xt73j9608d2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608d2z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 2000 Vol.71 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 2000 Vol.71 No.2 2000 2000 2019 true xt73j9608d2z section xt73j9608d2z F- iUKi LEX 405
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$1 «W via?” Sewerage“ g M.»
ii. Volume 71. Number 2 - February. 2000 68 S
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t0 start ‘ Revlett elected 2000 KPA President
6 9 i
1 KPA News Bureau Director . g as»: y
o o . With record-hreaking nutn— *‘ , W
forJOImlaJJStS hers attending the Ztitit) Winter m g g " 1" a; f
1 Convention. 'l‘eresa Revlett. pub- - sf“! 1. '- é
lisher of the .\lcl.ean County 3 ’ f» x
Papers would hire Sews. was elected president ol'the i g .. ;
l\entucky Press Association and Z ‘ .3 i"
employees to receive Kentucky Press Service. F ,1 ' 3 » s
. . Nearly h'tit) people attended 3 . '. W
CraSh tralnlng Course the two—day event held this year I ' . '4 1 gm"
at Lexington's Marriott Resort. - ‘3’
By DAVID GREER ‘ Revliitt is only the fifth woman ‘ :3
KPNKPS Treasurer to hold the mtt- or president in -
Kentucky Standard Kl’A‘s 12%|) years. ()ther women ‘2‘;
Wanted: courageous individu- presidents «HT Betty Berrynian. a . . gft
als looking for a fascinating career ‘ publisher of the \t'in‘chpguii- gun. 5‘ a trim
in journalism. That 50”” ("’Uld (‘elia McDonald. former owner . . Wfi
become the Kentucky PVC-"5 ‘ and publisher of the Laltue will
Association‘s theme. f tummy ”(q-aid NM” Mai-v Shin-7.. Teresa Revlett. publisher of the McLean County News. was elected
At its Jan. 20 meeting at the publisher (,1' Th“ Advocate- President of the KPA/KPS Board of Directors. She was inducted at
winter convention in Lexington. j yiessvngm‘ m [hm ville. and the 2000 Winter Convention in Lexington where she took the reins
the KPA Board of Directors voted : ”0”)th Abernathy. puhhghpr (,1' from Tom Caudiil, assistant managing editor of the Lexington Herald-
unanimously to proceed with an t the ()ldham Era and 'l‘rimhle Leader. Caudill becomes Past President on the board of directors.
' innovative member SMQVIC“ that 1 Banner. is part ofthe All. Belo (‘orp Circulation llivision. a position
could make it 9‘15“)" fl”. ”9‘pr j RPVIPU- WINE I’N‘” ”(’th‘dfi’ Rey'lett takes the reigns from bed held since 1995'.
pers across the state m fill their involved in KPA for ”"0" “I .VHU‘S. 'l‘oin Ctlll(l1ll. assistant managing llavid (ii't‘t‘i‘. publisher of The
editorial department openings. Mild it “'35 an honor 10 b0 ('htN‘H editor of the Lexington llerald— Kentucky Standard. Piardstown.
The KPA goal is to establish a i to lead the organization into the l‘(';l(l(*[" \\'l]i) now assumes the was re-elected 'l‘reasurer.
so-calledjournalism boot camp pro- new millennium. She encouraged post of Past President. New Board Members. w ho
gram in which individuals receive j the newspaper representatives .\larty Backus. piihiisher of began their terms at the Winter
intensive training in journalism : attending the convention to get the .-\ppaIacliian News-Express in (‘onventioir include;
basics so they might go to work for 1 involved in the organization. l’ikeviile. was chosen l’resident- Alice Rouse. Murray Ledger &
their hometown papers. i “You only get out of an organi— Elect and will take over the presi- 'l‘inies. llistrict l: 'l'ony Maddox.

