xt73bk16q36r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q36r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1996 1996 1996-03-06 2020 true xt73bk16q36r section xt73bk16q36r  





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Ill" SHOWER UK housing employee Claude Come/15o
cleaned the shower on the second floor of Blanding [I],
after someone set the shower curtain on fire.


7 WEATHER Showers today.
high near 65, a'imly tonight.
low around 5 5,- wimly and cold
tomorrow. high near 31/.

[BORING FOR HOME The UK baseball

team finally made a home appearance in the

young season. Story, page 6.


Fire raises COIICBI‘II

Residence hall closes off

hathroomsflom residents

By Chris Padgett

Some residents of Blanding III are ready to pack
up their belongings and move out of the co-ed South
Campus residence hall.

On Friday and again yesterday, fires broke out in
restrooms located on the second floor of the three
floor low rise across from the Seaton Center. Dur-
ing both instances, hallways on the second floor
filled with clouds of smoke which crept under the
doors of residents’ rooms. No alarms were triggered
by the smoke in either instance. UK Police are inves—
tigating the fires as arson.

According to a report filed by Blanding III Hall
Director Leslie \Vilson with UK Police early Tues-
day morning, “unknown persons set fire to a bath-
room shower curtain in the second floor bathroom."

john Gavin, a materials science sophomore. is
concerned that fire alarms in the building did not go
offwhen his floor was filled with smoke.

“It is very concerning to me that fire alarms did
not sound during the fiasco," (lavin said. “\Ve could
have died in our sleep."

As a result of the incnlents both men’s restrootns
on the second floor have been closed indefinitely.
Residents have been told to utilize the men's bath-
room on the first floor of the building. The first
floor men’s restroom has only four toilets and four

showers. There are over 80 men living in lllandrng
III who will have to use this facility.

“I think it is really pathetic that all the guys
should be punished and be made to use the single
restroom on the first floor," said David Miracle. a
civil engineering sophomore.

Keit L'ngurait, an undeclared freshman, ques-
tioned whether or not anyone had the authoritv to
close the restroom. i

“I wonder if this is allowable by public health
standards." L'ngurait said.

Signs posted on the bathrooms’ doors early ycs-
terday morning informed residents that they should

contact L‘K Police or the Office of Residents Life it"

they have any information regarding the incidents.

Dale Howard. a political science sophomore and
Blanding III resident. is ready to pack his belong—
ings. “This place is worse than hell," Howard said,
“I can’t wait to get out of campus housing."

\Vilson was not in l.e.ongtou yesterday and could
not be reached for comment.

According to Deborah Ila/.ard, director of rcsi~
dence life, problems have plagued the dorm. ”'I'licrc
seems to be a number of incidents that have occurred
recently," Hazard said. "\Yc would like to bring .i
solution to this problem as soon as possible."

A meeting was held last night at Kirwandllainling
Complex Commons for the residents . and rcprcscn<
moves from the [K Fire Marshal's Office. campus
police, and the (Nice of Residence late were on
hand to answer questions and provide information

UK Police are currently imcstigating the lltcl'
dent. which falls into the category of first-dcgrcc

Battle at New Orleans

The Southeastern Conference
Tournament hit/es ofltomorroa' in
New Orleans’ Superdome with 12
teams competing for the league's
automatic berth to the NC:
Tournament. UK be '71; its questfiir
a fifth consecutive S C tourney
crown Friday in the quarterfinal
round. The Cats will play the winner
oftomorroui 's Ole Ales-Florida
game. See preview pages 4, 5.


”ELENA "AU Kernel nil/f

Student may dodge aid crunch

Staff report

The backlog on a government contractor’s com-
puter which caused the National Department of
Education to fail to process 900,000 college financial
aid applications should not affect current UK stu-

Lynda 5. George, Director of Student Financial
Aid, said returning students should be fine, due to a
later application deadline of April 1.

However, George noted that high school seniors
will have to wait to find out how much money they
will receive for attending college.

“For current students, the back log should be out ’
of the way,” George said. “The problem will hit
incoming freshmen who are using t e information as
a deciding factor in choosing a university.”

