xt73j9608h0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608h0f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1985 1985 1985-04-25 2020 true xt73j9608h0f section xt73j9608h0f _——_———________—__—____________________________
WWWW Mode-wanes '
SGA senator SBCkS sale "é.au"““m"‘".".&“nn"m.m T” 0 earn
o . A mean 0 drugs ............-.,..,.................... "gm w d .
-mmm—voomm. S a ar ‘. .

By LINI S. KADABA isolation from the world.“ Monroe - - -
ContributingWriter said. “They consider themselves a ing Co., Ford Motor Co., Abbott lab. emm_23mwn_ H 0n 0" S recogmze . _' '3 ' '

democracy and Western state with oratories, G.D. Searle and Co. . - ' 3, h- . f

M0"? than ‘1 mi’hm 0‘ UK ede' civil liberties What we are doing is Burrough's Corp, International “ammonium—i son-ham. U K contribution ' . , . 2
ment funds are invested in eight forcing them to look at reality —that Busim Machines and a"), Rey_ ' . 3, .
companies that cOhduct business in they areafascistregime." nold‘s Tobacco Co. WWW—i 700m. B) st'iiT'r \\.\Rl) ' . ' . ‘ .
500th Africa, and yesterday SGA UK Comptroller and Treasurer National concern over US. invest- . ' Senior Staff Writer . _ . ‘
senator-at-large Theo Monroe called Henry Clay Owen said the Universi- merits in South Africa prompted the “WWW—tfiaouum. .' ' _~ ' '
forcompleteUnrversrty divestment. ty investment portfolio was based on University to investigate its hold- AMP?“ “Ppmahh. a lOumahsm ‘ ' ‘ ‘ d

' “If these protesw keep making the minimum risk and maximum rate of ings, Owen said. A partially com- ”mm—ma m. senior. and newly elected SGA Sen . ' '
front page of newspapers in Johan- returns — not political factors. pleted study indicates the majority ator-atvlarge Susan Brothers were , ' , ‘ 3 '-
3 nesburg and Cape Town. it 35 really “Now all of these companies are of the companies abide by the Sum. oMALVM-mey 31,330,000. named last night as the student re: ‘
- embarrassmg to them," said Mon- companies that I would corsider van Principles. formulated in 1977 ' ‘ ' Ciplehts 0‘ the first Rot)?” 0 mm ’ -‘ V
D ' {99' wh033p3l3ans “3’ Sptzhsgd a Sight blue—ch33 sherlgng, American csim- by the Rev. Leon Sullivan, a black winkle Student Rights Award " Z . .
ion in newy e3ec en panies t o usiness wor dwi e," director of General Motors Co . doin m r - . . .3 33 33 The award. renamed after the » ‘ 3
. Government Assocration Senate next he said. “I don't think divestiture of from Philadelphia. rp donegin sijthhiffii; 5983341135161“? REES}? gientoh T" In“ 3 3 h: , vice chancellor for student affairs. ' 3 . . .
week after an attempt to introduce University investments in 800d The principles call for desegrega— would think the prgsence of these l‘ttl . ng,3 ..Ths“““ 1} 'dd'e is given annually by the Student . ~ '.
the bill before the current Senate American companies that happen to tion of the workplace, fair employ- companies in South Africa would be I f 'mgah' o [ff-.5”) " Government Association “to recog: _ _ "
failed yesterday. Monroe’s resolu~ do business in South Africa is any ment 0 rtunities ual . for - - - "5 mg.‘ 9. m ”“N‘ ‘1 ‘ m these nize and encourage efforts that have - . , ’ - -
3 _ . _ _ PPO . eq 3 _ Pa) a posrtive influence rather than 3 companies is not gomg -hiirt these :‘
tion3comes 1“ the wake 0‘ the.Uni- effective way to influence that comparable work, training pro- negative influence .. com nies one '3” been made to protect the rights of . , ,
versity of boumvtlle Foundation's tapartlieidipolicyatall.“ grams for blacks and non-whites Monroe however said the Sulli- pa . . students.“ said SGA PreSident Tim " 3‘
decrsron to sell stock in certain The eight companies in which UK and su rt of communit ro'ects. - ‘- ' South African ‘hveStmems are Freudenberg. » I
3 , 3 3 3 PP0 y P J van Pnncrplee cover only 1 percent on] a small art of the or m . .
South African~related companies. 3 has invested a little under $1.2 mil- “If they are endorsing the Sullivan of the South African work force y . . h 3 m e an Zumwinkle. who presented the * '
“One thing 500th Africa fears 15 lion are General MOtOIS Corn. 308- Principles. it seems to me they are “The Sullivan Principles are almost $25 mmwn LK endowment. (men awards. said Br‘hheh‘ “35 “h‘N'h ' ' 5
said. by the selection committee “prirriar- ’ ‘ 3
R Q . o . ily for her efforts to change the [hi - 3 ' ‘
all attacks U S 0110 11 Mom -
O O y l agua , . rlca Code regarding sexual orientation “ 3 . '
3 3 3 3 33 3 3 Despite "those who have misunder: .
Students crrtrcrze denial of Cardenal s vzsa, busrness presence m South Africa “Th itiidpi‘féofifthii‘é’"s§2dn§?2}iifi ,
By JOHN JURY Posters such as “Nicaragua Sig ances at UK this week. He was to About 70 faculty members and stu- e State Dgpanmen’ ahead lh her efforts ‘0 WOW this im- _ _ ' 3 '
Staff Writer Contras No!" and chants of “Come spezk 3:33; a dpanel discussion last dents have signed a petition circu- has made a big portant 313S3S3U9 th3r0ugh the L hivemt)’ '3
on peOPIe. get the word. Cut the ties "is t t a dmsed the state 0' lated by Ernest J. Yanarella. a p0 ' 5-“ em. 953‘ -

