xt73j9608d1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608d1c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1930 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1930 Vol.2 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, July 1930 Vol.2 No.6 1930 1930 2019 true xt73j9608d1c section xt73j9608d1c 3’ ;‘? 3 ..
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ng‘efll‘t‘i L. Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1930

L ' 53;??- i‘: {L

l" -l:"~'h *3 'L‘ , .A - . .

LtLL all»). t L Christian church caught fire several .
1:,fi i'i‘ T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S S times but little damage was done 1},
{LEW i 1 - to it '
‘- 3’13: l' ' P“
l LL LLL L ————————-—-——— . . All of the buildings except the Bap-

1’: i ’z I Olficial Publication of the Kentucky Press A550e‘at'0“ “St Chureh were owned by three men

'3' ’L LLL __ —D. L. Bell, C. A. Bell, and D. H. L

1:11.»: fi‘l‘. VICTOR R. PORTMANN, Editopimcmef Peak, business agent at the University L'
? iii-3’ 1 FRANCES L. HOLLIDAY, Assistant 01' Kentucky. L
L’ MM t "L? '

. 'vL-LLLL iLi’ , ”—‘—‘——-‘_ x _ 29! re: a. .1: a:

i ‘ L‘i? -. Published by the Department of Journalism, Universny of Kentucky, Lexmgtun MISSIONARY MATERIAL ‘r

‘ ‘ Hi} ii LL Printed by The Kernel Press *— I
. LLLLLLLLLL L LL L From Illinois and Utah members
31"" 2;" L . d ‘ for xtr ' f :
r L31 ii“ i: I: ‘ ‘ f E t as Second Class Matter come or 615 e a COPIES 0 the .L

. L 11H i» LL “fpphcafilon Pending T7112: _ '_,.___L__‘LL._ 7W ”4“ May N.E.A. Bulletin. Roscoe C. Cox, L
‘ LLLLE 3’ , PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS 11311;:i'iSh‘iiir'tThe “IE“terptrisf’ EPhrigi 'L
:.}’1’:1 ' ill Sun, President _ ' ies: wan 0 give e
; iih 115.1 “ HERNDON J. EVANS’LPhne: 'fiimes Vice-President article ‘Newspaper Advertising and the :
i {gig-Lift} ill: JOE T. LOVETT, Murray e ge - . . . Small Town Merchant’ to a number or ,T'

L f. LILLLiilLL L LLlL JAMES T. NORRIS, Ashland Independent, Chm. Exec. Committee our merchants.” L.
L' M L‘rl L71} J. CURTIS ALCOCK, Danville Messenger, Secretary-Treasurer Other members could undoubtedly .L
t LLLLg LLL LL LL L , ________ .7_.__—77-L———~-—7#——~#-——‘-"_—“— make use of this article very effectively. ’L
LLL LLLLL: LLLL LLL LL L ____.__—.————.-— If the demand warrants it, reprints i
LLElLLL LLLLLL LLLL few. will be made available at cost. The i
will. "’1’ 3‘; MEMBER Legit L _ article would make a reprint of 3 ’
rLLLL l’L- LL “3%“ . Member iEiwq 1930 pages to fit a 6 1-4 envelope; could be I
L LLLL ,LLLLL :LLLi a... ’ '5‘: used as an envelope stuffer with L1
'i LL LL LL ’7’ K L TUCKY PRES MON“- EDITORIAL Assocunou monthly bills, or distributed by the ad- L
’2 filo"? L, iii f‘L’ vertising solicitor. Cost: one dollar for .
i, “35‘” E’L ‘L-E . L

. Mia L LLL ASSOCIATION 50 copies; two dollars for 100 copies. '
LL ML; . LL 3‘1: ORGANIZED JANUARY. lacs —— Order them through the Press. 1
LL use ‘ LL‘ 2“? I
.A .111;ny 3! ; lLLL L‘l W * * * a: :l:

‘ H.113“ :l *'
I “11:? y ' L L 100 PER- CENT PERFECT test, not only on their successful com- SHORT TALKS 0N ADVERTISING .1
if it?! 1% 1' -—— petition: 13‘” on the efforts 0f the “11' Next time ou lock horns with th {
1’ E1311 it i The editors of the state and the KPA tors in making their papers better in merchant whet says he will wait untii l
331’“ i ’i 1 owe a debt 0f gratitude to Editors every way to conform to the best business ets better before he ad i
1E“: ‘ 1’ 19’ Cecil Williams and George Joplin for standards of modern journalism. Ken- . _ g . . . . . ver- L ‘
MUM": . ‘: LLLL , . . . tlses, ask him if it was raining when
“£1121 » L" 1L2; , the efficient manner in which they tucky can be proud of these papeis Noah built the ark
1 [WEE .’L1 1 handled the mid-summer meeting and which are setting a precedent and ex- '

. [‘1’ i :: for the excellent Program and long" ample for a“ the papers 0f the State Quite often the fellow who “don’t
i it: L‘L remembered outing in their good town. to follow. It was regretted that so few believe in advertising nohow” is the
'1 [15M 3’! “L "’L L They worked long hours in making this papers were entered in the contests, one who complains that the mail-

L *L‘I't‘ Ir a If -LL‘1 - . - ‘ .

