xt73ff3m0857 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m0857/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-08-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 24, 1981 1981 1981-08-24 2020 true xt73ff3m0857 section xt73ff3m0857 "'2'”! .t‘ 2.3"... ,3 . 2.2; . .1 '- . 2_'~;2i:22r't~' w 2a; 2 ' 22:22. ‘- ‘ .22“- ‘ -- ,2 2 2... 2: ‘ f .'..'.:,'.‘2=*:-;2W* i 1:215 23‘ '22: ~22 «his... 2... 2. . 2.2;..- , . . .- .
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531?,‘3’13'52'31 . '. .' V0l. LXXXIV. No.09 University of Kentucky : f .‘2' 2‘27 «‘-
. ,2 s, . . Monday, August 24. 1981 An independent student newspaper since 1971 Lexington, Kentucky __ .22:
’ ‘ Centr Ii (1 Add/D t f l' T d
. ‘y .2 .' W aboutstudentrudenessfromthestaff come later. there will be a table at theAdd/Drop sliphas enough spaces cardwith y0u without losing it. courseandsection numbers. ‘2? . .
. . . .. ’ Re t that works Add/Drop. “I think most the entrance especially for late- thatshould takecareofalltheadding The bad news will be that the wDouble-check every time you i. ‘
. ' .f 2 . .___._p.°if;r_.__— of the students go in with a positive arrivals. Your IBM permit card will anddroppingyouneedtodo. course is closed. Then you can hang write your Social Security number, 3 ‘
. .. 2 " ‘ ' Here we go again. Every year, attitude,” said Dexter. “It’s theonly bethere. Before you go into the lion’s den, around, hoping someone will drop it. andsee if you filled in the right little ‘ ‘
,- ’ . . students complain of the headaches waytogetthroughsuccessfully.” Ifyou cannot come atall Tuesday, you should work out a tentative Or, if you came prepared. you can holes on computer cards. (Yes, I 2- .
l ' ’ , ’ .. they get from going through Dexter gavea little advicetothose you can still go through the in- schedule of what you finally want, checkontheavailabilityofany alter- know, this sounds stupid, but you’ll i ,
l ' - ‘ 2'! Add/Drop. Every year, we run a who will be standing in the famous dividual departments, but you will along with some alternatives listed native times or courses. If all else feel even more stupid if you do it if
‘ ‘ . . - story about how to do it if you can’t lines tomorrow. “When you gemine- fails, you may try to talk the in- wrong, and that’s very easy.) 72. -
--..; ._.- .- ._ W4“. ' 2 figure out the process. This year, it’s ly need to adjust your schedule/look structor into letting you in. wlt‘inally, take your Add/Drop slip ,‘2
‘ ’ easierforbothofm.This Tuesday, atotheralternatives, both course- Add D h d l lfyouaredroppingacourse,dogo aridauaccmnulatedcomputercards ‘E '
2 Aug. 25, Add/Drop will follow the wise and time-wise." If another / I'OP SC 6 11 e till-owl Add/Drop. This way. the tothetableofthedeanofthecollege :: 5
l same formula that it did last year. course will satisfy the same require- departments can know just how that you are enrolled in. Once you
.3 Only you uaifortunates who have ment, and thereseems tobe a better Only Students Who have “ready registered can Change “names My places will be available, and drop these off, it is now in the hands :2
.5 never been through the glory d cen- chance of getting into it, 8° for that through Add/Drop. Students should save their copies of the Fall you my be doing another student a of thecomputer. ‘2:
l tralized Add/Dropareata disadvan- imteadoitheoriginalcourse. Schedule of Classes and bring then: along with this supplement. to favor. Just pick upthe IBMcard and Keep your copy of Add/Drop slip i
tage this time. If you absolutely cannot get “9 for Memorial Coliseum. Limited quantities of schedules may be available drop the course on your Add/Drop for possible verification in the future. .,
Add/Drop is designed to help tliatsam. course you scheduled ina on thccayofMd/Droe . slip. You are financially liable for Thisisyourproofthat you signed up ,
students who are dissatisfied with fit of insanity or got stuck in, see Add/Drop is centralized in the coliseum Aug. 25. Students may not any course you do not drop prior to forordroppedacourse. ‘
. their preregistration schedule. what other times it is offered. Note enter ”0'03? “‘9 "me mind for the" "fSPecme sections 0' the “inhabet- thefirst dayof classes. New students who have not .1
. George Dexter, UK associate that my students like the 9 and 10 Those amving after their scheduled times should report to the line for There are other things that can be registered for the fall will do so to- £2
‘ registrar. said theme percentofthe a.m. sections, making these courses late amvclc ”the “micccllanccuctcblc-" done at centralized Add/Drop day. Start in Memorial Coliseum at
' ' ' course requests made through the difficult to schedule, so try an after- besides adding or dropping courses. the time listed for youon pagesof the ‘
l ,2 spring advance registration process noon section if possible. 10:00 V-Z 1:00 Heo-Kh You can change the number 0f credit Fall Schedule of Classes. There, you ‘2.