Political activism resurfaced yes- to Johannesburg“ echoed the senti- U-S-/ Nicaraguan relations. litical science PFOfeSSOI‘. Which blunder} This has been Brothers. a hismr" Juhlor' ““5 ‘ '
terday in the Free Speech Area as merits of the crowd throughout the Kevm Greene. 8 member of Sena criticized the action. turned mto an liOmInated by Socially (oncerned .
about zoopeople gathered for a dual hour-long rally. lly Concerned Students, said the “we believe it is the obligation of . t I. I . Students and the Gay and Lesbian .
rally to protest the visa denial to Cardenal. who was twice denied a rally was planned ‘0 cOinClde With 3 our elected representatives to pro In erna (0nd Issue, L "‘0” 0f Students. ~ ‘ .
Sandinista revolutionary Ernesto visa to enter the United States, was number of marches and peaceful sit: mote greater information about the saying we don ’1 want “Pp"‘am' “mime“ h" ”‘6 59"‘9‘ . -
Cardenal and us. business involve to begin a threeeweek us. tour "5 across "10. nation to object to Nicaraguan situation. not to re- . ,, ‘.~" 0‘ PrO‘FSS'On‘h J°"’"a“~"h“- .
merit in South Africa, starting with a series of appear- U.S3. busmess investments in South strict,“ the petition states. “By re- to hear the other Slde. high“ Delta 011- W225 recoghilf‘d {03F . _

Afnca. 3 fusing Cardenal‘s visa. our public of- Billie De ".31“ his work with the hentuchi- kernel . 3
r 53: UK JOIhed more than 150 other 001- ficials seem intent on adapting a ' ”9 has been "er mindhh 0‘ “SUSS
Jew :fit‘w‘t’ ‘ leges and universities across the strategy of information control rath~ anthropology professor that impinge on the rights of stu- 3
. .. _ 3-. . country, including the univerSity of er than fostering enlightened public — dents and throughthe power of his
Louisville, Princeton University and debate. For that. it deserves our Pen has been with to “’th the . »
the University Of California at Ber- criticism and condemnation“ rights, then they should support dis- traiisgressors that they ah“ treading
’ 4" . keley‘ in a national student pr itest Yanarella said the denial of Car- investing from the most flagrant vi- Ohéacred ground Zumwmkiesaid * '
" I n d3!- denal‘s visa prevents the priest/poet olator of human rights in the world Faculty members recognized for
» ; g ‘6 Billie DeWalt. an anthropology from listening to views from other —theSoviet Union. ‘heh‘ COhFr'hUUOhS ‘0 Sh’deh‘ “8hts .
V a... .-, . ' é i t 3:? 1 professor and acting (1}th 0f the countries and denies the UK com» But Greene countered. “It's not di- were 'h’dhh A~ .h‘hledg" 0‘ the he)? ‘ 3
" 1333 N33 3:? . 43" Q A Latin American Studies program. munity a chance to hear a different vestment for divestment sake; it's ington Community College and Cons- 3
_ 3R ‘- " .. i. ,3 s ». said Cardenal was originally invited perspective about Nicaragua‘s Sand- divestment as a tool to bring South tance P “liSOfl. Rutledge for her
" . ‘ *3 '~ - .. 3 ‘ to speak at the Kentucky Foreign inista government. Africa around," efforts in aSSisting in the .ormation
2" i,_ 3 3. Language Conference. which begins “Why have we been denied the “No one is in favor of a bloody .Of a representative Sthdem govern- '
. "i 3 "'N L‘ “hf-'6 W3! right to hear his views?" DeWalt revolution (in South Africa)," said ing bOd-V “FCC and “”50” a mem-
The W rd 5‘ Cardenal, a former monk at the asked. “It seems to me that para- Eric Kupferberg, a political science ber33of the [h Board Of ““Stees- 3
‘7'" ‘ O , Trappist "10!“!st Gethsemani noia runs very deep in the Reagan sophomore. The reason for divest- “”50” ha” worked for the hem?“ 3 '
'7 f i, The Ti: 5 near Bardstown, Ky. and a world—re: administration." merit “is to put pressure on the 31 0f, 59"“ language from"? lh“ . ' ,
~ ,_ ’u . nowned poet and SChOlart was the “Our country does not always South African government." "ers‘ty Governing3R3egulations3. the 3
= ~ 3 _ . . 3 T3 Sahnnnesbut‘g u recipient of the two peace prize wear a white hat. It's our duty to delay of surface mining in Robinson - 3 3_ -
. ,. 33 3 33 3 from the German Book Trade, the speak up“ when the US. govern- The group later marched from the f-3orest, the implementation of the .

