xt73j9608d3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608d3j/data/mets.xml Missouri Missouri Historical Records Survey. 1941 14 l.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number F466 .H56 1941 books English St. Louis, Mo., Missouri Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Missouri Works Progress Administration Publications Missouri -- History, Local The Organization of Missouri Counties text The Organization of Missouri Counties 1941 1941 2019 true xt73j9608d3j section xt73j9608d3j V _— U>|UNNEVT5|TY (1‘; WEN‘MJV‘C‘KHNEH ‘ W | 1 - r , -, , V ' I; I   “‘1‘;
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‘ The Organization . ~ 4...
Missouri Counties .‘a‘WS’E I in: .. . 5,
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_ ‘ Prepared by . a W
l The Missouri Historical Records Survey 1%;
. Division of Comunity Service Programs ‘1’
1 Work Projects Administration ' {I}
, ' :1
' 1
St. Louis, Missouri . ‘
The Missouri Historical Records Survey |
June, 1941 ‘4
I 1
r 'l;

 1.. [
f. ¥
' |
a Bowman.'Huz;ter’;,'oo;:mrissioner.,.
George H. Fieldi kegional Director
' B. M. Casteel, State Administrator
of Missouri
: E
= * * * _ g
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner f -
Mrs. Mary G. Moon, Regional Supervisor >
‘ Lena B. Small, State Director of Missouri § 1
. ‘ a
I‘ C
at * * J
Sargent B. Child, National Director
‘ George W. Hubley, Jr., Regional Supervisor
. A. Loyd Collins, State Supervisor of Missouri
' Si
F In
* s a: ‘
. :
Dwight H. Brown, Secretary of State i
Cass County Court ‘

 4 ‘ . H ’I k .‘1‘
, 1
1 1
1 I
1 ' ;
1 I’R E F A C E "
1 This booklet contains pertinent historical facts relative to the 1
creation of Missouri counties. It gives a list of the present counties 1
; of the state showing: (a) name, (b) date established, (c) where taken 1
1 from, and (d) the legal citations concerning the founding of the coun-
1 ties. There is also a list of extinct counties and information on the 1
. 1
1 changing of names. 1
‘ This publication has been prepared in response to a demand for an 1
‘ authentic and ready reference to the establishment of counties. This l
1 book is the result of legal research carried on by Joseph Block, 1
‘ Assistant Chief Clerk, Legal Department, Historical Records Survey. 1
The information was arranged and compiled in outline form by Oliver H. 1
Gerard of the State office. ' 1
The abbreviations in the outlines refer to the following compila- 1
‘ tion of laws: 1
1 11:. ‘
‘ M-L' - less 1
_ 1
‘ M.T.L. - Missouri Territorial Laws 1
1 L.T.L. ~ Louisiana Territorial Laws 1
‘ Const. - Constitution 1
. St. Louis, Mo., ’ 1
j June 2, 1941. 1
f ‘ (F/ W 1‘
1 State Supe visor 1
1 Historical Records Survey 1
1 ' 1‘
1 . 1!
‘ ' 1.

 J t. .p 4 , _§
E The Territory of Louisiana was originally divided into five districts j
% designated as St. Charles, St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, and 1
2 New Madrid. An.Act of Congress approved June 4, 1812 designated that the. f
3 Louisiana Territory become the Missouri Territory. The Territorial x
1 Governor was directed by this act to lay off the territory, to which the H
1 4 Indian title had been extinguished, into convenient counties. This was P
g to be done by proclamation issued on or before the first Mbnday in L
E October 1812. The counties so established by this proclamation were m
E coextensive with and bore the same names as the pre—established districts 1
‘ of the Louisiana Territory. From the sources at hand we have been unable t
7 I
j to locate this proclamation or to determine the date of its issuance, and b
l we have therefore accepted the date assigned by some historians "October 1, V
p 1812," which is at least approximately correct - the first menday in a
1 October 1812 having been the fifth day of the month. J
l The territorial laws enacted between the latter part of the year 1810 2%
t and early part of 1813 were lost or destroyed and the first mention of {J
; these original counties in the compilations of the laws of Missouri .1 'w
Territory is in an enactment of the territorial legislative body in 1813, " l
3 which fixes the boundaries of theSe counties as also those of washington !w
n and Arkansas Counties, organized in that year (M.T.L. 1813, pp. 295, et 5;
, seq.). The citation in the appended list in connection with the original 3?
3 counties, "L.T.L. 1812, pp. 8-13," would indicate that the reference is to U
1 l a law passed by the legislative body of Louisiana Territory, which is fl
1 erroneous, the reference being to the Act of Congress above mentioned. 1
i The student or research worker interested in the details of the V
g legislation establishing the counties of Missouri will find same in the F
E following two volumes: (1) "Laws of a Public and General Nature of the J
i a
z ‘2

