xt73j960609d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j960609d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1901-02-jun5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-02-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1901-02-jun5. 1901 1901-02-jun5. 2011 true xt73j960609d section xt73j960609d 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5th, 1901 - page 36

      The Board of Trustees met in the Presidentes room
in the College building at 10 A. M. June 5th, 1901.

      Present:                     D. F. Frazee, Chairman
                                   B. W. Bradburn,
                                   MeD. Ferguson
                                   W. FP Fowler
                                   Jo F. Hager
                                   J. B. Kennedy
                                   G. B. Kinkead,
                                   J. B. Marcum,
                                   J. K. Patterson
                                   R. C. Stoll
                                   Thomas Todd.

      The motion which lay over from June 4th, was called
up, and amended by striking out " advertise for "1 and insert-
ing instead the words " select and employ an architect to

      The motion was then read as follows:

      It is the sense of this Board that the Building
Committee proceed to select and employ an architect to
furnish plans and specifications for the erection of a
building or dormitory for girls which shall provide the
maximum accommodation within the limits of the funds at the
disposal of the Board, viz.   ;20000.00 due regard being had
to comfort and security.

      The motion as amended was then put and carried.

      The committee on the President's report was given
more time,

The Report on the Committee on Finance was passed.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5th, 1901 - page 36-37

     The Report of the Committee on Appropriations was

     The Committee on Buildings and Grounds was granted more

     Mr. Stoll read the following:

     The Committee on the Experiment Station begs leave
to report.

     We have made as thorough an examination of the workings
of sation as the time permitted, and we are pleased to re-
port that much progress has been made during the year,, and
that all departments seem to be working harmoniously, each
with the other. The farms are being put in first class order
and great improvements are being made.

      We are of the opinion that the recommendations of the
Director to this Board, having been carefully considered,
are for the best interests of the development of the Station,
and we therefore recommend the adoption by this Board of
the following recommendations:

      1. That the appropriation of $15000.00 from the
Hatch Act, the income from the Fertilizer and Food Controls
and Farm, and the interest accruing from these accounts
be appropriated for the use of the station.

      2. That a dairy and cattle feeding barn with all
modern improvements, and one which will be a credit to the
station be constructed to cost not more than $8500.00 and
that there be appropriated for its construction $8500.00,
and that a committee consisting of D. F. Frazee and M. A.
Scovell , be empowered to construct such a dairy and cattle
feeding barn, and to visit, if they deem it necessary,
other Stations or places for the purpose of getting the
best plans for the construction of said barn, their
expenses to be paid by the Station.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESjune 5, 1901 - page 37038

      3. That Mr' T. L. Richmond be employed for field
work in the division of Entomology and Botany in the place
of Mr. H. Lugger resigned at a salary of $600.00 per year;
that Miss Mary L. Didjake be employed to assist Prof.
Garman in Bacteriology and Drawing and Botanical Work, at a
salary of $40.00 pe-a month.

      4. That Mr0 L. 0. Beatty be continued another year
at a salary of $60.00 as an assistant chemist in the
station proper o

      5. That the Director upon the approval of the
Executive Committee be authorized to employ an expert in
Animal Husbandry at a salary not exceeding $l5300.O.   In the
employment of such a man consideration should be given to his
training in Experiment Station work and his adaptability
for Institute work0

      6. That under the Fertilizer Control work Mr. H. E.
Curtis's salary be increased from $1350 to 1500 per annum:
That Mr. W4. H. Sherffiusis salary be increased to $80.OO
per annum: that Mr. George Roberts be employed the coming
year to assist in the chemical work at a salary of $60O.OO.
That the Director be authorized to appoint an additional
temporary assistant chemist if the Fertilizer work
requires it.

      7. That under the Food Control work, Mr. R. M. Allen
be employed as clerk and chief assistant to the Director
at a salary of $750.O0.

      8. The salary of Mr. J. 0. La Bach, chemist for
Food Control work be fixed at $135O.OO per annum.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1901   page 38-39

      All increase of salaries to begin With the fiscal
year, viz:  July Ist, 19010

      We are of the opinion that as the State Laws governing
the Fertilizer and Food Control work throw upon the Director
great responsibility that he should have the undivided and
hearty support of the Board in the enforcement of these
laws. The people and Legislature hold him responsible for
their enforcement and he should have competent assistants
and sufficient salaries should be paid for such assistants
as the funds are ample to employ thoroughly trained men.

