xt73j9606052 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9606052/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1952-06-jun3. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1952-06-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1952-06-jun3. 1952 1952-06-jun3. 2011 true xt73j9606052 section xt73j9606052 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
 versity of Kentucky, June 3, 1952.

      Pursuant to adjournment of the meeting of the Board of Trus-
 tees on April 25, the members of the Board met in the-President's
 Office at 10:10 a.m., Tuesday, June 3, 1952.  The following mem-
 bers were present:  Guy A. Huguelet, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Dr.
 W. M. Coffee, J. C. Everett, Herndon J. Evans, Harper Gatton, Ben
 S. Adams, H. D. Palmore, Paul M. Basham and George M. Cheek.  Ab-
 sent: Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, R. P. Hobson, J. Woodford
 Howard, Carl Dempewolfe and Wendell P. Butler.  President H. L.
 Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 25, and the
minutes of the Executive Committee of May 17, 1952, were approved
as published.

     B. R. P. Hobson Appointed Member of Kentucky Research Founda-

     President Donovan reported that the term for which Mr. R. P.
Hobson was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the
Kentucky Research Foundation had expired and it was necessary for
the Board to elect one of its members to fill the vacancy: Where-
upon a motion was made, seconded and carried to elect Mr. R. P.
Hobson a member of the Board of Trustees of the Kentucky Research

     C, Payment of Social Security Contribution for Vocational Edu-
cation Employees.

     The Comptroller reported, on April 27, 1951, the State of
Kentucky entered into an agreement with the Federal Security
Administrator for social security coverage of all employees of
the State.   Employee and employer social security contributions
have been collected and paid to the Department of Economic Security
as agent for the Federal Security Administrator.

     The salaries of staff members of the Departments of Agri-
cultural Education, Home Economics Education, Trades and Industry
and Distributive Education in the College of Education at the
University are paid from funds appropriated by the State to the
Department of Education, Division of Vocational Education, Frank-
fort, Ky., and matched by Federal Vocational Education funds.
Employer contributions to the Social Security program were taken
from these funds from January 1, 1951, for a considerable period
of time.


      Exception to the payment of employer contributions for O.A.S.I.
 from Federal vocational education funds has been taken as a result
 of a Federal audit conducted by Mr. Gerald Lang, representing the
 Federal department.   The State Department of Education, Division
 of Vocational Education, Frankfort, Ky., has made demand upon the
 University for reclaim of social security contribution on salaries
 paid to employees working in the departments above referred to in
 the College of Education at the University of Kentucky.

      President Donovan explained the employment of personnel in
 the College of Education is due to a cooperative agreement with the
 Department of Education, Division of Vocational Education, and the
 College of Education.   The travelling expenses of these staff
 members are paid by the University on a reimbursement basis.

     The dilemma faced by the University, these staff members'
 salaries and expenses are paid entirely from State and Federal funds
 received through the State Department of Education, Frankfort, Ken-
 tucky.   They are working at the University as an integral part
 of the staff of the College of Education.   The agreement with the
 Federal Security Administrator for social security coverage includes
 all employees of the State,   Employer contribution to social se-
curity coverage per agreement has to be paid.   The auditor repre-
snting the Federal Division of Vocational Education takes the
position that employer contribution towards social security cannot
be paid from Federal funds.

     Members of the Board discussed the problem at length.   Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, they took the question under
consideration and. directed the Comptroller to request an opinion
of the Attorney Genera]..

     D. T. V. A. Master Contract.

     President Donovan submitted a master contract between Universi-
ty of Kentucky and Tennessee Valley Authority. He explained that
the primary purpose of the master contract is to permit the Univer-
sity from time to time to make cooperative agreements with the

                                                  Contract TV-13411A

                        MASTER CONTRACT
                    UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

     The Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, which created TVA,
assigned it extensive Government properties and facilities and



conferred upon it broad responsibilities for the development
of the natural resources of the Tennessee Valley region.
The presence of state and local agencies with functions re-
lated to many aspects of resource development in the Tennes-
see Valley region led TVA to adopt the policy of relying to
the maximum extent feasible upon these existing agencies
in discharging resource development responsibilities. This
policy was expressed initially in agreements between TVA
and seven land-grant colleges in the Valley states provid-
ing for fertilizer research studies; then in a Memorandum
of Understanding among these land-grant colleges, TVA and
the USDA, providing for the coordination of regional agricul-
tural research, extension, land-use planning and educational
activities; and finally, in the execution of individual
contracts between TVA and the same land-grant colleges pro-
viding for the conduct of jointly-planned agricultural programs
in the Tennessee Valley region.   The University of Kentucky
and TVA subsequently entered into cooperative arrangements
in other activities of mutual interest.