 1, ‘ "‘1.
; District of Louisiana, of the Territory of Louisiana, of the Territory of
Missouri, and of the State of Missouri up to the year 1824;" and (2) "Laws !
1 of a Public and General Nature of the State of Missouri passed between the 1
1 1‘
i years 1824 and 1836, not published in the digest of 1826 nor in the digest ‘j
; \
i of 1855." These two volumes were published in 1842 under the authority N
; 1‘1
3 of the State of Missouri, by virtue of an act entitled "An act to provide (I
for the publication of certain laws," approved February 15, 1859.. 'f
1 J
j 1":
1 if;
z 1'1
1 X
‘ f 1
i if
1 f
1 1
; f
i /
5 1
1 if
i y.

 i . I.
o 1 ‘u I
I i
I Countx Established ' Taken From Citations I
I " ““”" I
I Adair Jon. 29, 1841 Macon M.L. 1840-41, I
I _ pp. 36-58 ‘ .
I Andrew Jan. 29, 1841 rdatte Purchase M.L. 1840-41, j
I pp. 33, 37, and 38 ;
I Atchison Feb. 14, 1845 Holt M.L. 1844-45, ,
pp. 34-36, same, p. 39, I
- ' see Allen, p, 10
I Audrain Dec. 17, 1838 Callaway, Monroe, M.L. 1835-37, I
I Ralls pp. 44 and 45 H
3 Barry Jan. 5, 1855 Greene M.L. 1855, II
I pp. 432 and 433 II
g Barton Dec. 12, 1855 Jasper M.L. 1855, adjourned I
3 session, pp. 49 and 50; H
; M.L. 1855-57, I
I pp. 49 f., (reenacted) I
Bates Jan. 29, 1841 Van Buren M.L. 1840-41, 'I
1 pp. 36 and 57 fl
1 Benton Jan. 3, 1835 Pettis, Greene M.L. 1835, I
T pp. 427 and 428 II
I Bollinger March 1, 1851 Cape Girardeau, M.L. 1850-51,
I medison, pp. 193-195 I.
I . Stoddard, Whyne
! ~Boone Nov. 16, 1820 Howard M.L. 1820, I
effective pp. 655 and 661 ,
I Jan. 1, 1821
Buchanan Dec. 51, 1838 Platte PUrchase M.L. 1838-59, II
I pp. 23-25 ;I
: Butler Feb. 27, 1849 wnyne M.L. 1848-49, I”
pp. 25-27 5‘
I Caldweil Dec. 23, 1836 Roy M.L. 1836-37, I
3 pp. 46 and 47 I
: Callaway Nov. 25, 1820 Howard, Boone, M.L. 1820, I
effective Montgomery pp. 679-682 I
I Jan. 1, 1821 I
< I -- g

 : ,
T I‘
. I
- 2 _ I
I Countx Established Taken From Citations "
”'"" "'" “'"““ I
I Camden Jan. 29, 1841 Pulaski, Morgan, M.L. 1840-41, I
I Benton pp. 35 and 58; '
M.L. 1842-43, ‘
. p. 38,
I see Kinderhook, p. 10
I Cape Girerdenu Cot. 1(7), 1812 Original County L.T.L. 1812, I
I pp. 8-13, see. 7;
I M.T.L. 1813, I
I p. 294, sec. 4 I
I Carroll Jan. 2, 1835 Ray M.L. 1835, H
I pp. 305 and 304 , I
Carter March 10, 1859 Ripley, Reynolds, M.L. 1858-59,
j Shannon, Oregon pp. 514-16 I
: I
Cass March 3, 1835 Jackson M.L. 1835, I
l - pp. 477 2., W
see Van Buren, p. 11; I
I Eonaldson, p. 10
E Cedar Feb. 14, 1845 Dede, St. Clair M.L. 1844-45, I
I pp. 37 and 45 I
I Choriton Nov. 16, 1820 Howard M.L. 1820,
‘ effective pp. 656-661 I
" Jan. 1, 1821 I
Christian March 8, 1859 Taney, Greene, M.L. 1858-59, I
Webster pp. 521-23 I
I Clark Dec. 16, 1836 Lewis M.L. 1836-37, I
p. 47, I
‘ see Clark, p. 10
: Clay Jan. 2, 1822 Roy M.L. 1822, I
? Clinton Jan. 2, 1833 Clay (Ray) M.L. 1833, I
i pp. 305 and 306 I
I Cole Nov. 16, 1820 Cooper M.L. 1820, I
‘ effective pp. 666-669 -
Jan. 1, 1821 ‘ I

