \\ ho en, tour sears llie 83.4 million prograrii iiieeiirig these retriirreriieiiis ellt‘lt‘ltil}
based titlllilliVC designed to iiiiiise high. L‘l‘casc net-dbased seholarslirps.” 'l‘odd roll at [K i‘Lill-iime eaii pa} K("l‘('S tur \\ ill grim tiorii alsout V5 siuderits iii r'eieiie one time .iuaids oi sl 50H
er education more aii'orda'nle i'or Ken- said. ition rates for up to No sears. K("l‘(‘.\' littiTltitih‘ to about H "‘5 ohm illll‘s
{Wk} NIUds‘ntV Todd outlined the rims seliolarships students \sith at least 48 hours oi eredit implemented in It'll , BOT ; in 8

Sl~l(§_)‘i~’\/ ”iris/iii: Admissions
to focus on

By Katie Saltz

uyi! Timur " i:





\-\l Ji‘fll \\ l lk'\l \xi‘lL'\ ii':.i\ iiiti he as
irirportani as the\ onie \seie \siieii appluiii:
to l i\. said l’oii \\itt_l ls's daettoi ot i ii
detgradiiate .\tlllll\‘sli‘ll\

.'\tllltl\~ti\ll standards at l i\ hate l‘t‘t'l‘
iliaiieiii: Mei the past ie\\ sears ‘ii an etioi't
to help l K lk'slill :t's top: goal Ii‘iit iii
\ls‘titl I‘l it‘tllsllt‘.’ \i‘lt‘l\ Uli li ~'li KW? stores
l is is iooitiiij.‘ tor util !~‘Llllilt.‘«_l stialei‘as
\iiltl \\il'i

"\\e l1.t\i' to he llil‘lt‘ treatzsi than our
lit-iieiiriiark sthools '\\t" said ’\\t liazt to
.ippioath this .11'Qt't‘\\l\t‘l\ to he .1 trip fit
seliool ”

lor the lllst‘fl‘lll,‘ “ass -»‘ 7'th start
darts/tar lesl a t

tiriir than st‘iderr' U t d'\

elkxlllldllS’ll stitiiiii't'iiire iiasii" Mallet/iv!» left iiiii'ig tut "arse? ' Ll e -' _ .; " ‘4 e .'r . ' " r _‘ s " ' .‘ :. ' ‘» : v t‘ : , ' , ' '
rig for Rm" 'tg W t"» Srisstirs' i.‘ minin yestetiiai e\.i5""t:t " WV? :" l‘t i‘v'

'iori.' e
\t l iiias iii»?
innit sliiilerit
lo help giios'ita s‘
‘.‘il‘i i '~ L"\i\‘sii'if.' l\| i
lll.,'ll stiiool utilizairr
lseti'iit‘sx "
ltirii iii .i ..
'\l‘ llir
ltiay \ll ili' irti' a \-
'\\e elitl. ,‘ll ‘Fe
l\iil Ji‘l‘ linl‘ .' '. l
ail\ itiii‘tl
I‘lie tsiri‘ttri :t.i.t
a lllik ditt‘i ,il‘oii' -»
\l\'s \hil' \‘|‘ ‘ “
ii‘i‘lsill: .il
sitilk‘s \li‘ll i "‘t‘ isi.‘
:ratioii \\t ‘.\i1:"’i “v
soiial lL‘M'l

iris li st 31



e" tritivie is
at the Year.”

