xt73ff3kxs4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3kxs4d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1977 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Tennessee, November 19, 1977 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Tennessee, November 19, 1977 1977 1977 2014 true xt73ff3kxs4d section xt73ff3kxs4d r it .   R 7 _. _
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Kentucky vs. Tennessee—— November l9, l977 *¥ _7/.·7;AVA Ll   A I · l
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-   •   if I F L I l
dress-Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506.       S  
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift, advisor; Jack Perry, Assistant SID.     lil" ,VV· V,. .. if    I    
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.   I  
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue,     V S ’ l l
New York, N.Y. lO0l7. V,     ”     [V,, V A I , l
V`   ,Vl·4    V· . elll, VrV»1?.V?li  
CONTENTS ”VVr V»/~ l‘  l
Governor Carroll .........................................,...........,................................................ 3 I if - `   . V  l   l
Stadium Information .......................................,............................... . ........................ 5 _ Q I .   ,_ r
" University of Tennessee ..................................... . ................,............,........................ 8 '·V V_V ;V__   _ P- " .- I-fil  
President Singletary ....................,......................................................................,...... 9 vl\ I ,_   V  
Athletic Director Hagan ........................,..........,.,...........................,.......................... ll _      
Coach Fran Curci ......................................,..................,.......................................... l3    
Meet the Wildcats .....................................................,..............,............... l4-l 5-1 ls-80    
Mascot Lore ................................,...................,...,,.,....,.,,..,,..,,,.......,.,...,.....,,.,..,..,,, lt   V V ’ r   V  —--   ___*  
SEC Basketball ...,.....,.............................................................................................. 4t V   I   ’_;[i‘ ; W `V         
The Quarterback .......................................,........,........,..........,............,.................... or "”‘      
Yell Leaders ...........,....,..........,....................................................,........................... l4t _ V- N  i .       -1
Living on Campus ................,...,.............................................i................... 33, 34, 35   xg °"V_;‘  `     F ’
Wildcat Assistant Coaches ....................,........,.,.,..,............................................. 36-37     ° ·
Kentucky Roster ...................................................,......,..........................,.................. 40 » ` im       ` V
Lineups ............................................................................,...,...................,......... 42-43
Tennessee Roster .................................,......,,.................................,...,...................... 45 V V V ,
Meet The Volunteers ....,............................,..............,....................................... 48-49 R€IGX€(I dining IH GFI ALL AMER-
The Lltfle Man ...........,...,....................................................,.......,........................... l7t ICAN gfmggphgrg Sglgcf Choice
gulmday ghrub ligicgay ..........................,.......,..........................,,....,............................   .V Western B€€{.St€¤kS_ Watch them
o ege oot a uiz .....,....................................................,..., . .........................,..,. V,- V V _ — -
Blue-where Fund .....................................,..............,................................... 69 thru 76 , Sl; Z I lV° W;   °l’°" l‘°°'*l‘
Wildcat Marching Band ........................,......,,.r..............,...,.......................t........i..,.. 77 F GICOUV V9'l'I · °°$€ lm"' P"'
UK Advance Football Schedules .......................................,....,,............................,..... 78 26 condrments for yourlesdldd.
Press Box Personnel ..................,........,..,,.............,.................,.....,............................ 84 Tgmp(·§qg_Bgvgr¤gg5l Served from
  4_p.m. to il p.m. for all home
  Faculty Members Alumni Members ` U V
l Dr. Richord Robe, '78 Dr. Rolph Angelucci, '78    
Prof. Chorles Rolond, '78 Thomos P. Bell, '79 V
Deon Morion E. McKenncl, ’79 ,‘ h I ’
pr. Doniel R. raeedy, ’7s> FX Offieie Members €l9 I I OCEIIOHS
  Dr. Stephen Diclchun, ’8O Dr. Otis A. Singletory, Choirmon
' Dr. Chorles Ellinger, ’8O Dr. Roymond Hornbock L °_ Vt K 94] wmchesier MV
Dr. N. J. Plsocono, ’8O Jock Blonton V exmg one Y- 270 Southland DL
Cliff Hogon Dr. R. G. Zumwlnkle
Dr. W. L Mctthews Frankfort, Ky. Franklin sq. Mali
Trustee Members Jim LGMGSTH
George W. Griffin, Jr., '78 Dr. Donold B. Clopp Louisviile, Ky. Hurstbourne Purk
Fronk Romsey, Jr., '79
j Student Members Hopkinsvilie, Ky. Hummond Pluzu
l Members-at-Large Kqthy Culbertson B K V 75 . .
