xt73ff3m0c49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m0c49/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 2005 2005 2005-09-29 2020 true xt73ff3m0c49 section xt73ff3m0c49 First installment in editorial series explores

Running back Little won’t rule out transfer if
changes to student code PAGE 9

UK makes head coaching change PAGE 7




Thursday, September 29, 2005

Celebrating 34 years of independence

ky Ke rnel


56 passes budget with higher executive pay

Two new jobs cause for

increase, president says

By Sean Rose

The Student Government Senate
approved SG‘s budget for the year
last night after impassioned debate
over the raise in funds going toward
the executive branch.

The Executive Support Staff
fund pays for the stipends and schol-

arships of the executive staff. The
passed budget allots $13.500 for this
fund. a $2.500 increase from last
years‘ $11,000. 80 President Becky
Ellingsworth said the increase was
needed because of the addition of
new positions such as Chief of Staff
and Webmaster. She also said that
even with the increase in funds. the
staff would be paid less than mini-
mum wage when compared to their
hours worked.

“I tried to be very fiscally conser-
vative with it." Ellingsworth said.

She said she would monitor her
staff ’5 work to make sure the in-
crease will be well served.

“If they do not do their office
hours or don’t do their work. then
they’re not going to get paid for it.“
Ellingsworth said. “We didn’t ap
point them just to sit there and twid-
dle their thumbs until they get paid."

Senator Lauren Henson. a com-
munications sophomore. argued
against the increase from last year.

“I haven’t seen that much work
during the past." Henson said of the
executive branch. She added that she

didn't think that would be the case
this year. but still expressed concern.

“I want to make sure the people
we put in office in paid positions are
held accountable." Henson said.

Senator Ben Carter. a finance and
economics senior. supported the in-
crease. citing that ofien, the responsi-
bilities of the office prevent the offi-
cer from holding another job.

“My pay was a compensation for
the fact that I have to pay for food. I
have to pay for rent." said Carter. who
was an executive staffer in the past.

The Senate also held an emer


“Most professional sculptors are trying to get something like this.”

gency meeting last night a half-hour
before the regularly scheduled meet-
ing. An amendment to the SG consti~
tution was passed last night to delay
the freshman elections by two weeks.
According to the SG constitution. an
amendment must be voted on twice
before it can go into effect. The emer-
gency meeting was scheduled be-
cause of this.

The amendment states that “in
the case of extenuating circum-
stances the Senate may postpone the
election" not exceeding the 10th

See 56 on page 2

Bush Warns

Garry Bibbs, Ull sculpture professor



Caitlyn Heinz, a fine arts senior in sculpture studio,




"HY scam I STAFF

presented her model to Harbor Steel in hopes of creating a sculpture to be placed in front of the company's

Curves of steel

Local metal supplier offers one UK student front-lawn spot for sculpture

By Sean Rose
THE xmucxv mm

UK‘s advanced sculpture
students worked down to the
last minute yesterday. taping
pictures to podiums and ar-
ranging spotlights to shine on
scale models in the Barnhart
Gallery of the Reynolds Build-

As part of a class project.
the students are competing for
the chance to design and build
a sculpture that will be dis-
played in front of the Harbor
Steel building in Lexington.
The winner will be announced

Harbor Steel is a Midwest-
ern metal supplier that has do-
nated scrap metal to the UK
sculpture program in past
years. This year. head of UK
sculpture Professor Garry
Bibbs worked with the compa-
ny to create this opportunity
for the sculpture students.



Chris Bohach. a second-year graduate student in fine arts, pointed out different
aspects of his model to Harbor Steel’s general manager Ron Willard.

“It’s a privilege to be select-
ed to create a piece to go in
front of someone's building.“
Bibbs said. “Most professional
sculptors are trying to get
something like this."

The students had to incor-
porate the Harbor Steel logo in
their piece and design it to fit
onto a 6-by-10 foot platform.
The students prepared a writ-
ten proposal for their piece as

well as a scale model of the
sculpture. which they present-
ed to Harbor Steel representa-
tives yesterday.

