xt73j9608d44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608d44/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 2/11 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 10, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 10, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt73j9608d44 section xt73j9608d44 .19 ,iig. 7-! -, _,
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Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 2. No. it - September 10, 1940 U. S. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator
° ' ' ' o a 9 o I o
MlamlPrOJethomplete Citizens Committee nvestigates,
' NOW Has Homes for 966 I hen Says I 016010 Program Is Okay
IJOW'IIlcome Famllles A“BRASS TACKS” investigation of the homes and to pay all taxes and assessments
. . ‘ . . public housing program in Toledo, Ohio, before receiving cash from the City Relief
toVIYilgiali‘tCheSOESignf if; tligiseiofid :fidltgi by a special citizens’ committee proved a Administration.
thorit ‘y €th thyla? t Ifi (31111 g“. boon to the Toledo Metropolitan Housing 7. The committee praised the Authority for
r . 32.16:}? g’ tlil figs: 'etghll) ousting Authority recently when the investigating its social and educational supervision, which
pAOJeE m. e Ollt an(g e sixt q. 33%;? ’111 committee turned in practically a blanket it declared is relieving the city of expenses
gillcf,ls,c1mrgii+v (3 '6‘): p101? 6’ fifty) approval of the Toledo program, stressing formerly involved in those areas. It recom-
. fir t :3 h1g1] .a' ‘1cil‘v'ttéift‘gjfié'fiifllg'iii—151'? ~ eight major conclusions: ~ - mended further attention he paid to health , _. ' "
' th: Housinlsmgipilscig)? of PWAeveItpi: 103: 1. Toledo’s slum areas are a disgrace to the and welfare problems.
c t d g63 V . t‘ t witl : 131 it city, and their elimination would be a moral 8. It recommended study of the possibility
1a (it 0nd? 2—2;: 11?}: .3111 Tie c dy and economic benefit. of obtaining Federal subsidies for building
(:35): anf 93;; nd 3:2; (1111;31fo Sunitsvgaah- 2. The shortage of low—cost homes has in— cheaper housing projects to provide the
bu'lt 511311 USHaA aid cogeletfth aro' Ct, creased, while private capital has concen- lowest income groups with adequate hous-
All 973 units are lo’catedpon thel iJiencal trated on the building of more expensive ing. It suggested single units as cheaper
tract of land e or g dwellings. The TMHA has sought to im— than the present apartment type dwellings
‘ prove the living conditions of low-income and pointed to the need for homes for such
Project Quickly Occupied groups. d h f perslons as now are forced to live in shack
9 . . . _ .
- - tho :1; h s t -. bl 0. Families evacuate in t e construction 0 sett ements. .
1.833;: 11132111113; thelsey pfsjeésallT?:V1§l.S: new projects, such as the Albertus Brown The committee defended the low cost of
addition which opened July 1' 1940 was and Port Lawrence Homes, should be given the housing program as a means of improv—
completely occupied within 3 weeks arid the every opportunity of moving into the new ing the lots of unfortunate American fain-
' second addition had 33 percent of the units dwellings. The committee pointed out that ilies and declared all citizens should sup-
rented before it was opened The entire this was not done in the case of the Brand port the Authority in its long—range aims.
Liberty Square when completely filled will Whitlock Homes. The report of the special citizens’ housing
. house approximately 4000 individuals 01. 4. The city and the Authority should co— committee and the investigation which pre-
10 percent of Miami’s D’Iegro population. operate more fully in eliminating substand- ceded it are perhaps unique in low-cost
‘. T ~ h f. f .1. f h ard dwellings in proportion to the newly housnig history.
enants aie c‘osen fiom .mp1 .ies 0 t e built living units. The committee sug— To begin with, the committee was named
lowest income 55.19111) Wghale iving undei gested landlords be required to obtain cer- at the behest of a councilman known to be
, insanigary C0111 itions. fe finaxmiium .lap: tificates from the city inspection division unfriendly to housing.