The form, called the Free Application for Federal

Student Aid, is used to calculate how much a family
can contribute to a student’s education. Schools use
the in formation to determine eligibility for financial
aid ackages.

(Eleorge said the back-up will not affect the
amount of funding but Will delay many students'
notification of their financial aid status.

Elizabeth Hicks, Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Student Financial Assistance Programs, said that the
department now promises to process by the end of
Match all applications that were received by March
1. Applications received during March should be
processed by April 15.

Hicks cautioned that the problems may not be
completely solved and said that it is possible that the
government will not have information in time for
colleges to make financial aid awards by May 1.

Students and parents, wondering why they

haven’t received their financial analyses yet. have
flooded a question-and-answcr phone line. Hicks
said. In response, the department has expanded the
hours and added more operators.

The department blames the backlog on 21 days of
work time lost during the partial government shut-
down and the blizzards that closed offices during a
crucial testing period.

In addition, the departtnent has a new contractor
and is using a new optical imaging system.

Hoping to catch up. contractors have increased
production at two processing companies. which are
now working around the clock. seven days per week.
They also have set up additional work sites.

Education Secretary Richard Riley plans to send a
letter to college presidents, explaining the situation
and asking them to consider delaying that deadline.
she said.

To check on the status of financial aid applica-
tions, applicants can call 319-337-5665 from 8 a.m.
to 10 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, and ‘) a.m.
to 6 p.m. EST Saturday.




March 6, I996




o Want/red: 9 l)lit'I\I{/H\ 2
l (.‘ampm 10 spun» 6


(joint/rd 9 l're‘cpuml 3


MEI] Dole wins big in

‘Junior Tuesday' voting

Sen. Bob Dole took a commanding lcad in the
Re ublican presidential race last night with an
erg t-state primary sweep against tastvtading Pat
Buchanan and a shrinking field of challengers.

“I always felt in my heart it was going to hap—
pen, but you never know until the people vote."
Dole said in an interview, confidcnt now that llls
third bid for the Republican nomination would be

An ecstatic Dole urged Republicans to rally
around him and turn their fire at l’residcnt (illit-

“I think it is a big, big boost." the Senate maior~
ity leader said, predicting he would handily win
New York's primary on Thursday and carry
irioineiitum into next week's "Super Tuesday" con-
tests iri Texas, Florida and five other states.

“I think we are in a very strong position to “Hi
the nomination," he said, and for once there was
no voice in dissent.

I)olc won primaries in (.corgia, \k'i'irrirrri. (:oir
necticut. .\larylarid. .\lainc and .\lassachuscits and
seemed headed for a “_luniot ’I'ucsdav" swccp w licn
returns were counted in Colorado and Rhodc

\ll told. the days booty represented more than
a quarter of tlic ”W. dclcg itcs needed to clim h
nomination wiih another ”l up tor grabs in
New York and it): in next week‘s ”Supcr l th'si
day" contests in l‘lorida. lens and five orhci
5(3ch. .

Buchanan vowed to fight all the way to the
August Republican convention. but acknowledged.
”It's an uphill battle everywhere."

:\lso in for a bad night \st multimillnmairc
publisher Steve Forbes. who was already tocusing
on the 'I hursday showdown in New York. “\Yc
can win in New York and nationwide." be said.
ignoring Dole's lead in the state — and the
momentum likely to come irom last night

mm Mideast peace on shaky ground
R:\.\li\l.l.All. \Yest Bank ~v Israeli troops

blockaded more than I million Palestinians inside
the \Yest Bank yesterday and scaled the homes oi
Islamic militants whose bombing war has terror<
I'LL‘tl Israel and shaken the peace process.

Stepping up their (\ffenslvc against the militants.
soldiers raided a \Yest Bank Village, herding all the
men into the triain square for questioning. Prime
Minister Shimon Peres vowed to imprison relatives
of the suicide bombers Without trial.

In an about-face, the military wmg of llamas
said it would heed a call from the group's political
leaders to halt the bombing attacks until July. The
wing. luedine al Qassam, claimed res ionsibility
for four bombings in nine days that lulled four
bombers and 57 other people.

