xt73j9608b0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9608b0p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1894-04 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 8, April 1894 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 8, April 1894 1894 1894-04 2015 true xt73j9608b0p section xt73j9608b0p 5‘23?“- 4 M: “I l e «’11. \l‘t‘x =
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Vol. 4. Lexington, Ky., April, l894. No. 8 ’
. z .
» MARY STUART, laceept the crown of a nation whose - \ \ V
. (What others have said of 1,0,. ,Slreligion was the suppression of that ' S i I DE \ I b .
. ‘ collected by a member of tlie faith always deemed by Mary more K . , ,
, History Class of ’94.) dear than life itself. On her arrival, , *1 ,w r v , 1 - ,
. __ in Scoum, she was kimuy received ‘Vho Study Leonora) Should not tail, to _ ,
Mary, Queen of Scotts, born at by 1101' subjects “'11" however did tl‘ildC {lt- the ,
Linlithgow December 8, 1542, may not hesitate to express their disap— . R C K ET STO R E '
‘ well be styled the n'iost unhappy{I’m"al 01' 1101‘ catholieism. A
l - - .i .. K" . a. ll ‘1' 2 liti< us kinsmen of Lor—' 1 -\ - - , > - , ‘ ,- .
. rmms Indwd “U,“ll‘lmw‘w , . t “‘f’ ’ . . _ , 'lhe largest Notion House in Lexington.
seem to have begun wrth t1“, (luyraine new began LO form numerous n _ __‘
_ of her birth. Her father, who atilfl‘“.l00t51md rlunsfor her marriage. Our prices always the lowest. 14 all stock
V . ‘ J . v . it ‘ i' _: la , r ,tlers Dm Carlos, of . _'. ., - ‘9 ‘1 , .’
. them 1a 011010 (We Mme?“ :‘f. ““1”?" 3:14,, 5, 7 _ now ready, Notions, Ladies and Gents
, sequence of the recent Signal defeat l L PM“; “db huge» “a “ mm) ”‘1 “C 1 p . . , ) , ,
, and disgrace of his army, is said to 0011'” Of his great wealth 311d Power, 14 lll'fllSlllIlgS. I'I‘Ltts, LOOtS and 5511008, v
‘ have observed, on ’hearing of hislShefll’lnll'fntld:lllllcll'1‘1'0l01:1'0dfulfill Blankets, Stationery Etc. _
. daughter‘s 1)],1-1,}-], “[119 (161,09 go , all hope of gaining him “ as (1ULD( l- , ‘ “ ..
, with it, it came with a lugs and mu l ed. Iler marriage with Darnley; ll'y 115 for UIIdCl‘VVCiU‘.
go with a lass,” (referring to tlmlcelebrated soon afterward, in secret v‘ ,
i crown of Scotland). Thus with her and Cven before obtaining 11' ‘liSl’en‘ ‘ J . D. P U R C E L L, l
. father’s execration Mary became a sation fl'Um the POW since they 11. '13: IS, weSt Maln Sireet- v
queen before she was a week old were cousins, proved a source 0f '
‘ and was crowned while .Yet in her much “'0“le sorrow and regret.
first year. Darnley now rapidly become more . WWW ‘m,mmm\
,. . .,%‘:‘“.-u w. “In lilt‘ ‘11 ‘* ‘ _ V.
~ in her childhood she was be— and more worthless, insolent, arro, \ Vet, w “it!“ .\ FRED]. HEINTZ A q,‘
' trothed by Earl of Anan to Prineelgimt 311d bCSOtth: and having be— 1"”:y,lmlMililliill‘liirl’w \1‘: \\ .l \ we.
Edward, of England. This In-0”1_l(101110()(llOllS 10 Mill?» his jealously /_ WilllflilliWilliiliil .. l/s ¥lllj 2/er "i, _ Mdllllldblllllllg
. . V ‘ ‘ ml“ HM’l‘f'il‘r‘i'f‘rrl-“i‘lit K ":19 1?: ill \» ' w
' ‘ use, however, was soon annulled by may have been aroused 1’) a .lu*5t 2/, ”iii {llilllllfl:lillflilllllllillllilfilly}ll“? I N \ /\;‘,\l‘ .l . , :.