UK prof, alum

‘ W ‘1 4 ‘ e ) s 4 (y 1 a _
ospita COHbtl‘LKIlOl] c1 5 mm L (, ianbes lVlalilli Luther

By Jill Lester ”Hils hospital is iliotk iiill," lsarpt said le‘ll‘ll‘ tor l‘ \tats. sarii 'lial losiztai tori I
Masterful/kernel mm "Dunne the heel \se iio\\ hase to start turn struttiori h is taiiseil traitii piolileiits on the lng sermons
in; .t\\.’i_\ people \slio need our ‘k'r\ls’\'\ " i ortier oi ( oliiriilira heme and \Miotiiaiia \\

Students (an e\peei mtdmfindi Changes on Hospital illiikl ils at the ”Well”: said eriue near her home
l'K‘s campus \siih eontinurng eonstruetton oi addinrr ilie tsso extra tloors “I” add onls .ii‘ttlil ll is a sateii issue. ’i «men said i tilati' BYS'” Laster
the (‘handler Medieal ('enter. l'K HeiilthCare t\\o months to tonsiriittiori l‘ll \M‘tilit' is itlst llitl'lll‘li‘ N "”“m' "
”than“ said during d Ummmmiy forum MW 1 he addition oi the lieds \\ as one oi seier \lt‘llL’ is rtli trailit sll.i!l:,‘\'\ \\lll l\& .iti iii -. ‘ ‘
night, al thanges disetissed at tht toiiimiinits toriirii \rease iri L'Fs‘t‘i] sriite to areas \liiit‘lllltlill‘.‘ the \ *I“l“"‘ H,“ i “"‘l"li~,“ “7‘ \‘llm‘ll l other

The (”“th presented plans for the next .-\nother x'hange to l'K‘s tariipus is the ad hospital lr_'es and l;llitl*si|]‘ili}' \\ ill lie added :Mliil‘ ll ii'as .Ll‘“: irilrirr ‘i‘\.t'.s ll liis [side‘s
staee oi eonstruetion in the Wethington Build dition oi student \\:ill\’\\ii\s outside the ('olleee at the illlk‘l\t‘sll|‘li oi Rose \ti'eet and \oi.ili ““"lm‘l _"‘ “" “ ill ““"ll "l‘ "‘dk‘d‘d“ \
inflktm South Limestone Street. \shreh included oi Agriculture \iili'illifl in \lari h l‘eriittoiat‘) l irriesroiie \tieet. \\lllt ii t lost-ii last \oaerii "“‘“"" ll" “Hm“ l“l"”“""“-' \‘ “" “‘ "“ ”‘ h
ti rcqtiest for an additional I92 beds on tiso “illk‘NF‘ are heme “MN 1“ JUN” “‘an hi" mm mm”:
Mm. ”m,“ for each 0' the hospital‘s t\so routes that are ieiited oii ioi toiistrtitiiori, Karpi said the addition oi laridstaiiine 1H
liltinned bed towers. “huh is seheduled to lieeiri \Ltl’sll .‘(i [he help make the hospital teel like lseriiiitla "

[YK's Board oi Trustees ahProsed a pro? "0“ “MIR“M‘ “‘11 M “W” “”“l 3M" ”“l‘lli‘ ”"lle‘l- l“ ‘lK'WI‘W‘ “‘“lt‘ his-”hill!
pnsgll Tuesday afternoon to apply tor a state .t\ portion oi leader i\\\‘lil|s‘. “his“ is lo area ior iollss." Karpt said
certificate of need requesting the beds. sated oil oi South l iniestone \trt't't. uill also K-"i‘t ”“1 “”‘li‘m‘ “"1 l““”‘~""“ 7"“

"W’c hase outgrown the nullity” emd he dosing sometime \ltitllij-J the summer ior dents are eriioiiiaged to attend merits like 'lre
Michael Karpi, l'K's exeeutne \iee president the eonstruxtion oi the neu ('olleee oi I’hat Li‘mnlllan iotum to retene iiiioiriia'ioii .ii‘oiit
ior health aiiairs. mat} iiiiildiiii: l'K llealtht‘are t‘iilel.il\ said thanees on tatiipus and iii the hospital