Angry Israelis buried the 13 victims of the latest
attack. killed Monday when an Islamic militant
blew himselfu outside Tel AViv’s main shopping
mall. Half the (lead were children.

In \Vashington, the Clinton administration sent
lmmb—dctcction equipment to Israel yesterday to
help intercept terrorists at border crossings.



SHIT )(IKI I()I..\l, Sweden ~~~~~ Martin Scorsese is
making sure Swedes know exactly how he feels
about the country's censors. who chopped sortie
violent scenes out of his film “Casino."

The Swedish Censorship Bureau forced the
director to cut three sequences. totaling onc
minute and 40 seconds, out of the three-hour
movie. arguing that they were too violent for view —
ers. the Swedish news agency 'IVI‘ said.

The movie stars Robert De Niro and Sharon
Stone in a tale about sometimes bloody mob influ—
ence in [as Vegas casinos in the I‘)70s.

“It was my Wish that every audience should
experience ‘(jasino' the way I cut it. but that will
not be the case, and a censored version seemed to
be a better alternative than not being able to show
the film at all." read part of his disclaimer translat»
cd from Swedish by The Associated Press.

(,‘ompiledfinm ii‘ire repom

Aja says sacrifice provided 900" Ollllfll‘tlllllly lfll‘ learning

ByGary Wutt
he and his

“You can’t always get what you

This is an idea that Student
Government residential candi-
date Alan Aja llas been tau ht for
most of his life. \Vhen e was
{gung and living in a middle-class

was 12 years ol


lescence stage,

take things for granted,” Aja said.
\Vhile living in Miami, Florida,
ounger sister and
brother lived in the same bedroom
of a small two-bedroom house.
“It was reall rough because 1
(land you're grow- the
through the ado-
C said.
“I would've liked the nicer

ing up and goingI

become a part of thin s.
“The told us to ocus on aca-
demics, ut they also encouraged
us to be involved on cam-
pus, because that’s where
experience comes
from,” he said.
Throughout it all Aja
has learned to make the

approached him and told him to

quences and would make them
learn from their own mistakes.

“He always taught us to think
before you act.”

Aja gave his hilosophy
on parenting: “ Vhen par—
ents force things upon
their children, they are
more likely to rebel."

During the conversa—
tion a oun man with a

“He ac

always been a role model to Ara.
His father uoted frequently from
the Civil ri ts leader.
Enowlcdgcd differences
and learned from each other in a
more effective manner.”
Aia said that though King is

mostly recognized for



COFFEE “‘2‘.




Atari Aja

FAMILY: Parents, Antonio and
Loyda Aja; Slum Vanessa, a sis-

is wot ' in tar, Bryan, a b


ispanic home, he learned about

His father worked part time
jobs, while being a full-time stu-
dent. And his mother was working
full-time at a job she enjoyed, but
which didn’t pay much.

“This made me see eye-to-eye
with people of lower economic
backgrounds. It taught me not to

V9“ ’

clothes but it was only a time
where we had what we needed and
my arents taught me to appreci-
ate at,” Aja said.

When he turned 12, Aja's fami-
ly moved to Louisville. He attend-
ed Atherton High School. For the
first couple ofyears he felt alone,
because he was not involved.
Noticing this, his father

’ u~-w¢

best of things. “Things are
going to happen in life

ecause they are going to
test us and make us All
stronger,” he said. “There
is always a positive to every nega-

Growin up, no rules or ideas

mohaw wa ed by. Most
people would give a
strange look, but Aja
appreciates the 5 le as a
way of establishing indivi ualism.