. . the Scottish Parliament who pre- cause. HOWCVOY fills may be, ,t' illlmllvl“,,,,llrll,ll,l,ll,ll“,ll}, 9": Eé‘lEé‘ -
ferred forming an alliance with whether inflamed With .l“St resent- ‘2‘?“ll/Hgl'ftfWilli?!gill/ill"l, g §§ll 5‘ fl 5%) ‘ e V" e e 1‘
' - . . . 7 . . ., . ‘. . , ,_ 241:4, ‘33,,jrpart,y,,[:,,~;,,5,"t Elli, a' E‘, ,3 ‘_ -,, _
, . France by 1 then armament or 11,15 “"bffllfelm,“ “‘9 trrrgtrilltttrlltl.'1» ~ Mfr
‘ i ' . ,, . , ' instrument 0 a we aiL ': 0t ar- flights}:,rll§l’,.;rl=.51”: ,‘a‘s 5.. ,
queen in marriage to tho dauphin! " ll 1 x f- . .11 j‘ 1,, ,, ,_,,,,,,,.,,,,V,H ”,,,,,,4,$,,<11l' lll\ “\x/ , Custom Ilfluge S “are
of that country. Accordingly she 1ange< -’y t“) (”01“ manners, [WM . 1i;;,,,,m\=r-»./w’/ l c q _
was soon after sent to the latter many rival enemies, maV always re— ” “mamas
» ' country as much for the purpose of main 21 IllB’StCl'y, bUt the 1'95“” is _________________________—________
l, _ protection from the English as for well known. . . -
; education and instruction in the The queen's next favorite was I 116 M. ( . I 1110)] ( O. "
customs and habits of the people James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell,
,- v whose ruler she was to wed. Her to Whose dastardly and murderous wMANUFACTUR-E RS OF V
stay at the French court was proba- counsels she is thought to have
» blythc only happy time in her life, lenta willing ear. Divorce from MILITARY, COLLEGE AND BAND UNIFORMS. ,
. but this, alas, was destined to be Darnley was probably favored until
, brought to an untimely close by the thought ofimpeaehing her son’s FLAGS'BannerS'SwordS'HBlmet89
\ the death of her husband, then legitimacy and consequent right to p , *
King Itrancrs H’Emd the successxon the throne drove her to favor amore OVCI‘COEItS {'01. Officers and Pl'lVfltCS. ‘ , \
. ol the infamous (.atharme de Medi— secret, but heinous, proceeding.
' . oi, as regent for her next son, Bothwell’s subsequent crimewastoo THE M, C_ LILLEY CO"
, Charles. In 156], a few months af- public to be doubted and the cruel Dong St. Hnd E. Avenue, n _ _ Columbus, 0 ,
tcr Francis’ death, Mary returned manner of Darnley’s murder too
to Scotland where her presence was well known to need repeating. Only ———-——-—-——————'———"—"——_
/ much needed in consequence of her three monthslater was celebrated her wwxw‘» >
“ ' mother’s death, and the anarchy marriage to the murderer of her ”"3 VICTOR BOGAERT V '
produced by the reformation. This, former husband, and by thus doing [;*_ imi' ,
. as she stated, was the saddest me- so incensed her subjects that they 19‘3" ‘ -,
mentin her life; but a short time rise in open rebellion and drove figl‘ MANUFACTURINGJEWBBER’
-' 5‘ ->x."-~ . state: x1 ,4:
bclbre a happy bride and a proud Bothwcll from Scotland, After va- $nyth airtdfi‘ I7 E. Short Street,
‘ ‘ queen of aland of beauty, wealth rious unsuccessful attempts to re— “/ Lexington, - - - - Ky. ‘ '
and Splendor, she was a widowed, duce her realm to subjection, after "‘ "“ ....m4/ "
, lonely outcast forced to leave a peo- romantic escapes, hardships and de- DIAMONDS. WATCHES. AND JEWELRY. .
, ple with whose joys and sorrows privations of a civil war, she fled ‘ RELIABLE GOODS,
alike she was in thorough accord, to scantily attended into England, and FAIR DEALING AND BOTTOM PRICES. ‘ p