Ktirpi said 'a reeordvhigh ”“th m pa» the elostire oi leader .\\eritie might lie perviia leunetoti resident \anes \teneel said she
items. 2356‘ “ere distharged last ”‘3“.th rietit has attended all oi the toniniiinrts riieeiiiii's
He said ,i‘ the number ”f patients grow at Members vii the eoriiriiiinits espressed ton held ii) the hospital to he iiiiorriied Kim,“ lite and \sork
around 45 percent every year. the hospital terns met the street ”mun“ --| tame to hear it ironi the men in \haree '4“ but” A, kl“! Heiore he “‘1‘ King, he
would reach I00 percent capacity h) 30] |_ Janet ( msen. \\ ho has In ed near the l k \teneel said ai ML“ ‘:\'itu‘p '

it Dr trerald \iiiilli ati .issis tatt- ptoiessoi in
h oi \iritati \lllt‘ilsali studies and liis'ors at l K.
and lit Iros laiksoii a tonne: l is eiadiiate
student are arirone the editors iii the rieu \ol
time oi km: s st‘iriioiis uliitl. is iiiii‘lished i\\
the l riixersits oi ( aiiit-iiim Press and e\petted
to reath l‘kmhsii‘it's iie\t iiioritii

llie tie“ \oliiriie oi the rieset het ire pith
l:slieil sermon tiles \\as ie'eased earlier this
month in the ismsv Papers l'roieit .i ('ahior
nia hased erotip dediiaied to researt‘hine

First issue fru. Subsequent issuss 25 com. Newsroom: 257 197 54 Advertising: 257-2872



959£2.1_,Wedrissdai Janudri24. 200'?


uveku Go to wwwkykerneleom for the solution
— _























LIVE I’A'l‘l0



By LIndIC or I I

To get the am Iritaiie check the
day s rating It} s the easiest jar J
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 April 19) l‘Ili

s a ‘3 ‘Ior. should helieIeIrIaIT r-

issertiyré hot you s till need to or»
are It i. on not t;tliII our not
there are hurdles between new and

Taurus (April 20-May 20) - ‘odIn
s a 5 - 'IoII re under pressure to WI"
.tIII‘I the Iisults you iIII tiriiisiiserl
Ijo s‘iol iptrtiia III iII llU'T'I that ‘.‘.lll
Iiolp you IrieItI your rdeadiIIIII


the answers yet Choose responsi»
Cancer (June ZZ-July 22) — Today
s an I) - You 1) see tliit with strong
III iIII rslin you Ian proII eiul wrth
IIIIIIIlIn As eierylt ly pl IyI their
i:.IrI II I (you w l sII..Iel
Leo (July 23- Aug. 22) - :oday IS an
Take in tioi‘, r‘IIw Irri whatever it
Is that you‘ve lieen to men relating
:eI‘IsioIis Ina do WW I w II he tune-II»
Iii) in more ways than you run
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today Is
Itf‘ I1 You II very tliitid with money
Its IIIII‘Iryl'IIIriy knows Right now IIII
example you (‘Iil‘r use sI oriiehiidy
else s II. no? sI IriiiIlIiriI; Ior your
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - Today is
an 8 - Ask for another point III wow
and assistance I'IIIr: .IIILII Somebody

IIisII :..Iii set: Iway that not Irlivi



of possrbilities Buy something to
speed up the process, and improve

Sagittarius (Nov. ZZ-Dec. 21) -
Today Is a 7 ll yI u Just don‘t for l
like i orking now. theres ‘ astrologi-
cal confirmation Conditions favor
homo warm and cozy and lots and
lots oI hugs

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - To-
day is an 8- Your mi: ome IS steady
and that always helps you relax and
III) iceritrate Askt or advrre and sup
port from your family they‘ll he
there Ior you

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - To
try ES an 8 — Your friends came up
witht he suggestion and you can
In rake It happen More study Will he
required and now s the best time to
hot in

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)- To»
day rs an 8 Invest in your career