. As most of us know. the jour- ‘ zation. what you‘re willing to put dency from Revlett at the 2001 Henderson (ileaner. State-At—Large:
nalism labor market has become 1 into it.“ said Revlett. Winter (‘onvention in Louisville. Sharon 'l‘uminski, Winchester Sun.
very tight in the past couple years. i A native of (‘alhoun and Have Eldridge. publisher of State-At-Large; and Armando
Our industry has long relied main- 1 mother of two boys. Reviett has the Jessamine Journal. was Arrastia. Kentucky Department of
ly 0n colleges and universities to 1 been with the McLean (‘ounty selected Vice-President. Eldridge Education. chairman of the Kl’A
supply us with entry-level journal- News since l978. The newspaper had served as chairman of the Associates Division.
ists. That worked well. But now i
with fewer young people graduat- t C1 [E C if h ed t t'
ing from college with journalism a S, 0 6y Onor a conven Ion W-..“ W .. - ~—
degrees. increased competition m By LISA CARNAHAN E. ()wens Award for (Tommunitv i WkAhead
the market from various sources KPAN B 9‘ ,- _. l , th‘ I l . rt H ld- g , . _ ,

. . . . ews ureau .tryitt )y ( AXihg on (Id . , ._ .
includmg onlme servwes and large J v , . .- , , . ‘ v .. , ,. , _ ‘ -m16~16,WComnmion. «.
. ‘ udy (Iabes. president and Leader and (,olfey was presented WWW .

papers, and changing work values chief operating officer of the Scripps the Most Valuable Member Award ' , - "_ > ,« ”i , , , '
among young Pef’ple now entering Howard Foundation and editorial from KPA. Inside , ‘ _ L .
the workforce, “,5 “9V9? been more director of Scripps Howard‘s Herald-Leader Publisher Tim a 3
d‘mCUIt to fill edltorial openings at i Newspaper Division, and Larry Kelly, in presenting the award to ‘filfimmhhw 1’
our papers. Coffey. president of Landmark (‘labes. called her the “First q‘) =2 579;", it:
Facmg the same challenge at - Community Newspapers. Inc. Woman of Kentucky Journalism." fimfififlmflflflhm .. ‘é'ii

its 55 small daily papers, Thomson (LCNI). were honored at the KPA (Ilabes was the first woman to “WW :é
Newspapers established last year 2000 \Vinter Convention. he editor of The Sunday (‘ourier & r .4.{_ygv,'r;-.§j;j.-;j',
See CAMP, page 4 t (‘Iabes was awarded the Lewis See HONORED, page 12 W.; ' 15"