' '* M ~73}; e“ an. .5. 5 ' largestbookfairintheworld. merit does not act in the interests of Student Center to the Federal Build- L’K sexual harrasment whey and , V ' . .

hi3" it“: “._;3Mt"~ \ .3 »-..-R'. ”’ h Dewalt said the Reagan adminis' theAmerican people,Greene 531d. mg as a symbol of the federal gov. mOSI recently the addltp.“ 0f the V. -

.1 ’3 ‘ “350" did "0t use fair jUdgment in “He (Reagan) only wants one side emment. phrase 58“.“ orientation ,to. a “St ’ _ '
' ‘ " *’ ' denying Cardenal a visa. “The State to be heard — his side,“ Greene Some protesters went to the office Of things against .wh'Ch the L “we?“ -,
- f“ "V. . Department has made a big blund- said. of Rep. Larry Hopkins ‘R-KV) not ty will not discriminate in the [m - 3 3 . 3
‘ 31:51. er. This has been turned into an in- The rally drew arguments among in protest or Hopkins‘ Nicaraguan Vers‘ty senate and. the. sud?“ . , . '
. ' 5%,». _ 3,_ ternational issue, saying we don‘t members of the crowd regarding policies but “to try t0 communicate R‘gms ahd Re‘pohs'b‘hh“ hahd' : . r _ ..
A H \ . my I want to hear the other side," De- South Africa. One person said that if what they (the marchersi would like bOOk' - » - ‘
3 MNDALLerLrAMsos/xmemnrr Walt said. the rally organizers want U.S. busi- to see ,, DeWalt said He said that Also during the meeting. the sen- '3 : ‘ 3 .
Students hold srgns3at3a rally yesterday at the Free Speech Area “It‘s like Reagan's afraid of poet- nesses to disinvest — or divest — Hopkins has been véry helpful m fdfalpgfssgss‘fh: tb33i3l3ls3333a31313t3i3c3'3it3in3gf z; 3 .. 3 .
p otestingU S polrcres in South Africa and Nicaragua. ry, hesaid from 6011th who V1013“? human trying toobtarnavrsa for Cardenal. telephone answering device for use ~3 , 3 3
with and by deaf students. and the 3 ,
I I K hOIdS placement of raised. enlarged class» - ' .
. -3 MW room numbers beside every class- '
-?- "' t "-o 5,. ? room in the Chemistry/Physics ' , . 3
a '. . - ' ,‘ _ ' 3333.9. .3. .. - ‘ Building ' 3
orum on f. :s 33333...3.33, 7‘ T An attempt by Senator-at~large ‘ . .
. 33 3, 3 l Theo Monroe to suspend the senate ‘. ' '
e ' t ' ‘ 3 3 1e: ‘ 3 rules and bring a resolution to the ' . . 3~ _,
Nlcaragua . . ' ’ floor of the senate for a vote failed .
”3 ”12": W . 3 3 . s 3.3 I by a wrde margin. The resolution _ -. .
3 3 . v... . . ’5‘ 3‘ 3 3., .3. .‘ 3 333333333- called for UK‘s divestment of all as- ' - .
Panelists discuss at - '. we . . - _ sets from companies. and banks ‘ '