“I like when people keep their
identities and are not afraid to be


were for u nhim. He said his themselves.”
father woul show the conse— Martin Luther King Jr. has

:he CiVilf rights movement, he also BIRTHPLACE: Miami Florida
ou ht or )r and other minori- . .'
tiesglike lliftnics. "M70“: WW”
“I think t e quest he was work- YEAR: Jun“
ing for is closer, but this country MAJOR: Commnlcallom
has a lot to work on,” Aia said. PERSONAL FACTS:
Completing the beginning , , ,
quote from the Rolling Stones is mparents 3'9 WHY from

similar to the philosophy of Alan
Ara. VTo relax. he plays the piano


ou try sometimes you just
might find you get whatyou need. "




~ ‘\I





! Wednesday, With 6, I996, rem-iv Kernel





Lance Williams ................................................... Editor in Chief
{Jennifer Smitthanagmg Editor
renna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor

leff V 1nson ........................................................... Campus Editor
Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Editor

Robert DuffyArts Editor
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Desi Editor
Claire Johnston ........................................................ Ke Editor
Matt Barton ................................................ Chief Photographer

Tracie Purdon

Sheri Phalsap hie ......................................... As.st Desi Editors
John Abbott,1 'atalie Collins Scott Gordon Brian rivett,
Melanie Sawyers, Jeff V1nson, I1ffanyWh1te ....... Copy Editors




.\'l'l().\‘ Sl‘il\’\'l(ll‘lS li\'lz'.’\'l'

.\\.\()l \( Il\(i .\ (llx’.\l)l




Take care of all your
graduation needs at once.
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March 19: 11:00 A.M. — 6:30 P.M.

King Alumni House
ALUMNI .ii ‘>‘~¥t‘l5.\\








inspiration, writing

By Jati Vinson
(.‘ampur Editor

Sheila Gillooly: The book is
about the female fear of commit-
ment, which Is kind of the oppo—
site approach of what is typically
thought of as being a male phe-

into it, I discovered
that I had a lot of
ambivalence about
being there. And



whatever reason had actually
become involved in pretty good
relationships, but in fact, when I
looked at most of those couplings,

Q: Could you tell me what your
Matt FCllCC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" EditorialEd1tor inspiration warfor writing ‘Venur in I saw that it was the woman in
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... SpOl‘tS Editor Spurs? most of the relationships that

seemed to be having more diffi-
culty with the sort of day- to- day
requirements of commitment and
domestic responsibility and inti-
macy and so forth, and we were
really sort of the bitches of the

So I just started

’1 thinking about
writing the book
because I thought

that really shocked me ' ' well this is some-
because I thought that She'la GIIIOOIV thing that never

it would be sort of a miracle and
that I would no longer have any
problems, which was of course not
the case.

Q: So what was the problem?
What didyou see?

S. G; This happened when I
was in my late 205. I started to
kind of look around at the many
kind of close women friends that I

We had all basically traveled
through out teens together you
know going to singles bars, trying
to set each other up on dates and
generally having kind of crash—
and—burn experiences with men.

Pretty tnuch most of the
women I knew at that point for

gets talked about.

0: So how did you react to those
feelings ofuncertainty? War it a good
thingfor you?

S. G; I th1nk that 1t was kind of
good, as distressin as it was to
experience the amiiivalence and
the ways in which that complicat-
ed my relationship and seemed to
be complicating the relationships
ofmy friends.

At the s1me time it w as kind of
1 great relief to me to see that
1fter h1'11ing been brainwashed for
all those y-.e1rs 1,1bout oh you ll
never manage to get your roman—
tic life on track because men have
this terrible fear ofcommitment,
it was sort of empowering to real—


you had to this “lief."


ize that

I wasn’t victim to someone
clse’s whims, I was victim to my
own whims. That at least I felt like
I could make an attempt to
change, where as I had always felt
really powerless in the face of like
the three-date dump.

Q: What kind of reaction have

S.(1‘.: I haven't encountered a
great deal of opposition. liven
though it is a different approach,
it doesn't seem that people fmd it
all that controversial.

The two responses I have
encountered so far have been one.
a kind of reliefon the part of men
because their so used to being vili-

Maj; . .. . .1..- . .- .....“-


Ben 3min AbCS , _ And the impetus for me writing relationship and the men were i!

All €85 GUStflfSSOIl ............................................ On- llIlC Editors it was basically that after about 15 land of the more accommodating .
Ashley Shrewsbury....................................Asst. Editorial Editor 2123;: ZfISICSfe'iate'y, at: Thatagrjfiilsi

s r in o ' .

