xt73j960618c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j960618c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-08-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  9, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  9, 1929 1929 1929-08-09 2012 true xt73j960618c section xt73j960618c Best Copy Available f











in mvi


U. K. Archeologist



Miss Elizabeth Duncan, who was

graduated from the University at
the end of the first term of the
Summer Session, has accepted a
position as teacher of French and
Bcrea English literature In the Lexington
Business Manager of
Junior high school and will assume
College Gives Beautiful
her duties this fall. Miss Virginia
Program uf Selections
Kcllcy formerly held the position,
but she will go to the Florida State
Women's College at Tallahassee the
HELD first of September where she will
teach French and Latin.
Dean W, S. Taylor, Summer

Session Director, Presides;
Large Crowd Attends


Mr. Howard E. Taylor, business
manager of Berea College, whose
hobby Is playing the organ, gave a
bcautttlil program of selections on
the new University organ Wednesday morning at the third hour In
Memorial hall, when the first convocation of the second semester of
the Summer Session was held. A
large number of students
townspeople were present.
Dean W. S. Taylor, director of the
Summer Session, Introduced the
musician, praising his philosophy as
well as his ability to spend years of
practice on music outside a busy
Classes were dismissed for the
hour, and the public was invSled to
shear the organist in his special program of music. .Mr. Taylor snid that
ihe thought of his last selection,
"Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone,"
when he visited Jerusalem 3 ast year
and ascended the same steps that
our Lord climbed when the soldiers
took Him to the garden of
Following 3s the program:
fc.awin Read
Off ertolre Jn .E
E. H. Lamare
Andantlno , ....
Amarylis .... Air 4u Roi Louis XIII
Pilgrim's .Song of Hope .... Batiste
J. H. Major
Intermezzo ..
Carry Me Back, to Old Virginia
Must Jesus Bear the .Cross Alone.

Strollers May Initiate Noyel
Entertainment in Four Mi
... Play Written by Frank C.
Strollers, student dramatic organization at "the University, will Initiate a new type oftentertalnment 'in
their annual play, if the plans Jor
an original four ao, college comedy,
"Local Color," written by Frank
.Davidson, "are approved by members
of the faculty advisory committee.
The play is interspersed with music written by Katherlne Davb. and
Earl X. 33enff, especially for the
production. The cast provides roles
for 14 people, Including many good
characterizations lamiHar to campus life. Strollers is not allowed to
give a musical comedy, and the muaccompanying
sical arrangement
"Local (Color" Is raore the type
found In 5ihe new talking pictures,
which present some opportunity for
piano and 'voice sdlns.
The StnHlers faculty advisors are
Miss Marguerite MiiLaugblin, Rrof.
Enoch Grenan and JProf. E. F.
The play will be presented
to them this fall, so that work flor
the spring production may foe started before Christmas.

University Student
Shoots Two Over Par

The religious Interests of ths students at the University and the part
played by the University Y. M. C.
A. in furthering
them will be the
theme of a talk by Ir. "Bart N.
Peak, secretary of the "University
WY," in a radio program given from
the remote control studios of WHAS
on August 13. The program for this
week will also contain another of
the popular monthly botik revUws
by Prof. E. F. Farquhar, a feature
that has rpsultcd In numerous letters of appreciation. The complete
program for, the week iff August 12
Is as follows:
Monday, August 12, 12:30 to 12:45
p. m. (a) 'Hogging off Corn," by
Prof. Grady Sellards. College of Agriculture. '(b) ":Marl 3or Kentucky,"
by Prof. S. C. Jones, College of Agriculture.
Tuesday, August 13, 12:30 to 12:45
p. m. "TheTJnlverslty of Kentucky
Young Mens Christian Associa
tlon," by Bart N. Peak, secretary
University Y. .M. C. .'A.
Wednesday, August 14, 12:30 to
12:45 p. m. (a) "Control of Worms
in -- Hogs," by Prof. (Grady Sellards
College of Agriculture, (b) "Value
of iLlme and Marl," by Prof. S.
Jones, College of Agriculture.
Wednesday, August 14, 9:30 to
10:DO p. m. Unlverslly of Kentucky
saloon orchestra.
Thursday, August 15, 12:30 to
.12:45 p. m. "Monthly Book He
view," by Frof. E.F. Farquhar. de
partment ot English- Friday, August .16 "What Fann
Fonts Are Asking," oby Prof. N. J.
.Ellidtt, C6ilej;e of Agriculture.

