xt73bk16q492 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q492/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 2007 2007 2007-11-01 2020 true xt73bk16q492 section xt73bk16q492 ‘l‘ltl'llleti. eltllleti. lttllilleti
gt it their li\ tilitlte L'tllt classie this \\ eekettti

\NW’W. ls'YKERNFLtt )M


Rt teky i it Hit it‘ it A er s

N( )\”l MBTR 1,2007



Oil analyst
to address

ByrBrurce Walters

news’flkyxemel coin

Saudi :\t'dhl’dlt oil resery es may be
dyyiridling and the impact will adyersev
ly aftect the “odds eeonoriiy. accord
ing the Web site of oil—industry analyst
Mattheyy Simmons. “ho is speaking at
L‘K tonight.

Simmons is the Itth l)istirie
is‘liished l.eeturer for T'K's (‘entei for
Applied laicrgy Researeli and “ill be
speaking at '7 pm. at the Worshaiii
Theater iii the Student Center. The pre—
sentation is free and open to the publie.

Simmons agreed in February to
come speak at (K. said Marybeth
.’\‘lei\hster. pribliezitions riianager for
the Center for Applied linergy.

Since then. \yorld oil prices hay e
continued to inerease. and there has
been a reneyyed interest in a “green"
society. she said.

“Anybody “ho is interested in
what our eountry is going to do \ylien
oil i'eseryes run out \yill be interested
in this.“ Ms‘x\listet' said.

Simmons "is eyti‘eniely passionate
about this subiett." Mc;\listei said.
and his presentations are non-technical
and inforniatiy e

Sparked by personal obseryatioiis
of Saudi .-\rabia's oil reseryes. Sim-
iiioris e\ammed more than Ill years of
technical reports from petroleum erigre

His research led liim to conclude
that Saudi oil reseryes may already be
in decline. \yliieli \yould present the
\yorld \y itli an eyti'eme oil slit)!1tl_‘_‘L‘.dt*
eordiiig to his books Web

Stinziions is chairman oi Simmons
o; ('oriipany lnttrnatroiial. an energy
inyestment banking tiriii based in

Simmons graduated troiii the ’i lil'
\ersity ol l tah and le's't‘ls ed a master's
bitsiness .idiiiiiiisti itioii ltotii llaryai‘d
Biisiiiess School, He also ser'y ed on the
faculty ol the Haryard Business School
tor tyyo years


, Simmons t" tiring: 8
Aetiy 'i st
group offers
election info.

rides to polls .

By Pamela Burke

news tikyteroo fl' n

The election is \tiiiding
doyyii and an .ietiyist group is still en
eouraging ['K students to cast an edu-
cated \ote on Tuesday ‘s election as \y ell
as offering rides ti. Polls

Kentuckians lor the (‘onimon
\yealth, a sl.lls‘\Hdt.‘ aeti\i.st group. set
up a table outside of White Hall ('lasse
room Budding yesterday in art eltort to
promote student \otiiig i‘.\L‘lt though
the \oter registration deadline has
bassed tor this elei‘tion. Kl’lt‘ \y as eii-
couragnig registering loi ltiture elet
tions. going out information on eaiidr
dates and ollei rides to \otnig iota-

“\\e \\ ant to remind students about
the election and proyide them \yith rise
fttl inforriiatton to help them \y itli their
polling decisions. .is \y ell as make stti
dents ayyare of \y hen and \y here they
need to \t‘lk‘.” salti lire (i‘allenstcttt. it
political scienu‘ and history Junior and a
co coordinator at the [K chapter ol

lilecttott polls yyill be open from (i
am to 6 pm Tuesday. Kl-'l‘(‘ is ofler
mg rides to the polls lor students ”If
able to get to a \oiing site on izlt‘silttll

Students may eiiiitaet either l)aye
Neuron. toniiiiunity organizer tor
Kl’lt‘. at tXi‘H 43H X‘il‘l or the ('ounr
[y ('lL‘rk's ()tlne at MR"! 355 Mix} for
more lltittl'lttatti‘li on tit‘iilng .l l‘ltit‘ in
voting sites. Students can .ilso yolntt
teer to driye to polls. \Jeyyton said.