The first-place winner will
get to build the design with all
materials donated by the com-
pany and receive a $500 prize.
Second place receives a $250
prize and third place receives
$100. The winner must have the
sculpture constructed and in-
stalled by the end of the fall se-
mester to receive class credit.

Sculpture senior Michael
Martinez said one of the best
parts of winning would be the
free materials. He said it would
cost $1.500 to $2.000 to buy the
materials for his design. He-
added that the experience
alone that would come from
winning would be worthwhile.

“It‘d just be nice to build
something on that scale.“ Mar-
tinez said. “It‘d unlock a lot of

See Sculpture on page 2

Bikers, pedestrians weigh in on police request

Police chief asks cyclists
to stay off marked paths

By Megan Boehnke

Acting UK Police Chief
Kevin Franklin‘s call for stu-
dents to stop riding bicycles on
campus sidewalks resonated
with some students yesterday.
but not with others.

An increase in complaints
from students and faculty

prompted Franklin to ask cy-
clists to stop riding bicycles in
restricted areas on campus. Of-
ficers will begin issuing cita-
tions. a $25 fee. for such viola-
tions as early as next week.

“It’s pretty stupid. They
shouldn‘t punish people for rid-
ing their bikes. I am not trying
to hit people." said Lauren
Fryxell. a structural engineer-
ing graduate student who usual
1y bikes from Martin Luther
King Boulevard to the engineer-
ing complex.


“I think people are going to
be careful if they‘re walking on
the sidewalk." she said.

Some students agreed that
cyclists on campus are not both-

“There are people who ride
on the sidewalk. but they're
usually pretty good about ma-
neuvering through people." said
Molly Martin. a business man-
agement junior. “It doesn‘t real-
ly matter to me. (as long as)
they maneuver through peo-
ple." she said.

Martin considered getting a
bike herself.

“It's such a big campus that
it makes it a lot easier to get to
class.“ she said.

UK police's concentration is
on individuals riding their bicy-
cles on sidewalks painted with
“no biking" signs on Central
Campus an area where all of
the complaints Franklin has re-
ceived are originating from. It‘s
an area surrounded by Rose

See Bikes on page 4



of increased
Iraq Violence


WASHINGTON 7— President Bush warned
yesterday that the bloodshed and violence by
Iraqi extremists will escalate as the country
moves into the last phase of its transition over
the next three months ,. beginning with the
referendum on a controversial new constitution
on Oct. 15.

“We can expect they‘ll do everything in
their power to try to stop the march of free-
dom." Bush warned during comments in the
Rose Garden about terrorism.

The top US. general in Iraq yesterday
backed away from his suggestion, as recently as
this summer. that the United States could begin
a “fairly substantial” withdrawal of troops ear-
ly next year. “I think. right now. we‘re in a peri-
od of a little greater uncertainty than when l
was asked that question back in July and
March.“ Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr. who is
in charge of combat operations in Iraq. told re-
porters after a closed-door Senate briefing yes-

After talks with Casey and Army Gen. John
Abizaid. Bush expressed confidence that the
U.S.-led campaign to quell Iraq's insurgency can
deal with a further escalation. “Our troops are
ready for it." he said.

For all the public confidence. however, the
Bush administration in private is nervous
about this sensitive last stage. which will estab
lish whether Iraq‘s disparate religious and eth-
nic factions can stay together in a single nation
~ and whether civil war can be avoided. ac-
cording to US. officials and experts on Iraq.

The administration has come under grow-
ing pressure at home and abroad over the past
two weeks. with dire warnings from Arab allies
and a prominent international group about the
looming disintegration of Iraq. In an unusual
public rebuke of US. policy. Saudi Arabia's for-
eign minister called a news conference in
Washington last week to predict Iraq's dissolu~
tion. He said there is no leadership or momen-
tum to pull Iraq’s Shiites. Sunnis and Kurds

See Bush on page 4


GOP leader,
steps down

By Richard A. Serrano and Scott Gold
"A 'w’i‘osliic—EEWMTT

HOUSTON Rep. Tom DeLay. one of the
country's most powerful Republicans. was in-
dicted yesterday by a Texas grand jury on a
charge of violating state campaign finance laws.
The action forced him to step aside as House
majority leader. deepening the GOP's political

As DeLay proclaimed his innocence. House
Republicans moved swiftly to select Rep. Roy
Blunt of Missouri as “temporary majority
leader." Party leaders stressed that they would
continue to pursue their legislative agenda ag-

But the indictment rocked Capitol Hill and
raised questions about how effectively House
Republicans would operate. Delay has been a
top fundraiser for the GOP. a strict enforcer of
party discipline and an outspoken advocate for
conservative causes.