 n {a} ‘ ‘ 1515‘
. »
‘ CI 3 n- ’
. I

Countx Established Taken Frog Citations b
cooper Dec. 17, 1818 Howard M.T.L. 1818, 1
effective pp. 594-598 7
Feb. 1, 1819
Crawford Jan. 23, 1829 Gasconade M.L. 1829,
pp. 181
I Dade Jan. 29, 1841 Polk, Barry M.L. 1840-41, I
‘ pp. 33, 34, 37 and 38 I
, Dallas Jan. 29, 1841 Polk M.L. 1840-41,
I pp. 34, 37 and 58; I
I M.L. 1844-45,
‘ pp. 25 fa. I
see Niangua, p. 10 f
I Daviess Dec. 29, 1838 Ray M.L. 1836-37,
I Dexalb Feb. 25, 1845 Clinton M.L. 1844-45,
% pp. 40 ft
I ‘ I
I Dent Feb. 10, 1851 Shannon, Crawford M.L. 1850-51, I
I pp. 183-188 I
I Douglas Oct. 29, 1857 Ozark M.L. 1857, adjourned
I session, pp. 288 f.
, ,
I Dunklin Feb. 14, 1845 Stoddard M.L. 1844-45,
I ‘ pp. 33 and 36
3 Franklin Doc. 11, 1818 St. Louis M.T.L. 1818, ,
I effective pp. 562 and 566
1 Jan. 1, 1819
E - Gasconade Nov. 25, 1820 Franklin M.L. 1820,
g effective pp. 677 f.
I Jan. 1, 1821 I
§ Gentry Feb. 14, 1845 Clinton M.L. 1844-45, I
I pp. 31, 35 and 36 f
1 . g
I Greene Jan. 2, 1853 Whyne, Crawford M.L. 1858, I
I pp. 306 r. p
‘ Grundy den. 29, 1841 Livingston (Ray) M.L{ 1840-41,
1 pp. 34, 37 and 38
I .
I .

 2 ~ 11
' . h
1 1

Countz Established - Taken From Citations 111
Harrison Feb. 14, 1845 Daviess (Ray) M.L. 1844—45, 1
pp. 32 and 36 1

Henry Dec. 13, 18311L , Lafayette M.L. 1834-, 1
pp. 418 and 420, 1

secs. 7-9; 1‘

M.L. 1840-41, W

pp. 40 f., 11

see Rives, p. 11. 1’

Hickory Feb. 14, 1845 Benton, Polk M.L. 1844-45, 1

I pp. 32 f0, 35 and 36 1
1 Holt Jan. 29, 1841 riatte Purchase M.L. 1840-41, 1

' pp. 32, 33, 37 and 38; 1
1 M.L.'1840-41,

p. 39, ‘

see Nodaway, p. 11 1

Howard Jan. 23, 1816 St. Louis, M.T.L. 1816, 1
effectiVe St. Charles pp. 460-464 1

March 1, 1816 E

Howell Heron 2, 1857 Oregon H.L. 1858-57, 1
pp; 51 f0 11


1 Iron Feb. 17, 1857 Hadison, M.L. 1856-57, 1
St. Francois, pp. 52-55 1

Washington. 1

Reynolds, Wayne 1

_ - 1
Jackson Dec. 15, 1826 Lafayette M.L. 1826, 1

pp. 85 in, 1

1 see Donaldson, p. 10. 1

1 Jasper Jan. 29, 1841 Barry M.L. 1840-41,

1 pp. 33, 37 and 38


Jefferson Dec. 8, 1818 St. Genevieve, M.T.L. 1818, 11
effective St. Louis pp. 554-558 1

Jan. 1, 1819 1

' Johnson Dec. 13, 1834 Lafayette M.L. 1934,

. pp. 418 and 420, 1
see Donaldson, p. 10.
Knox Feb. 14, 1845 Scotland M.L. 18441-45,
pp. 34 and 36 .
1 M
. 11