. . or ,
Eem'g' (\(nlgflwzflilff'fizvu,‘zjf31:1*3 Iius ti \li . and aetsoInething that will go up in
.-,|,_, ,m, W,“ 9, “a“ h J y, y ‘5 Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov. 21)-\1h.’t,‘ Ion probably already have
‘ . y b” ff S“ ‘ 2‘, ; ,h‘f ‘ " I l" 7’ M II I ..\I I'l I Ix? The permit IIerII all picked out
.tidI'Y. LJIII’l -. ‘c‘tII'W Illii‘,” .I;l\,Iil‘:li H ‘\ 'ltfl J A \llll PM" 5; 1);, L K ‘r :00] “mill“? IN/llridld SCI‘MIIU




your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and Ion tame! ‘ Ql


file DESI-l

the series' Iinal secrets
"i feel like the show is 0\ er.
. 1 think we‘re all ready to

Long bet'ore Bennit’er. ".len-
try from the Block" and that
green Versace dress. Jennit‘er
Lopel. 37. was grooy'ing as a
lily (ill'l dancer on Fox‘s lti Li»
in;I ('olor‘. Now. almost 15 years
later. she‘s returning to her boo-
gie—down roots as esecutix'e pror
dUL‘CI‘ Ol MTV‘s Ditiit‘elile (PICL
miered Jan. l5 at lilz‘iil pm). a
reality series iliat tollows si.\
struggling dancers. (Lope/ hert
sell stops by to gne aducel)
The superstar (and wife oi
singer Marc Anthony. 33) gets
in step with is

Q: Why make this show 2’

I wanted to create a show
that really captures the essence
ot‘ a dancer's lil'e. It‘s a wry dra~
matic and competitiyc world
that we ha\en‘t really seen yet
on telewsron

Q: Do you and Marc go out
dancing .‘

We both low to dance. CIA
iher at home or in public. Marc
is a really good dancer. and we
ha\e a lot ot tun when we dance

Q: Do you still lia\c any l‘ly
(iirl mmes'.’

Absolutely Y That was an ear
ly training ground tor my career.
li\ery once in a while. ['11 be in
the middle oi .I routine. and
sortie more we do will take me
right back to those days

The End of The 0.6.

The shows creator spills .ill

moye on." The ().(‘.'s Rachel
Bilson told Teen Vogue in ()cto—
ber, Perhaps she was hinting. ()ri
lari .. sinkme rati. iIIs Ilrom ll)
million \iewers in Jill} to 4
million in zoom torced los to
ptill the plug on the teen drama
during its lourth season. But
there's a Sll\'Cl' lining: si\ new
episodes and a can‘t-miss series
tinale. il‘eb. 22. ‘) phi.)

lixpect major quakes.
“lzi'ery‘one‘s world is goingI to
be. quite literally. shaken up in
the last episode." show writer
and creator .losh Schwartz tells
is “There‘s a most unlike love
triangle: two men competing (or
the heait oi’ one woman." Plus;
Look out tor unexpected wed~
drugs and pregnancies.

Happy ending. 'l‘roubled
Ryan Atwood (Benjamin
\chen/iei gets closure, "Peor
ple who haye rooted tor Ryan s
happiness should be satisfied."
Schwartz. says. And while
costars Bilson and Adam Brody
recently ended their real ro-
mance. don‘t worry about their
characters. Summer Roberts and
Seth Cohen. .sul‘l‘ering the same
late. "There will be lots of de-
lightful Seth-Summer scenes."
Schwartz assures l's.

An ().(‘, spinot‘t‘,‘ “Secretly. I
would loye to see the Julie—
ls'arilin (Melinda (‘larke and
Willa Holland) anti-(iilmore
(ill'ls show?" Schwart/ says

A Lost Star's Sad Split

.\itct sl\ months. lzmilre de

J. Lo's New
Dance Show

Lopez mentors performers
dreaming of center stage

Rama and her husband. Josh
Janow rel. call it quits

Talk about a lost cause: alter
halt a year ot‘ wedded bliss, lzm-
ilie de Rai‘in and actor Josh
Jariow icl. both 25. ha\ e separat-
ed. l's imestigates the breakup.

