xt73j9606230 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606230/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1933 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 06, 1933 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 06, 1933 1933 1933 2012 true xt73j9606230 section xt73j9606230   "Y   k    
 EPTEM13ER, 1933 NO. 1   é `
1   ¥
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j   4 I  (
   yl THE FUTURE   I  
    I OF  
    Dues $1.00 Annually   E
I  I I I 
  xl I I
    Il   »  L 

 ` ~ '  . Sc.;  I .  `
V l fi F- :
i September 23 (Night) .... MARYVILLE, at Lexington l    
l I September 30 (Night) .... SEWANEE, at Lexington J L  
l October 7 ...... GEORGIA TECH, at Lexington   ‘  
October 14 (Night) .... CINCINNATI, at Cincinnati { I r
October 21 ....i . WASHINGTON & LEE, at Roanoke   ,  
1 October 28 ....... DUKE, at Lexington | A-   `
i November 4 ...... ALABAMA, at Birmingham _  
  [ November 11 ....... V. M. I., at Lexington   t .
  November 18 ...... TULANE, at New Orleans A   O
l  ( November 30 (Homecoming) . . . TENNESSEE, at Lexington   A
l l ...... .. .............., . . ........ . . ,. ·  
(   ‘ ".?1~;‘.`; Bc LQQJA ‘1.;L.ii `§v`{tié `&1;'c€»£'£5 "1§&.§1§`A§é{'§$13£»3;ii' ¥iEi£é£‘ 駣iQ`§§"i§}§‘{{F.$¥;E¥§'B?`&2Qi§LK&iQ§Q"iZ£§§£{£{§£6i.5`   `
l A ._ i·  .
NAME ,.,....,........,...L....,,,,..,....,xo,..,......,,.....,......_,.....,.._.,,,.,.............. I   A
{Print, Name and Address in Ink; ` _
ADDRESS ,....,..,..,.._.,.., . __......tc,.,_......,,....,...........__.,.,,..,.,.._o.........  
Sgptgmbgr 2,3-. _,3__I·yvi]]g (Night,) _ _ N0. d€SiI'€d ........ @ $1.10-$ .......... i    
Sgptgmbgr 30..Sgw3,ngg (Night) _ _ _ N0. IIBSIFECI .,...... @$1.75-S .......... i '  
` October 7-Georgia Tech .... No. desired ........ @$2.75-S ..........   l
octobcr 28-Duke ____, No. desired ........ @ $2.75-$ .......... _ V 
` ‘ November 11-V. M. I ...... No. desired ....... . @ $1.75—$ .......... L {
L November 30-Tennessee (Homecoming) . No. desired ........ @ $2.75-S ..........  
I 5
{ C. October 14.Cibcitmati _ _ _ _ No. desired ........ @ -5 .......... 4 _  
,S E  O¤$0ber 21—Wa.shington & Lee , . . No. desired ..... . . . @ $2.00-S ........ . . ‘ a
` {  . Ncvcmbor 4.A]a_bama_ ____ No. desired ........ @ $2.20-S .......... »  
.  _  November 18-Tulane ..... No. desired ........ @ $2.00-$ ..........  
    Maryville and Sewanee Games begin at 7:30 p. m. Georgia Tech and Duke Games at 2:30  
    D. m. V. M. I. and Tennessee Games at 2:00 p. m. Central Standard Time.  
l   ;
* » 1
.#- /` I W" *"‘* ’'`‘ T4 "’ "_"  "4`7 hwrir   YUWWIWWI FGA   nr VWWY
   __ ,_»,.,l *` V ·~.

 ·.     " I » .‘ 4 , . .
