xt73j9606f32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606f32/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-05-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1943 1943 1943-05-14 2013 true xt73j9606f32 section xt73j9606f32 Best Copy Available

The Parties Present

Their Platforms

tucky Ke RNEL




Elections Wednesday

Women Pitted


For Top Offices








Final examination schedules have
been released by the registrar.
These schedules apply to freshmen.
sophomores, and juniors. Seniors
do not have a specifically set schedule, but senior grades must be
turned in to the registrar by May
27. Graduation will be held Friday,





vniK uic onsiuuuonai-ist- s
are setting a precedent by backing women for the posts.

Vincent Spagnuolo, commerce
c ophomore from Cumberland, is' the
independent candidate for the presidency and Jimmy Hurt, arts and
sciences sophomore from Hard burly, is his running mate for the
Norma Weatherspoon,
arts and sciences junior from Pulton, is the Constitutionalists' choice
for president Edith Weisenberger.
arts and sciences junior from Midway, is their








Vincent Spagnuolo


Norma Weatherspoon


vil W


Miss Weatherspoon

was a mem-


X-- y

is a former member of Alpha Lamb-

Betty Fleishman. Pat Patterson and
Betty Tevis.
Agriculture, man,
upperclass women, Mary Searcy,
Helen Bradford; underclass woman.
Amelia Mason; engineering, upperclass man. Billy Nichols; underclass
men .Merl Baker. Walton Wright;
commerce, Billy Jones; upperclass
woman, Claudine Mullinaux; underclass woman, Margaret Newell.
Education, upperclass women,
Peggy Howard, Marjorie Palmore;
law, Winston Hendrickson; graduate
school, man, Ray Garrison; woman.



The Army Specialized Training
program has taken over the Men's
Gymnasium annex. Students will
t-excluded from this building entirely.
Men from Patterson liall. the
wen's dormitories, and advanced
ROTC students are being trained
there. Their training will consist
of ca list he tics, guerilla grass drills,
eombatives, and mass sports such
its soccer and football.
Some activities will be conducted
on Stoll field, the Intramural field,
and the University High School
field. A one mile obstacle course
being constructed on Stoll field.
Classes began Wednesday and
will consist of six hours of physical
training per week.
Instructors for the program are
Professor Adolph Rupp. Professor
Bernie Shivelr. Professor Stanley
Boles, Arthur Gullette, and Harry
Professor C. W. Hackensmlth,
head of the department of physical
education, is director and super- -



Conduct Meeting
For Croup Heads

Mrs. W. T. Lailerty, former head
of the University Woman's Club
will address and conduct the fourth
annual Mortar Board Leadership
conference at 4 p.m., Wednesday, in
room 204 of the Union building.
The conference will be devoted tn
correct parliamentary procedure
and problems of leadership in meetings. Mrs. Lafferty will lead the
discussion and after her address,
questions from the floor dealing
with these subjects will be answered
All presidents, officers, and inem-- i
bers of organizations interested In
learning the correct way to conduct
meetings or to participate in meetings are Invited to attend.

Proceedings Filed
For More Land
Seeking to acquire more land as
the site for the proposed field house,
the University has filed condemnar,
tion proceedings against Leon
executor of the estate of Sam
Amster, on a 45 foot lot on the
north side of Euclid avenue between
!nH Wjfi c'tl'tl"t





The University music department will present a special student
recital at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the
Music room of the Union building.
Ruth Pace, sophomore, will open
the program with a piano solo.
Fantasia in C Minor by Bach.
Betty Harris Russell, freshman,

