xt73bk16q469 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q469/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 2005 2005 2005-02-16 2020 true xt73bk16q469 section xt73bk16q469 Wednesday

February 16, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue tree. Subsequent Issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence


By Ben Roberts

mfifuiucxv «mu

In our opinion: Lack of state funding
pushes UK away from top-20 goal


I Swimming following in diving team's

path to SEC victory



Cats unbeaten no longer

Four days ago in

Lexington, the No. 3 Kentucky Wildcats got
a wake-up call. Last night in Columbia.

SC. they hit the snooze button.

After surviving a second-half scare Sat-
urday from the basement—dwelling Georgia
Bulldogs. the Cats failed to answer last
night and lost to South Carolina 73-61 in
front of 16.107 fans at The Colonial Center.

The loss was UK's first in Southeastern
Conference play and ended the Cats‘ hopes
of going undefeated in the conference for
the second time in three years. For UK (193.
10-1 SEC). it was also its most lopsided SEC
loss since the second round of the 2002 SEC
Tournament, when South Carolina defeated

the Cats 7057.

Senior forward Chuck Hayes missed all
five of his field goals and managed just one
point. marking Hayes‘ lowest point total
since he went scoreless in UK‘s 2003 NCAA

Tournament loss to Marquette.

“We‘re not much without (Hayes)

that‘s pretty obvious with these games."
said UK head coach Tubby Smith. “He‘s our
heart and soul. When his heart and souls

not right we‘re hurting."

Hayes' one-point performance came af-
ter the co-captain personally addressed his
teammates following Saturday‘s dismal

showing against Georgia.

Hayes called last night “one of the worst
games i‘ve ever played," and said he was
disappointed with the way he and his team-
mates responded after the close win Satur-


“It's obviously very frustrating.“ Hayes
said. “It's obvious that we have some bad
habits we need to fix. They started in the
Georgia game and they carried over to this


The Cats and Gamecocks (14—8. t‘r'i SEC)
traded the lead six times in the first half be-
fore junior foiyvard Tarence Kinsey hit a 3-

pointcr with 17 seconds left to give South

Carolina a 21151 halftime lead.


UK junior guard Ravi Moss (2) and South Carolina junior forward Rocky Trice stretch for a

loose ball in last night’s 73-61 USC victory. Freshman guard Rajon Rondo looks on.

See Upset on page 4

Life on the edge catches up with Cats

got burned.

After playing with fire against
Louisville. Missis-
sippi and
Arkansas. the (‘ats
Were torched by a
poor first half.

Unlike in
Louisville. Fayet-
teviiie. Ark. or ()x-
ford. Miss. the (‘ats
could not climb out
of their early hole.

UK knew what
to expect from the
Gamecocks after
the close game in
Rupp Arena earlier this year. And af-
ter the Georgia slumber party last
Saturday. the (‘ats had to have put all
those early struggles behind them.

Not exactly.

Last night. the (‘ats followed the
same script in digging their first-half

They finally


spouts tuna;

deficit. as they did against the Cards
and Rebels take bad shots. turn the
ball over and play without focus.

Just like those other nights. UK
showed signs of mounting a come-

.lunior guard Ravi Moss came off
the bench and provided his usual
spark. but this time the (‘ats were the
ones getting burned.

Unlike in those earlier escapes
when the big shot always seemed to
fail for the Cats. the ball ricocheted
hard off the rim and sailed over the

“We had some opportunities."
said UK head coach Tubby Smith.
“We just couldn‘t seem to convert

As soon as the (‘ats seemed to
grab the momentum. with a steal or a
defensive stop. the Gamecocks seized
it back with physical play and clutch

“Whenever you get a turnaround
like that. it‘s a fourepoint turn

around." said UK junior forward Ke-
iena Azubuike. "We‘re supposed to
get an easy bucket. and then they
block our shot and make a shot it's

The entire game was one frustra-
tion after another. as the Cats failed to
capitalize on any success.

Missed free throws. missed oppor-
tunities and missed shots doomed the
Cats and derailed their Southeastern
Conference winning streak.

At various times. UK trimmed the
deficit to five points. yet each time
South (‘arolina stood firm.

instead of their usual cold-blood-
ed selves. the (‘ats were the ones run-
ning scared

“i though our guys panicked a lit-
tle bit." Smith said. “The only way
you can counteract that is to execute

we didn‘t execute."