The \oter guides giyen out yesterr

st‘asi it)

‘ser- Voting ~~t\ page 8

first issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


:‘i‘a' ‘t‘: lien.» ' 1

(El EBRAHNG it) YEARS ()l' INlel’l Nltl \(l


r ,.

'Bombs' blow away Bears
in season's first exhibition

By Travis Waldron
[Natilrzintikykewu ‘ll’l‘
the date said zoo". iio’ two
'\nd the coach \\ as Hilly tiillis'iie,
not Rick l’ttino.

But “edriesday night. the l is
basketball Players did their best “|‘it.»
iio‘s Boriibmos" impression. nailing
ll 3 point tield goals iii a W at ‘-\tlt
iiyet i’liu‘Hlle (‘ltilk‘g't‘ tn tits" litst t‘\r
liibttion game ot the season

The "lioiiibinos." l'nnios lirst
l'K team. betanie notorious tor ll‘x
mg arid dying by the i point slit-l
There are no tle\ei‘ iinkriatiies tor
(itllispit"s lirst team. at least not yet.
and “Title (iillispie said his team
“titlitilid inc and die by the outside

sltt'l. itL‘ (li)t_‘\
shoot it

'llit open man lakts 'li:
shot here." (iillispie said i that
them in shoot (the outside shot.

l‘sing open shots from behind
the art the (‘ats buried l’ikey the ca:
|y. led by .litiltt‘ Necks. :7 .
The sopltornote eitatd i.ii<"‘\
missed in the opernne minutes. litit‘iv
trig three 2 pointers. storing ran.
l'K’s lirst l i points

.\t that point. l'ls lei! lW' :iist
met the and a hill lt‘llt'li_ s trim the
same lint the (‘ars liit il\i'
pointers dating a 2‘ I Thil that blew
the game opeti

During the t hinge, sepio: yiiazii

entourage lllt‘l“


?:'s' it

I‘i tllli\

more 3'

iot' ( i.i\\li\rtl .ititl \ietks Hailed

liar. the TR
It'llt ’i lt‘ltl‘t‘tl .l
:l‘ituik l‘at
\‘l l\\ lii

~ti int his! ll‘llllilt‘\ la'

\Lz‘ks i.:l|y‘iti arr inboiitids pass
"1 e ,llt. lilii :‘i‘ .zed lli ‘i‘s sl\llt

.~ 112,- «in? .loik Iiii/xci

. sl . T
"tts't l: ,‘t (.t“ iilltitli "‘


Let UK’S

Billy Gillispie‘s first—bum Kentucky
basketball team looked premature on pa—

Tvio seniors. one junior. 15 freshmen
and sophomores.
it's going to be that
way all season. and
after last night. it
won‘t be a surprise.

But if the sea-
son-opening scrim-
riiage was any iridi—
cation. the team's
youth might not be
sueh a bad thing.

guard Jodie Meeks
looked like the
player eyeiy fan ex—
peets hiiii to be. So did freshman for-

y\ ard Patrick Patterson.

Sophomore foryyards Perry Steven-
son arid Mark (‘oury shoyy ed everyone
\yhat Tubby Smith saw in them.

And as a result. the (iillispie era got
off to a hang. The baby ('ats aeeounted
for h‘l percent of ['K‘s points and sent
l’ikeyille (‘ollege back to Eastern Keri—
tueky as ”WM losers,

Before this goes any tunher. it must
be eniphasi/ed that the Cats play ed
l’ikey tile. The\ ‘re an NAIA team. The
Bears \y ere strpposed to lose by 35. They
did. \\ htch means the (‘ats did theiryob.
and they can he lauded for that.

Non that the em eat is out of the
way. let‘s talk about how the Cats were
finer than eay iar.

['K‘s starting lineup was young enough
to go triekror-treating after the game.

Sophomore foryyard Ramon Harris.
.‘teieosoii. (‘oiity and Meeks started
alongside Raniel Bradley, That's a senior
and torn sophomores.

Meeks is as on lire all night. He
made 7-ol ‘) .‘~~ptiirit field goals in the
lust hall and finished with 34 points.

'lle \\ as hotter than a mateh." said
l’ike\ the head coach Kelly \Nells.

\leeks obyiously didn‘t do it alone.