  r in . ;; ,-4
lil ? e l
c        . LETTERS
~       • September 10, 1933 . C
` =`  Ji .i yi I P 4     Dear Dean Anderson:
    '° I went out to Lexington today
c   Q , if c 1 A1 c _ _ _ with some relatives, including,
h     ci g mm Organ or the umm Association of the UDIVBTSWY of Ke¤t¤¤1;e   I demanded by the complex life of E t e
makes me _ · Q :5   __     { r {The p1‘€S€Ilt. WB have thé many it i
e in fallin mm 3**9 W°m€*? Of aH¤¤‘S· meh    ;_      news or natural science and appned   ; -
to keep ig are carried out ln the laboratories   ·-   =;i:    gg A ·_ gig fields of engineering and teehnele-     , _
ity through   Etuggaus if research Of thestete   '``` "   ..“   ‘‘*¢     gy. medicine, agriculture and home   {
the Alumni U Nils Y BX BUSWQ and thomugh i. 1 ..    ·-»c--` 2 _; .A_..,:    A.;.   econom1cs; the social sciences, eco-   ·.
Osmg check Ztglrcgfeiiargcgllayéirgxzgopiagfgblsgnigg  E;  jge;@;;;_ l _j~ ;iJ==§5  ._ nomies, political science, and socio]- Q Z; ·
iaticm, an i , ‘ . . ~   i r.     1   .:...    e‘`   ¤gY» i¤¤1¤di¤s applied fields ¤f bus-     ¤
jndl to my welfare $1 thggltizensn of the Com- .  ;;;__ _ . ··--. 1  .  . t-  K; .—_·‘t j .,=;   __  iness and commerce, qolitical serv-   { i ‘
Ban balance lrgenilleakh . IS function compre- I     ···        _:;t i  =‘—‘ J  ice and social welfare work; the   J l
V let us my {nhs e non-educational service     g _____  _j ‘»l;=:.. e z       many fields of pure culture includ- " ·; ' 
give te€1uYn£vi§;y,ag;·_.   m;>1;=:hpos1— »_ `·_—  —.;   ‘—__l   .»;, i   ‘-‘_g     ing literature, the time arts and pure E j
ge ave; the , . · _ W Y O_ 6 m-   Al.:   A‘‘¤ e ·_»_ ‘ i··‘   =¥l - ·—_»=_ e   _. ;_.· L.-; sclences and various applied fields   g T
regret uni §§;“f;°§;t ‘;§1‘,;QE “S}§‘§"S tgvagafe *°   ._»,... 1,;; -a¤.;   l*l·   including that 0f ¤d¤<=¤ti¤¤· I¤ Or-      
°f Y°“ “`h° uni-itativ · a ? 8 ES au`   s—_‘     der that the Ywth Of teday may is ‘ E
hen I wasa _ B }“f°T‘mm°“ and most    ;.;;§;5    ,   enter the world of aifairs adequate- j rj _ j
to com to Crgnpetent direction on all problems       ly equipped even for the ordinary   ti "
fain andi it eetlng the mtellsctual and social           social and business needs a college F  
rou and me 1fG of the people.  _A  —·   t‘_A _ _A;_ _ =‘t_‘   or university education is for him     A
The State university, H_ t bl._       coming to be more and more indis- 'V ' ·
_ gatlsn lis to the Cogmégwsalél       ’,·;   ,i·=    pensable. Every important profes-     Q
yy . llihlgh lt Serves. This Obligation is   .... ;.;;   :aa=a=.s:.».;· ...* ; ....‘  .· ..`» : it $1011 Elhd type of Sp€Cl2.]1Z€d~2lC!JlV- . V .
