xt73j9605z1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73j9605z1n/data/mets.xml Splan, John, 1849- 1889.  books b92-147-29449951 English H.T. White, : Chicago : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horse racing. Goldsmith Maid (Race horse) Dexter (Race horse) Life with the trotters  / by John Splan ; with a chapter on how Goldsmith Maid and Dexter were trained ; (from information furnished by Mr. Budd Doble) text Life with the trotters  / by John Splan ; with a chapter on how Goldsmith Maid and Dexter were trained ; (from information furnished by Mr. Budd Doble) 1889 1889. 2002 true xt73j9605z1n section xt73j9605z1n 



          JOHN SPLAN,

             WITH A CHAPTER ON


           WERE TRAINED.

    (From Information furnishld by Mni. BUDD DOBLE.)


                 1 8 8 9.

Order from the Publisher, H. T. WIhITE    Lock Box 270, Chicago, 111.

     Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tne Year 1889, by


   In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.



Jojn Splan.


, il

               OR  several years it has been apparent that a book
                  haing to do with the present history of the trotting
0               tuurf would be welcomed and appreciated by a vast
                 constituency who take an active interest in the light-
                 harness horse; and -this volume has been prepared
                 with that fact in mind. Of the men who have
                 written what appears in its pages, little need be said.
              Budd Doble's name is known wherever the trotting
              horse has been heard of; his ability has never been
        \ questioned, and he stands to-day nearer, perhaps, to the
          American public than any other man in his profession.
       John Splan is an artist in the sulky, a man of positive genius
     in the matter of driving a horse, while his wonderful memory,
     keen appreciation of what is interesting to the public, and
entertaining way of relating it, combine to make his portion of the
book of exceptional interest and value. Mr. Dunbar, in addition to
being a trainer and driver of the first rank, possesses an analytical
mind of the highest type, and that his literary style is at once simple
and fascinating, the readers of this book will, I am sure, admit. That
his chapters on the training and management of young trotters are
the most valuable in the book, is my deliberate judgment.
    I desire to in this public manner express my obligations to
Messrs. Doble and Dunbar for the more than generous manner in
which they have shown their friendship for me, by contributing to
this volume matter which money could not have secured, and without
which the work would have been of far less value.
    Mr. Robert Bonner, who has done more than any other man to
elevate the trotting turf, and who has made it possible for a business
man to own a trotter, either for road or track use, without his standing
in the commercial or social world being impaired thereby, I would
thank for the encouragement and endorsement he gave me at a time
when such action was of more value than money could possibly have
    For unsolicited acts of friendliness that can be but partially
repaid by an acknowledgment of this character, I am indebted
to Messrs. R. A. Bower, John R. Walsh, and C. H. Durphy, of




                            CHAPTER I.
Boyhood days at Little Falls, N. Y.-Running away from home and reach-
    ing the Buffalo track-Pelham  Tartar, my first trotter-Something
    about the stallion Byron-How old-time trotters were trained-Pilot
    Temple, Tackey, and Dixie-The pacer Billy Boyce-A trip to Cuba-
    I return to New York City and go to work for Dan Mace-" Lucy
    Jimmy" teaches me to rub a trotter-Tempest and her fevered feet-
    Starting out on my own hecount as a trainer-My first race and the
    g!ory thereof-Lady Saulpaugh and her races-The great match at
    Paterson, N. J.-Fun on Staten Island.        .    .   .    .    5

                            CHAPTER II.
Kansas Chief, first a cattle herder, then ridden by a gentleman, and next a 2:30
    trotter-His feet fail and he is given away after being sold for 7,500-
    Traded to Mr. Simmons, he comes into my hands-How his feet were
    treated-A great campaign from the lakes to the seaboard-Don't trot
    your horse when he is out of condition-Kansas Chief s last races-How
    Dan Mace discovered Rarus-A talk in the hotel at night-The story of a
    game, handsome, and honest horse. .28