Li :IRL' L: ”i meeting one Of the best and they but we urge eveiy newspaper “.1 the order houses are taking the business .
3:. with L ;L‘L rightly deserve the praise of all the state to plan now for their entries in out of town

LLLL'ii‘ ’1 i] ii" good things said about them. The the NHL contest. The winning papers ’ __

11,‘l1[’§?111EL iLLéL Press voices the sentiment Of aLlIthedlL; aget Judgetdh ont nL'LlerLlLtss :lone aand Lexi: The man who refuses to advertise .

L‘.-’ Hi L1 {1” E tors 1“ attendance when lasays an d 8.21:” 1:11 £15 a in?! nlquu 00a to because of his claim that people don’t [

Li1'11i1lL1 :il you and congratulations. The goo .WI a 0 er e lois' i tLanLLréow (1 read the newspaper, is usually about L‘

1&5 fit: 3," L'LL people of Somerset L_a1so showed every improve your paper, pon ing war the first one to call the editor’s at- L

“ 5:”: ' ill ‘l consideration to their guests during the one or all of the several contests! You . _ L .

llesLLL-L :L . . . . . tention to an errOi at the bottom of
f - “111 ‘i’j three days’ outing which bespeaks their can be among the Winners if you Will. a column on the last page. L
L-' i111! ‘L Li! L loyalty and cooperation with their town ‘ t * * * :1: _ ii

iii’i g L and their newspapers. The KLLPLA can “POP” PORTER HONORED It’s usually the fellow who doesn‘t

l fiiilLL‘r'E ’L I: only say a hearty Thank you _m ap-L ’— advertise who can tell you that news-

: ié‘LL ‘L [L’ preciation. The 1930 meeting W111 long J.L Sherman Porter, manager of the paper advertising doesn’t pay. Yes,

. {LLL‘LL L L be remembered as one Lof . wonderful Lex1ngton . Automobile (:1th has re- and in the old home town, I knew an L
'L 111$ I’ if sceneryL wonderful hOSDltalltyL and a ceiVed notice of his election as a (11- old maid who would tell every mother -
_ {11111.12 i |= program 0f merit and distinction. rector 0f the Mammoth Cave National in town just how children ought to be L’
L . shirt». ' : '. Park Association. We Join in congrat— - f
L ,L h 15”“: L L , . L, Li L. . raised. .

L : Eiflifi’i 3L ! THE PRESS IS LATE ulatlons. __
| L. in? ; i" L’ —— . * * * "' ‘1‘ There is a man in our town. And he

.3stth ’ [’Li 5 The editor mu“ apomg’m because SUFFERS SEVERE LOSS was wondrous wise 'L

‘3 M33313 E LLL. L the Press reaches you a few days Llate __ He swore by all the Gods above he

1W 7 i2 this month We ”We held the I’l'mt' BEDFORD, Ky., ‘July 21. # Eight would not advertise!

i L’iiii’it ii} mg“ there“ over um" we could secure buildings were destroyed by fire here But one day he did break this rule, L L-
L '1 till.“ L ’i i1 the minutes and the _ report 0f the early Sunday morning. No water was and thereby hangs a tale L
i 11.2% . 1E L Somerset meeting. L‘eUt' GovernOI available to combat the conflagration The ad was set in real small type, L
I 111111 ‘ L‘ Breathitt’s excellent address, as well but volunteer firemen prevented fur- and headed Sheriff’s Sale. 1
I WM i as other matters, will appear in the ther spread of the flames by dyna- __

.’ LVLL‘t‘L e 1i next issue. miting. When a manufacturer hires a high-

15:16:; ii L .L L. m a ,L, The Trimble County Democrat, priced copy writer to write advertise- L
i i Ravi} 1: ‘ THE PRIZE WINNERS newspaper, the Baptist church, four merits, doesn’t it seem reasonable that L
i. LL35}, 1 —-—- dwelling houses, a grocery store op- the same copy' appearing over your L
’ lLLLgiLL L 1 The Press congratulates the winners erated by A. Wood, and Peak‘s restau- local merchant’s name will be equally
1- x '111I‘E'lk " ’L: I of the various prizes in the 1930 con- rant were buildings destroyed. The profitable for him?