At the annual installation serv
Tuesday night, new cabinet will sing two soprano solos, Tu Lo
members were inducted into the Sai by Torelli and White Nocturne
by Nordoff. She will be accom
Jeannette Graves, retiring presi- - panied by Juanita Creedle, freshdent, gave a brief talk on "Today," man.
after the invocation by Mrc. John
Jane Rubin, sophomore, will play
Kulper, new chairman of the ad- Symphonic Variations, Opus 23, for
visory board, and a solo by Frances Violoncello by Boellmann. She will
Sellers. Carolyn Spicer, new YW be accompanied by Leota Meade,
president, then spoke on "TomorNocturne in E Minor, Opus 72,
No. 1 by Chopin will be played by
A dedication to the YWCA purpose, was read by all members. The Katherine Crapster, sophomore.
Betty Simpson, junior, will sing
program was closed with the benediction by Peggy Drake. The pre- Ml Chiamano Mimi by Puccini.
lude and postludes were played by She will be accompanied by Miss
Mabel Gumm, violinist, and Mil Creedle.
Major for
Concerto in
dred Buchanan, pianist.
by Mozart will be played
New members of the cabinet and Clarinet
by Murrell Salutsky, senior, accomtheir positions are Carolyn Spicer, panied by John Shelby Richardson,
Helen Harrison,
in applied music.
Wanda Scrivner, secre- instructor
will conclude
tary; Virginia Baskett, treasurer; program CreedlePapillons, Opus 2 the
adDorothy Jack Ecklar, freshman
visor; June Hubbard, sophomore
representative; Ruth
junior - senior assembly
Dutch Lunch; Peggy Drake, worship: Ruth Anthony, campus service; Betty Lee Fleishman, publicSpecial plans for entertaining
ity; Elizabeth Faulkner, posters;
Claudine Gibson, Y's Owl; Clau- the soldiers have been announced
didine Mullinaux, K book; June Hor-to- by Miss Dorothy Collins, social
social service; Frances Kendall, rector of the Union building.
A special movie will be presented
economics and labor; Mary Elizaat 6 p. m. Monday In the Bluegrass
beth Stigall, interracial; Alice Benton, foreign relations; Betty Tevis, room of the Union building. An adWSSF; and Margaret Graham, Vir mission of 10 cents will be charged.
The first in a series of six lesginia Lipscomb. Marjorie Palmore,
sons in ballroom dancing will be
and Htiguette Balzola, members
given at 6 p. in. Wednesday In the
Retiring members of the cabinet Bluegrass room. Howard Hall from
are Jeannette Graves, Jane Birk, the Hall School of Dancing will be
Sarah Anne Hall, Dorothy Collins, the instructor. Fee for the entire
Susanna Reynolds, Wilma Salmon, series will be $1.50.
Women who will volunteer to
Mary Patterson Kent, Virginia Cal-loAgnes Smith, Sarah Mclnteer, dance with the men are asked to
Hatcher. Ethel Smith. register at the Information desk
Jeanne Lancaster, and Alice Woot-to- In the Union building or to call
Mrs. A. D. Kirwan is the re- 133.
All activities will be finished in
tiring advisory board chairman.
time for the men to return to their
dormitories. Miss Collins explained.


Entertainment Is
Announced For
Army Trainees




Dr. Thomas Hahn
Is Promoted

Dr. Thomas M. Halm, officer in
charge of all technical training
schools of the Lexington Signal
depot at Avon, has been promoted
to the rank of major in the Signal
Major Hahn is an associate professor of physics on military leave
from the University. He holds B. S.
and M. S. degrees from the University and a Ph. D. degree from the
TTit'.r,.;jM' of