prove annua. incomes O egro 31mm“ that their rental properties are fit for habi— It was of dubious legal status inasmuch
' admitted to_ Liberty Square Addltlon range tation. as the housing program is nearly complete,
from $4.135, to £869, and the average monthly 5. The Authority should endeavor to relax and inasmuch as State and Federal statutes
rental 15 $1_1-03- Thls includes water, gas, its requirements so that direct—relief clients authorize creation of TMHA and prescribe
and electriCity. would be eligible for residence in its dwell- its course as well as that of other political
Each unit is equipped with gas stove, elec- ings. subdivisions.
tl‘iC refrigerator, lights, hOt and 001d water, 6. In connection with this recommendation If, however, critics of low—cost housing
and window shades. Modern laundries are the committee urged that landlords of relief hoped to attack it as a national institution
‘ (Continued on page 6) Clients be Obliged t0 l'eDail' dilapidated (Continued on page 2) _
«are? ' WW%W%§WW '-
W“ {at€*»§-%e¢>§§‘ ‘ ’ . v. reflweéwa’rt jet” .x. ,
*éfie " “teetei.”v.wt% = > ' . - ' gem " '1 3. j- ,.
“W Va~§tgw1a®gmar w .. - agggw e -;""'“"‘ 1 , V , , / , , -,
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~." -‘ it”: fie: , ' :4 ’ -,,- . . ' ,2 ~ . . , ', u 5,11,, 1. '4. 3" .;,‘.~ g,
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: ' lA " ”53 "' fix? MET") " "geaieen ‘3'! .‘ 1'- :"’; . 3a? .
mi“ —~ "V“ E» ‘ ‘ m ”Mr W.,,% 7 m 6. 35M"; -v-w~w%aq ,: W
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 Alamito, First USHA Project :— -' 3 44:3,» x ;
In El Paso, T exas, To Open . \\ I , 3~\ , 3 . ' 1- I
. if 3" ‘ *5». -' , ‘I
Some Tlme In September I The courageous l 3; 7 ,
Alamito, first project of El Paso’s $2,676,- I n - I I I 3,533,» ”1?: 2' I l . ' . ‘ .
000 USHA-aided low-cost housing program, I Dr. Chrlstlan | 3 “it? . ., ’2', "
will be opened to tenants during Septem- I | 1% * , r ,1; ,1 I
ber, according to C. W. Harper, Executive I l g y _ I [I W , 3,73 .
Director of The Housing Authority of the - a; ”3/, . 3 ”2 l 53" ' »
City of El Paso, Texas. I An InJICfmenf Of Slums 1 £531.22 {3" ,3 3" £33? 7:333». g
Tays Place, the second project, named in | I , , M33333? [M ' 1
honor of a pioneer Episcopal minister and A d i1 C. . I . Wh. i‘l w gut” " ‘3‘, _
humanitarian of El Paso, is under construc- I n f e IVIC ”emu IC 1 l ' f ’ ["333 \
tion and is scheduled for occupancy during l Allows Them to Exist 1 1 -. _ I
Jamiiariyi~ h f 131 P 1 ' | a, ‘
T e ousing aut ority o * aso p ans 3’4“”
to move 349 families into the Alamito proj- '— — " "‘ — — — — — '- — — — — -l 35:; 3/3"“ flwrwcfiéééfl ‘
ect 01} the opening day, filling all available “The Courageous Doctor Christian,” an 3% «”3: ' V i ewamg .
dWEHlngS “DItS- RKO—Radio picture produced by Stephens— 6f {:13 t .3- ‘I ‘ av 3w? 3
Less than a year ago, sprawled over the Lang and starring Jean Hersholt, brings a % K 'WQWM, !
