xt73bk16q74s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q74s/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1965 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, January 1965 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, January 1965 1965 1965 2021 true xt73bk16q74s section xt73bk16q74s  









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Today, upon a bus, I saw a lovely girl
with golden hair5

I envied her, she seemed so gay, and
wished I were as faire

When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw
her hobble down the aisle;

She had one leg, and wore a crutch; and
as she passed - a smile5

Oh God, forgive me when I whine,

I have two legse The world is mine5


Later5 walking dean the street, I saw a
child with eyes of blue

. He stood and watched the others play; it

seemed he knew not what to do5
I stopped a moment, then I said: ”Why
' don‘t you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word, and then
I knew - he could not hear
Oh God, forgive me when I whine

I I have two ears5. The wdrld is mine




And then I stopped to buy seme sweets5

The lad who sold
I talked with him

them had such charm.
- he seemed so glad

If I were late Itwould do no harm5
And as I left he said to me: mI thank
you, You have been kind5
It‘s nice to talk with_folks like you~
You see," he said, "I'm blind "

Oh God, forgive me,
The world is minee

I have two eyes5

when I whine5


"With legs to take me where IYd go -

With eyes tosee the su‘nsetzs glow - ‘
With ears to hear what I would know m

Oh God, forgive me
I m blessed indeed

Penal Press

when I whine55
The world is mine5

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JOSEPH Ga CANNON, Commissioner Dr. FRED MOFFATT, Emecutive Director

MARSHALL SWAIN, Deputy Commissioner WALTER FERGUSON, Chairman

Dr» HAROLD BLACK, Dir. of Institutions ERNEST THOMPSON, Member

W. Z. Carter, Director of Education Mrs. LUCILLE HURT, Member




LUTHER THOMAS, warden Revr H.E. INMAN, Protestant Chaplain
HENRY El COWAN, Deputy warden- Revs THOMAS CLARK, Catholic Chaplain
JAMES H. COELIER, Deputy Warden WILLIAM EGBERT, Vocational Instructor



Kenneth Deneen” Editor James McKinney, Artist' I

Charles Baker, Asct.r Editor - James Harry, Chouser - Charles Goehring, Printer


Castle News 2'~ 3 ~ 4: When is a mannA man? l4
Blind Advice 5 Trading Post . 15
Editorial 5’- 7 Sports is u 17
Chaplains' Corner ‘8 - 9 Barons of goodwill . 18
Tall.Tales 10 Penal Press i 19
Department reports 11 -‘12 Reprint 20 - 2T
question & Answers 13 Statistics ~ 22 T 24


Letters to the editor are encouraged and will be welcomeda They must be signed, as
anonymous communications cannot be publishedo In the event the author of a letter
wishes to withold his or her name from publication, this desire should be indicated
in the letter. The letter will then be printed without the signature’ at“ the
discretion of the Editor if it contains information deemed of sufficient inter-
est to all readers. - Editor. '
This magazine is published by and for the inmates of the Kentucky Penitentiary,
under the supervision of Luther Thomas - wardens All.or part of any article may
be reproduced provided proper credit is‘given to author and'magazinea Address mail
to The Editor, Castle on the Cumberland, Box 128, Eddyville, Kentucky;

- 1 a






















LOUISVILLE, Kentucky - The Governor's
Task Force on Criminal Justice - headed
by, Maubert Mills - seeks $4.5 million
aid from the Ford Foundation grant to
help implement a statewide program.

Marlin Volz, Dean of the University Of
Louisville law School, said they would
. seek aid:. 1. A criminal laboratory to
provide indigent defendants with the
same expert and scientific aid available
to police agencies. 2. A central fund
from which to pay the expenses of attor-
neys appointed to represent indigents.
Mills said his talks with the foundation
representative make the prospect of aid
“look right hopeful.”

Volz, who is also a member of the Gover-
nor's task force, predicted a statewide
conference would be called soon to help
plan a public-defender systemo Under
present law, Kentucky‘ indigents are
allowed court-appointed attorneys. Howe
ever, the attorney receives no fee, and
must pay any investigative or other
costs of the case himself.

Often, Volz said,_“the indigent's attor»
ney has no access to expert witnesses or
>a crime laboratoryo" ”In the battle of
expertise, the defendant has been crip-
pled. If a defendant's criminal labora-
tory could be set up,,it would be the
first one in the country."