I , d '1 § «"1335:va h""’*’“‘" 333 333333333 ” WW!» .“Z"$3“" " ' ' ' ‘ l gglng busflless “1th or In South Mn‘ .
"anon S l emma 333: ' W ""Mwflcfla‘w‘m. ' Mm A ' W’ . . . 3 After the meeting. Monroe said 3 3
By DOUGLAS E.P|1TENGER ' " A» - ' . “you can guarantee «the resolutioni _ 3
smff Writer 3 " mill be on the agenda next week" at ' -

3 ' e senate meeting,

Last night‘s panel discussion on , 3 , -
U.S./Nicaraguan relations went on . 3 l ' I _ 3
as scheduled with an audience of ., - .- .s‘ i -
about too in the Student Center Ball- 3 ’ E r “ .... . j .. 3.33:; . . 'NSIDE
room, despite the fact that Sandinis- ‘ a i' it" . "r = .. a», . .337"? . 3 . ‘» /
ta revolutionary Ernesto Cardenal ‘ _ in. 3"“ 3 33a is.» ‘9 - s t3 3~ ., , '
wasnotabletoattend. -. i333. u -. 3. 3 ~., -: a- “- If; “33 3

Cardenal, who was to begin a "" , " . .«3 - . "I”, 3_ —-' ’* 13¢.” .
three-week tour d the United States , . "' " .- ”’5‘. 33 ‘5 .3 " 33333 ~.. TI! “I m laurel-ud-
at UK. was dulled a visa to enter . "‘ .. ' » ‘- . a; M N bunch of the dim
them"! ' . h" . 3&7“ ”be, .. .. h wa ' 'U h d” d a m and lb

The panel included Betty Blanton. 3,. ‘31 " .- . of: , .3. 3 ,_ 3 3 on“ d the am. For ecu-lb. an
a retired Presbyterian minister; 3 33 - “3 3x 3 3 . .. . ,3 ”,3
Kevin create, a member of Socially ,; . 3,. . 33., "i; " 33., .. ~; 4 1 3 .

Concerned Students; Kathleen Rice, 4 . ‘.. 3 _3 'Af‘fgi ._ an, "‘ “#33333 33 §$3§jflw

an mutant M d sociology, , , '~ '~ ' t3 " ‘ 23’ :3: " ‘ » ‘33 3’ M

representing the Latin American 3 3 33: t . "‘"* ' ”€3i33q3 = 3 "233.3033 Mumfim

Studia prognm; and Joe Belhh. a . t. gate-.3 "“ 3 x13“. .._- , ~ . d M In «nu-A. .-

member of the Lexington Task 93"“ w 3 3_-$:;3~;;34;e5 353.3; mm _

canton was model! B De- a 3;; at? 3“* ' ‘ -. . » 3 h *3 I“

Walt. acting director of the Latin ., 1' $33.53., :}: a; . _ 3 II- II- “MaQ-n Iii-Ir.

‘““"'°‘"M""°""“' . ., ;.:~333 a of.“ ‘- 33.5; 3.333%. :3: new. at M 3
‘ - ', 5“." u k v . ,'~'*-3 ' cal .gt?!‘: 3 3

Bellnh recently visited Nicaragua a, 3:.“ gen}. 333', kg. hitfvttm >3 ' r‘ _ ;~ - ; -- __ _

u rim of the mm- for Peace my» e - : m:‘wr§2"i“tfi‘h‘fi¢nffietc .mew ’ , -- : -
team. lb duct-then for the audience 3 ., . 2.23;" ~ -3:."33.. "W3, "’ ’3“? fifth: f?“ , ,Ett3srl-3-..j3;ttyetastggg‘i ‘53?" .
the remit: of us. intervention. ".33; W3? 9"." ‘*"“- '3? -- £1.11“? “at. WEATHER
“Youmedtoiookmfineyuddifl- tfiamw’ t it?» -~ ‘ “ - . ’. Ir-x‘r’”
mm b" W3. at: nature cwanL/rremi sun .i .53; .. h“. ‘ -
family.toaee war 3 3.3 “in ‘ “ ‘ h
really about.” He added, “It a a lie Rock the boat ft 2,. f ‘ :3...
a“: than in any wide aim for Don Ch 3333333 33333 3 :3 3:33333mi'fil' x 15
WNW." ace, ' Mill Senior. sits in a concrete canoe UK‘s chapter of the American Society' of Civil En 'neers built . L, f; h ' A ' ‘ '*
Eden rem-d a It" told to lint in the fountain in front of Patterson Office Tower yesterday. the vessel for a race near Cincinnati this weaken: V 3. . 7 r ' ‘ “a“ Jr‘s.
“WA,"O . _ M‘éfi gal-3,, it; tats.» :
. t 9

