xt73ff3m049c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3m049c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 1991 text GLSO News, September 1991 1991 1991-09 2019 true xt73ff3m049c section xt73ff3m049c Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
The anti-gay hiring practices of customers."
Cracker Barrel restaurants were But the company's hiring
protested at the corporation's practices continue to discriminate
eadquarters in Lebanon, Tenn. on against gay people according
August 11. About 150 people from spokespersons for the Coalition
several Southern states staged the Oppose to Cracker Barrel Policy.
non-violent protest against the The coalition includes several gay
corporation. and lesbian rights groups and many
Last year the company adopted a labor union activists.
policy that stated, "it is
inconsistent with our concepts and .
values, and is perceived to be DRUG "AZT" HELPS REDUCE
inconsistent with those of our ONSETOFFULL-BLOWNAIDS
customer base, to continue to
employ individuals in our People infected with the AIDS
operating units whose sexual virus can greatly delay their
preferences fail to demonstrate progression to full-blown AIDS if
normal heterosexual values." they take the drug AZT and other
The chain fired at least 15 gay medications to fight off a deadly
men or lesbians on the basis of pneumonia, accor ing to a study
their sexual orientation. Over done at John Hopkins University.
the past several months, gay The study was done on 2,516 gay
protesters have staged sit—ins and and bisexual men from Baltimore,
ave been arrested at restaurants Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh,
where the firings took place. Chicago, and Los Angeles. It found
The August 11 protest began with that the drugs reduced by 60
a rally in Nashville; then the percent the chances that an
protesters drove to the restaurant infected person would progress to
at the corporation headquarters in AIDS in a six-month period.
Lebanon. More than 40 picketed AZT has been widely used in
outside the restaurant and 90 treating AIDS since 1987, when it
others occupied tables inside receive federal approval. Since
between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. then, other drugs such as the
The restaurant's management made aerosol pentamadine have been
no response to the action and it used to fight an AIDS related
was we 1 covered by the media in pneumonia that claims the lives of
Nashville, said Bill Turner, a many AIDS patients.
coordinator for the sit-in. "The study demonstrated that
A press release issued by the these drugs could have a major
company in February stated, "Our effect on the community's hea th
recent position on the employment if they become readily available,"
of homosexuals in a limited number said Dr. Scott Zeger, professor of
of stores may have been a biostatistics at the John Hopkins
well-intentioned over reaction to School of Hygiene and Public
the perceived values of our Health in Baltimore. CONTINUED ON PAGE2