                           CHAPTER III.
Rarus, the first trotter to beat 2:14-How he was bred and raised by a Long
   Island farmer-The old gentleman thought by his neighbors to be too
   enthusiastic about the colt-His first race on the Island-How he came
   into my hands, after making a record of 2:2034-A successful trip through
   the central circuit, winning all his races but one-How Jim Crawford
   fooled the pool buyers-Going West and beating the famous Bodine-
   Entering Rarus in a race against the crack trotters of the land.  .  53



                             CHAPTER IV.
Rarus wins his first race against the crack trotters of the country-A private
    trial in fast time over the Fleetwood track-The trip to California with
    Goldsmith Maid-Another fast mile in private, and a refusal of 45,000 for
    the gelding-Anly Daniels and the cattle raiser at Chico-Inside facts
    about the race in which Rarus beat Goldsmith Maid-Coming East again
    and lowering his record to 2:16-The wonderful race against Great Eastern
    at Fleetwood Park.                                              82

                             CHAPTER V.
How Rarus was wintered at Cleveland-Barred from the free-to-all races in the
    summer of 188-He trots in 2:14 at Cleveland-Uncle Ben Wright's
    unlucky bets-The record lowered to 2:13Y4 at Buffalo-A great race at
    Hartford-Gus Glidden and Edwin Forrest-Trouble at Minneapolis, and
    a great wagon performance at Chicago-Another trip to California-An
    accident in the stable, and what the veterinary said-Trotting in 2:13k to
    save Mr. Conklin's 10-The sale to Mr. Robert Bonner, etc.  .  112

                            CHAPTER VI.
The pacer Johnston, and the manner in which he was trained to beat all the
    records-A nervous, fretful horse that would not feed well-Treatment at
    Cincinnati during the winter months-Slow work in the spring-Speed
    comes gradually-Dave Colross turns up in the nick of time, and takes
    care of the horse-A mile in 2:10 at Milwaukee, and then 2:063  at
    Chicago-Mattie Hunter, Sweetser, Gem, and other famous pacers.  146

                            CHAPTER VII.

The story of the fast, game and reliable stallion Wedgewood-A horse that
    had a succession of hard races during his career-Going close to 2:20 the
    first time he started--Desperate contests in the mud at St. Louis and Cin-
    cinnati, and a glorious victory at Washington-Down the central circuit
    the next season, winning every race in which he started-A peculiar horse
    to train and drive-What came of trying to please a friend-Laying up
    heats, and sparring with the judges as well as the other drivers-A well-
    told tale of a great horse's campaign from the lakes to the sea.  172

                           CHAPTER VIII.
Trotters with romantic histories that I have driven-The gray gelding Charley
   Ford, that was first a turf outlaw, then made a record of 2:16; was valued
   at 15,000, and finally sold for 300-Ford's match' with the stallion Bone-
   setter, and how he was trained for it-He is the only horse that ever won


    a heat from Maud S.; the story of the incident-The great race at Chicago
    with Haunis, where "the talent" was on the wrong side-Adelaide, a
    little mare that had one remarkable peculiarity; no matter how hot the
    day, or severe the race, bhe would not sweat-Drawing wood into Water-
    town, N. Y., by the side of her dam, she is purchased by a horseman and
    makes a record of 2:191-A pony in size and weight, she beats some of the
    best horses in the country, every ounce of her being race-horse material-
    Planter and his good qualities-The wonderful affection of the trotter Bay
    for an old white horse.                                         19g

                            CHAPTER IX.

How Maud S. trotted in 2:081, as seen by the man who drove a runner
    alongside of the mare-What Splan knows of Guy, the sensational trotter
    of 1888-Driving him to a road-cart in 2:17T, the horse being barefoot-The
    story of how Colonel West discovered Kentucky Prince, the sire of Guy-
    Trotters are born, not made-Jay-Eye-See's good races down the circuit
    in 1887, beating Arab, the crack trotter of the year-Clingstone's race
    against the watch in 2:14-His great victory over Harry Wilkes at Detroit-
    How lie was trained for this race and driven in it.  .  .  .  215

                            CHAPTER X.