      As this is not properly college work, a comparison
between the salaries of the assistants in College and those
in the Station should not be made a matter of consideration
in determining the compensation of the assistants to the
Director in the Fertilizer Control or Food Control work.

                 (Signed)          R. C. Stoll,
                                    John F. Hager
                                    J. B. Kennedy,

      On motion that part of the report, of the committee
on the Experiment Station which relates to salaries was
referred to the Committee on salaries.

      President Patterson moved, second by Judge Barker,
that the report of the committee on the Experiment Station
be adopted excepting that part which refers to salaribs.

      Carried as follows:

      Aye,   Barker, Kinkead, Bradburn, Ferguson, Fowler,
Hager, Kennedy, Marcum, Nelson, Patterson, Ramsey, Stoll,
Todd, Frazee, - 14.

No     0.


MI1UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1901 - page 39-40

      Ordered on motion that the Board adjourn for fifteen
minutes so that the Conmittee on salaries may have time
to consider the salaries of the Station officers.

      (time 10:020 A. M. )

      The Board was called to order at 10:35 A. M. President
Patterson submitted the following:

      The committee on salaries recommend that authority
be given to the President to appoint for one year subject to
confirmation at the end of the next collegiate year, and to
the Director of the Experiment Station as to those named
whose services are connected with the pure Food Law, the
following persons for service in the Experiment Station at
the rate of compensation named: viz..

                 L. 0 Beatty                  $600e00
                 S. D. Averett                 600.00
                 To Lo Ricbmond                600.00
                 George Roberts                600.00

      Miss M. Didlake, Forty ($40O.) dollars per month, and
that salary of the superintendent of Animal Husbandry shall
be $l,500 per year.

      Also that the salaries of the following assistants
in the Experiment Station be increased from that received
hitherto to the following: viz..,

                 W. H. Scherffius             $90.0O0
                 E. E. Curtis                 1500.00
                 R. H. Allen                   900.00

      and that they be re-elected for the ensuing year.
It is also recommended that J. 0. La Bach be appointed
ehemist for food analysis under the supervision of the
Director for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500.0o subject
to confirmation at the end of the year, if his services prove
satisfactory to the Director, with an increase of $100O.0


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1901   page 40-41

per year until the maximum limit of the compensation attaching
to a professorship is reached.

      In the Department of Mathematics we recommend that
the salary of assistant J. R. Johnson be increased from
$900 to $l20.OOO and that he and all other assistant
Instructors and employes be re-elected for the
ensuing year.

      In the Department of Engineering we recommend the
f ollowing:; viz.

      An increase in salary for

                 K. K. Frankel     to (per annum)   $80OO0.
                 S. OC. Debow      to (per month)     45.00
                 J. Dicker         to (per month)     50.00

      That the salary of Thomas Aubrey be increased S
$5000 per month, that is from $35o00 to $40.Oo.

      The report of the committee on salaries was approved
on an aye and no note as follows,

      Aye   Barker, Kinkead, Bradburn, Ferguson, Fowler,
Hager, Kennedy, Marcum, Patterson, Ramsey, Stoll, Todd,
Frazee,   13.

      No - 0.

      Captain Todd submitted the following:

To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky.

      In compliance with duty assigned us as special
committee to examine minutes of the faculty and of the
special Faculties we respectfully report: that after sueh
examination we find minutes of proceedings of the Faculty
and of the special faculties have been duly kept and


MIN1JTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,3June 59 1901  page 41-42

regularly entered and authenticated on books provided for
that purpose.

      We recommend that the Board of Trustees confer the
degrees recommended by the faculty upon the respective
candidates who are reported without condition and upon those
who have made up their conditions.

      We report that record of daily grades is kept in
most cases9 but those of Profs. Mathews, Pryor, and Assistant
Blanton have not been submitted to us0

      All of which is respectfully submitted9,

                                    Thos0 Todd,
                                    John F0 Hager
                                    McD. Ferguson

      On motion the foregoing report was approved and

Voted on motion that the degree of Master of Literature
be conferred upon John Letcher Patterson.