House Republican rules nequired that Delay
give up his leadership job because of the indict-
ment. but he retains his House seat. Delay is
the highest-ranking member of Congress to
ever be indicted.

The single charge alleges that Delay and

See Delay on page 4

Newsroom: 2574915









no: 2 I Ihursday. Sept. 29, zoos


- t
. flank“














Continued from page 1


Ceramics graduate stu»
dent Waseem Touma echoed
his sentiments.

“it Would be a privilege:
it would be exciting as a stu-
dent," Touma said. He
added that it was a fun pro-
ject to see how the other stu-
dents developed their indi-
vidual ideas out of one uni»
form assignment

so %

Continued from page i


week of class. Kyle Hettinger.
chairman of the Board of
Elections and a political sci-
ence sophomore. said the
amendment was needed be-
‘cause there was not enough
time to organize the elections
because of 86's late start. He
also said it's important the
elections go smoothly to im
prove SG's image.

“We need to bring back
some credibility to SG." Het-
tinger said. ”The most impor
tant thing is that we do this in
an organized manner."

The students toured the
Harbor Steel building and
had roughly a month to plan

and create the design.
’l‘ouma said it took two
weeks alone to construct his

Harbor Steel General
Manager Ron Willard
looked over the designs and
presentations yesterday
along with Mike McDermot.
Harbor‘s outside sales exec-
utive. Willard said he wasn’t
sure how he would make his

“I just wanted something

a little modern." Willard
The amendment was

passed in both meetings and
goes into effect immediately:

The Senate voted on new
polling times for the freshman
elections. based on the new
amendment. They will be ()ct.
if! from 10 am. to 4 pm. and
Oct. 20 from ll) am. to it p.m.

The Senate also approved
adding 82.500 to the 221-Rll)l~l
program. boosting its budget
to 87.500. The funds were
added because 221~Rll)E is ex
panding its services.

The Senate approved an
increase in funds to the Sen-
ate Support Staff to $6,500
from $1,000 in the originally
drafted budget. The amount is
$1000 less than last year. The
account pays for the stipends
and scholarships of the Sen»

A model of a steel
sculpture constructed
by a UK advanced
sculpture student sits
in the Barnhart
Gallery. Harbor Steel is
sponsoring a competi-
tion among the stu-
dents and the winner
will receive the mate-
rials needed to build
and install a sculpture
in front of the compa-
ny's building.






‘1' m I "A"



The representatives
were expected to make their
decision yesterday. but de-
cided to hold off until Mon-
day. They took photos and
wanted to talk to other rep-
resentatives of the company.

Bibbs said he was proud
of his students' work.

“I'm excited it’s the
first time we've ever done
anything like this." Bibbs

“All in all. it's another
lesson in sculpture."


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ate’s staff. Senate President
Nick Phelps. an economics
and finance sophomore. said
the increase from the original
draft was needed to pay for
two new positions.

The Senate finished by
electing members of the im~
peachment committee. which
would handle impeachment
charges if needed. as well two
members to serve during the
University Senate meetings.

The 80 Senate also ap-
proved 12 students to be rec-
ommended to President Lee
Todd to sen’e on the Universi»
ty Appeals Board. The board
handles situations where stu-
dents‘ rights have been yiolat»


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Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005 I PAGE}.



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m: 4 | Thursday. Sept. 29. 2005




Continued from page I


Street. Washington Avenue.
South Limestone Street and
Patterson Drive.

“People are starting to ig-
nore the rules a little bit."
Franklin told The Kernel
Tuesday. "I’m starting to get
some complaints from pedes~
trians. faculty and staff
about stepping outside their
classrooms and a bicycle
whizzing by on areas they
aren‘t supposed to be riding
and almost hitting people."