Nobby, the most peculiar horse Splan ever drove; a wild, scary fellow that had
   a wonderful flight of speed- The race at Cleveland in which Nobby
   beat a lot of cracks-Mr. David Bonner's well-remembered compliment-
   Stuffing a horse's ears with cotton, and some incidents connected with the
   practice-Needle Gun, and the trouble lie made on a ferry boat-W. J.
   Gordon's horses, his breeding farm, and his character as a man -Chat
   about what certain drivers have done with particular families of horses -
   Protection's great race against J. B. Richardson.  .  .  .   245

                            CHAPTER XI.

Other drivers who have made a name in connection with certain families of
   hiorses-Morrill Higbee and the Sprague strain of blood-Frank Van Ness
   with Harry and Rosaline Wilkes-Jock Bowen, and how lie fooled some
   people who imagined that lie could not drive a pacer well-Horace Brown
   comes from a family of practical horsemen-Billy Weeks an excellent
   rider, as well as a good reinsman-Charles Marvin the man who has brought
   out nearlv all the fast sorls and daughters of Electioneer-Some facts about
   Governor Stanford's venture in the breeding of trotters-Pluck has a
   good deal more to do with success than luck-Governor Stanford in some
   respects like General Grant-A colt of his breeding sold for 50,000.  272



                            CHAPTER XII.

How to train the trotter and keep him in good fettle-His mouth the first thing
    to be looked after-An experience with Fanny Witherspoon-Don't pull a
    'horsA, and he will not pull you-Overfeeding and its consequences-Give
    water at all times The groom must be neat in appearance and not a drink-
    ing man-Too many blankets a bad idea-Some points about boots-The
    use of pads and sponges-Mambrino Sparkle's bad feet, and the great races
    she trotted-Why clipping is beneficial-Work in the early spring-Teach-
    ing trotters to score well-Sulkies, road-carts, timing-watches, etc.  298

                           CHAPTER XIII.

Work a horse with the watch, but don't try to make him beat it-Doble and
    Goldsmith Maid-The pacer Johnston never worked out at top speed-
    One speeding each week is ordinarily sufficient-Preparations for a race-
    Deportment on the track-Mlow to talk to the judges-Laying up heats an
    important matter-How to drive after the word is given-A case of bad
    judgment in a postponed race-Shipping horses from point to point-The
    training and management of trotting stallions.                 824

                           CHAPTER XIV.

Calmar, a horse that needed only proper shoeing to improve his record tight
    seconds and make him win good races-His gallant fight with Woodford
    Chief at Cincinnati-A kind word for George A. Baker, once a promi-
    nent figure on the trotting turf-How Lady De Jarnette was given a fast
    record by changing her check-rein-Hints to owners of horses-Wilson's
    race in which he went a mile in 2:161, and the mistakes that caused him to
    be defeated-Sufficient preparation is what makes good campaigners, while
    lack of work results disastrously-Fred Folger's career an illustration of
    this-Why Budd Doble put tips on Jack the day before the 10,000 race at
    Rochester-The peculiar manner in which Wolford's Z. was shod and how
    it improved him-The pacer Argyle, and the trotter Colonel Lewis-Trot-
    ters affected in a marked degree by changes of climate-Little Gypsy's
    great race at Cleveland-Pen sketckes of noted characters on the trotting
    turf.   .    .    .    .   .    .    .       .    .   .    .   850

                           CHAPTER XV.