 A word from the editor
GLSO News Closets Are For Clothes
, _ B Chuck Smith
Published monthly by the Lenngfnn Being aYgay man or lesbian in
- - -- - Kentucky is more than a private
Gay/Leah” Serflces Orgmmmon, concern; it has legal importance.
P.0. 130111471, Lexington, “40575 We have been reminded of the legal
————*”"‘ risks of being gay by the Kentucky
Chuck Smith editor Supreme Court's consideration of a
_ ' Fayette County court's holding
0mg Clerc. president. G150 Board that the state's sodomy statute is
unconstitutional. The state's high
Hailing: Lee. Felding and stuffing: Lee. courtl 51-03 feXPeCted to 3119 on the
appea e ore year's en .
Laurie. Mark, Steve. ““1““,- There is no way of knowing how
——————-—— the court will decide this appeal.
But it is clearf thJat nlxqost pedople
, in Kentucky ee t e so omy
agihESInnzt-ledzn: anriégggiggimgrfl statute should not be retained. A
interest to lesbians in the recent survey found_that over 62
Bluegrass is produced by percent of Kentuckians said the
Esmeralda Collective state had no buSiness regulating
° private sexual conduct between
—— consenting adults. Moreover, about
_ ,, , 25 church and rofessional groups
Viewstzr opinéonihexpresjled in GgsodNevlls have filed frgend of the court
22:..“2: ° 2:5: briefs that argued .the .sodomy
Board of gi::::oresn Souslfmfssiones are Statute 15 upconStitutlonalJ-ty.
welcome. All submissions become the re EfaeéletY-sfetgzlealszaégledsucgo b33332:
property of GLSO and must indicate full g -
name and address of the author The gouge-ntl-ng adult gay people.- A150,
staff reserves the right to edit "In MlChlfan and Texas’ ?s in our
submissions and ads to meet publishing State’ ower court FUlJanS that
requirements, as well as the right to suqh laws .are unconStltL‘itlonal are
reject any submission. Placement of being reViewed by their supreme
advertising in the GLSO News does not court:' . .
denote a person's sexual orientation nor - fir ere 19 little one can do to
a business’s customer preference. . in uence - t-he KentuCky Supreme
Court deCiSion; the appropriate
steps of filing briefs and making
oral arguments have been seen to.
But we can contribute to changing
DRUG AZT SLOWS AIDS ONSET social views that _discriminate
against us. A pos1tive step is to
be open about who we are. Studies
CONTIEUED FROM pass 1 d indicate that (when straight people
T e stu y was reporte in are acquainte with ay eo le,
England's leading medical journal, they are less apt to cigiscrgmigate
The Lancet, in an article authored them. Statistically there are
by'Dr. Neil Graham, a John Hopkins between 23,000 and 25,000 gay men
epiIdemiologist. f h k algd lesbians inl Fayett: County.
n May, a team 0 Jo n Hop ins I we're open a ct can e done to
doctors reported that AZT doubles dispel incorrect perceptions and
the survival time of those who simplistic gay stereotypes.
suffer from full-blown AIDS.
2 - GLSO/ September

ertmgs of women political prisoners to be performed locally
By Laura Whitehorn us behind bars and those of you on
I am writing this to introduce the street are united. Our
myself and to invite you to an eve- struggles for justice in prison
ning of poetry and video by and most y takes the form of fighting
about women political prisoners. racism, white supremacy, sexism
I am a revolutionary anti- and homophobia. In particular,
imperialist political prisoner, many of us are involved in work on
currently incarcerated at FCI Lexi- education about HIV and support
ngton, serving a 23-year sentence for people with AIDS in prison.
for acts of resistance against the And we struggle to connect with
U.S. government. I am a lesbian progressive movements on the out-
and one of the Resistance Con— side, to break through the isola-
sgiracy Case defendants. We were tion the government tries to im—
c arged with "conspiracy to op- pose on us by locking us up.
pose, protest, and change U.S. Many of you may have par-
government policies in interna— ticipated in the campaign to close
tional and domestic matters by down the High Security control
Violent and illegal means." One unit. here at FCI Lex1ngton in
of those means was the bombing of 1986-1988. That campaign was very
the U.S. Capitol in 1983, in effective -— and I can tell you
protest against the invasion of that it has not been forgotten by
Grenada and the shelling of the authorities here at the
Beirut. As opposed to the brutal prison.
results of the U.S. policies, not September 16, at Alfalfa's res-
a single person was ever injured taurant, 7:30 p.m., there will be
in any bombing of which we were an evening in solidarity with
accused. women political prisoners, focus—
I am one of over 150 political ing on the poetry, essays, and
prisoners and prisoners of war in journal entries of the four women
U.S. prisons -- activists and of the Resistance Conspiracy Case:
revolutionaries from the black Marilyn Buck, Linda Evans, Susan
liberation struggle, Puerto Rican Rosen erg and me. The evening
independence movement, Native will include dramatic readings
American movement, North American from our work and a video about
anti—imperialist movement, and political prisoners. I urge you
anti-nuclear movement. From what to attend, to learn more about
I've heard, it seems the govern— political prisoners, and become a
ment is anxious to add to our num- part of our fight for freedom.
bers, as it threatens to charge
anti—war protesters with crimes
punishable by long prison terms. (606)233-3709 (606)231-0090
The U.S. denies that we are
political prisoners because acknow—
edging our status would mean ad— LEXINGTON'S MEN'S CHORUS
mitting that there are serious 50— Allarewelcome
cial injustices in this country,
and legitimate movements strug— Michael Breeding ShelbyReypolds
gling for change. In our continu- Director PreSIdent
:Lng struggle for justice, those of
GLSO/September - 3

