xt73ff3m0880 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m0880/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1982 1982 1982-03-03 2020 true xt73ff3m0880 section xt73ff3m0880 u
=i ' .
Wednesday I ' .
~ ' I
KENTUCKY a,» . .1
After two nice days this week it 5 too “ —
much to expect that today will be warm ’ , ,
er 2 and sunny, right" Wrong! it will be cloudy I Acrobatic students
and cooler today. with a chance ol
showers. The highs will be in the upper Some UK students or» lCl'qu an unusual ' ‘
405 to mid 505. There is a 90 percent class where they (on '80!" in .uggle and
chance showers and thundershowers will walk a tightrope oiid l)'llt‘l ~il\u§ leolletl '
hit the area tom ht. The lows tom ht Will GUN/"'85 5863 story O'id pd N'K‘S 0" MN“ .
_ be in the lower 'ngd 405. 9 " J b ‘ .’
V°l>lxxxwi No» ' IOWodnudcy, Mom. 3. im Umvoui'v ol K-niurky LEIinglon “mud, .— A" independe”. “we", ,...Mpapp. mm W.- “"~‘—“‘ ”— _H,.___.e.___...__, , ~ i. —-~~—~~ 7 » .
1' I I. I V” ‘ , ‘ ‘
WI cause a s up its... . . a has: , ,. _ .-
I I I "" $9M ‘ ‘ A‘ , ‘f'ts-f ‘ T as” _. "it;
c ‘--«‘!-”‘r“ ~ '5'. . k1“. _ ‘m‘ ~ ‘2 '-
In qual e uca Ian 2'“ nae-t w a.» - -—
_ . - y ‘ p , . . g _ K . ‘, , _.
‘_. ‘ ‘ -- .1 -o ' :3 “o . ‘ .
___—___. told Bell, “We can’t afford the guai'r‘fize —- ‘ ‘ ~ " ‘9“ >5" - _ :Z'
By WGMET SCEERF defense budget at the expense of the .:. . , V , , ‘ ' . " -- . . -‘.'f’ _f
Asswatedmwnm education budget." ’- i, ' 'r“ “,5 ~ ‘ . . -i Wasn't "
___—___... Asked by Rep. Augustus F. “Cb“ {vb-vi- . 41,-. i, _Jv a: 3 -‘ -. a. "‘ “_f‘ ~ - L 'V "-"m
WASHINGTON—House Republicans Hawkins, D-Calif., if the quality of K ”:31“. %V- , - ~ ~ ‘3 5;}; :o‘fi’g“, of}: -;_'._ -‘ ' ', ‘ '
balked at President Reagan's school- education for disadvantaged children .. ', '5 5;"?355' ._ , : 13%;: ‘g‘g 1 Kr: : ‘ . .. . 2 K -
budget cuts yesterday as Education can be maintained With a 23 percent ' _' j fish‘s ~ 31hr ‘ “W’sfiggt . 399;: =" ' .——, -'-' 7"- is ' ' - ' __ . . ' ‘
Secretary T.H. Bell conceded the cutinfunding, Bell conceded it could :5“: o- ‘3';~:“:, - ‘=~”~v---—r f2“; 5-1; 5-2:}: «7 ‘4" 7,: -. . ‘
quality of education for disadvantag- not. @V’fi’érv '_- rfi- ." ,‘Jj-‘fs; Sifts“ gm": @522; 1 .L '
ed youths would slip under the pro- “I couldn’t make that claim,” Bell 5:43;: .3." ;..;. ‘ * - _g-_.’;:_‘};':—-.t (#11 _ ' °.;v~-;"? - #9 ‘1}.
9.33am of these proposals 1 can’t :gificmnfzfuasrzdufiietngdclongcggiu ~—» - - h ‘ _..—.e . ’- V .‘i‘i‘; I ’5 " " E
support,” declared Rep. John ed." _ ‘
. Ashbrook of Ohio, ranking Theadministration budget groposal ’ .. .‘- .
Republican on the House Education cuts federal education funds from 16- f , 5 ___— _ ~ - r ‘ 2‘ '
andLabor Comnuttee. He specifical- about $13 billion to $10 billion and ; _ .. ‘_ .__. - - 1. ,_-, .
ly assailed cuts in vocational educa- reduce the Education Department to _‘5. '. —- - —- _ l V w; «‘ i '2
tion and education for the handicap- afoundation. ‘_.—.1”. -. 2" -‘;—‘—~ ‘ z __ j;
m’hzt’?“ the” {éfim‘lfic‘s‘m that Acknowledging that the Title 1 pro- ' . ‘ —~=SE=E.:: f “
Ashbrook also said his “main con- 5'3” ”I, “mung “advantaged , .
cemis that Republican‘ members had 38:?321‘1'3323"; ficfifldfi ‘
minimal impact—nexttonoimpact ho' ’b No ed f di f 't‘to ___; ~ k n‘ i .-
—onthedecisions thatarebeing ° ”9.“ ' ““3““ “3°“ —_ , . -t=——==___r————.1
made ., $1-9 from: became of overall budget ‘. _ - - -=_—=——-___==___—'—'———— .- :- _. ___. 1 - ‘ ..