Joe Kee Victorious
In Elimination Play
Many University Men Com
pete in TennisJVlatches;
Only One Survives
Joe Kee, University student, was
one ol the four to survive the elimination games in the Blue Crass
.tennis tournament .held the past!
tweek at Woodland park. His .easy
skill carried .him up tto the semi
llnal matches Thursday, after he
defeated Tommy Derine, 2, 6-- 0
Vednesday afternoon.
Many University students played
is the tournament, holding out mi
til Wednesday, when Frank Datfid'
son and Clay Brock met defeat at
th hands of Harlowc and Par
tridge, after steadily
thiougnout the game.
was oneof a doii
Tommie Rose
bier team that defeated Ambrose
and Farquhar,
nestiay; JPxof. Victor Portmann ala
figured in a doubles match, winning
from opponents
The schedule for Thursday after
noon Included: Rost and Zcrfoss vs.
Sldener and Splcer.
Rawlings JBagland vs. JeoKee.
Portmann jmd Ravdall v White
and flthmltt.
vs. Dunlaii and
Kee. and-.:o-

Delta Zetas Sign
Corporation Paper
lie Bought This Summer


Richard C. Miller, extension field
agent In animal husbandry .for the
College of Agriculture of tun Unl
verslty, will be the principal .speak
er at a State meeting of live stock
breeders at Clemson College in
South Carolina August 7. Mr. Miller
is secretary and treasurer of the
Sheep Breeders Association and edSheepman," the assoitor of "The
ciation's magazine.


Philip R. Salec, n graduate of the
University, now physical director of
the Louisville and Nashville Railway Y. M. O. A. at Corbln. will
come to Lexington the first of September to take a similar position,
filling the vacancy made by the
resignation of E. R. Sunley.
Dr. J. C. Jones, head of the political science department at the
University has left for a month's
vacation. He is attending the Institute of Politics at Willlamstown,
Mass., and will later visit other
meetings of similar nature.

Articles ol' Incorporation of Alpha
Thetu of Delta Zeta sorority filed .in
the county clerk's effice .last week
empowered the corporation to ac
quire funds or purchase or Mild a
chapter house.
Members of the active .chapter
wjio signed tbi paper were Alary
Bruce Dailey, Pauline Carpenter
ami Lois Perry Crown. As the cor
poration was not formed for pecuniary gain it has no capital stock.
Indebtedness was limited to $25,000.
A chapter house, located at the
corner of Linden Walk and Maxwell
streets, has been chosen for purchase, and the sorority plans to
move there this fall.


Prof. E. P. Farquhar, of the English department, and editor of "Letters," spoke before members of the
Lexington Rotary Club at its meeting at the Phoenix hotel yesterday.
R. Mack Oldham sang a group of

All seniors who expect to make
application for their degrees by De
cember are requested to call at the





Music Instructor




Andrew C. Wallace
Heads Corporation
Former University Student I
President 'of Cinderella
Slipper Shops, Inc.

Arrangements have been made
for a series of intercollegiate debates between summer session students of the University and Berea
Tentative debates have
been scheduled for August 13, one
of which will be held in Berea and
the other of that date Is to be
staged in Lexington.
Debating during the summer
school is not a regular feature In
Kentucky, but it is believed that
much Interest will be aroused by
this forensic endeavor.
William Rldgeley Pierce, of Mott,
S. D., Is the University's outstanding man in the contests and much
Is expected to him. His ability as a
debater is exceptional.
University freshman, will
probably see action as a member of
the school's team, as will William
Dysard, who besides being an able
debater, Is out for football.
Bcrea's trio will consist of Escum
Moore andParls Ballou, debaters of
several years' experience. Berea's
third man will probably be a more
experienced man than either of the
two above mentioned.
The subject to be argued Is one of
great, Interest at this time. It is:
"Resolved that the government
should own and operated hydroelectric power sites."