M It : v

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1:11.1’1’! ” ’
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1 July, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three . 1? . g ‘
'i ‘ 11‘; 11 ‘

. 15, 1' ‘ 151‘
EflMEHSET GIVES KPA Among Those Present" flflMMUNIlY EUP WflN 1 1 1
r :1 1 . .1- .

The editors and guests who regis- ::11 111
tered with Secretary Alcock and par- 111 11111
ticipated in the excellent hospitality 1.1 1 11
_ 1 —‘ _ of the citizens of Somerset were: ___—~ , 1 1 1? 11
Citizens of Mountain Ctiy Extend a Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Alcock, Dan- Anderson News, Lawrenceburg, Winner 1. 11 I1 1I1
Memorial Visit to More Than ville; G. B. SeniT, Mt. Sterling; Mr. In Best Newspaper Contest 11 ‘1 ‘}I 11
150 Visiting Editors and Mrs. R. M. MunfOI-dy Morgan- For First Leg 1 ‘11 1'; I ,1111
— field; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stark, ———~« 11 I, T 11
The Gist annual mid—summer incct- Louisville; D. L. Bell and Keith Hood. The Press takes pleasure in an- , 1: f f g .1
ing of the Kentucky Press Association Bedford; D. H. Peak, Lexington; Evelyn nouncing the winners in the annual 5 1f ‘ 1 i 1‘,
held in the new Beecher hotel at Som— Harris, Atlanta, Ga. prize contest for 1930. Eighteen papers 1 ;: i: 1 11
“ crset, Ky., on July 17, 18 and 19, 1930, Roscoe Brong, West Liberty; J. Sher- were entered in the Front Page Con- ‘, i ‘V I; L 1
was attended by what is believed to be man Porter, Lexington; S. V. Stiles. test, 17 in the All-around Paper Con- f 1'? 1 j 1 1
, the largest crowd of editors ever at a Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beatty, test, 15 in the Best Newspaper Contest, 1 I I 1 1
1‘ summer meeting of the association. Winchester: W. V. Richardson, Dan- 12 in the Editorial Page Contest, and ‘1‘ 1 1.11
" Including members of the families of ville; Dunlin Moss and J. P. Ireland, only two in the Community Service 1’ i 3 ‘1 5,11.
state editors and those representing the Frankfort; Mr. and Mrs. James Pur— Contest. . . i 1‘ 1 1 1
trade houses, about one hundred and don, Maysville; Prof. Enoch Grehan. In the Community Service Contest,1‘ 11 I 11
fifty were in attendance at the meet— Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. Herndon the Paintsvilie Herald, under the lead— 11 1 1
.ing. Evans, Pineville. ership of Charles A. Kirk, was adjudg- i 1' 1‘ i1
While the meeting was devoted to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thompson. ed the winner. The services that the 11 ‘ 1 1' 11
, mostly entertainment and an outing. Paris; "Dusty” Miller, Bloomington, Herald rendered to the community in- 1 11 1
the business meetings were well at- 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Pryor C. Tarvin. eludes, among other things: the move- 1 : 1 .1111
tended and some interesting addresses Covington; Miss Carrie Bernhart, Miss ment to build a new court house and 1 1‘ I 1111
were made, the banquet dinner given M01116 Rave, Cleveland, Ohio; WOOd' jail which are now under construction; 1 i 1‘ ‘1
by Editors 09011 Williams and George son May, Somerset; Charles A- Blan- the movement for a modern passenger 1 11 111
A. Joplin, Jr., of Somerset, being es— chard, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. War- station, which has just been completed; 1 1 1 1111‘
_ pecially good. 11en Shonert, Falmouth; Mr, and Mrs. the organization of 4-H clubs through- : 1, I, 1 1 11
The first business meeting was called R, L. Elkin, Lancaster; J. T. Norris, out the county, and the employment of 1 1 I11‘ ‘ 1 1
1 to order by President Herndon J. Ashland. an agricultural agent to bring about . 1 1 .1 11
Evans, of the Pineville Sun, and Dr. B. Lawrence Hager, IOwensboro; D. M. better methods of farming in the , - 1 1 1
C. Gamble. pastor of the Somerset Mutton, Misses Elizabeth and Jane county; a new bridge that opened a 1 1.
Methodist church, offered the invoca- Hutton, Harrodsburg; J. W. Sharp. new subdivision and is a connecting ‘ g; 1 1 1
tion. Mrs. D. F. McQueary, of Wash— Paris: Mr. . and Mrs. Joe T. Lovett, link of the Mayor Trail, taking traffic 1 :. 1_ .1 1, 11
ington, D. I.C., accompanied on the Murray; Miss Rebecca Edwards, Ver- from the congested streets of the city; '1 ‘. , 1
piano by Miss Mary Montgomery, of sailles; Mr. and Mrs: J. L. Crawford. the building and operation of the Hotel , 1, 1 II I I