site of Alamito, were 198 shacks. Today 61 slum to Main Street with a spinal menin- ’ ' 233 ‘35” 5135:“fimflfgfl ‘
modern brick buildings, offering every 013‘ gitis epidemic in tow. It is an unusually ‘ a ‘2 33-.”72QW336 ’
portunity for better living, occupy the site. effective presentation of the slum problem . 3%: Q‘s-l «JZWHAZE JV”? 3333:3333: 3
Provided for the tenants of the project will brought uptown, where it has to be solved '» ”I A,,:~“'é;:&fl i
” be gas ranges, gas space heaters, refrigera- by the community rather than by the indi— ‘3 s '33-“ -w‘ “w (
tors, automatic hot-water heaters. vidual slum victims. I;l\ 42 $4136 ”figfifp 3
For the recreation of the tenants, the El Jean Hersholt as Doctor Christian popu- I?” . 2‘ 3: 3;, j“ I
Paso Public Library has established a lar screen and radio personality, is a te— 2 ’l ,2: . 332m7y»’
branch library in the Administration Build— nacious crusader who refuses to allow a I '1 a.” E’HCAJ/jsli‘wf“
ing. The authority has provided a large Vicious shantytown to nullify all of his f . ¢¢‘~‘~»W§s .
auditorium for gatherings and social func- struggles on behalf of community health. 2» CW)». fifimwwwwma
tions. The earl efforts to romote a slum clear- ' ‘ ,‘ "W”‘W'm‘w l
The dwelling units are 3! 31/2, 41/2, and ance prdrject are defeated, but an unex- .W ”Mm,“ ~ l
51/: rooms and Will rent for $.13 to $15 pected move on the part of the shantytown— ”35% will rfim3W “I" 3 5;
monthly, the rent including utlhtles- ers themselves arouses complacent city 53,-; ‘35 l “”333: . “332’
With approximately 50 percent 0f E1 officials to a realization of the awful toll a 3.3”" “is: 31. 35‘ 33:, r .
Paso’s 107,268 population Mexican, the first slum can exact from an unprepared com- Ag £7.33. 3% ‘ ’ 3%} 3.3;
project, for Mexicans, will reach that strata munity. ‘ “4;” V ‘95 3'3 Eg,‘ 3* W ,
of the city’s dwellers who most need ade— Made Without any reference to or advice I, "x" 3 ~ ~ .‘ 2 l . I .
quate hOUSing, according to Mr. Harper. from USHA, the picture does not pretend 3 i ,
Surveys conducted by the housing authority to be a guide in obtaining USHA assistance 3‘ A ‘ ~‘ .
estimate that of El Paso’s 12,500 Mexican or in planning local housing projects. I
families, aDPI‘OXimat‘g‘ly 9,500 live in sub- There are, indeed, some slight inaccuracies. , W; " .
standard homes 1“ blighted areas. ~ But it is a dramatic demonstration of the 33 . 3
Located in South El Paso 1n the heart of slum problem and a convincing argument ’,, V 33 .
the. Mexican section of the city, the Alamito for the USH A plan. It has already been i 3 :2 I
PI‘OJECt is bounded by Virginia, Second, shown in some 3,000 motion-picture theaters 1' l I M:- l l l. . 3
Fifth, and Fourth Streets. Adjacent to all over the country and before its run is ' ,3 g I ' l l ‘
Alamito is the Alamo School, the Guadalupe over, will be shown in 5,060 more. . - 7:. . ‘ '3 v .
Day Nursery, and the Alamo Park. At the request of a local housing au- 3, I 3&2“) ‘5 “1%“ I
—————— thority, theaters showing RKO-Radio pic- ,7, 3 3% 333,5 ,g @3355
tures might be glad to obtain “The Coura— 34??» . his ".7 3'33 ' 1’3 ’3': 31;,
T016110 Program Approved geous Doctor Christian” for their regular 3{% )Th‘ “3 I (I ,- 5
By Citizen Investigators ”093m and. p°SSibly alfrange a pri‘laie ”1333 .2 .‘7
(Continued from page 1) prev1ew showmg for offic1als of local c1v1c ,3 . A. 4: '1, . I .‘
on the basis of the Toledo report, their hopes groups. 3 ”7 l l I l _.
were rudely dashed to the ground by the ————— ,. " , . . ~ '
committee’s report. The committee reported that the charge 3” ‘aafi’fm’f .