Army Specialized
Trainees Begin

Privates On Active
Duty Help Orient
UK's Newcomers


Seniors who were formerly mem
bers of the advanced Reserve Of
ficers' Training corps received no
tice Monday that they are now pri
vates in the United States Army.
These men were placed on immediately active duty.
These students, who will remain
on the campus until the end of the
spring quarter, have been placed
under the direction of Captain M.
company comM. Montgomery,
Jane Oldham, Lexington, was an- mander. They will continue with
nounced as president of Cwens. their regular class schedule but
sophomore women's leadership hon- they must report to Captain Montorary, at the annual initiation ban- gomery at the beginning of each
quet held last night in the Gold vacant period.
room of the Lafayette hotel.
Since being p'.aced under the new
Other officers chosen were Betty system, the men have had their
freedom slightly restricted although
Jean Crabb, Horse Cave, secretary: they are not under strict military
treasEsther Nevitt, Lexington,
They are allowed to
urer; and Alice Freeman, Lexing- continue living in private homes
ton, historian.
and fraternity houses and have
Retiring officers of the organization are Marjorie Palmore. Horse
They must report to the Unlver- Cave, president; Virginia Baskett, sity
at 6:45 a.m. for reveille and
Casper. Wyo..
Ann then must march to the Union for
Carter Felts, Russellville, secretary; breakfast.
Margaret Erskine. Danville, treasUniforms are to be worn at all
urer; Priscilla Graddy. Lexington,
historian; and Elizabeth Faulkner. times.
As ROTC students, these men
Lexington, ritual chairman.
day; as privates In
Attending the banquet were the draw 25 cents
the initiates. the army they will receive 50 dol- Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of iars a iiiuiiiu.
women; Miss Margaret Warren,
At the end of the quarter, the
men will be sent to Officers' Canphysicaj education instructor; faculty advisors of the group; Frances didates school and after completJinkins. junior advisor; and Miss ing their courses there, they will
Jane Haselden. assistant dean of be commissioned second lieutenwomen.
The program followed the old
men who were
Of the sixty-fiv- e
ritual which Is the ordered to active duty, sixty-on- e
formal ceremony of the organiza- belong to the Infantry and four to
the Signal corps.
' Initiates of Cwens are Misses OldThe infantry men are: Leonard Allen.
ham, Tevis, Crabb, Nevitt, and Jr.. Joseph Atkin. Jr.. Jwf.i Bohmk.
Otis BrumHeld. Coionel L. Caldwell. Jack
Freeman. Nancy Adams. Ruth An- Caaner. Jr.. Robert Conway. Rooeii Courtthony, Helen Arnold, June Baker. ier. Carlisle P. Culchin. William Deep.
Muguelte Balaola, Betty Birk. Betty Reid Enlid. William Jr., John Hudson
Hatcher. A. P. Hicka.
Brauer, Jeanne Bureau, Marybelle Julian Knippenberg. James Leer. Jr.. David
Calvert, Wilma Canada. Barbara McCord. John McDaniel, Hugh Arnold
Maurice Mitchell.
Christman, Betty Clardy. Juanita Bernard Neal. Robert A. Parr. John
Gerald Schafler. John 8wi(t. Milton
Creedle, Alice Dean, Betty FleishTicco. Charles Walker. Jar Wilson. Clark
man, Claudine Gibson. Jacqueline Wood. Robert Amnions. Charles Beck.
Brewer. Rar Brunette James Carroll.
Julie Landrum.
It.. David Collins. Brooks Coons. Albert
Padgette. Brewster Phelps, Martha Cross. Robert Dav.s. Winfred Ellis. John
Ringo, Bettie Rodes, Doris Smith. Feamster. Jr.. Gus Hank. Robert Herbert.
Robert Hillenmeyer. Clyde
Nancy Taylor, Nancy Toll, and t,sil. Ben Lowry. William Johnson. Sam
McElroy. Joseph Massie. Clarence
Anna Mary Wagner.
Jr.. Noah Mullins. John Neely. Jr..
Omar Ratliff. Arthur 8awyer. Jr.. George

