xt73bk16q25m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q25m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 1986 1986 1986-01-29 2020 true xt73bk16q25m section xt73bk16q25m i ' l :

‘ N Vol. XC,No.62 '_ Established 1094 UnwersatyofKIMucky. Lexington, Kontucky Indooondontstnco 1971 Wednesday, January 29, 19“
B] t d t Ch I] kllS cre f
3 .).. . ). . 3mm. . .. . .. .3 . ' o "
2 9 NASA offers > ._ - - - . t apita a oun s in prayers, - ,
no exp anation . ) ' J. - . - . ‘l tributes for crew members . - .
. q: : t’, S:- Jig: 2.; '=I f . I ; W§3 my??? 3 - 'I
for exploslon "3 3.13 . . . I; )_ . é» 1' - I.‘ v WgI “(g B)‘ ROBERT 3|. ANDRI'HTS _ I I . . III .
A)"; . .‘3’5" \ , .3. . 3 5‘ I"); . i3 3 flew": Ian} ‘ . ‘ ted ,. ‘ . ‘ 3 I. 'I . . ‘I. .
it» . , . ~ . . H a“ . "3391» A550“ Pm” “I can’t rid myself of , . -.
li\ HOWARD BENEDICT Elwin: . » ~'~' .3 . '-* WASHINGTON -- The news that the thought of the ' .' ) " 1
Associated Press mfifisv i I", 3 3 so .1: i " anti-$383 ’7' If; Challenger had explOded Spread ' - . - ~ 3 I) = " ,
t 3 «)3 —— '41-." .‘ :7 '3 3% quickly and democratically an over sacr‘hee 0f [he lam‘hes 9 = 3 )-
(‘Apy CANAVERAL Fl _. A 333.3 I / ’ / ‘3 t 3 . .3 ¥,3) ~. . . the capital. School children watch- Wh , h , h . .1 4‘ ’ l'
’ ‘ ‘ t a‘ .2". “so-r»; ‘ - . ““133 tamed” 3:3 «itei’l W‘ i 22* » 3 )3 )4 . ~ - O \‘ ere I ere C” I e ' -- ' ' ‘ .
it , a s’;
catastrophic explosion blew apart It..‘”‘ ;.i't"/ ,s: 3‘33 : set 3.3. ., 5 ‘" "‘8 .0" ‘e'eV'S'On Knew before the , ‘ ' ‘
the space shuttle Challenger 75 sec- in“ "T33; I: AM «333; " =5, 3 . 1‘. 32;. president. Secretaries braving hit- Cape. . . . l can I help 3 3‘ g '. ‘
nnds after liftoff yesterday. sending > ” t . t ter'i'001d.“'mds i" SW“? of “in”? but think what thev .93“:
schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe and .3. . . . t " 3 v. 3 .- ‘ .' _ ). . , . ' '3 were talking about it minutes at , . .' t; '. .3
sixIIT'AS‘? astngtlitnautIs to aflery dfiath ,3 ) I .v“; . , "Jx I»)! ‘ 3 .2; , 3 ~ tehfigiddent Reagan was conducting must be gomg I, a; . ,II,:. iii}
in e s V et mies ou rom en- ‘ . ) . 3 3 3 gi' ‘ ’ 3- . _ . H ' i y" .
“odyspa'ce(jemer_ .3...... ..M 3.33,; MMIIn “I. ~ other busmess in the Oval Office. ll’lTOUgh. , -I 1. g a

"We mourn seven heroes,“ said . 3‘33““; ' but soon turned to watching a tele- President Reagan _ "‘ . .~ .'-‘.' '
President Reagan. ' ' ' 13.4“?" a”: ' w... ' fl” ' ,t » vision replay when told of the trager . _ : '. -.' t