The trotting interest one that extends throughout the land and is growing every
   year-Famous road riders of New York City and elsewhere-Commodore
   Vanderbilt's present to his spiritual adviser-Robert Bonner and his sons,
   the Rockefellers, Mr. Frank Work, and others-Men in other cities who
   love the trotter for the pleasure and health they derive from driving-Some



    hints about the purchase and care of a road horse-Decide just what you
    want the animal for, and then use him for that purpose only-Don't expect
    your gardener to also be capable of taking good care of your road horses-A
    few practical suggestions that will commend themselves to allowners of
    horses.                                                         377

                           CHAPTER XVI.

Budd Doble writes in a chatty and interesting manner of Goldsmith Maid and
    Dexter-How the famous brown geldin was placed in his stable by Hiram
    Woodruff-The young man's doubts and fears over the responsibility lie
    had assumed-Lowering Dexter's record in the first race he drove him, and
    becoming more confident-The season ends with a mile in 2:18 under
    saddle-Trotting in 2:17f at Buffalo the following year and beating the
    world's record-How the young reinsman felt on that momentous occa-
    sion-Dexter is purchased by Mr. Robert Bonner and retired from the
    turf-The story of Goldsmith Maid, the champion trotter of her day, and
    that for many years was Queen of the Turf-She was rough-gaited when
    Mr. Doble got her, and could not beat 2:30-Her first race a disappointment
    to him-A new system of training adopted the following spring with good
    results-The wonderful intelligence di-played by the Maid both in the
    stable and on the track-She knew when a race was coming off and
    became terribly excited-Figuring to get the best of her opponechts--Her
    wonderful affection for Old Charlie-A happy family of three that was
    finally broken up.   .    .    .    .    .    .    .   .    .   402

                           CHAPTER XVII.

The education of trotting-bred colts-Early development, and the reasons there-
    for-Fast youngsters the ones that sell well-Colt handling now a distinct
    branch of the trainer's art-The man who handles a colt must learn to con-
    trol his temper-Hints about the best time to have foals dropped-Treat-
    ment of the mare at this season-Teach the suckling colt that man is a
    friend, not an enemy-The story of a veterinarian, and what one experience
    taught Dunbar-Putting on the halter-Handle the colt frequently, but do
    not lead him much-How to put mares and their foals in a field-Accidents
    on a stock farm generally due to carelessness-Management of the mare
    and foal in the stable-Turning out the youngsters during their first sum-
    mer-Preparations for weaning time that will be found very valuable-
    Looking after the appetites of the colts when they have been weaned-
    When the work of leading colts alongside of a horse should begin-The
    proper method of doing this explained in detail-A straight, covered track
    better than a circular one-Colts differ as much in disposition, etc., as
    matured horses, and must be treated accordingly-No absolute rule by
    which to train can be laid down.                                420




                           CHAPTER XVIII.
The training of colts gone into in detail-How the breaking harness should be
    put on and made use of-Proper adjustment of the lines an important feat.
    ure-Teaching the pupil to obey the word of command-The first hitch
    to the breaking cart-Don't have visitors 'around at this time-Preparing
    for the stakes in which the young trotters are entered-Accustom the colt
    to other horses, and then speed him a little-Keep your own counsel as to
    what is being done-Don't be alarmed at what you read concerning other
    people's colts-June a good month in which to test your material a little-
    The prompting horse should not be allowed to beat the pupil or carry him
    too fast-Keep a record of what each animal does and how he does it-No
    two colts can be trained exactly alike-The first trial of the most promising
    youngsters -A surprise often in store for the trainer at this time-Driving
    on the road occasionally a good plan-The earnest work to be done in August
    -Shipping the colts to the place where they are to trot-What to do when
    you reach the track-All ready for the first race with the young trotter.