, B. M. E 04 Y€cID!`0C3}—a principle which should JAMES H, RICHMOND ltyfecogmzgd by moqcrn Clvmzcd Q  
..—— €V€1' be clgayly conceived by the _ __ __ SOQlBty .;‘Eq;1lT9S·1Ill2€I';¥T€ réolleie or -:   —
[VE Fpresentatives Of the people i th 11l'l1V€1‘Sl y rainlng. e e uga ion- b   V
11NG ‘ Generar Assembly. The educlatiozi The well-known study by Dr- Ever- el pY°E‘Zam °f the m°d“T“ state ““i' ? tn ` 
It Kp » 25;l;t¤€s1€¤¤€1·Shi¤is an   B" W· L°“’~ ‘“ “’2"· °‘ “‘$3§§°““‘ Efiriiii Zi€2§§a§faih2°s§é`i}€ha2?’€§i   l n
De a H- · 0 isa ion of democratic gov- tional incomes made by » mm . . > C ‘
raternitycg   it is pr0per_ tee, that the shows very deeidedgdtpat ipoigased C<2i;n;l<;nv§alth vihiclg 2: serves. { _
announ · men o the Commonwealth earnings go xvi h a iiona e uca- e niversi y o en ucky we . i
2 in October should recognize at all times an tion. 'I‘he total average lifetime have seven colleges, the Colle e of 1 1
. d . g
sed Student A appropriate for its own use and di- earnings of a group of men with Arts and Sciences. the College of i' i
zampus. l€Ct1OI'1 in administering the aiairs only elementary school preparation Agriculture. the College of Engl- g ;
town to ap; of the Commonwealth the services were $64,000, or $24,000 less than the neering. the College of Law. the · L
i the rewt ;‘1§¤State_ university specialists and earnings or the men who had had College of Education. the College t j
3 012155   Olétfawitles of its bureaus and lab- a high school education. Again the of Commerce. and the Graduate .   ~
fra erm 2. ‘ ories of research. average earnings of the high school School In these colleges. classroom t i
;?1‘;;<;db%lg mine of the ·b]€SSingS Of true d€_ graduates were t'72,o0_(; less thgn the  gaboratcggr instrlugtion are pro}   ‘ 
MCOO gram Op giCy·lies m the fact that the oolhge oi` umveisriy gga ua_ es.   j _. voclad na 011 vcpgo essioaae { E
p P u_ _ D 1 unltles and advantages of the Many Ot}‘l€1 such stu ies s ow sun- raining a opp 1 tm s or ; l
and éd g;0ulrU are at the Same time those nay nndlngs acduirement of knowledge and cul- ; ;
be as ` ° the individual. Thus it is that With ygspgct to aehlevement or tural advancement are offered. ¥ 3
Schenecxdli  p ;h€_l9%de1‘s1iip which the state must success, the studies of the educa- This is the present organization ` ,
»h·? ca gw tgam 111 its own interest and fm- tlenal preparation of prominent ofthe university for the instruction i E
d mghngdor, mg W€lfm`€ of the people as a people listed in "Who’s Who in of students on the campus. Ent the ;  
Y W1 homie V D0 gp _b€¤0mes the individual ep- Ameri(;a_" snow that more than scope of the wvork of the University : V » .
igntiw delve. rumty Of the Youth of the Com- three-fourths of these people had of Kentucky is greater than indi- Q 4
‘_¤‘J_;s, fi-· ,_

 .  :..,:2    ,> ~ `   V FL
v    _`   gl` _ 9  .
- ~: _` Q4 r ’ ‘
      é N  
‘   >’ § i   6 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS
V`    g `E cated by the mere naming of the ent a.$:1ministrati·0n. · Not peforc the national govexinmqntal £;¤1icy`k
» ,  ‘ ‘ seven different colleges now in the 1924 d1d the Un1vg1·§1ty I'EC€1VB as based upon 2. bt?]1€f·1]:'1 bh. ab111ty
` - ‘ ~ university organization. The work much as a half m11110n dollars for of Amamcan un1vers1t:1es_ to sqm
“  I;  Q of the University of Kentucky current expenditures in any year. the rxpblems of our nat10n.‘ That  
.  J  2 should be thought of as a growing, Only during the period from 1924 Fj1`2llk}1I1 D. Roosevelt, by ms high
Y ? ? i developing program expanding from to 1932 has Kentucky given the Sl1"lC9I‘1tY of purpose and loyalty to
’   § time to time to meet more ade- University the kind of support that the interests of jshe Amerxcau peo.