Patterson \\ .is i toree around the bas~
ket both seoririg and rebounding. He liti-
ished yyith Ii points and nine rebounds.

l'i'eshiiian tornard .\..l. Steyy art \y as
do mg on the floor all night. Sophomore
guard \lieliael l’orter yy as effectiye pres—
suring the ball.

l'.\en sophomore guard [)yy'ight Perry
played in the first half and made a 3-
poiiit basket late in the game

"l thought they played really well."
Bradley said "i think they‘re still leam-
rug. and it they continue to \york as hard
'hey do they ‘re going to improye and
e 'ziiiie to iiiipro\e."

that's really encouraging for the
ears \ylieii you thiiik that tyyo of last
;i'.eh"s starters aren't going to be in the
inst tiye for \ery long

\i moi .loe (‘r‘ayy lord \yill be back in
tlit starting lineup \\ hen he ttilly reeoyers
ttoin otlseasoii knee surgery (but he sure
‘oeked good at less than 1th percent and
iili Itt less pounds on hniii.

Patterson \yill almost certainly start
den 11 [on when he eompletel) heals
tioiii an upper respiratory infection.

\ltei that. it's tip iii the air Steyen—
soii ‘ llariis ‘ ('oury “ Derrick .laspei .’
\ley l egion ‘ Sophomore. sophomore.
soplioiiioie. sophomore. freshman.

l‘ilk about a youth moyement. And
that's not at all .i bad thing

lonatt’iiui \imrli I\ (I Iotmiu/tm: a
Will I [iii/if Nail/it” liki'tm I i om






t oluninist

Ragland to fight wrongful death suit after guilty plea

By Alice Hayniond

altay‘tttond illlrykprrwl N‘i'"

Shane Ragland pleaded gttilty iii \iigust to set
ond degree niatislaughter for the death of foriiiei l'K
football player Trent l)i(iniro and is noyy defending
liitiiselt iii a yyronglul death l.t\\slttl brought by
l)i(inir‘o‘s tariitly. atcordttig to .I LHIIH dottiment

tiled Monday.

l)i(iiuro. a hunter otfeiisiye lnieiiiaii. died lroiii
a gunshot to the head on luly l7. i‘I‘U. yyhile tele
brating his birthday on the lront portli ol his yyma

land Ayenue home

[he l)t(iiuio family resumed a eiyil suit tot
damages against Ragland after the end ol the i riiiii
They submitted a motion tor summary
iudgnient on Sept 3". requesting that the i ase be de
ruled in their layor \ytthotit going to .i iiiry

nal \ il‘C

llieir la\\\er. Thomas ('ori‘.\.i\. said he had not

e\pected Ragiarid to tlialleiige the “ion:

fulvdeath siiit beianse he had adiiiitied Em“.
and that didn‘t need to be re established

Ht‘tallst‘ Hi the
Ragland‘s liability for

After the plea deal

already proyen and Ragland had no solid .ii
gnnient to dclend himself

layyyer Steye Rttltlllit‘s. told the .‘\t tllt'l that
Ragland would probably not light the sun
beeause liabilities established by adiiiittine

plea (t‘lt\\.t\ said

l)i(inno's death \\ Is

in -\ngiist Hap-land's



guilt in the etiminal ease \yoiild be yiliiltllll

to th‘it‘ttd

the [Minir'os' suit that
lish liability
The i onsequenees

lint Roniines stated Monday in his response to

in Raglands ilL‘leUlT to plead guilty. Romines said.

and did not neeessarily proye his gurlt.

“If fotiiid guilty. he faced a potential life
seiitenee in the penitentiary Romines said
in the dotiiment “If found not guilty he
still rated a life sentence as a pereeryed
spoiled rieli kid who could buy yntstice \\tth
his lather s money."

“It simply defies common sense to say
that any person in Ragland's position would
handle the situation in a different manner
\\ hether factually guilty or not." the docu-
ment said

Ragland “as eonyieted of [)iGiuro's murder in

the guilty plea did not estab

SW: and sentenced to .‘lt years in prison. But the
tonyictron \yas oyerttirned in 2004 When the State

\tipreiiie ('ourt ruled that prosecutors misspokc in

ot going to trial piayed .i role

See England on page I

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872
t F


 PAGEZ] Thursday November 1 2007

your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun kernel ‘ Ql

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70' is the easiest u lay 0
the most cha//enging