 T . 1'
r ' n
” Countx Established Taken From Citations 1
' Laclede Feb. 24, 1849 Pulaski, Wright, M.L. 1848-49,
Camden pp. 28 f. '
Lafayette Nov. 16, 1820 Cooper M.L. 1820,
effective pp. 646 and 648,
1 Jan. 1, 1821 see Lillard, p. 10;
'RT'JE. 1825, §
p. 237, sec. 16,
see Donaldson, p. 10. I
1 Lawrence Feb. 14, 1845 Dado, Barry 14.]... 1844-45, I
‘ pp. 31, 32, 35 and 36,
see Lawrence, p. 10
. IBWiS Jan; 2, 1855 IVIaI'iOn Mall. 1855’ ,
pp. 307 f.
Ifincoln Dec. 14, 1818 St. Charles M.T.L. 1818,
effective pp. 572-576
Jan. 1, 1819 1
. Linn Jan. 6, 1837 Chariton M.L. 1836—37, 1
‘ p. 52 I
! Livingston Jan. 6, 1837 Carroll M.L. 1836-37,
, pp. 50 f.
Macon Jan. 6, 1837 Randolph, M.L. 1856-37,
Chariton pp. 51 and 52
Madison Dec. 14, 1818 Ste. Genevieve 11.11. 1818, 1
effective Cape Girardeau pp. 576-580
Jan. 1, 1819
Marisa Mnrch 2, 1855 Osage, Pulaski M.L. 1854-55,
pp. 13-15 {
} Marion Dec. 23, 1826 Rolls M.L. 1826, k
McDonald March 5, 1849 Newton M.L. 1848-49, |
pp. 30-525 [
i see Seneca, p. 11. ,
Mercer Feb. 14, 1845 Grundy M.L. 1844—45, ’
(Livingston) pp. 33 and 36
Miller Feb. 6, 1837 Cole, Rllaski M.L. 1836-57, 3
v i

 1')“, \‘
9 W
, I
‘ Count Established Taken From Citations 1 f;
. _____X -——-——————— -——-——-——— ———_.——__ [
Mississippi Feb. 14, 1845 Scott M.L. 1844-45, N
pp. 52, 35 and 36 y’
- 1
Moniteau Feb. 14, 1845 Cole, Morgan M.L. 1844-45, 3
Pp. 55 f. I
‘ Monroe Jan. 8, 1831 R8118 M.L. 1831, 1;
pp. 215 r. j;
1 Montgomery Dec. 14, 1818 St. Charles M.T.L. 1818, 1
effective pp. 580-584 1
Jan. 1, 1819 l
Mmgm1 Mn.5,1%5 Mmmr MJ.1%3, E
' pp. 811 f. 1
1 new Madrid Oct. 1(?), 1812 Original County L.T.L. 1812, 2
' ' pp. 8-13, see. 7; J
M.T.L. 1818, g
p. 294, sec. 5 i
, Newton Dec. 31, 1858 Barry M.L. 1858-39, 1
pp. 19 f. 1
I Nodaway Feb. 14, 1845 Andrew M.L. 1844-48, f
, pp. 30, 31, 85 and 36, 4
see Nodaway, p. 11 j
, Oregon Feb. 14, 1845 Ripley M.L. 1844-45, [
‘ pp. 35 and 56 V
. _1
‘ Osage Jan. 29, 1841 Gasconade M.L. 1840-41, 2
_ pp. 57 f. l
Ozark Jan. 29, 1841 Taney M.L. 1840—41, I
pp. 55, 57 and 38, i
see Decatur, p. 10. ?
, ~—-— 3
Ebmiscot Feb. 19, 1851 New Madrid M.L. 1850-51, 1
. pp. 190-192 1
Iprry Nov. 18, 1820 Ste. Genevieve M.L. 1820, 3
effective pp. 661-665 E
Jan. 1, 1821 1
Pbttis Jan. 26, 1833 Saline, COOper M.L. 1833, 1
. pp. 351 f. T
, f

 ._ 1‘ i
1 - 7 - 1
County Established Taken From ‘ Citations 1
Phelps Nov. 13, 1857 Crawford M.L. 1857, adjourned 1
1 1 session, pp. 397 f. - 1
Pike Dec. 14, 1818 St. Charles M.T.L. 1818, 1
effective pp. 585-588 1
Feb. 1, 1819 1
Platte Dec. 31, 1838 Platte Purchase M.L. 1838-39, . 1
p. 23
Polk Jan. 5, 1835 Greene M.L. 1835,
pp. 432 f.;
boundaries corrected
Pulaski Jan. 19, 1833 Crawford M.L. 1833,
pp. 342 f.
Putnam Feb. 28, 1845 Adair, Sullivan,M.L. 1844-45,
(Linn) pp. 43 f.,
1 see Dodge, p. 10
Rolls Nov. 16, 1820 Pike M.L. 1820,
’ effective pp. 650-652
Randolph Jan. 22, 1829 Charlton, M.L. 1829,
Ralls pp. 173 f.
Ray Nov. 15, 1820 Howard M.L. 1820, ‘
effective pp. 656, 657, 660
Jan. I, 1821 and 661
Reynolds Feb. 25, 1845 Shannon M.L. 1844-45, 1
p. 41 1
Ripley Jan. 5, 1833 wayne M.L. 1833, 1
pp. 312 f. ' 1
_ 1
St. Charles Oct. 1, 1812 Original County L.T;L. 1812, 1
pp. 8-13, see. 7; 1
MoT'Lo 1815,
p. 293, sec. 1.
' 1
. ‘1
St. Clair Jan. 29, 1841 Rives M.L. 1840-41, 1
pp. 35, 37 and 38 ‘8
St. Francois Dec. 19, 1821 Ste. Genevieve, M;L. 1821, 8
Jefferson,’ pp. 801-803 H
washington w
1 ‘1