. were honored. This is up slightly “Haves positive attitude," Dexter 10:30 A-Bl 1:30Ki-Mb hours for a variable credit course. will pick up a cowse request form, ‘5
" from the97percent that was honored stressed. It will not only help you, it 11:00 Bm-Che 2:00 Mc-O The grading option may be changed and you must go to the respective
j ‘ lastspring. will also help the staff at work and 11:300hf-Di 2:30P-Ri to a letter grade, pass/fail or audit. department for each course you :5 2
. Dexter noted, though, that this it the other students in the same boat 12:00 Dj-F 3:00Rj-Sm Remember, when changing a letter desire topick up the IBM cards. The ~
course request only.’l‘hat means tha. with you. - 12:30 G-Hen 3:30 Sn-U grade to pass/fail, do not go over the departmental tables will be located 3
, 97.6 percent of the courses were Remember, if you cannot get your four pass/fail options allowed by the in thecoliseum. . .
. assigned, but students did not schedule fixed Tuesday, there are University. Once all the IBM cards are 5' ‘
' necessarily get the course at the other ways to get what you want, up To prevent later grief; gathered, fill out the m request V;
specific time they requested. to Sept. 1, which is the last day to probably have less of a chance of get- thatwillwork ifwhat you really want ieMalte sure thatyou fill out the the form with the approval of the dean of .‘2 "
‘ “ . The largest complaint of students enter an organized class for the fall tingwhatyou want. isnotavailable. computer cards and the Add/Drop your college. The course request .2
-. at Add/Drop is trying to get into a semester. The 0011686 0‘ Arts & Sciences Only one Add/Drop slip is slip correctly. Directions will be form and the IBM cards are then ‘.
‘ closed section of a course. Many wait Now, for some helpful hints. will have an additional day Of cen- necessary for all the transactions you givenin the instruction sheet. returned to the check-out table in the f.
1 around to see if someone who has Before going to the coliseum, you tralired Add/Drop Wednesday in want to do. However, you must pick wMake sure that all the courses coliseum. f,
i that came Will drop it. Dexter should: Buell Armory. Anyone Who needs ‘0 up an IBM card for each cause you you listed on the Add/Drop slip are Really, it’s not that bad. Just be i". -
_,,_, , - " pointed out that thereareother ways iaKnow what courses you need to add or drill) a course in arts and addandforeachcourseyou drop. therightones, and that you have cor- prepared before you go over the-e, .3
ofsettinsintoacmrseotherthanso take.Seeyouradviser.orcheck with sciencescandosothen. lfyouneedcourses that have only rectly marked which aretobeadded instead of tryirlg to worn out a 2‘2 .
ingthroighcentralized Add/Drop. A the department. Keep in mind w’l‘akea No. Need pendi- Thatis one section, work with those first. andwhicharetobedropped. schedule in all that mass. Now, ’7
student may go through the depart- University as well as college re- the only thing that can be used to fill Schedule other courses around those wMake sure that all the IBM cards please excuse me. I need to take a ;.
' ment and the imtructor to see about quirements. our the computer cards, and just as thathave fixed times. are the right ones. with the right look at my fall schedule. ‘
enteringaclosed course. ’«look at (and take with you) the surely as you don’t take one, there Whenyou finally havethingswork- ' 2
_ . Dexter said that it istheindividual Supplement to the Fall Schedule of won’tbeagipencilsavailable. ed out, now is the timut:e to hit the .
department that makes the actual Classes which makes up the bulk of Onceat coliseum' : tables. When entering colisemn' . I d ll 2
decision about who makes it into a this newspaper. This tells you what wilave proper identification with you should pick up a map locating mportant ates Or a 1
course, not thestaff whoareworking classes are still available. as well as you. either your UK ID or driver’s where every department is in the g:
at Memorial Coliseum. givinganestimateofhowmany spots license.'l‘hisisimportant. building. Once at that department, ‘ 1;
About 3,000 people went through are still open in the coursa listed. wPick up the imtruction sheet at you will find out the latest informa- "l?