The accident defied quick explana- ”33’ 3.3;,“ " a I 5-3", f V- 1;,» i, d)" Members Of Congress hm‘f‘d —_ ' .‘ l ' , . )1
tion, though a slow—motion replay ‘5 " r” I ’ : >“gétzérii, 3 ‘3" h ’ their heads in prayer. liotinstairs. Reagan was confer~ ', ’ x ',3
seemed to show an initial explosion . y... . _' /; . “3 . §:3)3$t“*;:; 3w) J'-'?i3;:lt)_..3_: ' '. . .03”. r », Students at Thomas Johnson .lu- ring mm 3pm.”) Win. m Ural (litice . ‘. " .' . ,I '.'
in one of two men“). rockei --‘ ,/g . fiwdeg’kf : .. 3 , nior High School in neighboring tihen Vice President (itorut- Hush .' '
boosters igniting the shuttle's huge .. f . ', /" ' / ' the“ '- ’ A / " Prince George's County, Md. were and the l)l't,'\l(l(‘lll 3 ll3llliillill security 3 -- ’ ', '
external fuel tank. The tank burst ' ,h '1 / ,3 > 33” 7* I Q watching 0“ television in every adviser. Vice \(llll John l’oindext- ' '_'~
into a lircliall that destroyed Chal- 3) ) 3. -.),:,-/)3-;3) .1 "MM" {(2 I; ) clzgsrroiim. M A l'ff f h er. burst into the room almost si- .. . > . 1;
lenger nigh above the Atlantic while ‘ me raw ‘5 a ‘ C u1 e, one 0_ t c multaneously 1 f _ ).
crew families and NASA officials naut, recalled that three astronauts firms that." said NASA's Steve Nes— dy. reaffirmed his commitment in seven crew members who perished. "we hate to llllt'l‘l‘lllfl. but we ' L 3 " .
watched in despair fromthetfape. died in a launch-pad training acci- hitt. the shuttle program and said, "The USdetO teach there. . . .. have this report. the} sald one of . ' . - . )

other Observe” “med that the dent 19 years ago and said the hiSlO- Mission Control reported that future doesn‘t belong to the faint “e couldnt believe It. Mild them read a l_\pe\\l‘lll('n announce- ‘ . , .
l)()0SlerS continued to fly crazily ry of pioneers is often one ”of tri- there had been no indication of any hearted.“ belongs to the brave." 832:1]Dgyi‘ct'hescgpgliefr-itaifi t iInent “l lh‘hlll‘Mh’hee" "Mlle-“0h I" ' U _’ ' '

.- .) w _ 'ala.alalSl eea- 1' ~ . 3;. . _3
through the sky aftelr the explosion. umph and tragedy. . . problem with the three shuttle enI “We will continue our quest in cher hompetition to travel on the hieit-Iighil IV: ((l)\ ‘:I‘I“lI ”hmtd' NU} '0 .» , ‘
apparitntlyhunder flul ml“e.r' indicaI: The exploston followed an appar- gines. "5 twm SOIld boosters or any space “ he said "There will be space shuttle and a friend of \chu {Thej :L’lilflflnlwl)} i th l I ' ' I

. , , , . 7 , i ' . , - 3' i 5 00 x 4 . . .
ihng t at ItIe fata exp oSion mig_ entlyI flawless launch. delayed two other system and that the shuttle more shuttle flights and more shut- liffe heard while she was driving mm! “II; II 1: .. I‘ IereI'hI d . g . ~.
ave originated in the giant tank it- hours as offiCials analyzed the dan- Just suddenly blew apart 10 miles , , . . - . . 3 . 3 l nu si tnu as it watched . . .. — ‘
591p ger from icicles that formed in the high and 8 miles downrange of Cape tle crewsfllld‘ Ile5~ more VOhIlIhteel‘Ib. home . from giving a lecture on the lel('\l:~lt)ll. spokesiiiiiti Larry ' " '

