xt73ff3m082g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m082g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1979 1979 1979-01-29 2020 true xt73ff3m082g section xt73ff3m082g Vol. LXXI. No. 93 K21 e] lnitepiii of Kentucky
MOM“). January 29. 1979 an independent student newspaper l.eyington, lyentucky
’— —
N 1 Old D ' ' ' ' ' "
o. ominion intimidates Lady Kats i
St J 39 h ’s '
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M . " l 0 p il
anarchs pull away after - .,
UK’s 2nd half drought - plans to close
By BRIAN RICKI‘IRD the game. but they should haye doite _ J; g . l .
Assistant sports Fdilor shot outside sooner." Stanley said. j;‘ ' g, " Obs te trlcs unl t
Nissen was dominant on offense as > 4 V
"I think I'K mentally copped-out in well. She poured in 25 points. hitting " ..4-
the second half. They iust couldn't ll of l4 shots and tliree‘of four free . z? - . ”a
. . , , » “ . , t. - y s ‘l ‘on -, . ' '
take n any m0” . Egg:-i:1:)y::.olil4[:r:;:cfl:lillllcttliltkum ,9 ._ (, 12.4.75: .— - , ”...-1% By l):\l.l) \IORTON are performed at Central Baptist. "I
So said ()ld Dominion‘s o-o center fed the ball into \issen throughout the . 1'ng - - . \lall \‘ltl'fil think young people are interested in
Inge \issen. referring to the lady contest. ‘ i‘ W“ .' ”e , starting smallfamilies. Bobbittsaid. .
Kats‘seeond halfdrought thatalloyy'ed .: .. ." “R ”7'3?“ -, _v. . Reduced occupancy iii St. Joseph “lhere is a desire for the lama/e
the top-ranked Lady Monarchsto ptill "Nissen is the best center in the J ..g;..;"i;;;"; 4 .. g ) Hospital's obstetrics ward dtiringthe method natural child birth "
away to air “-65 yictory yesterday at nation." said ()ld Dominion's .A\ll- '"' “a: If past eight or nine years initiated a Dr. John(ireene.hospitaldirector
. Memorialifoliseum ' ' ' America guard Nancy Lieberman 48 y l' if proposal to close it. according to of the l‘niyersity Hospital's
. Kentucky came into the gante If? 4, . Sister “Mind I eo. president of St. obstetrics and gynecology unit. said
leading 38-29 at intermission. Old obyiously sky-high and pushed its own _ V ” " gfigfi M. y m .loseph's Hospital. the closing of St. .losepth‘s obstetrics
Dominion exploded in the first |() weight around through the first lo a g 9’44 J W I.) t \ltfiotigh St Joseph's has already ward would haye no affect on l'K‘s
mintites of the second half and minutes. l'K led on seyeral occasions v ' W "’3, , j“ requested approyal from the Fast center lts unit also performs
‘ outscored Kentucky 30.4. making it early. and ODl' didn't finally takethe g ” W ‘. " Kentucky Health Systems i‘ygency. sterili/ation. “We take care of the
58-33 with 9:49 left in the game. lead {0T LIOOd until Vl‘SL‘n hll 11 ”WP ‘ " J ‘i ' _ y w .1 the proposal to close the obstetrics high-risk patients now."(ireene said.
. Old Dominion extended that to7l- to giyethe Monarchsa 28-2" lead with .1. ... '. .,'<~§' unit must be .tpproyed by eight Although the yearly capacity of
44 on .‘s'issen's fiye-footer with 4:46 3:54 remaining tn the first start/a . .. ' ; Q 1‘ agencies lhe I'lsHSk is in charge of the l niyersity Hosptial'sob-gy'n unit
reamining and the Lady Kats had to Brit those l6 minutes seemed to h . W . g\ r‘t ‘ ' coordinating health planning for is officrally IXOU. it has seryed as
battle the rest of the way to ayoid a empty the Kats‘ gas tank. ()l)l ': ..'3?'? y .. ”a: ~ WW ix” . ' lasiern Kentucky many as 2400 yearly. (ireene said.
humiliating final margin. cranked up its fast break and 3;" _ . / t 'r '_ Steps to approye the proposal will “We‘ye been holding pretty steady."
”We “N gotfrtistrated inthe second outscored Kentucky 10-: oyerthefinal 1‘ .“J\\ / .... ' begin in the nest few weeks. and lhe Medical ( enter has also had a
half." said l‘K (‘oach Debbie Yow. four minutes of the hall ‘ g \JS - .~ Sister lep said she belieyes it will be Etjatdlyhrtncrease ttif birghyxduring121e .