 z-xmvxm MM“ 1“
his emstesss asses . - ' 7 "
UK 11' ‘ "‘ ' P t l f L ° '11
ra les ~ i .- ayne o p ay or ouisv1 e
1 \ '____ .- five-'9 Ki 1 . ,
T ( as“ l‘ ' . . O
- t0 0 0 -- ' ~ 5 ‘ L turns down UK Miss State
- , . ‘ my: , .
. l ,‘le .--'..{ L V "-V" a . 1.9». ' mfs‘. a I
ar Ina S -. . ' 63 Staffreports about 300 in all, to Louisville, Ken- Northwest Jones High School near
~ asssewm-e «~ aw. tucky and Mississippi State. Laurel.
l‘ . g . Kenny Payne of Laurel, Miss. Aspokesmnn in the lmisville ath-
Clark hammers two 1 0 ‘ _ i a... . considered one of the top basketball letic office, who did not want to be Cleveland Payne noted that it was
_ i ‘ng‘f’ " '. g f: ‘ Cb ' 31} recruits in the nation, signed a na- identified, told the Kentucky Kernel a “tough decision" picking between
home runs f or UK 3" ' » V “‘1 'V - mfg tionai letter-of-intent with the Uni- Monday that the Cardinals would the three schools. and said his son
égfigy m. ”V" W ‘ stirs ‘ versityofLouisville last night. signPayne sometime yesterday. had to overcome pressures from
Bv WILLIE HM,” 51?”; v?“ NM. -2” V, r—«wrgig - Payne‘s father, Cleveland, was Payne is musville's sixth recruit, family and friends to stay close to
Sfaff Writer ; from? “3' f ‘_ ; ft ‘ ,' ,hfm quoted as saying his son decided on and joins other top prepsters Pervis home in nixing Mississippi State.
. .. s;,.___ as . ‘V/ . -: it Louisville at midnight Monday after Ellison at Savannah, Ga., and Tony
That Kentucky waited until the ‘ with ifs... ‘ ~« * V ; «family discussim- Kimbmdmiswuesem- “A i t of l th'nk ‘ '
eighth inning to put away the Louis- fairies?” 3‘: 'Mi ( ‘ : “ .. Keyw‘iki its. . . .“We 5‘“de and we said. ‘OK' Payne, who averaged 32-5 points boys Somemneboyls soMltgsgssmlpi
ville Cardinals 9-6 yesterday doesn't n1 [taw- ,WV ~' as "3% : . . its not fair to leave people hang- and 15_4 rebounds and three assists should stay and help progranipgain
necessarily bother coach Keith Mad- ’ \ l] ".18: the elder Payne told "‘9 C°“' 185‘ $9350", did!” 5301191159. his P?" the state it Cleveland Pa e id
. ison. ‘9. rler-tlournal. 1;I‘he ltlmeeehgstcmir‘i: to enfis when he cast his lot With Louis- “People are very proud ofij tsifiné
. 1 don't feel that they ever felt W_ .,...a -- ‘ ,) ... . get it over. ewe n o ow vi a. nd , _ .
they were out of the game." Mad- ; - V“ __ . sonifuungk Mtgldljfii ”all?“ about $an 322: like then products to
isznl said. "This felt conife'g the ~__ __.._.__, ”#A — ,,___,,,,___ng;‘\ Kerneisurr eac one' en 58] S“ e' “When you mention U of L and a
W 0 9 game, W 91‘? 3 mon a .0 we . - - kid’s smile ets a little wider. ou “We wanted him to make the deci«
, were playing like we were afraid we UK 5 Clint Arnold stretches out to reach first base. Payne, a 6-foot-8 forward-guard, know there‘sgsomething there," 5);“ sion. We would have been happy
' were going to lose." went 2-for4 on the day, improved Mike Botkin's school record 565et in had narrowed his college offers, Cleveland payne’ who is principal of with anyofthethree.”
' And the Cat's confidence is re- hisaverageto.331. 1982. »
g . flected in their 10 wins in the last 11 “We've been playing with a lot of “It's been in the back of my
games. improving the record to 24— confidence lately,“ first baseman mind," Clark said, unable to deny
. 20 going into this weekend's crucial Randy Clark said. “When every- that he has been eyeing the home- FASHION FLAIR
- series with Georgia. A Kentucky thing‘s together. you can't beatus." run record. “It will be a great mile
. sweep in that series would put the stoneformetoreach.” FULL. SE'VICI You
Cats in second place in the South- On the first pitch after Gothard's Senior pitcher Chris Carroll (3-1) BEAUTY SALON an
eastern Conference Eastern Divi- single. Clark ripped his second home got the win for the Wildcats in only