V T      qua,te1y the ever-inc·reasing dc- would enable it to perform the gen- ple, hgs won the1rc0niid_e¤ce cannot _
  Z mands of change and progress in sral functions of a. state university. be demed. Ne}the1· can It·b€ denied In mp
‘ I- K: E The University received its most lib- that Our P1‘€S1d€¤¥J, by h1s plan gf enterpflf
  Q A     _=.`i   ·   eral support during the period from utilizipg the knowledge ang} wisdom sgvere sc
E E   ilii     1928 to 1931. In the last three years, 9f university scholars has, ug so du. sm value
i  ’»     ·`v‘C ·  `.‘:     due to great decreased revenue re- mg. gnieatly strengthened h1s posi. The A
V  7*, E   —i.‘   ceived by the state from the Gen- won w1th the masses of the Ameri. Unjveysii
  Y   =‘°     mm Property Tax and the Inheri- can people who are appreciative oi mm 11
        tance Tax. the S¤r>¤¤r¤ Of me the S¤¤¤d¤€SS Of Public ¤°“¤¥ bam reachmg
 Q3?} F   '   University has fallen off more than UDOH kI10Wl€dg€ _0f what IS beg; much j
 } ;$ i     forty per cent. Because Of the W1d€SI`|`€Bd progress Station ;
»         ’ii`i“   ‘   ‘'·` *i~>£*&‘ Through me wise and careful of public c·ducati¤n_ and_ because of me whi
        Q `$i?}£f  »   / ` planning of the State U11ivez·sity’s th? prestige Of UI'llY€l`S1tY scholar. mation
 _i     / ``.` `  — '   able president, Dr. Frank L, Mc- ship, the? people b€11€V€ that those tions of
    1 `   Vey, the institution is courageously persons m Our Dm0<>1‘&Cy most qual. better f
§ . »   . .. .
    2   A · °   _, holding on to its 'yfograms of ser- 1fi9d £·IDS1b€St }%I`§DHI`€d to help solve  Thig wo]
¤? ‘ €  i‘'     » vice to the people of Kentucky. the pro ems 0 cmocracy arethesg farm am
    l   "   V    The citizens of Kentucky music now, ·wh0se training 3-Hd Study ·has been the bem
  é ‘ __   3 ;;; __M,   '`’  " however, rally to the support of devoted to Such p1‘0bIBn‘{s m aplin. felt.
  .‘=i     ‘ ·‘       _ <   their University if public education tl-mslve Way, and who. ll? €:1dd1t10}]_ _ Speaki
 *3 Yi  : `     '   in Kentucky is to go forward and h3V€ I10.§€1HSh pf:1`S0na1 1I`1tE1‘€St1!] dollars a
,   i  r ·N   / I  · if the State University is to con- BUY T(JI1C1€S G0I}S1d€Y€d· ms of n1
`   E Q A ‘ Q ,   , ‘ tinue in its great and useful services Th€1`€ Was 2 f1m€» not many YBHFS station a
  Xi I “' “ c ? ; Q i % ~   ’......   to the people of the Commonwealth. ag0£ Rweém great Ialagueés swepg   be mm-,
    I ~ ~s·»   ...,   ._..____    fw ’ . —» ` _   Nev-er was there a period in the con 1·0 e over e ace 0 e F
    Q? ·i  gx;   `'i‘`   »  ‘``V_`   history of democracy when uni- €3l'th,_ and _because_t}1e knowledge  tuizzisal
` ?%  " ’ i.‘»l     ·r»i_ U   ’ ‘   versities were more needed than WSS 110t 6V8119·bI€, m1H1Q¤S 0f_h¤m¤H have bm
iz ff ; `· ’~ " ‘··V ·· ‘-   ···· » ''V`  N they are in these times. How ap- b9iI1gS Sl1i”f€1‘€d and d1€d 1'¤1$€THbl€ by the}
      MUMUMAL HALL parent it is to us today that in a deaths. But thanks t0 the univer- mtmme
 >· A . . · - 0 e e t demvm 1tS Just mghts s1t1es and their scumtxfic labora- · O
A E f gge iO§;a1’t€i;nOm1c and polmcal ?r<¥rr;n’;§enc0nsent gf the governed tories directed by scholars, plggues gcgogllg
`  ' I i lglgomag ggfférson Wrote 94 Single that an educated and informed cit- are now no mare mb the civilized mspecm
V   Q · - - izenry is essential to the prese1·va— world. There ave gen maqy se- h b