“Their relationship lasted a
long time.” a rep for de Rayin
tells l's. Indeed. Bel'or'e their
June 1‘) wedding in the actress'
name Australia. the pair dated
(or tour and a hall years.

I\nd in August. de Ravin
told is the best part ol' married
lite was “being at home with
Josh." She even opted not to
mow to ()aliu. Haw aii ,, where
she shoots the hit ABC drama

. choosing instead to reside in
Burbank. (‘alrlornirr with
.lanowicl. "()ur lite together al-
ways comes bel'ore work." she

What went wrong "There‘s
no third person." her rep tells
is “It iust didrii work out."
Meanwhile. de RLIHH ,, who
"is still friendly" with .lanowicl.
adds her rep » headed back to
Hawaii .lan. S to resume tilming.

Sophia's Hot Slasher Flick

(inc Tree Hill star Bush gets
physical in her big—screen fright
test. The Hitcher

Suryiiirtg a diyorce (from
One Tree Hill costar Chad
Michael Murray. 35) was noth»
mg! in the update oi the cult
classic The Hitcher (out January
19). Sophia Bush. 21 (whos

now datine Ictor lon l oster. 3-).

has to elude I madman She
ghes l's a peek











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Advertise your in“). (ideas, places to eat and
roriianlic iliiiir2,3 to do. Add red lo your ad tor irrtl

Sweetheart. Ads to raft on Felt. 14‘“.
lirititcii’ sittcc .‘ti"£iil.‘lblt?.

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Space reservation deadline: Feb. 5 *‘I at f’Ipm

issue will publish: l‘IlI . lfla”


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Apply 2007

Now! W We “Km 8 mm m





ALiUllLHl ions are now being aooeoted tor Summer Uixlergraduate
Flea Branch and Breath .I'rtsr Grants ALIIJrokimatelsI 15 grants up to a maxi
mum ot" .523 000 each will be amended Funds may be used as the recipi-
E'i‘ll chooses DLII‘II r111” L‘ out (Irt this (itEtdl LiLIULIITUi‘lllV



Eligibility: Any UK undergraduate in good academic standing returning
to UK in the tall ot 200? who h; L‘ a UK faculty sponsor moi,r apply Both
individual projects and joint ventures have been endorsed by the selec-
tion committee which LL; also interested in funding interdisciplinary




Applications: Visit the eUreKal website for registration materials. and

guidelines at Weir pick up applications in the

eUreKal office in 115 Bowman Hall




Application Deadline: Februaw 9, 2007 (applications should be submit—
ted to the office. of eUreKal, 115 Bowman Hall


Questions: oontaot Evic— F‘iLL‘i-tif‘ll ('8 CI'jLeQi ”CIT «3420 or email: evie rus-



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By Travis Waldron

twaidromniiyiiernel com

Last winter. the [K hockey team the)
needed ‘d change.

(‘itmg a lack of practice mtensit). lineup
stabilit) and overall discipline. the (‘ool (‘ats

tired head coach Mike Sosnow ski in famr of

assistant coach Rob Doc-hen). The (‘ool
Cats. at the time w hen Sosnow ski was fired.
were Il—II—l.

The team‘s fortune changed when
Docherty took met. thllltllg eight of its last
nine games of the seasoti last year. 'l'he mo-
mentum hasn't stopped. The team opened
this season 44H, including two ties against
Indiana. “ho is a teaiii the (‘ats hadn’t
earned a win or a tie against since I990.

With III-(I and ‘H w ins o\ er Purdue this
weekend. the (‘ooI (‘ats mos ed their record
to 18—6—3.

Team captain Mike Barnes said Dochen}
brought an tip—front approach to the team.

