xt73j9606077 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606077/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1902-06-dec9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-06-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1902-06-dec9. 1902 1902-06-dec9. 2011 true xt73j9606077 section xt73j9606077 

MINUTES OF THE B(ORD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1902 - page 158

     Dec. 9, 1902 - Regular Meeting.

     Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Agricultural and Mechanical College held at the Trustee's
Room in the Gymnasium Building on the College Grounds
Lexington, Dec. 9 at 2:30 P. Al.

Roll Call - Present:

Messrs.    Patterson,
           C lay
           Rams ey

     Mr. D. F. Frazee in the chair.

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly seconded and carried,
all absentees were excused.

      MIr. Frazee announced that the first business is order
was the selection of a chairman.

      A motion was then made by Mr. Stoll that Mr. Frazee
act as chairman of the Board which was duly seconded and

      By Judge Kinkead:

      I move you that we dispense with the reading of the
minutes of the last meeting. Seconded put upon it's passage
and carried.

      The Presidents Report was then read whiuh is as

      To the Hon. Board of the A. & M. College of Kentucky

Pres. Report.


MI1\1'JTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 158-159


      I am gratified to meet the mid-winter Session of the
Board with the encouraging report of a good beginning and
of satisfactory progress.

      The total matriculation to date is 527 with a large
preference in the college proper. The outlook now is that
the matriculation will be increased by 150 more after the
Christmas Holidays - making the largest attendance in the
history of the institution. It is gratifying to know that
the unprovoked and wanton assault made towards the close of
the last collegiate year by the newspapers of the city and
their abbettors upon the management of the College utterly
failed of its purpose. These papers though brought up and
circulated by scores and by hundreds all over the State,
found generally but little credence from those to whom they
were addressed. It soon became known that personal animosity
evenoned the shaft and winged it's flijght.  Though a momen-
tary impression was sometimes made, the reaction quickly
followed. The work of the college was too well known and
its graduate results too well established to be compromised
by the gratuitous malignity of its detractors. The causeless
attack  is now well nigh forgotten or remembered only to the
discredit of the traducers of the College.  There has been
greater interest manifested by the public in the organization
and work of the College than ever heretofore. Enquiries
about its courses of study, the method of obtaining appoint-
ments and the immunities conferred thereby, the expenses
incident to college residence have been frequent beyond

      In October the Synods of the Northern and Southern
branches of the Presbyterian Church while in session in
Lexington were invited to the college grounds and buildings
and provided with an entertainment, - the expense of which
was borne by the Faculty. They expressed both gratification
and surprise at the extent and compass of its operations,
the value of its educational plant and the abundant
facilities for scientific and technical instruction,
and not least at the roll of its matriculates - larger
than that of any other two institutions in Kentucky.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec.    , 1902 - page 160

                                 Pres. Report Cont'd.

      Later on the Good Roads Association met in Lexinggton
and held its session in the Chapel of the State College.
The association was composed of men of intelligence and
influence, Mayors of cities and towns, County Judges,
delegates from Boards of Trade and editors of newspapers.
i was organized under the auspices of the Louisville
Commercial Club and continued in session two days. Besides
an introductory address by the President of the College
material assistance was given to the convention by members
of the faculty. Prof. Scovell delivered an address upon
the drainage of' roads; Prof. Brooks upon Road Construction;
Prof. Miller upon available material in kentucky for making
roads. Profs. Anderson and Faig upon the testing of materials
and Prof. Norwood upon what the State College obuld do for
good roads. All of these lectures were illustrated either
by diagrams, by atereoptican views, by material collected
and exhibited and by the operation of the testing machine
of the Mechanical Engineering laboratory.

      It was a great opportunity   for the College to exhibit
its numbers; its professional staff; its work and its
capabilities for  practical aid to such association.

