xt73ff3m097z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m097z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1991 1991 1991-11-05 2020 true xt73ff3m097z section xt73ff3m097z  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClV, No. 214

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. November 5, 1991



UK undergrads ace 8.5 percent tuition hike

Managing Editor

dergraduates will face an 8.5 per-
cent tuition increase during the
next four years, according to a tui-
tion schedule approved yesterday
by the state Council on Higher Ed-

The schedule, passed during the
council‘s November session, calls
for UK’s undergraduate tuition to
increase by 3.4 percent in 1991-92.
That would raise the cost of attend-
ing one semester of classes by 530
for an iii-state student.

In 1993-94, the schedule calls
for a 4.8 percent jump in under-
graduate tuition at UK, bringing
the tab for a full semester of class-
es to $880 for Kentucky residents.

The cost for students who reside
outside the commonwealth will be


“We do not build our tuition recommendations

on state appropriations.

Gary Cox,

executive director of Council on Higher Education


Gary Cox, executive director of
the council, said the state revenue
shortfall Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
recently projected had no impact
on the percentage of tuition in.
creases, despite tlte fact that Wil-
kinson told state-supported univer-
sities last month to cut 531.6
million from their 1091—93 bud-

“We do not build our tuition
recommendations on state appro-
priations," Cox said.

Rather, tuition rates are set us-
ing a complicated formula that ac-
counts for such things as ltiittori

rates charged by benchmark insti<
tutions and per~capita income in
the commonwealth, Cox said.

He also said any future cuts in
state appropriations will not affect
tuition increases.

The budget ax, however, may at-
fect a proposed tuition reduction at
Lexington Community College.

LCC students traditionally have
paid higher tuition than students in
UK's 13 other community colleg—
es. Kentucky residents attending
LCC currently pay $810 a semes-
ter. compared with $340 at the oili-
er community colleges.

laarlicr this year. the council en»

dorsed a plan to lower l.(‘(.‘ rates
gradually, and the tuttion schedule
released yesterday called for a
ISA percent reduction in all LC(‘
rates during the next tvvo bieiiiii»

Because of the revenue short-
fall, however, lllls plan has riot
been linali/ed.

Before LC‘C cart drop its rates,
(‘ox said scarce additional funds
would have to be found to cover
the lost revenue, that would result
lrom the decrease.

Other resident and non-resident
tuition increases tor lWl-‘l-l my
clude a 3.3 percent hike tor stu-
dents iti the Community (‘ollcgc
System, excluding l.(‘(,'; and .iii
RH percent rise Ior students er.
rolled in l'K's (iraduale School

'_t'.\ ,clltitll Ittcv'


'71,. _, y
.1 /.~ ,Itlttlit .ii


t during. illi' iicvt lvvo liieziiii

CHE delays approving budget request

Associate Editor

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —— The state
Council on Higher Education em—
phasized pragmatism over idealism
yesterday in determining the needs
of Kentucky universities in the
next biennium.

The council was scheduled to
vote on a recommendation that the
eight state universities receive ()0
percent of formula funding in the
first year of the biennium and 100
percent funding in the second,

Citing the state‘s financial vvoes.
the CHE decided to have the uni-
versities and the CHF. staff come
tip with four other requests based
on different funding levels, which
would show the impact of each

Council member Kevin llable
of Louisville. said simply asking
for I00 percent funding is “not rea-

listic and not helpful to govem-

The council will meet at the end
of the month to make a formal
budget request. which will include
funding at the four lC\\l\ as vvcll
as at full funding.

The request will go to the Gen-
eral Assembly and the governor,
then into the state biennial budget.

The fottr funding levels:

-at Silt. million more than the
current recurring base appropria»
tion from the state. This vvould
offset the amount cut from the uni-
versities‘ current operating bud-

-at‘3~16.7 million in 1002—0? and
at 905 b’ million in 1091-04. This
would cover “basic needs." which
are defined as fixed costs and sala»
ry increases of i percent.

-at 85% percent of formula lurid-
ing by the end of the biennium

-at 00 percent tunding bv the

end of the biennium.

The proposal passed unanimous-
ly on a voice vote, alter protest
from most of the university presi-

Hable, a former state budget tll‘
rector, said that if ever higher edu—
cation had a chance tor ttill formu-
la fiinding it .was the tilt)” sc‘\\ltlll,
“And we didn‘t even come close."

Five of the university presidents
asked the council to be idealistic.
and to seek I00 percent funding.