Volz said he favors a system of public
defenders appointed in separate dis-
tricts of the state to perform these
functions in indigent cases:

_1. Confer with the defendant right after
arrest. In too many cases, it is too


late to wait for a court—appointed at—
torney if the defendant's rights are to
be protected. 2. Handle uncontested
caSes and guilty pleas. 3. Supply in-
vestigators for defendants. 4. Approve
expense claims by court-appointed attor-
ney. 5. Aid judges in making attorney
appointments in contested cases.




One of the "band members“ brought to my
attention an article in the Paducah Sun
Democrat,‘ by-lined by Ron Johnson. The
article dealt with Mr. Johnson's recent
visit to the institution with the Ken-
tucky Chamber of Commerce.

During this particular visit, the K.SaP.
Band entertained the visitors with some
musical renditions of their own making.

the Castle News Office is adjacent
to the '“Band Room,“ and I guess I'm not
too appreciative of_their talents. I am
compelled to listen to them practice day
in, and day out, seven days a week“ As
you might imagine, a forceable audience
isn't the most receptive kind.


In mr. Johnson's article he makes a com-
parison with the Big Band's such as:
Benny Goodman, Ted Weems, Glenn Miller,
and the Dorsey brother's.' This, I know,
was a wonderful compliment for the men
who are sincere, and hard working in
their efforts to become better in their
chosen fielda Most inmates aren't too
complex, and are very receptive“ to a
compliment, no matter how small or in-

To you MT. Ron Johnson, I give you my
heartfelt thanks for bringing a little
cheer and brightness to the men of the
Eddyville PenitentiaryaBand, Editor.






'K. S. P. inmates began a project in
November, of repairing used toy's for
the underprivileged children in the com-
munities surrbunding the Penitentiary.

The used, and broken toy's were donated
by citizens of the neighboring communi-
ties for repair by the inmates of the
Eddyville Penitentiary. After renovation
' they were distributed to the children by
the Lions Club of Cadiz, Rotary Club of
Princetown, and the Eddyville Fire De-

This project was initiated in early
November by an inmate group called "The
Barons of Goodwill,"‘ proceeded through
channels, and .was sanctioned by prison
officials, A

Under the supervision of the Athletic
Director, the project began to move for-
ward and blossomed in two directions;
first, it supplied useful gifts for the
children, and secondly, it provided
heartwarming satisfaction to the several
inmates who donated their idle time, and
completed the project.

The men, directly involved in this pro-
ject, used many means to obtain the
necessary materials _for the renovation
of the toy's. ‘When materials lcouldn't
be obtained through' channels, the men
asked questions phere and there until
they found someone who knew where some-
thing was, and then inveigled the party
to part with the "goods." In the main,
there was no hesitation in‘ giving. Men
who had scrounged and saved different
"things" throughout the year unselfishly

gave their hoarded; paint, thread,
leather, tacks, glue etc. These men
didn't wgive" with the hope that they

might achieve recognition, but rather in
the_mode of the TRUE spirit of Christmas
with the thought in mind that they are
unable to assist their own children, or
brother's and sister's.-

The Castle staff extend's their grati-
tude to the Barons of Goodwill, The
. Recreation Department, The ‘Engineering
Department and the Cabinet Shop.

You men have once again proven that' we
too, are humane, and not "hard hearted,"
So, at this time, "The Castle" wishes to
bestow upon you men the title:

---------.a-- MEN OF THE YEAR .---,:,---
mmauwN mmxmmm
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DECEMBER 27 -- Porter Hayes passed away
during the night at the K.S.P. HOSpital.
Porter was a 63 year old gentleman from
Murray, Kentucky. Cause of death has
been listed as coronary thrombosis.



united States Attorney General Nicholas
de B. Katzenbach said recently that "the

poor must be made aware of their rights~
under the law and it takes more than .

lawyers to do this."

"The poor need advocates not simply to
present their side of the story, but to
give them hope, demonstrate that the law
is not an enemy but a guardian, and that
public officials are not their masters
but their servants," Katzenbach told a
national conference in Washington:

He called for "concerned laymen" to fill
this function.

"It does not take a lawyer to right
every wrongc It takes only a human being
with the capacity to recognize and re-
spond to injustice."

Katzenbach asked for "a Spirit and a
system of legal first aid" for the poor.
"we need what is, in effect, a new pro-
fession - a profession of advocates for
the poor, made up of human beings from
all professions, committed to helping
others who are in trouble.
He who would distinguish the true from
the false must have an adequate idea of
what is true and what is false.