      At 1 P0 M. Board adjourned for dinner0 (one hour)
Board convened at 2 P0 M0

-     IbAr0 MarCum submitted the following:

            To the Board of Trustees;

YotUo omnmittee on the Minutes of the Executiwe Committee
beg leave to report that they have examined the minutes of
the said committee and find them to be apparently correct0



      2. We recommend that the college sell its interest
in the Experiment Station Building to the Station at the
estimated value of said interest.

      3. We recommend that the petition of the faculty to
the Executive Committee requesting said committee to dispense
with the use of caps and gowns be received by this Board and
the request therein relative to the use of said caps and
gowns be granted.

      40 We approve the arrangement made by the Executive
Committee in regard to the payment for fuel by the Experiment
Station for heating and also for gas and

      We recommend the approval of said minutes.

                     Respectfully submitted9

                                   J. B0 Marcum
                                   Thomas Todd,

      Report of Committee on Minutes of Executive Committee
was received and filed0

      The following was then submitted0

To the Board of Trustees --

      The undersigned were appointed at the December
meeting 1900 a committee to investigate the cause of the
demand of the auditor on the college to refund certain
sums of money as having been over paid by the State to the
College for the years 1897, 1898, and 1899o

      We beg leave to report that we have conferred with
the Auditor - or rather his Assistants, and examined his
books in relation to the refunding of said money and find



that the claims came about in this way:  

      The various sheriffs of the State are charged up
with the total amount of the assessment of their respective
counties and as they pay in revenue to the State the college
receives its per cent monthly based on the original charge
to the Sheriffs, but at the end of each year the sheriffs
make their settlements and receive credit for all
delinquents, releases, sales of land for taxes etc., which
naturally reduces the amount originally charged to them and
on which the per cent paid monthly to the college had been

      This of course reduces the amount due the college at
the end of the year and as it had received during the years
named the per cent monthly based on a larger sum than was dues
it fell in debt to the Stats the amount claimed by the

                            Respectfully submitted.,

                                    J. B. Marcum
                                    Geo. B0 Kinkead,

      Voted on motion that the report be received and the
thanks of the Board be expressed to the committee.

      The committee consisting of R. C. Stoll, John F.
Eager and President Patterson recommended that C. J.
Norwood be elected Inspector of Mines and Dean of the
Faculty of Mining Engineering to take effect from and after
the 19th of January 1902 at a salary of $180O0O.O  that he
be confirmed at the end of one year if his services and
general relation to the college be satisfactory.

      That he be allowed to submit a list of not less than
three names, one of      may be elected Assistant Inspector
of Mines at a salary of $1200.00.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1901 - page 44

      Judge Barker offered the following:

      Resolved that whenever the Inspector of Mines shall
be absent from the college, the duty of caring for  the
Geological Museum be cast upon the assistant Inspector of
Mines and that during such time said assistant shall receive
a proportionate part of the salary allowed the Inspector of
Mines for acting as curator of the Museum.


      On the nomination of Judge H. S. Barker Mr. C. J.
Norwood was elected by ballot to be Inspector of Mines and
Dean of the Faculty of Mining Engineering, subject to the
conditions recommended by the committee.

      Judge Hager submitted the following:

To the Board of Trustees of the State College.

      The undersigned committee on the report of the
President to the Board of Trustees submitted and referred
on yesterday beg leave to report as follows: -

      1st. That so much of said report as refers to
Buildings and GroV.nds be referred to the Executive Committee
ex - offieio the Building Committee.

      2. Adhering to views expressed in 2nd. paragraph of
report on the same matter at December session of this
Board, 1900, we favor the suggestions of the President's
report that annual charge be made and received from male
members receiving benefits of gymnasium training and
facilities., as contribution to the expense of instruction
and maintenance and that appropriate regulations be pre-
scribed covering the matter of collecting and disbursing
funds from this source.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5 , 1901 - page 45

      Amendment0  Every student other than county appointees,
upon matriculation shall pay $5.00 as a gymnasium fee.

      3. We agree that schools of mines and appointment
of Faculty therefor shall be established at this session of
the Board and that Inspector of Mines be elected as prescri-
bed in Act of the Legislature transferring and conferring
this power on the Board of Trustees.

      4.  the suggestions of the President concerning the
retention of Prof. Winston are commended for approval by the
Board and we recommend that Prof. Winston be retained in his
present position or as an assistant to the President, Prof.
Roark and Prof. cE Kenzie at the discretion of the President.