. Lawrence J. DeNardis, R- cons am ' ‘ffl _.__ ’ ‘ “__fi ,. --' -~§._.-==____‘___ , ‘ ‘q ‘_ __ _2—— _-
Cori“: told Bell, “1 disagree with m; ”3M cut would reduce 1‘— ’” ’ “°’~ ‘ ~ '1" L" . '-—"_.._'f’ f “‘1‘": 2 '-’——-—= f - : .
almost everything in the budget as spen ng .ror‘r‘i $55, per student'to _ i - “fiat—é: . 4—— ~.- ‘_. ‘7‘” . ' "
mum. I do“ how of anybody on $400.hesaid.. Idontiivantytosaylve ~v‘“—_ ___- ' ———_—_ -___ - . ——_~- — -—~ - _ _‘ . ,
this commitm _. save om “- two fwd: [3881“] soluhon,’ headdw' ”M . 2‘ ‘ — c V:_—h -fi. — i', , ‘-
possibly — who could support the sugmmngtw "‘2‘ $51"; 3:; ‘3.“ q we» '“—“ 1—“ T ___—___. ~ ‘, 4, *
budget you submitted. You’re going ' hit—fl _, . g : - _. __ _ _=__ _ , _~______ .2 . 1‘
to have to resign yourself to the fact Bell said inhis prepared tatimmy: 1 . .1." ' :9— m ~.—_—'.__- - ‘ " g '_
commonsense» “wimp am many or as a . ,-—--::;__ r~
ten." reductions in federal funds will be - ‘ ' , - ' w m _i, ,.
Rep. Muse mm W, said many offset by increased on a m ’ -‘ ’
. people in her district “are absolutely local and individual contributions M ___.2 15: «2- _ _ L
appalled at the depth 0‘ the WW “‘3‘ ““1 be ”we if ‘ "mam“ m— M "
cuts for guaranteed student loans and gammylimuggvzgx b88053: or; - , --———- 2 “ . ~ --—-——-—-——- .—-—_--——____-_:D; - .0 ___ ‘ . '
thePell ants"for need students. y.sa an s income es ”W 0“ ' '
She 351, «if is quite )éoubtfu] any rm and school year 1%3-84. 0f the Early angler
changes can be made above and $181 billion spent nationallyoneduca- 8‘” M t. it . f. h‘ f . . -j
beyondwhatwasdonelastyearinthe tion, only about 10 percent come: i or in o exmgtori was is ing 'or crappie as the sun set near Lextrtglottts owned by the water company (lild lS moi, , .- ,
)1 di tl from the feder 1 vem- on Lake Ellerslie creating a mesmerizing pattern of shadows ed by a private fishing club. '
smen‘1mp'wam‘ m y 8 3° d lines i th t Th i k h' h' i d ' "
Rep. William F. Goodling, R-Pa., merit." 0" n e we er. e a e, w it is ocate on US 25 __...__._ .,__-_c-.l 2
I a I .
Presudent Reagan pledges not to retreat Senate Finance Committee recommends i ,2-
I I I I I I I I I ' . "
from military buildup and fiscal policies cutting federal deficit With tax increases l .* :
'_— which has attracted keen interest There mist be no retreat in those ___ man Paul Volcker told Congress recommendations (‘Ulllalncd in
Xémgmwt; from leadersof both parties. areas." BY JIM LUTHER , yesterday he foresees “some Reagan‘sbudget. 5:."