ifggfglcgdngft§gv(;€gf;21:1,?cB0ft01113;- tion and support of that govern- vere ec0;10m1cg_depres201;s algo  dgigrsee
T 2 _ ment. Thanks to the steadying past. S arva mn an amine S1 til-Z I
` ` mocmcy that desgwes mq thought- influence of public education, the take their toll of millions of human  Hgergus
  fulhattenggn 0% cmzgnshml QD uml; citizens of America have patiently lives annually in countries where have bm
  ° ‘ iggmigi Wi}; thgegctsihgci shcgtly borne up so far under the acutely there is lackmg both means and  me is
L 2 ` before his death the great states- ggimgg
¤ ~ ‘ man solemnly wrote these words as .
  Q » an inscriyiion to be placed over his ‘    
  .   grave: '    _  onest 1
w _ ~Hem was buried Thomas r ;i- $~—~w,_ " say "
 · Jefferson, author of the Dec- g/J r `Z;-; 'Q'   *   - lm hav
" laration of Independence, of the ‘   :éfgg;ij   _:_v_ l  Illi   —i~i—».. ». »j<»   .»  __    Zymgmx
  _ Statute of Virginia for Re1i—     `’‘’’‘ ‘  E2  QQ §g,@@;¤ ii 3 A —   1S ms
V gicus Freedom, and Father of 2;;  {Kgs,   .’,    §   ig}; , - 5 _  y a sm
Y the University of Virginia} {P " ,.u‘·’*r°»' _    f    ,_'.-    EEN .    j    ggguggé
VL Q T · That, in the maturity of vision        vii    H']   n attac]
.   ·| which was his at the close of life,   V___   L_   · a cor
>  ’*   , this idol of American dcmooracy _ ‘‘‘‘°    as 9XD*
. Q ‘ should regard the establishment of   __ » r ‘·_·    YL V ,4. Q; i   ``'‘`   G8.
‘  ` » 2. state university as an achieve-     `    _vr__   _ . The S;
   i — m<-mt <>f the ¤¤m<>¤t im¤<>rt¤¤¤¤ is ¤     e·     »».     -.». A. ; ‘... V     mm]
§ ‘ fact that should be regarded rc- ‘ " -         ·   ``‘`  rotemc
Q ‘= ·  , spectfully by all American citizens.  ry stm
2 , , The great growth of American uni- LIBRARY ~ ings
; V = versities in the present century F éirmers
i proves that the American people _ __ . - · ·: ' Mean
‘ — after all these years still believe in adverse economic conditions of the purpose qf_ equitably drgggiblggg  mma
the wisdom gf Thomas Jgggyson past three years. Thanks to tyhe the 1geces;1t1€s fof 1151i.m history E  nd the
V Although Kentucky is one Of the universities and higher educa 1011, amazuyg ag .9 m0 `_ _€ Ed in
3 l oldest states of the Union, the Uni- our great President 1S iindmg 2. way that m civilized Amcnfw Ygild  mm
  Q ` versity of Kentucky is really one of to solve the distressing problems should be want, _StafV&f10{%1 of  m e to
  Q the very latest or me great state facing our Demvcracy- Suffering i¤ the must Of S‘§pk%i,W. °¤¤se1
V1 universities in actual development. It is not *600 much @0 DYODOSG goods mid P1€¤t§’ Of unusg lcsson jnthe
' E   The Universityu; outstanding period that the faith and optimism of the ledge and 1ntelllg€l1C€- Tg gee;) here W
 i V I Of growth has been under the pres- A1'I1€1‘iC8.I] people Wlth. I`€Sp€Ct to (commnued on Page H  ys am
Q v,
> I
, VQ  '
    ' ••
.y ·  :. -0* *;L U

 5 5 ** 55 
x ·  · ·
·   it
, ¤ r ,
‘ 7   iT
{NUS § ii 1 -
• •   E`; . ·
GHS 2 ¥·
. _ atc and Cxhz   .. i
L p0llCyLs       S   Ei
h9 ability     .1   A
to solve ° § 35 ]
im, at bq ihc l1mvcrs1 1;   5
his high g   `
loyalty to ~’—  - of 5
· der iihé gu1d¤¤¢€   V
'ICHH pe0· N R_ BRYANT, *08 states 9·¤d_ lm . 5 · mg   _
  canio t In me. of €==<»¤¤¤¤¤ St ress » gmt, By “‘°“S°   uga EX;B¤.i;;“b;$;¥;‘5;2Z’?.$m§i."‘.’i3‘¤¤— t E.