"tl)ochen_\) had a plan and he stiick to
it." Barnes said. ”He said. 'l‘m going to be
fan. I'm going to be honest and I‘m going to
play to win. I'll be )our friend. but I'm not
going to lie to )oti.‘ "

That type of attitude was eutctl} what

the team wanted. Barnes said

“We were looking for someone who
would tell Us like it is.” Bames said.
“tl)ochenyt said. 'lf you’re not working
hard at practice, if you're not working hard
in garries. you're not going to be out there.”

Before Docherty came to UK. the 'l‘oron-
to native played semi—professional hockey
and coached at almost C\t:t'_\ amateur Ie\eI.
Dochett) does not orin coach full time at
l’K. but he is also a production manager at a
Lexmgton business.

Docherty brought a combination offeri-
sch system to llK. using three different
styles on offense to try to score, According to
Btu‘nes. the Cool (‘ats use a fastspaced offen-
sive style on one line. a more ph_\sical brand
on the second and a combination of the two
on the third. Mitch of the s) stem has its roots
in European-style hockey. which l)ochert_\
learned while playing in Sweden.

Since the switch. the Cool (‘ats LU‘C inerv
aging more than seven goals per game.
Sophomore forward Ton} Valerino has
scored 42 goals this season tUld is ranked in
the top three in goals scored nationwide.

Forward Andrew Bertram. who has only
scored one goal this season and hasn't been a

direct beneficiar) of the offense. said one of


Hockey team’s switch I ‘ading to more wins

Dochert} 's best qualities is his w illingiiess to
listen to w hat his play ers have to say

"(Dochemi puts a lot of weight on the
captains and takes a lot of ad\ice from the
players." Bertram said "It we see something
going wrong on the ice and sd) that to Iiiiii.
he‘s willing to accept that."

Assistant (‘aptain l'at Mei-\dams agreed.
addiiig that Doc-hen) does not dwell on play
ers' mistakes like past coaches

"Ht“s e\ eii-kceled." Mc;\d;tttts said “He
gets his point across with less )elliiig He
sets a tone. and you hase to haxe a killer iii
stinct. but he builds _\ou up as opposed to
pointing out all _\our mistakes "

As much as the players praise l)ocheit_\.
their coach said the team is the reason for the
on- ice changes.

“I put a lot of responsibilit} on the Na) .
ers when 1 took ox er. and the\ '\e |i\ed up to
the e\pectattons.” l)ochert} said. “I‘m iiist

And [’K hocke) general manager Ian
Ward. who Iias with the program as the) We
had the different coaches. said he hopes
l)ochem sta_\s

“He has a lifetime contract." \‘iar'd said
“Hes in) fifth coach. and if I hate in_\ w.r_\.
he'll be here for the nut 20 sears "

Film explores effects of Bush urges Congress, Nation

immigration through
fisherman’s dreams

By Melissa Smith Mallory

mmaltetyt’tkykernel com

Control of the l'nited StatesMeuco border and
major immigration policy issues for the nation's gov
ernment will be e\plored tonight in the Latin Ameris
can Studies Program‘s first-e\cr documentary film ser


“.>\l ()tro Lido.”

associate geograph} professor.

The series intends to e\amine issues trotn a differ
ent perspectne than most .-\rnerrcans are accustomed

to seeing. Mutersbaugh said.

“The film tells the stor} of a )oiing fisherman in

Mexico who dreams of a better life

Mtitersbaiigh said.


The choices the fisherman mrist make to reaIr/e his
dreams rc\ea| the depth of economic and personal cri~
sis that man} others endure in this same tight. Hitters—

baugh said.