Mr. Andrew C. Wallace, recently
Slipper Shops, Inc., who manages
the central store located in Lexington, has announced the opening of
a new store at Ashland. Mr. Wallace
formerly attended the University.
The second of .the .shops was
opened at Pikevllle about a month
and a .half ago, and .according to
Mr. Wallace, Jias given very satisfactory results, showing that a complete chain of the stores may be
operated Jn the state.
The Cinderella .Sbpper Shop
Company was Incorporated .three
months ago, with Mv. Wallace
and general manager, :nnd
W. W. Peavyhouse as secretary sand
Mr. Wallace recently marled Miss
JBerfcha Peoples, who Is a senior at
the University, and a .member of
the '.Chi Omega .sorority.



Members of Varsity Team Are
Preparing 'for Football Season; Some Attending U. K.
Summer Session.








Meets Tragic Death in
Accident Near River


Large Touring Car



Helm Auto off Road and
Down Steep Bank





Lenore Wilson, of Bowling
Green, a graduate of the school of
education at Northwestern University, and a prominent figure In the
music world, has been appointed
Instructor In music at the University and will commence work In the
fall. She will have charge of the
courses In public school music and
will probably Introduce some new
course of this character.
Miss Wilson is a vocalist ot athaving studied under
well-knoteachers in New York
and Chicago. In addition to appearing in recitals at the University she will be in charge of the
Girls' glee club. Between 1923 and
1928 Miss Wilson was a member of
the music faculty at Western State
Teachers' College where she conducted the A Cappefia Choir and
gave various operettas and concerts.
The appointment of Miss Wilson
was made necessary by the greatly
enlarged demand within the last
few years for competently trained
music supervisors and the consequent great Increase in the enrollment in the music department at
the University. Virtually all graduates with the degree of B. S. in
music are placed in jobs and last
year more teachers of this character, were wanted than could be
Prof. Carl A. Lampert is nead of
the University's department oS music and besides professional beacher
conrses, cultural courses in various
phases of music are given. In addition, capi'ble students are permitted
to play in the musical ensemble
groups consisting of the bands, glee
clubs, philharmonic orchestra, brass
quartette, chorus, and string quarMiss

Members of tche University varsity
team are spending the
summer in training for the. fall
season by doing plenty of hard
mancal labor. Following Is a
the' athletes and the various ways
In which they ure vacationing.
Jake Bronston, end "Working for
the Consolidated Coach Corporation tette.
doctoring sick motors.
Mkx Colter, center In summer
school, trying ito get eligible. In order Ico stay hi condition Max works
out early every morning an Stdll


Freshman Headgear ELIZABETH HELM
Contract Is Awarded
were opened Wednesday
morning for the freshman class Ct rPfjrirv
caps worn by first year men stu- MlTII I

dents, Thorpes, Kaufman's, and
Graves, Cox Company competed for
the contract which was awarded to
Graves, Cox for 35c per cap. The
caps will be University blue with
"Kentucky" across the front In
white letters, and all freshman men
will be compelled to wear them until May Day.

Berea Trio Consists of Experienced Men; Includes
Ballou and Moore

Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
the Graduate School at the University, and professor of zoology, Is
spending the month of August In
Logan county, where he is doing research work and exploring caves
for remains of ancient life. Dr.
Funkhouser and Prof. W. S. Webb,
head of the University physics department, made some startling discoveries last month of an ancient
race in Lee county. Dr. Funkhouser
is an archeologist of note.






!), 1929


Bart Peak, University Y. M.
C. A. Secretary, Will Talk
on Religious Interests of
Students Next Ween.