"We will not speculate as to the frosty Florida morning along the Canaveral. Ninety minutes after the 2102: ”cm "‘m' more teac 6” m {\rIXISAsTeacherég h??? prograiri. . Spctikes said . - ‘. -.
specific cause of the explosion based shuttle's new launch pad. accident. controllers were still at pa ' . Was Isturin dbthe find I“: Making il (lt’lil:~t‘ll appearance at a ' _ _ ‘ ..
on that footage.“ said Jesse Moore, uThere were no signs of abnorma- their consoles. solemnly examining NASA delayed its announcement here Ctomtng (Aililarf e (fiuselatnt \\hitc House luncheon for l\ report- . .
NASA‘s t0p shuttle administrator. lities on the screens“ as flight con- flight data. that there appeared to be no SW3 {:15 S WWI-I . 0. “ll 3‘ ma in M ers. Reagan told them "It s a hunt . .
National Aeronautws and Space Ad- trollers monitored Challenger's lift- vors until it had conducted search- negheac 0' 3);") “f. ' f. ‘t l d . “0.1“”.“4 all M 9". hi“? “messed I . . .
ministraqun folClalS are orgamung off and ascent a source saidI The Flags at Cape Canaveral were and-rescue efforts. Even before V I) Rm) I. . nod I If; ”a } can l Irlfl lily-sell Ul lht,‘ thought (ll [he . . : .
ah tht’Shgahhg board and Moore source at the JOhhSOh Space Center lowered to half-staff. The countdown Moore‘s statement. it seemed impos- iIancyed eaga}? “a? shed Oh age ex- sacrifice ”l W“ ”mm“ “h" were . ' ._
ea‘d 1‘ “"11 take a “careful review" in “WSW" said the blast occurred clock that marks the progreSs 0f the sible anyone could have survived 330% 0:5 as grill-0 t [e . ortrgr ”1.9m 81.! .Uw (fix... and “atChmg this i ) .
conc usions." nowaming." .. . . . . . . ‘» . ‘ ' ‘ y s L‘.‘)lllll mug . .

Never before in 56 manned space “We have a report from the flight Reagan, in an Oval Office address . Th: {:ihml‘m‘l“ Itlraulifte “”"_ [01d an a'de that She “WM 5‘3" Al lh" ('dptl"'~ lht' ”HIN’ “11> J‘iN ‘ .
missions had Americans died in dynamics officer that the vehicle after he postponed his State of the “x ““ “"h‘m'“ “"“nldn‘l” praying. ready to contcne as the newts . ,
flight. John Glenn. the former astrO- has exploded. Flight director con- Union message because of the trage- see NASA. Page} And she called her husband. wt W“ \| PM ‘ .

uden s on campus g 3. 1m ,3 y Y
. . 3- . , . . .
shocked surpr1sed ~ ‘ 3"“ ’ . °
, ‘ 3‘}. .33 ’K I my ' .. 3 ‘ ‘ . .. ,
a ‘ ' ‘I . '
~33 . ) i . « , " 3 . ,
a newso tra e \- - .. ' 3.. «3; --
. a - {a \ ‘- f ' ". ’ ‘ .33 , ‘ > . f -.
_> h . " / ‘ , , I I , . .v , .
I ‘ ' ~ I I [I . . . . I ' ‘ .
iiysiniioxR.-\1‘(‘iliroim ——-———-—— ' ‘ . t ' . 7 H, . " ' g , . .
Staff Writer ' . 4"!" ’ , . y ~. . , ,
“ ~ ’ A . n“ s. ) s‘ . ' ' 3 . . ‘

An hour after the space shuttle Everybody was _ 33, '3 31‘ 3‘ f: .. ' r 11 ‘ ~ . 3
Challenger burst into flames over shocked. In our minds, 3/ \ V 3, - ' -% ..- ; .
Cape Canaveral. Fla. yesterday. - - I \ " j 3"“ w ' y a . _ ' _ . . .
students still overflowed the Tv (the) flag 15 flying at . a" . g . . ' . . _'
rooms in the UK Student Center. half-mas[.” 33%;; . ." . 4‘. I I’_ .
trying to find out exactly what hap- ' , ‘ ‘ y~ , j ’ ’. 3 -
pened. Edmund Lambeth, ' . ' I y . ; , . .

Michael Fehr. a journalism se- journalism school director .3" 3’ . . . , .f I ,' I-I,
nior. said when he first heard about .33; ’3’ In. W ' 3 » . W - . " 'i' " " .3 '
the tragedy he fl like many students _ ‘ £3 . . = . . .3 ‘.‘ I ‘r g . y '3 Iv ' t) I
“xi-sat sml‘ wondering. “IS tms merous delays the shuttle had un- ' “a 3. . ‘1 l f V.- "3‘ '. ‘ '. f

. ' . . dergoneduringthclastfewdays. . »- I . . .,‘ .i' .II;
. 5‘70" \Ihagner. a computer science “Nobody could have foreseen the \ f ’ ‘ g , ' ‘ “ .
Junior.simply called it“tragic. . explosion "Wagner said. ’ ' i . I - . '3: _. i ; . .