"This film is unique in that it examines the llll'
pacts of migration and decisions to migrate within

Mexico." Mutersbaugh said

Mutcrsbaugh added that ".-\I ()tro Lado“ is betiig
shown because of the film's insight into how nrigratiori
dilL‘L‘ts \lCUc‘dl‘r lrtlltllles and lllC subsequent L‘llccts ill

the absence oi so main people,

“The lengths to w Inch the main character of the
liliii riitrst go to achie\e his dreams ma_\ seem e\»

trcme.” Mutersbaiigh said

_.\c c\lllCl'lc‘dlls. we do not see our countr) as the
other side of the border with greener pastures and
greater opportunities like some who ii\c in Me\ico.

\ltitersbaiigh said

.\ discussion with film director Natalie .\lmadt
and a reception in the Niles (iallcr) of the line Arts

l.ihi‘ar‘) will follow the siieeiiing

lhe Latin ,-\inei'ican Studies Program will host
four other tilins each \Nednesdai through Mb 14 in

White Hall (“lassroom Building.

Ul' "lit the other Side"
shown at 5 pm toda} in room 100 of the White Hall
(‘Iassroom Burldmg to e\plam the different percep
trons that Americans and Mexrcatis ha\e abotit iininis
gration. said lad .\liitersbaiigh. series organi/er and

By Peter Baker
The Washmgtorr Post

\VASHlNU’l‘t ).\'

will be

as energ} and immigration

call} unbow ed. 811in

ous and fara'cachmg.’

chance to work ”

iii a sign ol the power



Bush implored lawmakers and the
nation 'l‘iiesda} tiiglit to gi\e him
one tnore chance to win the war in
Iraq and a\oid the "nightmare sce
nario” of defeat w hile presenting a
domestic agenda intended to find
common cause with the new l)e
mocratrc ('ongi'ess on issues such

l’oliticall} wounded but rhetori
ground on his decision to dispatch
3 I 5““ more troops to Iraq despite
a bipartisan cascade of criticism,
Addressing for the first time a (‘on-
grcss controlled b} the other part}.
Btisli challenged Democrats "to
show our enemies abroad that we
are united in the goal ot \ictor}

and warned that the consequences
of failure in Iraq “would be grie\

‘ I respect _\oii and the argir
merits )oii Iia\e made." Bush told
skeptical lawmakers from both par
ties in his sixth State ol the l'nion
address and the fourth since the lllr
\asron of Iraq tti March It“: “\\e
went into this Iargel} united
our assumptions and in our coin ls'
trons .\nd whatc\er )oii \oied for
_\ou did not \otc for tailure
eoiintr) is pursuing a new str'.rtcg\
in Iraq and I ask ~\oir to gixe II a

With new Iloitse Speaker .\aitr
c} l’elosi i(lilif.r sitting behind him

(apitol lltll. Hitsh congratulated
Democrats on their \ictor} in the
Nmember midterm elections and
reached out to them with ideas to
espand health-care emerage met

to give Iraq plan a chance

haul immigration laws and imprme
education performance. lti his most
ambitious new proposal, he laid out
a plan to reduce protected gasoline
consumption iii the l'nited States
bi III percent met the new III

“(iongress has changed. but our
responsibilities ha\c not." Bush
said “Vie are not the first to come
here with gmcrnmcnt di\ided and
uncertaint) in the arr. like mam
before its. we can work through our
differences and achie'se big things
tor the 5\Il‘.Cl'lcdll t‘icople,"

Yet Iirs approach contrasted
with the last two presidents to ad
dress an opposition (‘oiigicss after
their parties lost midterm elections
Ronald Reagan tonccded mistakes
in NS”. did Bill ('lmtorr in
l‘N‘i ('lmton tnmed to the middle
so ionsptctrousI}. that the opposi
tiori leader who go e the oflrtial rcr
sponsc noted that he "sounded pr'et
t} Republican ” Although liiish at
knowledged two weeks ago that
"mistakes time been made ' in had.
he appeared unchastened l'tiesda}
night and took no responsrbthti for
his part) s defeat or errors in otticc

l)k'llll)\ rats seemed unimpressed
b) his go\erning blueprint and sig
naled that the} are II] no mood to
meet him in the middle long be
fore Hush atti\eri in the House
tharnber' to deIi\cr his remarks. l)c
tnocrattc leaders and allied mtct‘est
groups rushed out statcirictrts blast
trig hrs domestic proposals as re
bashed erupts FllL‘lJIIt
llawcd concepts that would 4. teat-c
other problems Iltit the sll\ltl‘c m;
tween president and ('ongr't-ss w is
most inflamed In his leadczship ot
a war approathirrg the tour \eai