Only in one particular—the recommenda— that persons of high income are living in ”MN «w‘”"”"‘l’"”” ‘\
tion that projects cheaper in rental be un— the projects could not be substantiated, but “‘4’"; . Mang’w :
dertaken—can the report be said to be even that in a few instances persons Whose in- ,2 "Ky""&€%"§2’~~
remotely unfavorable. Objections to the 10- comes have increased since moving into the ' 3 " wt, 1 ll l
cal program which were specifically treated project are still living there because they l 7 ' - Ml ' .K 3‘
in the report were found to be groundless. are unable to lease other residences. 2 :11”, ' ' ,t 3 i %i ll\ gag"
To the contention that tax-exempt Fed- Brand Whitlock Homes was the first '5 w v \4 l1? ‘_; 03*“
eral housing projects are a burden to tax- Toledo project. The 'Weiler Homes was the l3 = l“ i ,3 7’3 /’ I, .
payers, the committee announced that no second. The Albertus Brown and Port 1 3/ I ” i '
proof exists. The area in which Brand Whit- Lawrence Homes were authorized, and one ' \ 3 _ j‘ {i la.
lock Homes was built had a tremendous ac- of them is under construction. The Toledo i a I l, , l ' rm ._ .’
cumulation of delinquent taxes, and TMHA Metropolitan Housing Authority needs only I 9,, “Z ‘I i l (K 5 l 3'
paid $23,500 in delinquent taxes before to obtain the final approval of Council for 'V ' El.- I’ i
starting construction. a site for its Garden Homes project to com— 1 t l. 37373:;5rfli - l} . . l .
The elimination of slum areas by the proj- plete its program under the present appro— ,' 3",. g I 1
ccts has reduced the cost of municipal priation. ‘ 3‘ *W .
. . . . l “3.3;. , »,
serv1ces. Exorb1tant rentals are charged The report, coming as 11-, does from un- ‘ . I . V
for substandard dwellings, and a serious prejudiced examiners, will doubtless hasten /,,. “m ~..
housing shortage exists. the completion of the final project. ‘3‘“ ‘ , - w

E Publzc Housmg
E ‘ Does
( With
1 . I i i C ampete . 9
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E , , . LE; . . 7, E ~7"~'~'«.,m.,.,, E "‘~.- . . ,_ N .
. {y . l. .‘EME v; .. . \«wmt .“W-k ‘ 7"" F ‘1???“ S Public houSIHg dogs
. . . y! -: . 1 ; . , gr :4 s I THE ANSWER IS YE . ‘ _. e—Of a mmm
i ”it? 1 i i ”4 "(I i 1" 94¢! ; é! 1'" " ”3“" E, . ith private entelplls . that kind of
r. I!“ m I I ‘9 "’ T, W 3’ a ' i's v-r-ifitlifsz.‘ W”- compete W_ . etes wl‘Eh .
i 3 K3 1‘ i It i‘fiamiiifim‘ Hugging; iii”i”i“w=‘ file-JJ '='ih~1_!,~*a~,._»_. .5 ""W E k' d Public housmg 001:1) fiers a substandard
i ”Eh-‘25:" ~ iiiainwmiMimi{gimmiflumi"“rifle/13M"?Mi E..‘ L. ‘| ’33fo, prlvate engelnliillli; who are forced by necess y
, 2.. , E ., . 3 i {'37 .iA/’i.“t“.‘a‘a».;:' -_-..r - plocht ’6 f tainted