I“Everyhodyb;wzlils shocked. {Said Karen Bradford. a fourth-year . -- . ' , i 3 31' -I i’ 2"
hdmund Lam t ‘1..lrec 0510 e pharmacy student, said NASA ' 1', _‘ _ Q . . ' .ItI.‘
“hall 0}: Jgumit‘ea“: I: 112:“; “wouldn‘t have done it (the mission) 3 d ; 3; ‘ ‘ ' ’ '3; ' 3 fi
"“95: (t C) ag ‘5 ying a — ifanythinghadseemedwrong.“ ’1’: , ll .. .333. '-" ‘ .‘3‘.
mils" beth ~. t f 'tt t Fehr said the accident probably . . 3 . . “ ‘I~ .' .l' ‘3'-
‘ lam . '5 pr"! 0 a csmm'! e? 0 “wasn't (dueto)negligence.“ 4. 3 - . i ' . t. .' ' i‘, It)
fie“: ehl‘;‘t‘l’“?l."m‘° feg'jgfe Th: Lambeth said NASA should con- 2,. ) .5 o ’ _ a j )3 .y
:53“ 5 u e lg SC u or duct a “thorough investigation" to l " . . V, ' , . hag _. . II -' y ..' ..-._.I‘.

.‘ assure civilians that there is a sig- i— . . ’ /' I , . , . » . . . . . -.

Students agreed the tragedy could nificant “margin of safety“ in the 3 . t , , . . “é: . I. . .
not be attributed to reports that the , . _ . _ -) > g , i i 9 . . i ‘ .‘ ~..) . ' . , . .
fl' 1m "‘bl h dbee hed spaceshuttleprogram. .3, g . I I! .1: . . '13 »_. _ '. I

ll" p055! y a mum ' , , "'l‘hev tthe astronautsi knew ’ . 3- 3 , . I] . ‘ ‘ ) ‘ ‘3).3“? i .' . . '
f “fall." Johgszntisin advertising there were risks." Bradford said. Cl-Vm'lmsm" ' ., ' ' ‘ -'

res man. sat . was " ing . - . , d . . . ~ . ~ . . -‘
awful careful." referring to the nu- See STl'DIiVT§.Page.t Students gather around a televmon in the Student Center yes er ay after the shuttle Challenger exploded early in its flight. I

o o 3 ‘- ' . ‘ f '
Vice pres1dent refuses ; All-Stater to play football for U K »- v -
. ' h V v) ». I
The Associated Press ”My reasons for choosing l'K are (‘laibornc is limited by NCAA .
to answer to commlttee A I“ m Md 90". M that my parents wanted me to at- rules on the statements he can make ~
dares ’0 5. “MW HP CADIZ. Ky. — Trigg County run- tend that school and it‘s cl0se to until Baker signs on Feb. 12. the
ByJ)\\'Hl.:\N1‘0N being brought against myself over "F/X" succeed. For a willow ning back Al Baker. a two-time All- home." Baker said. “I feel like a de- next day high school football players '
Staff Writer the performance of my office as se- of the m WW State selection. announced yester- gree from the University of Ken are allowed to sign college (‘0mmll-
nior vice president." He added the film, m m m. day that hewill play his college foot- tucky will help me more in Ken- ments. .
SGA Senior Vice President Neal “proper channel for charges against 2. ' ball at 17K. tucky than anyof the others Baker 53m he 333.3- Mm-od to
HaIrdeISIly has [efused ‘0 answer Pg? lanythTembe'thOf 35%;" l - 3;: (gm: .' II 1.3” The 6-foot-2. 225-p0und Baker is “When I visited the 0m" colleges. make the decision iiiitiI"'was getting
cetura ques ions concerning 15 y oughI e u ICia .. r an "N. am. ) M comidered one of the best football [felt the mostcomfortableatUK." tired of the phone calls .
conduct as StudentIGovernment As- notastanding committee. “I.” beat the Lady Kat: players to ever come out of western Keyed on by opponents last sea
sociation senatechairman. . Hardesty 315? submitted 9‘; As:- l“, "W l" Mm Cd’ Kentucky. He had narrowed his Kentucky coach Jerry Claiborne. son. Baker gained only 1.338 yards ‘
Hardesty was questioned about ms craft a “St 0f Violatédons he sat ’3 ' M, 76-63. For the M, choices down to Ohio State, Florida, who attended the news conference. his senior year on 203 carries and

3.0“” at anIoperations .& evalua— craft had committ f “:5 Iclomergi ee mm, P0006. ;- Tennessee and Louisville before said. “We are very happy to have a scored 12 touchdowns. For his ca-