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 PhGE 4 | Wednesday. January 24, 2007

Cats put in extra work to fix their mistakes

Team uses extended practices, 'players
only' meeting after Vandy loss

By Jonathan Smith
ismithiIDkykernel com

It was L'K‘s first loss iii
Southeastern (‘onterenee phi}. It
was the Cats first loss at Riipp
Arena sinee March and their
tirst loss in a month and a halt

That soutids rather harmless.
Not exaetl).

“lt‘s kind of IUIIII). after this
one loss host exer}thing
changed." guard Ramel Bradley
said about l'K's 7167 loss to
Vanderbilt on Saturday "liwry
thing ehanged fast."

As much as Bradle) might
not like the qiiiek ehange. the
team‘s perception eould be re
versed just as rapidl) \MIll a win
tonight at 7 against (ieorgia.

The No. 25 (tits I IS 4. 4-]
Sli(‘i \Hll base a elianee to start
another long rtiii against the
Bulldogs I ll >6. 372) alter their
ll—game “inning streak \\ as
snapped \\ hen the) lost to the

After the loss. Bradley said
the team did something that
none of them had mentioned all
season, the) had a team meet-

.\|ong \\lllI senior tomard
Robb) l’eri‘}. Bradle} \lllll'
moned the team tor a pliners'
oiil_\ talk The (rl'ootl iiinior
“otildn't re\eal e\;ietls \\ hat
\sas diseiissed in the meeting
sasing "that‘s hetneeii iis” but
he did otter some htnt as to “hat
“CHI on in the hiiddle

“'l‘he main thing is to not
non) about this \antlei'liilt
game and get it \\itli
l’it'atlle) said "\\e lsllU“ “hat
‘Ae did niiing and ue knim
\\ hat use lia\e to do to ti\ it ii


Head eoaeh Tubby Smith
knous too,

Smith talked at length dur-
ing his pre—game neVi's eonlere
enee )esterda) about his team‘s
faults that led them to its first
loss sinee the North Carolina
game on Dee. 2.

"W'e didn‘t defend \er} Well
in our loss to Vanderbilt. didn‘t
eseeute that well on both ends
of the eourt. neither offensisel)
or del'eiisixels." Smith \dlde "lt
\\ as a real disaprmintment. but
new tried to eorreet it and
“ork on the mistakes “e riiade
)L‘sterda) in practice"

The mistakes the (‘ats made
against Vanderbilt weren’t as
presalent during the “III streak.

Leading seorer Randolph
Morris took onl) eight shots. his
second lowest otitput in the last
nine games. Vanderbilt shot 478
percent from 3-point range and
50 pereent from the field. The
(‘ats allowed Vantl} to go on a
ltlrll rtin alter the (‘ats had taken
a UIICvaIIII lead mm 315‘) see
onds left.

If the Cats had eseeuted
those areas better. the result
might ha\e been different

"l think sometimes )OU ean
ha\e a good loss. but the \an
derlnlt game isn't one for me."
Bradley said. "We leel like u e
eoiild ha\e done some things
better \shieh \mtiltl ha\ e
ehanged the outeome ot the
game "

To respond to the losing elr
tort. the ('ats had one ot their
longest piaetites ot the season

Braille} sattl lltc (‘III\ “CHI
to nork on passing more and
drihhling less. and shoring tip