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 We Don't flash your money
around, you'll be parted from .t soon
enough A gamble could pay iii, if
it's more like a carefully calculated

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 ~— You ought to be able to
get the supplies you need on sale it
you move quickly Don't wait for the
others approval, don't even tell
them what you're making It’ll be a

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 w» Follow through on anew
idea, It Will lead you to a person
who can help you find exactly what
you want ignore a naysayer You're



Cancer (June 22 — July fl) Today
is an 8 —~ There's plenty of work
and the money looks good Might as
well knock yourself out The more
you do, the more you'll get. Enjoy
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
7 .- You're confident and smart.
but you still need to be cautious.
Only make suggestions that are
based on solid data Your audience
is not vary receptive

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today is
a 7 ——r What you're learning seems
to be at odds With what you know
Somethings going to have to give,
adapt or be expanded Don't worry,
it won't be very painful

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 ~~ Friends appreCiate your in»
sights and seek more of your advice
Don’t be shy, go ahead and paint
out what they're obviously missing
Be nice, oi course

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 a" Use private connections to
make an. important career move
This could result in more income ‘or

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(com to: llsccllcncc in Rural lltiltli

ll'iirkriii) Iii iiiipriw 7/» brat/ll) "fulfill Kai/m “(HIM lb/‘miiib
(ducal/iv). Franny/.7, i'fl‘l‘ll'f mir’ commit/lily i'rriiiiqi'rriivil



you, without taking on extra work,
Ask around

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 *7 Better hurry and tin-
ish up an old assignment. You don't
want to do it now but you REALLY
won’t want to do it later Make
more time for tun.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 7" As you pay the hills,
you may start to worry Look around
for another source of income in
stead For example, collect an old

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To»
day is a 7 A“ There's no point in ar-
guing With a pushy person Let it be
known what you want instead
Double-dare him to get it .or ya u
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is an 8 Work demands your
full attention and it isn't fair. You'd
rather be out playing With your
friends The good news is, you're
"taking big poms With the boss


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&Jake —

On, Off & Back On

'I'I’le DiSl-l

The costars walk
hand in hand on a
Roman holiday

It's amorc . . .againl In Italy
to promotc Rendition. Jakc (iyl
lcnhaal. 26. and Reese Wither-
spoon. J. | . got cozy Just a week
after their l'rosty interaction at
tho drama's October it) Beverly
Hills prcmicrc. "ic mood
thawcd on October 19' Alter
chccking in to separate $3.000-
a—night suitcs at Rome's Hotcl
dc Russic v “It was strcsscd
that they must be staying on the
same floor." a sourcc tclls Hot
Stul'l~ ,.. thc costars (who may
have felt frcc to be seen together
since the moyic opcncdl 11ch
bands and cuddlcd as thcy hit
touristy spots like thc Trcyi
Fountain and thc (‘olossctinr
They lookcd like “a couple on
holiday." says a witncss. And
that's cuictly what thcy wanted.
Bct'orc cooling off in September

after six months of on—and-ot'l'

dating. “they had talkcd about
going to Paris." says a sourcc.
“This is the —iiuropcan trip tlicy
ncy'cr hadi" And it cndcd swcct
ly too: .-\s ,th-cy at'riycd in thc
US October 32. thc_\ licld

Gisele Bundchen — Girl

Shc may be a supcrmodcl
who snaggcd Tom Brady. but

(jisclc Bundclicn is just onc ol'

the girls whcn shc's hanging out
with thc wivcs ol' hcr man's
New England Patriots team-
mates. At -Miami Beach club
Opium Gardcn on October 20

. \\liilc Ilic Patriots \scrc rcstr
ing up tor thcii' gaiiic against tlic
Miami Dolphins the next day
Bundchcn and thc pltiyci's‘
\\i\cs danced and drank tor two
hours. "Gisclc was \cry t'ricndly.
and didn't act likc a supermod—
cl.” says a sourcc. who adds that
Bundchen. 27. boogicd along-
side the mostly t\\cntysomc-
thing women to Kanyc West and
tlic Jackson Fixc. Adds anotlicr
sourcc. "Shc was thc first to hit
thc dancc lloor." Thc next day.
Bundchcn was back to being a
supportive girll'ricnd. liclping
Brady. 30. cclcbratc thc Patriots~
Victory. Al'tci‘ dinncr at chic
catcry Primc ()nc Twcly'c. thc_\
partied at Thc Shorc Club.
wlicrc. a sourcc tclls Us. "Hwy
couldn‘t keep thcir hands ot't'
each other and didn’t stop kiss~