. sion. and with it a berth in the SEC run of the game (17th of the year) one inning of action. Starting pitcher now has 2
playoffs, over the left center-field fence to put Vince 'Iyra gave up five hits and womummoetos
But yesterday. it took a Kevin Kentucky up and the game away at three earned runs in 41/3 innings. Ju- ‘6 WWW" "'"
g. . Gothard single with one out in the 95. nior Tim Swob threw 2% innings, “Vang" an
eighth to give the Cats a win. With giving upthreehits. o,
’ Kentucky trailing 54. Scott Belding “Lately I‘ve been more confident Reliever Jack Savage gave up a ”vbmfauo
walked to lead off the inning and at the plate and Coach is having home run in the ninth, the first run
' quickly stole second. more confidence in me," Clark said, given up in his last seven outings 33‘ ROM-"v “-
Russ Schueler then grounded to who upped his average to a team- (21a3 innings), providing the final 2“”! .
the shortstop but beat the throw to leading .394. score,
first for an infield hit. After Clint And it's the kind of confidence “I have togive (Louisville pitcher CEGENERAL C|NEMA
Arnold sacrificed Belding to third that allows Clark to swing away on Paul) Hubbard credit," Madison ummmanuus-rvmon ,.
and Schueler to second, the Cardi- a 3-0 count in the fifth inning and said, about his team striking so late ‘2 5° ALlSHOWS , (‘4:
nals intentionally walked Rick punch a home run over the right in the game. “He had a good curve ' IEFOREOIM // . ‘3‘
Campbell to load the bases. center-field wall. His second homer ball today and he used it at the right . .
Gothard then hit a sharp single in in the eighth moved him to within time,“ TURFLAID MALL ' \ »
the hole between U of L‘s third base— three of the Kentucky record l20l Hubbard was replaced in the sixth ”mm '° “W “I" 7V "" 0 PE NI N G {K o
man and the shortstop, scoring Beld- which he set last season. His seven by Rob Stumph, who got the loss \ ['1
ing and Schueler and giving him the R815 on the day also upped his sea- and fell to 2-1. Louisville is now 17- ”’°"’°’ 5”“ If; 1"- “ i \‘t
game-winning RBI. Gothard, who son total to 54. only two away from 24. -§E~ N] G HT f \“
I noun l" .r -
g o o 0 our. :usv usurious" if; ‘(b ‘e ‘
incmna l ra ies past ouston 8-3 THIS F RlDAYl .
, i=4: 3:4: us mums K 5 »‘ ‘
' HOUSTON (API — Dave Concep Ryan, who has a record five no Davis drew a oneout walk off FAYE'IEUMMAHLl 53 ‘ ' A
cion and Duane Walker belted home hitters. had 3110318" With one out in Frank DiPino, 0’2- He stole second Wm!!!” am” .5. RaCan .
mils and Eric Davis used his speed the seventh when Dave Parker sin- and was balked to third by DiPino -§ THE
7 to break a 3-3 ninth-inning tie as the gled to center. Then Walker hit his before scoring on Nick Esasky's ‘“‘°"°”“°""'=’° ti; A Ti] 26 J 29 “\LE
Cincinnati Reds overcame Nolan first homer over the rightfield wall short {9111 fly ball to right field. -g§- p - une ‘RED
1 Ryan‘s bid for his sixth career no— and Esasky later scored on an error Cincmnati starter Mario Soto. 4‘1, " ’ ‘ ‘ 55:9 . g ‘ _ « /\ (‘7‘
. hitter and beat the Houston Astros by Garner and gave the Reds a 3-1 scattered SIX hits, walked four and , momma «alumni-mg ' ”‘t‘ ./
8-3 yesterday. lead. struck out three. “-'i’°"’°’i’°7“°"" ' E / y r-u ~ /
/ ‘6. I ’- ‘ ri ‘
' O . ' - ' q" I’
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° ’II (5' Y $1 000A M th
House kills funds for Contras We we on , on
despite Reagan’s lobby effort W ““9 YOU ,. — .
1 ‘ ‘ ' ’ \
' 0770* j .‘
By MIKE SHANAHAN Reagan had made significant con- While the final vote on the Nicara- '1 Is 3' ” _ . r, ”If!" ,- .
AssociatedPress cessions in his original plan to give guan issue was decided by a wide é»), ‘ _, 4
the Contra; direct military assis- margin, Ills-123, the critical vote on “ __-, \l r