. . . . , at royet 's eeyears. rom .. o... .
"We d'dm 81“} “”h the pmse lh‘” yye "I think that spurt took the steam . "' ' 2 g” . " Hflirt-c years ago St, Joseph stalled Approxrmately' 40 per cent of the
had'earlier. outof I'K."Stan|ey sard.“Ailralftnuc I. I ' 7‘ -' It. obstetrics doctors now only hospital‘s business comes from
“low mm the primary culprit “‘1‘ we emphasized the fact that yye ‘ I . four are onthestaff lhe hospitalhas indigent patients. who don‘t haye
M556“ “ho NOCked. nine lady Kat couldn't let KCNUCK.‘ I!“ héis‘ls I” lhs‘ , . ’ g; ./ J the capacity to accomodaie Its births insurance and are unable to pay for
5““ ”‘.‘“? 0', “h.“ .“”“f ”‘ ‘.’” gamc. We nccded 2» wk W” '” m" s g .1'” 7% ' a..- a per day. "t on haw to stun tor iuii theircare. Although many-untyérsiti
gicélligsjjgcthm‘[lili‘ggeg‘r‘lj‘ [ion It’ll: second half and we got it." “I“ . . «1.. _ ‘ ' : . .. occupancy." Sister l.eo said. hospitals are priyate and proyide
p . lieberman Mild the Monarchs ~ W” ,. _ " " ' & ()nly KS births were recorded from care exclusiyely for students. (ireene
game. intimidated Kentucky alter & av . - WWW -' ' W September to \oyeniber I978 said the [K Medical (‘enter is open
“Wetoldthemtoshootinsideinthe intermission, .- ; 5- doyyrr M from the same eriod in to all and proyides a yaluable .
second half. and it was just yery “Kentucky was notthesarireteairi in By Rl( k must it konn stint in“ [hic decrease in births caused teaching experience for [K medical -
frustrating to get the shots blocked." the second half." l.iebcrman said, the hospital to lose 549.900 irt I977; students.
Yow said "\tssen affected us a lot." "They backed off." lsentucky's \Itiria Donlioff' triglyti tries to present o-o center lrtgt- \issetr oi" s4” iititi iii NM and Sts4_titl(i in I9‘5 “Many hospitals throughout the .
Monarch Coach Marianne Stanley Despite the closeness ol the score top-ranked (lld Dominion from getting a pass iii yesterdays game at (me reason for the decline in country haye had to close their '
said the Kats may haye forced the ball early in the contest. lieberman said \lcntorial ( oliscuiii heforean estimated crowd offitfiiiti. \isst-n had a grime- occupancy is the trend for group obstetrics units because of a lack of
inside too much after intermission. she was neycr worried. high of 25 points as Old Dominion won the contest. til-oi. ptugttgc. Sister leo said. business." Don Harrison, of the
"libel ““9 hitting 9”de late ”I ('ontinuedon P3293 Doctors must go to another Department of Health. Education
hospital. such as (iood Samaritan or and Welfare‘s region four
I '1 I it'eniral Baptist. to perform headquarters in Atlanta said in a
DWIg ht Anderson s 25 sparks cats to VI cto ry \lL‘l‘lll/lllltln or abortions which are recent [.ey‘mgitm Hera/d article,
. against the ('atholic belief. “We‘re “Many states are considering
not allowed to do sterilization regionalizing obstetrics care." be
By THOMAS CLARK him. Some nighthe'llgethotand score for .i \\ ildcai this season, \irtfcrsoii can." \rlltl \iidcisoii “\\c know we ‘ proceedures." \I‘IC‘SJILI. ‘ said.
staff writer 40!" contributed four rebotiittls and one got to win cyciy game now Before. In contrast [0‘8" J‘MF’h‘ (entral "More hospitals In Kenl”°"-".”“lv"
Dwight Anderson laughed when assist to an V—al yictory lll a grudge that pressure itisi wasn't ihert \\e'll be Balm“ Hospital 5‘ h‘nh figures haye hale“) close ”1,6” 9““?“‘“ units m -
‘l he Kentucky State Police trooper told about the episode. “Oh. I don't rrratch that saw Kentucky icyeitgc a all right I itisi hope the team stays increased to 406 since I973. and ”:0 the future. EKHSA director ‘Tony
approachedthe reporterinthewaning know about that, I‘m just trying to .Ian 3 loss iii l lorrda's \lligaioi \lley together " ”C“ ‘l‘lu‘lrys were added to the staff 006." said _m the same article.