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, February, 2000
Ed ' ' ‘ ' - Id. In 1996'
mana Cr hired general. manager, Kim Rich, reSigned fiber hOIlOred RX @313 Greensburg Record Hera ,‘
ltOf, ad g her posmon due to health reasons and B . y Brown became editor of The Farmers
at Spencer Magnet glovidwliack £0 heghpmetg. Elk of semoeat Winchester Pridgg dd 1 d an, m
) x ‘ ree, o.,wereseiswor gpart . u ypayc ap in eemer-
. The Spencer. Magnet has a new time for The Cabool Enterprise. Fred Baber, plant superintendent at gence of The Pride as a ‘must read’ for
editor and advertismg manager. Tracy The Winchester Sun, was recently retxig— Kentucky agriculture interests ., said
Combs the new editor had been a ' nized for 50 years ofservioe at the news— q .- i ’ i
’ ’ . ‘ _ ~ cam Moore, resident of the Kentuck
reporter for the Henry County Local in Taler pICked to head State paper w1th a luncheon in his honor. Farm Bureaii). y
Eminence since 1998. She has also Sports CdltOrS" group Baber, who has held several positions at
worked as an assignment editor for ‘ . ‘ . The Sun over the years, was 24 when he COOk re-Oing news Staff
The Breckinridge County Herald- Kh‘lth Taylor, sports editor at The began working in the paper’s commercial J ‘ ‘ ‘
News. Richmond Register, has been named job shopinNovember 1949' at HaITOdSburg Herald
Combs received a history and president ofthe Kentucky Sports “It’s been a good 50 years,” he said. . _
English degree from the University of Editor’s Assoc1ation. «m keep doing it aslong asIfeel good . Debbie Jenkins Cook, food colum-
Kentucky in 1996. Taylor began working for the git for Thlle Hanfimg£?rald,gas
Pat Dean, an advertising sales Register in 1992 as a sports corre- EhlSChldC narned CdltOr _ en a u -t1me s wrl rs pos1 on
representative for the Magnet, has spondent. Two years later, he became ‘ With the paper.
been named advertising manager, a full-time reporter. He has served as at McLlean County News 000k, a 1973 graduate of Eastern
Before joining the paper last year, she sports editor since 1996. D Ehl ‘ h' d h ‘ 1 d KChtUCkY Uh1V9TSIt3'» worked for the
had owned DCM, Inc. and had spent “I’m excited about the opportunity 81 flat hi 5C 1‘ e as rep 3?: nGWSpaper full-time from 1978 to 1983
eight years as a buyer and corporate to serve as president of the associa- fonteh 11 1:1 Ison as rcnanagingbe l or before taking over the column. She Was
director for Bobick’s-Nevada Bob’s Golf tion,” he said. “...Knowing that my col— Bhl‘ h'd C. eand oun tyM ews. also a staff writer for the DanVille
Stores in Louisville. leagues have the confidence in my q bCUl 3” ‘1th: uiate (ked furriy AdvocateMassenger from 1973“) 1978-
The paper’s former editor and abilities is atremendous feeling.” ‘ tate “1381.819“ a wor ‘, ort e For the past 10 years, Cook has been
Leader—News In Central (/lty smce executive secretary and accountant for
--Th Kent ck Press "- theH°usmgAum°fity°fDanvme
e u y Hutchison is completing graduate
The Kentucky Press (issnw23m24) is pub- District 13 mg‘agizgdgdfifiz 33:31 33g had been Herald—Leader I‘BCEIVBS
115th monthly by the Kentucky ”955 Glenn Gra , Manchester Ente rise ‘ ' ,
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, lnc. y rp , NAA award for auto dd
$13323]ggifisgrgifiniaeliiifgrxgib District 14 Brown rCCClVCS awar d The Newspaper Association of
p‘fitmaster; Send change of address to The David Ti‘mrnben‘y,Commonwealthjioumal Buddy Brown, former editor of America has honored the Lexington
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, The Farmer's Pride, has been awarded Herald-Leader fOI‘ outstandmg auto-
Frankfort, KY. 406()1,(5()2) 223-8821. District 15—A the Kentucky Farm Bureau’s 1999 motiveafivertismg- The newSpaper’S
. . Don White, Anderson News communications award to a writer. advertismg for The LEXUS Store Of
Office“ and BMW“ The award is resented annual] to a Lexington netted it and the dealer-