i it If ‘A ‘3 i I i I V V x if i gist-w-.. ..,....,..J.siiia”H.119. in?“ E‘ '5 ,2 , iii buy it. 1 ws Prohibit the saile 0. 1 Eost
I E g L r if,” i i [g 3% '7 ““ iL‘tml‘ih-‘HM I 1 EE 3 .l .2 ‘ Our pure fofodl fZOd preparations; but in :01: ced
,..~E , ~ 13...; .. 3...»; /. . fif‘zmTyiij-cz V . 1””me u i :“I‘ I” ‘ u . I re 1
‘E , i: “J I E»; ”E, 5‘? 3* “fig-m “f ’ . 3 . ii“ ' ':;;;;;_"..:_§7‘“’7‘"L'f3fi1 meat 01 hamnity hundreds of famlheSh?Ch pOison
i ”A I» 1 ‘9‘“ i m— “kW-“w “a" .. ., ..r...':1~ every commu d neighborhoods w
E . a... "f . 2 E "_T'“',~.'5 J Q‘s. }~,. ~‘W . in houses an
; i ' kimtmg’ } 3-77; ’.J-ri'%}j/i7’7~‘zfliiii 150.11% 911 as bodies. ore insidious
‘ u my» '~ if i , ‘3 "WW/r: minds as W -d housing is an even m . ning‘ is
I I No" only Mesa fWO, bUf if ”Ev M, f ifl_:.‘»'g,...:;.~; SubStanfila1 'mpul‘e food. FOOd pgisie action
, a: - -_ EE, .. *_ 06 t an 1 i i d imme 1a
i [3"- fhousands of foUfe C/h :vwivééuw. , , . ’ . , , 7 I ~ % 12:121in traced to its $011108, :Ecurrence‘ But tbhe
“1. .. ' iii, , f .,-' v Eh . 3,55,; 4' , 1 q reven a ‘ 1 ce 8-
i zens foday are growrng UP ,_.. “M-~w can be talgeg so hanging are hard“ ht" titlis as_
. S .I;,;/;.:;w_, .;,{;/§.~ M“ U- 1‘ h a ‘ . I
i 6‘ in surroundings sad, 0 E" " ’ . ravagesthiy masquerade ungetd 532d sometimes
i .5... fhese. Tomorrow fhey . fggjficulosm’ pneumonia, tiyfptfie ’Coroner were to
f ex- 3 cases, ' ' cause
i ., may fcnam‘ OW m°5_ murder. In .many ther than the immediate. ” or
' . . - '/ hos [fa/S- - k the original 12. b “pneumoma
._ . .‘ pensrve la: 5 or P see h his verdict WOUld ILOt e
. , ‘ , of deaig E” “ dhousing. ‘ d 811-
i i “typhOId bUt b3 one substandald w.
View... w . der the USHA plan, . new one built.
h ‘Vfim ” Un st be torn down for evelhy ses that have
W.-- ,. . .. E 5}“ 53? V .3“... H I mu ou .
1 Titan i Y I. ' imagigg‘ " vr'i‘, :‘7. w}... . mg . tui-es at the left Show b the Housmg
N\ ‘3 A i ' .951 5&2 . e 2,3 ' g ..‘-;.f_.:..“v_ . --.. , pr ; The 1310 f r demolltlon y . d
E h ' '3 “an"; I' ' 91:. 5»”~-;';%2w ""‘IE s-_ I been condemned 0 . f Pittsburgh. Allea y
i i I I ;~ §%e ”FE Authority of the Cityto has demolished 4,000
I i I“; i“ I. U I figifiiflgig ii ' ~‘-’ the Pittsburgh a‘girtlbg-ghrs three USHA de-
3 i I ' i I .,‘ ‘7": : '.. .: E . . 1 5 -income
, ; . . , éE. 1&3. ‘:' § . . . . a“; w“ > .1 ,, ’ \ I. ‘ elllllgs. or 10W
3 I 1‘ 3' 3 E131 ., . such dvjlts provide 3,073 homes (fl-my with at-
. L ' V I! ‘ K j C. ' ' . . . velOPEne h homes are llght {in h
. . . . , . ’\i ,v’ ‘ ,. .' ., i 3; _- :Yéi "Ki 3 families. T e d. S There, Chlldren sue
a .I’ j V V i LWM‘” 7"“. if: ,1 .Efifii ‘ 5 i - _. . tractlve surroun .mg . belOw may play . E3.