I'niversity ol Louisville Presi-
dent Donald vaain his
sessions of the (ieneral Assembly
had taught him at least one thing

“There‘s an old saying in Frank-
lort. and that‘s you never get vvhat
you don't ask tor." he ~‘ald

”II this touncil does not .iilvo
gate what our real needs ilil
()llk‘ L‘lst‘ 'v\lll H

He called Lite \illlllcll ~-
approaeh "sell denying."

said live


i'. ‘. I\k'(l

council meni-
ber J. David
Porter, of Les-
ington. said the


3 lllc'li-


The piai‘ provides a “greater . p
porttiriitj. tor higher educatici; t.-
highlight the needs," liable and
The presidents argued that the
plan would provide the (icneral
.\ssenibly vvith


all L‘Lt\:\' ‘vv.i\ tlol li‘

give education .vhat :t


"l behevc that giving tbsni an
out diminishes vvhat the real iitcd
ot higher cducalii‘n .s." aid
Northern Kentucky ’t'iiivcrsitv
President l coll lltiiltllc‘.

See BUDGET Page 8

Council Joe lsill






l ‘ .. i' ’
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Undergraduate :


("‘1 .
L“; 92-91
I 91-92




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University to expand
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Jones’ campaign costs
highest in state history

Assocrated Press

FRANKFURT, Ky. N If there is
one constant in the often nutty
world of Kentucky politics. it is that
money talks.

This year, it lairly shouts.

The six tnain candidates who
sought the Republican and Demo-
cratic nominations this year spent
$3,703,641. The four Democrats
alone spent $11,548,947. The bud~
get for the entire city of Danville
this year is $10,284,132.

Lt. Gov. Brereton Jones spent
$4,008,074 to win the Democratic
primary in May. The budget for the
city of Berea this year is

Compare that to Louisiana, where
there are 400,000 more people than
in Kentucky and where politics is,
historically, even more corrupt.

In the recent primary in Louisia-
na, where Republicans and Demo
crats alike ran in an open primary,
incumbent Gov. Buddy Roemer
spent about $2 million to finish
third. It was deemed a remarkable
sum for the state‘s election. The two
men who finished first arid second.
former (iov. Edwin Edwards and
former Klansman David Duke. re-
spectively, each spent about half as
much as Roetner.

In other words. the top three fin-
ishers in the Louisiana primary
spent, in total. alxiut as much as
Jones did all by himself. Roemer
would have finished a poor fourth
among Kentucky gubernatorial


(i ll berrtzifofial Catfipaign





And the contribution limits in
Louisiana are higher. IndiViduals in
Louisiana may contribute $5,000 to
their favonte candidate. In Ken-
tucky it's $4,000. Political action
committees in Kentucky have the
same limit. In Lomsiana, the PAC
limit is $50,000.

What did Kentucky's gubernato-
rial candidates get for all that mon-

ln Jones‘ case. he got 184,703
votes, or 33 I .70 per vote.

That was better than Martha Wil~
kinson. who spent 82509502 and
didn‘t get a single vote. She
dropped out before the primary.

The May primary did prov c one
thing that has become almost a
truism in Kentucky: You have to
spend to \\ Ill.

Like Jones, Larry Hopkins tar
outspent the competition to uni the
Republican primary. Hopkins spent
SIS-12,737. larry Forgy spent
5m 1,907, The difference was un
derstandablc because Larry liorgy
declined to accept contributions of
more than $300 for his (BOP cant

See MONEY. Page 8




Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brereton Jones spoke at a
hometown rally at Woodtord County High School last night.

Money shouts during 1991 gubernatorial election

Assocrated Press

horse breeder llrcreton Jones used
an Sb‘ million bankroll to conduct a
quiet campaign that has made hiiii
the prohibitive lavoritc to vvm Ken-
tut ky 's political cvacta today.

loncs, the Democratic lieutenant
governor, spent 8-1 million to vvin a
sharply contested primary in .\Iay
.itid will spend a like amount by the
tune the results come iii trom to
day 's general elct lion.

Republican nominee Larry Ilop
kins. a \‘c‘\c‘llrlk‘llll member of (on
giess who \vas considered the best
(l( )l’ hope lor governor III a genera
tion. siiIIcrcd :i couple of self
inllicted campaign wounds. Most
damaging was his admission that be
among the House members
vvlio xviote bad checks.

\\ Ll\

Jones spent yesterday taiiipaigtt



lllg! tltilt'iii tits‘l lil i i'tiis‘st."‘

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Story, Page 2.