Series of Intercollegiate Meets
Between Summer School
Students Scheduled


stu- - J
dent, of Steams, shot a pair of 37'sii
for a 74 score, two aver par, iln the(
Mt, Sterling crountry club's Central
Kentucky Golf Association tournament Tuesday to lead a large field Luames.
In the qualifying rountl.
A large crowd of Lezington golfers from Picadome, Ashland and
among the players, butaione of the
tournament followers expected
mark to be lowered. Pr.of. Ni!v Chapter House at Lin
Carl Lampert also qualiiled In the
Jen Walk an1 Maxwell ,U
early rounds with a score .of



Funeral services for Miss Elizabeth T. Helm, 23 years old, of 404
Linden Walk, a former University
Amanda Forkner, University student who was killed Instantly
Graduate, Attains Promi- last Saturday night In an automonence as Organizer of Prize bile accident, were held at 10:30 o'Winning High Schol Paper. clock Tuesday morning at the
home, with the Rev. Jesse Hermann,
Miss Amanda Forkner, of Win- 'n,",H7Z
Chester, a graduate of the Unlvcr- The accident occurred about 9:30
slty in 1922, was a visitor of the department of Journalism this week. o'clock Saturday night when the
While in school she majored in automobile In which she was riding
Journalism and was a member of plunged off a
Theta Sigma Phi national Journal- near Combs' Ferry opposite Boones-bor- o
on the Kentucky river. She
istic society for women, and an outstanding member of the Kernel was returning with a friend, Frank
Brogan, of 304 South Hanover avestaff.
nue, from the river..
After graduation Miss Fornker
taught In the senior high school at Brogan, who was driving the car
Miami, Fla., where she installed a and who sffered severe cuts and
department of Journalism. With her bruises, has been returned to his
aid the students started a seven home from a Winchester hospital
column weekly newspaper which where he was taken following the
gradually grew into prominence, accident. His condition Is Improved.
According to "Brogan, a large
winning honors for the best high
s'chool paper in the state, and later touring car forced their machine off
the narrow, winding road that leads
highest honors for the best paper of
to the Combs Ferry, and It plunged
its kind in the South.
off the embankment, pinning the
In 1928 she entered the paper in occupants underneath. It was three
the National Scholastic Press As- hours before a passing motorist
sociation contest conducted by Col- heard Brogan's cries for' help. He
umbia University and won second said Miss Helm was killed almost
place. This year the publication Instantly.
took first prize In the same contest.
Miss Helm Is the daughter of Mrs.
This summer Miss Forkner was
appointed teacher of Journalism on Courtney Helm, of 404 Linden Walk.
Her two brothers, Foster and
the Floating University, but the
cruise was postponed. She was the Thornton Helm, arrived in LexAssociated Press representative at ington Tuesday morning, the forthe 1928 International Educational mer from Georgia, and the latter
conference and handled all the from Camp Algonquin, Mich.
Miss Helm is a graduate of Mt.
news of the meeting. For this work
she was personally commended by Holyoke College in Massachusetts.
the Associated Press for superior She was graduated from Lexington
Senior high school in 1922, and atservice.
tended the University for one and a
half years. While at the University
she was a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority. For the past sev
Visiting- eral months she had been employed
in the advertising department of
Frank Davidson, President of'the Lexington Herald. She is sur-- r:
vived by her mother, and two broth- -.
i.. a


SuKy to Entertain
For Fall Term


pep organization

of the

campus, is planning a special committee to meet trains bringing visiting athletic teams to the Univer-