 threw herself on the protection of station, has been much debated. \V H W'ARREV l X \VARREN
Elizabeth only to find herself a pris- Probably with the exception of her ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘
oner for life. Having been removed well known rival and persecutor, ,
from castle to castle she was finally Elizabeth, no monarch ever lived l/ i/ arren Bros. Grocers
imprisoned at Fotheringay, which concerning whom greatercontrariety 9
was to be the scene of herexeeution. of opinions is held by learned his- ‘1 CORNER HIQ‘H AND LI'MESTONE. '
About this time Pius V had is—— torians and biographers. An at- btaple and Fancy (ITOCGI'IGS, pl'Oduce and
sued a bull against Elizabeth and tempt has been made to defend her Dressed Ganle and POIlltry. '
many fanatical zealots of the (,‘ath— conduct on the plea that she was an ‘ .
olie religion sprang up ready to imbecile, a dastard and a dupe, but TEAS AND SPICES. A FINE LINE OF CIGARS'A‘ND TOBACCO
play the assassin and risk even this position is untenable when —_-—________—
1 death in its most horrid form to brought in the light of her active ‘
free their church from its worst en- brain, unquestionable ability, mas— . -
eniy. Conspicuous among these culine courage, tenacity of purpose, .
was Babington, who expiated his at- and implacable memory of retribu— KR] - 1 t Q: \/I .1 ‘Q‘ .
tempted crime with his head. It tion and reward. _ 1 1g 1 L i eygl V) v
» . has been much disputed whether That her unhappy life is a wit— llll‘tlll‘llS 1“, . ' NW.
Mary was really privyto Babington’s ness to the truth of the statement . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,._
conspiracy, but it is ,a known fact so often made that “in this world 141113311 Bleak Bil-($011, Lard {Hid Sitllfiilge.
that when accused by Burleigh of the penalty of weakness is greater J N
having pensioned an instigator of than that of wickedness,” may be 18 N MILL ST_
an atteinpton Elizabeth’s life, she maintained by zealous defenders
retaliated by citing. as if in justifi- from her own faith, but can never x .
, _ cation, Elizabeth’s assistance to her be admitted by the generality of ————___—__—______
rebellions subjects in Scotland. mankind. . M M ' I i & L
Whether guilty of complicity in Her passion of love became ap— C I a n a U 8 r; 4
‘ thisattempt or notshe was arrtigned parently sated and was naturally y'_ l. p ‘
before a body of forty—seven noble- outlived; but her hatred and her re- ‘i-iae Féew cream gfikery
_ men on the charge of conspiring venge were inextinguishable. Of is.
. ;. against the queen’s life, and “guilty repentence and fear alike she knew CORNER VINE AND UPPER STREETS. . _ .‘
of death” was the verdict. nothing. Her creed was her deea— , »