Reagan, at an earlier stop in And he insisted his budget pro- Assocrated ”‘55 Writer recovery soon" but raised the ques- Added to that will he a paragraph 1i, , ;’
m Cheyenne. Wy0., coulplained that yam, despite deficits widely pro- ____~.—.__ tionofwhether thatrecovery can be in which the committee states im in '
. Washington “seems paralyzed by jected at over $100 billion in the sustained tention to meet or exceed Reagan's "_-
ALBUQUERQUE, NM. ~Presr- hand-wringers"overtherec0rd red coming years, will “guide our coun- WASHINGTON — The Senate The administration says an recommendations for reducing the ._ .. 3’
dent Reagan vowed no retreat inkinhisownprogram. tryout of this dark tunnel ofreces. Finance Committee voted yoster- economic recovery will begin next record deficit. That language Will ‘_i’, '.~ ,
yesterday from his tax cuts and Reagan, whose lieutenants, in- sionanddecline.” day to slash the 1%3 federal deficit springandlast for several years. paint out that the committee ‘ ,l .5 ",'
Pentagon bulldUp. saying lil'le all-er- eluding Budget Director David “Others say the way to balance at least as deeply as President The Senate Finace Committee, reserves the right in ralxt‘ llliirt' I fill: '
natives advanced by critics are Stockman, have increasingly talked the budget is to cut back on Reagan wants but indicated it will which has jurisdiction over all revenues and cut less spending than _i«.}...‘~
desrgned to . save certain of compromise with the Congress, defense"’ Reagan said. “This is the raise taxes more and cut spending taxes and about half of all federal the president proposed
legislators political hides rather offered little quarter on his latest one subject on which the man loss thanhehasasked. spending. agreed to send to the “This becomes an entirely ' - a" I-
thansavmg theeconomy. excursion from theCapital. holding the lObIhOIdiS practically On a ”.2 vote the committee Senate Budget Committee a rc- technicalexert‘ise and should not be '1‘ i”,
The president did. "0t name Reagan declared that “As the the only one who has all the facts went out of its wa' to disavow an quired FEW" on how it expects PFO‘ viewed as ratification 0' SUPP‘)" 0‘ "
names, buthiscomplamt was aired volume of voices rises in debate_ with regard to our national securi- endorsement of geagan‘s bu d8; grams it oversees tobe changed for the president's budget,» Sillll Son. ' “.i.)
m the_home state 0‘ 8 fellow con- there is one thing I want to make ty. We dare not reduce our defense for the bookkee ing ear that 1983. John C. Danforth, H Mo ”(,3 i
servatlveIRepublican, Sen. Pete V. very clear: My commitment to cut- budget . . . I don't think Americans be ins Oct 1 p y Instead of presenting tentative ”We are not locking oursclvcs in ’.'."- .ji '
Domenl’cr. who has declared ting taxes and rebuilding our want their armed forces held g : ' ' _ recommendations of its own. as it to anything," added Sen Bob Dole. 5.;
Reagan 3 budget deficits unaccep- defenses is every bit as strong to- together with chewing gum and bal- Meanwhile, testifying 0" the has in past year 5. the Finance (30!“- R-Kan., Chairman 0f the comm” _'. "i ~"
table and Proposed a counterphn day as it was the day i took office. ingwire." economy. Federal Reserve Chair- mittee voted simply to forward the tee. -'.-=.
F F ' I I I h I I 33' '3 I‘
ram rltos to frurts - student s snacking ablts diverse _ 1 -
___—— ding UK.soarethefoods eachstudent food, others only health food. Some sophomore, said her favorite snack is their snacks. others get them by nutritional foods “.0. like apples and _1
By CARR“: WALLACE likestosnackon. eat costly snacks, others jtst “grill “sub-sandwiches from Archie‘s." “cashing in" their meal cards oranges."
Mom fincking can be m an individual food." Carroll said she used to ordera sand- Mark Evans. a architecture junior, Sugar is not the only thing that , x ‘
___—___ level ora mass exodus tothe vending Whatever the case. almost wich about four times a week until it said he “lives on Ho Hos and milk " satisfies student's snack t'raVlngS ‘ 1‘
machine and multiple pizza everyonehasafavoritesnack food. “really started cutting into my Evans and his roommate always cash Dela Schultz. undecided freshman. ‘- y, ..
Justasdiverse arethepeopleatten- deliveries. Some students eat junk Mary Jo Carroll, journalism budget." She said snacks were in their meal cards for Ho Hos and said the last time she hada candy bar l."
costing aboutSBtiOSIO per week. Doritos. was over a year ago “i ,
“5.3.... ._ ,_ .. One snack that seems to be an in- “We wait until lunch turns over to She said, “I don‘t eat anything Wllh
§:~:g:;§§§:}§,;331133;?5.3.13}; , _ stitution at colleges acrossthenation dinner to cash in.“ said Evans. preservatives or sugar ‘ Shullz said , .
;§i:‘ii_j";'f:“ f'f‘j-?='~?"f ""3""fr'3‘; 1-5.3; ' l - » . - . . ispizza. “because then we get $2.90 instead of she snacks on only fruits and occav . ' ‘
3:, ".51 .t' \' ._ , Sarah Sumner, accounting senior, $2.45.“ sionally she cravts “bananas and ~' . '
'i ‘ if. '_g‘ if'j_fgj}g,.g;§- > __ _ __ said when sheandafriend called fora Evans‘ roommate. Ricky natural peanut butter “ - '_..
" 51,1.- j‘f-li-ESE" - - . ’ 1' / Pizza during finals week last VanHoose, telecommunications Not that she does not likciunk food .‘ i -’
‘.;.:-‘;.;.§j;.:§ \ . " ‘r ’ _ semester, thedelivery man recogniz- junior. said when Evans gets home in fact, she said she loves it But. . I ‘
. -- m W . . _ ' _' ed the address right away became of from work iusually around4a.m.> he Schultz said she has read how Junk t - .