      It was a great occasion and amply justified the
contribution of $50.00 made at my instance by the Chairman
of the Executive Committee for the entertainment of the

      Acting under the authority given me by the Board at
their meeting in June, I selected after conference with the
authorities of the War Department, Capt. Geo. L. Byroade
of the Regular Army, temporarily retirned on account of
illness contracted by service in Cuba and the Phillipines.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 161 -162

      He is 32 years of age, bright, active, and ambitious
to do his work well.  He is interested in bringing his
battallion up to the standard of efficiency required by the
'lar Department, which have issued to all the Land Grant
Colleges instructions looking toward greater exactness,
thoroughness and proficiency than has heretofore obtained.
A minimum of duty and instruction is set forth below which
it will be hazardous to fall, the penalty being the with-
drawal of the officer and possibly the diminution of the fund
annually accruing from the proceeds of the Land Grant.

      During the meeting of the State Teacher's Association
which was held in Lexington at the State College in June
a resolution was unanimously adopted by that body requesting
the Board of Trustees to provide for a Summer School. of
six weeks duration for the instruction of teachers. If
the Board concede this request and I am strongly of the
opinion that they should, I would couple with the subjects
ordinarily taught in the elements of Chemistry, Botany,
Zoology, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology. I think it would
be well to imbue young teachers with a love of nature and
of natural processes - a love which they might infuse into
their pupils. I am quite satisfied that much of the
curriculum of Common School studies, especially for the
rural communities, could be advantageously recast; and
this expediency and necessity could be naturally strengthened
by the concurrent action and influence of the body of State
teachers upon the Legislature.

      It would greatly strengthened the bonds which unite
the common schools of Kentucky to the College and gradually
create a constituency which would find the ultimate goal
of education in its practical application to the development
of Agriculture and the Mechanical Arts in the State College,
the recognized head of the common school system. I recommend
that authority be given to the Faculty to establish as an
experiment a six weeks course of instruction during the
summer vacation and that an appropriation be made from
the College funds for this purpose.

      Since M~Larch ofthis year I have visited and addressed
the High Schools of Catlettsburg, Newport, Ashland,
Harrodsburg and the three High Schools of Louisville, -
the Manual Training Schools of Cincinnati, and the Normal
School and Ogden College in Bowling Green.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 162-163

I have also visited and addressed the County Institutes of
Pulaski and Henry Counties and the congressional district
associations of teachers of the 7th district held at
Eminence and the 2nd. district held at Owensboro. Of course
the main feature of all these addresses was the State College
and its relation to Common Schools and High Schools in

      I think the other members of the Faculty ought to be
encouraged and stimulated to do much of this kind of work
and suggest an expression of opinion by the Board on this

     There is a Young Ments Christiants Association
connected with the College. This has been in existance
for some years and has exerted a good influence upon the
body of the students, But the association has not been so
strong as it might become with a little more encouragement
and a little substantial aid from the College. For many
years it had no attractive place of meeting, no furniture
except a few common chairs, no books or periodicals except
through a chance bequest. Occasionally entertainments
were improvised and given in the Chapel by which small sums
of money were raised and applied to meet their necessities.
A good hall has now been placed at their disposal in the
new building, but it needs additional attractive furniture
and an increased supply of periodical literature. I suggest
that an appropriation of 4100 be made by this Board to
assist in this direction. Some months ago they raised
from the Faculty a handsome sum by subscription, which
supplemented by additions made thereto by citizens of the
town, assisted them materially. I may observe in this
connection that some of the friends of the denominational
Colleges have made it a matter of reproach, against the
State College that its young Men's Christian Association
had a merely nominal existance phat i.t was neglected by
the college authorities and thence it was inferred that a
reprehensible absence of proper religious influence
existed. They alleged that the religious element in
the denominational Colleges fosters and encourages
their Y. M. C. A. organizations and urge this as a strong
reason why their respective religious denominations should
patronize their own colleges in preference to a State


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRLTSTEESDec. 9, 1902 - page 164 -165

institution in which no denomination has any special interest.
This reproach may be dissipated - or neutralized by the
liberali y suggested.

      Some musical concerts, embracing home and foreign
talent, have within the present collegiate year been given
in the Chapel, mainly the activity of Prof. Fang - a young
man of fine musical tastes and attainments. The services
of those who took part in the entertainment have, I believe,
been given gratuitously, but incidental expenses occur
which the projectors of these entertainments should not be
asked to meet out of their own pocket. I therefore, respect-
fully ask that an appropriation of $50.00 be made for the
current collegiate year and placed in proper hands for
meeting these contingent outlays.