- 3 -



SHIVLEY are picking & plucking their old
 in the Gospel concerning the
infant John the Baptist; “What do you
think this one_will bet“- we gather at
the Commencement exercises of our sch-
ools and colleges. There we see budding
youth about to set out on the various
paths in life. Spontaneously, we ask:
“What will they make of it?" A ceremony
is held for the first Spade of earth in
the digging of a ditch,.the >laying of a
cornerstone, the first flight of an air-
plane. The thoughts in the minds of all
are; “Will it be successfuli” At all
beginnings, one's thoughts travel for-
ward to the future..

we stand at the beginning of a new year.
Our anxious mind .puts the ‘question:
“What will it bring%“ It may bring death
and sorrows it may abring sickness; it
may. bring misunderStandings; it may
bring difficulties; it may bring pleas-
new. succeSSesI and friends. No
wonder then, we wish well, at the begin—



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this thoughtlessness and your

"But," I said,. "these are the things I
use every day. I'm sure I will not be
able to get along without them.“

“The choice is yours," said he“ mYou
must discard these or follow one who is
not the true guide.w

“Where will I find replacements if I
discard these familiar things? Must I
retrace my steps and find others to take
their place?“ I questioned.

“No, indeed, you may not return, but if
you wish to go to the foot of that yon-
der cross, you will find tolerance to
replace prejudice, concern to replace
thoughtlessness and selfishness, a devo—
tion to replace indifference, and a
faith to take the place of your fears.“

I took my baggage and went faltering to
the foot of the cross. I touched my
possessions lovingly, for I was loathe
to part with the things that had come to
be so much a part of me. At last I man-
aged to cast aside some of each of the
things I had brought along, The replace-
ments will have to be small for I still
have little room. The things I clung to
took up too much room.

As I rose in uncertainty I saw my guide
and forgot my regrets as I looked into
His eyes so filled with compassion.

"I could not cast aside all my baggage,m
I said in shame.

"Come," said he. "As you travel along
with me perhaps you will be able to cast
aside more. The paths will be difficult,
but I know the way and I will never
leave thee nor forsake thee.“l

A peace that passeth understanding
filled my whole being as I stepped with
confidence after my guide into the path
of the Unknown Land of 1965.



ning of the New Year, to those who are
near and dear to us. Fbr wishes often
impel to action, so that we actually
feel inclined to make happy those' to
whom we wish happiness. Our wishes lead
to prayer, when we realize that there is
One who can grant the fulfillment of
these wishes of ours.

we wish each other a ”Happy New Yearfi
It is for us to realize at the same time
what true happiness is. No Christian can
use that word happiness without-thinking
of Heaven. Only Heaven helds true and
complete happiness; nothing on earth
brings happiness unless it brings us
nearer to the happiness of heavens Happy
is the man who has God's help in all
life's troubles, Happy is the man who
truly seeks to conform his will to the
will of God. Happy is the man who knows
how to speak with God in prayer. The
desire of true happiness Inust be the
motive of our sincere wishes. This is
the only assurance that this will be'a
“Happy New Year.“ In this manner we show
that we are mindful of the words of
St. Paul:- "we should live soberly and
justly and Godly in this world waiting
for the blessed hope and coming of the
gnory of our great God and Savior, Jesus



7:30 am;

SUNDAY: Protestant Services,
Catholic Mass” 12:30 pm; —
Anonymous, 2:00 pmo

MONDAY: Interviews with Catholic Chap-
lain, 10:30 - 1:00o (Interviews with
Protestant Chaplain daily).

TUESDAY: Choir practice, 12:50 pm.
WEDNESDAY: Mid - week prayer service
12:50 pm.

THURSDAY: Interview with Catholic
Chaplain, 10:30 am --l;00 pm,

FRIDAY: Group Therapy (A.A.) 3:00 pm

_ 9 -



Clarence v'






AL RUSSELL: I can plainly understand why you have to have a warm up every night.
If I carried as much scrap iron on my shoes all day as you do, I'd need one too.

AUNT STELLA: Tell Bev not to let them doctors drill any holes in her head, for
when they drilled them in my head, they pulled a sneaky on me, and I haven't been
the same since.

Eo J. FUGATE: What was that you were asking that boy from the dairy about? He
said he thought you were trying to fix Don up, is that the picture?

T My buddy CRAZY JACK FUSTING is back with us and looking even younger than before he
left. That must be due to the clean living you were doing out thart '

NEVITT: 'Who was that guy you picked over FOOTS to run his jaw the longest, and the
loudest? Did he beat him? I mean in the football game.

DAGO: I'll fire a kite right away to Beno Thompson so he'll have time to study
your case. I'm still behind you all the way; even if that pony did get run over
trying to deliver that "ranchburger."

WILLIE ADAMS: You aren't going about it the right way to get that jacket from
EAGLE BEAK. Now, if you had mentioned what a