Alpha Gamma Deltas
Drive to Michigan

sity, according to Frank C. David- Four Girls Go to Spend Two
son, president of the circle. Duties
Weeks at Sorority Camp
Will Ed Covington, quarterback
ot the members of the committee
for Poor Children
or half Digging in a clay pit near
will be to take the athletes to their
his 'liome at IMayfleld. He reports "University Graduate Is Given quarters and to provide entertainthat Ithe work Is plenty hard and
ment for .them during their stay in
Misses Annelie Kellev.
.Show Boa! Playing Ohio Riv
Tear's Scholarship at Yale
that he is nearly as hard. He'll be
Gorham, Mary Willis Saunders and
er Is Flooded by Sudden In Lexington September 5, Jour days for Cominc Year: Is Phi Lexington.
Similar organizations in other Frances Beskett drove to Jackson,
Rise of Water; Wall Open before practice starts to help round
Rcta Kappa.
Mich., last week to work as councolleges have done these courtesies
up the boys.
Next Week.
for some years, and SuKy feels that cilors at the Alpha Gamma Delta
Pete Drury. itackle Also 3n sunr
John Rice Bullock Jr., who was its program for the building of summer camp for Jackson's undermer school wrestling with profs and graduated from the University in campus
traditions and furtherance nourished children. They will stay
has been received from intricate problems in engineering,
the class of 1928, and who has been of the University good, will, that there for the regular period of two
Thomas L. .Riley, .formerly a stu In his spare time he leads
the life
dent at the University, of the sink of a mechanic at the Consolidated a student In past Law College at visiting teams arid supporters from weeks, until a new crew of sorority
year, has been other universities should be wel- workers arrive for the
ing of .the shiiw boat Golden Rod, Coach Corporation and tosses uno Tale for a the
scholarship for law work
unit. Miss Elizabeth Grlffy has Just
on which he and William Durbeck tors
aiound as if they were tooth because of his excellent standing comed and here. care of while they returned to her
are guests
were acting this summer. Mr. Riley picks.
home at Hazard
while at Yale. He will be graduated
is now .continuity writer for the
One of the customs observed by after spending two weeks at the
J. a "Shipwreck" Kelly, halfback there next June.
Crosley .radio station JWLW in Cin
the circle is the presentation of the camp.
by shipping
Daretl his
Mt. Bullock was an outstanding beer keg to the pep organization of
The camp Is a project of the naion the steamship, Washington, for
Eollowii'g Is ian account cf the Europe. He wonted his way across student at the University, especially the team winning the Tennessee-Kentuck- y tional sorority, and is nnpmturi
in 'journalistic work, being elected
tlrely by members of the Alpha
disaster as given by Mr Riley.: "On tn the stoke-lKtf- d
football game. The keg Is
and when last
of the Kernel, hold- now in possession of
thcnlghtonf July 7, some time after heard eJ' was taking in the sights editor-in-chithe Tennessee Gamma Delta sororitv. whn
the .performance, the river dropped at Paris. France vlth Major Hoople, ing that position for three semes- club, and bears on its sides the col- from all parts of the United States
ters and also during the summer ors of the two universities.
and Canada, paying their own Pre
suddenly, ..'eavine one jend of the He'll be back In time for practice
.good craft hanging on the hank and his ork in the the boiler room session three years ago. He was the
Officers of the SuKy circle for the penses, to help with the altruistic
youngest editor of the publication
work done for the poor children of
.and .the miter side was naturally ol the steamer should have him in
at the time of his election, and Just coming year are Frank Davidson. jacicson, Mien.
pushed down into .the wajer so that great condition.
William Young, vice
celebrated his 23rd birthday last president;
Last year seven girls from theloihe hull of the boat filled almost Otho MtElroy, lull back Out in month.
president; Mary Brown, secretary,
cal chapter of the sorority atterided
immediately with water. The water the open, digging post holes for the
He was well known on the cam ana a ranees BasKett, treasurer.
the camp, and this summer about
wis .rather shallow and the bottom Kentucky Utilities Company. He pus lor his scholastic record as well
10 were among the total
ol ihe .floating theater restfd on the sayt. he's hi better condition than as
his many activities, for he was
of councilors for the whole period
mer hottom. Before the beat could he has been since bring in schooL
a member of Phi Beta Kappa, na Two
of ten weeks.
be raised the river began .tt rise at
Hayes Owens, half back Spent tional Arts and Sciences scholarship
an alarming cate so hat the entire six weeks in the advanced R. O. T.
honorary fraternity; Omicron Delta
loMer floor, stage aad part of the C. camp at Camp Knox.
Kappa, national compus leaders fra
balcony was Jlooded.
The Phlpps Brothers, Tom and
have been going on ior almost two Frank, full backs Are Lugging ice ternity; Lamp and Cross, and Delta