centralized Add/Drop last spring. Keep in mind that this is published the entrance which will tell you tion about the availability of the Aug. 24 — Registration for new Sept. 1 — Last day to enter an r
2 This is down from about 5,000 who the day before Add/Dropstam. and where all the departments are course. studaits who did not advance organized class. Last day to 3 -
.. havegonetlmighitinthe‘past. the availability of cotgges will locatedinthecoliseumandhow togo megoodnewswillbethatitisstill register. Students who register on withdraw and receive an ”5 re- ‘33:}
' . , Even though Add/Drop is one of change throughouttheday. ' thrdlshtheprm. open. 'lhen you will receive the IBM this day may pay their fees in the fund.
2 the more fnlstrating things that .40ka to see what time you are .«Also pick up the Add/Drill) slip computer card. fill it out with your Student Center Ballroom 3
, students have to go through in the supposed to be at the coliseum. You and an IBM permit card. The IBM name and your Social Security Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27 and Sept. 7 —- Labor Day -— academic a?
‘ hectic days before classes start, may not come earin that time is in- card is required before you Will be number with the No. 2 pencil you 282 holiday i“
. 2 . . there have been few complaints convenient for you. If you have to allowedtosotlmhAdd/Dl‘opi ”d remembered to bring. and keep the of
Aug. 2448 — Ballroom open for Sept.9—Last daytopay registra~ if"
' fi “ fee payment and IDpicturetaking tion fees to avoid cancellation of
’ ' ' ’ ' ' ° ‘ ' e and validation, 9 a.m.-3 .m., for ‘ ation. Pa in B' ‘ and ”
. . 11 manual aid checks distributed in Student (.enter Ballroom all week, ,dvmmmsmdgm. may, 0,3,6. momma ’
’ i - . . . o . Buildingby 3:30. Lastdayfor new
. students must meet deadlines for paylng tultlon, health fee for semester Aug. 25 — Centralized Ado/Drop students to pick up ID cards from I
' 2 for advance registered students Photographic Services without
_ . . only. Memorial Coliseum, 10:00 paying replacement fee.
‘2‘ By CHRIS ASH “No way should students be en- distributed. Sessions are scheduled Kastle Hall wlthout paying replace- 4:00,
‘ . l Editorial Editor couragedtoapply for anything other for 10 am. and 2 pm. Monday- mentfees. _ . Sept. ls — Last day to change
. 2 —' , .' than basic grants or (Kentucky) Wednesday. and for 10 am. The ”5 Wm ‘09: which PM“ Aug. 25 — Last day to withdraw grading option (Pass-Fail toletter
l The ”0042500 students Wm state-guaranteed loans,” Ingle said- Thursday and Friday. 5W“ With most 0‘ the me” from a class and be eligible for a grade or letter grade to Pass- ,
. ‘; money from sclwlarslnps. loans. processing of applications for those Thursday’s meeting will be in 545 branded by the Student Health Scr- full refund if stattB is changed Fail; credit to audit or audit to .
- 2 i has“! grants .and _ supplemental two awards is notdone by the UKOf- Patterson Office Tower; all other Vice atnoaddltional cost, can bepald from full-time to part-time, or if credit). See college dean’s office. I '2
.. ’1 grants can obtain the“ funds from 9 fice. meetings will be in it]! Commerce in the Student Center Ballroom "1.15 part-timehours are reduced. Last day to drop a course with no
2 g 2 am. to 3 pm. this week in the StU- In a July 30 copyright story. lngle Building week. After that. the fee can be paid After this date, students official- indication of course on transcript
- ' ‘ dent Center Grand Ballroom. told the Kernel that because 0f the Asimilar meeting for recipients of at 220 Semce Building until 3330 ly withdrawing from tthniversi- record—college dean‘s office.
' . . T0 WIV9.8_VV31‘.d32 5W“ ".“m cuts in the aid programs, most ap- nursing loans will be at 3 pm. Mon- p.m.. Sept. 18. The fee can also 'be tyordropping classesbeginincur—
_ 2‘ lament ldenhflchttohsuchat driver plicants would receive soon to $400 day in ion Commerce Building. Reci- paldhy check to the Health Sconce ring a m, liability regardless of Sept. 18 - Last day for
. hccmes. or UK. Idennficatlch cards less than their demonstrated needs. pients of health profession loans will cashier befwe theSeDt- 18 deadline whethertheyattend class(es). reinstatement of students cancel-
. Also, bring copies of the notifications Ingle told the Kernel that students meet at 3 pm. Tuesday in 1115 Cam Students who do not pay the health ed for not paying registration
. 0‘ awardtotheballroom. . with demonstratedneeds 0f less than merceBuilding. fee will be Charged for each ”Vice Aug. ell—Classes begin. fees. Must pay registration fee
. 2' _ .“Wu‘ 133‘ 39"”sz mm“ be $2,000 will not receive any aid from Any financial recipients who used. A visit to the Student Health plus 350 reinstatement fee. last
918’“ “net F0 We "‘9 m0” 0‘ Pen camplisbased prosmma which in- withdraw from the Univemity will Service for even a mint! Pmblcm Aug. 26 — Arts a Sciences daytopay fall health fee. .