WASHINGTON — The House last lance to be_funnelled thmsh the a Republican alternative was decid- < :0' I e e ,, _ .

night killed all US. assistance to the Central Intelligence Agency. ed by only two votes, 215-213. . ‘ _ ,

“if" ”;“Sifimm‘iimm a” swimwear-simmers , an a '

ica yre ting Repu ican and 008“ a 1““ - i- L ~

Democratic compromises in handing give the COM-r88 31‘ million after mfiymfisofiax gi'il/its'i‘sefis i” (:3 ' _
are raw . madam am man sue- on may. he - , so - ' .

Icy ea . ' ' v ' - x“ ’ “j“ .
fl 'l‘hrzemseparate votes on the House gegotiate directly with the Sandinis- plan to pmdtzddirenz‘t‘er‘uliifarmgidfl UHder a SpeCIaI Navy .

oor minated in a congressional s. - I ' ' ' _ .. ,
decision to at he presents gmrgrsmgggmmw "*8 program, we re Willing to give you , , ..
three-year campaign to undermine Nonetheless, he fell two votes . . . . ‘ . . '
wingegzt 58"de meme“ m m ggdmggmgmg m h. was at it...” my $1 ,000 a month during your Junior and senior »» -

A Democratic lternat‘ e ro ‘d— ' lbattl of his second term. for the aid package. Last Saturday, ' ' - ' ' .' f '.
ing aid for Nicaraaguan relflugegs 2nd fiffid anyeprospect of US. aid '" his weekly ”ad.” Sadr“ to the years Wh|le you work toward graduatIon ' ‘ , , '. j
financial support for a peacekeeping for the rightist rebels, which was nation, m3?“ $21M Delchntgg ' ,
force during a future cease-fire was suSpended by Congress last year, pm C ‘3 vetelmina l " ' - ' I .
passed once, then defeated in the unless the lawmakers change their 3'. 9. , on as ‘5 "0 a compro— _ ’ . - . ' , i'
“WWW":- mindinhemm- ”‘5‘” “S“"ame‘msm'mde‘ Not only Will you get great pay but you ll < '

r , V. ‘ — .

Arms talks ad] ourn in Geneva {eqelve a ytear of \gaIquabIe grad date-level I - f . .- .
. raInIn no aval a 9 rom an 0 er em 0 er. A. 1
Gorbachev says U. S. avozded curb on space weapons race 9 y p y , g . _
By BRENDA wusox To date, us. and Soviet negotia- wwwlydwith Itherifmm: I f . . . , _ , _ . ~ ‘ .
Assoc'tledPr t in metf 54hours' 21 - limo“ nucea ' » ' "
.a as m mm :1; was 6 miss: “handmade you'are a junior or senior majoring in M ..

GENEVA, S 'tz l d—- ‘rst of k' 'n se rate = _ . -’
round of sup‘zlrpt‘railllvea;I arms :tzféks arewagr—mgtrgggz lnuclear Engines, la“lt 31:8 Unitfdd States'édthus Jvio- maths englneerlng or phySlcal SClenceS, find . . '
ended yesterday, and Soviet ea er medium-range rockets an space tes acco , reac in an- ‘ , ‘ ' . ' '
Mikhail S. Gorbachev accused the weaponsanddefensivesystems. uary, onthe interconnection'of the out more tOday and let your career pay Off . . '.
United States of reneglng on a In Moscow, Gorbachev blasted the three subiects,“Gorbachev said. . . . ‘ . . ‘v . ,‘ -.
Shefegewgpflfscgss a ban on space 9655533: “out: ”In? 58335 Speaking to reporters after the Whlle 3““ m COIIGQG. - '. V ' " ,

Summing up the first six weeks of ree ntwflhtheSo iet Union." final two-hour negotiating session, .‘ ' ' ‘ '
talks. chief U.S. negotiator Max M. 8800.313:in said a): Reagan ad- Kampelman told. reporters: "The NOVKOOHLCOI' lirolgrulns ’ ' ,
Kampelman told reporters “a great ministration “refuses in general to American delegation expected these 6 F0 ON P 0‘0 , ‘v _, '.
deal remains to be done" 10 bridge discuss the question of preventing negotiations to be difficult, and they LOUISVIIIO. KY 40202 . - ‘ . ~
the gap between the superpowers. the race from spreading to space si- have been. (502) 533.9303 _ . I '

. O O ‘ _ . I . ,

Poll finds opposrtlon .. a. a. e. -- M.-.” . . . , . .

e e 3 ex " i . ‘ .

to Reagan grave v1s1t yogi .~ (A i / KKK , . _ .
{i " . I o o t! ,A/ . ‘ _. 4" ' .