Soccer gives Irishman David Griffiths an
oportunity for education in the UK.

1991 Kentucky general elections. Go out

and vote.


“Other People's
Money” full of sat-
ire, romance.
Review, Page 4.

y t‘vy’DCif‘ii

\\ its; ‘icds




Assistant Sports Edito'

If David Griffiths were not plav
ing striker for the 111s soccer team.
he probably still would be working
at Marathon Sports Shop in Dublin,
Ireland. and maybe playing st‘llll'
professional soccer on the side.

Such jobs would not to ptit turn
through college. but through life

“We don't really have a college
based system in Ireland." Grittaizs
said. “We have colleges. but it‘s
only really for the wealthy or vct\.
very brainy You leave school .i'=.l
go to work at IX."

“When I left school. originally I
couldn‘t find a rob l
ployed at 1‘ 1’: years of age."

Grilfiths‘ situation is common for
young Irish. The economy of Ire-
land is weak. \ testament to that is
the neighborhood of Ballyterniot.
where Griffiths grew tip. Ballyler-
mot is a working-class region at
Dublin. the 1111110115 capital.

The houses in Ballyferniot are
small. uniform and packed closely
together in four-plexes m very siiii
ilar to town houses. Some Dubliiiers
consider it a slum. btit not the kind
of ‘ stuiii” r‘xniericans ciiy isioii.

‘~\ 11\ 1111(1er

Ballyterrnot may be one or the
poorest areas in Dublin, but it is lit".
dirty or run down like many of its
American counterparts. The people
w ho live there are the poor and t.ti-
derpnyileged. Yet. these Irish are
unusually dignified. They have
great deal ot pride and self-esteem

Poverty is a fact of life in Ireland.
Griffiths saiil upward. mobility is the


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exception rather than the rule in Ire
land‘s strict caste system.

The chances of making a life for
yourself in lrelarid as an 15’ year
old out of high school are rare.
I‘hus, many Irish eiiiigiate to the
l‘nited States.

The United States' population of
Irishborn citi/ens ls four times that
of Irish citi/ens who live 11! their
ll'dlth‘ country.

“A hell of a lot more Irish pco
ple can come met here and liiid
work." Griffiths said. “You‘ve got
‘~ 1/2 million people 1111 Irelandy
most of which are very old .IIItI
\ery' young people. And in the lllltiv
dle. you have the youth. w ho really
can't fitid arty jobs. All my friends
would emigrate to England to find
iobs. They're all working now 111

To solve his dileninia. (irillitlis
used his lifelong education iii soc-
cer to get a scholarship to attend an
American university.

”A lot of Irish students are over
here iii colleges playing soccer.”
Griffiths said. “An awful lot coiiie
o\er here because it‘s a way to get
a good education and get sort of a
lump start on everybody else back
home. \\c can go back home with a
college education or even .\I.i\ oyet

Gr'itliths' titIlllsllllc‘liI to Attic-in
can culture has been a niaior on.-
Ballyfermot is smaller thari I'K‘s
campus. But sire is sortiething li‘
which all UK students must adjust.
Griffiths' problems on campus are
not much different from those of
any first-year student.

“I'm really bad at multiple-
choice exams," he said. “Tests back
home are all written. It‘s pretty
solid. but it didn‘t really expand
outwards like Artierican education

“Psychology"s been really strange
for me because I've got 500 stu-
dents iti the class. I'm coming from
Transy (Tniiisylvania University)

where there's only 25. in the
class - and riiy high school, which
has like 500 students total. So it's
like there's 500 people in this class,
and I couldn't believe it. The teach-
er has a microphone on anti you can
hardly see him He's like a blur up

And the culture shock of life iii
the L'S still has not worn off.

“The people here have cars at
to.“ (itilfiths said. “I could never
have had a car back home. It's jttst
too expensive.

“The kids here are spoiled. But
you gotta look at it this way. that‘s
the way life is in America. Every-
thing's big. Everything‘s fast.
Everything is money. Whereas back
home it's not really slow and
backwards it‘s just that it's a
small country with a sriiall econo‘

Griffiths began playing soccer as
a toddler. Ile first visited Lexington
while playing for an Irish national
team. It was then when he im-
pressed the coaching staff at '1ran-
sylyania. where the tournament was

.\n organi/ation called the Sister
’t'ities Commission gave Griffiths
an opportunity to speak with the
right people and he let his soccer
ability do the talking for him.