Orlando Bloom's Model Gal

()rlundo Bloom's lo\c lilc
surc is blooming? in addition to
his «rcccnt fling with .lcssica
Simpson. 27. the Piratcs oi tlic
(‘aribbcan hunk. 30. is on it last—
track romance “11h modcl Mi-
randn Kerr. 2-) "Thcy'w bccn
tricnds tor a long tiriic." a
sourcc tclls Hot Stall But tlicy
only decided to gi\c it a go a
l'cw \x'ccks back." On —()ctobcr
in: Bloom turned out to support
thc Alissic stunner at thc \'icto--
ria's Sccrct Phi Bcta Pink party
in Bcvcrly Hills. An insidcr tclls
L's the couple took an amorous
want to East Hampton. Ncu
York. on October 4 and 5. \\ liilc
at dinner at thc 1771) Hotisc.
thcy held hands and sippcd
\tine. Gushcs the source. "Mi—
randa's \‘cry into him?"

Posh: Bad Buying Habits

Victoria Hcckham. 3 T. is dri—
\ing stal'lcrs batty at Bai'ncys
Ncyy York in chcrly Hills.
"Slic buys so nitich in cycry dc—
partrnciit.' says a sourcc closc to
Bcckham. "But slic demands it
all be spc‘t‘ltll-()I‘Llcl'cd. And tlicn
shc i‘ctunis tons til it and thcy
can't put hcr .iltcrcd clotlics on
tlic salcs floor?" (Hcr rcp could
not bc rcachcd. and a Bai‘ncys
rcp said. "I haw heard nothing
Ul' thc son ”l

Nicole Loves to dis Joel's ex

A sotircc tclls Hot Stul'l that
NiColc Ricliic. 36. tcascs Jocl
Maddcn. 28. about his too-and-
ti-lldll~_\L‘Llr rclationship with Hi~
lary‘ Dull. 2t). "Slic will ask if
hc's going to yyatch i.i/1.ic
Mcfiuii‘c DVDs or listcn to his
Hilary albums." says thc sourcc.
"Jocl iclls licr slic's bcing out ol'

Ryan Gosling fired for flab?
Why did Ry an Gosling lcayc

|.o\cly Boncs” A sourcc
tclls t's tltc actor. 26. “was
lircd" bccausc “hc giust gaincd
too much \xciglitf" i.-\ second
iiisidci' says. "Hc titc grilled
cliccsc cycr‘y day"l But pigging
out wasn't his only sin. Adds tlic
sourcc: "Hc di'oy'c tlic hair and
\iardrobc crcu cra/y." Thc loss
would sccm paiticularly bittcr
l'or (iosling. \y ho told rcpoi'tci's
last month that 'l'hc Lo\cl_\
[ioncs "is a totally uniquc sit»
r_\ " A [)rcainWorks rcp tc'ils L‘s.
"Wc hmc hugc rcspcct l'or
Ryan's work. it was truly a casc
ol' L‘I‘C‘dll\ c dit'tcrcncCs. plain and


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Today’ 5
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November 1,

Meghan Cain
Features Editor

Phone 257-1915
rncain@kykernel com

History of ”The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

A British musrcal comedy surfaced in London in 1973 called “The Rocky Horror
Show” and found its way to the big screen in the United States two years
later with “Picture" added to the title. It was a mainstream film unlike any other at
that time, featuring rock ballads about transsexuals, promiscuous sex throughout the
plot, a little incest and stars, both male and female, clothed in Victorian corsets, high
heels and garters.

"The Rocky Horror Picture Show," was the first midnight movie a maior film
studio, 20th Century Fox, produced. It opened at the UA Theatre in Westwood, Calif.
Although it was a hit there, the film flopped in the rest of the country until a few
months later, when the Waverly Theatre in New York City picked it up. It was at this
time that "The Rocky Horror Picture Show” began to gather its cult following. Now
the movie is the longest running theatrical release in film history and is conSidered
the mother —~ or possibly father h of cult classics.