     The Memorandum of Understanding and Contract TV-1537
between TVA and University of Kentucky, executed pursuant to
said Memorandum, have ceased to be an adequate basis for the
scope of cooperative activities in which University of Ken-
tucky and TVA are engaged.   It therefore is deemed advisable
to rescind Contract TV-1537 and to reiterate the principles
of cooperation which guide the relationships between TVA and
University of Kentucky in this new agreement which extends
the scope of the Master Contract to include nonagricultural
as well as agricultural activities.


     The parties believe that with respect to programs in
which federal, state and local agencies possess substantial
mutuality of interest, harmony of objectives, and analogy
of responsibilities their activities should be mutually planned
and projected. Furthermore, with respect to those activi-
ties for which the state and local agencies already have,
or with reasonable federal assistance can acquire, organiza-
tions, facilities and personnel adequate for effective
performance, the federal agency concerned should not estab-
lish duplicating organizations and facilities but should rely
upon existing state and local agencies to the fullest
practicable extent consistent with the effective discharge
of its own statutory responsibilities.    The parties further
believe that the state and local agencies concerned should
make their organizations, facilities and personnel available
for such activities, should effectively carry out those
activities, and should contribute toward the support of the
work to the extent that their objectives are advanced thereby.


     Master contracts embodying the same principles of coop-
eration and administration as stated herein are being entered
into between TVA and other Valley colleges and universities.
In order to secure maximum benefits from these contracts and
to insure coordination of programs developed pursuant to
them, meetings of the Presidents of the colleges and universi-
ties with the TVA Board should be arranged at least annually
to consider programs and activities under the Master Contracts.

     TVA as a regional federal agency and the University of
Kentucky as a state agency propose to be guided by the above
principle in their cooperative activities.


     This agreement shall be the basis for cooperation between
the parties with respect to all activities which will advance
the purpose of the TVA Act of 1933, as heretofore or hereafter
amended, and in which the parties have substantial mutuality
of interest, harmony of objectives, and analogy of responsi-
bilities.   This agreement shall not be construed as precluding
either party from establishing cooperative relationships with
other agencies or organizations.


     Projects may be originated by either party and may cover
activities which are the primary function or responsibility
of more than one college, department or segment of the Uni-
versity and more than one division of TVA.    Each cooperative
project developed by the parties under this agreement shall
be covered by a project agreement which shall state in general
the purposes to be served by the project, the methods which
will be followed in carrying-it out, the duration, the person-
nel and facilities to be used, and such other matters as the
parties may deem necessary or advisable.

     Each project agreement shall be supplemented periodically
by annual work plans and budgets covering specific plans for
the project, the contribution each party will make toward
carrying out the project, and such other information as the
parties may deem necessary or advisable.    Estimates of
costs and fiscal procedures to be followed shall be included
in project agreements or in work plans and budgets or both.

     Project agreements will be executed by the President of
the University and by the General Manager of TVA.    Work
plans and budgets will be executed for the University by
the head of the college, department or unit having primary
responsibility for the work covered and by the President of
the University and for TVA by the director of the division
primarily concerned.




     This agreement shall become effective upon final execu-
tion and shall continue in effect until terminated by either
party upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other.
Termination of this agreement shall have the effect of
terminating all project agreements, work plans and budgets
executed pursuant to this agreement unless the parties
shall agree otherwise; provided, that such termination shall
not affect the liability of either party to the other for the
performance of obligations accrued prior to such termination;
provided, further, that if this agreement shall be terminated
by TVA as of a date other than June 30 of any year, TVA shall
reimburse University for its expenditures under any project
agreement executed hereunder from the date of termination
to the succeeding June 30 to the extent such expenditures
result from firm obligations and commitments entered into by
the University pursuant to such project agreement.