Griffiths returned to Ballyferniot
and. to the shock of his parents, told
them he was going to America to at—
tend school. He spent his first year
at Transy but transferred to UK this

He said 1_’l\"s jump to Division I
varsity helped make his decision

“lt‘s was partly because Transy is

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so expensive - and because UK
had gone varsity in Division 1. It‘s
such a big lure, because back home.
playing NAIA isn't as good as play
ing in Division I," Griffiths said.

Griffiths said soccer in America
is a little more technical than in Eu-
rope, with a lot more buildup as
compared to the more direct, faster
paced style to which he is accus-

“I‘ve had a problem this fall with
that." he said. “It’s not the team‘s
fault. It‘s the way the team plays.
You have to adapt to the way a
team plays. and that's been very
hard for me. I‘ve had a bad

UK soccer coach Sam Wooten
credits Griffiths‘ biggest troubles to
adaptation to the new environment
rather than a new style of soccer.

“He's a pretty versatile kid."
Wooten said. “The hardest thing for
Dave was to get used to American
ways . - just the customs. Dave
has had a problcm wrth his fitness
this year. too. There‘s always an ad
justment to the different diet we
have here. We've got him on a
good fitness program and he's real—
1y starting to develop "

Playing European soccer devel-
oped Griffiths into a solid striker.


UK striker David Grittiths fights for ball control with an opposing defender. The sophomore trom Dublin,
Ireland. played at Transylvania last season before translering to UK this tall.

but Wooten said there has never
been a situation in which a foreign
player completely dominated the
American competition.

“I have yet to have a foreign kid
come over here and totally domi-
nate the American players." Woo-
ten said. “1.'.sually. it they are that
good they enter the professional
ranks over there."

Griffiths, however, had just that
opportunity in Ireland. He was of!
fered an apprenticeship with a
semi-professional team called the
Shamrock Rovers in a system simi»
lar to American minor~lcaguc base-

The apprenticeship meant that he
would play for the team for free for
an unspecified period of time. They
were no guarantees. and Griffiths
needed a commitment. The idea
was that if he were good enough to
make a pro team then. that he still
would be good enough, it not bet-
ter. after four years of college soc~

Outside of playing for I‘ls'. Grit-
liths also coaches soccer 111 the
Kentucky Kickers Soccer Club. He
is accredited to coach in Ireland as
well as the timed States He said
coaching is definitely in his future.

“I've been coaching since I was

17," he said. “1 get along great with
the kids. Of course. the accent helps
an awful lot because they have to
listen more attentively because
you‘ve got a different accent. Plus.
they respect you more when you're
European because they know that
Europe is the hotbed of soccer."

Griffiths said he takes the empha-
sis off winning and gets his team to
focus on the enjoyment of simply
playing the game.

“The way 1 coach is that 1. first of
all. make them enjoy the game."
Griffiths said. "It's all about enjoy»
ing it rather than jiist winning. winA
niiig, winning. The be-all, end-all
isn't winning. It's playing well. A
lot of coaches sacrifice an awful lot
of the kids development because
they want to win ev ery game."

While Griffiths is interested in
coaching high school soccer when
he graduates. Wooten said he push-
es his players to higher aspirations.

“I tell them to set their goals
higher and think about coaching at
the college level.” Wooten said
"Dave has the potential. He‘s very
personable. 1 try to fuel (interest in
the coaching professiont in people
who want to win. '1 flats something
that has to be there. You can‘t
coach that. Dave has those traits "

UK at SEC cross country:
3rd, 9th; Arkansas perfect

Staff reports

One. two, three, four. live. .\‘|\
equaled victory for the Arkansas
Razorbacks yesterday at the South-
eastern Conference Cross Country
Championships in Athens, Ga.

The Arkansas men's team fin-
ished in the first six positions en
route to a perfect score of 15 and
their first—ever SEC title.

Arkansas‘ women's team also
won its first SEC title. scoring 30
points, 50 less than second-place

The Wildcats scored 112 points

and finished third. behind Arkansas
and Tennessee. Freshman Vadini
Nemad, UK No. 1 runner. finished
eighth. Nemad raced the men‘s
b'.(t(tll-riictcr course in 25111

Senior Khalilah Muhammad led
the Lady Kats to a ninth place fins
ish. Muhammad finished the wom-
en's 5.000-nicter course in 19:18 to
place 29th.