Military Experience
Will Be Counted As
Academic Work



Selected from schools all over the
to take ASTP courses,
these men will remain from 12
weeks to 18 months. According to
the plans for the courses, the men
are signed up for a period of 12
weeks. If they finish that period
successfully they return for a similar length of time. This contuiu't
until six periods of training hav
been completed.
Two Programs Set
The program will be divided into
basic and advanced programs, wjtii
the basic course corresponding
that which is given to regular engineering
students during their
freshman and sophomore years ami
the advanced course to that of the
junior and senior years.
Reveille for these men. who ar
Patterson. Bradley.
Breckinridge, and Kinkead hall, it
at 6 a. m. Monday thrmiKh Frirt:i-.nd taps at 10:30 pi m. While the?
get up at the same hour on Saturday, their time is their own af'er
5:30 p. m. On Sundays they niav
sleep until 7 a. m. but must, report at 10:30 p. m.
The regular day of these men
Includes a complete program whirit
has been outlined by Col. B. F
Brewer. Assembly is sounded a
6:40 a. m classes begin at 8 a. m .
mess call is at noon, classes resume
at I p. m.. recall is at 5 p. m., mess
call Is at 5:30 p. m.. call to quarters
taps sounds at
is at 7:30 p. m-


A definite policy with respect to
the granting of educational credit
for military experience has been
adopted by the faculty of the University, to take effect immediately,
and to applv alike to ien and
women in the armed forces of the
United States.
Most important item in the three-poipolicy is the decision that
any student, having been discharged from the armed forces, who desires credit for academic work done
while in service, must go before
board of the Army Forces Institute
and submit to an examination in
the subject
wi the
transcript of
the record he has attained in this
examination, and If the record
measures up to the established
standards In that subject, he then
will be granted college credit,






In the case of students seeking
credit in military science for service with the armed forces, this credit will be granted directly, the
amount of such credit to be determined with respect to m minimum
period of service and as to whether
or not the Individual served as a
commissioned officer. The granting
of such credit to be In accordance
with the regulations governirfg the
Reserve Officers Training corps.
The third point In the Univer-



10:30 p. m.

Men I'ndrr Cadet Plan
These trainees, who form th
1548th Specialized Service unit. r
organized and trained on a pian
which differs little from the ,rw-tic- e
at the United States Military
academy at West Point.
Under the cadet system, trainrri
are appointed acting officers and
officers of the
Army Specialized training companies, battalions, and regiments, a.ul
will be required to perform all the
duties of such positions under 'he
supervision of the regularly assigned officers and
officer personnel.
Twelve enlisted men from F.
Knox preceded the group and arrived Thursday to augment the
regular staff of the ROTC unit and
to form the headquarters personnel
for the unit. These men assisted in
the reception and assignment of
ROTC Lead Group
ROTC advanced course men have
served during this week in leading
the groups to their classes and helping to orient the newcomers.
A special orientation convocation
was held Tuesday in Memorial hal!
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president
of the University, and Col. Brewer
addressed the service men. Dr. Leo
M. Chamberlain,
dean and registrar, presided.
Officers in charge of the ASTP
are Colonel B. E. Brewer, commanding officer: Lieut. Colonel M.
J. Noyes. executive: Major CSerald
Griffin, battalion commander:
Major Arthur Da hi. battalion commander: Major D. C. Carpenter, adjutant: Capt. Preston Powell, commander of A company: Capt. E.u I
May. commander of B company.
Capt. Gene Myers, commander of
C company; Capt. M. M. Montgomery, ROTC commander; Capt. Robert Stivers, supply officer: Lieuf
Calvin May. assistant supply officer; and Lieut. Daniel Council, assistant supply officer.