. ,. Mam-WW


Simone Boissonneault, a lingiiistics sophomore, puts on makeup till lriziay
before going to the midnight showmg of "Rocky Horror Pctare Show at fl‘e

Kentucky Theatre


Transvestites, virgins gather downtown for bawdy musical

.8]. Meghan Cain uard to this for months noit.” liirsiest ol the seat and alum s sells

nicain alkykernel com

His sil\er. si/c l2 heels reflected
the pink lights outside the Kcntuek)
Theatre. and his gold. skinstiglit hot
pants \CHCd as his onl} shield from
the cold.

Nick Sims. a student at \Nest .lcs
saniine (‘ounty High School. waited
in anticipation for his first e\pcri
encc \\ith “The Rock) Horror l’ic
ture Show‘~ A black \ marked his
forehead to indicate liirii as a "\it
gin.” a status gixcn to those \slio
have never experienced a Rocks
Horror midnight screening

“I heard about it irom friends."
Sims said. "I ha\e been looking for

\iiiis ioined .iliotit ~itllt other
stantil} tlad Rotk) lloiioi lo\ets
l‘ridas. \saiting in a line that
stretched from the doors of the
ls'critiitk} theatre on last \laiii
Street .'\laitiri liitlier King
Boulemrd. ms? to see Rink). l)i
l‘i‘ank-N l'ititcr. Rilt Rail (ioltiiiir
l‘ld. Magenta. Brad and .laiiet on the
liig screen

llie Kenttick} llicatri lias tori
turned to screen “ l'lic Rinks Hoiiiii
l‘iuiirc \liim” no“
one it! the greatest ciilt tilriis ol all
time at midnight slio'tsings seici
all times a \cai siiite tlie l‘t7lis. said
lici! \1ills. iii.iiiagei of the theatre


i iiisidcrcd

ritil. lic sa:_l

”I think it’s because this ri'ii: ot
\eai e\ci\ one \saiits to dress up,”
Mills said

lid ’ltc other Rock} lliirioi \r:
gins out there. 'llie Rock) llorio:
l’iettiie \litm‘ _
ahoti‘. a secriiiiigl} iiiiioteiit couple
\sho get lost on a ratio e\eniiig arid
\‘ltlt‘l’ .l Heel“ sdsll'c‘ ll‘l llt‘lt‘ ”its:
inside. the) aie swept atsas h} the
ptoiiitseiim ot the traiis\cstites l;i\ttt
the planet lrarissestial iii the caiau
oi 'ltaiis\l\.iiiia.

Tliioiigliiin' the midnight shots
iiigs ot the “lille
across the wittiili}. a Risk} ll tili‘l

is a illlhlsdi eoiiieds

iili‘\ls'. “skill


llallrmecii slio\\ing :s the

~ Horror '; .4

Discovery’s ‘Mythbusters’ still happily blowing stuff up

By Susan Young

The Oakland Tribune

Really. does it get an)‘ cooler than
testing out the classic cartoon joke in
volving a trail of gunpowder and a big

Not for “Mythhuster” Adam Sas-
agc. who deems this hlovi -up one of his
favorites. You can't suing a comatose
Sylvester mthoul hitting a rerun of
"Mythhustcrs" on Discover) Channel.
but finding fresh episodes can he a

challenge since the nemork rolls out a
few at a tiriic throughout the _\car. The
good ness's is that fans can look toward
to seven nL‘“ episodes beginning

“We lit a line of gunpmsdcr to a
keg leading to an explosion.” Smagc
sa_\s of the segment airing Wednesday
“lt \\as one of the more minor cspltv
sions we'se done on ‘Nlitlihustersf but
more deeply satisfsing from a cartoon

The series has gone beyond merely


We are

heing a hit cahle series it‘s a slllllllal
icon. based in \‘ttrltnsl laniic ll_\ne
man‘s special effects stiidio in San
Francisco. The No. l question the
‘hiisters get asked is it the) “ill esci
run out of niyths'.‘

“We sa) \sc‘ll rnri out of ideas
when people c\er stop heiie\ irig stupid
things." Sasage s.i_\s "We itist finished
one that has confounded tis our entire