. " ., .} g ' _ the number of pizza’s that had been can always hear theslow ripping open food affects the body '
3:"“5555-3 "i'iizii , '1’ ~ ' ;-' f ”i 4 delivered there. ofa Ho Ho bag. "1 want to take care of my body." '
V w W ' "334‘ 7 :. - ~ air “I said the address was 476 Rose “He opens them slow to make less she said. “I have also learned how ”n. . , ‘
iiiiiei=gigj;_§sii.i" _, j ; if'. gii‘” ' Sreet." Sumner said. “and the pizza noise. but he makes more noise that portant it is to eat foods from the f ’
A _ -' ' ' . 5 - ' "' man said ‘Oh, the ADPi (Alpha Delta way. Then I hear the slurp of milk." basic food groups and not ruin my diet 'i
g / Pl sorority) house.‘ It was pretty em- Kirwan ll residence hall has made with empty calories." ,'
‘_./Z 1' h / barrassingi" snacking a group activity Dun'ng Another student who does not eat - .
’ -j . '5 _ can Sue Burrier, extatsion specialist in finals week last semester. the dorm much junk food is husmf-ss
1.5.... ’_.... fl '7”: _. M v O h .. foods and nutrition, said pizza is nota provided "study snacks" for its sophomore Jason Parroco. \ i
- «1V3: t” '_.',"- ' 'V;":o;_‘..,s'.-‘- for. k: ~ .' ‘“ M ) “bad"snack.Shesaidthecheese and residents. Parroco said. "1 cash in tat the -
" fifliu‘ ...§.:.;;;._.3:‘.,,”'...’ . “I * _ w ' __2 . A . 2 items added to a pizza give it nutri- Kurt Turner, a sophomore major grill) for eggs. milk and orange juice. ,' .
. MN 2..» ”w '. e; we“. «on _i if . f tionalvalue.1‘hecrm't.however,does ing in english. and president of the ldon't usually eat junk food became!
‘ “M“ :4...‘ s: (g _ i. . Q make pizzaahighcalorie food. dorm, said the study snacks were “a don‘tcrave that stuff "
. M ' ' .-: M" " ' ' / Barrier said it is best to choose great success — probably because Stephanie Collins, a classical
a.2...:2;v-:.j.3,.;.:.;v;¢.._.;.:..:_u W KQY‘V.‘ snack: that “are nutritimal.but. that they werefree." literature junior. is a combination i'
3 j“ .. -,;_:.:-:si*3”-j v don'tlddllotofextra calories." He said the dorm treasury spent junk food and health food snacker. ‘
‘2'} , .V _H'jzggigif' . “ if; \",¢;.’4 She sugguted any type of fruit or closetosaoa night for them. She said she usually eats a mixture
' ' - _, - f {30.7 raw vesetable. becamethey “lrovide “Some of the most popular snacks of fruit and raisins. When she wants a ,
I . / / ' 4* ,, ' \‘I . vitamins and mined: and the ml- were Ones, glazed and chocolate "good"snack.tnwever.shespenth82
“’5"; " . K -1 la‘ityarelowincalorles." dotahnutsandhotchocolate."1\irna or :3 to buy a half-pound of non ‘
. I t . . ' Whiflome shrdentsoend out for said. "31;! we tried to provide some parielsorgome Godiva cincolaza.

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dilonol dl'Ul
I x A P - E E
. Illl sullen Ken Alum my, We. Mu Crouch Kirby Stephens u. M “an
- Educ: mChlei Du, Ed-lov Nancy 1.0m!“ )poru who. All; Editor G'cwmu (duo: Pholo Editor
_ > . ' mldwlnuurle
- ' ersuaSIon .........- .......... “M” “W” ‘°'"'““‘“"'°“ """‘°‘* "W"
‘ Manna-n9 kit-'0' Copy Edna. Assistant Managing Editor \ Ash-stout 590. n Editor Assulonl Al I) Editor layovl (duo: cruel Photographer
‘ ., l l
. I I I
A ematlve 88179 Gavsmdentsshwldmtbedemedmhtsmofflle'beieis
.‘ . UK offers many outlets for student expres- struggle through exams just like everyone
' sion: black students have the Black Student else. Unlike others, they tend to respect (but
'- I \' .- ,_ Union, off—campus students have the STRAY not necessarily agree with) opposing points of I Do ‘7' E/V
55 ,5 " ~ CATS and the various colleges have clubs and view, and more importantly, alternative YU CK. WHY WE- NEED A GA y (ID T! 5
‘, . associations for students within the depart- lifestyles. ORGAN/1477M ON M/f CAMPUS ? YOU MOW
-, ' . 5 merits. Acceptance is something that many
I There is one group of students, however, students and administrators are reluctant to THERE CAN‘T BE 73/47- MANY O F ? ”EM
5' I . who do not have their own group and have do. ' D
‘ g - - been denied the right to form an organization UK President Otis Singletary once question- AK 0 U ND H ER E/ R! C‘ H T '
‘ 5' - in the past. ed if the formation of the gay student group
'5 They have been discriminated against both would cause other students to turn gay or at
_. at UK and at other universities across the na— least “engage in violations of the current /,
, '. 5. tion. Met with legal battles, these students penal code.” W “\- ,’
,2; .1 have been forced to give up the fight to Kentucky statutes outlaw sodomy, a broadly {I I. 5. ~ 5 ,
v 1_ - organize as a group. Greeted by harrassment termed reference to “unnatural” sexual acts ;7 CM)
.‘or stating what they believe, many of these between adults or between humans and I \ 4’ A t é r 3‘.