They took the iii-timed 3-pointers.
they committed the foolish fouls and
they let the Gamecocks push them

See Burned on page 4


Candidate touts
lack of SG ties


. _ ‘ . museum I sun
Tomrn Cunnin ham, a mechanical engineering senior, talks about his
candi acy for tudent Government president on a park bench yesterday

afternoon. Cunningham is the first non-SG student to run fort

By Tricia McKenny


When talking with UK
students about his campaign
to become Student Govern-
ment president next school
year. Tommy Cunningham
repeats one question: “What
has SG done for you?"

Cunningham. a mechani-
cal engineering senior. said
he hopes the answer to that
question helps him become
the first non-SG member to
be elected president of the

"i'm fed up and can‘t take
it anymore." Cunningham
said about the way SG has
been running.

“SG right now is de-
tached from students." he
said. “No one seems to know
what is going on except sena-
tors and their close friends."

e office.

Cunningham ~ who will
be a graduate student next
year ~ is the first student to
take advantage of a recently
passed SG amendment elimi-
nating the need for presiden-
tial candidates to have prior
experience in SC.

"(Having no experience
on 80) is one of the greatest
attributes I can bring to SG."
Cunningham said.

Cunningham and his run-
ning mate Matt Neff. a
chemical engineering junior

hope they can reconnect
SG with the student body and
unite the campus.

“I would like to open up
the doors to Greek and non-
Greek students alike. the
same way other top-20 uni-
versities do." he said.

He said he hopes SG can

See Candidate on page 2

Grant funds professorship
to study women, violence

By Dariush Shala

UK will use a 8500.000
grant to establish an en-
dowed professorship to study
the effects of violence on
women‘s health.

UK‘s Center for Research
on Violence Against Women
will be receiving a grant of
8250.000 from Verizon Wire-
less. the company announced
yesterday. ln addition. the
Kentucky Research (‘hal-
lenge Trust Fund will match
the donation. bringing the to-
tal amount of money going
to the center up to half a mil-
lion dollars.

"The center is truly a na-
tional entity." said Verizon
Wireless spokeswoman
Michelle Gilbert on why the
company chose ifK‘s center
for the donation,

"We know that the contri-
bution we're making to them
will benefit domestic \'l(1~

ience survivors across the
country because the work
that this center does benefits
domestic violence centers na-
tionwide." she said.

The grant money for UK
will help fund a professor-
ship most likely in the Col-
lege of Medicine. Jordan
said. The professor will re
search the short-term and
long-term health effects of
violence against women.

"We believe that this pro
fessorship will put Kentucky
on the forefront in research-
ing the health effects of rape
and intimate partner vio-
lence." Jordan said. “We be-
lieve it significantly ad-
vances iTK‘s ability to do re-
search on violence against
women. so we‘re extremely

.lordan said she's hopeful
this will be the first of sever-
al professorships created

See Grant on page 2

Subway icon Jared inspires children battling obesity

By Elizabeth Troutman
THE rmucrr mun

Eieven-year-old .iosh
(‘oleman loves UK basket»
ball. skateboarding and foot
hall the “touch kind."

The Morton Middle
School sixth-grader takes
walks with his mom and re-
cently joined a fitness club
to combat his problems with

His favorite Subway
sandwich: the Sweet Onion
(‘hicken 'i‘eriyaki.

His hero: .lared i‘ogle.

.losh was one of about 20
children that gathered at the
pediatric department in the
UK Medical (‘enter last
night to hear the story of
one of America's dieting he~
roes i-‘ogle. a Subway

Fogie hopes sharing his
story with the children. who
are battling obesity. is a way
he can help stop the problem

“What i really like to do
is talk to kids." Fogle said. “i
know what it is like to be a

heavy kid."

Fogie. 27. has been cam»
paigning with Subway using
his dramatic weight-loss sto-
ry for over five years. Now
weighing 194 pounds. Jared
said his obesity problem
forced him to miss out on a
lot of experiences as a kid.

“My weight condition
started at an early age."
Fogie said. “As a kid. i
played a lot of sports. i grew
up knowing what i should
be eating."

Fogle said he started
gaining weight as a child af
ter he received a Nintendo.
He remembers spending
much of his time away from
athletics because of his ad-
diction to video games.

“My mind constantly
thought about food and
when i was going to play the
next video game or when i
would watch my TV show."
he said.