Some students said
they're bothered by bicy-
clists on the sidewalks.


Continued from paqel


back together and prevent a
civil war. Other countries
have expressed similar con-
cerns in private. according to
US. and Arab diplomats.
With Bush‘s approval rat-
ings already the lowest of his
presidency: the administra-
tion is also facing an increas-
ingly visible antiwar move-

DeLay 7

Continued from paqel


two political associates con-
spired to funnel corporate
money illegally to Republican
candidates in 'l‘exas. It capped
years of intense political ani-
mosity between DeLay and
Ronnie Earle. the Democratic
district attorney in Austin.
who is leading what has been
a lengthy investigation into
DeLay and his allies.

"Let me be very. very
clear," DeLay said yesterday.
“I have done nothing wrong. I
have violated no law, no regue
Iation. no rule of the House. I
have done nothing unlawful.
unethical or. I might add. un-

Many of his colleagues
backed him up. and White

“They’re really annoy-
ing," said Rachel Chen. a pre.
pharmacy freshman who
walks to her classes every
day. “One kid was riding
straight toward us and he
didn't slow down or any—

thing. We had to step out of

the way so he could get

While many students ride
their bikes to campus, not all
students ride their bicycles
from class to class.

“I think it's fine having
the parking here and walk-
ing. lt‘s not that far." said
Nathan Lyons. an undecided
sophomore who rides his bi-
cycle from Oldham Avenue to
Patterson Drive. Lyon‘s class-
es are in Whitehall Class-
room Building and Memorial

ment at home. from a week»
end demonstration of about
100,000 people in Washington
to a new “Out of Iraq" con-
gressional caucus. The cau-
cus. which has 68 members,
all Democrats. is mounting a
campaign to withdraw US,

“We're building a growing
movement against the war in
Iraq that will give people who
feel uncomfortable about the
war a place to share their
concerns and discuss and
work through a solution

House spokesmen Scott Mc-
Clellan said that President
Bush still considered DeLay
“a good ally, a leader who we
have worked closely with to
get things done for the Ameri
can people,“

But Democrats seized on
the indictment as another in a
series of ethical problems and
political missteps by the Re-
publican establishment.

House Democratic Leader
Nancy l’elosi of San Francis-
co called Delays indictment
“the latest example that Re
publicans in (‘ongress are
plagued by a culture of cor
ruption at the expense of the
American people" a charge
she and other Democrats have
signaled they will stress in
next year‘s mid-term elec»

For many Republicans.
DeLay‘s indictment heightens
anxiety over the political en
vironinent developing for the


Computer science gradu-
ate student Miao Liao said
while he chooses to ride his
bicycle around campus be—
cause of high gas prices and
cost of a parking pass, he
avoids riding on sidewalks
because of pedestrians.

Franklin said Tuesday p0
lice don't want to have to is-
sue citations. but they are try-
ing to keep the campus safe.

“We don't want to have to
start going around and ag-
gressively enforcing the bike
regulations." he said. “We are
just asking people to use com-
mon sense. follow the regula-
tions and make campus a lit-
tle safer for everybody."

mboehnkeiu kykernelrom

should it be immediate with-
drawal or an exit strategy. We
want to build a consensus
that we want to get out.“ said
Rep. Maxine Waters. D-Calif.

This last phase of the po-
litical transition has become
a llashpoint largely because
of Iraq‘s Sunni minority.
which is widely skeptical that
Iraq's proposed constitution
would protect them or pro-
vide equal access to Iraq's oil
revenue. Sunnis from Iran
and neighboring countries
are the main force behind the

2006 campaign.

“Anytime you have any-
thing that even smacks of
scandal. 1 think it hurts all of
us,” said. Rep. .Ioe] Hetley. R-

DeLay. 58. was first elected
to the House in 1981 from Sug
ar Land. a suburb of Houston.
Once the owner of a pest con»
trol company. he emerged as a
prominent lawmaker after the
"Republican Revolution" in
the 1994 elections gave the
party control of the House for
the first time in 50 years.

He earned the nickname
“The Hammer" for keeping
his (}()I’ colleagues in line. He
was (left at tapping into Wash»
ington lobbyists and other
sources of political money to
help keep Republicans in pow-
er. And he was a major force
behind his party‘s impeach-
ment of President Clinton.




