xt73ff3kws62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73ff3kws62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1925-03-feb12-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-03-feb12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-03-feb12-ec. 1925 1925-03-feb12-ec. 2011 true xt73ff3kws62 section xt73ff3kws62 




     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees, Uriversity of Kentucky, for Thursday, February
L., 1925.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in the
office of President McVey to consider further the bids that had
been offered February 10 for construction of the chemistry build-

     M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds,
su'omitted the following tabulation of chemistry building bids:
                      Brick   Finished  Plastd.   Roof
Contrac-  Gen. Con.   Walls   Floors     Ceils.    Rep.     Bond
tor       Price      Add     Aaid      Add        Add
Combs Lum-
ber Co.  149,790.00  792.00   3,142.00  2,400.00  300.00  2,200.00
IMoore Co. 153,740.00  527.00  3,028.50  2,610.70  150.00  1,500.00
Lumb. Co. 115,247.00  584.00  2,735.00  2,108.00  250 00 1,728.70

                        Electrical Bids

Netoffsky  26,842.00 This include $3,000 for fixtures       402.60
Allen Elec.23,130,28 This includes $3,000 for fixtures        345.00
Michales &
Co.       22,520,00 This includes $3,000 for fixtures       350.00
Tingle Co. 22,222.00 This includes $3,000 for fixtures        333.00
Ben C.
Ingles     21,979,43 This includes $3,000 for fixtures       164.85
Brook- An-
dorson Co. 21,316.00 This includes $3,000 for fixtures        179.85

                 Plumbing -- Gas and Compressed Air Bids

Netoffsky  32,444.00                                          480.00
            (If cast iron is substituted for fibre de--
                duot $1,200.)
 J.J. Fitz-
 gerald Co. 19,800.00                                          300.00
            (If cast iron is substituted for fibre de-
                duct $490.)



He  ._ting and Vent latitn  bids

h-:aflrtig Co.




  (In -he Plumbing cast iron pipe sub-
    sti tuted for fibre deduct '750.)
  :The above bid includes neating & venti-
    lating, plumbing and compressed air.)
  (Q. S. B. substituted for Smith B. deduc
  (Utica B. substituted for Smith B. deduc
  (C. S. B. substituted for Smith B. doduc
  (Tf Utica substituted for Smith B. deduc
  D. S. B. substituted for Smith B. deduc
  kftica B. substituted for Smith B. deduc
  (C. S. B. substituted for Smith B. deduc
  (Utica B. substituted for Snith B. deduco

Surmar! ar y

General Contractor

J. T. Jackson Lumber Co., Lexington

Plumbing Contractor

Contract Price

   $115, 247*00

J. J. Fitzgerald Co., Lexington

Heating and VentilaTinc-  

J. J. Fitzgerald Co., Lexington

Electrical Contractor

Brock-Anderson Electrical Company, Lexington
                                   Grand Total




N ote: Since proposals have been submitted and tabulated the
       J. T. Jackson Lumber Company has filed an addenda to
       their original bid amounting to $5,150, covering the
       cost of cut stone which they claimed was omitted through
       error by them in their original bid.

     These bids deduct $-6,000 for fixtures.



:20G. )
630. )







General Condit ions
    Additional blasting, in place per cubic yard $5.00
    Additional excavation, in place per cubic yard 1.00
    Additional 1-2-4 stone concrete foundation
         per cubic yard                           20.00
    Reinforced steel, added per pound               .06

Goneral Contractors
Combs Lumber Company
H nadricks-Moore Company
T. T. Jackson LumDber Company

71.c0trical Contraltors
f 2toff sky !.nd Com-pany
Allen Electric Co.M-pany
Lucas-Tingle e 0c;many
licha3ls and Company
Ben C. Ingles
Brock-Anderson Electrical. Co.:ipany

Plumbing Contractors
Netoffsky and Company
J. J. Fitzgeral.d and. Com-a:,Y

Heating and Ventilatinq Contractors
Redmon Heating Compa.rly includes H.., V., & P.)
Netoffsky anid CompaOny
Netherton and Company
J. J. Fitzgerald and Company

     After thorough discussion of the various
Rhoads made the following motion:

Total Bid



      27, 254.52
      22, 62?,. 00

bids submitted, Mr.

     That the bids of the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company, General
Contractors; J. J. Fitzgerald and Company, plumbers, bidding also
on gas and compressed air, and Brock-'Anderson, bidding on elec-
trical work, be accented.   This motion was seconded by Senator
Frorman, and when offered for passage was adopted by unanimous vote.

     Mr. Rhoads also made a motion that 40% surety bonds to guar-
antee faithful performance of contractors be required.   This mo-
t.ion was seconded. by Mr. Froman, and when put upon its passage was
adopted unanimously.

     Upon motion of Mr. Froman, seconded by Mr. Rhoads, the Presi-
dent and Business Agent were authorized to sign contracts on the
part of the University with these successful bidders.

     The following resolution was adopted unanimously:  That the
President of the University, chairman of the Executive Committee,


                               .1 -

and. secretary of the Board of Trustees, be authorized to execute a
deed to the city of Lexington for certain land belonging to the
University but taken over by the city in its extension of Lexing-
ton Avenue; that the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds and
the Business Agent measure the land, prepare necessary deed to the
cityV for such land as the city had used for street and side walk
at a price equal to the original cost of this ground to the Uni-
versity, together with interest at 6 per cent for two years plus
the cost of abstract of deed to the city.