1 ' 5. . . : f a? .1 .. ‘ z 1" in the plctuie . W
f! , . g .. --- . . .. .3 j . _ . as those surroundings “$5”
3 ' $5 “I. i fl / K “A M“ 4 ._ in safety among 1
“Wei/MVEA/ 5:. ”$1.; E». .; (NEW... :12»; a; 2;} =-‘~.»/”Z~"” v. .5; .. . . . . I 1% V I. I
.,§‘,.’\Ex;\. « . .— - ,. . 7. . - - E ”,«c~.-_ , M3" 3 .  
i . «WK §§Mx I}... g: . ~ - u . . .. .- . . 4. * ' “ ' ” .‘ ' . . M‘ .1.“ «.4 «wt,» mm 21%.? a. .. ”3;. I J
. . _- ,_ . ._ .. ,—_. .3 I » . . ' 1.. I .. . .1” 3%; S . I
, \ . --. , » j. - ..." 4 . » » E;;E -. g. g Ex”. % . l :5
.. . Wow. It ”"3”?“ Q“. {3‘ 9 ' ., . . _ , E1. “3% 'fé § 5% ”3/: ”2* 1%. 1 ”$5; gi»;: k
V i i ’wwezgg V ’6"? 5+2: m fie ,
if W? i 'Efiymr§szd:e E” ”W gem . E... 7
t r X? ”“4“ %??e”‘mw%; emf , E ..
:52 ., 3 - . «wgiflfmjw Mygfléhmgm v .. ‘ E - .
y H Xhflmm $933. U «if; «5 g, , 9, _
Y «WW-"Mwymgg’irfimo’v Maw . ,v - z E, ’.;_".,f .1' . i . ‘ 5 . . _\ = j :1...“ 3' ’1‘; .1 W, ’1 "«
I MN v E» I I I," 32'?” a?” ' * .. .2“ .: , = . ., hildren from
. s . - om f0 live deCenr y I . 4 a a”. j 1‘ I d rescued ”me c
Y lnsumcmnf Io d ace V f0 play ii” 7 " WWW ; -. A USHA Prole Their chances fo be useful
Side: no prefejel mpneighborhmd WWEEW fissjgm‘g’“ ' subsfandafd 5005’” d considerably.
safely oumde- s ' WEE“; , cmzens have Improve
is a bad cradle for democracy. . , ‘ I H

V ' A V 7
DEFENSE HOUSING 19” Should T hrs Happen garn.
VVVVV’ V' V “‘7 , 3" A“ , :r‘II‘ .; WV: f“ V", W135“ ."’-£'V:’.‘ 1.2222, ..,~,., . .
' " 1 ’ ‘ .IVVV‘V' "V”, "r “ 2, 2,, .. i” a; “7‘ ff-VV'” W311 MI}? pg“ M;
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.5» , .“ 32w, ,,,%’x x. ,1 / . ’2 2: 2 -. ,3 /?.7(w, ”£9,522.” _ , , HH ., H ,. HHH
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. x'“ 22.599— .avu- ‘2. , . . _..;, H.-. 9w17232’m7‘W 'V.‘ . , w 3“; "$5,215" IVVVVVVV’VIIVVflVV’WVJ. ”nu-1‘2; V;
,:I"..V-'55t?45FI2VIZ2za—ri725'. ' 2 ‘2“ 22 2 ,2 w, e/
The fenf cily (above), erecfecl rn New- ‘% H '. 5:23.223, 2 .52 2 I . ‘. .2“: .3,
2 ark, N. 1., To house evrcled fenanrs dur- g3; - g o 2
V V “2.415.521“, ing fhe firsl World War, foreshadows :3» ~.,, . 2 l’ .
‘ “'43: 'I‘iflb‘l'M-lg; whaf may happen foday unless proper >3 . ,- . HH ‘ 2 HHHH ,m . Pr
.. A, .. VwVVVVWVV sleps are laken rmmecl‘lHrafely lo hprevznf 5 ‘3”.
22 _2 2 if. The Plcfures on 1‘ rs page slow e- 2 2 . . . ,
, - 2, ,s fense workers, fheir homes, lherr worfik, . .V [V V; .
J Ix :3"; e H H H
(mafimmw 5g ,. f and fhe homes fhey may have undehr f ; , 1:1 2\.