sons receivms money- clude the National Direct Student have any refund that they are entitl- will usually cost more than sassmce Add/Drop in Hue” “may;
' ‘ “Lastfalltheymly hadfourorflve loan, Supplemental Educationa10p- ed to applied to the aid received. each visit costs :15 andtheminlmum We, in dung office. A“ Sept. 24 _ Last day to me to,
, lines" said James Insle. director of portunity Grant, College work Study Upon withdrawing, students may charsefor a lab testis 36- other Add/Drop in college deans' December degree in college
‘ \ - the financial aid dfice. “In the spr- and certain institutional scholar- owe a repayment of a portion of the Services included under the health “fie“. dean's «flee. l .
‘ ins it was hicreased to eisht lines. ships. aid if the total aid received exceeds feeare: .
andthingflowed fairly well.” However, these students were still thereasonablecostsinCurred priorto uUnlimited visits to the medical Aug. ”27 __ Late registration for o“. l, _ Last day to drop a
' He said that “W he caddn't eligible for program based offcam- thedateofwithdrawal. stafffor illness. . . returningstudents who didnotad- coiirsc. Last day to withdraw
advise recipientstowait until late in pus. - “First aid treatment of injuries vance register and for new from the University or reduce
the week to obtain funds because of Students accepted into the work- W (except for lt-rays). ‘ students cleared late for admis- schedule and receive any refund_
2 ‘ deadlines for University housingand SW mm 8110““ report to 516 “W semces of the Stu- sion on the Mewmine, Patterson Request refunds through
. other fees, “na'mally by Wednesday paw“ Office Tower this week to Besides obtaining financial aid dent Mental Health Semcc Office Tower, 3:304:00. A :20 late Registrar‘s Office, 107 Gillis
w'lhursdaythelinesarereduced.” receive specific working checks. students will be paying tui. wMany commonly used medica- fee is charged for late registra- Building.
. Anymwnomifled "Reflection assignmentspersomenrolledlnthls umwmalthiegsmism, tions. . . no...
' - deadlines {01‘ any Wm 0th“ program are paid on a bi-weekly The Student Center Ballroom will allergy M and unmunlra- Nomads—Advance Resign-anon
' than 5““: grants 0" ”“9 payroll based on the hours worked. be open 9 am. to 3 pm. thrown Fri- tiOM- . Aug. 28 — Last day to pay fees in for 1932 spring semester.
. guaranteedloansshould forgetabout The amount awarded is the max- day for students to pay registration wanecological services. ballroom. Nov 20-23 _. Thanksgiving 2
. receiving funds for this semesta'. imum a studentwill be mm to fee and have their mg validated. ,Oontraceptionserwces. llolida ——-academic holidays
2 ' ’ 2 . Ml" 0‘ cuts m funding f" the earndurlngtheyear. After-thisweek, tuition canbepayed anP ‘0“!- Aug. zit-Sept. l — Late registra- ys ’ .
- . uncl- mm. we Hid. IP- First-time recipients of direct stu- atzaoservlcc Building. Sept. on the wMost laboratory and Xny ser- tion continues in Advising Con- Dec. lt-lS—P‘inalfixammm
' . pile-com from freshmen datedafter dent loam are required to am last day to pay before having vicesneedcdtcdlasmsc ammo ference Office, not Miller Hall. Dec. is — End of tool fall
., . 2 March 15 and from returning repaymentseasionsinwhich detailed resign-gum cameled.’lhisisalsothe .a“Well-student" physical ex- 3.3.4200. semester
. 2 222"” ‘ shldwtt after April 15 were timid information regarding the loans will lastdayfornewstudentstoobtain ID animations. .