5 Albert B. chdndler, ’79 Jim Hdrrdleen °*°¤~ Y- ·
  S` T` R°°°l" 80 Columbus, Ind. 2506 25th Street
Important BETAMAX Correction: ln this issue, our Sony Betamax ad contains a reference Clgrkgvillgl !nd_ 5`l3 E, Highway I3]
to a two—hour recording. Please note that two—hour recording is possible only with our
model SL-8200 Betamax Recorder and not with the SL-7200 Recorder shown. We regret V
this unintentional error. The Sony Corporation of America

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  1   _ -    ".·.  IZ j  “ -. ‘ ‘ I A & C Broke, Inc. .......................................... 50
    Q /   e . » . “ /\rby's ............................................................ 52
_       ‘   Ashland Oil .................A..,..............,.............. 50 I
I     { . . _     A ‘ ` » Bank ot Lexington ........................................ 47
        Shvé   Barkley ana Co. .....,...................................... 36 l
I iQ  »I-* ` ’”     - Brsnap House .......................,..............,......... 37 I
            ‘   n I Blue Flame Fuel, Inc. .................................... 8I I
I 9 ` ` ¥   I l n     C. D. Harris 8i Sons Co. .................................. 79
— ` ` _ G " e ··   - Central Bank 8i Trust .,.................................. 2
I . Q',   i Il    _ Chevrolet ...................................................... 4I
I   li Qigz,  AA_    ``ll·x Clitt Hagan’s Ribeye ..,................................. I
I " I   Coca—Cola Bottling ...................... Center Spread
· I . H fe;  .   ·. · ` Columbia Steak House .................................. 46
` , l , -  ·l .       . i l Continental Inn ............................................ 38
I V H ,  _;_e_ Dawahore’s ,................................................. 5I
. - "   I . -_ Fayette Mall ................................................ 39
` I   e _ 4 · First Security National Bank ........................ 4
U , g.   “ Y it Y_ Hospitality Inn .............................................. 7
Island Creek Coal Co, .................................. 38
Jim Host & Associates .................................. 6
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Used to be, y0u did your
banking during banking hours. (
At some banks you still do. 1
But not at First Security. n n l
Our 24—Hour Bankers let you @`     <
do YOUY biglklllg Whr?1 YOU i~1AT1oNKA1. lEAtl’§rl§_& T1<11s’1` C()Ml’ANY www {
want to. nytime. hey’re open · ’“"““‘ `’''‘   "   ·
around the Clock. Big enoughiubend alittle .
’ ’ ‘ Main Office: One First Security Plaza,
Fhey T€ Even Worklqg Wllen Main and Walnut Streets, Lexington, Kentucky 40507
€V€I'yOl1€ else ll'l tOWl'l IS at Ll’l€ *First Security`s new 24 Hour Bankers I
gElm€. BECAUSE yOL1 HEVEY CHD ggé3\x{_€s¤ sign lsrgeid ¤%?§11§;is11§i¤¤1 ishogpiiig Center l
· ° .t . ;. . ' .