moments of Saturday night‘s LIK- help the team," lfic yictory was the third straight -\trderson's pray secured to ietleet \fr. “an“ Bobbitt. obstetrics 1”,“! adding ”‘9‘ “‘9' wont necessarily
Florida game in RUPP Arena. More or less the understatement of for the \\ ildcats. a term. looking more his awareness of early season criticism coordinator for (‘entral Baptist DC’CHII’IOIIC hospitals, . ,
“H0“ many points did Anderson the night. like iiattotial champions 'tl‘..tl‘ the that he couldn't shoot from the ”0mm" ””‘d‘ “I can‘t tell 3““ how The last agency meeting “I“ be i
have?" he asked. Anderson started his third game of Southeastern (‘onfererrcc cellai~ outside \ll but one of his shots were '1‘ 1M Joseph‘s closing “I” affect held May 9‘ and untilthe dectSionto
"Twenty-five.“ the reporter replied. the season and turned in the type of dwellers they wcietwo weeksago tine trorii closer than sis leer and he “‘ _ - y _ _ closethe obstetrics ward '5 made.the ‘
“Fourteen from the floor and another performance that usually transforms of the big reasons for the turnaround continually tirade the iiioyc to the l “MW M J‘Mph' tubal ligations 81' .losepth doctorss WI“ SH” be
H at the line." substitutes into starters. In addition to has been freshman \ridcisoii inside i _ “‘ “mil/““0” procedure for women operating m the ward, - '
V The COP milled hit! "YOU “BICh his 25 points. highest single-gametotal "l‘tii tryitigto use my talents as best I ("mm““d "" page 3
. . " . l l J
~47: "2;, . l
Former In dran ambassador shares past expenen ces
/ By CHRIS BLAIR spoken. Singh represents the spiiiitial " l be world has become e\trcinel_\ nations." he said. . began in I948. when he Joined the
.. ‘9 {.1 Staff Writer heritage imbued in the Indian culture llllCl'thpL‘lltlrllll y w a re tress ot Singh- said he respects Presrdent Indian Foreign Scrytce for one year as
' , . I ,‘ Acting as rt yoice between nations. international th\t‘ititymgn[s on the Jimmy Carter‘s policy to striy'etoward Hrst Secretary for the Indian
0 I}! As a former Indian ambassador to he said he gained an understanding of pot of students and crti/eiis is most world peace and saw favorable Fmbassy‘,
. . many countries. including the l'S. the world‘s different cultures and important." Singh said "lltit because progress between Israel and Egypt Between 1949 and |957 Singh held
( _- ' Kewal Singh has seen the world. its traditions wlnch often lead to the l inted States is .i tast country. brought on by the (‘amp Dayid many otherhigh goyernr.rentpositions .
i m .y 4 leaders and “5 PCOPIC- While 3 ”Siting nl|\lll1d€r\lklndllltl (Hid yllyrUPliiin domestic preoccirpatrotis do not Summit talks, in Indian districts. He was awardedthe
" _ professor in llK's political science from his office in the Patterson encourage young pcnplcltlllllllly more “Israel and ngpt had not sat at the Indian President‘s Award. “Padma .
”J " department. 64-year-old Singh is lower.Singhspoke of othercouirtties of international problerris arid the same table for nearly 30 years. One Shree." in I956 for distinguished
-J \s r a": sharing his 40 years of experience in with respect and adiiirration llrrt future of the world comrritiinty. human being madeitposs‘ible forthem scryices leading to the merger of
‘9; ‘ 11/ internationalaffairswith studentsand discontent with war‘s distructioii. lie “\nk‘l‘lt‘dllssdll trot he indifferent to to onceagain negotiate. ‘Singh Sflltl."'l French establishments with India.
":_‘ " - 5 professors. expressed bitter disappoiiitrrreiit world eyerrts because -\irieiican was yery pleased with (amp Dayid. ‘ .
KIWAI SIVCH Distinguished. genteel and soft- toward current trnresi decisions shape the fate of other Htscareerininternationalrelations ('ontinued on 93893
. i . n r l
‘to d a world lhe street warfare c\p|oiled .ts Iran's political crisis reached . TEHC‘ ”NAG-PING. THE DRIVING FORCE IN ’ - - .
a new dint itiiiigt-ioiis tntpdssc' (HINA‘S outward reach to the West. came to the linited .
. . . . . . . ‘\\itlllll.lh Rtihollah Khomeini. s ritual leader or the anti- States yesterday for talks with President Carter and a coast-
State POPE JOHN I’Al l',"'( "HIRED m “”1““5‘" h“ shah moycrtierti. rerectcd a pi’oposalpby Iran's Prime Minister to-coast tourthat will draw the world's most advanced nation .
car inched its way to liiebla. \feyico. told laiin \rtierrcaii . , , _ . -
. . , ' . _ , . , _ ,. .‘yhahpour Brikhtiar for a meeting at Khomeini s etttle closer In Its most POPUIOUS one.