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Female suic1


Thursday. Sept. 29. 2005 I PAGE 5

de bmber

kills seven in Iraq city

By Louise Rog
Los ments mars

BAGHDAD, Iraq —- A fe-
male suicide bomber dis-
guised in traditional male
robes killed seven people and
wounded at least 35 when she
detonated explosives outside
a police recruitment center
in the troubled northwestern
city of Tal Afar on yesterday.
according to Iraqi authori-

The bomber was believed
to be the first female to carry
out a deadly suicide attack in
Iraq since U.S.-led troops
ousted Iraq President Sad-
dam Hussein in April 2003.
and locals met the news with
a weary sense of inevitabili‘
ty brought on by the continu-
ing insurgent violence.

“I am not surprised to
hear this news," said Abed
Hazzem, a police officer in
Baghdad. “We are on the
lookout for anything.
They‘ve used dogs. donkeys,
poisoned food. and now

The unusual attack came
amid another series of
bloody episodes across Iraq.

In Baqouba. north of
Baghdad. a suicide car
bomber aimed his vehicle at
Iraqi police officers near the
main entrance to the city.
The bomb exploded close to
the checkpoint, killing a
passing driver who was hit
in the head by flying shrap-
nel. according to an eyewit-
ness. More than a dozen oth-

ers were injured.

Near the city of Safwan
in southern Iraq, two Ameri-
can convoys struck roadside
bombs within the same hour
Wednesday. killing two sol-
diers and an airman in two
separate explosions, accord-
ing to US. military officials.
American officials also an-
nounced an investigation
into the death of a Marine
two days earlier from a non-
hostile gunshot wound at a
camp near Fallujah. A third
soldier. assigned to the 2nd
Marine Division. II Marine
Expeditionary Force. died
Tuesday after he was shot
during combat in Ramadi. of-
ficials said.

In clashes between armed
men and US. forces on a
highway near Ghazaliya on
Baghdad’s western edge. a
passing driver was shot and
killed by stray bullets, ac-
cording to Iraqi officials.

Police discovered the bod-
ies of seven young men near
a railway line in Shula, a
northwestern Baghdad dis-
trict. The men. who had been
blindfolded. handcuffed and
shot, were Sunnis from Hur-
riya who had been arrested
by unknown men Tuesday
night. according to Adnan
Duelimi from the Sunni Peo-
ple Conference.

Insurgents have stepped
up their bloody campaign af-
ter a joint U.S.-Iraq military
offensive in Tal Afar near the
Syrian border earlier this
month. The violence has

mostly targeted Shiites. But
in recent months, there have
also been reports of police
abuses against Sunnis.

In Tal Afar, residents
have slowly begun returning
to a community patrolled by
soldiers and riddled with
checkpoints. sandbags and
barbed wire.

According to Iraqi offi-
cials. 160 suspected insur-
gents have been killed and
more than 700 people de-
tained in the course of the of-

The female suicide bomb-
ing followed meetings Tues-
day between Iraqi govern-
ment envoys and local chief-
tains aimed at encouraging
residents to sign up with the
Iraqi police.

The cloaked woman
struck the recruitment cen-
ter as it opened its doors for
the first time yesterday. Min-
gling with recruits and peo-
ple seeking government aid,
she detonated her explosives
as she reached the center of
the crowd. said Maj. Jamil
Mohammed Saleh.

Before the explosion, “I
heard some people saying
‘make way for her,m said a 22-
year-old recruit.

“Women being involved
in such operations would re-
ally make us concerned and
worried," said Haider Ibadi,
a spokesman for Iraqi Prime
Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari.

While female suicide
bombers have struck repeat-
edly in Israel. Russia and

Chechnya, there have been
few such attacks in Iraq. Be-
fore the fall of Baghdad in
April 2003, two women killed
three American soldiers
when they blew up their car
at a checkpoint near the city
of Haditha.

A woman was caught car-
rying explosives as she was
about to enter a government
building in Baghdad six
months later.

Meanwhile. in remarks
yesterday to reporters in
Washington, President Bush
painted an upbeat picture of
developments in Iraq.