 s I
. u 8 .- I
' I
4 Countx Established Taken From Citations I

‘ I

- Ste. Genevieve Oct. 1, 1812 Original County L.T.L. 1812, I
I pp. 8-13, sec. 7; g
‘ M.T.L. 1813,

p. 294, sec. 5
, St. Louis Oct. 1, 1812 Original County L.T.L. 1812, I
. pp. 8~13, sec. 7; I
MuToL. 1813, I
p. 293, sec. 2
Saline Nov. 25, 1820 Cooper MaL. 1820, 5
effective pp. 675-677
Jan. 15 1821
' Schuyler Feb. 14, 1845 Adair M.L. 1844-45,
- I pp. 33-38
Scotland Jan. 29, 1841 Clark, Lewis, M.L. 1840-41,
Shelby pp. 56-38
Scott Dec. 28, 1821 New MBdrid MoL. 1821,
effective ppw 805-808
March 1, 1822
Shannon Jan. 29, 1841 Ripley M.L. 1840-41, I
pp. 57 f.
Shelby Jen. 2, 1835 Marion M.L. 1835,
p. 426 1

: Stoddard Jan. 2, 1835 New Madrid M.L. 1835, 3

Stone Feb. 10, 1851 Tnney M.L. 1850-51, 3

pp. 186-188 II

' I

Sullivan Feb. 14, 1845 Linn M.L. 1844-45, V

pp. 33, 35 and 56, 2I

see Highland, p. 10 .

' ._... V I

Taney Jan. 6, 1837 Greene M.L. 1836-37, I

j pp. 51 f. i
Texas Feb. 14, 1845 Shannon, wright M.L. 1844-45, 8

pp. 32, 35 and 38, I

A see Ashley, p. 10 2

‘ vernon Feb. 27, 1855 Bates M.L. 1854—55, I

‘ pp. 17 f.,

see vernon, p. 11 I

. Warren Jan. 5, 1833 Montgomery M.L. 1833, I

“ pp. 313-315 I

 »' s: '
g 1
- 9 e g
» l
; Countx Established Taken From Citations ;
, , —-—————--~ —-~——————— -—---- g
_ . wushington Aug. 21, 1813 Ste. Genevieve M.T.L. 1815, I f
- effective pp. 285-290 and 294 1
s ‘ Nov. 1, 1813 g
, Wayne Dec. 11, 1818 Cape Girardeau, M.T.L. 1818, 51
effective Lawrence pp. 567-571 1
, ' Feb. 1, 1819 4
J webster March 5, 1855 Greene M.L. 1854-55, 1
‘ p. 16 9
; Worth Feb. 8, 1861 Gentry 11.1. 1861,
effective pp. 470—473 1
Feb. 25, 1861
wright Jan. 29, 1841 Pulaski M.L. 1840-41,
pp. 34, 35, 57 and 38
‘ St. Louis Gity Scheme and St. Louis Const. 1875,
2 Charter Art. ix,
Aug. 22, 1876 secs. 20-25
effectiVe V
f ‘ Dec. 29, 1876
‘ . 1‘;
: 1T