Chris yEasterling ........................................... Asst. Sports Editor get myseff ’{mg a c,.,,,,,,h,,,g I had :4
ulie AlldCrSOHASSI Arts Editor relationship once been led to believe

an O Ne1llAsst KeG Editor I got kind of settled [0 be the case-


VENUS m "In: Sheila Gillooly will be signing her new book, ‘Venw in
Spurr,’ tonight atjoreph- -Beth Booksellers.

fied about their own fear of com-
mitment. This idea has given
them insight into confusing
romantic situations that they’ve
otten into with women. And then
or women, it was kind of amaz-
ing. For them it was something
that, like me, they had felt but
hadn’t really been able to articu—
late to themselves because it’s in
such opposition to our socializa-
tion as women.

V’V’e’re really taught that a large
part of our validation comes
through romantic success — a
normal woman really wants to get
married. For women it’s hard to
admit that you have some conflict
around it.

Noted author to sign IIBW h00k at Joseph-Beth

By Jeff Vinson

Campus Editor

Sheila Gillooly is no stranger to
seeing her name in print. Her arti-
cles have appeared in Details. and

But her first book Venus in
Spurs: The Secret Female Fear of
Commitment or Why You Headfor
the Hills l/Vhen Love Comer to Town
has opened her life to a new level
of publicity.



on’i let this spring leave you broke and left out of all the fun. (30 anywhere
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student ID can travel to any of our 2,400 destinations. So this spring, take your


(iillooly, :1 distant relative of
the late Confederate President
Jefferson Davis, said she’s corn-
pletely “agoraphobic."

“My mother's like frantically
calling me everyday, like ‘Please
go out of the house today,”’
Gillooly said. “My boyfriend got
us a dog (Greta) just so I’d go out-
side and walk it.”

So far the beginning of her
nine-da1 promotional tour has
been fun. She said she 5 met a lot

of nice people, and for someone
who is afraid to fly, just arriving
safely on the ground from her
home in New York is reason to

Gillooly added that after a
three—hour interview for a piece
that will air on NBC’s “Dateline”
in late March, she can handle any-

To say that she enjoys her life
is an understatement. She's having
fun and wants others to join in.



*Programming/Activities are
aimed at sibs ages 5—1 7 ..

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Registration forms available at your
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é deans iii



And she hopes that both women
and men can learn something
from I 'cnur in Spurs.

“I wrote this piece for Details
originally with the same title and
on the same topic and a bunch of
publishers contacted me because
they thought that it would make a
good book,” (willooly said.

Gillooly admits freely howev—
er, that writing a self— help book
wasn t exactly her goal

"‘I ve never even read (a self-
help book)," Gillooly said. “I in so
Joe-average. I’m just a chick who’s
gone out on a lot of bad dates."

Because she‘s not an “expert,”

humor is one of the tools she uses
to illustrate her ideas.

“IfI hadn’t been able to make
my points with humor —~ and I
know I make serious points in the
book — I would have been too
embarrassed,” Gillooly said. “I
wouldn‘t want to tell people what
to do and not at least give them
the pleasure of cracking up some-
times when their reading it.’

Gillooly will ap ear tonight
from 7- 8: 30 at Josepfi Beth Book-
sellers for a reading/signing of
Venus in Spurs.


Advertise in
the Kernel.

jCall 2 ӣ5















1 40 W- MAIN











and she felt it was important to talk if
' ' about her personal experiences in
UK Parent ASSOClatlon the book. And for someone who
presents loves “to make people laugh,”




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breolt on Greyhound MAI DRRaip'TSCH 2 SALSA
For more information call 1.800.231.2222. :21 ggggtggsggi 1 SHARKS
5 7SUPERNOVA Aw,' seamen
anAiNle “we, 4‘ MINDCHOI
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owswtts. y PRAYERS Juno!"-
OPERATION cunt cuvsn W
CONNIE DUNGS nu ma flown. m
Go G ound. 28UBERDRINKS! 1
I _ WWW..- PRAYEBS 29mm“ ‘7 VIA. [:9 If.“
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By Julie Anderson
.‘lrrirtdm Am‘ Editor
amt Lisa Miller

\Vhipping Boy
* i *

With a name like \Vhipping
Bo , I wasn't sure what to expect
7— heavy metal, techno, yodeling?
After 20 seconds, the sounds of
calm stringed instruments, an
Irish accent, and repetitive love
lyrics answered my confusion.