“i was not just the
chunky kid anymore I
was the absolutely huge

The lndiana University
graduate reached more than
100 pounds before realizing
he had to make a lifestyle
change to save his life. With-
in the first year of a strict
Subway diet and walking
routine. .lared lost 240

i)r. .loan Griffith of UK
Pediatrics was responsible
for organizing the event
through a colleague in the
medical field. Griffith said
the event was intended to in
spire and encourage chil-
dren who battle obesity

"We will high five a one
tenth of a pound that has
been lost." Griffith said.
"Even as little as a smile. a
pat on the hack. a hug can
make a difference."

Josh was born with
spina bifida. a permanently
disabling birth defect that
affects the neural tube. He
said that he wanted to ask
Fogie how long it took him
to shed his weight.

“i don't think he is big in

See Jared on page 3

Josh Coleman (left). a child seelii
spokesman Jared F le (right). Fog
with childhood obesi . the 2

year-old Fogle weight more than 400


help with obesi

at UK's Medical Center.
came to UK las night to speak with abo
unds before he dedicated himselt

t the ant ugh-av I m"
20 chlldrenoqibout is

losing weight. By exercising regularly and eating ubway. Fogle lost 40 pounds.






911M ,.

Continued from page I

with a focus on violence against

“We think this is a begin-
ning for us. and we hope to en-
dow additional professorships
in the future.” Jordan said.

The future professorships
will likely cover criminal jus-
tice, mental health. child wel-
fare and other topics related to
violence against women. she

The donation comes from
Verizon Wireless on the 10th att-
niversary of the HopeLine pro-
gram. HopeLine takes donated
cell phones and airtime and
gives them to women who are
survivors of domestic violence
as a means to help them become
independent from domestic vio-
lence shelters and get their lives
back on track, Gilbert said.

“We felt this was a pretty
significant and symbolic way to
commemorate the work we‘ve
been doing," Gilbert said.

Verizon Wireless has been a
continuing contributor to UK.





PR2 | Wednesday, Feb. t6, 2005

M, .3.” . _e


said Carol Jordan. director of
the (‘enter for Research on V io.

lence Against Women.

"They‘ve assisted us with re-
search projects. and they've do-
nated phones. so this is an ongo
ing relationship." Jordan said.

Last year. Verizon donated
100 phones to female UK stu-
dents in a “proactive“ effort to
help women feel safer. Gilbert
said. Those 100 phones were
among 11,000 phones donated to
victims of domestic violence
nationwide. along with 3.000
mintttes of airtime per phone.
totaling 33 million donated min—

Cell phone customers de-
serve as tnttch recognition for
the donation to UK as Verizon
Wireless does. Gilbert said.

“We cannot take all the cred-
it. here." she said. “It‘s impor-
tant that because of their (Veri-
zon Wireless customers) gen»
erosity that we‘ve been able to
make this sizable contribution.

“Hopefully one day we cart
get to a point where domestic
violence is not a problem in our
society." Gilbert said. "That's

ottr goal."

dshafa u kykernelt‘tmI

"SG should listen to what students
want and act on that." he said.
To do this. He said he hopes to be


r-flrm- ......x :. .. 3:“ .—~~ .';"‘A':

Usiyiaitsi | t or KEN’l‘l't‘KY



Selected cr'rne reports from UK Police
from Feb. 9 to Feb. 14

Feb. t Theft of cormiter parts at Greg Page Apartments report-
ed at too on

Feb. 9 Theft of a purse at Commons Market reported at 6:48

Feb. l0: Drug violations at University Drive reported at 5:50 am.

Feb. KI Catliterieiting and forgery at Nicholasville Road and
Rosemont Drive reported at 5:59 am.

Feb. ll: Terroristic threatening at 343 Martin Luther King Blvd.
reported at 1:" am.

Feb. ll: Theft of mail matter at 767 Woodland Ave. reported at
2:38 pm.

Feb. ti: Fleehg ltd evading, wanton endangerment, reckless dri-
ving. crimind miscil'ei and arrest made at Mason Headley Road at
11:50 pm.

Feb. 12 Burglly a 343 Martin Luther King Blvd. reported at
9:04 am.

Feb. 12: Crim'nal mischief at 570 Wildcat Court reported at 10:23

Feb. l4: Theft of two DVD/VCR machines at I40 Patterson Drive
reported at 7:57 am.

Feb. 14: Theft of a desktop computer at UK Chandler Medical
Center reported at ":28 am.

could turn the Ill Poloe motl- log all Web site.
E-nil Wm



shouldn't be registered to vote in Lex-

Cunningham said he is willing to
work hard in order to better student life




FQIP Fall 2005!


We Want Your Opinions!

