xt73bk16q65t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q65t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-11-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 12, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 12, 1956 1956 1956-11-12 2020 true xt73bk16q65t section xt73bk16q65t l , . ,-_-,,i‘g§z , , _ _ . . ‘
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, " 1260 Minutes of the University Faculty, November 12, 1956 g g
‘g e The University Faculty met in regular session on November 12, 1956 at
_tf‘ 4:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Vice President Chamberlain
3f presided. Members absent were A. D. Albright’, 0. Arnold Anderson, John 0. Ball,
if” L. L. Boyarsky, Dana G. Card, F. G. Coolsen, Frank G. Dickey”, J. C. Eaves',
1}, W. P. Garrigus, J. W. Gladden, Fred E. Harris, 0. E. Henrickson, Sarah B. Hanna
3 g A. D. Kirwan, Robert L. Mills', Frank D. Peterson”, Helen M. Reed, J. E. Reeveyg ,
§;§ Morris Scherago“, H. E. Spiveyd, W. A. Sutton, Jr., Roberta S. Taylor“, D. V.
§§E Terrell“, Kenneth Vanlandingham, Stanley Wall“, Gilbert T. Webster, Frank J.
git Welch‘, M. M. White", and William R. Willard.
ti' The minutes of October 8, 1956 were read and approved.
ER Dr. Koppius, Chairman of the Schedule of Classes Committee, moved that'flm
Proposed University Calendar for the year 1957-58, which had been distributmito
all University Faculty members present, be adopted as presented with the faunw-
ing modification:
that no classes be held on Monday, Commencement Day, May 26, 1957
The University Faculty approved the proposed calendar with the modifying motima
made by Dr. Koppius.
Proposed University Calendar for the year 1957958
First Semester
1957 b
S_ept.15~21 Sunday through Saturday = Orientation Week for all new students ’
Sept. 15 Sunday, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. « President's reception for new
students , __
Sept.16-l8 Monday, 7:45 a.m. through Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. o Classifioa- ’
tion tests, physical examinations, and advising of all new
students .
Sept. 19 Thursday, 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. a Registration and classifica- f
tion of new freshmen
Sept.l9~21 Thursday, 1:30 p.m. through Saturday, 11:00 a.m. a Regis- Dn
tration and classification of all other students according to
to an alphabetical schedule 2 hm
Sept.25 Monday - Class work begins , hm
Sept.28 Saturday a Last date one may enter an organized class for the Sm
, first semester - - 1%
Oct. 12 Saturday a Last date on which photOgraphs will be taken for do
, ID cards , 1m
Oct. 18=19 Friday and Saturday - Period for filing applications for 3 wm
Oct. 28 ' Monday - Last date one may drop a course without a grade Dn
Nov.28—Dec.2 Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to Monday, 8:00 a.m. a Thanksgiving ' 3“
Dec. 21 Saturday noon — Christmas holidays begin
/ am
1958 fm
Jan. 6 Monday, 8:00 a.m. a Christmas holidays and , rm
Jan.20-24 Monday through Friday - Final examinations ’ in
Jan. 24 Friday, 6;OO p.m. e End of First Semester in
o, Th4
Second Semester
Feb. 1 Saturday, 7:45 a.m. a Classification tests and physical
examinations for all new students
Feb. 3,4 Monday, 8:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. - Registration

and classification of all students according to an alphabeti
cal schedule -
Feb. 5 Wednesday - Class work begins

*Absence explained.







l. \ ‘_ ,__’_,—w—~,r——\,. -‘ —\

:mnutes of the University Faculty, November 12, 1956

Feb.1l Tuesday - Last date one may enter an organized class for
the second semester
Feb.28—Mar.l Friday and Saturday — Period for filing applications for

March 10 Monday - Last date one may drop a course without a grade
Apr.4-8 Friday, 8:00 aom. to Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. - Easter holidays
May 24 Saturday a Alumni Day
May 25 Sunday ~ Baccalaureate Services
May 26 Monday — Ninetyafirst Annual Commencement
May 27-31 Tuesday through Saturday - Final examinations
May 31 Saturday - End of Second Semester
June 3-7 Tuesday through Saturday - 4~H Club Week

Summer Session, 1958


June 9 Monday - Classification tests and physical examinations
for all new students

June 10 Tuesday a 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. — Registration and classifi-
cation of all students according to an alphabetical schedule

June 11 Wednesday - Class work begins ‘

June 14 Saturday - Last date one may enter an organized class for the
Summer Session

June 21 Saturday s Last date one may drop a course without a grade

July 4 Friday a Independence Day holiday

August 1 Friday a Summer Session Commencement

August 2 Saturday Noon = End of Summer Session

Sept. 14 Sunday - Opening of Fall Semester of l958=59


First Semester e 82 Net teaching days Second Semester - 85 Net teaching days

Summer Session - 44 Net teaching days

mu Koppius, as Chairman of the Schedule of Classes Committee, stated that prior
t01953 the last date one might enter an organized class for the Summer Session
hmibeen the Saturday following the date class work began. After 1953 the date
hmierroneously been moved to Tuesday. Dr. Koppius made a motion that the Summer
Semflen 1957 calendar, which was approved by the University Faculty on November 14,
1955,and the Summer Session 1957 catalog be changed from June 18, Tuesday - last
dauaone may enter an organized class for the Summer Session to June 15, Saturday -
lest date one may enter an organized class for the Summer Session. This correction
was approved by the University Faculty.

mu Koppius also stated that the Schedule Committee had not studied the class
aflmdule for several years but was planning a thorough review in 1957-58.