 '85? ‘ ' 1
g? - 10 .. i
, Extinct Counties and Changes of County Names 5

Allen Organized February 24, 1843, (M.L. 1842—43, pp. 54-35,
secs. 1-3); act repealed in 1847. Now Atchison County.
(M.L. 1844-45, pp. 54 r.)
. i
Arkansas This county was organized in 1813, (M.T.L. 1813, pp. 293- I
295, sec. 6). By act of Dec. 15, 1818 (M.T.L. 1818, g
pp. 589-591) the Southwestern part was divided into three fl
; counties'designated as Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead. q
‘ Arkansas, Pulaski, Clark and Hempstead Counties became F
‘ part of the territory of Arkansas on March 2, 1819. 1
5 Ashley Boundaries defined February 17, 1843, (M.L. 1842-43, !
; p. 35, secs. 1-3). New embraced in Texas County.
‘ Clark Created December 15, 1818, (Old County) (M.T.L. 1818,
p. 589). Became part of Arkansas Territory March 2, 1819.
g Decatur Originally Ozark County; name changed to Decatur in 1843
: but changed back to Ozark in March 1845. (M.L. 1842-43,
: Pl 453 MaLo 1844'45, Pp. 51 f.)
, Dodge Boundaries defined December 18, 1846, and attached to
' Putnam County. Organized February 27, 1849; part of
3 county to State of Iowa in settlement of boundary dispute
and balanCe added to Putnam County February 23, 1853.
' (M.L. 1846-47, p. 16, secs. 1 and 2; M.L. 1848-49, p. 27 f.; 3
Idol" 1853, p. 72,, $80. 2).
Donaldson Boundaries defined January 15, 1847. To be created from
1 parts of Van Buren (now Cass), Jackson, Johnson, and
Lafayette Counties. (M.L. 1847, p. 17, secs. 1-3). '
. Never organized; act repealed March 8, 1849, (M.L. 1848-49,
. p. 32).
' Hempstead Organized December 15, 1818, (M.T.L. 1818, pp. 589-91,
‘ secs. 3-13); became part of Arkansas Territory March 2, J
g 1819. j
‘ Highland Boundaries defined February 17, 1843,’and attached to Linn L
County. (M.L. 1842~43, pp. 37 and 38, secs. 1—3). ’
‘ Organized February 14, 1845 as Sullivan County. 1
1 Kinderhook Organized in 1841 and changed to Camden in 1843. g
7 lewrence Organized January 15, 1815, effective March 1, 1815. 2
- (M.T.L. 1815, pp. 554-556). Part of the original county 1
became part of the Arkansas Territory on March 2, 1819. g
Lillard Name changed to Lafayette County. . l
Niangua Name changed to'Dallas County December 16, 1844, (M.L. i
1844:, Pp. 28 f0. 3608. 1‘3). :1
j i

 1 , 1‘ 71:31,?“ ' “a?“
)3? . - 11 - i
‘ Nodaway Original Nodaway County was organized on January 29, E
1841 and seventeen days later the name was changed to Holt.
‘ Pulaski Created December 15, 1818 and became part of Arkansas
‘ Territory on MArch 2, 1819. y
‘ Rives Organized December 15, 1834 and name changed to Henry, ‘
' February 15, 1841. l
. Seneca Boundaries defined January 1, 1846, (M.L. 1847, p. 16,
secs. 1-5), and organized march 3, 1849 as McDonald County, ‘
p (11.1.. 1848—49, pp. 30-52). /
. Van Buren Boundaries defined January 16, 1835, organized March 3, ,
A 1835, and name changed to Cass County on Feb. 19, 1849.
: vernon Organized from Cass and Bates Counties February 17, 1851.
. Subject to vote, (M.L. 1850-51,'pp. 188 f., secs. 1 and 6;
State ex rel. Douglass v. Scott, 17 Mo., 521-529). Declared 3
' unconstitutional by Missouri Supreme Court in 1853.
' ‘ White Defined by the legislature (M.L. 1855, p. 504), but was
' never-organized. ~
~ {
' iii
, i F
I 1
,3 l

 - 12 - I
; 2&3'14 181.3 By proclamation of Territorial Governor as per requirement I
I of Act of Congress, June 4, 1812. Cape Girardeau,, : I
I " New Madrid, St. Charles, Ste. Genevieve, St..Louis.
Alla. El, ‘1_§__1_§ (Nov. 1, 1815). Washington. I
, 29.1.1.- _2_{3_. 2.511.? (March 1, 1816). Howard. 1
. 1329.. _8_, _l_§_l_§_ (Jan; 1, 1819). Jefferson.
. 2.0.9.- 11, 1818 (Jan. 1, 1819). Franklin. (Feb. 1,. 1819). Wayne. I
I Peg. _1_4, £838 (Jan. 1, 1819). Lincoln, Madison, Montgomery. 3
(Feb. 1, 1819). Pike. ‘
I. 932. _1_7, _]_._8_l_§ (Feb. 1, 1819). Cooper. '
I Nov. 18, 1832 (Jan. 1, 1821). Boone, Chariton, Cole, Lafayette, Perry, I
. Ralls, Ray. I
j .I\I_O_1_7_. 32, 18%). (Jan. 1, 1821). Callaway, Gasconade, Saline.
233. 33, _l_8_2_1_ St. Francois. '
PEER £8, _l_8_2_1 (March 1, 1822). Scott. I
" Lag. 3,1833 Clay. I
293. E, _1__8_§_6_ Jackson. 2
Reg. 3:2, _I_L_§_2_8_ Marion. . I
$111... 8, 1832 Crawford. I
‘ £92. E3, 1819 Randolph.
I . 35113. E, 1821 Monroe.
_J_a_n_. 3.1 1881: Carroll, Clinton, Greene, Lewis, Shelby, Stoddard. I
- i831. E, 182.? Morgan, Ripley, Warren. I
" 3.1513. 13, Egg Pulaski. I
, I