     The contract between the parties designated Contract
TV-1537 effective July 1, 1935, developed pursuant to the
Memorandum of Understanding, is hereby terminated.


     Except as hereinabove stated, this agreement shall not
be regarded as affecting existing project agreements, work
plans, budgets, or any other cooperative agreements between
the parties which are currently in effect; however, all such
agreements shall henceforth be regarded as representing
an expression of the principles of this agreement.

                               TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

ATTEST:                        By
                                     General Manager

Assistant Secretary            Date

                               UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                               By            _
ATTEST:                               President




      It was further explained that the contract would give the
administration of the University authority to enter into project
agreements and eliminate delay in approval of these small agree-

     President Donovan stated that he did not think there was any-
thing in the master contract to which the University might object,
and recommended its approval.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the master con-
tract between the University of Kentucky and the Tennessee Valley
Authority contract No. TV-13411A was authorized executed on behalf
of the University by the President and attested by the Secretary.

     E. Lease of Blue Grass Ordnance Land.

     President Donovan submitted a lease agreement between the
Agricultural Experiment Station and the Blue G-ass Ordnance Military
Reservation Depot whereby the Experiment Station leases from the
Blue Grass Ordnance Depot 89 acres of land for experimental work.
The lease is for a period of five years March 1, 1952, ending Feb-
ruary 28, 1957, for a consideration of $1.00 per annum,    He stated
that Dean Welch recommended acceptance of the lease and that there
was nothing in the lease to which the University would have cause
to object,   He recommended its approval.

     Members of the Board discussed the desirability of additional
land for experimental purposes.   Upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Director of the Experiment Station was authorized
to sign the lease on behalf of the Station, and the Secretary was
authorized to attest the authorization of the lease.

     F. Retirement--Mr. Ralh Kenney.

     President Donovan stated that he had requested Dean Frank J.
Welch to be present to answer any questions which members of the
Board might have relative to the Experiment Station and the
controversy which has arisen in the Extension Agronomy Department.
President Donovan recalled the basis of the controversy in the
Extension Agronomy Department and read the following letter from
Dean Welch:



                     June 3, 1952

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     I am recommending that Mr. Ralph Kenney be relieved of
all official duties as Field Agent in the Extension Agronomy
Department as of July 1 next and that he be placed on a retire-
ment basis.

     As you probably know, Mr. Kenney is under Civil Service
retirement as an employee of -the Kentucky Agricultural Exten-
sion Service and the University of Kentucky has no obligations
to him in terms of retirement pay.   In view of Mr. Kenney's
long years of service in the Extension Department, I.am,
however, recommending that we make up the difference between
his Civil Service retirement and whatever amount that will
be required to make his retirement pay $2400 a year.   This
will mean that the University will have to provide approximate-
ly $1100 of the retirement compensation.

     Unfortunately Mr. Kenney has apparently been identified
with the dissension and unrest in the Agronomy Department
over a period of some time.   No department can contribute
efficiently and effectively to our over-all agricultural and
institutional program without cooperation and coordination
of the activities of all members of the department.

     After careful deliberation and appraisal of all the
factors involved and after counseling with my administrative
associates, I believe it to be to the best interest of the
program of work in the Agronomy Department and for the Agri-
cultural Division as a whole to ask for Mr. Kenneyts retire-
ment as indicated above,

     This recommendation is not based on Mr. Kenney's recom-
mendation or failure to recommend any particular plant or
agronomic practice per se nor with the slightest intention
of wanting to punish him in any way,   All focal points of
discord in the department, however, must be removed and we
must have a constructive, aggressive, harmonious and coop-
erative program in the important areas of soils and crops
if our agricultural teaching, research and extension activi-
ties are to be of maximum service to the farm people of

                                   Sincerely yours,

                             (Signed) Frank J. Welch
                                       Dean and Director.


      A general discussion followed, participated in by President
 Donovan, Dean Welch and members of the Board.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommenda-
 tion of Dean Welch, concurred in by President Donovan, for the re-
 tirement of Professor Harold Kenney in accordance with the letter
 copied above, was approved.   The Board resolved as follows:

           "The Board of Trustees wishes the record to show that
     it views with concern and disfavor the recent misinformation
     that certain members of the agricultural staff have been
     instrumental in circulating.   Such tactics and procedures
     can in no wise serve the best interests of the University.

