xt73ff3kxj79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3kxj79/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, July 1983 text The Wax Bean, July 1983 1983 1983-07 2014 true xt73ff3kxj79 section xt73ff3kxj79 /     re/it ir
T y Y I T
H \\ AB. Blu .t
J »July 1983
King Library vs State Library and Archives. ~
The game will be tentatively played at the Dept. of Human Resources
in Frankfort at 3 p.m. on Saturday, August 6th. Contact Bill Marshall
(257-8611) if you want to play but be aware that practices will be
Sixty-five people attended the LSO picnic JunelOth at Spindletop
T and enjoyed both good food and good company on one of the most beautiful
evenings of the year.
Once again, Barbara Randolph and Company (also known as the Social
Committee) pulled off a terrific, fun time. A special thanks to Paul
Willis for his help and for the use of his good name to make
g arrangements at Spindletop. Hats offl! Everything from fried chicken
y and potluck dishes to the ymmy desserts and refreshing drinks
contributed to a relaxing, laid—back, plain old "good time".
Prizes were awarded to winners in the bingo games and condolences
to the losers. For those so inclined, frisbees, balls, volleyball and
badminton were available, not to mention congenial company and lively
conversation. Later on in the evening, a band played 50's and 60's
music on the back patio at Spindletop. (No, LSO did not arrange that,
friends!) Make plans to come to next year's picnic.` A
A trip to the State Library is planned for Thursday morning, August
18. We will leave at about 8:30 and return at about noon. Seating is
limited to about no people since we are taking the old AG bus. if you
wish to go contact Perry Bratcher at 7-8392 before August kth. The cost
is Sl for LSO members and $2 for non—members. Seating is on a first
come first serve basis so get your bids in early!
Yes, after one false start, LSO now owns a volleyball, a volleyball
net and set of poles, an air pump, and 2 frisbees. Money raised two
years ago for this purpose was finally spent.
This was one of two projects for this year's LSO officers. The
other project is to revise the LSO constitution and bylaws. John Bryant
is chairing a committee to work on that. We hope to be able to bring
that to a membership meeting sometime in October, at the latest.

Our best whishes to the following people who will soon be leaving
PATTY DACCI who is looking forward to staying at home for awhile
with an expected newcomer to the family. (August I7th is the due date.
‘ We'lI be thining of you! .
NAZEE DEPP who will be returning to school full time in the fall.
She hopes to finish her undergraduate degree in two years with a major
in languages and then go on for a MLS. Nazee will leave her staff
position in mid-August and then return September lst as a student
assistant in CSR. (Glad you're only putting on a different hat and not
really leaving us for good!)
LYNN FOGLE who will be Head Librarian of the Laurel County Public
Library in London, Kentucky, beginning August Ist. (Director first time
out? Impressive!)
y CATHY PENBERTHY who will be going back to school to get a second
. masters degree in English. She'll be attending UK and working as a T.A.
for the English Department. (Did you have to turn in you library key?
I mean, there should be some fringe benefits for former employeesll)
I LYNN SHREWSBURY who finished her MLS and has accepted a position as
customer service and education coordinator with Blackwell North American
in New York City. (She says that the fancy title just means she gets to
‘ do a little bit of everything!) She'll be on her way to England for
training on July 28th. (Obviously, Blackwell's benefits aren't too
shabby-—ENGLAND for TRA|NING???)
Lots of good luck to all these folks!!!
A LSO extends congratulations to THERESA STARNS who is now MRS. JERRY
,` SMYTH. Best wishes to the newlyweds!
KENNEDY (Acquisitions) and SANDRA CLEMMONS (Acquitions) have been
drinking the same water. If this is true, we'd like to know where this
water is —- some of us want to drink too and others want to "Steer
clear"! With three out of four working on the second floor of King
North, I wonder what's going one up there!!?? (We hope that the new
arrivals will be happy and healthy!)
A special welcome to three new staff members -- SONJA RIGGEN in
Catalog Maintenance, SUSAN TIPTON in Administrative Services, and BRIAN
COUTTS in Reference. Sonja has replaced SHARON HAGGARD who is now
working in SOLINET. Susan, formerly in UK‘s General Accounting Office,
now is in MARIE CARTER'S old job. Other internal transfers include
LARRY GREENWOOD who is now head of the Education Library and LINDA
RAINES who is a new technician, also in Education.

* JULY 1983
Balance brought forward, 1983 $179.56
E Receipts
1 Membership dues $297.00
Q Booksale 95.99
1 Coffee & donuts 7.89
  Bakesale 71.50
3 Donations (picnic) · 75.00
1 Pictures 21.00
1 $568.38
1 $747.94
} Expenditures
Valentine's Day Tea $ 40.51
F Spring Fling 40.00
A Picnic 131.66
` Volleyball set and games 79.74 `
3 Cards, memorials and gifts 115.83
Staff lounge supplies 9.63
I Bank service charges on ,
5 checking account .00
· · Film processing 11.39
BALANCE $321.18
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Hale, LS0 Treasurer
July 14, 1983 4

 . i L.
- Join the 99 people who have already become members of LSO. It's
never too late to pay your dues of $3.00 to LS0 Treasurer Barbara Hale
(cpu)! _
Dear Friends:
Thank you so much for the Gorham crystal dish. It is very nice and
I appreciate it!
Beryl Gaither
Dear Friends:
Thank you so much for the attractive candy dish from Shillito
Rikes. It is very kind of you to think of giving it to me and will have
A many uses. I've always liked cut glass. - ·
I agree that congratulations are in order. iAnyone who is able to
work thirty-three years in a place with so many grand people has been
most fortunate. I am very aware of this. I -
A Thank you for the present but even more for your friendship.
Bess Clotfelter
The candy dish is lovely sitting on my coffee table. I appreciate
it so much. Best wishes to each of you in keeping the library going
without me - that's hard to do.
Thanks also for the cards of sympathy in the loss of my dear _
brother. |t's so good to have friends. . ‘