“9"5 committee ".‘eet'ng “St chairwoman. One 0 3 e8. “0' making his announcement at a news voung man of his ability attend the reer. he gained 5.."50 yards in 740

Wednesday. At that time “8"le lations .Stat” that the operations 5‘ conference at the high school. University of Kentucky.“ carries.

refused to comment because he said evaluations committee has Judged

he did not know the nature of the officers instead of programs. Ash- . . . .

meeting. He said he would only an- craft. however. said “the senate is F D t t d l t t

swerthequostionsinwrittenform. itself a program" — in fact. “the ‘ '- ' j Ire epar men e ays Inves lga 10“

most important program.“ I
The committee then decided to Ashcraft said “ was "immature A 40 W m d ”1 Staff reports prompted by a fire that broke out at “We are just compiling a list of

present a written copy of the ques- 0' Hardesty to “countercharge m“ .m h w...“ m 207 E. Maxwell St. more than two the findings and we will get back to

tions to Hardesty. He was supposed stead 0‘ answering the 9“”"9'15- ‘ ll . In ”I. II V $.33 . The Lexington Fire Departmmt‘s weeks ago and resulted in the death (the owners) to work out a program

to turn in his written reply to com- He refused to answer the questions Q 3‘ J!!! 3 attempt to compile a list of homes of a 5—yearold buy. for their apartments . . . as soon as

mittee Chairwoman Kathy Ashcraft after agreeinghewould. _ ' W M “a that have been converted into apart- The survey revealed that 17 of 23 possible.“hesaid.

Jan 26. Hardesty, instead. chose not No attempts to phone Hardesty W haw-“3 . ments was delayed Monday because houses in the area have been con- The investigation. which was

toanswerthequestions. for comment were unsuccessful by "and ‘Q. My . . r ’j ofinclement weather. vertcd into apartments. said Earl R. scheduled to begin Monday mil-him.

time. ONO. CI W . ‘ .. The investigation. which continued McDaniel, fire chief of the bexing- was halted after five homes had
In a letter to Ashcraft, Hardesty Asher ft 'd that unlike Hardes- "M m .w m» yesterday. focuses on East and West ton FlreDepdrtment. beensurveyed.

said he would not answer the ques- t he“ .11" “we; the “m I. Maxwell steets. an area where McDaniel said the investigation is “We started and cut it off,“ Mc-

tions became be emulated them to y. 5 w‘ a 9“” ‘ .f manyUKstudentslive. not complete but should be finished Daniel said. “We didn‘t get to too

be “not simple inquiries but charges SecCOMMl‘l'I'I-ZE. Page! ' ' \' 3. The door-to-door investigation was bythemdoftheweek. many (houses). only fourorfivc."