Kentucky Press Association . , . . . p y h' f 18 D l A -
District IS—B print Journalist whose work leads to a 5 1p one 0 . ea 81‘ QtQmOtIVB
President John Nelson, Danville Advocate—Messenger better public understanding of agricul- Newspaper Display Advertising 2000
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News ture. Merit Awards Of Excellence.
‘ State at Large Brown, a 1979 graduate of The annual DANDY awards were
Kies‘q‘glt‘ilef‘l/X 1 h' N . E “ Tony Maddox, Henderson Gleaner Western Kentucky University, now pmtw dunng 3.131935 mama? titthe
my 8L “5’ ppa ac m" W5 Wm» holds a communications position in the National Automobile Dealers Association
Past President Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen Metcalfe County school system. He expo-in Orlando. The top'three wmrung
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader worked as news editor for the Clinton entries were pUthhed 1n the Denver
~ _ Sharon Tuminksi, Winchester Sun County News before becoming editor of Pwt’ The B11331? News and the News &
Vice President . ‘ ~ the Cumberland County News in 1987. Record in Greenwlle, N. C.
Dave Eldndge'lcsmmmejoumal Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era He later became editor of the See PEOPLE, page 10
Treasurer ' _ . .
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Assocmtes DWlsmh ° ' °
C—J carrier credited for saying
Kentucky Department of Education
Districtl ' ° 0 ’
swam two families from house fire
Elaine Morgan, Owensboro
Di‘ ' t .. , - .
chtlgilliiigham, Dawson Springs Progress Mebbeni’eflnqwrer (AF) —— A newspaper carrier and the roof of the Rouse home was
. . was hailed as a hero after awaken- on fire.
[)5ma l‘mmahsm Educahm‘ ing families to deliver word of an “I went back up to the door and
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Bucl‘ RY?“ early morning fire. shouted, “You've got to get out
UNVGI‘SIWO‘KGMUCRY Joseph “Danny” Brown was now!’ “Brown said. And then he
DEW?” . _ ‘ delivering the first sections of the ran to the house next door to wake
Chm” Portmann, medm Favome cehemlghm‘sels . Sunday Courier-Journal on Jan. 4 those people.
Districtfi 10h Fle‘xhak" and K“ Greene when he smelled smoke. Then he At the same time, Brown said,
David Creer, The Kentucky Standard, Dinsmore & Shohl 53w smoke billowing from a {:9 can“; the fire department on
Bardstown garage. is ce p one.
\ Kentucky Press Association “I turned back and ran up to “He saved our life,” said neigh-
Djsn-jct6 . Kentucky Press Service Statt the door and started ringing the bor RUby COOk.
Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era David T. Thompson, Executive Director bell and banging as loud as I If Brown had delayed at all,
District7 Bonnie Howard,Controller . could,” Brown said. her house would have burned too,
Kelley Wamick, Gallatin County NeWs Lisa Larnahan, News Bureau Director TOdd Rouse, WhO owned the COOk said. She said she and her
Reba LeWIS,Research/Markcnngtmrdumtor house. cam e m the door, and husband, Lester, never would have
District 8-9 Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant Brown yelled that the garage was escaped,
Ken Metz, Bath Coiuity News Outlook Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant on fire. South Dixie Fire Chief Steve
[)1 mct 10 11 RaChCl McCarty, Advertising ASSlSlani The paj an]a-clad Rouse “Vent Burton agreed \Vlth COOk.
5 T , Beth Manley, Graphic Designer back in to dress and qu0 his fth If Brown hadn't called the fire
"l" Y,.‘l. Dlld d’t ,' . ‘ “‘ ‘ “ . . ..
km cnnington A511 and my n epen “1 Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator 1y. As Rouse did that, Brown saw department immediately, and if he
District12 Karen Martin,lNAN Account Executive flames leaping from the garage. hadn't gotten the Rouses out of
Stephen Binding, Jackson Times Tina Shryock, [NAN-[kiokkeeping Assistant Within SCC()nd5‘ it was engulfed See CARRIER, page 12