. Somerset, sang Ia couple of solosI that D.IF. Freeman. Corbin; S, O. Collett, Herald, 8. modern hotel; the commu- 1, 1 1 1 1
1 was greatly enjoyed and apprecxated. Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Kin- nity fight to open the Garrett High- I 1. 1 1
jI The address of welcome was deliv- caid, Middlesbow; Donald E. Thomas. way running through a number of ‘ . 111 1
. ered by Judge John Cooper, who spoke ineville. , mountain counties, starting at Mt. 1 1 .11 1
of the power-and freedom of the press. Oliver Kelly and H. M. Warren, Leb- Sterlin d d’ t K 1 ‘t W V II». 1. 1
. .. . 1 . gan eninga eimi, . a., ,.
which he said is domg more good than anon; Denny Spragens, Lebanon, Miss assing through and affording an out- 1 _ 1, 1,
any other institution for the develop- Eva Wenzell, Cincinnati; Clarence E. ft f . Mor an Ma offin Johnson and 1 , I 1, ’
ment and welfare of the country. He Woods, Sidney, 111.; Joe P. Gozder, 151 to} gt' ’ _ gd th’ fl ht t 1 1 1' 1
‘ extended a hearty welcome to the edi- Campbellsville; Bernard Platt, LOuis- at m coun ies, an e g. 0 re- I“: 1
. , 1 . . , , open the Mayo College, which cam- 1 1 :11 1
tors, saying the people of Somerset Ville; Harry B. Wateis, LouiSVille, Mi. ai n finall resulted in a movement 1 I 1 1. 1
I_ were pleased to entertain them. and Mrs. A. Robbins, Hickman. p g . h y l b ‘, t ; 1; 1 1' I 1
_ President Herndon J. Evans respond- Margaret Hogard, Marion; J. M. t? open t e 5911.00 y pl”? 6 promo- : 1
ed to the address of welcome, express- Richardson, Glasgow; Mr. and Mrs. A. tion. now awaiting the ”“0,“ Of the ' f; ‘ I1 1
mg the thanks of the Association to S. Wathen, Bardstown; John J. Barry, Conference of the church which meets ,I ,, 11 i
the people of Somerset for their hos- New Haven; H. L. Felix, Columbus, m August. ‘ .1 51 i 1 1
piality. and also spoke of the prog- Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Sam n. Hubley, In the Frontfage Comesh the N§WS‘ 1j .1 1 1‘1 1 f
ress 0f the state press during the past Elizabethtown; David R. Brown, Bards- Recorder, Louisa, W- D Grote, editor, 3. " 11 * 1 1
six months. He said that with the town; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laurance, t°°k first place and 15 awarded the , 1 T j
help of members of the executive com- Mrs. J. B. Alexander, John Laurance, cup. Second place goes to the Ander- _' 9 l
I mittee a number of new members had Cadiz; William S. Heffernan, Louis- son N9W51 Lawrenceburg, and third I: 1II
been added to the K. P. A. since Jan— ville: P. Theobold, Cincinnati; w, H. place to the Mercury, Carlisle. The 1. 1 1 . 1
_ uary. Sturgill, C. L. Sturgill, Lexington. Enterprise, Lebanon; the Advocate, . ‘ 11 ; . 1
The editors were then asked to dis— J. W. Heddon, Jr., Mt. Sterling; Carl Morganfield, and the Marion Falcon, 1 13 1
cuss any subject they might desire to Johnson, Paris; Victor R. Portmann, Lebanon, are given Honorable Mention. 1 1 ‘ ‘
bring up, and Editor D. M. Hutton, of Lexington; Charles A. Kirk, Raymond The cup and first place in the All- 1 .1. 1 1
4 the Harrodsburg Herald, made a short Kirk, Paintsville; Albert Schumaker, around Newspaper Contest. goes to the 1 1 1
,1 talk on the free advertising that is Berea; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bayley, Carlisle Mercury, Warren Fisher, edi- : 31‘
being sent to daily newspapers, declar- Tathell Bayley, Phyllis Bayley, Louis- tor; second place to the News-Record- ‘1 1: .'
ing that something ought to be done ville; Mr. and Mrs. Keen Johnson, 61‘, Louisa; and third place to the Ma- ’ 1 ‘ , ‘; 1
to stop it. A general discussion of the Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bradley, 1'1011 Falcon, Lebanon. The Common- I f ' 1 1
question took place, and all agreed that Miss Madalyn Robards, Providence; wealth, Somerset, and the News-Jour— 11‘1, ' 1 I; 1 1‘
the free advertising should not be run T. W. Rainey, Lexington. nal, Campbellsville, are accorded Hon— '_’ 1 i 1 11 1
in the newspapers and that editors other guests were present who neg— orable Mention. I I 1 i 1 1'11‘1
1' should return the copy to parties send— lected to sign the register, and the The Times—Tribune, ICorbin, J. L. I', . 1 1,1 1 1
ing it. Press regrets that it could not learn Crawford, editor, was Winner of first 5 1 1 1 .
(Please Turn To Page Three) their names. (Please Turn to Page Seven) , 1 ‘ ,l .1 1
, .1 1
1 ’ 1 1‘ 1 1
' I i :1 5 1
’1 - if 1
1 _ 1 l
' 11'.” 1 111-1
L1. 1! ‘
. .‘rt 1— ;" i