      5. We approve and recommend carrying out the
suggestion of the President looking to employment of one or
more young men to canvass certain counties adjacent to
Magoffin for students and that compensation be provided
such agent or agents at not more than $7.50 for each person
who shall pass examination and remain at least one hailf of
collegiate year a student of this college.

      6. We recommend that the Business Agent shall be
instructed to withhold payment of monthly wages from each
Dean or Professor unless and until each of such shall have
been submitted the reports including those to parents or
guardians and class grades and other reports required to
be made by the rules of the College0  This as a means of
correcting delinquencies in the matter of reports discovered
by report of the President and the report of Committee on
minutes of the facult'y0



      7V That the Board authorized the sale of the equitable
interest of the college in the Experiment Station Building,
to the Experiment Station at not less than $9OOO.O0.  Pro-
ceeds of such sale to be invested in other necessary
buildings agreeably to recommendation of the President and
under the authority of the Executive Committee on Building
Committee appointed by the Executive Committee.

      8. The special recommendations of the President
relating to Prof. MacKenzie read in connection with this
report are favorably reported. ( See bottom of page 5P)O

      9. We commend the suggestion of the President and
leave to the Board to point out how it may be given effect
that the services of a competent person should be secured9
salary to be paid out of the Fertilizer fund, whose duties
shall be Drescribed t-o include practical and theoritical
work in connection with the Experiment Station and the work
of organizing Farmers institutes. An appropriate designation
of his title and duties would be a Professorship for theore-
tical and practical instruction in course of Agriculture.

      l0o The next session of the General Assembly will not
convene until after December meeting of this Board, then or
at this session of the Board a committee on behalf of this
Board should be appointed to lay before the next General
Assembly the special needs of this college for additional
appropriation for Buildings and for equipment of Engineering
Department of College work, or other need of college for
public appropriation.

      11. We are not sufficiently advised to report for or
against suggestions concerning the supervisory power or
authority to be exercised by the faculty touching the matter
of Fraternity membership0
                            Respectfully submitted,

                                   J. F. Hager
                                   MecD. Ferguson
                                   W. T. Fowlero


MII1fUTES CF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJunae 5, 1901  page 47

      On motion the matters referred to in paragraph 9
were referred to Special Comittee composed of Pr6sident
Patterson, Scovell, Barker. Nelson, Marcumi, Hager, to report
to Executive Committee hereby empowered to act in the

      0ol0 Nelson came in from Nicholasville.

      On motion the matters referred to in paragraph 10
( Legislation ) were referred to a committee composed of
President Patterson, Messrs0 Ramsey, Marcum, and Kinkead
who shall select a fifth man.

      On motion that part of the Presidentfs report relating
to a Law School was referred to the Committee on Professor-
ship in Agriculture.

      The amended report of the committee on the President'as
Report was approved as follows:

      Aye- Barker, Kinkead, Bradburn, Ferguson, Fowler,
Hager, Kennedy, Marcum, Patterson, Ramsey, Stoll, Todd,
Frasee,   13.

      No   O

      The following were Unanimously elected by ballot as
members of the Executive Committee.

                 D. F. Frasee, 9   hairman
                 G. B. Kinkead,
                 R. W. Nelson
                 3. K. Patterson9
                 R. C. Stoll,

              Board of Control0

                 Thos, Todd,
                 D. P. Frazee
                 L. N. Lindsey
                 J3 Ko Patterson
                 M. A. Scovell,


MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 5, 1901 - page 48

      The following officers were elected for the ensuring

      Secretary  -             = -  V.0 E0 buncy
      Treasurer                -   R. S. Bullock
      Business Agent       -   -'  V E. Muncy

      mr0 Fowler read the f ollowing:

Board of Trustees of State College0

      Your committee on military instruction and college
Discipline beg leave to report as follows  

      In connection with the Military Instruction and
Discipline of the College we have made some investigation of
the needs and conditions of this Department0 We had a consul-
tation with Major Carpenter as to the needs of his Department
and the work accomplished during the past year0  Upon his
suggestion and being inclined to a belief in the wisdom
of same,9 we make the following recommendations to wit:

      }st0 We recommend that the salary of $25.00 and
$15.00 paid to Captains and Lieutenants respectively, by
order of the Board of Trustees, cease; and instead thereof
as compensation to captains and lieutenants that each be
presented with sword to be selected by the eommandant
to cost not to exceed $20. for captains and $15.00
for lieutenants0

      2nd0  We recommend that students be required to drill
only two days in each week of one hour each, and that drill
hour be observed from 11 A0 Mc to 12 E of said days0 This
recommendation is made to give students the advantages
of the gyymnastie exercises0

      3rd0 We further earnestly recommend that an active,
able bodied watchman be employed at the present salary of
$30O0 per months and that no one shall be eligible for this


MlIUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1901    page 49

position who is over 45 years of age, said watchman to be
subject to removal at the pleasure of President Patterson
and the Business Agent0

                         Respectfully submitted,

                                   W0 T. Fowler,

      On motion the foregoing report was received.