LEGISLATION T0 LIMIT PROPERTY TAX ”'ShOP“ '" d ”W” ““1”“ ““er‘l‘ m‘” “M“ “““9 "m“ hmiiqiiihih. .n in“... lhe firstof(‘hina's communist leaders to visitthiscountry.
INCREASES will be hammered into final shape this week he sought spiritually and m” Wlmc‘ml leng is at the center of a nine-day whirl of meetings and
and readied for passage as the House and Senate strive to tie Ihe pope encountered "WWW" f" ‘| “mm 0' “M t' ceremonies trumpeting a new era in the relationship between '
up loose ends and adyourn the special sessron ofthe Kentucky priests. demanding that lhe Roman ( "mum Chum} ”I“. " ”8 Ion ('hrna and the l'nited States. The new era began Jan. I with
’ - legislature. ' more actiyeurole against oppression. organi/ed .i "dissidents‘ full diplomatic recognition between the two nations.
I J The consensus in both chambers appears to be that the conference. I“() \II)RI- Skl'l IIDNS \\I()V(iTHI-‘.27 HH'NIMI I'eng and Carter have scheduled stx hours ofconyersation.
i Legislature wrll wrnd up this week in cxcellent shape to rheysa'd"Mullddmu“humunnghh‘md“Nullmmm‘ the home of accrued mass murderer John Wayne (iacy Jr starting with the first of two White House sessrons this
% adjourn by the middle of next week. “h'Ch they claimed “mud he ”mm?“ P“ m“ Whom "mum?" ltaye been identified \rithorrties said they were 30-year-old morning after a formal greeting on the South Lawn. That
J I Legislative leaders say they don‘t anticipate any major Ihe third [am American Whom mnlcrcm" " expected l" men missing since late I9” I formal welcome. with its speeches and ceremony. will be .
' . 3t stumbling blocks. with two possible excepu'ons. legislation to determine the church ‘ mum ml“ m the “‘0‘” and P‘ll'l'ml lhe ('ook (‘otinty medical esanrrnerhdentified the men ,(‘arter‘s first face-to-face enounter with China's “year-old , .
; limit property taxes. and how to balance the budget after tax -|ife 0f turbulent I am Amen” Saturday .is John \fowry. of ( hieago. and Matthew yice premier
" cuts Bowman. of stirbtirban ('tyst.rl lake '
5 The House favors limiting annual property tax increases to TROOPS FIRING MAHIINI', (;l VS \Vl) \Vll- So far. I) yicirnrs hayc been identified. including l0 whose weather ' i
3 4 percent or an even lower rate. while the sentiment in the RIOTERS armed with f’irebombs turned central lehran into remains were lotirtd at (racy's lt'tmc and two whose bodies ',
g Senate is to allow a 5 percent or higher lid. How much of an a bloody. flaming battlefront yesterday in the city‘s worst were recoyered froin the Des l’laiues Riyer (lacy. to. has been PARTIAL ”IAN-VG TODAY Wllh h'Shsm ”“5 low 305 i
obstacle the difference will bedepends on haw inflexible the Violence in months M least 27 persons were reported knit-d indicted in the murders of scyeti young men He reportedly (lean and cold tonight with lows near 15. and increasing 2' '
i; lawmakers tire and more than 300 wounded told intestigrttrors that he killed 12 cloudiness tomorrow with highs in the low 105. _
y .
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sure Bailing" Thomas (‘Iarl Mu) "h" IIWI‘l" Waller Tunis Jamie taught Tom Moran :
IillIUI rn (Illt’I Ii/IIUIIu/ Ii/Ilw Ruth Mattingly 1th [ill/4" .\[ltlll\ Ilium I’lll'i In! or I‘lroroomlilr.
‘ Debbie McDaniel (It) “illis ’
“I." “d“ L J'M".1.“. iviiiliml M I' Ii/lliir ‘ 1
Richard McDonald Jeanne Wchnes Jaclt Wainwright John (lay Linda Campbell 2
Uunuemg h/Ilut rinriiltllt' fill/on (II/ti It/lliilv Nell Nelda Brian Riclcrd I'holo Ilunuet-r
editorials & GWnts . ll"llL'l'\ li/llrir 'I\\I\Itllll .\/'an\ I'rlilorv '
______._______—_——————_——____—————————— l
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rolzceg Ape ...l till/e DedDeD .