 I i ‘ r
Assistant Arts Editor
‘ \m/ ., : , ' 2:- 59th r ‘
§R§§snsxe§s1$a _- ' in.“ 3% 3 . i .. .» , MM
' l t «as , Bos
'l‘ dven ure ~- S gamers
.hough a typica a , ,,
. r t
' de 1m e W 01' '1 868111 * . i;
, y g #1 V . . The Associated Press
Ht I.\\i‘\IiIIsI.i: vieW Scrica." comvliments 0f the _'_ ' v . LOS ANGELES—Hereisalistot
Asslslitnl ,xris Editor Student Activities Board and Pepsi- REV'EW ' . winners of the 13th annual American
Cola. W i Music Awarcb presented Monday:
In. NH!» H’HI'I' hvtwr-on mm and But a smooth "murder" would — ' «—
‘ m, c rs,“ 1"“ ,.(,y'tlwr‘,- ms have made a boring movie, so a few I I . I I r ._ Pope‘Dck _ . _
”mun". hump” sticker slogan twists are added and suddenly Rollie his character Is a familiar one (big Female vocalist. Tina‘TuIrner.
finds that the "cops“ he's working cop who knows the truth) Dennehy -— f“ Male vocalist: Bruce Springsteen.
()llt“ll(‘ll When you're a grown man forarechasing him is not only convmcmgI but draws I ls)Iuo-IGroquII:IhChicag0. f L I II
, , “h” Id.” “an“. {0 play make believe Bryan Brown (“The Thorn sympathy from the audience. As Lt. ‘ , "‘89- I e Power 0 0‘9
' rm.” .ir, w; (10" Aritwer Becomea Birds") is the Australian Rollie, Murdoch, Trey Wilson takes over , II (Huey lJeWIsandthe News).
, ' spun-J;Film-[\al‘llsl, bringing a true-to-life accent to his Leo‘s case and plays a top-notch ass ' Album: Born In the USA tBrUCt‘
' 'l‘hit \ rum Rollie 'l‘yler did. cre» gorccreating character who uses -cveh thecaptamsaySSO- ' Springsteen); , g
i ‘ (lllllL; t'llltll\(lllt' illusions for such his illltllbil‘onsghagatliinsl his “:5. 51‘? MJuts'tlceLi Pepanlgenth 9.22333? M 2?:agdazegrfifigggggren
‘- ii. was is "Krllv Smoke" and “i ping ou eir mac ine.gun- arm pon an e l . ~ . _ I
' ~ , Iii‘xmr-irxii:1- MI”,,:~ clenched fingers numerous times faced Colonel Mason hire Rollie to . m”_°°”“_"?°"°'I'Imm VIdeoduo-grouszWham! I
I . i\n._i lit I LtIMMl 5.“ good. In fact. Ellen Keith iDiane Venora) is do the cover-up $3090in tax-freei, Tough cop Brian Dennehy(lett) threatens Trey Wilson In F/X. VidIeo SinglezI "The Power of
’ ‘ mu m» Justice Department hires Rollie‘s buoyant actress girlfriend but it turns cut they IIIiaid a higher , , r . I ff I . M d 1 I_ I III“ th to l'ght Love (Huey Lew15 and the News),
, ‘ , him m 511“. the murder of Mafia who brings an energetic spontaneity price for Lhfil!‘ “tIonid and they re tnIg thet'iirgeahon 0 SPeCla e 90 5 ‘5 for 3:; :IaiIholIfiIeron the nfovigewlliich Soul rhythm and blues
. . . . x. ”I .. , , a . r «11' to ' l _ ineresi . . t - . '. - _
V - 1' , ' I - film. " ,Il'kh‘fl‘hfl)“: r312}? “rhlm: Elan‘tthesescztiieorligthffm-itygafg t2“): “l Ing SIPl '90 . .. .. is perhaps the reason it succeeds. Femalevocalist: Aretha Franklin.
' -' ‘ , d W“ H“ “ W _[ (. ~| 0. e “at much of Andy iMartha Gehman) Though ”5 “0t too hard to second , Perhaps the biggest plus or F / X The confusion between reality and Male vocalist: Stevie Wonder.
' .I . , mm id will his lt'atlmtmy the irl Rollie works with ' guess some of the plot tWIsts In is that several times director Robert illusion often becomes muddled, par- Duo-Group: K00] and the Gang.
. I, _ Arm rim-it's where we walk in with g ‘ “F/X," the film does manage to Mandel allows the gore to be funny. ticularily from Rollie‘s view. Single: “You Give Good Low“
. - ‘ “l” \j .m (iririn picture shown Brian Dennehy (the chief alien in come up with a few small details Many times the UK crowd laughed But the bad guys lose. which isn’t (Whitney Houston).
. Monday mgm m Worsham Theater “Cocoon"i isILeo. a tough cop with which separate it fromIthe average out loud at scenes that would have suprising. Sometimes the price of Album: Emergency iKool and the
- I » ' . at part ”1‘ me “college Sneak Pre- a grudge against DeFranco. Though adventure flick. In addition, watch- been serious in any other movre. toys is just too high. Gang).
' ' ' I . ooooooooooooooooooooooop
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all 257-4005 for more Info
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251-6525 Studoot Mia-rs and Witvdalm L A
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 I . i o
Readings dramatize works of Dickens

- Continued from con , . . t . . . y y . _

pa; c By EVELYN LESTER which is sponsored by the English invttlng him to the University after Setmety Gardner. who is also a
Francis R. Scobee, 46, Pilot Mi- ward White and Roger Cheffee Contributing Wri er colloquium. Collins will make an ex- helearned that the scholar would be member of both groups. described
chael J. Smith, ‘0; Judith Resnik. burned to death while preparing l ho ' ‘ . ed b' the aminatlon of the narrative voices in in the Uruted States. the fellowship as a worldwide orga.