 ‘ 13““.‘.‘,I.j.: ""lIt ‘ “ ‘ ‘5 ‘ A ‘ ‘ "‘75:
Wag 5‘ ‘
' 34.133.- ‘
5‘ EEEFE ii:‘
I: ,1511‘541 ‘5~5E -
£I7 Page Four . THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1930
will ' ‘5 ,
5345‘ E ‘El (Continued from Page Three) was discussed to some extent, but it the subject of “Kentucky‘s Problem." .I‘
. ‘j: t“ E E The president then appointed J, was decided to postpone any action speaking of the needs of the state pen- f
5.52 :E‘ E» I Sherman Porter, Joe T. Lovett and until a later date. al and chaitable institutions and of .
F3555. i- ‘ Lawrence Hager on the resolutions Trip to Cumberland Falls the program Of the Kentucky ngh-
. ‘3. l L I5 committee. Following the Friday morning busi- way Commission. Gov. Breathitt made
‘ ‘15.} E." E55 . Friday Morning Session ness session the editors and their fami- a splendid talk on the subject and 3
1 ‘ 55“ E 5‘1 The was a short business session lies were taken in motor cars to Cum- everyone seemed pleased with the pro- .
, 5 ‘I held Friday morning, July 18, when berland Falls by citizens of Somerset gram of state officials as outlined by 1 1
. “ .-. i1 5 Secretary J. Curtis Alcock, of Danvilie, and were entertained at lunch. at the speaker. F .
» . ‘55“? '3" 35: ‘ who represented the Kentucky Press Brunson Inn as guests 0f the COUNCI“ The following applications for mom—
. 5 ‘ml ‘3 ‘ Association at the annual convention Journal and Louisville Times. The bership were reported and voted mcm- ‘.
I‘ 5 5 E55 ‘2‘ of the National Editorial Association, afternoon was spent in seeing the Falls bers of the association: Henderson I
E ‘E‘Hi’l E 1’ June 16 to 18 at Milwaukee, and joined and enjoying swimming and fishing in Journal, La Center Advance, Hodgen- ’
‘ ' HE‘S E ' editors from all over the country on Cumberland river. . ville News-Herald, Shelby Sentinel, I
5 E55: I55 if an educational trip of a week follow— lianqllet Friday Evening Grant County News, Williamstown; E
5: 5E5 E;E - ing the business sessions, made a writ— A delightful banquet wasIgiven the Carter County Herald, and the Bush— ‘2'
ll 5 i-‘I‘I ‘ ten report of the convention, which was editors and their families Friday even- Krebs Company, H. J, Meyer, Louis- ‘I
. 1535' ‘. ordered printed in the minutes. - ing. July 18. when abOUt 150 enjoyed ville, associate member. I‘
E‘ 553 5 Col. C. E. Woods, of Sidney, Ill., life the splendid dinner and toasts deliver- George A. Joplin 111, little son of E
E515- 5- 1E ‘ , member of the K. P. A., extended an ed by pominent speakers. President Editor and Mrs. George A. Joplin, of E
. ‘ EEEE if? ‘5 5 invitation in behalf of Crab Orchard Herndon J. Evans was the toastmaster, the Somerset Commonwealth, was in-
‘l ‘25 Springs Hotel to the editors to be and W. H. Ramsey was song leader. a troduced as the youngest member of, 5
5“. 5555 guests of the hotel for the week-end number of songs being sung and music the association. l
5“\ E5 55. .33 following the meeting at Somerset, and provided by an orchestra. Mr. B. D. Resolutions, expressing thanks for _
'I‘ZII‘E E 535, eighteen or twenty of the editors ac- Gates and Mr. Jack Dew sang solos courtesies shown the press during the E
55: .5555 5575;; l E 5'3 cepted the invitation. that were greatly enjoyed. meeting, were reported by J, Sherman I
53.5 E‘- 35: j‘i Editor F. S. Brong, of the West Lib- The menu was excellent and printed Porter and adopted as read. I
.‘ 35,3 ‘ 5 erty Courier, made a brief talk on the on the program in a very unique man- Golf Tournament l
5 5t 5 55 ‘1 question of an audit circulation. Sev- ner, featuring ”Iced Cantaloupe a la. The annual golf tournament took
5 EIE‘i w 3“ 5‘ eral others also spoke on the subject. Evans" (President Herndon Evans); place Saturday morning on the Somer- .
‘ 3 ‘533335’5i 1,‘ j . J. Sherman Porter thanked the Ken— “Smothered Young Chicken —-Lovett set Country Club groundS, Editor Carl I
Ii‘E 5555515555 if I 5 tucky press for helping to get the Style” (Joe Lovett, Vice-preSident); L. Johnson, of the Bourbon News, ,
E‘ 51“?“ ~.%‘ IE 2 state motor license reduced, and said “Old Country Harm—Norris Cured" (J. Paris, winning for the third time and E
33335.5 ‘EEE‘E I 5 it is hoped to eventually get the li- T. Norris, chairman executive com— was presented with the silver loving .
5‘“ E55 3 cense tax reduced one—half. Colonel mittee); “Alcock Salad a la Curtis" cup offered by the Pineville Sun. E
~ 5531555: 2 EE Porter also urged all of the editors to (Curtis Alcock, secretary).' . . George Goodman, of the IPaducah Sun-
33 Eltli ‘E see Cumberland Falls, whether they Frederick Wallis, of Paris, delivered Democrat, won the cup in 1923, but to