Log on to
KyKernel.com and click on










Continued from page I

become an entity that will work for stit-
dents and listen to students at the same

"I want to unite the entire student
body: Greek. non-Greek. international.
church-going. non-chttrch-going. Chris-
tian. Jewish — you name it." C unning-
ham said.

To help unite students. Cunning-
ham said he hopes to use informational
Web sites. phone lines and other infor-
mation outlets to inform students of all
aspects of campus life and get students
involved in campus and Lexington.

“Every student has ideas It shottld
be easy and accessible for them to tell
people about them." Cunningham said.

able to set up outlets for students to tell
86 their own ideas and work to imple-
ment thetn.

"I promise students. if you tell me
what yott want and it‘s a great idea and
it is feasible. 1 will do my best to imple-
tnent it."

Cunningham also plans to get UK
students more involved in local and
state government to get action from leg-

l'K could be the sixth-largest city in
Kentucky if students united and forced
legislators to listen. he said. Cunning-
ham argued that voting in strong num-
bers would make legislators account
able to students.

“(legislatorsi don't have to listen to
us because we don't vote and are unor-
ganized." Cunningham said. "There is
no excuse why every single freshman

at UK. He said he's collected more than
3.000 student signatures. A candidate
needs 1.000 signatures to be placed on
the ballot.

“Why talk to 1.000 when you can
talk to more?“ Cunningham asked.
“Make me go talk to students and meet
new people and get their ideas."

Cunningham said he‘s serious
about his potential obligations as 80
president and said his would-lit-
coworkers should share that attitude.

“Heads will roll. if they (senators)
don't get the job done. get out." (Tun
ningham said.

“We are here to work and get the job

(Inc/Milly u lrvkernelt‘om

sponsored by:








- Momma: .mmm







Everyone is invited to attend a Higher Education Rally

In the small rotunda of the

State Capital Building in Frankfort

TODAY, Wednesday, February 16*“ 1-1 :30 pm.

Speakers include 8 __
Secretary Grayson, Se «s 9

Buses will provide transportation from the Student Gan
at 11 :45; am;




umvcll ..











By Elizabeth lroutman

Witifiiéii' {thin
Second district council-
man Jacques Wigginton pro-
posed yesterday that the ur-
ban county council rescind
Lexington Mayor Teresa
Isaac's authority regarding
the condemnation of Ken-
tucky-American Water Co.

In the council meeting.
Wigginton also proposed
that an authoritative body of
3 to 7 council members res
solve settlement negotia-
tions. Vice Mayor Mike
Scanlon would choose the
panel’s members, according
to the proposal. The council
voted to table both motions
11-1 and 9-3, respectively

“I suggest to council that
the time is right and has
come to truly establish a
clear. open. agreed-upon and
authorized process for end-
ing condemnation." Wiggin-
ton said.

Wigginton proposed to
revoke the mayor‘s power so
that all individual opinions

Isaac could lose negotiating powers

ly left the meeting after say-
ing. “There will be no nego-
tiations." in regards to this

Before next week’s coun-
cil meeting. members will
reconsider the negotiation
responsibilities given to the
mayor two years ago when
legal proceedings began.
Isaac proposed the purchase
of Kentucky-American Wa-
ter Co. from German con-
glomerate RWE in 2002. The
company's owners claimed
the business was not for

Last month. the council
voted 8 to 7 to end any pur-
suit of condemnation. Isaac
vetoed the decision.

Wigginton urged council
members to remember their
duty to the citizens of Lex-

“Will we have earned.
and can expect. public dis-
dain and distrust when we
fail to recognize and honor
our own rules and regula-
tions. our own checks and
balances. our own charter

members' previous state-
ments. Wigginton said the
council “is charged with
conducting the people's busi-
ness. but intrinsic in that
statement is the expectation
that we do it in a way that is
right and in order." he said.

"And. if lucky. in a trans-
parent way"

First district councilman
George Brown expressed ap-
proval of the motion. but
voted to table it because he
needed time to consider the
authority given to the mayor
when legal proceedings be-

“We need more informa-
tion." Brown said. “I am not
opposed to his proposal."

Brown said the five new
members of the council.
who were sworn in Jan.l.
need more time to under-
stand their legal abilities.

“I think the people have
to understand it’s the will of
15 council members." he
said. “We have a group (the
council) right now that is ne-
gotiating. That‘s what makes


in the council can be consid- ~ .. - ~ ..
. . and chairs? WI inton sense.
ered. not just the Will of the asked. gg E—mail
mayor. . Citing other council etroutmama kykernelcom
In response. Isaac quick-
children. with weight.