This Dublin based band has a
lot to share with the world.

Hearttt'orm is Whipping Boy’s
debut album. Perhaps, because
Heérm'orm is the band’s first
album, Whipping Boy is afraid to
turn up the unique aspects of their
sound. Most of the songs straddle
the fence between the common
and the unique.

Specifically, the first song of
the album, “Twinkle,” sings the
typical radio love song with repet~
itive lyrics and a catchy melody.
This standard sound occurs
through out most of the album,
but not entirely.

The song “Personality," for
example, diverges from the typical
pop radio template with a lots of
rhythmic changes and vocal

Again, the band really comes
into their own with the song “A
Natural" where the lead vocalist,
Fearghal McKee. sings a sad bal—
lad, beginning with a calm inusi—
eal background and heightening
to a strong rhythm pick—up as the
song ends.

()ne virtue of this album is
McKee‘s calm voice, which per—
forms angry songs like church
hymns. The band’s sound reminds
me of Scandinavian languages. In
Norwegian, for example. the
merry rhythm of the language
makes even the most obscene
words seem kind.

Several songs stray from the
typical radio sound. I like to think
that is the direction the hand will
take in the future.

The Prayers
beautifitl lie:
t t t 1/2

Lexington’s answer to a musi-
cal deadlock in style is the Prayers.

.a. ‘”m~--’»*-~ -_ _ .,

,..c.----...c—-— .. .. .

.. ..—-. ,.., v. m... .....,


WHIPPING P087 Sound rlipi‘fi'nm ll limping Boy's album, ‘Hem'ru‘mm. ‘ ran l'i'fimml on the Kent/trig Kernel iii/7
line at littp://:;'::::zlik_y ,t’tlll/Kt’A-t‘l‘llt'l.

Their mixture of sounds in origi-
nal arrangements do not conform
to the standards of today‘s music

The group‘s third album, limit»
ri/irl liar and the ugly trail.i is
filled with a multitude of styles
and personal views that reflect the
thoughts and emotions of each
band member. All four members
ofthe Prayers have been “blessed"
with vocal talent that allows for
universal lyrics that don‘t lack in
personal intonation and expres—

The first track on the album,

“Something." details guitarist
\Villie liaines" view of a relation—
ship on the brink. Through the
lyrics. he searches {or “some~

thing" that will make the once
wonderful relationship work

The middle section of the

album displays the rest of the
band's talents with other personal
journeys from bassist Smith Dow
aldson, percussionist Tim “'elt'h,
and guitarist (Ialeb Miles.
Drawing the album to conclir
sion ‘7 The “Joke's‘ On Me" M is
prophetic story of how the singer

realized that his attempts h.i\ e
been in vain.

Lyrics like “to hold onto noih
ing/let go It) hill/so be my s'.ll\'.i~
tion/ sing me to sleep/l'iii holding
my breath/but I know I‘m in too
deep" combines with soulful gui—

tar licks to penetrate the soul of

any listener.

A! the pseudo‘ciinclusion of

the track the guitar dies ofl'only to
come back louder than ever.
Maybe one can interpret that
Miles and The Prayers really got
the last laugh.


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Application period March I - March 15.

Forms available beginning March I in
127 Funkhouser Bldg.

If you're leaving for spring break. please file before you leave.

Party with


from WXZZ


March 6th

at law-3 Lexington


290 S. Limestone

8pm -tOpm

233-BWWW (2999)

~(orner of Limestone 8. Maxwell-


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Kernel advertising gets you noticed! l






university of kenulcky
ecu-dent development council






Join several thousand of UK’s bigges _ _ .
fans in Memorial Coliseum r
TOMORROW. Doors will open at 4:
and the yelling will begin at 4:

Student Development Council will hold its March Challenge

courtesy of Southwest Airlines (must be present to win.)