‘ rs AT UK Whip “W W
RIGHT To BOO t nan error We gym
To have a class. you usually need a room. an get the information all in on time. 'l'hose that are TAgK "'
instructor and some books. For many students at best at getting it in have a coordinated effort." he {x che lb,"
the beginning ofa semester. getting two out ofthree said. / “s m I
is the best they can do. Fvidcntly. more control needs to be placed on the / Q 39 I
The missing element istextbooks. l‘ora variety of book ordering process at the University. Professors I 1%. ‘I‘ ,J’C'.‘ ‘
reasons this semester. like always. there are gaps in should be required to submit textbook orders by‘ the 4 I' ,’/@\i\ _//»e—\ l
the shelves at the bookstores. lna story last week. necessary date. and academic offices should be 4‘ ‘ i {334. ‘ \i {.0 ‘
the various ways that textbooks can be delayed were responsible for checking to see that orders have been I] 'v ‘1 III. ‘ M ', {7‘ 1’“
described: Professors can send in their orders late. turned in. ' “W” M ‘I‘; _ r, ‘§a\
teaching assignments can be made late. shipping cart Ila course assignment is being changed at a late 1 ,._-1 if . . J ‘ ’;~ , gsl
be delayed. books can be out of stock. etc. date. then the previous professor should select W’Ji/ ' ‘ I "hf . ‘\ ”t" ' a, ‘ y‘
Fifty to 7'5 percent of professors‘ orders for textbooksforthe next semester. ortheold textbook . AG» W” '5' 7; -r' \ ,
textbooks comeinaiterthe I'niversity Book Store‘s should automatically be used. The new professor i Kw I §§21 - 7 is], ' ”WWW ; I
Nov. | deadline for the spring semester. said may then switch to a new book laterintlie semester. 1 ..., \1 I» . ’ /\§\\§ ’ h ‘ VI Au /' I \
. ,. ... /'3‘ k8 ' ' - l 9
William Eblen. store manager. once it is available. a (fit/\\ \ - $ r . fl.
Late orders that dwindle in cost additional time Students can help enforce the process. too. If ' ,,‘ _ \ \ i {15:} ‘ ”V/ t
and money. because they have to be processed booksfora course are notavailable.coniplaintscan x-Y \- l ‘4‘ 1 ‘I \
individually. said Joe Kennedy. owner of the [K be made to the department. individual academic ! - ~ \ )l i l I\_/ _ ‘ 1 (I >
store‘s competitor. Kennedy Book Store. lhose adviser and the academic ombudsman. 'I here i 1 1 / -.___ I ." I p Q I
extra costs must eventually be passed on to should be a right to have textbooks on time.iust as @’ . ___:_ ,‘ __ t j. ‘ i l
. customers. there are rights to have a syllabus and to know an '7 ‘- g i l , i
. . . , . . . .. . . , $40k _ _ _ ‘ .i
According to Fblen. the problem is at the instructorsgrading criteria. him out of three isnt ”(Mpné‘,_ _~ ’ _/.— — \
departmental level. “Ihereare few departmentsthat good enough. ' "" _. - _..
\_ :- . l " I
’l ' h m I'
ra I1 la n S g 0 0 e .
Studen t supports his co un try no t the Ele van
By Steve (Soldstein Shah of Iran last year. Idisliked the helped put him into power. to runthc American \a/i I’aity were to have Iranians. per se. I am against their slnging a chorus oi “Iranians go
suppression oi his people.the brutality country and to make decisions in a violent demonstrations. orifthe blacks actions and methods of protest. l do home." But ltlst what are the Iranians ‘
George PotratI and the other of his secret police and so on. but by representativeformofgovernment. So were to riot as they did in the 60s; if not feel my government is singling in Iran singingabout thcAmertcansin
Iranian students on campus are very the same token. I understood the when the Iranians. or anyone. attacks p.otestors of the Viet Nam War were them out. | feel that my government is their country'.’ At least we are not
angry becauseoftheattitudeotJimmy importance of Iran to the I'nited ourgovernmentthey are attacking me to protest in an uncontrollable doing what is neccessaryto keeppeacc lvilling. beating or violently
Carter and the mayority of American States. both in terms of oil and in its personally. and this is why I cannot manner. or if the wliiles.astheydid in and order in this country. threatening the Iranians here to go
people who are "joining in the chorus strategic location to the Soviet l'nioii. support them. louisville and Boston. were to protest , , home or else. They should feel lucky
of‘lranians go home‘."koroverayear When the Iranian students marched “ ml“ the lettington Itleven that they received sentences and Imt‘S.
there have been protests by the Iranian around campus and Lexington __.HAV .-- ..____h__-“_ A.*___.,____ ....ww__ ,_,___,_h_ h protesttirs on this campus ShOUId ”m instead 0i being beaten by the masses.
students denouncingthe Shah and the shouting "Down with the Shah!.“ l be deported and “MC I “gr“ that like they are domg to us over there.