           "The Board is further taking recognition of its previous
     approval of a shift in the assignment and responsibilities
     of a member of the Agronomy staff and is hereby authorizing
     and directing the President to follow through on this approval
     by the Board..  Any failure to cooperate with the administra-
     tive officials with reference to assignment of new duties
     and responsibilities should be dealt with promptly.

           "We, the Board members, are concerned that whatever
     is necessary to be done to eliminate friction and disharmony
     in the Agronomy Department should be done with as little delay
     as possible and that efforts be directed towards the building
     of a constructive program in this important field of service
     to Kentucky agriculture."

     G. Budget Increased.

     President Donovan stated that he found it necessary to recom-
mend an increase of $1,200.00 to the budget of the Department of
Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures for the year 1952-53.
This increase is necessary to provide teaching of the Russian
language during the first and second semesters and it will be neces-
sary to employ a part-time instructor in the department.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of
$1,200.00 was appropriated to the Department of Modern Foreign
Languages and Literatures for the academic year 1952-53.

     H. Music and Radio Scholarsips.

     President Donovan stated, it had been customary for several
years to allow certain students working at the radio station WBKY
fee scholarships, and recommended that 16 grants-in-aid for stu-
dents who lend their talents to the work of the radio station be
granted for each of the two semesters of the academic school



year 1952-53, and a like number for the summer term of 1953.

     President Donovan also stated that it had been customary to
give grants-in-aid to 40 students in the Department of Music0
These are work scholarships and are awarded by the head of the
department.   A list of students to whom the grants are to be made
is filed with the Comptroller's Office prior to the registration
of each semester and. summer term.

     The President recommended that the fee scholarships in the
Radio Station and Department of Music be granted, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred in the recom-
mendation of the President.

     I. Sorority and Fraternity Housing.

     President Donovan made a statement relative to establishment
of sorority and fraternity rows.   He recalled that the University
had financed two new sorority houses, and reported there is con-
siderable interest in constructing fraternity house facilities to
house student members of these organizations.   Mr. Guy Huguelet,
Vice Chairman of the Board, related that he had been importuned
by various persons interested in housing facilities for sororities
and fraternities.   A general discussion of the desirability of
University assistance in providing dormitory facilities followed.
It was the consensus of the Board that fraternity row should be
established on land south of Cooperstown and east of the proposed
new men's dormitory.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the administra-
tion was requested to take affirmative action in establishing fra-
ternity row, make a plot plan of streets and utilities necessary
and., so far as possible, coordinate plans for houses,  The
Comptroller was directed to request authority from the State Build-
ing and Property Commission to arrange for the construction of
fraternity houses on fraternity row and, if feasible, to make ap-
plication to the Federal Government for a loan of the necessary

     J. Gifts.

                              From: Solvay Process Division of the
                                    Allied Chemical and Dye Corpo-
                                    ration--$500 0000

     President Donovan reported receipt of check for $500.00 from
Solvay Process Division of the Allied Chemical and. Dye Corporation.
He stated that this gift is in continuation of support for studies
that the Experiment Station is making on nutrition of forage grass-
es, and recommended that it be accepted..



      Upon motion duly made, seconded. and carried, the gift of
 $500.00 from the Solvay Process Division of the Allied, Chemical
 and Dye Corporation was ordered accepted, and President Donovan
 was requested to write a letter of appreciation to the donors.

                             From: A. T. Ferrell & Company, Saginaw,
                                   Michigan--a Clipper Scalper with
                                   regular grass hopper and seven

     President Donovan reported receipt by the Experiment Station
of a gift from A. T. Ferrell & Company, of Saginaw, Michigan, of
a #1297-1 Clipper Scalper with regular grass hopper and seven
screens.  He stated that this equipment is valued at $464.00 and.
should prove a most helpful addition to the Experiment Station's
stock of equipment from the standpoint of students and farmer vis-
itors,  He recommended acceptance of the gift.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of a
#1297-1 Clipper Scalper with regular grass hopper and seven screens
by A. T. Ferrell & Company, Saginaw, Michigan, was ordered accept-
ed, and President Donovan was requested to thank the Company for
its generous donation,

                             From: Lexington Council of Jewish Women--

     President Donovan read a letter from Dean M, M. White, stat-
ing that he was in receipt of a check for $100l00 from the Lex-
ington Council of Jewish Women, to be used for the purpose of
furthering the Universitycs work in the Speech and Hearing Clinic.
He stated further that such donations as this make it possible
for more public school teachers to be admitted to the summer
school, program, and recommended that the gift be accepted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $100.00
from the Lexington Council of Jewish Women was ordered accepted, and
President Donovan was requested to thank this organization for its

     K, Dr, Irwin T, Sanders--Distinguished Professor of Sociology.