. - 2 I, USHA program. The affracfrve ome 2H. ,Hg \2/
' V V 321.. I *‘fisre’vtw of lhe boffom of fhe page (cenfer) was 2: . H2, '5.“
_.._ fifiWw builf wilh USHA ard as a model home 3 .. I. '. , 2
2‘ .1“ --‘ 2- 2321?, “I “22:... ' A h 'f ffh Counf I2“; . , 2 .
r" ., shhfififif ‘9 ./ .2 “1.1:: by fhe Housmg ul 0!! y o e y _ ,, .. 2 . ”l . .
Wfiw III 2 of Beaver (Pm). . 2 e2. ,- I22. . I
. - A E6" .1: ,~.- ,§.- )3”; V1? *o‘.’:‘1«¢r57,;% r/W‘gfi We” I, a.» ,1,
.. ,; 2:13. “ “at, , , f2 “2/4321” 2' ., HHHHH 222 22 .f
22 . . Elli? “"é fit 3. ”maxi: I 2 . ,~ g ,5. .H @143? . . H, 9.: , .
W@- V {,2 V33- . VVVéVV 4” 322'}! 2- _£ _ 3% ”~f»‘:£f:é~. 2 _ :- .. . 3:.
. 4:. .'_. , ,,. x“. 2/ “i $2222., ; 2,.“ ,/ “."M-‘E. . .222.» ‘3, , . , HH
. ;-:s ‘1‘.) In H, ”Egg... If; ‘32.:5‘LV'E2Q3 ,2 “$231323 sfii‘gfii'fii “52;” . HH .3
V V 'VVVVV VVV VS), V"VV‘VVVVVVV‘VVVV‘VVV’V" 2 I M “I '- ' ’ #2233 gs“. w 2 ,
VVV V V ; V V VVV V V 3* ”VVV' V” VVVVVVVVI‘V" V ‘ ~,.«3r2”-L{-“f . .. I m...“ ‘.
.42 , 24.221! .. ’Vg’Vgé‘VVVVV‘VVV‘ 2; my H . , .,-VV ”70:33 . . .2 ,1 : . Ma “y . )7 ‘ : 5/9/va {WV .,_V bl. Mg.
ng Jr. \ F33. a , :7 C‘ ’1; .2“ Vé'gpyfizm (2/53., .2 , [‘5’ If?» ,. 1., ,. /2 2 Iy'Iiwzf-CWQEZE E 22.5.: .2 _ m2... I. «.1229... A; H .2» “A 15.2,”.
‘VV ’151'1‘2/2/36fi52m21 .5222». 4123 I" ' = K“! ') Wt»? ’faflmfiyerV I» fijwwx‘émx. . .
V ' h' l' ‘ $3; ‘ ' “ , 2 2 John Kelley, defense worker, wrfh hrs son
Defense workers In Youngsfown, O 10, we :22» an”, .; 2 .2 on fhe porch of fheir subsfandard home In
here. The burlclrngs have been condemned, HH gig/[$7 :22 . _ 2~ , 2 _ Tifusville, Pa,
buf fhere is nofhing beller. 2. ,MI 23% 2 w. - 2 ,2 2 . . 2 2 2 H
“V 7 2 V V' V’V“ ., “ » , $2: ._ 2
" a TV “IVV VVV‘VVV .VVV \\ . ”MN,” 21,3 $4“? ..
W: I 2 2 ‘ \, 2.2% v K 2 g .
,..: MR 22,. s“, 2,; , E .% V’V‘:\ V‘K,“~2V~V2V’“‘“~‘2:' . 2 “I, ,V‘ 32%, .VV . ,‘L .2 l‘V
"V 4 V . f « ' ‘5— - ' ’2 K22” ““ . .2 .
‘ 2 2 2 2, . 2 2 :1“: ll“ 2... {ML P
a, , 2 2 ,_ 2 g “I... . . 2 2 .