 1‘7 ‘1
#5:” - 15 — ' 1
£933. _2_§_, 1233 Pettis.
' 2‘63. E, 3.33:1. Henry, Johnson. I
, £13.}, _l_8§_§_ Benton. I 1
V lap. E, 1&2 Barry, Polk. 1
i M a. 2.32 Cass-
232’ _I_L_6_, _1_8i6_ Clark.
1 I 1333. 1742315. Audrain.
233' 2-9, 2.13% Caldwell, Daviess. V
' 1132' g, _1_8_3_’_7_ Linn, Livingston, Macon, Telney. i
' £633. 8, _l__8_3_7_ Miller. 1
Dog. 31, L838 Buchanan, Newton, Platte.
£93. 3‘53, 183; Adair, Andrew, Bates, Camden, Dado, Dallas, Grundy, 1
I Holt, Jasper, Osage, Ozark, St. Clair, Scotland, Shannon, 1 1
. Wright. 11
E. E, 3.24:3 Atchison, Cedar, DeKalb, Dunklin, Gentry, Harrison, Hickory, 1
I ~ Knox, Lawrence, Mercer, Mississippi, Moniteau, Nodaway, . 1
. Oregon, Schuyler, Sullivan, Texas. 1
_F_'e_‘t_a.. _2_5’, E3 Reynolds. [1
£63. §_8_, 1&3 Putnam.
‘ ' 3&2. 3:1, 18:13 Laclede. ‘
i 3‘33. 31, 3313 Butler. ‘.
i M E, 1832 McDonald.
- ER. 12, _l_8_§_l_ Dent, Stone.
£92. _l_S_3_, 182 Pemiscot. ,
' I M 3;, _l_8§_l_ Bollingor. .
If E32- 31, _l_8_§_5_ Vernon. ;
1 1 ME, 33.5.5. Marlee. 61

 - 14 - ‘
t 11113213 3, .1222 Webster.
933. _Z_l_2_, _1_8__5_5_ Barton. 1
. £62. 3.1, _l_§§_7_ Iron. 1
ME, 1831 Howell. 1
20.173 _2_9_, 1851 Douglas.
M. E, 13151 Phelps.
' 1131311. _8_,_1_8_5_S_)_ Christian.
M 12, 1853 Carter.
, £92. Erl‘i‘i}. Worth.
1 £135. 33, _1_8_7_§_ City of St. Louis.
» . 1
1. 1

 .31 §§_144..1,444H44474- 1111141M44Mw.11_. , ,,mi,h 11 .
‘ f _ .. 15 ..
, r ,. Adair 20,246 Cole 549912 :
5 Andrew 13 ,015 Cooper 18 ,075 f
5 Atchis on 12 .897 Crawford 12 ,693 ‘
g: Andrain 22,675 Dada 11,248
1} Barry 25,546 Dallas 11,525
. g: Barton 14,148 Daviess 15,598 '
1;: Bates '19,551 DeKalb 9,751
' . ii: Benton 11,142 Dent 11,765
gi Bollinger 12,898 Douglas 15,600
Boone 34 ,991 Dunklin 44 ,1957 .
g5 Buchanan 94,067 Franklin 55,868
Butler 34 ,276 Gasconade 12 .414 7
£1 Caldwell 11,629 Gentry 15,559
Cal laway 23 ,094 Greene 90,541
1 Camden 8 ,971 Grundy 15 ,716
g: Cape Girardeau 57,775 Harrison 16,525
iii Carroll 17,814 Henry 22,515 i
1: Carter 6,226 Hickory 6,506 E
9; Case 19,554 Holt 12,476 1
$1 Cedar 11,697 Howard 15,026 ,
j; Chariton 18,084 Howell 22,270 1
§: Christian 15,558 Iron 10,440 1
53 Clark 10,166 Jackson I477,828 1
;: Clay 50,417 Jasper 78,705 3
1; Clinton 15,261 Jefferson 52,025 1