Team scoring in cross country is
tabulated by the runner‘s individual
place of finish. Only the first seven
finishers affect the score. First place
is worth one point; second place.
No points; third place three [‘Ullll‘s.

and so on ’1 he [cant \\llIl lowest

score wins.
Other UK finishers

-Women: 33. Michele Schweg-
man. 19:36. 37. Jennifer Kendall,
19:45. 38. Dana Dieu, 19:45. 4‘).
Shannon Steiner. 20:10. 60. Angie
Rohrscheih 20:52.

-Men: 1-1, George Yiannclis.
2523‘). 23, James A. Kaiser. 26:06.
34. Neil Crouse. 26:06. 41-1. Rashid
Derrrcks. 26:52. 51. Gary Fitzpa—
trick, 26:59. 58. Jason Acrce.
3“le 611. Alan Thomas. 37:35





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Staff Critic

“Other People’s Money" is
the most pleasant surprise of the

Director Norman Jewisoii has
put together a sharp. wickedly
funny social satire without dehu-
manizing his characters the way
last year's “Bonfire of the Vani-
ties" did. The result is both topi-
cal and timeless.

At the opening of the lliOHC,
Larry the Liquidator il)aniiy l)e-
Vito) explains his great love of
money. Money. he says. loves
you no matter what you do.

On the surface he is cold.
shallow and greedy. However.
DeVito deserves accolades for
subtly lleshing out the warmer
side of an easily detestable char
acter. Without pandering to the
audience for sympathy, De\‘ito
wins our hearts simply by being

The plot is simple. New lzrig-
land Wire and Cable is ripe for .i
corporate takeover. Stockholder
DeVito sets the wheels in mo-
tion and the game begins.

Gregory Peck. the company
president. realizes that he is out
of his league and calls on his
brilliant stepdaughter and lawyer
(Penelope Anne Miller‘i to com-
bat the takeover attempt.

The unlikely pairing of squat«
ty, vile DeVito with the tall. leg-
gy Miller creates the kind of on-
screen chemisuy that films to~
day rarely seem to capture. They
fight bitterly. exchanging insults
and innuendos one minute and


‘Other People’s Money’
is humorous social satire
and engaging romance




gifts and flowers the next.

When the dust settles on their
skii'iiiishes. DeVito and Miller
haxc a warm understanding of
each other DeVito e\pres'ses
this eoni‘iection beautifully in .1
scene \\ here he plays \‘lt‘llli for
her over the telephone.

“Other People‘s Money"
works on every level imagina-
ble. It is a brilliant social com-
mentary as well as a deeply en-
gaging persoiial movie It 1\ a
rriovie about people looking for

And when they cannot find it
they go after the next best thing:

“Other Pewpfc't Mont'v." ritt~
cit F? ii .i’izititrizt' ti: 1 i’ti‘iizinri
Gwen and Him 0 War .lluvazx
8, and .Vrirt/i I’m/r (‘irit'niiii



"I'm not an artist, I've
got no use for that word.
I have things inside me,

and I've found ways to

get them out. I do it just

so I can ease the pain."

"Most of my stuff

stems from what makes

me get up in the

morning: so, violence

and the fact that I'm

alivcnthe war inside me."




Belsak and Ramsey fuse musical talents

Staff Critic

Jerry Belsak and Mike Ramsey.
Lexington music circles know these
two musicians as accomplished solo

in January of this year, the talent-
ed artists combined forces to create
one oi Lexington‘s finest duets.

Belsak, a classically trained gui-
tarist, has performed in Lexington
nightclubs since the mid-‘70s. Ram-
sey is a completely self-taught mu—
sician except for one year of guitar
lessons at age I0.

Belsak and Ramsey perform well
together. Their individual creativity
is enhanced as each artist provides
musical inspiration for the other.
the creativity between the artists
appears limitless.

Speaking about their fusion, Ram»
sey said: “I became extremely im-

pressed with Jerry's playing style
and technique. We talked one night
after he finished a solo perfor-
mance at Lynagh's, and the rest is

Belsak said of the type of music
they play, “We do singer-
songwriter stuff and finger-style
guitar instrumental material from
Leo Kottke to Michael Hedges. Ac-
tually we cover a broad range of
material from finger-style acoustic
to electric rock."

During a recent performance,
Belsak played mainly acoustic 12-
string guitar with added electric ac-
cents from his Fender Stratocaster.
Ramsey took care of vocals and
rhythm guitar.

Launching into “Knockin’ On
Heaven's Door," the pair combined
perfect timing with accomplished
musicianship to create a perfor-
mance that must be heard.

