xt73j9606r2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606r2f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1942 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 17, No. 4, Spring 1942 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 17, No. 4, Spring 1942 1942 1942 2014 true xt73j9606r2f section xt73j9606r2f Q¢I¤‘·’ X+XIKI‘¤$"-¤+>*;INI¤+ ·¥.<¢..*INI%*.-·6H€ N
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V   VVV   ’V’VVVVV‘           V         V VVVV   V-g read and heard the circumstances of the accident, and I feel that ~v V
  your boy behaved with the same courage and gallantry as those {
gg who respond to the heroic call of the sea who, in times of danger g
  to themselves, think of ‘wo1nen and children first} Your boy was Q
  true to the traditions of his race. He acted to save others instead
  of himself. You are justly entitled to pride in having such a son. *
 · May God strengthen your belief in this: what is called ‘death’ is
  . really the beginning of ‘life’ itself."
  We shall leave him as he crosses the threshold of that death
  which is really the beginning of life itself. Because of the war,
  only a few Marines from Washington and Quantico could get to
  ‘ "Flagstop" for his funeral services. The messages and ilowers
  that poured in from those who could not come made his family
4  feel the warmth of the love and friendship of the Corps. Quan-
  tico sent a flag to cover his casket and Parris Island sent a
  message saying, "Parris Island grieves with you over the loss of
  a great Marine." His body was brought to Kentucky to be buried
  with the generations of his people in the old Lexington cemetery.
  His kinsmen and family friends and two Marines, one to repre-
  sent the General Commandant of the Marine Corps, received it. -
  After the committal service, after Taps, the flag was lifted from
  his casket by the younger Marine and given to his wife for his _
C sons. Then his wife laid on the casket the scarlet and gold roses
‘ from the United States Marine Corps, to be buried with the body
I in which he had served the Corps for forty-three years.
~ Some of the verses he wrote in 1940 and called "Prayer of
the Trail" could have been written of him:
~ God bless the heart of valiant men, E
The courage He has given. {
God bless the strength to do or die 2·
With spirit taut and