policy was ansity's three-poinounced sometime ago, and dbals
with the granting of credit to members of the armed forces who are in
training at the University. This
ruling approves the granting of
credit for educational training taken at the University, on the basis
of demonstrated competence in a
specific subject or subjects. The
credit may be granted directly
when such a course has been
to meet acceptable college
when the applicant
3illiman. Walter Thomas. Joseph Twins im. standards and
has demonstrated that he was elThomas Walker, and Lee Witt.
The Signal Corps men are James Boyd. igible for admission to the UniverGivens Dixon, Charles Chapman, and sity
at the time he enrolled in the
lames Hinton. Jr.
course. Application for such credit
will be considered upon his discharge from service.
Credits Transferable
Transfer of credit, granted by an
other accredited institution for milSeniors who will graduate in
itary service, may also be allowed
go to the
June or August must
by the University of Kentucky when
Health building between 1:30
the credit has been granted under
and 3:30 p.m. Wednesday for
the conditions outlined. This plan
their tuberculin tests, according
adopted by the University Is part
to Prof. Wilbur A. Heinz, asof a united effort on the part of
sistant professor of hygiene and
colleges throughout the country, to
public health.
establish an equitable and sound
basis for the granting of credit to
men and women In service.




The suit of Charles Lamont
Louisville Negro seeking admission to the engineering college,
against the University was postponed by the Federal District court
when his attorneys sought to file
an amended complaint.
Eubanks, 19, has contended he was
denied admission to the University
solely because he was a Negro. His
amended petition charged that establishment of engineering courses
at the Kentucky State College for
Negroes, Frankfort, failed to provide equal educational opportunities. It said that these courses do
not cover the same ground and are
in no particular way equivalent to
the civil engineering courses offered here.
Counsel for the University objected to the filing of the amended
complaint, and Judge H. Church
Ford granted the University
days in which to file a brief on the

Graduating Seniors
Must Take Tests

Services Held For
Former Student
Killed In Crash

Funeral services were held Monday for Lieut. John Joseph Archdeacon. 22, former University student. Lieutenant Archdeacon, who
was killed
lived In Lexington,
Thursday In an automobile - train
crash near Oglethorpe. Ca.
While at the University, Lieutenant Archdeacon was an advanced
ROTC student, a member of Pershing Rifles, and a member of Phi
Beta Kappa. He was graduated in
June, 1942.
Lieutenant Archdeacon was killed
The Westminster Fellowship group while returning to his post at Ft.
of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
Benning after a visit with his wife
church held its annual spring rein Oglethorpe.
treat at Camp Daniel Boone this
past week-enBoth the new and
old cabinets met together to make
plans for the coming year.
New officers of the Fellowship
are Virginia Lipscomb, president:
Kentucky's tennis team won In
Norman Chrlsman,
its second start of the season last
Lou use Savage, secretary; and ArMonday at Berea by a score of
thur Scott, treasurer.
In singles, Ratliff (K defeated
Those who attended the retreat Ray Durham
Smith K
were Bob Davis, Norman Chrisman. conquered Roy Hunt
Ruth Eubank, Virginia Lipscomb. iK victored over Bob Benjamin
Ann Caroline Smith, Hannah
Scharstein K won
Tom Prather. Sonny Stagg. from Say lor
Ed Warwick
Rebecca Donaldson, Fanny Traut-ma)B defeated Campbell
Bill Hendrick. Rob McNeill, Dell Sturgel iB defeated Cunningand Russell Conrad.
In doubles, Ratliff 'and Smith iK
emerged victorious over Benjamin
and Savior
Hicks and
Evelvn Dolherv education senior. Scharstein K) defeated Durham
j from
Lexington, will present her and Warwick
dance pupils In a recital at s p.m. and Sturgel B defeated Campbell
the and Cunningham
Friday In the auditorium of
Coach H. H. Downing's charges
University High school.
Ballet. acrobatic, and tap danc- play a return match with the
at 2 p.m. Saturday, on Down- ing will be included in the program
W'hi'-'S OU1" to rHp C'UC

Tennis Team Wins
Over Berea,

6-- 3.

6-- 2,

6-- 4;

6-- 3,


6-- 4.

Kcntuckians for 1943 will be dis
tributed Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday in the Kentuckian office,
McVey hall.
Seniors will receive theirs Wednesday. Students who have made
deposits will receive theirs Thursday, and others wishing to buy cop
ies may do so on Friday.
Those who have receipts from the
advance sales must pay $3 more.