tell when somebody Will U€€d :1785 Aiciiintiiig org; :2100 sihirmnu Vpnvg ‘
8 bank Ht halfnme. ¤i¤?l3gizI;(§;11Br0ad“Y¤y ¤iC¤ti0n with the nurse on duty ¤t tions and policies established by the Public Safety
either First Aid station. A person in need of assistance DiyigiO¤_
with a health emergency should report the situation
immediately to the nearest Boy Scout or usher. PARKING-—N\ore than 5,000 parking spaces are lo-
`_ cated in four lots around the stadium, along with a
CARDIAC CARE——ln cooperation with the University PU$‘C¤mP€r lOl· Seine GVGGS ere $9* Gslde ter Blue gt
Medical Service, the University of Kentucky provides Wlllle Fund m€mP€r$i h¤'“CllCOPP€`Cl P€'$O"‘$» STGU Cmcl
. G Cgrdjcc ,»€.SUSCgtOygOn prOgrGm_ the press. Located nearby on the campus are many
free parking spaces in University lots. Shuttle buses
Lost Amo i=our~i¤.-Last and found articles siaaaia °“"V t°‘€‘$$""“9€'$ te Cmd *'°'“ the °°""l°“$ lm eee
be reported or turned in to an usher or a security offi— The SlGdlUm‘
cer. You may wish to write to the director of public
safety (305 Euclid Avenue) and describe lost articles
which will be returned rr rOUrrd_ GENERAL TICKET POLICY FOR STADIUM ·
• All persons must have a ticket
cizowo Noise PENALTY-uacaattaiiea ctawa noise Z fg ;’_;”fjS‘}‘j,f,,§“°°"S "‘“""“""‘ °‘ °"’ “°‘°
CCII"l I’€Sl,lll li”i O five yard penalty 'GgCill"lSl your l€Cll't'l. • Tickets cannot be refunded or replaced if lost, stolen or de»
j   Observe qUOrl€rbl·`Cl< Gnd Olllclcl S Slgnclls for * Thleyeldlniversity of Kentucky Athleric Asrsociution reserves the
Y · ` r k ticketsb refundo urc asc rice
  • flfrllllrlefo oFwFictI< FM Ashland WIEL AM Elizabethtown wMrr AM wi. rz. ’ .    »~‘_·.;. A     , . . __ l
. . The Uruvers1ty 0f Kentucky Sports Network
- Kentucky l· ord Dealers _ b d d_ _ _ F
t Ashland Oil C0./Valvoline Grange Mutual lnsuratnrze 15 3 roa Cagt WISH-m O _A
` Blue Cross/Blue Shield! Keeneldnd Assucirition . ·  
D I . . I » A ' ~ .' , · lim H0st& Associates Inc. ~
e tri Denld nf lxentuc y Kentucky (,0elAss0c1.at10n , . ’    
Fistzlttar Packing Cn. Long lohn Silvers Seel00dSl10pp0si   Ea$t Main, [-€x"?tO" Kentucky rg
tlenurnl 'ltzlepltonc of Kentucky Q TCIQQHOIIC       gi
‘ . . .. , ._   .. .   , .. ..._ _ _ _ t . ,  

 - V
  t~»~¤““" lAle’re open .
all mghl,
O because [fs
  uourstomach E
E dgggnfclggg Open SBHSOII OI`!  
l Q ¤lmlll¤l¤hl- Southeastern »
We know what its like .
l lliT&’;C;)§§(;Z`§l2???SS25lgn- CODEQYCIICQ
WSG ·I 48.m. ]US
O dOiOiifto(ilidhL;aiteIy,lrpI;>stt   • i
{QS 8U|'€il'\S O]US 3. ·
Around midnight. 9 `
CD 5.;;2g.;s:s:::;;.;¢ Go Qei ¢m»
3 ulL?S§£??¤‘2E§?$?§  C at$ •
meal. In pleasant, casual
Surgleixildliirggyou get hunger
1 5’§r22EilL`€lTE&€€S§§;Z`4;.$€ , I ,
m at Hospitality,
  l'\€9d US l'TlOSl.  I  
\\ • I •
Since l9l5 We Have Been Doing Something YOU,
I U [I
, ® Our Customers, Like and Appreciate
.5   Southern Bedding Company, Inc., operators of SLEEPY—HEAD HOUSE, has
  B ‘ _ been in business in Lexington since l9l5 . . . Over 60 years in the business
l of furnishing fine home furniture, appliances and bedding to thousands of
FAMOUS Lexingtonians and Central Kentuckians. We're Lexington born . . . owned
NAME . . . managed, and we are proud of this fact. Ask Mon, Dad or the Grand- »
BEDDING parents and most likely they will tell you they have been a satisfied
S|eepy—Head House customer at one time or another.
Come in and shop with us. Discover four floors of name brand furniture,
famous Serta and Sealy bedding, and General Electric appliances. We'll
I   'l'l`€Gl' yOU Wl'l'l’\ €V€l'y COU.I'l'€Sy because WE WC|I’\l' YOU to COITIE lJ(]Cl< (1gGll‘\
and again. H
YWALWAY500, BETTER A7   @3     V;
  Main at Broadway- Lexington, Kentucky
i "Where people shop for quality and don’t mind paying a little less"

l  0. ` _ _ ‘ PRESlDENT—Dr. Edward J. Boling
 QI C. if I ;· 4 .. ATHLETICS COMMITTEE-—T¤m mam
· " { F` ;· ’ * , f