 The Kentucky Press, February, 2000 - Page 3
‘Y t h t . ~ . ~
Du g6 W a Newspapel sponsors c-commerce workshop
you pay for RV JOHN FRIEDLEIN ‘ —'_"—-————-—_‘—"—_"_—‘
The Kentucky Standard “for as little as about $240 a year. a business could maintain
1' h h 1d (Editor's note: The Kentucky a do-it-yourself Web site."
C 1C 6 O S Standard sponsored a free e—eoni—
merce ii'orhshop for local businesses Richard Meadows
U'ue fOr pap€rs xiii/72712:?“ 5:11;; jiinlf:::nl,)(gf::' Ordine marketing manager. Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc.
tered, was intended to help local "t Th' . l l f ‘ l h" l
' “ .— businesses. artists and em tsmen 5‘ 0‘ ‘5 ‘5 (one W cross—pronio- “THC", 51‘” 15 company ‘1” 1‘
InteraCtlve l . 1 learn hole they can broadeh their “H“ l— putting the WM) address on Sit“ Whit'h is primarily used for
' ' g - markets by going ()lllinc‘ said a 0‘ WT 11‘ VOTUSPHN‘I'IQ. whether business to business transactions.
InSlder l .. fir; , Dai‘id Greer. publisher.) ”1"." hi) newspaper, radio or t"l“"l' He wants to expand it to reach
, . . ,_ ‘7 i = Richard Meadows took a rock “("11“ 5* retail custumprg
B" 111m Dixon l i i from his wife's garden and auc- F” ”5 little as about$2~tO a After hearing the speakers.
We've all heard the saving, “You tioned ‘t on the Internet. ‘20:}! ‘_ a business could maintain a lieddy said he was more motivated
. n - . on (“Bay he wrote three para- (.o it )otlist lf Wt b site, Meadrms . H .‘ H .. ‘ v .
get what you pay f()r_ ‘Afier rpadlng ’ h ‘ b t h v l i f 1 th ‘ said. to bpttd up lhlh process. lit d()( Silt
several articles recently from various :(iélkpwhf 0“ 0‘ wonc U. u ‘ This can be more than just a want to be left behiild by his colli—
publications regarding the newspaper Bidding started at one cent; it tool that provides information. For pt‘lllUI‘S. ‘ _
industry, newspaper executives in sold for over $7) example customers can print out Paul Mct oy. owner of the
chargeofthe purse strings and WSW” L l - . - - .‘ ‘i . 1' i If 10 i 1, Jailer's Inn Bed & Breakfast in
sible for future growth should take Meadows, ”“1an marketing qum-‘h ”m Rd (m 1m '. . pi op ( B' l . . l‘ ,. . , . l
heed ifthey want to remain competi— manager for Landmark do this, Meadows said, it could f‘” “OW“: d *0 wants F" fXPdm
tive Community Newspapers Inc” used morithan pay for tlile site. d :115 WM). gtltht Mtimy iii l1": CU»:

' - , this as an exam le of the ower of ‘—commerce 8 50 0X93“ 5 1‘ (”“9” "'5" '5 5‘ eon “ n erne
papeimdrzhiiigthfehilivalgqpaggtiloeiiVZf Internet retail it a work‘is‘liop __ business' customer base, reaching before visiting the real building, he
producing double—digit profit margins "Introduction to E-CommerC(-"' __ in out to' people across the country. said. ,

_ profit m . unheard of in most Bardstown on Jan. 12. Its a qUickly growmg medium, McCoy's Web site now

businesses. Thg e operating cash-flow During the workshop, spon— especially With the .merger "f describes the inn, but he wants to

margins of the nation's newspapers sored by The Kentucky Standard: America OM'I“: and Time Warner eventually let customers make

increased from 16.6 percent in 1995 to Meadows and Webmaster Heidi Inc., Meadows bald. _ . reservations online.

19.3 percent in 1996 and 23.6 percent Henderson talked to. about 50 local For 19““ companies and arms“ He said the conference gave
« in 1997, the most recent published fig— busmess people, artists and crafts- to benefit from .thls growth and him ideas about how to get more

ures. men about the importance of reach— maXimlze hits, it helps to have hits

Interspersed With these glowing lng customers through the Internet “fire-“i“,thffi are as Also during the workshop,
profitability reports in trade publica- Internet. . . short and (it scrlptlw as possiblt, Me'idows )resented "How Your
tions are some disturbing viewpoints, Meadows said anyone With a he said. B (‘l (“ l 't F . l ..
findings and continuing trends in the retail business should have a Web . Also, llenderson stressed the “Hm 5“ "‘m '“n‘ u‘ ”WTIW “f
newspaper industry. There seemstobe Site. "It's part of a good marketing importance of keeping Web sites “fl bard-“t("W'nh‘llm‘l"_’nl~ This
a peI'VBSlVC mind-set t0 maintain the plan." gunplp and (-loun. . . kt‘lltUCky .btandard SltO lll‘lUYVS
status quo or cut costs instead of rein— To start, retailers have to let ' Martin lieddy, a LouisVille tile oilline credit-card purchases via its
vesting profits into newspaper opera- customers know how to find the distributor who attended the con» 'I‘own Mall.
tions and future growth strategies .