     President Donovan stated that he was recommending appointment
of Dr. Irwin T. Sanders as Distinguished Professor of Sociology.
He read a letter of recommendation from Dean M. M. White, College
of Arts and Sciences, and. reviewed a list of publications, pro-
fessional societies, et cetera, of Doctor Sanders,



                                            May 20, 1952

 President H. L. Donovan
 University of Kentucky
 Administration Building

 My dear President Donovan:

     I recommend the appointment of Dr. Irwin T. Sanders as
Distinguished Professor of Sociology.  Dr. Sanders is one
of the outstanding faculty members of the College of Arts and

     1. First of all, he is a teacher.   He has the patience,
ability, and imagination to interest his students in working
upon a high level in the classroom.   He is a past master in
securing and guiding discussion in his classes.

     2. Dr. Sanders is a scholar.   So often in the field of
Social Sciences, a professor spends his research time in
reviewing books or in reviewing reviews or writing destruc-
tive criticisms of other people's work.   Dr. Sanders has
original ideas, and is constantly making original contribu-
tions to the field of Sociology.   As evidence for these
statements, I cite three examples:  He was one of the original
organizers of the course "Societies Around the World."  This
course has been widely acclaimed by other Departments of
Anthropology, Geography, and Sociology.   He began the Bureau
of Community Service which emphasizes community development.
He organized the Social Research Consultation Service with-
in the Department of Sociology.   He was granted $750.00
in 1950 by the American Philosophical Society to describe
the major changes    occurring in the Rural Balkans from
Turkish times to the present with an attempt to formulate
principles underlying these changes.

     3. Dr. Sanders has made and continues to make a real
contribution to the community of Lexington.   A list of the
campus and community organizations in which he has taken
an active part is appended.

     Finally, it was largely due to Dr. Sanders' efforts
that the Department of Sociology and the Department of Rural
Sociology were combined,   Out of loyalty to the University,
Dr. Sanders has repeatedly refused offers from other uni-
versities. It is with distinct pleasure that I recommend
to you his appointment as aDistinguished Professor.

                                  Respectfully yours,

                         (Signed)   M. M. White


                  RECORD OF IRWIN T. SANDERS


Place of Birth:       Millersburg, Kentucky

Date of birth:        January 17, 1909.

Education:            Washington and Lee University, A. B., 1929
                       Cornell University, Ph.D., 1938

Teaching Experience:   American College, Sofia, Bulgaria (Dean),
                       1929-32, 1934-37
                       Alabama College (Associate Professor), 1938-40
                       University of Kentucky, 194o--

   Professional Experience other than Teaching (since 43)

Social Scientist, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States
Department of Agriculture, June through September, 1943.   (Salary
at rate of $4400). Type of work: To prepare Handbook on Community

Senior Social Science Analyst, Office of Foreign Agricultural Rela-
tions, United States Department of Agriculture, September through
December, 1943.   (Salary at rate of $5200 per year), Type of work:
To prepare Military Manuals dealing with rural life of Balkan
countries for War Department.

Consultant (Social Science Analyst), Extension Service, United
StatesDep-artment of Agriculture, June through September, 1944.
Type of work: As secretary to arrange for a conference on contri-
bution of extension methods and techniques to the rehabilitation
of war-torn countries; also to analyze case histories of extension

Agricultural Attache, American Embassy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, March,
1945 - February, 1946. (Salary $6000 plus about $2500 in prerequi-

                  Research Articles Published

1934    "The Moslem Minority in Bulgaria," The Moslem World,
        Vol. XXIV, No. 4,

1936    "The Stazhanski Institute: A Phase of Teacher Training in
        Bulgaria," Educational Administration and Supervision,
        Vol. XXII, No. 5.