                           CHAPTER XIX.
Preparing the colt for the yearling race-Accustoming him to objects about the
   track-No training necessary at this stage-Be on time when the race is
   called, and don't keep people waiting-Scoring half a dozen yearling
   colts a tedious job-What to do after the word is given-No occasion to be
   in a hurry to get the pole-Do your best work on the straight side-How to
   drive when you look like a winner in the home stretch-The secret of your
   success is in careful and intelligent methods of training-Shipping the
   colt home again and preparing him for another race in October-A mile
   once in awhile well within his speed-The quality of sulkiness-Some
   inside history about the famous trotter Guy-How he went a mile to pole
   in 2:17-An exciting experience with Guy when he ran away on a trot,
   and stopped only from force of habit-A terrible accident prevented by
   the horse's intelligence-What the writer accomplished in one season by
   the methods of training described. .        .    ...         . 440



                      CHAPTER I.

Boyhood Days at Little Falls, N. Y.-Running Away from Home and Reach-
   ing the Buffalo Track-Pelham Tartar, my First Trotter-Something
   about the Stallion Byron-How Old-Time Trotters were Trained-Pilot
   Temple, Tackey, and Dixie-The Pacer, Billy Boyce-A Trip to Cuba-
   I Return to Ncw York City and go to Work for Dan M1ace-" Lucy
   Jimmy " Teaches me to Rub a Trotter-Tempest and 11er Fevered Feet-
   Starting out on my Own Account as a Trainer-My First Race and the
   Glory Thereof-Lady Saulpaugh and Her Races-The Great Match at
   Paterson, N. J.-Fun on Staten Island.

   I was born at Little Falls, Herkimer County, N. Y., on
the 6th day of May, 1849, and from the time that I can
remember, horses had a fascination for me.
  Like most country towns. the one where I first saw the
light had a livery stable, and this one was run by a man
named Mort Bellinger, a good soul, who was not annoyed
if a boy who liked a horse hung around his place. It was
at the Bellinger stable that I got my first ideas of horse-
flesh-, and by the time I was seven years old had a fair
notion of a horse. There had been a half-mile track at
Little Falls for a good many years, and Charlie Champlin
was the star of the driving fraternity in that part of the
country then. He used to have trotters at the track, and
they were the first fast horses I ever saw. About this time
my mother found that I was paying a little too much atten-
tion to horses, and insisted on sending me to school. Like
most 1)oys, this plan did not take wvell with me, and after
three days at school I bolted the track and went home.
Then my mother gave me the alternative of going to school


or being sent to a farmer. I chose the farmer, as I thought
there was a better chance of getting away from there than
there would be from school, and so I went farming with a
man named William Broadwell. He lived near Trenton.
This was in the spring of the year. Rural life disagreed
with me right from the start, there being too much work in
it, and too little time for play. But in spite of this, I
staid with Broadwell about two years; and during that
time, when the county fair came off, I saw the first trotting
race of my life. It was at Trenton, and over a track about
a third of a mile in circumference that was laid out in an
orchard belonging to a man named John Tanner. That
was the first day I ever saw John Murphy, whom everybody
now knows as a driver of trotters. He rode a black horse
under saddle for a man named Douglas against a chestnut
horse that went in harness and was driven by Bob Champ-
lin. The glory of that race decided me as to my future
course. I went home and dreamed of the trotters, but
daren't talk much about them, as the farmer was a good
deal inclined to religion, and very little to horses.
  The following spring I took my bundle and broke away
from the farm, determined to see what there was in life. I
was then about thirteen years old, and my first move was to
drop in on a man named Bowen, who had a son about my
age. Mr. Bowen had the reputation of being the greatest
horse fancier in that part of the country. He bought a
great many horses to ship on to New York. I made myself
generally useful in rubbing and leading the horses about.
It was at this time that the oil excitement broke out in
Pennsylvania. and I went down there to explore the coun-
try and look for a fortune. With the little money I had I
went into a partnership with a man in a pair of horses and
a flatboat, drawing oil. There was plenty of money in the
scheme, but it came too slowly for me, so I finally sold out
my interest in the concern and went to New York City.
While there I met a gentleman from Buffalo, who was
interested in a crockery store. This man's name was George