In the absence of Dean White, Dr. Fisher presented for the College of Arts
amiSciences new courses, dropped courses and course changes, as well as requests
fOl‘members of the Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society to be absent
fiwm the University on November 30 and December 1 for the purpose of visiting
imhmtries in the Louisville vicinity, and for the University Band to be absent
frmnthe University November 25, 24 for the Kentucky-Tennessee game in Knoxville.
flmse recommendations were approved by the Faculty.
















Minutes of the University Faculty, November 12, 1956

New Courses:

English 113 The American Novel Before 1900. (3)
A study of the American Novel from the beginnings to Henry fines

Humanities 100a,b Seminar: Studies in the Humanities (2)
Humanities Staff intensive study of an area involving the sevemu
humanistic disciplines - literature, philosophy and the arts.
Prerequisites: 6 credits in Humanities End the consent of the


Air Science 41 The AFROTC Flight Instruction Program. (2)
Thirtyafive hours of aerial flight instruction, five hours of
classroom instruction on Civil Air Regulations. Prerequisites:
Category 1 Air Science Student, AS 50a and 50b.

Course to be dropped:

English 135 Development of American Realism

Course changes in title and description:

English 123a American Literature before 1850 (3)

A survey intended to show the development of American life,'flmuym

and letters up to the Transcendental movement.


English 123a American Literature before 1860 (5)

A survey intended to show the development of American life,
thought, and letters from the beginnings to 1860.

English 125b American Literature after 1830 (3)
The triumphant years of American romanticism, with especial at-
tention to Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe and


English l23b American Literature after 1860 (3)
A survey intended to show the development of American life, thOIIS’111
and letters from 1860 to the present.

In the absence of Dr. Wall, Dr. Townsend presented for the College of Agflf
culture and Home Economics certain changes in Home Economics curricula, a omnfle
to be cross-listed, a change in course name and a change in curricula, all of
which were approved as circularized.

Changes in Home Economics Curricula

In all curricula in Home Economics, change the terms "major electives"
and "free electives" to "general electives".

In the General Curriculum in Home Economics, add to the requirements:
History course, 3 credits

U.__.—‘. __

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unwise of the University Faculty, November 12, 1956 1263 V? ‘%
E" -l"' I

In the General Curriculum in Home Economics, change requirement: Physics ;_
513 or 51b to 9 Physics file, or 51b, or Physics 8. lwff;g*

In the curriculum in Institution Management - change curriculum,
Institution Economics, in name to Institution Management.


Add to the general electives in Institution Management the following:
Chemistry 57, Bacteriology 52, Education 160, Chemistry 37, and a
course in accounting.



K ’_,_._"/.'\' ‘V‘ _‘\‘

Course to be Cross=listed ‘ f'figll J ELE‘L

Agronomy 141, Plant Pathology, to be crossulisted as Botany 141,
Plant Pathology, same description, credit and prerequisites.

Change in Course Name

I Animal Industry 147, Poultry Feeding, to be changed in name only, - to i? {,' f}
‘ "Poultry Nutrition". ; it

i Change in Curricula


7 That Library Science 25, 1 credit, be deleted as a requirement from all p , W
’ curricula in the Animal Industry Group. 3 9g 2 prlg

{ Professor Grouse, in the absence of Dean Terrell, presented for the College 3 it» jii.g@-F
ougn,( offimgineering a dropped course and courses to be added for zero credit which f, 3";‘ I
5 were approved by the University Faculty. ‘ p 1 , I


( Drop:
L Engineering Drawing 2 ea MECHANICAL DRAWING «9 1 credit




1 Chemical Engineering la,bw=THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION (Freshman)-0 ea.,I,II

r Chemical Engineering 2a,b~sTHE ENGINEERING PROFESSION(Sophomore)~O ea.,I,II
Chemical Engineering 3a,b=ATHE ENGINEERING PROFESSION (Junior)-0 ea.,I,II
Chemical Engineering 4a,baeTHE ENGINEERING PROFESSION (Senior-O ea.,I,II

. Lectures on professional growth, conduct, and ethics. Activities of the
mei student branches of the corresponding professional societies.

ni- The Faculty adjourned.

arse ,
; Mapl Moores

‘ Acting Secretary