be denied . - required @0 un Hg -··-— 0 am S ‘ . to KQHEUCKY W
· nt€1'DUS€ }S · ‘{; ' trim- t' y hence 1tS Va-lu'? _ 5 !_·
fil lzgglgogi Severe scmtmy relatwc to 1 S m Whose products had 9· cash value fgcririers is DI‘0bab1Y m EXCESS Of   i
— _ sicvawe- 76 even at the ww p¤<==S mu a million dollars ¤¤¤“a“Y· ? i
Essopgg The AgTiCU1w1`a1 COIEEEE gg   (§r;,5;g§]g for farm Dmducts- In More milk from f€W€1` U0WS» more n. *
ne Ameri- Univ€1'5itY ls nc? eicggmon to its addition state-Widé €Xh1b1U0n$ gf pork from less feed_3Hd_0th€Yi1Ig1: IQ
eciative 01 ru1€· _ It 1?a$*5O;$ its Y 6 S B 3 r e h livestock and other P F 0 d u gm? im. facts couiq be c1ted_1f thsulgihe } .
*1iCYb3$€d mchmg dwls ag the Exp€l`iIT1€Ut» brought to Club members SEV Er would c0I1t1I111€ I`€admg· it runs * g `
t is best, brar{Ch knémglso the Extension sm-- thousand dollars in D1`lZ€$· Story is the same as far as · ;  
d progress Smmm F1 E teaches by the demon` BV perfecting a DEW DYOCESS for The great€S@ Value Of all that Qc;} j r A 
because of VICE _Wh1° ethod the 1·€cOmmenda— t nk mixed OH emulsion sprays: fO1` mugs from the E>$7S€¤$}0¤ Servlch     _
V $Ch01¤T· stmuon m U iversjty jn regard VJ 3 . t 5 the Coiigge of Ag1‘1CUl· rendered by the UUIYBYSUY t r°ug__   •
Qhat those tiolgs     home practices.     Q]']a,b1€d fruit growers tg the College of Ag1‘1Ct1;Hi1;g'€     
most qual- bet BY . . - ti on the dg or dollars f the improved 011 _°° g  
help S°]"°   `gggkhis tggnfaggregogae Where $3,58 ?{2;§uC;l;0?SS?;king a prom- rig}; people and tha :;*pY°;;’§§;;   'L
Y QQ;*§§§§ QQ menus are readily Sm and nent ¤1¤¤€f*;5m°“f§,u§§‘€ States as 3 $f.1h§§§”$g¤;§u;i€;ya€e out Of PMB    
_ · ne · _ . . é » t
in an m` mt. . · cold terms of pmqucer O i n Service; when th€ dlscusswn I? supposedbii { [ -
addition. s eakmg m the _ The Ke¤tl1CkV Extens O fined to cc0n0¤11€ matters r
;mEi·€¤d $ F i
i° “"’°*“` will ml the mam? mth Wm ta. ami Sewage d“‘?"“‘? ME"; eso- meet"? had mb Y On september ti
rs, plHgU€5 or {Ow grade f€1`tihZ€l`S· Smog   mtg] value 0f Which ls hm 0 Q W€€k in Septem 8 ‘ . head Of the     ,
· ·· . · , . b U1'1 th€1€ , · ' Qrth hl1UdI`€d~ D _ James B. Miner: r gr »