The episode. uhich airs in I)C\L‘ln
her. finds Sasage and llsneman tack

looking for:

line .i titieslioti lialtling c\et‘}oiie liiiiti
liltiggcis to pilots it a plant; is ti.i\cl
lllf.‘ it takeii'l speed on .i ktilI\\”~itl‘ hell.
and that t.iri\;_\iir lielt is matching the
speed iti re\cisc. tan the plane take
nil '

“\\e put the plane on a ipiaitet iii'lc
titt‘.\t‘\iil ltc‘ll .lllsl lt‘slt‘tl ti t‘lll-
\a\.igc about the espciitiient using a
pilot and "its l itialiglit plane ”1 \Httid
tell son \\ hat the outcome \\.is. lint the
pilot and his entire tliglit \lllh got it
urong "


\a‘ age


itll'c‘l] ilL‘ss’ltl‘t‘s 'Xl}lll
is ' ‘laslsdss tliL‘Cls \ll' “I!
aid ” \iid \\llt‘li \itll tliiitk .iliiiiit “ticks
liit'} He‘lls‘clls
tiatiie iii\aiial‘l\ pops tip tilt the \m.

stiiiits iloric on tlit slum

lJ "\‘iipctsi/ed“ l\\t\ lion: episode. Bel»
icti mil .iltentpt 'o “alselmaid from the
“at k of a i iiiist ship

\«it. he sass. tlie tra/iest thing he's
had to do on the shins In latt. this sea-
son also has him testing out \sliethcr

we Mythbusters or {me 4


OAccount Executives 9' - l:

-Publio Relations

orehan Building
in the basement


 PAGE 4 I Thursday, November 1, 2007




1. Rock ‘n' Roll Blues

Take a step back to the classic rock of the I960s Saturday night at
Natasha‘s Cafe'. Billy Blues. a band known for their three-pan har-
monies and original blues songs. will be sharing some of their own
tunes along with popular covers from the 60s. The band has been to
gether for more than a decade and has produced four (‘Ds. The show
costs $5 and starts at 9 pm. For more information call 259-2754.

2. Laugh Out Loud

National comedians are bringing their jokes to the Lexington Opera

House Saturday. Bob and Tom from “The Bob & Tom Show."

11 na—

tionally syndicated radio show. are traveling across the United
States. Their show. heard coast-to—coast on over 150 stations. can be
heard in Lexington on 100.1 WKQQ. The comedy begins at 7 pm.
and tickets cost $32.50. For more information call 233—3535. or vis-
it the Lexington Opera House‘s Web site (www.lexingtonopera—

house .com 1 .

3. “Old Dry Fly"

The Lexington Children‘s Theatre is getting back to its roots this
weekend with a play that promises to bust your buttons. The Ap-

palachian folktale “Old Dry Fly"

is about a preacher who loved

fried chicken. He ends up swallowing a chicken bone. and the town
goes wild. Tickets cost $12 for adults and $10 for children. The play
premieres Saturday at 2 pm. and is featured again at 7 pm. On Sun—
day the show starts at 2 pm. For more information call 254—4546 or

visit the Lexington


Theatre Web site


Continued from page 3

cast acts out the film on stage.
mouthing the lines and encour-
aging the audience to partici-

This year. Mills decided he
didn't want to keep turning
people away who wanted to ex-
perience The Rocky Horror
Picture Show Masquerade Ball
— the name of the Halloween
screening ~ so his staff decid-
ed to extend the showing to two

“it is the first time for all of
us to perform two nights in a
row." said Aaron Moreland.
who plays Janet in the re-enact-
ment of the film. “We are al-
ready tired after one night."

"The Rocky Horror Picture
Show” is not just about watch-
ing the movie. Mills said. it's
about the entire experience.
The audience members' cos—
tumes are one aspect of the
film's culture that sets it apart
from any other movie in a the—
ater Besides Rocky Horror
characters people this year
were dressed as anything from
Minnie Mottse to the typical
street prostitute.

"I love it." said biology
sophomore Hannah Chism. who
has been attending screenings
for two years. “It is one of the
only nights you can dress like a
whore. It is abnormal to dress

"The Rocky Horror Picture
Show" viewing at the Kentucky
Theatre is also very interactive.
Mills said.