,,,._ V, . , . 3E,“ ., ’18 H __H “H
VVVVV VWV ' A: 2 ~ " 2 r
2.,» is ”4% r 2 '2 ~ “ 22' . 2 ~ 2
VVVVVVVV'VV‘VVVV' VVV'V‘VV’ ‘ V" . '." :M'I‘»: «,2, a' MVVVEWQVLQVfVez ‘. ,7 7.97.? ,‘.,,; ’ , ‘ . ., z '
- - ”W “IVK‘VVVVVSVV’VVXVVVVZ Marshall Alley In Allqutppa. Pm, F
V_ R Clayfon, machrnrsf, forced V0 -» WV V “'V . V V V where defense workers lrve In
leave hrs home when fhe balhroom H . dilapidafed company homes.
floor collapsed. ,. .

USHA Defense Housing Calendar
. . of Local Housmg Authorities
and War and Navy Departments
AMENDMENT m JUNE 1940 1940 SEPTEMBER 1940 Construction Starts '
. ‘ PASSED ‘ "WM "mm?" July 27-Monrsoméry)
' . ’ ‘ ° Ala.
June 28, 1940 --.---n .3“ 4 an A Aug. 90 - Corpus Christi,
‘ ‘ I I T“
n qua“ 7 a Hum 11 mvlfl Aug. 21- Portsmouth,
"1 I IIEF' I
Bk mm-m 15 m 17 18 A 21 Sept. i-Coiumbus, Ga.
EEIEE..~ mIrza 2223mm IEE
- . '- ' ~ ' , - County, lit.
P'°§C*.:AP:'°:“- Ema-26 .3 s—E EE-U-I- . .3. was
Y reSI en ‘ . , ep. - e r ,
Jaly 25/1940 r ’ Sept. 26-Noxzik Va.
' 1940 JULY 1940 1940 i @1940 Sept.30-Rocl< lslland
CW” (“"5“ T“ Elm-"WEI -IIV AME-”El CW, ”'-
Pensacola, Fla. “Eu—n".- 7 Oct ,_ Br e memo”
m— - .
Portsmouth, Va. _“H_—uu ' ‘---na WOSl“
Newport News, Va. NEEDS CHKK "nflE-Iu Nov. 8-Newport, R' I'
un“mmmm Nov. 17 - Hartiord,Conn.
» mmmnam
mm¥aVnLIuI 4
NE—NS DRAWN — snzs c .mm ’ '
IEH' ' [-L‘ ' ‘ . :: Tenants Move in:
waAd mmmmIII HEBREW"
By President 4 Ala._'
Dec. 4-Pensacola Fla.
9 1940 . . '
E.... , 1940 AUGUST 1940 1940 W. W A" D... ...p.........,
E..... o... ' mmnmmm -m. ' A magnum ‘ , V°- '
“ s ‘;f”1.3:-.:;f:i3'.‘ 7 Dec. 30 - Charleston,
E.-... I-‘III'IEEI lama sc
Charleston. 5- C. -“ ' $2.12" .A , A . ' ' "
' 7 Dec. ,30 - Columbus, Ga.
.. .. man-Inna unnuIrgmm—
Anchorage, Alaska ‘ ”‘7 ' ' Tex. .
E... E.. III-“EB Eli/nae] *
Harman-92mm rm: 153213 as
PW" N' H EBB-23mm 29 30 A
N JUNE 28, Congress passed defense housing legislation. ’ ..
0 Less than a month later the first defense housing project Tenants Move in. _
- was under construction. By December 2, it will be tenanted, _ 25 _ N f u. v _
ProlectsApproved and, during that month, tenants will move into five others. 1:: 30_N::V:°,;N:w,
By PreSIdent Such a rapid production schedule is possible only because the ‘ Va. ‘ '
I 1940 production machinery already is running smoothly. _
Augw 27 USHA’s enviable labor relations record is an important factor Jan' .30 ROE: lslluand
Hartford, Conn. in speedy production of defense housing. Of equal importance F b I B y’ 3"
Mont omer Ala are facts and people who understand them. Nearly 500 local e ' ' 'We': °n’
. 3 y’ ' housing authorities that have been studying their housing H [C'S'c