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GEO/September

 Amnesty International debates 1ts gay/lesblan rlghts posmon
By David Williams

In the wake of growing protest against Amnesty International's
refusal to help‘ gay men an lesbians imprisoned because of their sexual
orientation, t e American branch of Amnesty International has issued a
statement indicating its support for gays and lesbians.

"The 0.5. Section of Amnesty,"
the statement says, "has lon advo-
cated an expansion 0? the GLSORECEIVES$105REBATE
'prisoner of conscience' defini- FROMPEGASUSTRAVELPLAN
tion to also include those im-
prisoned solely for their sexual Pegasus Travel has donated $105
orientation." The statement notes to Lexington's Gay and Lesbian
that this view of the U.S. Section Service Organization from its
has not prevailed at the interna- revenues for the first six months
tional policy-making level, which of 1991. GLSO participates in a
recognizes only those who have rebate program with Pegasus. The
been incarcerated for advocating travel agenc donates to GLSO one
gay and lesbian rights. percent of the income it receives

A resolution is to be presented from GLSO members and supporters.
to the 1991 Internationa Council There is no fee for making
Meeting in September in Tokyo to travel arrangements through
amend the group's current statutes Pegasus and you are donating to
to include "persons who are im- GLSO with each transaction.
prisoned solely because of their when making’your reservations
identity as homosexuals, including just mention that you are a GLSO
the practice of sexual acts in member or supporter and Pegasus
private between consenting will make sure GLSO gets credited
adults." However, the resolution with the donation. Pegasus Travel
may be watered down by a com— is located at 2040 Idle Hour
promise that would include Center, off Richmond Road, phone:
"expression of sexual orientation" 268-4337.
but not sexual conduct.

"What Amnesty would be sayin to
governments around the worle," 'PHANTOMOFTHEOPERA"TO BE
said Julie Dorf, cochair of the AVOLFUNDRAISING PAR’I'YTHEME
International Gay and Lesbian
Human Rights Comm135ion, is that The AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
you can't do a bar sweep and im- annual fundraising party will be
prison gays and lesbians for choos— on Sunday September 29, 7:00 -
ing to socialize together, but you 9:00 p.m. at Bell House. The
can invade someone's bedroom With party's theme is "The Phantom of
impunity, and lock them up for the the Opera." Black and white at—
way they love." tire, either formal or informal,

This is a very divisive issue," is requested. A minimum donation
said Cossette Thompson, director of $20 covers the food, drink and
of AI's San Francisco office. entertainment provided.
"But the 0.5. chapter and several Bell House is located at Bell
other countries support extending Court, one block off East Main
Amnesty's mandate." street. Information: 254—2865