     President McVey reported that the Athletic Council was suf-
fering as a result of a deficit for the current session and had
asked permission of the Board of Trustees to borrow a sum of money
not to exceed $10,000 to settle unpaid accounts.    After discussion
of the request made by the Athletic Council, Mr. Rhoads offered
the following resolution:

     That the Athletic Council of the University of Kentucky be,
and the same is hereby author ized to borrow on its own note or -
notes, from any barking institution that will make the loan, a sum
or sums of money not 'o exceed $10,000, and the President and the
Business Agent of the University are hereby authorized to endorse
such notes as security for the payment thereof.    This motion was
duly seconded and unandrmously adopted.

     President McVey reported that he was in receipt of a communi-
cation from the Y. M. 0. A. of the University asking for an in-
crease in funds for the promotion of its work, of from $1,500 to
$2,000, and that a suggestion had been made that the University ap-
propriato this sumn 0or that the student fees be increased to meet it.

     AThe President declared that he was opposed to increasing stu-
dent fees.   Upon motion by Mr. Rhoads, duly seconded and adopted,
the President was requested to make specific recommendations on
this point and submit them to the next meeting of the Executive

     President McVey reported that he had received the following

                                         January 8, 1925

   University of Kentucky
   Lexington, Kentucky

   Dear Sire:

   One of our Inspectors, Mr. J. C. Bosworth, Jr., recently re-
   ported inspections of the University with the fcllo.Ving rec-
   ommendations: That fire escapes should be erected on the



   Agriculture, Ed.ucational, Armory, Main, White, Natural
   Science, New Chemistry and Mining buildings; also have the
   defoetive cord wiring in the basement of the Agriculture
   Bu lding corrected; have protection put under stoves inl the
   Mining Building; and in the New Chermistty Building use rub-
   be3z gas hose and fix the broken plaster.

   I trust you will endeavor to have these recommendations car-
   'ied out at the earliest possi'le moment.

   Yours very truly,
   J. T. Embry
   Aset. Chief Deputy Auditor

     The President submitted the following letter from Professor
Caa-re]., whic.h is self-explanatory and was ordered spread upon the
m.inutes as a correction of an error in the minutes of the Board
of Trustees meeting in June, 193.90

                                         January 23, 1925

   President Frank L.J MoVoy
   Unive. L'sity of: Kantitucky

   Dear Sir:

   On June 25, 1919, I received a letter from the Secre~try
   of the Board of T:ustecs of the University of Kentucky ap-
   pointing me Professor of Structural Engineering beginning
   Ju'ly 1, 1919.

   In the last Bulletin of the University of Kentucky my title
   Vas stated as Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.    I
   woild like to have this mistake corrected in the next cat-
   alog so that my name will appear in the correct group and
   in order of academic seniority.

   Respectfully yours,
   W7. J. Carrel
   Professor of Structural Engineering.

     The following resignations, appointments, and adjustments
were recommended by the President, and on motion duly seconded,
adopted as recommended:

     Resignation of Dr. M aurice L. Boevers, assistant in the De-
partment of Veterinary Science, effective March 1, 1925.

     Resignation of 11r. Z. L. Galloway, field agent in Farm Man-.
ageinent, effective December 10, 5924.



     A-opointment of Mir. Vlilliamp . Howzat, assistant county agent,
Fayette County, at a salary of $100 a mornzh, effective January
2.3, to June 30, 1925.

     Continuation of employment of M-iss Ouida Midkiff, assistant
home demonstration agent, Pulaski County, at a salary of $150 a
month, Effective January 1 to February 28, 1925.

     Continuation of emnloyment of H. R. Jackson, county agent,
Shelby County, at a salary of $200 C month, effective February 1,
?-.25, to &Ya:    ir 1926.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Ethel Nice, home demon-
z-ration agent, Garrard County, at a salary of $150 a month, ef-
fective January 1 to December 31, 1925.

     Continuation of employment of P. 0. Wilson, county agent,
Union Courty, at a salaryr of $166 2/3 a month, effective January
1 to December 31, 1925

     Continuation of employment of C. A. Wicklund, county agent,
Kenton County, at a salary of $208 1/3 a nionth, effective January
1 to December 31, 1925,

     Continuation of employment of Clyde Watts, county agent,
Carroll County, at a salary of $183 1/3 a month, effective January
1 to December 31, 1925.

     Continuation of eamloyurent of L. C. Brewer. county agent,
Fayette County, at a salary of $250 a month, effective January 1
to December 31, 1925.

     Continuation of eraploymunt of IMrs. Martha Ida Moore, home
damonstration agent, IcCracken County, at a salary of $158 1/3 a
rmonth, effective January 1 to December 31, 1925.

     Continuation of employment of Mrs. Catherine Taylor Johnson,
home demonstration agent, Jefferson County, at a salary of $191 2/3
a month, effective January 1 to December 31, 1925.

     Leave of absence for Miss Carrie Lee Hathaway, employed in
the seed laboratory, for approximately seven months.

     Appointment of Miss Jessie Terry, seed analyst, at a salary
Qf $80 a month, effective about January 20 and continuing until
fifteen days before Miss Hat haway's return.

     Transfer of M4iss Uarie Jackson, now assistant seed analyst,
to the position of seed analyst temporarily vacated by Miss Hath-
away, at a salary of 4t00 a month, same to be effective at the
time of Miss Hathawaytes leaving and to continue until fifteen days
before her Yreturn.

     M- ting adjourned.
                                         Enoch Grehan
                                            Se ore tary