Tau Delta, social fraternity. In his
Two professors of the College of
M. I. T.
weeks In ihe reconditioning, hut the around at AslUand. They're rearing
show will not open for well over a ifo be hick and continue their fight senior year he was awarded the $100 Agriculture have resigned their poBOSTON. (INS)
wees yet. .m me opinion or the cap lor the full back Job. The odds are prize offered by Franklin Vaughn sitions and will leave the University
Intensive stuto the outstanding man in the grad- this fall to teach In
the Universities dies in aerial navigation in fog are
even as to which will make It.
uating class.
now being planned by the Massaof Maine and Minnesota.
Conrae Rose, ,guard 'Working In
Mr. iUley Is a member .of PI Kap
chusetts Institute of Technology at
pa Alpha fraternity and was elected a .filling station tit Evantville, Ind.
E. C. Johnson, of the departDr.
Carey Splcer, quarterback
ment of market and rural finance, the recent enlarged airport on the
director of Strollers, dramatic oris
will be associated with Dr. O. B. Col. E. H. R. Green estate at South
ganization .on the campus, last finding his work as playground di
Dartmouth, Mass.
.spring. He will not return to the rector of Clifton Park very health
Jesness, who headed the departTo Be
Facilities at the fleld have been
ment here until a year ago, and
University mis fall, however, but ful. Then, too, he is playing a lot
improved to enable the
will continue .in his present position of teunls wlrich should keep his legs
Roy Owsley, business manager of who Is now at the University of the Goodyear Zeppelin handling of
wjth the CrosJey Radio Corporation. in trim.
Minnesota. Dr. Johnson came here
the summer editions of
Joe Thompson, guard Following who Is working on his the Kernel from Minnesota four years ago, and now being operated in the cruise of
master's de- received
experiments. Studies In fog navigahis trade ot filling cars with gaso- - gree here, will be an Instructor In
his doctor's degree at that
tion and short wave radio communune nut tins ume ne went a long
institution last spring.
way from home to do it. He's at the political science department
Prof. J. R. .Smyth, of the poultry chusetts were started at th
during the coming terms of 1929- Institute of Technology reSt. Louis.
1930. He was a graduate student at department, will be head of the search station
several years ago but
Cecil Uibanlak, half back Work
same department at the University the acquisition
of the Mayflower for
ing in a coal mine at Falrmount, the University last year, and did his of Maine. Professor Smyth,
work on a fellowship given him by
who is purposes
theory that It is immoral to defy W. Va., his home town. He mashed the University of Kentucky. He for- a graduate of Purdue University, pected to of experimentation Is exadvance the work consid
his foot in a mine accident early in merly
the law of gravitation was reported
attended Western Kentucky has been at the Kentucky Experi- erably.
by Virginia Polytechnic Institute the summer but is okeh now.
Teachers' College at Bowling Green. ment Station for nine years.
Newell Wilder, guard Working In
officials as an obstacle In obtulning
Mr. Oswley is a member of the Delland for the college airport here. A his father's hardware store at Cor- ta Tau Delta fraternity.
furmer and Dunkard minister by bln, Ky.
Howard "Fatty" Williams, cen- the name of Smith, it was said, re
Prof. A. E. Bigge, of the German
Mr. James Shropshire, who was department at the University,
fused to lease his luud . aeroplanes tei Trying to get rid of nick-nam- stuff MISS CONNELL IS lNSTUUCTOlt
which earned him the
graduated in June from the Uni- been granted a year's leave of has
to land on It for this reason.
by working with the construction
Miss Helen Council,
to finish the work on his docSufficient land has been acquired gang on the new educational build- her master's degree Inwho received versity, Is now at Fort Thomas as a
German at member of the 399th Infantry, or- tor's degree at
however, and State engineers have ing at the University.
commencement, and who Is attend- ganized reserve corps. He will over Michigan. During the University of
Professor Blgggo's
staked out the geld, the erection of
Ralph "Babe" Wright, tackl- e- ing the Summer Session at the Uni- see
fences, draining and other matters Working in Detroit helping Henry versity of Michigan, will return to sity all publications of the Univer- absence Mr. Anton Grassel will fill
this winter, and will act as gen- the vacancy left in the department.
are expected to bo completed by Ford.
the University of Kentucky In Sep- eral business manager to the Ker- Mr. Grassel was given
full. The State will contribute $1,000
L. G. "Floppy" Forquer, guard
tember and continue her work as nel. Kentucklan. Letters. University degree from the University master's
and has
toward the field, the college paying
Instructor In the German denart- - Bulletins and other publications on Just returned from a
trip through
the remainder.
(Continued on Pace Three)
the campus.