9 Cwlhied mspecmm “O1kh§viS1ik§g70 minion mate but Xxhlclg ;l$¤1T;1l‘S. Last Year gmvfysity department of PSYChO1‘   { 5
mam]   have been S0m€tf1n¤omme1‘cial f3¤'· Of thousandq 2 farm buildings W€1‘€ Qvas in charge of thi? 1`mmd >   i
igiiggnsiili     gy ;<€¤*¤¤k¥ f*“`m` iogziihgtfeg`iE;·i1·em¤d¤1€d ‘°"4*“" me 25%,16 ¤¤ "P”°bl‘?mS     `   » A 
of human  gm Just how much of thls WOM? Of plans furnished by HW Couegg Path010gY." DT- Mlncghg association ~ i · 
ries where have been w01‘thl€SS 0I` Of dloubtfu 5 introduo- gd a Yylpéf Pefore u m_ 5 é A
. b 1; 1 g of new CYOD da on An Exa [
1192115 and value is 3 matter Of Smmfleh ue TT Val`? thfnuah thé efforts me °n the fouovgragctigq of POIi¤€m€n t i ‘
cmaimly the pB1`°€n§ag€ Won av ed- argi. Yorker; is very great- A ple m. the f EDI. G B Dimmick. I A ‘
been very lafge Wltmut any le- Umvgrsl ` V2 ·S found in L€S¤€d*°’""‘ and Flmmen ` f insycholcgy at   ? ‘
g ‘ dshonest d€&]€I`S who good Qxamn B I . ] nd assistant DI`Qf€S$0Y` 0 G g ‘
Wg;§Ethl§gn’“;"€d the buimess fg); which né)E,2;]1gX;§§;2;;;n1iaVsg0¥;rI;Y gm tm U“i"‘i¥S1QYOa1sgf1`i;i 3 gggsyghgg _» i »
f turers. I 1S sa and UFO I · qi a ·*A App wai U _ _ i r
 ns?5E glqgglumaacny millions of (101- fuynishgs th1‘O'llgh tgt? i?;gI§g'S€€Th€ Te;} to Three Clinical TYPES of    
lars have been S21-V€d to K¤¤¤¤§k{ IWW SOUYEIEB Osfeegaind hay Dmduc- Dementia PI`a9C0X·  
 ;¥m§;S5pEg§ig; W,$;;“bi‘;i,““1%’§..Ec.?¤ Z2`? éinéickv fm mi   i}§i‘° —L-—- % ;
 WS _ “_ D d4mili011 0 S· ` ; ‘
  8 ““‘*?‘ tax *‘g“““ the TISS?. M YW ""°°°d€ . ht vm unda- Fm appointments to mu qr paw g 5
 actuary m utgetliomgl 0f§$1Li1·es to During the pgsgheliymiygi-gitv 0v€l‘ time posts at iZh€ UmV€¥`?lgY 0f _ 3
ass and tha 6 aw Y .. y · nuence 0 6 _ ·‘ . proved by G €>i·  
*' am‘°h"d t0 each bag Of femhzen ;th€u;§1i0¤ *0*** Of hmesmm hi`; K€I¥uCkg0$;$gtig of the U¤iV€1'S1· ;
· a consequence th€ Stati? treasury buen uggd bv 50.000 farmers tc Ecu we d Of Trustees at 3- meeting n '
 as expended nothing for the SET- i&V€n’*t€ Kentuckv smh and the Ly]? Oigzently in the offices of P1‘€Si- A
· · . 7 . E - ` :
ce. · · ‘ ye ard results Show fm themsah es- .5itV dent Flank _L· ‘McV€y' 12256 Fi; g  
 Th" Same S“°"y ‘S we m ·g¤ .. The mnuence of the Umvet pomtmems mc1ud9d Berm 5   .