6-- 1;

6-- 2;

6-- 1;


6-- 4,


Recital To Be Held

6-- 1.

6-- 0.

6-- 4;

6-- 2,







6-- 4;




Archery . . .
began Wednesday and will
continue through May 30. Practice
is held at 3 p.m. daily behind Patterson hall.

Fellowship Group
Holds Retreat At
Camp Daniel Boone

6-- 3,

Kyians Distributed






meet at noon today in the
Y lounge. Union building.
.eiowsh.p will meet at :30

. will


th. Mll,.,

byterlan church.


Now in training ai. the University are the 500 members of tli"
Army Specialized Training prt;r:iin
who arrived on the campus S.unr-da-


Cabinet Members
Inducted By Group
At Service




classes will be held Thursday. June
3, with those of Monday or Wednesday cycle given first period, and
those of Tuesday or Thursday cycle
given the second period.
Those for second hour classes will
also be given on Thursday. June 3.
with those of Monday or WeSnes-da- y
cycle given the third period,
and those of Tuesday or Thursday
cycle given fourth period.
for third hour
classes will be held Friday, June 4,
with those of Monday or Wednesday cycle given first period, and
those of Tuesday or Thursday cycle
given second period.
Those for fourth" hour classes
will be held on Friday, June 4, with
those of Monday or Wednesday cycle given the third period, and
those of Tuesday or Thursday cycle
the fourth period.
Examinations for fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth hours, and classes by
appointments will be given Satur-- .
day, June 5. The fifth hour classes
on either Monday or Wednesday
cycle will be taken the first period
on Saturday, the fifth hour classes
with either Tuesday or Thursday
cycles at the second period, the
perI sixth hour classes at the third
iod, and the others at the fourth
Excepting the College of Law,
this schedule applies to all colleges
of the University.

Annual YW Installation
Held On Tuesday Night

Mrs. LalTerty Will

Men's (iym Annex
Is Taken Over


Jimmy Hurt
Edith Weisenberger

The department of music presents
Trilby McKeehan.
soprano, and
Joan Taylor Noland, organist, in a
joint graduation recital in Memorial
hall at 4 p.m. Sunday. Miss McKeehan will be accompanied by
Juanita Creedle.
Betty Dew.
Miss McKeehan and Mrs. Noland
Constitutionalists: commerce, upperclass woman. Margaret Ersklne; are candidates for the degree of
tuidcrclass woman. Patty McCarty; bachelor of science in music.
Miss McKeehan is the daughter
man. Bill Embry; graduate school,
woman, Betty Proctor; law, Richard of Mrs. Osa McKeehan of Lexingsum.
ton. She is a member of Phi Beta,
Arts and sciences, upperclass former vocalist with Bill Cross and
women. Martha Kopplus, Alice Wat-kin- s. Eddie Harrison, former member of
Frances Jinkins, and Nancy UK Troupers, and a member of the
Shropshire; underclass women, Bet- Women's Glee club.
ty Ann Ginnocchio, Marybelle CalMrs. Noland is the daughter of
vert, Claudine Gibson, Mary Brews- Mrs. Wood L. Taylor of Cynthiana.
ter Phelps, and Caroline Thomas; She is a member of Phi Beta.
cinwrclass men. Jay C. Doyle, Jim- Women's Glee club, treasurer of the
my Saunders; underclass men, Bud-c"- y Student Government
and Kappn Delta sorinl sorority.
White. Ray Turley, Ed Murphy.
Agriculture, upperclass women.
The program is open to the pubElolse Bennett. Sara Ewing; un- lic.
derclass woman. Betty Ann Braue:--;
engineering, upperclass man, Dunne
Van Horn; education, upperclass
women, Jean Mills, Ida Bannon.
Polls will be open between t a.m.
and S p.m. in MrVejr and While





da Delta and the Kentuckian staff.
Candidates for representatives to
the Assembly are:
Independents: arts and sciences,
Ui'perclass men, Milton Kafoglis.
Clyde Parker: underclass men. Bill
Barton. Morrison Swift, and Stuart
Urbach: upperclass women, Martha
Oockrell. Florida Garrison, Eleanor
Powell, and Anita Roos; underclass
women. June Baker, Betty Birk.