To start the night off right.
Rocky Horror “virgins” were
asked to stand and recite an alle-
giance to the giant luscious lips
that appear to sing the opening
song of the movie. Alter the
"virgins" were “deflowered."
the audience began to chant and
countdown by spelling out


Co ntinied‘: om page 7

your pants can catch

the kentockv kernel

sis/NV =14!»

fire while
dragged behind a horse. ()thcr seasons lime
seen him sticking his tongue onto a fro/en
pole and getting in a pen with a bill] to see
if the animal wotild indeed charge him be‘
cause he was wearing a red outfit.

“When I was in the arena with the bull
or with the crocodile. e\ciything inside my
body was saying don't do it. but you know

“Rocky" and playing kazoos un-
til the curtain rolled back from
the screen.

Before the show began. bags
of "goodies" were sold for one
dollar. The plastic bags con‘
tained a piece of toast. some
rice. a roll of toilet paper. a
newspaper. a playing card and a
plastic glove _ all props in the
movie so audience members
could participate in the on—
screen action. like throwing rice
after a wedding scene.

“I like to throw the toast and
the rice the most." Cbism said.
“Blowing up the (plastic) glove
and hitting it around is fun too.
Sometimes people get into rice
and toast fights."

Alex Joefreda. a student at
Henry Clay High School. said
her favorite part about the show
is hurling objects throughout the

"My favorite part is throwing
the toilet paper." loefreda said.
“Last year someone threw a roll
of toilet paper and 20 minutes
later. we were still throwing it."

Mills said he thought Rocky
Horror has stayed so popular at
the Kentucky Theatre for so
many years because of the tradi—
tion behind it.

"Friends tell friends about it.
and it is passed down from geri—
eration to generation Mills
said. “Every year there cue par-
ents who bring their teenagers to
come see the show."

C‘hism agreed with Mills.

"People pass it on." Chisni
said. "I first heard about it from
my friend in high school. 1 don‘t
know if I would take my kids to
go see it. though."

Aftcr the show Friday night.
Sims was an all-grownup. no«
longer-a-\ irgin part of the
Rocky Horror family.

“it was fun. It was aw c-
some." Sims said. "I listened to
everyone around me yell stuff at
the screen. and l was able to in—
teract. I am coming back tomor-
row night."

you have to do it."


Light and Magic

lLM. and it‘s



Drop Dead w/ Gorgeous,
Alesana, The Number 12
Looks Like You and Idiot

6.30 p m, The Mad Hatter, Cov~
ington Tickets cost $12 in ad
vance, $14 at the door.

Chuck Prophet
8 pm, The Dame Tickets cost

Leon Russell

8 pm, Headliners. Lourswlle Tick
ets cost $21 in advance, $25 at
the door.

Hackensaw Boys
9 pm, The Southgate House,
Newport. fickets cost $10

FRIDAY, Nov. 2

John Doe w/ Garrison Starr
7 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost

New Found Glory
7:30 pm, Bogarts,
Tickets cost $20,



8 pm, Headliners, Louisville. Tick-
ets cost $9 in advance, $11 at the

Gore Gore Girls
8 pm, Phoenix Hill
Louisville. Tickets cost $11


Big Maracas
10 p m, The Dame hckets cost $6

10 pm, The Southgate House.
Newport, fickets are free,


Dark Funeral

7 pm, Uncle Pleasant's.

For the week of
Nov. 1 T0 Nov. 7

Loursvrlle Tickets cost $18.

Josh Ritter
9 pm, Headliners, Lourswlle. Tler
ets cost $13

Holly Golightly
10 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost

SUNDAY, Nov. 4

Josh Ritter w/ Kim Taylor

8 p m, The Southgate House,
Newport Tickets cost $15 in ad-
vance, $18 at the door

MONDAY, Nov. 5

Streetlight Manifesto w/
Suburban Legends and The
Stitch Up

7 p m, The Mad Hatter, Covmg»
ton. hckets cost $15

Pat Metheny Trio
7 30 pm , Brown
Lowswlle Tickets cost $31

They Might Be Giants w/

8 pm, The Southgate House,

Newport Tickets cost $22 in ad-
vance, $25 at the door


David Crowder Band
7p m , Bogarts, Cincinnati hckets
cost $22 50.

.75 to

Cabin w/ Exit Clov

' 9 pm, The Dame Tickets cost 85.

Mark Utley 8i Magnolia
Mountain w/ Billy Allet-

9 pm, The Southgate House,
Newport Tickets are free