      On motion the report was amended by striking out
section two (2).

      Mr0 Stoll voted No on motion to strike out.

      On motion report was amended by providing that cadet
officers be paid as at present0

      On motion the Report as amended was approved and

      On motion President Patterson was authorized to go to
'Washington to secue a detail from the War Department for
duty as commandant0

      If no detail can be secured from the War Department
the President is authorized to secure the best available
man, in his judgement, at a salary not exceeding  6O00.OO0

      Moved by Judge Kinkead, seconded by Mr. Stoll that the
Classical Department be divided, that the Department of
Greek be assigned to Prof. Neville and an assistant.

      Motion lost as follows:

      Aye   Messrs, Kinkead, Fowler, Stoll, Todd,   4.

      No   Barker, Ferguson, Hager, Marcum, Nelson,
Patterson, Ramsey, -7.


MINUJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1901 - page 49-50

      Moved by Judge Kinkead, seconded by Mr. Sto! Li  that
Mr0 Blanton be made a full Professor.

                 Motion lost.

      Ordered that all Greek and Liatin in the College be
taught by Prof. Neville and Blanton.

      On motion ordered that all Greek and Latin below the
Freshman Class be taught by the Instructor in the Academy.

      Written excuses were read from Messrs. Hobson and
Lindsey for absence from meeting, and from Mr. Ramsey for
absence on first day of meeting. All accepted0

      Judge Kinkead, seconded by Mr0 Fowler moved that members
of the faculty be required to make semi - annual reports to
the President who shall without editing have transcripts of
them made and forwfrded to the members of the Board of

      Mr. Stoll moved to amend so as to make motion as

      All Professors shall make semi   annual reports, concern-
ing their departments,, to the President of the college who
shall transmit these reports to the Board of Trustees
verbatim0 He may over his own signature make any comment
on these reports as he may see fit to be attached to the
report or reports.

      Amendment lost.

      Original motion lost as follows.

Aye   Kinkead, Fowler, Ramsey, Stoll, Todd,


MIINUTES OF THE BOLRD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1901  page 50=51

      No   Barker, Ferguson, Hager, Kennedy, Marcum, Nelson,
Patterson, Frazee.

      Mr. Stoll offered the follaaingg

      Resolved that the Executive Committee elect an
Instructor for the Gymnasium who shall be a member of the
Faculty but only with power to v-e 3o questions relating to
the Gyrmasium and be styled Professor of Physical Culture.

      His term shall begin on the 15th day of July and he
shall report to the President of the college who shall
assign him to act as traveling Agent of the College to com-
mence such service on the first day of August of each year0
He shall have a vacation from the annual commencement in
June until the 1st. day of August at which time he shall act
as traveling agent as aforesaid0

      He shall receive a salary of not exceeding $l000. per

      Carried as follows

      Aye   Barker, Kinkead,, Ferguson, Hager, Fowler, Marcum,
Nelson, Patterson, Ramsey, Stoll, Todd.

      No    Kennedy0

      Ordered that all students in the college shallibe
examined by the Physician and Surgeon of the college, and
he shall report to the President of the College all those
who shall be able to do gymnastic work and no other student
may take work in the gymnasium.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1901 - page 51o52

      All such girl students shall take classes or work
in the gy asium which said classes and work for girls shall
be during the drill hour; as often in the week as the
President by order shall direct, said order to be made at the
beginning of the September term of each year which said order
shall be in effect for the entire year. No boys shall be
allowed in the gymnasium proper, or baths or looker rooms
etc., during the times set apart for the girls.

      The President with the advice and consent of the
Executive Committee shall make such rules and regulations as
may be necessary for carrying this order into effect.