ber of the special committee that
drafted the newly adopted Constitution of Uie SGA and has served
for more than a year as the special
BOA reporter. She is news editor
of The Kernel, historian of Mortar
Board, a member of Theta Sigma
Phi. Chi Delt Phi. and the Forum
committee of the Union Board. She


hours are as folseclows: first period.
ond period
third perand fourth period,


Spagnuolo has served during the
past year as a representative of his
college in the SGA legislative. He
is sports editor of the Kentuckian.
former staff writer and advertising
manager of The Kernel,
ident of the Newman club, and a
member of the Activities and House
committees of the Union board.
Helped Draft Constitution

3, 4, 5; No


500 Soldiers Invade Campus;
65 Advanced ROTC Men
Receive Notice Of Induction

The Union building has been
designated as headquarters for
visitors to the men in the Army
Specialized Training program
stationed at the University and
housed at Patterson hall and
the men's dormitories.
A special information booth
will be maintained there. All
visitors should go there directly Instead of to the dormitories.
Soldiers will be notified and sent
to the Union to meet their visitors.

Senior Plan Set



SUB Designated
As Headquarters

Finals To Be Taken

Against Men



On Diamond Tixlav



Battle Of J he Sexes On Jap

11h battle of the sexes will be
fought on the campus Wednesday
when the students go to the polls to
elect the president,
nd representatives of the Student
Government association. The Independent party has followed tradition
Jid nominated men for the two ui




tor SGA


Helen Stephenson,


Robert Spragens
Win Law Awards

Ptrnie .
. . . for the Pry or
will be held Saturday. The group
will leave the Biological Silences
building promptly at I p.m.
Kentucky . . .
. . . Archaeological society will hold
Its last meeting of the year at 7:30
p.m. today in room 201. Physics
building. Dr. W. D. Funkhouser
will speak.

Helen Stephenson. DhiiviM. ?n-- l
Robert Spragens. Lebanon. hv
been announced winners in the annual
Nathan Burkan Memorial
competition in the Univesity's
college. This contest. inaugura''1
by the American Society of Composers. Authors, and Producers m
100 to leading. Uw
schools of the country to be divided
Kernel Picnic
aftenjroii. among the authors of winninc Ph-- (
. . . will be held Sunday
leaving the Union building at 3 pers about copyrights.
p.m. All present and former mem- bers of the business or editorial "Copyright in a World at wr.'
staffs wishing to attend should re- and Mr. Spragens wrote on "Copyport to the Kernel business office rights of Statutes." The paper
were judged by Lexington attorneys
before noon today.
Frank Ginocchio and Howard Kin?.
Campus Club Dance . . .
. . . will be held from 8:30 to 12
tomorrow night in the Bluegrass
room of the Union building. Stu- The members of Mortar Boar
dents are welcome, and must pre- sent some means of identification will hold a picnic honoiing the old




Hold FicniC

� Best Copy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page



Entered at the Pout Office at Lexington. Kentucky,
tf.ccL.a cisK Biatter under the Act of March s, loot.
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association

o mtioia4.