GLSO/September - 5

Tl: BEAN TREES, by Barbara the time she arrives in Tuscon,
Kingsolver, Perennia Library, Arizona, she has acquired three
Harper and Row, 1988, 232 pages. things: two flat tires that she
haunted by Dan Mynear. can't afford to replace, a new
name for herself that she got from
Barbara Kingsolver is as un- a road sign (Taylor), and a three
likely an author as her year—old Native American child she
protagonist is the heroine in this names Turtle.
novel, The Bean Trees. Kingsolver Kingsolver has a special knack
hails from Nicholas County, just for getting her readers acquainted
thirty miles from Lexington. she with her characters Taylor Greer
attended a small rural high becomes you best friend and you
school, but her writing embraces a agonize with her over the tough
global perspective that takes in decisions she has to make (and'oc—
women's issues, the plight of the casionally offer advice). You
Native American, chi d abuse, grow as she grows; your perspec—
Guatemalan refugees -- replete tive of world issues expands with
with safe havens and last, but not hers. You suddenly realize how
least, ecology. Her talented pen small and trivial your problems
manages to accomplish this feat in are beside hers.
this novel filled with gutsy ambi- I stumbled upon Kingsolver by ac—
tion and perseverance and most im— cident. I was looking for another
portantly, humor and personal book, when the woman behind the
growth. counter suggest that Barbara
Marietta Greer, poor rural Ken- Kingsolver might just be the best
tucky girl, sees two mandates in woman writer in America today.
life: don't get pregnant and get This same fan said Kingsolver was
the hell out of Kentucky. Off she the most insightful writer of
goes in here '55 Volkswagon, head— women's issues that she knew.
ing west, destination unknown, and After reading The Been Trees, I
for that matter, unimportant. By have to agree.
Kate Cllnton, fumonst“
Sunday, September 29, 7:00 pm.
Singletary Center for the A113, Recital Hall
Tickets (257-4929): student and advance $10, at door 312
Sponsorship tickets: Linda Laporte, 286-9748
‘Iemim'st and humorist
6 - GLSO/September

 , lesbians. Here's a little quiz to
P see how you would do:
‘ J 1. The Holly Near concert is this
1:. , Friday b( it's Wfdnesdaly) . You've
, known a out it or wee s, so ou
- /' smerEIda S patio 1' a. assume everyone else Yknows
5‘“ about it too. .
m,';‘ b. make sure you friends all
5' know about it, because you want
‘4‘“ them to go too
‘ c. tell everyone you meet about
it, just in case they missed
. . hearing about it.
By Debbie Currie d. walk around with a "HOLLY
Yes, it's me again, admittedly NEAR CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT" sign
sooner than I expected primarily around your neck
because the newsletter deadline
slipped up on me. However, I've 2. On Monday you hear there's a
had several people express an Coffeehouse on Saturday night, so
interest in submitting something you:
for Esmerelda's Parlor, and I also a. don't tell anyone about it,
have some ideas of my own, so because you're sure your
hopefully we'll be able to carry ex-girlfriend will be there, so
on for a while. And while I'm on you don't want anyone to go
that train of thought, thanks to b. plan to go, but don't tell
Teri Wood for her "Train of anyone but your best friend
Thought" piece in the August news- because you don't want word to get
letter. It was a great way to to your ex-girlfriend that you'll
launch our new collective format. be there
This month I would like to talk c. tell everyone you know,
about networking. Networking can because the more people that ate
make or break a community like there, the more fun you will have
outs, and there are times when it 6. make sure your ex—girlfriend
has seemed like we've been close knows about it, then go do
to the breaking oint. Sometimes something else (it's good to keep
I think that a cfass in Networking track of them isn't it?)
101 should be re uired for all new CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
detailed responses supported Serious replies only, recent
CLASSIFIED ADS by a photo. Please call: photo preferred, replies
Rebonto Guha, Oberlander Str. confidential. Write: John,
33, W—8000 Munich 70, Germany. P.O. Box 3308, Frankfort, KY
37 YEAR OLD GERMAN euro—civil Tel. (+89) 776556 pvt - 40603.
servant, cosmopolitan, very evenings only (my time), 100% -—-——-
romantic, warm—hearted, widely discretion assured SERIOUS ABOUT COMMITMENT --
travelled - seeks intensive --—--- Attractive Healthy W/M 32
and truly lasting FRIENDSHIP RELATIONSHIP ORIENTED - years old, looking for someone
with very well built, tall, Attractive professional, HIV+ who is as sick of the bars and
, professional, straight-acting W/M, 6' 170*, healthy/ cruising as I am. I'm 5'8',
MAN - preferably aged between asymptomatic, health oriented, green eyes, long light brown
30-50 years. Would enjoy trim, in shape, non-smoker, hair. Wish to meet serious
correspondence, mutual visits honest, responsible, depend— healthy man around my own age.
and more with the right able, financially and If you're into quiet evenings
person. I am interested in the emotionally secure, affec- at home, and looking for
humanities, nature, travel and tionate and caring - seeks something meaningful and long
music (classical, jazz, compatible similar same, trim lasting, please send letter
ballads). I also don't smoke and healthy, EIV+ man 30-55 and phone number to TJK, P.0.
or take drugs of any kind. for monogamous relationship, Box 1705, Lexington, KY
Guaranteed replies to all sharing and living together. 40592-1705.
GLSO/Septexnlmr - 7