55555; ;‘ were in favor of preserving the Falls an interesting address at the banquet possess the cup it was necessary to Win
M“E5E‘EE{1 I or not. on the “Moral Side Of the Press,” it three times.
“‘53331‘3‘. Meeting of Executive Committee speaking of the great good the press Prof, Victor R. Portmann, editor of .
E“ EEEE E‘ 53E . The meeting was the adjourned, and may do, and devoted much of his ad- the Kentucky Press and member of
I‘ WEE: 5‘13 - a meeting of the executive commit- dress to giving his experience as com- the faculty of the School of Journal- .
'EE ‘Efl‘t‘; EEE ‘3 tee was held to consider the holding missioner of immigration in New York ism, University of Kentucky, was run— _
III E355" 3E5 E of the mid-winter meeting. Professor City. He also spoke in behalf of Cum- ner-up in the tournament. .
3E5; 5553‘1‘: Enoch Grehan, head of the Depart— berland Falls. . ————————
‘.‘£ IEIEIEIEEEE” E I I I . ment of Jourrtiaéistiln, :ngersity of Ken— The griigCipa‘EI sfeakerfof $511113 neivlfgiimng RESOLUTIONS I
" E‘s-1‘55?! "If :5 . tuck , su es e ia e win er mee - was “ us y” 1 er, 0 , — , ,.
535” .5 5‘3 ‘ ing be hglgd at the University in Lex- Ohio, famous lecturer, who delighted To the Kentucky Press Association: 5
.53 55‘; “ 5‘33 3‘ ington and than an Editors Short the editors with his wit and wisdom. We,_ your committee on Resolutions, 3
- EEEE‘ E53 23 Course be held, instead of the usual Mr. Miller made on of the best speech- for the 6lst annual meeting, submit 1‘-
E‘:é‘ E ‘35‘ addresses. Men of experience and ex- es ever heard by the editors. . the following report: , E
5‘5“ E‘ E perts in the profession could be in— Dancing followed the banquet in the RESOLVED, That we congratulate '
L 23 515:5 E“ ‘3 vited to conduct the courses, said Pro— beautiful dining room of the hotel. the people of Somerset and this sec-
. 1555353 ‘3 E fessor Grehan, and the University Saturday Morning, July 19 tion of the state on the establishment .
' “51,5 51 would pay half the expenses. Prof. The business session Saturday morn- of so modern a hotel, the finest be~ I . '
' ,EEJ'.” I5 E Virctor R. Portmann, also of the Uni- ing, July 19. was called to order by tween Lexington and Chattanooga, I
E E‘5I i ‘35 3‘ versity Department of Journalism, President Evans at 9 o’clock and the and on the fact, that Woodson Moss ,
I. 55.5.. ‘I spoke in the interest of the proposi- secretary read a telegram from Lew is its proprietor. We express also our I
I, “3‘5 53 I tion, and suggested that the president B. Brown, publisher of the St. Peters- appreciation of the courtesies extend-
Z 3.54551“ 2 and secretary help arrange the pro- burg, Fla, Daily Independent, and ed us by the hotel and its manage- .
555 E El 5 gram. A motion was made by R. L. former Kentucky newspaper man, a ment during this convention. .
"“ 3:3.3 5 EI- Elkin that the invitation be accepted, former president and a life‘ member of Resolved, That we extend to Prof. E
' III: E1? and the motion was seconded and the K. P. A., expressmg his regretat Enoch Grehan, of the College of Jour- .
‘ “3‘ IE‘: . carried. not being able to attend the meeting nalism of the University of Kentucky, 15‘ .
E 55555.5 335 . ‘ President Herndon J. Evans and on account of the illness of his daugh- to the Courier-Journal and Louisville ~ ‘
E ‘5‘El5 55.3 Secretary J. Curtis Alcock will work ter, and sending compliments and best Times, to the Lexington Herald and E
5 Eli‘l‘ :- 33.‘ with Professors Portmann and Grehan wishes for a successful meeting. the Lexington Leader our thanks and 1
E ‘ 535,535, 5 5 in arranging the program and will an— Prof. Victor R. Portmann, Depart- appreciation for providing the funds
E, E“ ‘ ‘5: nounce date of the meeting later. merit of Journalism, University of for the annual prizes awarded by this ’
‘ I,‘E5§t3 3‘5 . The executive committee held a Kentucky, chairman of the newspaper association, and that we make grateful I
5 ‘ 555555255 _ meeting early Saturday morning, when contest committee, announced the win- acknowledgment of the services of I 5
E HHEI IE 5. Jack Sharp, of Texas, representing the ners of prizes in the various contests, Prof. Victor R. Portmann in conducting .
E‘ ”“5 ' 33 -. N. E. A. at the meeting, proposed to found in another column. these contests. ’ '
5. 5‘5‘5‘55 I5 publish a history of the Kentucky Lieu. Gov. James Breathitt, Jr., of Resolved, That we appreciate the
E .‘Lil‘lE‘E 3“ Press Association. and the question Hopkinsville, delivered an address on (Please Turn To The Next Page)
33. 3 . .
Es. 535E 3.7 1
I‘l‘ 1 '
.2 i1: Infill” l5I ‘ . .
ItlilEEEEIl E ‘ .
5;; II: I -
2E - 1.2;, _