NEW Vuhh. N. V.
a tO MAbMOM Av.
UKiu aoaiua loa aaaaita
(1 s One Year
One Quarter

Ait litfserf mnlclet mmt rojawias are to be
the trrirert themnelret. and do m.,t
reflect the (iptnwm of The Kernel.




the pint fin m of the two parties and urge all
tndcnt to mid them carefully hefote deciding
fui wlimu lhe will mst then imles.t



Constitutionalist Platform
I'oliiital i oitiixN ait seldom kept. I
we ptelcr 1101 10 compose a pi.
sx.tihc "Knks" uliuli will sound gxxl hut


which will mean

I it t




our qualifications and our general plans

10 ask vim 10 vote with these as .1 liasis.
Alwavs t lie President of theSi udciii Govt in
I hat
ll.is Imcii a man.
Tin HI association
lie lecausc inuil lie iiimim
been as it should
quarter the nunilier of men lias exceeded ihe
liiiinUi of women enrolled at llie I'nivcisiix.
Now, however, the situation is reversed. If the
President is to lx? a true representative l the
si iidi hi population, ilie office should lx- lilletl
b a woman.
The women will return 10 stliool next tai
and will remain. I'erhas ihe men will ciiiti
miliiarv service. Cauuinuitv of ersoiiucl is a







in is.




din ing ihe

assoi iatioii,


V wish. instead,

it siutess of ihe Siuttciit

viia! I.iiiui in





u s have worked with the'AsstK

and tiiulci siand thoroughly its problems.
will Kxijxiatc wild I ndc tendons and

tliey realize thai
jhisi ii 111 ionalists alike
sliulenl Ixxly and serving its
net ls is mil a mailer lot xliiits.


II tltiictl. mil
antliilates will toniinue to
strive to jtn.iiiilaiii students' rights ami towers.
I lu x
will aim al loser tfxx'ration with the
I'uivcisiiv administration in order that the stuin every xssihle way. They
dents mav
will stive alvxavs to the liesi of their aliility in
wirlul oignialion whith
making SGA the
it slmiild

issue, but 'rather one on the
of the candidates seekins oHitcs.
W'e believe that regardless of aHilialions. the
hititlenis should weigh the ability of the candidates "omerned. IVause now more than ever,
the students will need an organisation oweihil
enough to sec that the needs and desires of the
student lxtdy are fulfilled. In rases of ovet-v- .
helming odds, vnu may rest assured that we
will arrv the fight to the oiMsitioii. when we
believe the stntlents' cause is tight.
be on



make an unbiased st art h
of our retold and look at the ast to lintl who
have lieeii itilsMikeu llientls of the siudinls.
We alv ask xou



By Mary Lyle



ta the time that he takes

Misses Virginia Campbell and Ernestine Glenn, March graduates,
took jobs offered by the Eastman
Kodak company in Kingsport. Tennessee, and both are drawing salaries of $2,000 annually.

By Marshall Smith
Have you seen the "Bargains In
Brains" booklet for 1943? The Commerce college publication Ls just
ov-- r
a month old, and already 2.500
copies have reached the desks of
employers throughout the nation.
The book packs a wallop, especially
in these critical times with the
manpower problem facing almost
Already the
all large industry.
Commerce Employment association
office in White hall is flooded witn
from personnel divisions of
these industries seeking to employ
the crop of University commerce
who will graduate in June.
Tills year"s edition is striking in
apnea ranee. Designed by Charles
Bopgs. an advanced art student in
Prolessor Raymond
class, the black and white cover
and the general layout of the
magazine are the most
ones ever done, according to Dr.
Lucian H. Carter, who acted as director of the association this year
who. incidentally,
most of the credit for thu year"s
unique annual.
Jobs Now Plentiful

de-M- gn

The purpose of "Bargains In
Brains" has shifted in the eleven
years that it has bet-The main idea now Ls not to find
jobs for commerce graduates but to
help them select the best of the six
or seven Jobs that are offered them.
When Lloyd Averett, a commerce
college instructor, organized the association in 1932 and established the
magazine as the only one of its
kind in the nation, time were bad
and jobs were scarce.
Now. however, industry is clamoring for help and the graduating college student can just about pick
and choose. Salaries plus overtime
tins year will average at least $300
a year higher than in 1942 and you
can imagine the increase over the
wage paid ten years ago when