“The terrorists will fail,"
Bush said. “See, the Iraqis
want to be free."

Bush said U.S.-1ed forces
had dealt a strong blow to in-
surgents in recent days with
the killing of Abdullah Abu
Azzam. identified as the N0. 2
leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.

Azzam was shot during a
raid in a southeastern neigh-
borhood Baghdad over the

“This guy was a brutal
killer," said Bush, declaring
that the American-led “plan
to win" includes “hunting
down high-valued targets
like Azzam."

Still. Bush warned of the
likelihood of escalating vio-
lence in advance of the Oct.
15 Iraqi constitutional refer-
endum — comments echoed
in London by British Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw. who
warned of “more dark mo-
ments" in Iraq.


Army looks into soldiers' tie to porn Web site

Officials investigate allegations
of war photos traded for porn

By Josh White

Army officials are looking
into allegations that soldiers
have been trading gruesome
digital pictures of war vic-
tims in Iraq and Afghanistan
for access to an amateur
pornography Web site, but of-
ficials said yesterday that
there is insufficient evidence
to pursue criminal charges.

The allegations surfaced
last week, when the East Bay
Express. a weekly newspaper
in the San Francisco area.
published a story about
graphic photographs that ap—
peared on one section of the
Web site. The photographs,
which show the bodies of
several people killed in
shootings. explosions. or
fires, include crude captions,
some of which mock the

Pentagon and Army offi-
cials issued strong state-
ments yesterday condemning
the taking and posting of
such photographs but said

there is little evidence to au-
thenticate them and few
ways to pursue a criminal in-
vestigation. While some of
the photos appear to show
US. soldiers in uniform near
mutilated bodies. it is un-
clear where or when the pic-
tures were taken.

The Web sites creator,
Chris Wilson, said Wednes~
day that about 30,000 mem-
bers of the military are reg~
istered on his site, several
thousand of whom have sent
him photographs or com-
ments from their official mil-
itary web addresses.

Many photographs depict
life in Iraq. while only a few
are extremely graphic. he

"It‘s an uncensored view
of the war. from their per-
spective.“ said Wilson. 27. of
Florida. who began accept-
ing the photographs from sol-
diers overseas as payment
for access to pornography on
his site. “It’s a place where
the soldiers can express
themselves without being fil-

tered by the Bush adminis-

Those who submit photos
of war casualties could be
breaking military rules
against “unbecoming" con-
duct and also could be in vio-
lation of government regula-
tions regarding use of the In-
ternet. Soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan have access to
the Internet. largely at Inter-
net cafes, and many have dig-
ital cameras.

Army spokesman Paul
Boyce said investigators have
been examining the photos
for clues to their origin.
adding that commanders in
the field are emphasizing
that taking and posting such
photos is unacceptable.

“If accurate. these are
gruesome depictions of de-
ceased people in Iraq, and
that violates the standards of
our values, training and pro-
cedures that we ask military
personnel to observe and
obey.“ Boyce said.

“It is very difficult to es-
tablish they are in fact being
submitted by soldiers. where
they were taken, who they
were taken by, and the cir-
cumstances surrounding

The Council on Ameri-

can-Islamic Relations has de-
cried the photographs and
called for a Pentagon investi-
gation. An official said the
images could inflame insur—
gents and give people in oth-
er nations the mistaken im-
pression that many Ameri—
cans are gloating over casual-
ties of the Iraq war.

“What we’re most con-
cerned about is the safety of
our own soldiers. “ said Ar-
salan Iftikhar. CAIR‘s legal
director. “It only tarnishes
our image even further and
serves as fodder for the in-
surgents and terrorists."

The Web site, which has
an obscenity in its name and
Web address. says it is pri-
marily a site for “amateur"
pornography. Wilson. who
said he supports the soldiers
and the war, said users must
search out the corpse photos,
which are not displayed
prominently on the site.

He also said that if the
military approached him
through official channels and
asked him to remove the pho-
tos, he would shut down that
part of his Web site.

“There’s no need to put
soldiers in danger. if that’s
what they believe the photos
are doing,“ he said.


Supreme Court to

Anna Nicole Smith's battle over