E. Newman, and after a little talk he made me believe
I would make a better crockery merchant than anything
else. The result of that talk was that I accompanied him
to Buffalo to go into his store and learn the business. When
I found that the first step in the life of a crockery merchant
was to carry out portions of the stock in a hand basket, I
shied at the first turn, and that was the end of my life as a
merchant. I asked if there was a race-track in the neigh-
borhood, and was directed to what has since been the famous
mile track at Buffalo. On reaching there, I inquired for
the best trainer, and, fortunately for myself, I was directed
to Mr. John Stevenson. I said to him that I was looking
for a chance to learn to be a driver of trotters. He replied that
my size and age were a little against me, but that if I could
wait he could see no reason why in time I might not succeed.
We struck up a mutual admiration right there, and I laid
down my bundle. Mr. Stevenson took a great interest in
me, and gave me every opportunity to not only learn, but
also to practice driving. I have never forgotten his kind-
ness, and never go near his city without paying him a per-
sonal visit.
  The first horse I ever drove was a stallion called Pelham
Tartar, and that belonged to Mr. C. J. Wells, at that time
mayor of Buffalo, and always a stanch friend of the trot-
ting turf. I remember distinctly that I was so small and
short that it was necessary for me to put my feet on the
cross-bar of the sulky, my legs not being long enough to
enable me to reach the stirrups. I don't think that Mr.
Stevenson ever had a horse on his place that lie took as
much pains in training as he did with me. Pelham Tartar
was a handsome brown stallion about sixteen hands high.
He was bred in Canada, and at that time was looked upon
as a very promising horse in the way of a trotter- He was
fine-gaited, perfectly level-headed, and I remember him, not
only as the first horse of which I had charge, but also as
the first one that I ever drove a mile in three minutes. The
first day I drove Pelham Tartar Mr. Stevenson had out a



gray mare belonging to Mr. Henry C. Jewett, who has since
then become well known as one of the leading breeders of the
country, and we went a mile in about three minutes. I felt
very proud of my work, as Mr. Stevenson told me that I had
performed as well as he could have done himself. Mr.
Stevenson, probably in order to keep a watchful eye on my
young efforts, gave me the pole and laid on my wheel with
the gray mare during the trip, advising me at different
parts of the mile what to do, and telling me about how well we
were going. If he had not told me it was three minutes I
would have thought it was two, which fact will give an
idea of how little I knew at that time about different rates
of speed, and it also goes to show how exhilarated a man
can become behind a trotter.
  I spent that season in Mr. Stevenson's employ; and
another horse that I sometimes trained was Byron, a chest-
nut stallion by Royal George, that afterward made a record
of 2:25J, and has since sired a number of 2:30 horses, as
well as the dam of the famous filly Susie S., that trotted
such a grand race at St. Louis in 1887, winning the fourth
heat in 2:20, and stamping herself as the best three-year-old
out that season. Byron was bred in Canada, and was
brought to Buffalo by a livery-stable keeper named Effner,
who in those days managed to get hold of about all the
good horses that cameito the town for sale. He saw that
Byron had some speed, and it was not long before he sold
him to Frank Perew, then as now a solid citizen of Buffalo
and prominent in marine circles, and who has always been
a great admirer of trotters. It was just after Mr. Perew had
bought Byron that the stallion was sent to Mr. Stevenson's
stable, and in that way came under my observation.
  The first dollar I ever earned for driving a trotter was
with this horse. One day Mr. Perew came out with a friend
to see Byron, and in the course of some talk he offered to
bet five dollars that I could drive him a mile in 2:40. The
bet was made, and I went out with the horse and drove him
a mile in 2:38g. Mr. Perew made me a present of the ten