      I desire to call attention to the necessity of the
Department of Chemistry for more available space. The
Experiment Station and the College Department of Chemistry
occupy the same building.  it is too small for their joint
occupancy. The pecuniary interest of the College in the
Building at its present valuation is $9000 - of the
Station $3000.

      The Board sometime since ordered the payment by the
Station of the pecuniary interest of the College in the
Station Building and the erection with the proceeds of a
separate building for the Chemical Department leaving
the Station in possession of the old building. Upon the
submission of plans and specifications with estimates thereon
the Building Committee found the funds at their disposal
insufficient and have therefore postponed further action
till the December meeting of the Board of Trustees.

      I was both surprised and distressed to learn a few
days ago from one of the members of the anti-gambling
league - a voluntary association recently formed to combat
gambling in the City of Lexington, - that students of the
State College have been discovered at places where allure-
ments for this vice abound. My informant stated that
facilities for faro, roulette and other games of chance
exist in connection with most of the saloons of the city;
that they present opportunities for clandestine visitations
by students difficult to discover and difficult to prevent.
Those who visit such resorts go sometimes, no doubt from
curiosity but more frequently to indulge a passion for
drink and for gaming and these habits are so utterly at
variance with the purpose for which students leave their


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 9, 1902 - page 165-166

home that if unchecked they lead to ruin and disgrace
instead of character and distinction. There are regulations
forbidding students to visit saloons, gambling houses and
places of prostitution and when offenders are discovered
they are dealt with and penalties are attached.

      Warrants have been sworn out against persons dis-
covered gambling in these places and lists of witnesses will.
be summoned before the Grand Jury. These lists may include
some of our matriculates and if so, would involve both the
parties themselves, their parents and the College in
humilation,  I think it proper that the Board should know
these facts. Students while in connection with the College
are your wards. It behooves you to throw every safeguard
around them and to take all available measures to prevent
them from falling into vicious habits and when such habits
have without the knowledge of the College authorities been
formed, to ref orm them.

      I know it can be said that it is almost impossible
to close vicious resorts - that they exist as blots upon
the civilization of the age and have existed notwithstanding
all efforts to abate or abolish them. This is true, but
is there not something for us to do in the way of prevention
or cure? We must place ourselves on record.

      The outbreak of an epidemic of Typhoid Fever in the
town shortly after the session opened caused us eome
alarm. The sanitary precautions which were immediately
taken prevented any development of the malady upon the
grounds or among the students lodging elsewhere. With
one or two exceptions and these in all probality brought
the germs of the disease with them, there were no cases
among our students male or female.

      Later on small-pox broke out in the town, many were
stricken and a large number were consigned to the pest
house. Some half dozen of our students were exposed to
infection. These were immediately isolated, giving them
the option of quarantine or leaving college for a time.
They chose the latter alternative. Vaccination was



enjoined upon all. The order was complied with and we
escaped without a single case of the disease.

      Prof, Wernicke's application for leave of absence
for one year was referred to me by the Board at its regular
meeting in June, with power to make temporary provision
for supplying instruction in modern languages for the
current Collegiate year. I am glad to report that I have
made satisfactory arrangements for the continuance of the
work of this department.

      The late Geo. W. Crum of Jefferson County left by
his will $500 to be invested by the Board of Trustees for
and in behalf of the Patterson Society7 of the College - the
annual proceeds accruing therefrom to be used for the purchase
of a medal to be given by the Society to the winner of the
prize in oratory. This money is in the hands of the
Treasurer of the College and should be invested for
the Society.

      In conclusion I beg to congratulate you upon the
satisfactory condition of the College - its past history,
its present status and its prospective growth and usefulness.
I desire also to thank you for your continued confidence
and support.

                        I have the honor to be
                              your Ob't. Servant,

Jas. K. Patterson


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTE'S, Dec. 9, 1902 - page 168

     Motion to receive or refer Pres. Report.

     A motion was then made by Judge Barker that the
Report of the President be received and referred to the
Committee on President's Report. Motion was seconded
put upon its passage and carried.

      Communication of Prof. Norwood.

      At this point the President read a communication from
Prof. Norwood asking for an appropriation of $200 to buy
an"Overstrom Concentrating Table.'