Belsak and Ramsey customize
each set to the audience. The mood
and response of the audience dictate
how much energy artists expend.

“We never use a set list," Ramsey
said. “One night, the crowd was
particularly excited and Jerry did a
(Jimi) Hendrix-styled version of
‘The Star Spangled Banner‘ — the
crowd went wild."

Chemistry between the two was
evident as the second set began.
They performed the Beatles’ “Nor-
wegian Wood.” Ramsey executed
perfect rhythm guitar and vocals as
Belsak harmonized while supplying
beautiful lZ-string accents. The per-
formance was flawless.

Energy levels began to rise as
Belsak and Ramsey performed
“Tell Me To My Face," by Dan Fo-
gclberg. Belsak‘s fingers were a
blur on his lZ-string as Ramsey’s
rhythm guitar blended to make this

Performers pay tribute to Bill

Associated Press

Grateful Dead and a host of other
rock 'n' roll acts who owe much of
their success to promoter Bill Gra—
ham paid tribute to hitn with an out-
door concert of the scope he might
have planned himself.

More than 300,000 fans gathered
at Golden Gate Park on Sunday for
the free, 5 l/Z-hour “Laughter,
Love & Music“ tribute that featured
big names from the 1960s as well


Associated Press

NEW YORK _, The sequel to
one of the biggest Hollywood
blockbusters of all time, Gone With
the Wind. is coming to television M
anti not the big screen ——— in a
record-breaking deal that cost more
than $8 million.

RHI Entertainment Inc., the pro-
ducer and distributor that made the


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as more recent stars.

Graham was killed with two oth—
er people in a helicopter crash Oct.

One of the highlights came when
Crosby, Stills & Nash reunited with
Neil Young. The four played to-
gether in the early 10705 and later
embarked on reunion tour orga-
nized by Graham.

Other performers included Bob-
by McFerrin, Aaron Neville, Jack—
son Browne. Joumey, Tracy Chap-
man. Joan Baez anti John Fogerty.

“This is truly a day to treasure in

your hearts.“ said guitarist Carlos
Santana, :1 close friend ofGraham.

Graham in the l960s made Win-
terland and the Fillmore auditori-
urns in San Francisco and Fillmore
East in New York Citv into pre-
miere showplaccs of rock. The halls
helped The Dead, Jefferson Air-
plane, Santana, Janis Joplin and oth-
er performers gain a wide follow-

Graham promoted shows by such
rock legends as the Rolling Stones,
Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan and the
Allman Brothers Band. He also was

a truly impressive display of musi-

An excellent performance of the
Beatles’ “While My Guitar Gently
Weeps,” brought this song to new
levels. Ramsey performed vocals
and rhythm guitar, while Belsak
played some of the most creative
electric guitar work I have ever

Closing the set, Belsak per-
formed “The Star Spangled Ban-
ner," complete with Hendrix-style
guitar feedback. The audience de-
voured it like candy. A fast break
into Hendrix's “Purple Haze," veri—
fied this duet’s ability as serious

In all, after hearing a Belsak and
Ramsey performance, any appetite
for live music will be satisfied.

Jerry Belsak and Mike Ramsey
will perform 'I‘hursady night at
High 071 Rose Curitirta.


involved in many benefits, includ~
ing the l985 Live Aid concert.

“I wonder if Bill‘s in heaven or~
ganizing a show," said comedian
Robin Williams, who led the crowd
in a cheer for Graham. “He‘s UD
there saying, ‘Hey, Elvis, you’re on

The crowd burst into cheers
when the Dead took the stage and a
lowotlying plane dropped carna-

To close the concert, Baez led
the crowd in an a capella rendition
of ”Amazing Grace."

to appear as TV mini-series

miniseries “Lonesome Dove," pur-
chased rights to Scarlett in associa
tion with CBS television and two
European distributors.

It will appear as miniseries on
CBS in 1903.

RHI Chairman Robert Halmi said
Sunday it cost more than S8 million
to acquire the rights from the estate
of Margaret Mitchell, author of
Gone With the Wind.

The deal ends a month-long bid-
ding war for the best-selling novel
and shatters the previous high for
rights 108 book,

Larry Blaustein, spokesman for
the William Morris Agency, which
handled the negotiations. said the
old record was the $2.5 million
paid by United Artists in 1979 for


will be at RHA

meeting, Nov.
6th, 9 pm, 307
Bring que