dollars, which I thought was a good deal of money. I don't
think there was ever a time that I was more pleased or felt
richer than at that moment. This was my first experience
in driving a horse against the watch, and since then, with
Rarus, the pacer Johnston, and others, I have traveled from
the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Minnesota to Kentucky,
giving exhibitions of speed with noted animals before au-
diences that sometimes numbered fifty thousand, and for a
great deal of money, and yet the satisfaction of that morn-
ing when I sent Byron around the Buffalo track, hoping he
would do what his owner had deemed him capable of, and
knowing that the performance, if successful, would be a
credit to me, has never been excelled. I have driven Rarus
when the shouts of the people could be heard for blocks
away, and I have seen him come down the home stretch at
Kansas City when the crowd was so great that there was
barely a lane through the mass of human beings'for the
horse to trot. I was excited enough then, and also the first
time he beat Goldsmith Maid's record for me, and since then
I have experienced the feeling of gratification that comes to
a man when he performs some feat in his chosen profession
that shows his ability; but for all that, the mile in 2:38k with
Byron will always be the star drive of my early experiences
in the sulky.
  WVhen the trotting season was over Mr. Stevenson kindly
arranged to send me to school. Number 16, Delaware street,
was the educational institution at which I made my debut,
and I want to pay tribute right here to Mr. Fullerton, our
principal and teacher, for his patience with me, for I am
sure that I not only made many a break myself, but also
caused other boys who were naturally steadily inclined, to
do likewise.
  After three months at school the days of spring came,
and I went to work with Mr. William King, who had some
colts he wanted jogged. But this was rather slow work for
me, and I soon began to pine for the delights of the race-
track. On stating the case to Mr. King he agreed with me,



and I made another change, this time going with Mr. Isaac
Woodruff, brother of the celebrated Hiram Woodruff; and
he also seemed inclined to give me the benefit of his long
experience, and showed me everything that he could in the
way of training and driving a trotter. I rubbed for him the
bay gelding Derby, formerly called Dutchman. This was
the first horse that I had regular charge of to groom; and at
this point it will be of interest to young drivers and boys of
the present generation who have an interest in trotters, as
well as some older heads for whom the same subject has
fascinations, to tell something of the old methods of taking
care of a trotter. In those days there was no training of
colts, and the preparation of a horse for a race was some.
thing that involved months of time, and a terrific strain, not
only on the constitution and legs of the horse, but on the
minds and bodies of everybody connected with him. It was
considered a work of art to bring a trotter to the post for
a race, and really in those days it was necessary to fit a
horse with more care than now, because a trotter was liable
to be called on at any time to go in any kind of a race-
either in harness, under saddle, or to wagon, and to do these
things at one, two, or three miles. In other words, the
trotter of my boyhood days was an animal from which not
only speed was expected, but versatility and a tremendous
amount of endurance.
  The way we used to handle an old-time trotter was about
like this: I remember very distinctly that Mr. Woodruff
was an early riser. About four o'clock was his usual
time, and to me that seemed something terrible. Our rou-
tine of work was this: First, the horse was given a light
feed of oats and his morning toilet made. Then he was
taken out and led by the halter for an hour, brought in,
groomed, legs rubbed, and then we had an early breakfast.
After that whatever work he was to do in the way of train-
ing lie got then. They gave a horse a great deal more jog.
ging, and much more sweating under blankets and hoods,
and a far greater amount of work in various ways than is



now the custom. It was the old-fashioned idea that a horse
must be reduced in flesh, and they were " drawn" more like
race-horses than at present. For instance, no one thought
of giving a horse water the night before his race. He would
get a small feed of hay and oats, and then the muzzle was
put on. On the morning of his race the feed would be re-
duced still more, with very little water, and as a rule the
horse was given a good deal of work on that morning.
While his race was being trotted he got very little water be-
tween heats. They clothed the trotters in those days much
more than at present, and the rubbing and grooming was
something terrible, both to man and horse. There were
generally two men to every horse, or rather a man and a
boy, the latter being called a helper; and as a rule both
were kept busy from morning till night working around
the horse.   I have seen horses made so sore by this