' .55 ‘,.‘; - students have begun to disguise themselves beasts, and “unnatural and immoral” sexual * 1' 5 r» ‘t , ”g “r“..ah ,
3 l’ ‘ and keep their feelings dormant. acts between persons 0f 17 years 01‘ older. 1: ‘ ' . ., . J ' .5" ’ em;
‘ ‘. Who are they? Why aren’t they wanted? While both terms could include homosex- ; ltj ' , f It,
. ‘5 . What is wrong with them? uality under the vaugue immoral and un- I nil/1%,", 5 , 9 § , ,
V '5 ,- They are students, and they are gay. They natural sections, so could they include I E. E & \ ./ fl 5 § 1,; .5 7
. 5 , ' '.' are not wanted because they do not conform to heterosexuality. 5" : E ——=—-:-_—.~' ,__—-= § E '2 g
f what the community deems as “moral and de- Both laws are totally dependent on com- 1 , :—-—-— \. "i: . Mm w "W §§ 5» §
* ' ' .' nt." Th re is nothin wron with them. it tandards nd as an stud of the e :‘-— l 2. ‘ “—-" "" .. §§ “5 \\
.. 5, 5 Gay students are hassled from every direc- black rights movement can show, community g ._ t g '1'?" ' 53/51:. :- f. §§ \_.
5 5 tion. University administrations do not want standards can change. I t. g, ' fir 15:53.3" :4 “g ;§§ j;
g 2 '. , them on campus, students do not want them to Homosexuality is not against the law. Infr- "( g \::= 5%- 2—5 7 §§ . Ii
‘ ' get activity fee money and nobody wants to ingement on a person’s rights however is g ‘ I E #33: 1— §
' I 1- - l . . . , . ' - I V ‘/ f’ “ I ‘ ; E: M ‘5 1' §/ ‘ 3% .
5 ,5 catch their “disease.” The last time gays tried to orgamze, their ,3- I" e (, l ..,v 33 2:3: 2 l I 5‘, 5, § i
i .5 _ A Homophobia, the fear of becoming or right to do so was denied by this university. , % "u" fi :__:_ gi‘ / 5:3 .\\ :
. '5 associating with a homosexual, seems to be Currently, two gay students are trying to ’ , .u‘. 2.. lt-‘e Qua?“ ! é ” E
. _'_- . j,- catching. Actual homosexuality, however, is start another gay student group. This time, in- /,j I I /// "I” n 5,;:;;..;,..,,,, , .--. is: 5 :a
:5 , 5:", 5 not contagious. It also is not a physical ail- stead of fighting against them, the students of / /,//"/ 7/ It 5:}
,. .' merit, a psychological disorder or a social this University should help tobringa different :/ ////‘ 3:3... _»
5_ ' disease. view toan institution of “learning.” 5/. / jig} . _-
. Gay students are, as the term implies, It’s time for the “straights” of this com- 9 34/ / .5 A
. ‘ - . students. They pay tuition and student activity munity to come “out of their closets” and ac- N" M -::;::~.~;.»»_~_ #5551
, fees, they go to classes, use the library and cept gays for whatthey are—human beings.
Ab t' I ' I t' b f ll 7
; i; or ran egls a Ion may e a waste 0 our tax do ars.