      By Mr. Stoll: - Communication referred.

      I move you that the communication of Prof. Norwood be
received and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
Seconded put upon its passage and carried.

      Communication of Prof. Anderson.

      A communication from Prof. Anderson asking for an
appropriation of $150.OO for a Summer School of Mechanical
Engineering was then read by Pres. Patterson.

      By Mr. Stoll: - Compxmication referred to committee.

      I move that Prof. Anderson's communication be received
and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Motion
was seconded put upon its passage and carried.

      A motion was then made by Mr. Stoll to have Profs.
Scovell and Kastle to come before the Board.

      Communication of Prof. Scovell.

      A communication from Frof. Scovell was then read by
Pres. Patterson requesting an appropriation for a building
for Experiment Station.


MINUTES OF '2IAE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 169

      By Mr. Stoll: - Motion to act upon Prof. Scovell's

      I move that the commun-ication be acted upon at once.
Received a second - put upon thb passage and carried.

      By Mr. Stoll:

      I move that Profs. Scovell, and Kastle be requested
before the Board - Second and carried.

      Mr. Stoll absented himself from the meeting at this
point to bring Profs. Scovell & Kastle before the Board.

      Prof s. Scovell & Kastle before the Board.

      At this point Profs. Scovell and Kastle appeared and
argued their reason for separate building for their

      Resolution authorizing sale of Graham property and
erecting and building for Experiment Sta.

      The following resolution was then made put upon its
passage and carried.

      Be it resolved; T hat the Station be authorized to
pay into the Coll ege Treasury the sum of Four Thousand
Dollars ($4000) for and in consideration of the permanent
use of the tract of land recently purchased by the College
known as the Graham property; and be it further resolved
that a Committee of three shall be appointed by the
Chairman of which he shall be one who are hereby
authorized and empowered to expend a sum not exceeding
Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) of the Station funds
in erecting a suitable building for the Stationts
purposes on that site.

Vote stood as follows


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 169-170

Ayes.- Messrs.

Judge Kinkead,
R. C. Stoll
R. W. Velsson
John MlcChord
Judge Barker
W. R. Ramsey
D. F. Frazee.
C. M. Clay, Jr.
Pres. not voting.

     Motion to visit Experiment Stations.

     A motion was then made by Judge Kinkead that a
committee be appointed by the chair to visit if they so
desire, other Stations with a view of getting information
in regard to a building for Experiment Station. Motion
was seconded, put upon its passage and carried.

      Motion to vacate Experiment Station.

      A motion was then made by Mr. Stoll that the entire
building ofthe Experiment Station be set apart for the use
of the Department of Chemistry as soon as it is vacated
by Experiment Station.

      Motion was seconded put upon its passage and

      Motion to dispense with reading of Executive Com.

      A motion was then made and seconded to dispense
with the reading of the Report of Executive Committee.

      Mr. Clay's announced the examination of B. A. &

      Mr. Clay then announced that he had examined the
Reports of the Business Agent and Treasurer and found
them to be correct.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1902 - page 170-171

      By Mr. Stoll: - Motion to secure expert Accountant and

      I move that the Chairman be authorized to appoint
an expert Accountant and Bookkeeper to examine the books
of the Business Agent and Treasurer and other financial
accounts of the college for five years and if desirable
to advise a new system of Bookkeeping.

      Report of B. A.

      Report of Business Agent was then read by Judge

      Pool and pipes.

      I move that the Chairman of the Executive Committee
be instructed to have repairs made to the pool and pipes.

      Motion was seconded put upon its passage and carried.

      By Mr. Stoll:   To Revise Rules and Regulations.

      I move you that a Committee consisting of Pres. Patterson,
Prof. Kastle and Capt. Byraode be appointed to revise the
rules and regulations for the College and to furnish
each member of the Board of Trustees with a copy
of said regulations by the first of April, 1903.

      Motion was seconded and carried.

      Meeting called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Frazee:

      Present:           Messrs.   Frazee,
                                    Rams ey,

      Mr. Nelson read the report of Committee on Appropriations
which is as follows: To the Board of Trustees of the A & M
College of Lexington, Ky.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 9, 1902 - page 171-172

     Report of Committee on Pres. Report.