 - 16 -
1“ Johnson 21,617 Ozark 10,766 V
Knox 8 , 878 Pemis c at 46 , 857 1
Laclede 18,718 Perry 15 .358
i Lafayette 27 ,856 - Pettis 33 ,336
1 Lawrence 24 ,637 Phelps 17 ,437
Lewis 11 ,490 Pike 18,327
' :l‘ :1 Lincoln 14,395 Platte 13 , 862 ’
. Linn 21 ,416 Polk 17 ,400
.j ' Livingston 18 ,000 Pulaski 10,775 1
McD onald 15 ,749 Putnam 11 .327 1
1; Macon 21,396 Balls 10,040 1
_ :1; Mad is on 9,656 Randolph 24,458 i
Maries 8,638 Ray 18,584 '
.1 Marion 31 ,576 Reynolds 9,370
’ i Mercer 8,766 Ripley 12 ,606
1‘ Miller 14,798 St. Charles 25,562
Miss issippi 23 ,149 st . Clair 13 ,146 1
1 Moniteau 11 ,775 St . Francois 35 ,950 !
«I , Monroe 13 ,195 St . Louis 274 ,230 1
Montgomery 12 ,442 St . Louis City 816 ,048
Morgan 11 ,140 Ste . Genevieve 10,905
3 .' New Madrid 39,787 Saline 29,416
. 1 Newt on 29 ,039 Schuyler 6 ,627
. _‘ Nodaway 25,556 Scotland 8,557
_' Oregon 13 ,390 Sc ott 30 ,377
. 3i 1 Osage 12 ,375 Shannon 11 , 831

 x - 17 -* E
:i Shelby 11,224 Vernon 25.586 ’

, :' Stoddard 33,009 Warren 7,734 if
} Stone 11,298 Washington 17 .492

i . Sullivan 13,701 Wayne 12 ,794 11

- , Taney 10,325 Webster 17,226 i

3 Texas 19,813 Worth 6 .345 ’

‘ _ Wright 17 .967 J

-. ., f

, ‘ l

» 4



‘ a 1 5,

 : - 18 - :
. : ‘ U. S. CENSUS 1940 1
1i Many~of Our state laws are applicable only to counties within certain J
Eh specified population limits. This list is intended to assist research
5: workers in readily ascertaining the names of the counties in each group.
:' The counties in each of the following groups are arranged according to the
1?, exact population as shown in the preceding table. [
1- 6,000 to 6,999 Carter, Worth, Hickory, Schuyler. ‘
ii 7,000 to 7,999 warren.
6: 8,000 to 8,999 Scotland, Marion, mereer, Knox, Camden. 3
{5 9,000 to 9,999 Reynolds, Nadison, DeKalb. 3
?: 10,000 to 10,999 Ralls, Clark, Taney, Iron, Ozark, Fulaski,
{i Ste. Genevieve. a
2. 11,000 to 11,999 Morgan, Benton, Shelby, Dade, Stone, Putnam, Lewis, F
3; Dallas, Caldwell, Cedar, bent, Moniteau, Shannon. ‘
9:? 12,000 to 12,999 Osage, Gasconade, Montgomery, Holt, Ripley, Crawford, ‘
f; ' wayne, Atchison, Bollinger. :
:3; 13,000 to 15,999 Andrew, Howard, St. Clair, Monroe, Clinton, Gentry, .
it Oregon, Daviess, Christian, Sullivan, Platte. E
f” 14,000 to 14,999 Barton, Lincoln, Miller. J
$9 15,000 to 15,999 Ibrry, Douglas, Grundy, McDonald.

, El 16,000 to 16,999 Harrison. , y
ۤ 17,000 to 17,999 Webster, Polk, Phelps, washington, Carroll, wright. l
3; 18,000 to 18,999 Livingston, Cooper, Chariton, Pike, Ray, Laclede. ‘
f 19,000 to 19,999 Bates, Cass, Texas.

 73:: - 19 -

f, 20,000 to 20,999 Adair. 9

f; 21,000 to 21,999 mnoon, Linn, Johnson.

if 22,000 to 22,999 Howell, Henry, Audrain.

7 23,000 to 23,999 Callaway, Mississippi, Barry.

‘4f 24,000 to 24,999 Randolph, Lawrence.

5; 25,000 to 25,999 Nodaway, St. Charles, Vernon.

E? 27,000 to 27,999 Lafayette.

Pi 29,000 to 29,999 Newton, Saline. ‘

I £5 30,000 to 30,999 Scott, Clay.

31,000 to 31,999 Marion.

32 ,000 to 52,999 Jefferson.

£: 53,000 to 53,999 Stoddard, rcttis, Franklin.

{E 54,000 to 34,999 Butler, Cole, Boone. ,
3% 35,000 to 35,999 st. Francois.

3; 57,000 to 37,999 Cope Girordeou.

;;i 39,000 to 59,999 New Madrid,

éi 44,000 to 44,999 Dunklin.

9; 46,000 to 46,999 remiscot.

E; 78,000 to 78,999 Jasper. ‘

36 90,000 to 90,999 Greene.

i: 94,000 to 94,999 Buchanan.

1; 274,000 to 274,999 St. Louis.

i? 477,000 to 477,999 Jackson.
§f 816,000 to 816,999 St. Louis City.


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