_ . . ._ . . PeOpe w are In “8“. l the works of Charles Dickens. nization made u of " ole who
36. Ronald E. McNair, 35. Elli for an Apollo flight when a fire th 1 d realism of a . . . p pt: p
SOD S. Onizuka 39. and Gregory destroyed the". capsule during a “(arm 2 CO or an . George Eliot andVHilThackeray. Collins lS currently on a SIX‘Week love Dickens' and the $008!)! as an
B. JarviS. 41. ’ ' training drill. flickers; noyel can get a lgmtie 0;: . 1:0 illustrate his presentation. .C°l' tour of college campuses throughout American RNUP 0i Dickens what

“I regret that l have to report Four Soviet cosmonauts have BSitiilisithagahflaacgr y y :‘fmw'ul pilgrm drama“: ariad’hggs the United States He has given lec- 3”
that based on very preliminary died in space accidents — one in Ph'l' . . ' . . . r 59,99 P3553895 0 l 89 tw and recitations at 120 universi-

. lip Collins Will combine his lit- authors works. ~ .- . . . .
searches of the ocean where the 1967and three in 1971. erar knowledge and perform-mg Jose h G dn ~ “5 worldvilde and currently ”9”“ (‘ ll vt' -
Challenger impacted this morn- Challenger‘s final seconds went . .y .. .- - p ar er, assomate ”0‘5‘ as emeritus professor of English at .0 l” "‘ p“ “‘1" ”1‘“ WWI“ ‘" ,
ing these searches have not rc- like this ability to present A thnkle m the SOI” 0f English. describes Collins as the University of Leicester in Fn- his own country as ii frequent per-
vealed any evidence that the “Go at throttle up .. flight di- Narratorlal EVE: DICkei‘S- Thacke- “one of the most distinguished Vic- gland ‘ former at the \ational Theatre the . ‘ -
crew of Challenger survived “ rectors told Challengers crew ray and Ella" at 2 pm. m the North torian scholars in the world and also . Edml’urgh ““iiil lét't'um Theatre ‘ .
Moore NASA associate adminis- noting the ship had achieved full Gallery ofM.l.Klng Library. avery distinguished actor.“ Collins is former president of the and on the British Broadcasting '
trator‘ told a midafternoon news engine power “Roger go at During the lecture/performance. Gardner said he wrote to Collins Dickens Fellowship and the Dickens (‘orp televisioniii-ttiiirk .’ .. .
conference. throttle up," said Mike Smith, the . . . ‘V I ‘ ‘

_ Col. John Shults, director of pilot. P t t t l l o . ; ~ .
Defense Department contingency Seconds later, an explosion fol- as or 0 presen re Iglous S l e S 0W tonlght . . ..
operations here. said a search ar- lowed by thedevastating fireball. .1 ' 4 1- . .
mada of helicopters, ships and At Mission Control, there was . . . .' ‘
planes had spotted several pieces silence. BFBET“ LAWSON prophecy and man‘s destiny at 7 ecies that will be taking plat-e that mt. LN. '.., ('Wliltlt" NM “whim . ;_ ' .
of debris floating in the Atlantic. Not a word was heard from the Staff writer pm. in the Student Center Theater. we should be looking for and those K(*i’ll‘ll\ alson \lilll lllt‘llllwl'til (it‘s .. ' ‘- .' {’r ',-’ ..

”I guess we always knew there five men and two women aboard Goering will be citing passages that have already taken place." he '1 . ' ‘5
would be a day like this," said theship. Armageddon. the Beast and “”666 from the Bible throughout the me said, l’hllllp,\ said t;(‘> lei-ls that the , .. Q l l’ '
Glenn. A congressional investiga- “Obviously a major malfunc- will be the main topics during a sentation. and will back up them up . . .\ll(l(’ shim l.\ something that can get ‘ , x .. ; t; ‘_
tion was immediately announced. tion,” was the first word from slide show presented by Dan Goer~ with facts and statistiCS. said Darryl Phillips said GCS h0pes "to es the ttlt‘ssutle across to a large «all. '. ." i
but many lawmakers were quick NASA. following seconds of ag- ing. pastor from Champaign. Ill. to- PhillipS. a staff member of Great p05e people who want to understand 0, “Hip“. ‘ ; : .i
to express support for the na- onized silence. night on“Mankind on the Brink.“ (‘ommission Students. the Bible better and for those who i l ll . u. " .' . :.-.
tion‘s manneds ceeffort. . H . . . . ,. . . . have never taken the Bible seriou- “W‘mil 13> X‘t’” litUI‘HiL’ Ht rat's ;