Americans. In San Francisco and was impartial. But when they began . I the” sentences were probably 1" little George Ih’ttat’ 35kt me to SUPPOIt
Beverly Hills last month. there were yelling “Americans go home." and I ““5“” than necessary since the” the Lexington Fit-‘Wh- t0 PIOtCSt their
violent demonstrations in which “’I he American government is fascist." “91mm were merely disruptive. not treatment by the American
/ Iranian students were actually etc. I took this as a personal attack violentothose lew involved .1” the government. Considering all that I
involved in arson. vandalism and against me. destruction “thh "“9”“ m San have stated.there is no way onearthl *
assault. I believe that this started the I can see how the Iranians *_h‘_‘”’—MM"”“”'w—“'Gfi—WUC—m—w——#_-m Francisco and Beverly Hills should he could support them. as I believe that
chorus of “Iranians go home.“ disassociate themselves from the deported. “m because ”I “what “they these arethe feelings ofthe majority of
Now George Potrail has the gall to policies ol their government because Furthermore. the Iranians are busing in a way which caused damage were protesting. but rather. how‘ they Americans. students and nonstudents
ask the Americans. to support the they dio not put the suppressive Shah complaining about our government‘s or injury; the National Guard. FBI were protesting. alike.
Committee to Defend the Eleven. in power. l'nlike Iran. however. the rough treatment of them. I do not and local police would certainly My final comments are these.
Here are my reactions and thoughts. l'nited Statesisalree country. I.as an think the Iranians have been singled intervene. to try to control such George Potratl says that Jimmy 5t"? Coldstein IS in Architecture
l was neutral in my opinion of the -\merican. voted tor Jimmy Carter. I out. If the Kt: Klux Klan or the situations. I am not against the Carter and the Americcan people are 59hI0t-
. l l l l
Mall-order minorities arrive
' kl' ’ ' 7 I
Does UK want Fran in s cousm.
By Gregg Fields Ihe secretary left. Thethree ofus sat blacks dropped by 50 percent last “Wait a minute of course." said to think of it. he did say something The voices on theloudSpeakerwcnt
down just as the phone rang. It rang year." the woman. “You could get more about wanting some Iranians to go." dead. Franklin and Joey were silent.
The nameplate on the door said the again. It rang several more times. “No. only by four." Dr. Cyst said. moneyifyou got blacks With catchup.“ “Good. And by the way. Dr. Cyst. Dt~ CYSt'S office door opened and 01"
office belonged to "Dr. Ray Cyst. Finally. I went over. pushed the “BUt it wasn‘t my fault. The football “With ii'half’" naked Vietnamese boat people are in walked a short man With gray hair.
Vice-President of Federal Funds." l lighted button and picked up the team had a had recruiting year.“ “Catchup. That iS. underprivileged season.“ “Can I help you?“
opened the door and walked in. receiver. But just aslgotitto myear.a The woman cleared her throat. blacks who need to catch UP “Are they worth having?" “I need to ChIOII for the fall
followed by my roommate. Irranklin. voice came over the other end. “Dr. “Well. sir. four was 50 percent of your academically before carrying a tilt“ “Oh. sure. Most ofthem come from semester.“Jocy said.
and his cousin.Joey.Joey isaseniorin Ray Cyst. Vice-President of Federal black enrollment. Now. this year we college load.“ educated backgrounds and...“ “I‘m SOII’Y- You have to 80 t0 the
high school and had received a letter Funds.“ have a large black inventory. And if “HOW much extra?" “No. no. no." said Dr. Cyst.“l mean Office TOW" to do that."
instructing him to come to this office “Dr. Cyst. this is your lucky day." you order l00. we throw in an "0" a hundred you‘d get a how much money do I get from "BUt the I¢tt¢t I 80t said to come
to enroll for the fall semester at IFK. answered a happy. feminine voice. American Indian for tree." million...“ HEW.“ here."
| waved at Franklin and Joey. but “I'll take them. I'll take them." Dr. “For a complete set of lo you get “Well. er. uh. they just do that so
____._____h____,_____a__________ couldn‘t get them to understand what Cyst said quickly. Franklin and Joey $200,000." she said, that I can ~ weltyou knowgcta look
the call was about. I pushed a button laughed. “One hundred blacks With “Well. soundslikeacrummy dealto at ~ I mean meet - everyone.“
’fra kl. d I that said “loudspeaker“ and hung up catchup. And you can hold the me." said Dr. Cyst. “But if it helps get Dr. Cyst turned back toward his
n In an me the phone. Indian." the government off my back. then all office. “Well. c‘mon. Cousin
“All right. give me a hundred “Excellent. Sit." said the woman. right. But could you please put clothes GOIdthS‘" Franklin said.