, For the most part the Kernel 2) Prying or intruding into a per- vation of unenumerated rights to the psychological harm inbeing‘ forcedto a US. 52 (1978), the Court held that whee the state is substantially [ro-
_- 5,, .1 . . editorial of Feb. 26 deploring the ac- son’s private affairs or seclusion people. The First Amendment bear the child may result; that the a reqmrem' ent of the writtal consent meted. ’
5 : ', - tions of the anti-abortion proponents whicha reasonable person would find freedom of religion and the Third mother’s mental and physical health of the mother of a pregnant uneman- In Stevens’ conclirn'ng opinion he
5 . . i._ in the Kentucky House of Represen- objectionable; Amendment prohibitiononpeacetime may be taxed by child care; that the cipated mino' r is unconstitutional declared thataminor should havethe
, tatives is correct. 3) Publication by a wrongdoer of quartering' of soldiers in homes are mother may lack the economic because it gives the minor’s motha- advice of her parents since the
5, _5- - ' sf The situation is, however. pl‘Obably certain facts which placea personin also potential sources. reamircestosupportthechild. forcing an absolute and possibly arbitrary parents and the minor are not
a 5 ,5; . worse than the editorial depicts. a false light (with some limitations The Warren and Brandeis article the care upon thestate; and whether veto power over the decision of the necessarily in perfect agreement or
, , . ,5. . These proponents are throwing away for public persons); and suggests that the right ma be prevention or discouragement of doctor and patient, regardless of the perfect disagreement _ i e that the
. _ , , ., _ , . . y even . . . . . . - 5
. _ , --. -. iur tax dollars, putting time and ef- ______ older than the Constitution itself either marital or extra-marital sex Is reason for withholding theconsent. minor should be exposed to the whole
fort into legislation which will not One of the areas in which the a valid exercise of the stat police Thestate interestinprotectingthe spectrum of comidaafim on the
5. », ~' stand up in court because it isaviola- Guest Su . power. family unit was not applicable; in tter d not el the .
,5 5_ . . . . preme Court has recognized the . . . . ma 1 an mer Y C0"
.. tionofthe nghttoprivacy. right is in the right of a woman to The problem wrth the second m- cases where the family is already clusory black-versus-whiteopinions.
.5. 5513,.5 The first qmmn to answer is u - have an abortion in certain cir- terest is: Who is a better judge than split on the abortion issue, the state . ,. ‘5 '
5 ., ~ ' “What is the right to pfivacyqn The O 'n'on cumstances This right in the mother herself? And, in the case interest in “enhancing par-aim In short, theproposed requirement
5 '. » . ,4 - . 881138! . . . ,, . . . - an mt mom’s
,f - theo ofthi . tfi tf d _ of smgle women, why give them the authority or control is likewrse not 0f notice to expec _
, ,_ .5 . . _ ry “1831 rs 0“" W6 _ breaks down along the three . . . . . . . . . and
, . , ; . sion in “390 in an article by m D. ———-———— trimesters of egnanc , additional difficulties, and continuing applicable. However, the Court noted hmband I8 unconstitutional
.5, ii :1} E- “f Brandeis and Samuel D. Warren (in 4 4) Public disclosure of private facts pr y. stigma,ofunwed motherhood? thatall mirrors can give effective con- should be abandoned under Planned
~f Harvard Law Review 193) called “mutape’mbyamngm- 1) First trimester. During uterus: The F0516!“ with the W 'm' “Himammi W‘Wumiww ”mm“-
‘. {2:25, “The RighttoPrivacy." The state courts and legislatures trimester, the mother has an almost terestare: _ become MK“ “"13me The proposed We“ that
5 , 5 are nottheonly ones who have spoken absolute righttoan abortion (subject , How are the medical, capacityformature judgment. aborting physiciam mist certif to
‘- ' ." 5.- The article reviewed a number of on the matter. to her right to afford one since the theological, philosophical, and legal Planned Parenthood also held that thestate that they have infu'medytbe
‘~'.’."- 55%,; older cases in which relief had been Court has held - the H de Amend- authorities goingtodefinewhenabor- a requirement of notice to husbands - - -
5 _ , . th bas' ofdef t' The US Su eme Court has also in y . , . motherofthensksandalternabvesrs
It ., given 0" e , IS ama'lon,‘or , - - Pr . merit case that generally there is no hon become illegal? (The US. Con- (whetherormtthemotherisaminor also amblesome Doctors 861681!
breach“ confidence 0|” Of an Implied recognized a "8m ‘0 anécy; cm“ constitutional right towelfare money stitutionisnohelp unless itisthrough is also uncomtitutional because the alrea ha do to inf a1);
w , 3, contract, in the publication of letters. rently the Supreme C0“?! 15 m the SectionOneoftheFourteenth Amend- notice requirement does not further - dy - ve a - ty so can '
-, '_ tr . dthelik The til! _ prm Of deriving from the word tOpayforone). . u . ,, . . , theirpatientsprlortotreatment; and
por altsan e. ar .' econ “1i .. , The state must find a compelling ment, which defines citizens as the state interat in protecting failuretodosocouldmakethemcivil-
55: , ,5, cluded that these cases were,inroali- hefty (m the Fanteenth mald- smeimemtin 0mm, an abortion “persons born in the United mutuality of decisions vital to the lynablennwm
. '5 1,5 ‘, ' ty, founded upon a broader pnnclple "Temp“? ”0065 Clause) at 5M ii] t' to tend See R States") marriage relationship, and because . '
~ "-. l . ' constitutional otection for rlvac reg a 1°“ 5 ' e.g., °e V‘ - - - - ' - ”'3“ Since doctors already have
_, . . _._. . which was entitled to separate P" P _y, S ) hich Four possibilities are conception, thewomanbearsthemore immediate -
.5 5 . . rsonal autonom and some famil Wade 410 U. . 113 (1903 , w .. _ n , , , , , thedutytomform,whatpurposedoes
5, . . . recoemtlfm. and, Profile? from pe . . _y . .y struckdownastatute which made its quickening, Viabilityandbirth. consequences of havmg, or not hav- thecertification have?