l 'During the whole of this trial logue. i l FFSSh Brfiad a nd RDI l3 ' ~ _‘
alone, without one counsellor, Mary In appearance she was vivacious, Best mend, Rolls and Cakes 1-,, the City. Fresh MW, and R0115 mm). We”, Mg ,
conducted her own defense with cultured and beautiful. She was insets O‘clock-

‘ incomparable courage and ability. aclm'owledged the most charming _—_——.—_——_
_ l’athos and indignation, subtlety princess of her time. With all her l \N' J . 5mg 0 U I I h a n & B [‘0' ~
and simplicity were alternately her evil qualities she 1)ossesse\!l"‘iiiai'i_y Wholesale and retail dealers in p

I x" wea )ons avainst all odds of evi— national, political and social virtues; 7 ' r' ) w ‘ ,I; . 7 ., ’
dende andoinferencc, and with the while the intensity and constancy } SlOl 08’ T123“ [dilly llllllph, GIMCS’ Mmflcs’ lldfillldlt, Etc'

. . .. .. ‘ ‘ , a vanlzed iron and Slate Work a SpeCIalty. ,

: courage of despair she contested et— of he] attachment to a lllLlld u en, 8 p , _ _ _ -, ‘ ' 4 - .
cry inch of debatable ground. Nev— equalled only by her bitter hatred J01) work done on short llotlccvat {he (“Tut “” 05mm StOVG
er, with the exception above men— for an enemy. ‘und 1111 biorc. ' > _ °
‘tioncd, did she admit the truth of a ——________ 2f) “ est )luln Street.

. single charge brought against her A society having for its object W
and then only by way Of l‘eCI‘llllillft- the consuniation of palatable Sub- LCXillQ'tOII 813921111 11111111(11.)r W
tion. After waiting a short time in stances and the promotions of inter- Q
. doubtand suspense,Elizabeth sign- csts therein has been organized by Special Rates to Students.
ed the death warrant, and 13 said to members of the second lloor new
. have instructed her secretary to ex- dormatory. 109 and III E. MAIN ST.
press to Panlet, Mary’s keeper, her The principal feature will be a .
displeasure at his not'having short~ regular report from each of the J. W_ WOOD, AGT. 42273534- '
ened hls prisoner’s life in a more members on all matters of current Room 5- New Dormitorv. State College.
. quiet manner. interest in his peculiar line of eating ———-————————-———__.___—_

O“ the scaffold she listened, With and practical demonstrations there . ) -
apparent indifference and cheerful of. 'Roll call at half past ten, but FOUS b 68 (k CO" .
unconccrn, to the reading of her-no fine for absences, no open ses— c. 1). CUNNINGHAM, SOLE PARTNER,

. death sentence, and even lifted up sions all private meetings, at its last Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
her voice in‘ Latin against the Pro- meeting C. W. McElroy was elected . , ,
testant English prayer. Then after President of the society. - PallltS, Glass, BI'USheS, Al'tlStS, Matel‘lals
Sundry arrangements Mary mid 118‘" . —“ of all kinds. House Painter and Decorator, etc. 21E. Short St v
head on the fatal block with the AN AMPLE WARDROBE.
dignity of a queen and the constan- ~ STU D E N TS I
ey and resignation of a martyr. [She’s going to the ball to-night— _

Thus ended in misery, disgrace! I heard herself declare it; GO TO
and shame the life of one born a For though she nothing has to wear,
queen amid the wealth and splen- That’s 'ust the dam; to Wear it. W 7 0 0
(lor of a royal court. J 1 John Ludlow. \ at1< 1 n S & S 1/11 1t h ,

The character of Mary, Queen of — (a
Scots. is one of the most intractable Shelbourne says, ifLatin is a dead ‘;83" FOR BARGAINS lN ALL K INDS 0F FOOT WEAR. "73‘;
questions of hist0ry_ Tc, what ex- language from being studied too' They keep the best 337 S4 and 85 lines of Substantial Shoes made and
tent she was the creature and vic- hard, that he had nothing to do
tini (,1‘ 1m. “g9, her creed and her with the murder. guarantee every pair. Give them a call at I6 E Main St, Lexington.