 . it 71‘ ‘ '1. '1 '
i 3 - ,1 3.‘
3 3 33i 31
1‘: 1 3 i 3
2 , . ., 1 -_‘ 3’3 1
3 July, 1930 [HE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 3 33 ‘ 33133
« . 3 :5 ‘3
33,3 (Continued From Fourth Page) The 1930 campaign, which is being HOLDS NEWSPAPER MAY ‘ 3i , ' 3,133
’ courtesies sllgwn us by our neighbors, Piiflitggpgfa tie ell/idemlyAgStflmig‘ f3: REJECT ADVERTISEMENTS 1 1 3‘53. 3
's m — ’ . . h 1‘: z- ' 1
fazlgofiglclfidigguthfiS:{:;£:?$:E_ the year and there is little probability The Supreme Court of Louisiana has 1 E i 3 3
3 quet given us Friday night, the of any deViatlon from this schedule, rendered a decision to the effect that a 3331‘ 3 ,3'3
thoughtful attentions of the citizens but some 3constr3uctlve work can be newspaper in that State may accept or 1 i E1:
of Somerset, who provided the cars to gone toward getting more papers into reject advertismg at will. Suit had 3111} 33 33313
3 take us to Cumberland Falls; the hos— sStings;elggsvgstissiigedB-fmf0110c£3131033213 goon bgought against the Shreveport 33 1 3
3 . pitality of the women of Somerset in dealers. 331:3: 33(3): aiigligfdvg‘tfslfnooo ffor 1'3: ,33 3 333-3 33‘ 3
prpvldlng entertainment {301 the VlSit- N. W. Ayer and Co. are prepared to that had beenpbought at s gel-(iii? 3513:: I: 3.3 33.1 333 3
ing women at the co3l31vention, the fine furnish free of charge an advertising from a concern that had not paid its . i 3E 3‘ = 3 3
lunch 3plov1ded at he Falls by the service for local dealers, and if such advertising 333133 The decision read' 333 33 3 133 33
., 'pou‘lel‘J9ulllal and Times, the seiv- local dealers can be induced to make frvgw etaoi shrd cmfw vbgk xzfi gmf 31 ;E 333 3 333 3
’ 1°.“ ”f M‘SSRUW omt3’ 11310350 g1?" use of the service, thus showing that “The weight of authority is that the 31 5} 33' ' :3 E 3
elous313y 3lecei:36d Ianélhatieglstelsd o31)lr they are alive and on the 330303 it is publishing of a newspaper is a strictly 313 33 3 ; 3 ,3. 3
5 "ZS? eits, alakeaour visitwta: 8532833593; very liable to be the means of securing private enterprise, and the publishers 1,33 l 1 ’ 3 i
1‘ 0 e15 .033 i133 , b , cl b 33 6; a regular newspaper contract for 1931 thereof are free to contract and deal or i3 1 3,: ‘ 3
one long 0 e lemem elf} y a 0 us: to be paid for by the Ford Motor Co., refuse to contract and deal with whom 1:11 3 3 ~
Resolved, That we exp less 01." thanks .' papers containing the advertising they please. [Mack vs. Costello, Ann. 3 ‘ 1 3
to 3h? State 3nghway Commisswn for of such local dealers are sent to the cases 1916 A 384' Commonwealth vs 3 3. 3 . 13, .
ordering the improvement of the bou- Ford company and the N W Ave“ B 3 ’ 3_ ’ ' 1 ,3 3 3333
3 3 3 , . - - . a oston Transcript Company, 144 N. E. 3 .3 3 333 3
lerald thl°ugh38§nfmd and 5396“.” company. Rep. 400; Journal of Commerce Pub- 1 3 l 3111 1
3 H3111, and that iegardless M 0m mdl: It is needless to add that all news- lishing Company, 26 Fed. 111 (C, A,)] ‘ 3 i , 13 3