Gentlemen: -

     Your Committee to whom has been referred the President's
report, respectfully report to your Honorable Body that we
have carefully considered the several suggestions and re-
commendations made by him, and we recommend the following:

First: - That the faculty be authorized to establish a
Summer School for the instruction of teachers along the
lines as the President suggests, and that the expenses there-
of be paid by the College.

Second: - That the sum of $100.00 be appropriated for the
benefit of the Young Men's Christian Association.

Third: - That the sum of $50.00 be appropriated for
musical entertainments.

Fourth: - That full and unlimited power and authority be
conferred upon the faculty to make such regulations and
enforce the same with such Denalties as may be deemed
necessary to prevent the students in college from frequenting
gambling and drinking saloons (By Pres. Patterson) and
houses of prostitution; and to that end the faculty is
authorized and empowered, if necessary, to employ
detectives to ascertain the person or persons who violate
this requirement, at the expense of the college. We
recommend that this be read to the students for
their future guidance.

Fifth: - We recommend that the entire faculty give such
time as they can find from their other duties, to visiting
schools throughout the State and adjoining States, and
delivering addresses to the students and teachers, in
the interest of the college. The same to be done
under the supervision of the President.

      We further recommend that Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00)
be appropriated to purchase of the " Overstrom Concentrating
Table " as recommended by Prof. Norwood.



     We recommend the establishment of the Sumner School
of Mechanical Arts and the appropriation of one hundred
fifty Dollars ($150.00) as recommended by Profs. Anderson
and. Faig, and upon the conditions named in their
communication of this date.


                                   John McChord
                                   R. Nelson
                                   H. S. Barker

      It was moved, seconded and carried that the following
letter of Profs. Anderson and Faig be spread upon the
minutes of the meeting.

      Comlunication of Profs. Anderson & Faig.

To the Honorable Board of Trustees
    State College of Kentucky
       Lexington, Ky.


      In order to provide for certain phases of engineering
training, that the State College of Kentucky is unable
to offer during the regular collegiate year, the undersigned
F. Paul Anderson and John T. Faig, propose the establishment
of a summer school of Mechanic Arts to be conducted under
the conditions set forth below:

      On account of the limited facilities and the large
number of students at present carrying  on the full
collegiate course, in Mechanic and electrical engineering,
it has been impossible to offer any special courses in
these lines of engineering. Each year we have had a
number of applications from men who were anxious to pursue
special courses in Mechanical Drawing, Pattern Making,
Machine Design, Blacksmithing, Foundry Practice, etc.
The only exceptions that we have made to our general
rule have been made this year in the case of three men
who were beyond the age limit required by the Charter of
the college.

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 9, 1902 - page 174-175

The establishment of a sumrmer school in Mechanic Arts,
would do much to popularize the institution with mechanics
of the State, and many young men would be attracted to the
full engineering course. Aside from the fact that the
summer course would be beneficial to the advanced courses
in engineering. The State College would be taking up 9
line of instruction in M-echanic Arts, in a way that was no
doubt contemplated in the original act of 1862. Advanced
courses in engineering offered at present by the State
College, cannot be pursued by those of limited education,
and for that reason many citizens of the Commonwealth who
are interested in the facilities offered by the State
College find that we offer no course that can be pursued
by their sons, on account of their limited attainments.
The summer school as proposed will be established
under conditions as follows:

      First: $150.00 will be spent for advertising, the
Board of Trustees to take the responsibility of this
expenditure. If the school proves successful, $50.00 of
this amount is to be refunded by those in charge of the
school. It is proposed that the only risk that the college
will be asked to assume will be $150.00 expended for
advertising, and if the school is at all successful,
the college will be put to a final expenditure of
$10oo .00e

      Second: The full financial responsibility of the
school will be assumed by F. Paul Anderson and John T.
Faig, who will employ such assistance as is necessary
to carry on the various lines of instruction offered.
All expenditures for materials used in the shops,
laboratories, and drawing roomis will be assumed
by the above named persons.

      Third: The various course.3 offered will cover a
period of ten weeks, for which will be charged a fee ranging
from $25.00 to $30.0( out of which amount will be paid
all expenditures for material including the fuel
and oil for running the aame.


MINLUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9. 1902 - page 175-176

     Fourth: Courses of instruction will be offered in
every branch taught in the school of Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering, and in addition special courses
will be offered in Pattern Making, Biacksmithing, Machine
Shop work, Foundry Practice, Mechanical Drawing, Machine
Design, Electrical Engineering Laboratory Work, Steam and
Gas Engineering Laboratory Work, Testing Materials of
Engine ering.

      Fifth: The instructors employed to carry on the work
will be paid by the two persons named above and who assume
the responsibilities of the school.

      Sixth: The undersigned are willing to take all
fisk connected with the organization of the summer school
in Mechanic Arts, except the advertising noted above, and
conduct the same on a high plane. In return for this risk
it is proposed that any amounts over th4 expenditures
for teaching force, materials in shops and drawing rooms,
fuel and oil are to be used in paying for the teaching
services of the undersigned during the summer school

                                Yours truly,

                                F. Paul Anderson
                                John T. Faig

      Committee report adopted.

      Upon motion duly seconded to adopt the report of
the committees and also to spread Prof. Anderson's and
Prof. Faig's letter upon minutes was passed by a
unanimous vote.



     Mr. Embry appears before the Board.

     At this point Mr. Embry appeared before the Board
and asked that committee be appointed to request the City
Authorities construct a sewer from Maxwell Street on South
Lime in front of the Girl's Dormitory.

     Moved by Col. Nelson, that Committee consisting of
Chairman, Frazee, Pres. Patterson, and Mr. Stoll be appointed
to investigate and ascertain the cost of laying down the
sewer referred to by Mr. Embry in his verbal communication
and report same to the Executive Committee, who thereupon
shall have power to act. Motion seconded, and carried
unanimous ly.

      The following Resolution was offered and unanimously

      Resolution for Summer Normal.

      Resolved,  That it is deemed expedient that a Summer
School of six weeks duration be organized principally
but not exclusively for the education of teachers, in
which shall be taught under the direct supervision and
instruction of the head of the Normal Department and his
assistant Prof. Milford White with the assistance of one
or more of the fellows or lecture assistants of heads of
departments of the College, the following subjects viz:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dece 9, 1902 - page 177

      English Grammar, U. S. History, Geography, Arithmetic,
and Algebra with the most approved methods of instruction
in each. There shall also, be taught if desired by the
matriculates of this school Elementary Botany, Elementary
Zoology, Elementary Chemistry, Elementary Anatomy and

      A matriculation fee of $5.00 shall be charged each
pupil, payable on admission to the School. No charge shall
be made for tuttion in the foregoing branches.

      The expense of advertising to the extent of $250
shall be borne by the College.

      The expense of instruction to the extent of $750.00
less the receipts for matriculations shall also be borne
by the college.

      Should additional aid be required the selection of
fellows on lecture assistants shall be made by the
President of the College.

      By Mr. Stoll: - Water and Light.

      I move that the matter of the college furnishing its
own water and 'Light be referred to the Executive Cormnittee
with the power and instructions to act. Seconded by Judge
Barker. Motion carried.

      It was suggested at this time that the Executive
Committee was not now in existence or that the time had

      The Chairman, Kr. Frazee, thereupon appointed Mr.
Stoll, Mr. McChord, Mr. Clay, and Mr. Barker to recommend
the names of persons to compose the Executive Committee
for th3 remaining part of the year.

The appointed committee then  withdrew from the room



and returned recommending the following appointments:

      D. F. Frazee, Chairman,, W. C. Bell, J. W. McChcd,
C. M. Clay, Jr. and W. R. Ramsey. Resolution adopted by a
unanimous vote.

      Committee was also instructed to select members of the
Board of Control of Experiment Station to be recommended as
members thereof. They recommended the following:

      Geo. B. Kinkead, Chairman, D. F. Frazee and R. C.
Stoll, James K. Patterson, ex-officio and W. A. Scovell
ex-officio Seely. moved and seconded that resolution be
adopted, which upon vote was unanimously adopted.

      At this point there was read the follbwing
communication from Prof. Mathews.

      Communication of Prof. Mathews.

President james K. tatterson