.. '~ 2:: _ ‘ . down. be [rovided before the checks are camnomPhotographic Services'm warmmmmywmca. ______.___.._____.___——————————
‘ . ‘ . I d 0 e . e e 0 l
.. . ~ . . . . . ncrease permit, ticket, towing fees await students, faculty, staff parking on campus .2
“'Q. 1 '- W cutie-e Science North Building, [nodulnotimtefouomngincreues All pet-nuts will be valid through Itudalts living in Slnwneetown, distributed Sept. 8-18. Com- 2
. - Emlullmllflmllin“ wlMllI also be available to those in parking sticker fees will be lm- theacademic year. Commonwealth Village and Gus mam-1th Stadium Ticket Office. ‘
2., .' studentaunth“C"permlts. planentediortheinsioayear: Permitswlllbeissuedforfmrdayl Pane We. My. Ana. 10:004=00- . . . =
“_ .' _ 2.. ‘ Wawmegmtoechool A new Muslim, “K" permits. .2"C”stickeuwillbe$ao.a810in- attheStudent Cuita‘ArtGalla'y IC- 21.8:m-lzztllandlzm4zm.“R4”and Pel'salperkirlgln lots Withoutthe ,2 .‘ "
. 2‘ . . up every soidait's dream, tmtil it's wlllbeeatablahedtoreuntcallcm cmsefromlastyear. cordlngtotbefollowina-chedule: “Rs” pol-nuts. for fraternity and mmtmwhlecttcnnu- . . . 2.
'1‘.‘ ‘ . 2 time to M n _. a... It can be . m .3 Wm“); Stadium. ,a“R1"W “Rs" permits. for .e"C“ stickers. Tuesday. Am. 25. sorority members, are issued The fine for a citation, if paid ,. 2. .2 . 2 .1 ‘3:
2., 2" ; nightmare. ‘l‘hh area will be open to factdty, ruldentatudellts only,will cost m. 9:oo-12:mandl:m:m. squarately and only with the ap withinfiveworklngdastsuAftor- .
3135 cf» 2 _ For those students who will com- staff and students. “K” permib will Previotlly. there was no charge for .a“Rl," "R2" and “R3" stickers. provaldthedeanofstudents. ward.theehargels$7. . .~ 29.322
3.23 . . mutetocamptlthiafall,beprepared beefiecttveetartlngapui. “it"pu-mlu. for north campll. Coops-Im- renown-non 0‘ “Rt“ thrash Any Wu“ “an“ cc“ 5' W 2.2 '.
:‘.fl.-,;."~'i...;._r‘.f‘-""; . ff for some chug. in student parking A "B" lot will rephee the fm r“K" stiehl's will be sold for 810. Kirwan-Blandlng complex. Baum “R9 stickers. Friday. Aug. as, s2» ‘8} i cat 0‘ “-35- Wide Hid. . ;._, X73333"
z”‘£:'.‘i’:«'i2;‘i;‘f'j2 mummies. "c" lotoffOolumbla Amoun- wade miplinetasd that the “K“ and Dmovan reside-its. and any n- lzzoomdlmtrtc- 99““ ”3"" °° m they m” 22min
:22? 7. ,_ ' .= more will be one "o" lot for com- from the Chemistry-Physics sticker dose not pet-um reruns tr minim “C‘t2” WMY2 M2 ”2 WK" 1““ ”R" '“ckcfi ““1 ”c “an" '°" " “mm m" ‘1”?
'ggagisfigggssf ; mutingjulimJemorsandgi-amate Building. Betty Wade, eluted anis- lng athletic evults such as football s:so-12:oo.nd1:oo~t:oo. issued the week of Au. :1 m Wade did not know the lumber d ...-
Lgfwgigflgr. ".3, 2 shad-Its heated behind Mal tant for campi- parking, sold m. m. .2“R6" W “Rs" stickers. for Sept. did the Mule Round theStu- snidrnt permits available. but said, ig'gfiai .
2.221.”..3‘2. - m.Anadtltlalalsmaflmvel was dam to “allot more (parking) .v“A"and“B"stiekeI-swillbeu residents in University hat-a on delltOsnter.a:a)-12:Wandlzm:m. “We'vetia-nedawayalotofpaopleln “the.
$22 312.2% lot,dfmmnmmtbe mfg-facultyandataff." MMWW. Under! Walk and Rae Lane and w"lts" will continue to he newt.“ ,9.“
2222. .. 2.2:.- -': :
2‘ - .t- 2‘ - 2 .- -
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., WW ‘7“7“"‘W’2"W”<“‘*‘~=‘t "‘ .‘ " " ‘ ' ‘ “"W’“ "“i" “2 ‘T *"chw .222. a.» river .2 . . . ‘3'-
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