      Ordered that the status of Prof ' MacKenzie be as here-
tofore during the preceding two years, with the increase of
salary provided for at the beginning of his connection with
the college0

      The committee on Buildings and Grounds submitted the

      The committee on Buildings and Grounds have had but
little time for examination. The new Science building is
in good condition. The necessary steps have been taken to
prevent indiscriminate visits to the museum and unskillful
handling or mutilation of its contents.

      The Mechanical and Civil Engineering buildings are
well cared for, and in good condition.

      The main college building being more exposed is
subject to greater injury than the two just mentioned from
the greater concourse of persons and the difficulty of fixing
responsibility on careless or mischievous persons0   The walls
of the upper and lower halls show marks of the wanton and
mischievous use of guns and bayonets. The liability to
injury from this cause will be diminished in the futsure when
the weapons are transferred to the armory in the new
building and drill is held during bad weather in
drill hall.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 5, 1991 - page 52-53

      In the dormitories the injury to rooms halls and
stairways seems to be greater than should; result from
ordinarily careful usage, and the amounts collected for
damages by occupants are quite insufficient for the repair
of injuries done. A larger fine for tracable damages, than
has been assessed hitherto should be levied. For example
the fine for a broken window pane should more than cover
the cost of glass, putty and replacing. A window pane
broken and replaced two or three times after the putty be-
comes hard, leaves the whole window sash in bad condition,
weakened and unsightly0

      The same remark applies to broken plaster when damages
cannot be traced to any individual the fine should be levied
upon the occupants collectively, and for injuries done to
halls, stairways and other parts of the building, upon the
whole body collectively.

      Vigorous steps should be taken to break up pathways
and short cuts through the grass, to prevent the injury done
to flower beds and grass plots by walking on them or across
them0 All students should be required by painted sign
boards to keep to the authorized roads and paths0

      We know how difficult it is to do this. Every officer
of the Institution should however, be interested in maintain-
ing the good appearance of the grounds and buildings and
should be required to report any one trespassing the rules
of propriety relating thereto.

      The committee desires to add to its report that whilst
it does not assume to direct the erection of new buildings
yet we suggest that a modern commodious dairy barn should
be erected, and we further suggest that the rooms now provided
for the Mechanical instruments and libraries should be
enlarged 0

                                    B. W. Bradburn
                                    J. B. Marcum
                                    W. T. Fowler

On motion the foregoing report was approved.


MINUTES OF TIHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1901 - page 53-54

      Ordered that in the gading -necessary to be done in
front of the Gymnasium Building the earth required for this
purpose be taken from the pond.

      Judge Bradburn was excused in order that he might
go home.

      Appropriations for the next collegiate year.

For Advertising
" the department

   ft It   ft
 ti        S

 i t t     go

 ft t1     ft

 I Fuel and Ligh
 H Insurance
 V' Miscellaneous
 ' Postage
 ' Repairs and I
 1' Salaries of P
 it    to    to  E
 el Stationary
 ' Student Labor
    Traveling Exp
 ' Traveling
    Trustee Meeti
 " Water
    Modern langua
 D Department of

 ft    g       tt
 f t   ft      ft
 7 Academy
 Emergency Fur
 i Association c
 @ Athletics
 Q Encanpment

of Botany
2 Chemistry
It Civil Engineering
if Geology
e Mech. Engineering
' Military Science
N Normal Instruction
" Physics
" Physiology
e Zoology

mprovement s
rofessors & Instructors

enses (students)


Latin and Greek
Political Economy

,f Alumni

800 00
200 00
250 , 00
  300 00
33250 .00
7350 .00
  200 00
  1000 00
  1200 o00
  4004 00
  600 00
  150 0 00
  200. 00



Estimated income

Federal Fund
State Taxes
Tuition and other fees  
Water, Fuel and Lights (From Station)  

$29839 050
  300 o00

      The foregoing report of the committee on appropriations
was approved and adopted as follows:

      Aye - Barker, Kinkead, Ferguson, Hager, Kennedy,
Fowler, 9 Marcum, Nelson, Patterson, Ramsey, Stoll, Todd, and
Frazee,   13.

      No =   0,

      Ordered that., if a Military Instructor other than a
detail from the War Department be appointed as commandant,
he be recognized as a member of the Faculty, but that he
shall be allowed to vote upon questions relating to the
Military Department only.

      A communication from B. B. Jones of the Lexington