xt73j9606r4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606r4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1978-05-19 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 19, 1978, no. 226 text The Green Bean, May 19, 1978, no. 226 1978 1978-05-19 2014 true xt73j9606r4m section xt73j9606r4m UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
5/19/78 NO. 226 n
26 May - No Administrative Council Meeting
2 June — Library Faculty Meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM
4 June — University of Kentucky Library Associates presents
Kentucky: a Musical History, performed by Dan and ·
Jenny Brock — Gallery — King Library North -3 PM
_ (see note)
Current Exhibits: Foyer — King Library North - Robert Lowell
exhibit through May. Gallery — Department of Special Collections — p
Shakespeare's the One - Traveling exhibit from Folger Shakespeare _
Library, Washington, D.C. through June 9.
Contributors to this number:` Pat Boyle, Wanda Dole, David Farrell, p
Faith Harders, Claire McCann (Editor), Linda Newman, and Bob
Turner. I

 - 2 - ·
’ Kentucky in Music i
KENTUCKY: A MUSICAL HISTORY has been specially prepared for The g
Associates. Accompanied by piano, banjo, guitar, and autoharp, i
the Brocks will perform the music that has been part of Kentucky's
history from the early l800s through the Civil War. The program
includes frontier and mountainballads,Shaker hymns, campaign
V and minstrel songs, and rarely—performed selections from one of
the earliest native American compositions, A. P. Heinrich's
collection "The Dawning of Music in Kentucky." Several of the
Brocks' selections are taken from the historic Kentucky sheet music
collection in the libraries. 1xreception_will follow the program.
_Dan and Jenny Brock are native Kentuckians with graduate degrees
(law and voice) from UK. They are members of The Lexington Singers
and their experience in music ranges from commercial recordings to
opera workshop. Jenny, who studied at UK with Phyllis Jenness,
teaches voice and is a soloist with The Lexington Philharmonic and
Musica Nova. Dan has extensive recording experience with folk,
bluegrass, and contemporary music, and produced J. D. Crowe‘s first
two albums.
The publicis cordially invited uoattend; however, because of space
limitation, we request that you place reservations. RSVP,
606-258-86ll. »~. -.-. ·
Hinman Collator to be Demonstrated
A Hinman Collator--a 450-lb. precision optical instrument used in
analytical bibliography and textual editing——will be installed this
weekend in the Department of Special Collections. The manufacturer
will demonstrate the instrument on Monday, 22 May, in Special, and
staff and other interested persons are invited to attend. The
Collator was purchased with a special equipment grant from the
About 50 Collators are in use in the United States and abroad. The
instrument was developed in 1952 for Charlton Hinman, senior editor
at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. He needed
to edit and proofread all the works by Shakespeare at the Folger--a
job he estimated would take 40 years--to prepare an authoritative
edition. With the Collator, the task took two persons less than a
· year.
At UK the Collator willkxaused for a variety of proofreading tasks,
or whenever it is necessary to compare similar texts for complete-
ness and accuracy. One of the first readers using it will be Dr.
Donald Ringe of the English Department. He is currently editing the
novel LIONEL LINCOLN for the American Antiquarian Society's
definitive edition of James Fenimore Cooper's complete works. In
addition, the instrument will be used to train library students in
the practice of modern textual analysis. Time for demonstration: 9:30

 P - 5 -
Last Call for GPD Tours and Workshops
» The Education Committee of ACTS is sponsoring two tours and two
dy workshops of the Government Publications Department in King Library
during the 4th week of May. The tours will last one hour and are
scheduled for Wednesday morning, May 24, at 10:00 and Thursday
afternoon, May 25, at 2:00. Workshops are scheduled for Friday,
May 26, at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. The workshops will begin with an
hour of instruction after which some printed exercises will be
distributed. The exercises are designed to give the participant
some experience of actual use of some GPD materials, and they may
be completed at that time or at some later time when the workshop
participant can return to GPD. Workshop participants are asked to
attend one of the tours, but others are welcome to attend the tours
without attending the workshops. Each session will be limited to
10 persons; to sign up call (7-2639) or write Rebekah Harleston or
Susan Csaky in GPD. These are activities designed with the
technical and clerical staff in mind, but interested professional
·staff are also invited to attend.
Retirement Luncheon
Please remember to send reservations and payment for the Friday, l
May 26th, luncheon to Joyce Turner in Acquisitions today. The
buffet luncheon honoring retiring staff members Mary Elizabeth
Verrill and Thelma Rogers will be held at the Ramada Imperial on
Waller Avenue from noon to 2 pm. A cash bar will precede the
buffet at 11:30 am.
Tablecloths Now Available
The LSO is now the proud possessor of two tablecloths, one purchased
by the organization and one by the Director's Office. Whenever
tablecloths were needed for social functions in the past, the LSO
borrowed them from staff members or from the Student Center.
yew SPEC Kit: Automated Circulation
The Reference Department has received SPEC Kit #43, "Automated
Circulation," from the Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. This
kit is available at the Reference Desk.
LT I Bindery. If interested, see Faith Harders.
Ellen Dahl has accepted a one—year temporary position in Reference to
replace Mollie Sandock who will be on leave. Ms. Dahl has her MLS
from UK and has worked as a student in the Reference Department.

 u [4 I- wr" '¤·sr~
Head, Law Cataloging, Columbia University Libraries. Application
Deadline: May 15, 1978.
Associate Reference and Bibliography Librarian, University of
Florida, Gainesville. Available: July 1, 1978. Salary: $10,500
to $17,000.
Head of Acquisitions Department, Indiana State University, Terre
Haute. Available: July 1, 1978. Application Deadline: May 26.
Catalog Editor, University of Tennessee/Knoxville Library. Salary:
$11,500 to $13,500. Application Deadline: June 30, 1978.
Health Sciences Reference Librarian, University of Tennessee/
[Knoxville Library. Salary: $11,500 — $15,000. Application Dead-
line: June 30, 1978.
Serials Cataloger, University of Tennessee/Knoxville Library.
Salary: $11,500 — $13,500. Application Deadline: June 30, 1978.