WASHINGTON iAPl — President Reagan‘s planned /\ . AW ’ ’ W ”as“; ' ' ,

.. .. . \D W: , w a.» x
Visrt to a German military cemetery next month is op- ; 2”" w ——/a .751“, K23.» «KW _ .
posed by more than half of the people surveyed in an 1‘ _,.,;i? " \ fl“ .4" “x“ , '
ABC News-Washington Post poll released yesterday. ‘ .5 i” ' ' SILVER SCREF; Ali/WK; \y - I .

The poll of 1,119 people across the country, selected Emkxv “ x ‘XQ’iJZ /
randomly and interviewed by telephone Monday night, _, \ iii/"xx W 44%] f) g '
found that 51 percent disapproved of Reagan’s plan to ' '5} KKK “373) / {4/
visit the Bitburg cemetery, where members of Hitler‘s _ '~ .. I‘Q’f/{v \\ (.f » .

SS elite guard are buried. Thirty-nine percent approved *- __ “a, [1? 1‘ *y'll‘S g"
of the visit and the remainder had no opinion. " s 5" ,v’

The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 per- "\c "‘~-.._ / ' .
centage points. ' \KR ‘ . ,

Reagan is scheduled to visit the cemetery and lay a , xxx,» ,1“) , V
wreath at the site on May 5. three days before the 40th ' xx] '
anniversary of the Nazi defeat in World War II. _

Asked whether Reagan should cancel the visit, 52 per- ~- E . . . . , ' ~
cent said yes. while 44 percent said no. according to the . . '
poll. g V . .

Those surveyed were almost evenly split in their ‘ - . ' .. . I 1

ion on Reagan‘s statement that the German 501:2; , @~ I-- ' . ,

buried at Bitburg were victims of the Nazis. just as .-3§'-f55:}-;I;§:§f ' “ ’ ' ' . .> I

were the prisoners in the concentration camps. The poll 9 f“: ""‘w I .3, f' _ . . .‘ . h '

found 47 percent agreed with the president while 45 per- *6 ' a" i... ‘ " ' ' J »

cent disagreed. ’LM\ . .. . . . ' '

' ea»:- _.; ' , , -

change, paper says .

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House officials have I : . ”

begun efforts to find a way to reverse President Rea- ‘1 . , - *

gan's planned visit to a German military cemetery, The I ' ' . ‘. . " '

New York Times reported in its yesterday editions. L ‘ . ‘ 7 h . ~

The newspaper said a private message had been sent . . ' f ' 1’ ‘,

last weekend to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl ‘ . . , ~ _, .

from the White House urging Kohl to seek an alterna- - - ,_,.

tive to the May 5 Bitburg cemetery visit, which has . .

drawn widespread criticism particularly from Ameri- ' . fi' . ‘ .

can Jewish leaders. ,- .

Citing unidentified White House officials, The Times A I . ' ‘ .4 ‘ ,

said the message was signed either by National Securi- J .

ty Adviser Robert C. McFarlane or one of McFarlane‘s ' ,

aides. Reagan reportedly was “irritated“ that the letter ' . I ' '

wassent. itsaid. .' ' . ~
The Washington Post qu0ted top Republican political I . ~ ‘ h .
strategists as saying there is strong corsensus among

them that Reagan should abandon plans to lay a wreath I - z

at Bitburg during his German visit. 1' " Corning Soon' ' . .

lt reported that the strategists. who spoke on condi~ . M n On Campgs » g. , . .
tion that they not be identified. also said First Lady . the Big 3. . Pursuit _;: pip-5;.g..:;,5;;--;.;; . ..

Nancy Reagan had privately expressed concern about wanlghts) . fofilla‘ 1., - ._ w, . .

the cemetery vrsrt and indicated that she would like to d S (and “Q “ecnon 0 Sue. “a“ 5:

stem thecontr0versy over it