_._‘.__,__*_~___ ~-—-———~.————————— blacks.“ Dr. Cyst said over 3 "Now. do you want some Iranians on them for me?" Dt- CYSt SPUh 0“ his heels. “What‘d
loudspeaker. “But how much federal withthat'.’ To tell you thetruth.they‘re “Fine." said the woman. “It looks you say your last name was?“
A young. attractive secretary sat "we understand your school is having money will that mean?“ in oversupply this year. We could give like that about does it." “GOIdbfl8~"‘
behind a desk. “May | help you?" she a hard time meeting minority “Let‘s see.“ said the woman. “That you some great bargains.“ ' "Could you read my order back to Dr. Cyst grabbed Joey‘s hand and
asked. . guidelines set up by HEW. Therefore. gives you 40 government coupons Dr. Cyst cleared his throat. “Well. I me?" Dr. Cyst asked. ShOOIt It ttITIOUSIY- “I‘m Ray CY“.
. POIntInEIOJOC)’. Frankiin said. “He we're offering you our services," rcdccmablc at any participating bank‘ really should talk to Dean Birch about “Certainly. That‘s I00 blacks with VICC'PICSIdcm OI FederaI Funds- watt
needs to enroll for the fall semester." “Who are you?" asked Dr Cyst They‘re wonh a total of $4 million." that.“ catchup. hold the Indian. with some right ht". I have to 80 make a phone
“OK-- sheusaid. "DO YOU have an “W . M" . 'M 'l 0 d. I. I Dr. Cyst sighed. "I don‘t know. I “Who?" Iranians to go and a Vietnamese set call. And I“ me IUSt say that this
, appomtment'.’ . ere inority 8' - r er. no.3 kind of wanted to pay for the new “JOhh BitCh- He‘s in Ch3t8¢ 0t with dressing. Do you want all this University sincerely hOPCS YOU'III’COI
“Yes. it‘s for noon." Joey said. government-approved organization. Pharmacy Building with it." making our international students feel dciivflcd?“ great worth toit. Morcthan you'llevcr
"A“ tight Dr. CVSt ShOUId be able “Great." said Dr- CY“ excncdly. “You want to order more?" at h0th¢-" “Yeah. but make it at night." know."
to see you soon. I‘m going to lunch, "Let 5 get started." “Are you kidding? The alumni “Well. you have to place your order “Certainly. sir. I‘m sure HEW will Joey grinned.“Well.lhavc an idea."
' He‘ll come OI" Of his 0th“ when he “OK. Now. according to our would performa sex change operation today.“ have your redeemable coupons in the
C3“ 5" YOU-u records your school's enrollment of on me. Isn‘t there any way...“ Dt- CW thOUEht a thihUtC- “Come mail soon. Bye now." Gnu “"43 I! I mefltflh ”III“-
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j . 'I'IIF. KFN'Il ( Kt It'l-RNFL Monday. January 29. ”79—3
' " f b d
' VISItIng professor IS ormer am 3883 or A NOON SEMINAR
. u - ' u
. _ 5 Family Counseling
. ('onttnued from page I uislies.” Singlt sald "I than the (ambodian people." Singlt vteiit haclt to Pakistan. 1., Mum tL-n _\eats later 5.”de- G S k .