An Editor & Publisher (10/30/99) ’

Viewpoint column headed “Getting USPS prOpOseS rate hlke D0016), worklng
What You Pa For” hi hli hted the , ' , ’ '

(mm Ofattyrmg 83¢"in m f 8 1 5 f as leglslatlve intern
ple talent”tonewspapers. The column, 0 _ percent Or papers -

citing recent compensation survey for 2()O() SCSSIOH
findings, stated, “When it comes to Mailing newspapers and maga- why postage rates are driving up _
investing in the talent that creates, zines could become quite a bit more their subscription prices while the ‘Karla 1.)" 0 ley .
shapes and sells their content, news- expensive if the Postal Rate Postal Service cannot get the news- hi)” 220;); T‘f‘icllab ‘ ,

. . papers remain SWCk in a time warp. Commission approves a rate paper to the mailbox on time,” said i 0 . t cfglbuf: ‘ 3; ,
Newspaper compensation models increase filed last month by the Kenneth Allen, executive vice pres- 210,00“ ernor Cf
don't simply predate the Web — United States Postal Service. ident and CEO of the NNA. “We th “:‘f’n’ 0] r" .
they‘ve barely moved beyond the era of Under the proposal, it would will make a strong case before the Asiembl cncra g fifty .
the Underwood typewriter.” _ cost 8 to 10 percent more to mail Postal Rate Commission that this ‘ D001); is a Micem1999i
Pr 13 thesamehclolumn, Refledla local newspapers within their home increase must be trimmed to a ma graduateyof the University (if
thssgrga] ileandog‘lggé Sgsesociaiidii county, asid‘ the regular Periodical sonanlElevSel.” NAA "d t Kentucky School of Journalism
meeting, highlighted the flight of top ”if use or "‘3‘ ”{g Pagan“? U" (SE?) F959;, , ”Fig.9? and Telecommunications,
newspaper talent to the Internet 313 newspapers you lincrease y an ‘ 1 , sal tk e increases Just Dooley has spentthepast two
industry, in the creative content, mar- 1 to 15 percent. lrst c ass stamps dont seem to ma 0 sense' ‘ . summers as a reporting intern at
keting and sales areas. “This busi- would cost a penny more. . Once again, the Postal Seerce the Lexnlgton Herald-Leader,
ness,” Morgan warned, “is goingto be .Meanwhilej mailers of heavy is expecting others tol pay more so where she wrote. for the metro,
won on talent, and when newspapers weight advertising would see a sig- advertising megamaicrs can drop features and b'uslnpss depart-
compete on talent, they're going to nlficant drop in their rates. heaVier loads on consumers at monts_ Shy connmwg 10‘ work for
haveahardtime.” Over the past 5.years, the lower rates, Sturm said. It was th? “QWSPQPpr as a freelance

Shortly after reading the E&P Postal Seerce has: enjoyed a $5.3 only-a year ago that the Postal writer for. the weekly Bluegrass
Viewpoint column, I noticed a USA billion net operating surplus, but Serv1ce raised its rates and now, Communities section, and has
TODAY article (11/10/99) highlighting offiCials say the increases are need- shortly after- announcmg that it is also done freelance work for the
the boon in the development of niche- ed to offset an expected $3.68 bil- making millions of dollars in prof— AssoCiated Press. While at UK,
content Internet sites and the growth lion revenue deflClency in 2001. . its, the USPS is asking for more. she was an honors'student and
of Net content providers and syndi- The recommendation, which money." _ . worked as a staff writer and assis-
cates.Aram Sinnreich, an analyst with was filed Jan. 12, is being fought by . The Postal Rate Commission tant news editor for the campus
Internet Research from Jupiter the National Newspaper Will conSider the recommendation newspaper, the Kentucky Kernel.
Communications in New York and Association and the Newspaper over a 10-month period, and if She 8180 spent tWO summers as a
author of a report on Net syndication, Association of America. approved, the changes would take reporter for the News-Democrat &

See PAPERS, page 11 “Readers Will not understand effect in 2001. Leader 1" RUSSPHVIHB-