CONTINUED mom pass 5 late. Don't ever assume that
3. You just heard about a Maura anyone already knows about
O'Connell (if you say "who?" then anything that is coming up. Make
that's part of the point) concert a pest of yourself, if you must (1
tonight that is at a place that know I do sometimes), but spread
doesn't advertise very well. Do that word! Let's make this
you community a COMMUNITY!
a. call your friends to find '
someone to go with
b. don't worry about it, because
you're not interested in going
c. call your friend who's a big METAMORPHOSIS
fan of Irish music and make sure
she knows about it, even though By Gina Rose
you're not interested in going
d. call as many people as you Abutterfly emerged
can and she flew
4. You find out that "Yer metamorphosis
Girlfriend" is going to be
performing at The Metro tonight. Like so many sisters
You can't go, so you: before her
a. don't tell anyone, because .
you don't want them to go it you metamorphoms
b. call you ex and tell her She rifipedand struggled
about it (what the hell, someone untilt ecocoon
might as well have some fun) was cast away
c. call a half a dozen of your
friends and tell them and ask them metamorphosis
to sass the word on
. tell your friend known as She breathed
the "mouth of Lexington" and let and she knew
her do the rest
So, how'd you do? Actually,
there are are no right answers To use these wings
(it's great being a lesbian, isn't to leave these binds
The point is that we could metamorphosis
probably all do MORE! Networking
can be a pain, but I'd like to Andher sisterswerethere
think that it's worth trouble. betweentheearthandsky
Next time you hear about waitingtobe
something that's going on in the
community, pass the word along, metamorphosis
even if you aren't interested in
attending or you can't go. Fly with her
when you tell people, ask them share her gory
to pass the word on as well. I free om
can't tell you how many times knowledge
I've had women in our community
tell me that they missed an event metamorphosis
simply because they didn't know metamorphosis
about it or they found out too metamorphosis
8 - (HBO/September