' For the next _\ear Singh rememhet' I’i‘tnce Sihanottlt. he said. “Mm tt scents then the countr) HI Ill‘ hll‘lh nothing htit desolation." he U85! pea er"
‘ serted India as ambassador to during the Vietnam ssai~ splrltualandculturaltraditions He expressed disappoiiit— “my Marllyn Gay. Famlly Theraplst
' Cambodia. Appl)tng the appealing to mator ptmets to hate recetted a tidal hlovt riieiit ltll ltts CXpL‘rlCllL-L- there ~- Whole tots its vt ei e COMDI‘EHGHSIVO Care
5. knowledge he gained through guarantee his tndependance ‘I cant bCIlCH‘ ll * the same “Omit ‘ I1 I‘ "I“ Ci“) ‘0 ht‘ illl smashed. lhetouitol ('tlItlgtlL'. Januar 31 124 m
that sertiee. Singh connected artd non-alignment Ile got a country But I cannot irtttsagc anthassador to a Ctttlnlt) tn a hmumut hhltit'lcitllttutLuas Y D
the past utth present situations pooi response the earl) restoration ol Mitch _\ou are horn. iit ruhhles. the same Mas trite StUdem center 251
and called the ('amhodian “I don't think I Ita\e Ittioutt democratic irtstitttttoits and “It \Mhttttitlfttll} _iy atiIIIII lot other cittes.()necoti - Sponsored by
5 5 P Id tIl'|\L
' condition “tragic." people \ltho are more gentle. respect lor ltumait rights.“ lte Ior one who was horn there. tor milesaroundmthotitseeiitg Continuing Education for Women
I “('amhodia hecame tntolt ed uho are ntore peace |o\ trig. aitd Sitld- Cdlls‘ills‘d IIIL‘IC illld héld 4|“ ”16” one building."
‘ in eonlliets much against its uho are ntore polite and knit“) MIN Ill‘ 10ml Ill ("dmhodlil. ”INK“ ”1ch I0 WNW“ IIIC ('ommenting on ilte ' ' ®
10’1“)" “I‘d W'III'CI hCIM‘C" sariattons hetvlcen countries. Betel I 'fic. Try
5 I ' ' India and I’alttstan." Ite said Singh said Americans arid ' I
3 Anderson s du n k Ices U K WI n ,
1 ol tension aItd coitlltct thc \alties. _ 1 5
_ personal good—“Ill aitd "Both are ter) .)pcn_ “arm '/ .I 4: A‘ ' :. .
('onttnued from page I lltmg dunlt as the Florida \ot that the action was an) Incndslllps among people hearted. aitd read) 55, ”PIC“ ' , 5 ‘
“I was tr_\iitg to penetrate." delenders oatelied ltelplesslt soltei on tile Iloor, Anderson rematned “ ‘55.“. ”5.5.5553- he 55nd ( ('1’; ‘5
he said alter the game, “(‘oach "('oach ”all called the plat lost his halattce seteral times In I972 Siiigh became an “(iermans ontheotherhaitd A t ., 1.. .5. .5 5 ,_ 7 5&1
tJoe B.) Ilall told me It I gotta In the huddle." said Anderson uhtle drthhltng around the ambassador to (ierntan). a mum“. 0, their national “M5: o , .v t. r l» r :‘3 " ‘
U 5 take It. take it. Otherwise I “I mishandled the pass and ltad otitstde ol tlte paclt,onl5\ harel} countr) Ite Itad \ isited are slighth m5)“. Iolmal “55.5 l’l' [Wt .' V lw : .‘.
' should hrtng it haclt otit to trouble ptittirtg it dottit l Itisl retaining possession olthe hall. pretioush as a student aitd 5”.le heltete m 51.5mm,“ 5nd "57 ' ‘ " i' I 'l’” 55 i ‘ " .(
. : , r - - ' ‘ ' lt-Illvt "~ ”MN ’I .II II, N ’5. ‘w‘ l
IaVoII (“'llllanls) and the stained topiit it intlteholc.htit “lhet were doing a lot ol during “orld \MII II will the discipline; ”“5 discipline ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ) ” '" ’ ’ 1
" others comingdoun the floor." I almost rait past the basket ” pushing oll and .I lost m_\ Indian Military ('omntission. sometimes presents problems 15mm 55mm 55 5 5555‘“ ,‘
I’enetrate ts tshat Anderson \\ Ittle tlte speed ol Anderson balance." he e\plained, " I he) He \tttncssed the destruction tor other nations '3 out ..I int.“ 5 . 55555 I .
5 did lot the entire etentng. Ilis and Itts tea nt mates ts plat rough . . . Iust clear _tou “IIllstorlcal(ietlnantlmnsand He 55nd Amcrw~55555555555555 Ah...” m.» it”... 5 ...... f 5 5
‘ pla) under the hasket not onI_\ Impressne. their Iaclt ol height right out “ ”1" hard “”1" “"d (II‘C'I‘IIM ol other cultures is Inadequate “N” “""m ' 1 ~
. gate him l5 shots at the loul Is a problem a hruisittg "\lltI the 25 potnts'.’ lhe Ihat Went Intolehuildingthose because 0' an abundance 55' . ~ 5 .. _ w _5_5:___: 75 45
line. hut also earned him a problem. aeeoidtiig to I)a)ton. ()hto natite didn‘t lmms Itonteland