Continued from page I

pounds, but I think he‘s
tall." Josh said of Fogle.
Josh‘s struggle with obe-
sity worsens his condition.
He has endured ten surg-
eries on his legs and feet.
For two years. Josh has
participated in UK Pedi-
atric‘s TEAM program that
aims to correct obesity in


“There‘s nothing we‘ve
not been through." said Di-
ana Coleman-Reynolds.
Josh's mother. "Since he’s
met Dr. Griffith. he's been a
different child."

Coleman-Reynolds said
her son wants to lose about
90 pounds to reach a Weight
of 140 pounds. Since work-
ing with the doctors at UK
Pediatrics. Josh has lost 8

Fogle stressed the impor-
tance of encouraging chil-
dren through their struggle

“Be there for your chil-
dren." Fogle said. “Love you
child: support your child.
Get on top of it. Make sure
you realize you are making
big decisions right now."

The special guest meant
a lot to the kids Griffith
works with. she said.

“A lot of kids came be-
cause of Jared." Griffith
said. “But a lot of kids came
because they know I care.“

etroutmanu kykernelrom

FDA to fOrm panel to look at drug safety


Food and Drug Administra-
tion will create a new indepen-
dent board to more aggressive
ly monitor the safety of drugs
on the market as part of an ef-
fort to restore public confi—
dence in the nation's prescrip
tion drug supply. Health and
Human Services Secretary
Mike Ieavitt announced yes-

“The public has spoken.
and they want more oversight
and openness." he said to a
gathering of FDA employees.
“They want to know what we
know. what we do with the in-
formation and why we do it."

The Drug Safety Oversight
Board would. for the first time.
take the officials who approve
new drugs largely out of the
process of assessing whether
side effects that appear later
are serious enough to require
quick regulatory action. FDA
reviewers. some have argued.
can be reluctant to withdraw a
drug because it suggests their
initial approval might have
been a mistake.

As another part of its ef-
fort. Lester Crawford. FI)A act-
ing commissioner. said the
agency a known for its refusal
to discuss issues before they
are fully resolved . will be far
more proactive in providing
information to the public. He
said the FDA will release safe
ty information even if it is not
complete or if the release dis-

pleases drug companies.

“There are legal restric-
tions on releasing confidential
and commercial information;
however. that is not something
the FDA should hide behind.“
said Crawford. who was nomi-
nated Monday to become FDA
commissioner. “I think we
need to adopt the mentality
that the public wants to know
and the public needs to know.
and we should find reasons to
make information available.
rather than simply saying we
can't reveal trade secrets
”closed case.”

Some members of Con-
gress. consumer advocates and
FDA staff members ques-
tioned whether the new safety
reviews would be meaningful.
But if so. the two initiatives to
gether would constitute a ma-
jor shift in emphasis for an
agency that has been accused
in recent years of paying too
little attention to drug risks
and focusing instead on speed-
ing new products to market.

David Graham. the FDA
safety officer whose whistle-
blowing brought the issue of
unsafe drugs to prominence.
said that he did not think a
new board would do much

“It‘s an important admis-
sion at the highest levels that
the FDA hasn‘t handled drug
safety up to now. but it won‘t
address the root causes of the
problem." he said. “Until drug
safety becomes as important
as approving drugs quickly. the
fundamental problem will re-

main and unsafe drugs will
continue to be approved and
will stay on the market."

The FDA announcement
came the day before the
agency begins a high-profile
three-day conference that will
examine safety risks associat-
ed with the now-controversial
class of arthritis drugs called
COXQ inhibitors. The FDA
and the drug industry have
been on the defensive since
Merck & Co. took its block-
buster arthritis painkiller
Viorcx' off the market in Sep
tember because of evidence
that it increased the risk of
heart attack and stroke. and
Pfizer Inc. stopped advertising
its similar (‘elehrex and Rex-
tra products after receiving
hints of similar problems two
months later.

The FDA expert panel
could recommend that all
C()X~2 drugs be withdrawn
from the market or carry a
stern “black box“ warning of
the risks. or it could vote to
recommend no change in cur-
rent regulations.

In advance of the confer-
ence. the New England Jour-
nal of Medicine released two
editorials and three studies
yesterday assessing the COX‘Z
drugs and FDA‘s performance.
The studies generally conclud-
ed that the entire class of
drugs increases the risk of car—
diovascular disease. The edito
rials took the agency and in-
dustry to task for not adequate
1y protecting the public.



Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005 I PAGE3






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 mu | Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005


Continued from page i

UK kept the score close
early in the second half but
would never regain the lead.
After junior guard Ravi Moss
hit a transition layup to trim
South Carolina‘s lead to 5045
with 6:52 left, Gamecock se-
nior Carlos Powell took over.

With only three points up
until that moment. Powell —
South Carolina‘s leading scor~
er _ scored nine points over
the next four minutes to lead
the Gamecocks on an 11-2 run
and give them their largest
advantage of the night at 61-

Five of Powell‘s points
during that stretch came off
UK turnovers. The Cats gave
the ball away a season~high 21

They pretty much out

worked us in most areas."
Smith said. “They controlled
the tempo , it seemed li
they wanted it more than we

Hayes credited USC’s en-
ergy and crowd support for
the second—half surge but also
said he was shocked the Cats
didn't match that energy

He said the team will have
to make some changes if it
wants to regain the momen»
tum it had before the Georgia

“It's getting too late in the
season to have these types of
breakdowns." Hayes said.
“You can go one of two ways
, up or down. Right now. we
can‘t afford to go down.“


Sophomore forward Sher-
ay Thomas did not make the
trip to Columbia because of a
stomach virus.

broberts: u kykernelcom



Continued from paqel



“It‘s everywhere."
Azubuike said of the Cats'
struggles. "I’m not talking
about anything in particular"

That‘s what is really trou-

Hundreds of South Carolina students storm
Center last night. The attendance at the ga


UK‘s Mr. Reliable, Chuck
Hayes scored just a single
point. Thee Cats were again
punished on the boards the
fourth time in the last five
games UK has been out-re-
bounded , and the offense
stalled when faced with a

"We were
tonight." Smith said.

The credit for that has to


on: m
ed the court after the Gamecocks' 73- 6t victory at The Colonial
me was at near capacity at 16.107

Kentucky (6|)

I“ d h H M I I
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M1 Howell 1

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two commenting ill lfixi ‘N do? free throw
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Records M Ni to t. :3“ '4 fish

go to the Gamecocks. a fired-
up team in a make-or-break
game. Still. doubts now hover
around the Cats. Clearly. the
Georgia game's warning was
not loud enough.

“You get a little bit con-
cerned because you'd hope
you had corrected some of
the problems." Smith said.
"But obviously we haven‘t."

twiseman ra kykernelcom

i sun



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Wednesday Feb. 16, 2005 | PAGE 5


Kyoto pact goes into effect

By “M Milo

us mu: m
Nearly eight years after it
was negotiated. the Kyoto Pro
tocol to curtail greenhouse
gases in order to combat global
warming goes into effect today
without the participation of
the country that produces

roughly a fourth of the world's
heat-trapping exhaust: the
United States.

A total of 140 countries
have ratified the pact, the first
major international effort to
reduce the industrial green-
house gas emissions that
many scientists believe to be
responsible for increased glob
al temperatures over the past

But under the terms of the
Kyoto treaty, only developed
nations will have to cut green-
house gases. Thirty-five have
agreed to lower them to 5 per-
cent below 1990 levels by 2012.

Critics of the treaty, includ-
ing US. officials, have argued
that it places the developed
world at a competitive disad-
vantage. Emerging economic
giants such as China are ex-
panding energy use but are
not required under the pact to
reduce greenhouse gas emis-

United Nations officials
and numerous heads of state
praised the treaty’s formal
launch as a longcverdue start-
ing point.

“We have been waiting so
long for the start of the Kyoto
Protocol, there is a sense this
is historic," Joke Waller-
Hunter, the executive secre
tary of the UN. Framework
Conference on Climate
Change, said in an interview
from Kyoto, where diplomats
were gathering to commemo
rate the treaty. “We all know it
is only a first step. But you
don’t start walking without a
first step.“

For the treaty to take effect.
nations responsible for at least

55 percent of global green-
house gas production had to
ratify it. That requirement
was finally met last year when
Russia agreed to cut its emis—

However, the consensus of
even the strongest Kyoto sup
porters is that the pact alone
will barely make a dent in the
global warming problem A es-
pecially without the United
States. which along with Aus-
tralia is the only large devel-
oped nation not taking part.

Worldwide emissions of
carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases, mainly re
leased during the burning of
fossil fuels such as coal and oil.
are still expected to increase
despite Kyoto due to the grow-
ing output of developing na-
tions such as China and