Ag Professors
New Positions
Minnesota Fog Flying Is New
Study at

Business Manager


"Plying Immoral"
Say Authorities

� TlijJlliiiJ,f IJ II



Best Cop




The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel Is the offlcinl newspaper of the
students nnd alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Fridny throughout the college year
by the student body of the University.
Subscription One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents a Year-F- ive
Cents a Copy. Entered nt Lexington Post-oilins second class mail matter.




Margaret Hyland
Hazel Baucom
Percy H. Lnndrum
Pat Rankin
Roy H. Owsley
Phones G802 - University 74
Circulation Manager

One of the best known fables spread since the
days before the Civil War Is the story of the beautiful courtesy and Chesterfield manners of the Southern gentleman. Through the years this belief has
flourished, even In the South. Northerners nre greatly surprised to find that all young men from Kentucky, or Virginia, or Tennessee are not perfect
models of the old time hero who bowed from the
waist with a fitting remark upon introduction.
Without going Into a prolonged discussion of what
has come over this modern generation, we can admit
that there has been a very noticeable change In the
manners of the young man as well as a new defiance
in the young woman of today. Nor do we regret all
this, for it has meant freedom and truth from the
bondage of many useless old conventions. However,
at our own University some may sigh for the old
days when a man lifted his hat to a lady, or at least
allowed her room to walk on the sidewalks instead of
jostling and pushing her out onto the grass or road.
One reason for the decline in manners at the University is the lowering of the estimation in which
were once held. Time and again the remark
is made by the Kentucky man student that "Co-ed- s
'don't ask for any respect, so why should we give it.
They don't expect or deserve and special courtesy
from the boys they date and have classes with." If
this is true, then it is the
who is at fault, but
there is much proof that these very girls who rush
ahead to open the door and stand while the boys
take all the available chairs at the sorority house,
often wish for the respect accorded their older sisters
in bygone days.

Music, Stage and Screen

William Howard Tnlft, chief Justice of the United
States Supreme Court. In n recent address before his
college fraternity convention, voiced the opinion that
extra cunicular nctlvltlcs arp carried to great extremes In the schools nnd that they waste n great deal
of time and money. The chief Justice believes that
"the war played havoc with a great many conceptions
and we haven't gotten over It yet." He also regrets
the misuse of scholastic opportunities ns practiced by
many students today.
The benefit derived from extra currlculnr activities
Is open to debate, but when n man of the experience
and ability of Chief Justice Tnft voices a contrary
opinion people arc inclined to listen. Some of the
most outstanding objections raised against these
activities arc that the regular curriculum school work
Is overlooked, that the expenditures Involved are excessive, that cliques tend to develop, and that the
same crowd of students belong to all the activities
leaving more timid souls with no chance to belong.
Then again, advocates of extra currlcular activities
argue that the activities tend to develop leadership,
citizenship, nnd physical efficiency.
The question may never be satisfactorily settled,
but too often It has been observed that popularity,
gleaned from wealth, athletic prowess or what not,
very frequently Is considered above real capacity and
ability in choosing a leader In any activity, from a
national honor society to the laying of a cornerstone.
Daily mini.
o- -



Dark pines
Huddled on a mountain top
Against the gray sky
Of a winter twilight
Are like tattered soldiers
Over a dying campfire.
Who treads a road of Jagged stone
May find therein a diamond set;
Who wades the slough with heavy groan
May pluck an April violet.
Old man, you are a battered hulk
On the shore of life.
You are like an empty house
With gaping windows
And a rickety staircase.
I hear its rusty hinges creaking
As you hobble on.

Beauty, music, comedy and tragedy may be found in a varied program ofTcrcd by the local theaters
this week end nnd the first of next
week. Stars of the stage vie with old

timers of the screen and come out
with n creditable showing. It is
rather interesting to watch nnd
compare them. Which Impresses you
jns screening and recording best?
Cnstcllo at Kentucky
The Warner Brothers' Vitaphonc