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, February. 2000
To justify or not to justify still the question for paginators
. . aw mal and more newslike while flush Here are other points about flush some of my recent redesigns, we
D8519" ls left seems less formal and more fea- left text type for you to consider: showed focus groups pages with flush
Everything # turish. That’s why most newspapers ——There’s no reason why you left text throughout. They noticed
r i run news stories in justified but can’t hyphenate flush left text type, nothing out of the ordinary. When we
-—-—-——- a» 1;_;\ columns and features flush left. just like justified text. pointed out that the text typography
ByEdward F. ’ Justified text is our suit and tie —Despite the common miscon- was different, most seemed not to
Henninger as we work to put our best face for— ception, flush left type is not neces- care much. To them, flush left was
"5 " ward to our readers each day —— and sarily any longer than justified text. just as acceptable for news stories as
For decades, typographers have because that’s the way we present —Flush left works better in nar- justified text.
gone to their graves arguing the mer- ourselves every day it has become the row columns. During the past couple of years,
its of flush left text type over justified most comfortable look for most of —Flush left still works better for I’ve used flush left as the dominant
text. them. features and columns, given its more typography in a few redesigns. The
Some have claimed that justified Justified stories just seem natur- comfortable “feel.” look is more open, less formal, more
text is easier to read because it aligns a1. They feel more credible, more —If you choose to stay with justi- comfortable. And reader reaction has
at the left and right, creating a more “newsy.” fled type for your news report, it been positive.
organized, more structured approach. Nonetheless, there is one advan- might still be a good idea to keep No, I won’t use flush lefi: exclu-
Others have asserted that flush tage to running text flush left: all records and list copy flush left so sively in the future. But I’ve learned
left is easier to read because it’s free excess spacing is pushed to the right readers can recognize the difference that it can be just the ticket to creat-
of the unnecessary spacing required edge of the line, obviating concerns between the two. (No, it doesn’t seem ing the right “feel” for readers.
to justify the line. about word- and letter-spacing. Just to work quite as well in reverse: justi- (Edward F. Henninger is an inde-
In my book, each has its advan- this single factor means that it’s fied records copy with flush left pendent newspaperconsultant and the
tages and neither is better. The key much easier for you to place photos news). director ofOMNlA Consulting in Rock
lies in knowing when to vary the set and art elements into copy without ——Readers may be less concerned Hill, 8.0 You can reach him at 803-
between justified and flush left. worrying about the typography adja- about the difference between justified 327-3322, fax: 803—327-3323, e-mail:
Justified text appears more for- cent to that element. and flush left text than we are. In goZomnia@aol.com)
_——_———_—'—_——_—— Midway College was chosen
caII lp “A Journallsm mlnl-bOOt camp 0f three weeks iv“! because of its advanced work in
is not intended to replace college and university f " establishing a career development
Conti ue d from a e 1 journalism schools or their graduates. It * Program, its enthUSiasm about
n p g is designed to supplement the labor pool Wi‘ “038.1% thlsltl’OOt .camp pmgram
m Oshkosh‘ 'Wls" 5* Joufnfillb‘m ;b00t with qualified applicants from our communities; ”ii an Its Gemini ocatlon‘
camp to train non—traditional jour- - - W The mml'bOOt camp well“ be
. ; ; _ people who already know our Cities and towns, tau ht 8:30-11:30 .m; a d 2_5 m;
nalists. The camp recently graduat— , , , N g a h P
ed its first class of 16 journalists. have life experience and are looking for a good Rad Monday through Thursday, wrth a
The gym: p included a former career Opportunity.” ’9 more relaxed and discussion-orient-
teacher, a lawyer, a military retiree ed evening 39531011 7‘9 p.m. t0
—- even a professional clown. David Greer "3‘89"" the dagszivork firms wouig
. The concept '5 this _ him quill” Publisher, The Kentucky Standard in at 5 111m r1 ags. (are won d
. ified people from the communities KPA/KPS Treasurer e no C ass 0“ atur 33' an
where our papers are located (peo- Sunday 50 students COUId return
ple who have good writing skills —'———_—————— home, do work or class-related
and are looking for another career goal at our first meeting in nalism schools or their graduates. research and relax. _
or good job opportunity) and give November to offer something simi- It is designed to supplement the _ Th1? WOUId be eight hours Of
them intensive basic journalism lar to the boot camp to KPA papers labor pool with qualified applicants IhStmcnOh per day for 12 days and
training in a classroom setting. as a member service, it soon from our communities; people who 5”; hours a day for the three
Thomson has invested heavily in became clear that we did not have already know our cities and towns, Fridays. That's a total Of 114
this venture with several hundred the resources for a 12-week pro- have life experience and are looking instructional hours per student. The
thousand dollars spent on setting gram. Also, most papers could not for a good career opportunity. heart 0f the course 15 writing. There
up a classroom with computers and afford to send a new hire to such a They are people, who with W011“ be Wl'ltmg every day and stu-
a first-year budget that includes camp. So, we began examining intensive training in the basics of dents WOUId get feedback at night.
funds for a full-time instructor, affordable but effective alterna‘ journalism and writing, could suc- Class size WOUId be limited to
monies for consulting instructors, a tives. cessfully work at our papers while about 20 students. Special accom-
copy desk to edit students’ stories, Recently, I acquired a copy of gaining additional on-the-job expc- modation can be made for special
etc. "The Weekly Writer's Handbook," by rience. And, being hometown peo- interests, i.e. sports writing.
Individuals who responded to Bowling Green State Universityjour- ple, this may reduce our editorial HOWC‘VCT, the b00t camp's goal is
Thomson’s ads were interviewed nalism professor Ray Laakanicmi. turnover which always has a high “Oi I“ become too specialized.
and extensively tested on their A former weekly editor, cost in terms of silly errors in our WC 3130 5991‘- commitment from
writing and knowledge. Thrcc hun- Laakaniemi has written a 226- papers. It could also reduce the KPA member papers t0 supply a
dred fifty applicants were whittled page, down-to—carth, very how-to expenses associated with constantly limltt‘d number 0f newsroom profes-
to 50 and eventually 20 were book on being a weekly newspaper filling jobs because some J-school sionals With “00de expertise I”
offered jobs with the Thomson writer. It covers the basics of how to grads are looking for their next step tC‘dL‘h short courses at the bOOt
paper where the applicant lived. interview. how to write everything up thejob ladder. camp t0 supplement Laakaniemi‘s
Nineteen accepted the offers. from budget stories to features, the In and—January, I made a pro- classroom teaching.
Sixtccn graduatcd and went to role of the press. how to cover spc- posal to the boot camp committee. me preliminary diSCUSSIOHS,
work at Thomson papers. cific beats, copy editing and head- The committee agreed it should be it appears we can hOld the cost of
At the KPA Board's October lines, etc. forwarded to the full board for its the boot camp course to about
retreat, the decision was made to In short, this book. it seemed to approval at the Jan. 20 meeting. $1,200 per student. That includes
establish a committee to investigate me. was ideal to use as a short boot The proposal designated David Classroom instruction, room and
the boot camp concept. Board nicm- camp curriculum. I called Thompson, Lisa Carnahan and me board and other expenses.
bers who volunteered included Tom Laakaniemi and proposed my idea. to begin detailed discussions with However. many details rcmain to
Caudill. John Nelson, Ed Mastrean He liked it and said he had Laakanicmi and Midway College, be worked out between KPA,
and Jo-Ann Albcrs. I was asked to approached other state press associ— Midway, Ky, regarding a thrcc- Laakaniemi and Midway College,
chair the committee. David ations in the past about sponsoring week journalism mini-boot camp including dates this summer for the
Thompson and Lisa Carnahan of short courses but had no takcrs. this summer at Midway. It would first boot camp. We've started those
the KPA staff were asked to join the A joumalism mini-boot camp of be taught by Laakanicmi. He would discussions and will be sharing
committee. thrce weeks is not intended to use his book, "The Weekly Writer's more information with you in the
While it was the committee's replace college and university jour- Handbook," as our course textbook. near future.

 The Kentucky Press, February, 2000 - Page 5
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