7 “dual “”5 as 3° 35116333115 and pow.“ papers now receiving Ford advertising and at any rate it is for the legislature 1 3 3‘ i3 -‘ 3
Plant we urge the H‘ghway commls' :hould make every effort to give the and not for the courts to declare that '1 1' 3 3 313 ' 3
51.0“ to pmVlde roads from bow U‘ 8' agency A-l service so that it will be a business has become impressed with 1 l3 l3 3 ‘1
, h‘ghways to cumberland,FauS' 3 an inducement to broaden the cam- a public use [6 R. C. L. 227 (Sec. 219)]. 1 133
. Resmve‘i' That We applove the pm" paign into the use of more newspapers There is, however, one case holding f; 1 1
3 Jcct 0f the Kentucky Park and State another year.—North Dakota Press the contrary doctrine, to wit, Uhlman 3 33 l ,33 3 3
Devel°33ment Assoc‘atmn 3° 90““903 by Bulletin. vs. Sherman Ohio nisi prius N. s. 225, 3‘ 71 1 . ‘ 3
1 loop highways state and national parks but we prefer to follow the, weight of 31 3 3 33
3! of Kentucky with those of other states CIRCULATION authority 3, 3 3 : 313 3
. and sections. . —— The firm of Smitherman, Tucker and , E 1; 3 ‘2 ,
3 Resolved, That we apprec1a3te the Whatever paper may rightfully Masons attorneys for the defendant, 1 1 3 31 1'
splendid addresses Of Frederick A' claim the largest circulation in the 3-, d, th 1 th f 11 ' - .‘ 1;- 3 33 3
. 3, . . quo e among 0 els e o owmg au ,
Wallis, Dusty Miller and LleUt' Gov' world the award for the smallest must thority in their brief; :3 3 13‘ ‘
Jam.“ Breath‘“ and that the secretaly probably be given to The Anti-Top Hat Mack vs. Costello, Ann. cases 1916 A. f' l‘ 3' 1': 1
be directed to thank these gentlemen in of London, which has an issue of only 384; wherein the court states that “the :3 1 3’3 3 1 1 33 3
our behalf for their interest in our 215- three numbers. publication of a newspaper is strictly a 3 333 3 31 , 3
soc1ation and the welfare of Kentucky. This remarkable periodical was es- private 333153116553 It may be begun or 3 13 3
t ReSOIVEdz Th“ we ”press our new tablished by an eccentric gentleman discontinued at the will of the publish- “ 33; 3
3 ful apprec1atio3n to that golden voiced. who had a perfectly inexorable anti- paperer. The publisher in publishing a' 33 3, 1 33‘ ' i
gentleman, Ml" Jack Dew' for his smg' pathy to high or “stove-pipe” hats and newspaper assumes no ‘omce, trust, 3 3 1‘ 3|
1 mg, which has elevated and edlfied us who devoted his life largely to the station,’ in a public sense, or enters 33 ‘33
3 and made us forget 0“," troul’les and task of denouncing them. After his into any public or contractual rela- ‘ 3-3 _:3 '3
2 the prosaic things 0f me at intervals death his Will was found ’00 contain a tion with the community at large. It :i‘ 3 1, 3
3 m ““5 conventt‘m’ and. to. Mr" B‘“ clause giving to his nephew an annuity may be the publishing of a newspaper 3. 3- 33V ‘ j 3
Ramsey for leading the Singing at the of 331030003 on condition that he should is a quasi-public business; but, if 503 3 33 3 3 3 3
1’ banquet. . continue the campaign against high only because, from long ex