1936-37 Articles in ZEMEDELSKO-STOPANSKI VUPROSI (in Bulgarian)
        (Agricultural Economics Problems)



        l."The Nature of Rural Sociology and Its Contributions"

        2. "Urban-Village Relationships in Bulgaria"

        3. "Family Disorganization in Rural Bulgaria"

        4. "Leadership in the Village"

1939    "Neighborhoods and Neighborly Relations in a Bulgarian Village,"
        Social Forces, Vol. 17, No. 4.

        "The Social Contacts of a Bulgarian Village," Rural Sociology,
        Vol. 4, No. 3.

        "The Sociometric Work with a Bulgarian Woodcutting Group,"
        Sociometry: Journal of Interpersonal Relations.

1940    "The School Discovers the Community,"  Journal of Educational
        Sociology, Vol. 13, No. 7.

        "Bulgarian and Southern Rural Whites in Contrast," Social
        Forces, Vol. 19, No. 1.

        "The Social and Religious Significance of the Rural Neigh-
        borhood," Christian Rural Fellowship Bulletin, No. 65.

1942    "Getting Used to School," Parents' Magazine, November.

1943    "The Folk Approach in Extension Work: A Bulgarian Experience,"
        Applied Anthropology, Problems of Human Organization, Vol. 2,.
        No, 4.

        "Sociometry and the Sociology Classroom," Sociometry, Vol.
        VI, No. 3.

1944    "The Rural Cooperative in Bulgaria," Foreign Agriculture,
        Vol. 8, No. 1.

1946    "Getting the Community Point of View", Printed Proceedings
        of Henderson Conference on the Community, Vo. 1, June.

1949    "Social Structure of Barbourville, Kentucky."

        "Employment Opportunities for Displaced Persons in Kentucky."

1950    "The Development of the Concept of Human Relations," A New
        Concept of Human Relations, Bureau of School Service, Uni-
        riity 5 Kentuc        ,   53-55, March, 1949.

        "Value-Potential of Social Participation in the School Com-
        munity"(with others), Report on the Workshop in the Discove
        and Development of Moral and Spi     I Values           on
        Univ       ofK    uc, pp.F -F25 Wu


          "Societies Around the World,"~ Social Forces, pp. 40.O45,
          October, 1949.

          "The Use of Block Leaders in Effective Community Mobiliza-
          tion," Sociometry, 12:4, 265-275, November, 1949.

1951     "The Changing Status of the Peasant in Eastern Europe,'" The
         Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
         Science, Volume 271, September, 1950, PP. 78-93.

1952     "Selected Annotated Bibliography on Rumanian Peasantry: 12th
         Century to 1864", Yearbook of American Philosophical Soci-
         ety, 1951.

         "Foreign Languages and the Tasks Ahead in the Social Sci-
         ences, Education for the Task Ahead - Proceedings of the
         27Tth Ann-ual EdU-cat-fo-n CUonference and the 16th Annual
         Meeting of the Kentucky Association of Colleges-and Secon-
         dary Schools, Bureau of School Service Bulletin, March, 1951.
         "Creating an Industrial Civilization", report on Round Table
         of Corning Conference, May, 1951, being published by Harper
         & Brothers, June, 1952,


1942     Soiloia Foundations of Education,1 Thomas Y. Crowell
         CompanyNew Yok, 1942. Chapter on "Community and Educa-
         tion." Edited. by J. S. Roucek.

1944     Kentucky, Design~s for Her Future, University of Kentucky
         Press, 1944E7 Edited by Howard Beers.   Chapter on "Health
         and Welfare."

19415    Farmers of the World, Columbia University Press, New York,
         MC-MXLV, TCo--i~tor with E. deS. Brunner and D. Ensminger.

1947     Balkan Village., University of Kentucky Press.

         Slavic.Enyclopaedia, three articles on Bulgaria and Yugo-
         slavia,-Fh-ilosophical Library, under editorship of J. .S.

1949     Successful Family Living, Summary of Second. Family Life

         Societies around the World, Volume I (Eskimo, Navajo,
         Baganda)  Rev!`sedwi~t~hiTftR. Schwendeman and staff.

1950     Making Good C