 . , - - H , ~ , , ~ , es , .7, ,. «m ~<--»~e . s «es "WM, ">"»--—*—.-~—~—-,y——--—-—.—-‘-, , M— ev—eeA—«~-—»-A———Lfi; ”shy/.73? £1”:th ,
l . ll .' l
4—. ,,." h‘\( l i
— V._e_—WAW~7”_._ / than the sword) then get out 1113 ,1 ) afitdtt 901th C h 11Jtl ”L J. “ PT)
' ssmEz-/ . Iliad preViously served. or delivers a lecture on H ypnotism
I” 3. 1§§E§n/ 3tho small hours post mediani noc-.. .;3.3: l - 31ldition to the lecture he
p” 2.51:; is 3 35111- a. - 1- 31. 1«. * After the late w-ir Prof Iieiveti“““ “‘ “‘ ~' ' - 3
, 3' .. ' 32:53 1 ' 3 jg; cm, 1e 0 cannons, “300“ CC ”313' ‘ 3 ‘ 3 ' 3 \Vlll practically demonstrate it.
' ' ' 3 :13?cl,etc., etc. If he fails to do alléfhl‘cml‘hed t0 LCXIhL’tOh 311d TGSIdt‘d‘; In addition to the lecture there
3 The editor swore, the editor cussed,thiS he will have very little to writegghhtll the close of his long and use-iwill be a 3mu31cal e311tei'ta1nn310nt
The editor tore his haii'. '1‘}: about and under arrest he is unablexlL11 hfe- For a number or years, hewthtllch (Puflgmefl L8 be 1.318 731325130311
‘ . 3 fl; . . . . . . , . , . , - - ram 0 We 11.; ’03 '. . ‘ —
phC editor moaned “It’s copy or :1. to do all this, for he fears lest theg“ 115 the 1110“ populai WWhOl 0f Ill—Irwin" iq “it. 1113033133311; .
1;; _ 3 .3. 3 33. 3 If": h. .. ht. . '
‘ bust,” 00101101, 01‘ one Of 1113 satraps "13.1’aftlu,ment‘d “Him" In “I" “W3 “1“]\"0(:al.\‘olo...l\liss Mildred Simpson
The editor breathed a prayer. come around and miss him fronnadul‘lhg that thhe he “150 tauEw‘.’ht‘(,‘in3111~3.t Duet ...1\'Iulli§1an dz Hughes
“C 3333331 on yo gods 'ust one this quarters3 Elli”. he goeth not 0iii-33h3classes in French and Goriiian. ButVocnl Solo...... Miss Fannie Carrier
7 J 3131.3 for his motto is “The fear of Col-lithe best serVico of his hfe was glvunPiano bolo........ Miss Louise Biight
' thought more, J“ l ' tl l ' ' ' f ' ll‘to the St itc (‘olh re in the c 1 1 (it\Vocal 80‘ o,..........Mrs. LlVlngHLUDC
7.. f . . 3'. 1 3' r - ,". I. 2 7 A,’ ‘ ‘ 5 11‘, 33:.) , .
(.1130 Thejust one idea ;” one 1" 1e 1131111111132; 0 11111taiyf3éy3 . 3 f 3 . h 1 3‘ .33;\3ocal Solo........ l’rot R. L. Blanton
He mm. from his chair and priced thWIGdQO; and departure from,“1 P“) 955‘” 0f MMCI‘“ Languages-HSelection...” College Male Quarteit
1. .. | L x L . ‘. . . . i 1 .‘ ’ ' ,
the H 33 3quarters is vacation from school.” l‘rom boyhood he had learnedHypnotism........by Dr. J_ “r_ Pryor
0‘ ' 55;; . . .7 . . 3.! ‘ . » ‘ .
' Til . .1 ti 0 l f l . 7 “re have WOI‘OU- iFrcnch as well as his mothcrtongue. With DCHIOIISU‘ZIUUHS-
1 {L . 3'1' rouset rom 11s '11: . 95; 3. - . . . 3 . . . ' _
131i. “.- M Band he was equally 1791-301 111 thch 0 £10le 51131131). 3btan)d.nd Time Ad 3
3 3 .111. :1- 3:3: 1111551011 :00.
iteraturcs of tllS ' z 13 .433
Ho qeiymi his q(.igqom 11 1 1.313031 7:; Dr. Robert Peter who was Prof}. . l L 0 two ltnguagts.
‘ ., .. ' '1 3 . - av. .- 7 v3.» ‘ '. ,, 3 3:, .____.
3 . , e g 1 '“ol'themistry at State College from'hnm knowhdge of ltnglish was lull 3 3 3
his paste, (1865 to 1887 died Thursday morn—33““ accurate, and he had also drunk StatQCOhCn‘TC WlllCI‘OSS bids Wlth