Pass—holders will receive priority seating. and the first 250 to enter

will take home a special Spring Break “survival kit."
Pick up 21 Pass at the library between 10—3 TODAY. or in front of
Memorial Coliseum from 2—4 TOMORROW.


t 02 Rick Pitino autographed
UK sweatshirt & T—shirts
-Tickets to April 20 Tori Amos
concert at the Otis A. Singletary
Center for the Arts

Call it a Pep Rally if you
want. We like to refer to it as
March Madness—with a
capital C—A—T—S.


_ _____________________ ‘_


26 regular season wins

No. 1 National Ranking
Second Most Wins Ever

38th SEC Regular Season Title


l9th SEC Tournament Title (The Sixth Consecutive)
1-5 of the Best Players in College Basketball


Combine all these ingredients and you ‘ve got one of the most toured

' basketball teams in recent history. C ome show your support at the
l history—making pep rally on Thursday. March 4 in Memorial Coliseum.
I Then watch the Cats whip up on the competition through March.









 no -va—-v.-ny.-w..w_ .




H Pdrierday. Marc/J 6. 1996. Kentucky Kfl‘flc‘l

Mississippi State

la. 1 Seal (West)
(1H. 10-. la 88)

key Players: Erick Dampier (15.1 ppg. 9.5 rpg):
Daryl Wilson (17.8 ppg. 67 3-pt FGs); Dontae
Jones (13.8 ppg. 6.4 rpg).

Overview: State struggled early in the season. due in large part to a
hole at the pornt guard spot. But the Bulldogs have pulled it
together down the stretch, winning seven of their last nine to fin-
ish alone atop the SEC West. They rely heavily on Dampier and
Wilson to tote the offensive load.

titleek: The Bulldogs are the only SEC team other than UK with a
secure NCAA spot. The trip to New Orleans gives MSU a chance to
improve its seed in the Big Dance. Reaching the finals might make
the Bulldogs as high as a four seed in the NCAAs.




lilo. 2 Seed (W)

(17-11, 8-7 In 8E8)

key Players: Kareem Reid (13.1 ppg. 6.4 apg):
Darnell Robinson (13.1 ppg. 6.7 rpg): Pat
Bradley (8.5 ppg 56 3-pt. FGs).

Overview: Reid pushes the ball upcourt for these young Hogs. but
what they do with it once he gets there is up in the air. Without
leading scorer Jesse Pate. the Razorbacks have struggled down
the stretch. losing three straight and five of their last seven.



Outlook: The Hogs are in trouble. Without Pate and Sunday Ade-
bayo. whom have been forced to leave Arkansas. Nolan Richard-
son‘s club is scrambling to make the NCAAs. The Razorbacks will
need at least one win to make the field of 64: a loss will leave
them kNthing.

Crimson Tide

No. 3 Seed (W)

(18-18. 8-7 In SEC)

. key Players: Eric Washington (17.3 ppg. 6.6 rpg):
Washington Roy Rogers (13.6 ppg. 120 blocks); Brian
° Williams (11.4 ppg. 2.5 apg).

Overview: Opponents are wary of taking the ball to the hole against
Roy Rogers. the SEC's best shot-biocker. But little else about
'Bama is intimidating. The Crimson Tide won only two games
against league opponents who finished better than .500 in the

Outlook: The Crimson Tide absolutely must reach the semis to be
considered for the NCAAs. Alabama has been surging of late. but
losses to St. Peter's and Bucknell early in the season might be too
much to overcome.


Ole Miss

No. 4 Seed (W)

(12-14, 8-10 In 8E8)

ltey Players: Keith Carter (13.5 ppg. 5.3 rpg):
Evans Ansu Sesay (10.7 ppg. 5.8 rpg): Joezon Darby

(9.2 ppg.?fi rpg).

Overview: After struggling early in the season. Coach Rob Evans'
squad is on a roll. The Rebels have won five of seven. enough to
qualify as red-hot in Oxford. But the Rebs' shooting has been
woeful all season. to the tune of a league-worst 40.8 percent.

Outlook: The Rebels, with an extremely young team. have come
into their own late in the year. The NCAAs are out of the question.
and the MT is a stretch at best. However. Ole Miss has a seeming-
ly bright future. with the bulk of