e; ,5 ,, unauthorized publicity, Ln his essen— relationships which reqwre specml m-me bomb” doctomnenm an , Isany abortion performed before ing,thechild. '
. “any private affairs» justificattion for state infringementon abortion and for the mother to pro- birtha deprivationof theembroyoor Consequently, the intaest of a The only amwer is that some
1, t :‘ Although largely rejected at first “mm erests. me one. In Roe, three possible pur- fetus’ life by the state without due “devoted'and protective husband" in umcrupulous doctors may try tntake
,".i-,' :, a; the concept of the right of privac’ Some of the theory of the [rivacy posesofthestatutewereidentified: m- And '3 the mother an ac- the “‘93 Fm “d m the advantage of m 9‘63““ ‘8‘
1, 5 _ y right is derived from the Fourth _ . complice? _ growth and development of the fetus noranceof that (hityinordertomake
; ,5 .' began ‘0 gain favor, and during the Amendment prohibition of r to enforce VICtOI'lafl morals cone .4 Can the penalty for abortion be is irrelevant. Similarly, the fact that a buck by performing an abortion
.','l' riff-'5 aft," 1935 the "d9 begantoturnstrongly '" unreasonable searches and seizures, 091111118 111101! sex, different from the penalty for thewife’s decisiontohavean abortion even when it is not in the patient's
I! », ~15. favor Marthe ltgfid 19:176. :61}, but: and from me Fm Amman,“ w toprotectthehealthoftheexpec- murder? If it is, would it be a viola- may have possible deletelom mal- best interest.
I“: . UYO or . eff t ‘25,? 09, privilege against self-incrirnination tant mothel'.and non of due process or equal protec- tal and/or physical effects on the Queries: lathe problem realorim-
j. 2‘ . .. :j eory m a e” we W °"“S‘ (Barrett, Conwtufiomj Law; cam, / 09 protect the health 0f the Pre- tron? marriage’s futurelsalso irrelevant. agined? If it is real, will‘the require-
mmmméré- and Manna“ 50, ed Foundation natal hie. wThe common lawhasrecognized Boliomv.aalrd,4dau.s.m(iam, mtdoanythingtoalleviatethepro-
5 . , '-,‘ 1) Appropriation by a wrongdoer of m (1917) ) " The problems with the first interest no right in the unborn to sue except held that a same court may not over- blern?
I , a Demo" s. picture 0" ,name for the ' are: that maternity, 0' additional Off- upon the contingency of birth; other rule the coment of a mature, unmar-
,. Li} 5 “it" wrongdoer s. commercial advantage Some recognition can alsobederiv- spring, may force upon the woman a causeeofactionarebasedonrightsof fled minor. mm, under If the requirement doesn’t do
'.?" j-f 1.2? ”n “"31" “W"‘s‘anm’; ed from the Ninth Amendment 133- dish-aim life and future; that theparents. Bellotti. a requirement of mere anythins. it is them probably un- ~
7.5" f. .4 The problem of the unwanted mtlflcatlontotheparenta the minor comtitutional under: 1) the com-
, 2' m by Be bed child, especially where the family is possibly uncomtitutional if the merce clameasanundueburdenon
" 31' M COUNTY rke ”teat (assuming there is a family) is to minorhasmopportunitytoreceivea comceiOM/Ol'mmdmm
,i, 5 RIGHT. mm care for it both psychologically and judicial determination of sufficient clameot‘ the Fourteenth Amendment
‘. . mt...some mam otherwise. man-ityorthateba'tionwouldbein adanorbltrarylaw,and/u'3)thedue
'.; 5; Q“ ', ”mega, fax? Mme; no _.“;gq%lgg5,, On the basis of most of close oon- momma-at, process chi-e of the Kentucky an
' ', ., ' . act lag wages “st/GAR Basics " magi \ ‘ alder-stint: the Supreme Cairtstruck (This was thebesiooftheopinionof stitution. -; '
5 .' mom... m R RIG“. no son down statute in Roe as un- four of the jluticeo; four other '5
\ WW5 \ We \ Gnomes. OF. oomtitutional. jl-ticeeconcurredonothagrounrh; (“Ldeénmw
.i -. .,l ,. , ,e‘ . )4 M ,ii f 2) Second trimester.Duringtheee- JmticeWhitedieemted.) '3,“ wmmumwm
, X X {”9 fr\ condtrimester,thestateacqulreea TheCourt,however,notedthate w tionieho l iftheK/ul-
.5 fl. , ‘0) , _. 5", “VT 9% compelling intact in the health (1 notice requirement fu' immature “an AM,“ Gen!!! h“ WW:
.. ,',, ,_. v61, . ‘5 ,' 5 , n/{ f) \p ,w themotherendcomequentlymayact dependenhispobeblyconetitutional the ttenti of the Genus]
:51,’ . i. W ; s; -‘ m- _, -‘--~"—f—— onthetground;buttheetetemaynot became of the parent's privacy in- t° “an“: la ~
. .‘——‘_- . ‘ L l‘ , L ratrictherrlghttoeborttoanyex- tautinmemrhfldthdrchfld'w m'n‘ Y “W “'9‘,“
, r m a , a“ 6‘ talt than is reasonably to promote aetheyeeefit.citlngatnebergv.New omb- ym “m- y
1.2 — -- . 5- -- ‘ thatlntc'at. Yormow.s.m(im). If any moral controls on abortion
5 " ' , . 3) Third trimester. Durlmthethird Finally, 3.1.. v. Matheeon, 150 U.S. aretoexht, WWW ‘ .