GLSO Goyiine - - t - - - - - - - - - - - 231—0335 The Bar Com lex, 224 East Main, 255-1551.
GLSO Board ' Emma; - - - - - - - - - 256'8557 The restaurani? Cale Montparnasse, open tram
33% 3°36}: ggieu' army ' ' ' 1263339016765: 6 ‘ H P“ 5°W'dcy ‘5 Pm ‘ 3 °’"' Al”
GLSD Pfioneiine (TOMS) ' ' ' ' ' 266-9175 features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage
GLSD Coming—Out Gro ' ' Aihriiff 253—2414 Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge-
GLSO Bowling League final) _ . . _ . 253-4739 Atterhours Saturday night From 1:30 - 3:30 am.
Tri- State G Rodeo Association Crossings, 1T7 North Limestone, 233-7266.
agierfy or Mark) . . . . . 233-7255 Lexington's mens' bar. Cowboy night lst
NAMES ”0le Kentucky Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates
Lesbi P "(Kaila - - - id. ) - - - - gag-3322 The Rock, a leather shop, open Friday and
on o. "c smem a "" : Saturda , TO m to T am.
Esmeralda: Parlour (Dabble) . . . 255 3351 Y P
"m Rum"? " ”mm" ““b _ The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows
Dun)..........2546850 .
GLUE (UK Support Group) every Weekend. Alterhours Friday and
Le ‘ 9' M( eflheh. . . .(Sh i5). .zzg‘G—gggg Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am.
xn on’ en’s orus e y . -
(Michael). - - - . - - - 233—3709 Joe's Cate & Bar at lleur de lys, 120 South
-——— Upper Street, 259-9973. 4 pm - 1 am,
Gay/Lesbian AA (Dave 277-9522 M°"d°y ' Friday' 6 pm ' 1' 5mm"
Guy/Lesbian AI—Anon (lzdb'er'tj .' .'. 293—0516 —_______._
Dignity, - Catholics SDon) . . . . . . 299—4458 (800) 767-4297
in ear y — Episcopn ions 8K?) . . 277—4364
intarweave —- Uniteriuns ( m g) . . 266-8887
AYOL (info. a: education) . . . . . . 254—2865 & Your SOliSfOClion Qumnlaedl
filT—Li’llgmmlslrgfmnn'é ' ' ' ' ‘ 281-561 - Airline Tickets -Cruises
+. . 11 p0 roup
Erwin . . . . . . 233-0444 .
Kentucky AIDS Hilmna .). . . . aoo-as4—mos ‘ Vocallon Tours 'Group Tours
La , 01 Agonyrswg “35 Tagging 238 “as No Fees or Service Charges
xnon—a eoun...... — - '
Tod‘s"? “3'5: .mfllmugegt i _ - _ gig—3:11,}; GLSO Donations wrth Each Purchase
essam ne oun so a -
Woodiord CountyyHeulth nepi. . . . 873-45“ P EG AS U S
6 activities in Louisvilie & Jefferson Count . TRAVEL lNC
”Gay and Lesbian Hotline (502) 589-3316,. 2040 idle Hour Center - Richmond Road
I Lexington. Kentucky 40502
“nomgfl; §§§E'§§3§R'S'SL'NE 800 228-4357 or 606 268-4337
GLSO/September - 9

Contact names and numbers for all events can be
found in the Directory on the previous page.
The Comp Care Center is located at 201 Mechanic S P E C I A L E V E N T S
Street in Lexington.
SUN 1 NAMES Project display
of NAMES guilt, Hertiage
S E p T E M B E R Hall, CiVic Center;
finwmmfiwnwmmnwwmmfiwwwfifififififiEEEEEEWWE Tri-State Gay Rodeo
$MTWTFS‘: Association, 4 p.m.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TUE 3 Gayline Meeting, 5:30
8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 SUN 8 AVOL Board Meeting 4:00
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 p.m., general meeting 5:30 '
i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 214 W. Maxwell street
I 29 30 WED 11 NAMES Project Meeting,
7 p.m., Rosenthal Center,
Transylvania University
if E El!( L Y' E \I E II T S
THU 12 NAMES Project Panel Making
Workshop, 7 p.m., Quilters
SUNDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 p.m., Square, Regency Road
Comp Care Center;
SUN 16 Lesbian Potluck, 2 p.m.
TUESDAY Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon, 7
p.m., Comp Care Center MON 16 Conspiracy of Voices (see
page 3) A falfa Restaurant
WEDNESDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m., on s. Limestone, 7:30 p.m.
St. Joseph Hospita , CCI
Meeting Room TUE 24 GLSO News, folding and
stuffing, 6:30 p.m., for
THURSDAY HIV+, ARC, AIDS Support info, call Lee,277-9365
WED 25 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30
FRIDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 p.m.
Comp Care Center SUN 29 AVOL's annual fundraising
party, 7:00 p.m., at Bell
SATURDAY Front Runners, 9 a.m., House (see page 5)
UK water tower at Alumni OCT
Drive SAT 5 Financial Recovery in
Recovery Workshop, 9:30
a.m. - 5 p.m. for info:
277-0450, Judy or Skeet
GAYLINE - 231-0335
Lexington Gay Information Service TO INCLUDE EVENTS IN THE CALENDAR
Operates Between 8 — 11 p.m. CALLING 253—0661 OR WRITE
Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, GLSO NEWS, P.O. BOX 11475,
and Friday evenings. LEXINGTON, KY 40575
10 — GLSO/September