=• mill feeds for 1iv€St0Ck- S1m11a· h Oultw induqtry in K€UtUCkY Kentucky Vvggleyan gT¤duat°· ? { ¥
 Mectivn is given reiafivé *0 ““"S‘ °“ t EF ,.,.ma1·kable. One <=¤“““< assistant in English: J<>*}¤ L"’W‘s· i <
 ry stock' Held Seeds and Othfr Egg ggggliqlé last V‘“3`i` Sold 13000 Vvinchestgu pg_1·t-tim€ III-}St}'U(;g{Y _  
5 11555 hou ht by farm pgop e. ‘ · _ ‘ . 5+ f 3100 caS€S . — . _M_ Sullivan. NYE ` _ 7
 8I`m€l‘S 211*5 p1‘O{Z€CC€d in the Sale Casfgs Off     UHiV€rSiF\7 in 1;/E-usigénggcky g1`3dU3t9· asslstant , .
- ·butm¤ ·' °""am *0 °"€am€*`i€S “`“`°““h the Whmh Lzfpnsioiu dem0¤S**`¤·*i‘°“°.‘“ { physics: J. Hi Haynswwth mgd 1 i
djsiggl mos?  ami“"‘“°" md “°€"““g °f“’St§”  °°Q`O,mtg; and the i¤t€*€St*“g Q5 D Lima Lexington. gradua *3 i 5
_  Hd the certiiication of &DD&1`€1 US '? _ ` did it with 9 ‘. ` - Physica i
yhlstoryi ed in making; {;€stg_ A1] these Thm¤ {S that jd`$_Vh€ns· asS1StH¤tj$ m atson instructor in _ 
21*% meld  rvices are maintained With·OUY3 9x' Sm°“91 numbm ,· hg ]amb< Howmd O. M- Geying was given T V  
'aticm agi  . ¤S€ to the State_ through small The D1`3CtiC€ gf tl,1mn5;11anV base; Agl`iCU1tm`a1   to take up work I 1
E Surplus I cense fees. {‘·\c]_·Q¤_QES tlxe Dllce (:*1] B" llurldred a.1€aV€   ads ral      
used kn0W I _ _ _ bv mom than $1.0 D I Wlth tht T8 9 ·
1,,5501]  . H the Extension SE1`V1C€ last Y€a¤ , _ .5 Ckv ic one of we - _ . sion control. i =
_g£$€€g) h€l‘e were actively em‘0U·9d 22-5117 ;v°1§.T:;   lamb producing S°11°1° · ‘ ?
·  YS imd girls in the 4-H clu S ea 1 == " `   `_
;......1» ···* " "

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i o       , -.__L. -.-ne*_ns4A-.tv-}\ REEUYI;
  il ’ ‘ · o l L  ballots ·
  Tg { _ ·h Boai
 `;   * Before the blasts of winter ef- diences would like to hear, and for- who prefer not to have their nam ting Gmc
  i fectively isolate the people living ward these suggestions for future publicized. A goodly number ()fbat_ lyaisabyg
      in the creek valleys and coves of use. tery sets have been donated by xiiiediz
Yi     · o le in Lexington and oth Q 4
_  E   7 eastern-Kentucky, a new SGYVIFB of Centers already installed are at P; $1 tat The most QT an vemty ti
 *3   § the University of Kentucky will be _ 0 16 S €· pressing me mst]
 or it ; _ _ cow Creek, Owsley county, Gander, d f th t t Q . (
 ,; Y; . at their command to keep them m Letch 1_ count _ BO] n Vest and 1198 0 6 SYS €m 3 present 5 wild F
¢  Yi   ‘· touch with the outside world, This _ 8 y' y ’ I * money for new batte