.' 5 flnfiyfimafiggum Wtfim g,n'gm"§ 6W trlmatu', theatateacqflman oddl- see lien), in its plurality oplillon or m in mm mung... m a a
.15 ,. 51"“me THINGWINM msmm m 5”»; nomicompellinglntcoetlnthelifeof {M ”W,Hd tinttheeteteh- church; M flu m M
.' mm Bowman) muse swan lsmmmcom my mm, theunoorninfent. most in protecting a minor and the mmyuwoinorgovorm.
,5 MYRTMMW mm. wmllurlcmm , ~ IT lnshort,tbeSupromeCoul-thae family tntegrityla flattered by e -
' ,7 . WWW f “WWW” _ M%fi adopted,intheereeofebwtim.the notloereipllrunentfromtheminw'e (‘I‘hieiethereuonfa-thentet
'5, . . 'x , " w ,- " eecondofthefmdtberl‘httodoctortothemimr'e polo-rs WMdnlldo-i
' it” ' ‘ . ~ , 11,”) \ trifle! —therilht W purine or became it givu theperenteenlmpce cane-m the WW 0‘ the K5-
' i. a”; . l [3 ‘~ I" a; lntrudlnr into a poreon’l plate at tunity to give the doctor “ennui-i Newton-n» .
’ ' I 10/ ‘ T I a i ,, ,5} fair: (I ”ell-ion which I reaeonable medical “minimum.” 149‘ l I“ 9'9 ““0 M d the 3W-
, 3?: .j 3 El, " 7 «on, NI" " per'eonwouldtlndobjocthmble. 'l‘heqriniainotedthatthenotieere- mm- :
. ,. .37 hi! i H . , ,1 , x . W 9.. Geeee Wt to Ron have 01- W may inhibit sane minus -
5 iii aim: . ~ g», ; ,E; g}. (.5 5 a WWW. www.muumoolo MOW
. T,,_fl._, u.‘,| a 1* u _ inrlmodrormnoodvponrorul. Manually. heeleforetteck WWW
5 ' . g t ‘

 ‘W T“! KENTUCKY KIRNEL. Wodnouh . March 3. 1902-3
Billets .
0 II ed a bird that was about to he gunned down by the RED. while serving time in state jails, our illtutriom editorial child whose rather has—:iever workedwwih emailing; ,. '-
BOSk Iba workers. Then (to my surprise) the bird was shown yell- author responds soeloquently - “Corne again?" my taxes Yes, ain’t freedom great!
mgtoMoeandlarryforhelpThecai-toonwasacheap Wh dolgetthefeel‘ thatthis
E l' . _ takeotltromCm-ly Howardandthe'nireeStoogos Y “'8 19'8me DavidE Banks '
- tly a colu ' '- ' m the Fem“ by Jun H" I can't believe the Kernel was fickle enough to print an because the author knows that “the smaller the {00% the 1 A A ~ ’ ’ .
rls (Feb. 15) complaining about how bred he was of hear- . . . . . . . . - ,.. E ectncal engineering freshman .
_ , editorial “m1 the bird hm al Side a tasteless center it clears the teeth. Am I to assume that the author A
ingaboutUKbasketball Wellllarnswelcometothe “3 "8 “'8 - - - - .
clubot’whichlamthefounder ' ’ cartoonofadoomedbirddoinga'l‘hreeStoogesadage. disagreeswithtlussuggostion? . I _, 2,
WI lwas in elementary and junior . l 1 [was When we realize to use common sense in controlling M be intend for me ‘0 enloy paying money Wt 0‘ my ssues ' '
.. 'w.‘ ’ disease imtead of desuo' thi with disease the Paycheck each week to pay rent and buy food for the , .
intelligent sensitive reasonabl athletic on Then ”"8 "5“ ' - -
«:11 t to . . land bec y blpe'mtellig t world will be a humane place. drunk who drives over my child, or financially support the Wi