New Hampshlprae schoolchildren. Challenger fell in pieces about Questions men as . What (10% a“ , (IL-5' the $02“sz 0: the eventt._ 1: 1y." \ in lllt' Midwest and lust tiilistii-d hi~ .11, 1‘ "3H,;
drawn to this launch because of 13 milfi from the launCh Pad- De- 3" mean? ”When w'“ it happen. dn ‘_'.‘f‘fmt‘at 3‘ ukenChIorgtagza'lO” two-night showing at Eastern Ken f.--fv ~ ’=‘;.‘~" '5: i
the presence of McAuliffe, the bris was so heavy that for seve- and “WI" 3’?“ be ready? W1“ be an- [Pal . “d“.z 0 ma e ‘5 "O“n' The main objective of the prescnr lllt'k} l'iiiit-rslt} lll ltii-hiiiono l’h’ " i_'

' first “c0 mon 't' “ h t ral minutes NASA directed res- swered during the onehour multi- ihilllps sat . tation is “to show how some biblical and l-IH worked together to tiring i", dink" iii .t

m cilzen cosen o . . . . . ._,. .. .
make a space flight, screamed cue craft to stay out of the area. media presentation on biblical The show Wlll note “future proph- prophecies relate to today“ through the pastor totho arm '5: 1‘ , "7.77.1", fi.
and fought back tears. Ameri- 5:; . =i ’5‘
cans everywhere watched in dis- The launch was to be the sec- '. .- i : ;
belief as television networks re- 0nd t0f 15 this. year — by far the . u en S DO you have BUL.MIA? .-'_ . . ii"; .' fl...
playedtheshuttleexplosmn. REA'Sawgfitofiar-zfrsduéiutd: Commuedfmm pageone Bulimia. binge eating followed by vomiting lcxo'ivc abuse -

Lost along with the $1.2 billion Program. Garn said the obviom . . . or starvation. frequently begins as O seemingly hom‘le‘” for" “fli' I . .
Spacecraft were a $100-million sa' _ that operations must be frozen and there “definitely Will be a lambeth compared the Challeng- of weight control which progresses to o COTTIpUlSIO" Bulimia » ‘1 .' js
telliie that was to have become for as long as it takes NASA to lapse’Ibetween this "38913300"! er’s explosion to the fire on the influences the social. emotional and physical heoim gt oppr’jx '. g. y . .31..
an important part of NASA‘s investigate and understand what next flight. but there Will always launchpad of the Apollo 1 in 1967 imately 15% of college students - ‘
space-based shuttle communica- went wrong. benpeople who ' ' . w'“ 5“" want to that killed three astronautsztnotlng INTENSIVE TREATMENT PROGRAM ' 7 . *' ' ‘ .
lions network and a smaller $10 go ontheshuttle. _ that “changes were made after It the binge-purge cycle has reached on mtensnt level if . .4 1'. .
million payload that was to have Challenger. the second of the Although Fehr thinks the "9'“ h'” academic performance and SOCIOl relationships OrE- ‘~Ull€l’ln . : ' '
studied Hallev'scomet. agency's four ships to fly. was “‘ght should “Ot be canceled be- and if available hel has toil d '0 d . ,h . ' m 39' ' J

' making its l0th flight. more than cause of yesterday‘s tragedy. John— , g k I t . T p 9 pro ”CC ‘ 0' 9“ e -' .- . . v .

It was the second disaster to any of the other shuttles. [ts de- 50“ said "NASA Will take more pre U“ 5 a shame '[hat' it‘s a tragedy we? . n enswe reotment ngrom one” mp'd WNWDY'O" Of 5 . ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ '
strike NASA‘s pioneering space struction leaves a fleet of just cautions“ due ‘0 pressure from ”u that makes people realize they "99d bu'lmlq wnhomhosmmhzqhon' . - ' i - .
Program. in January 1967 astro- three shuttles and a program in public. more research for a prOject“ such We In 0" °P°rlment while receivmg 68 how 2" '"erorw . - ' 1-
nauts Virgil “Gus“ Grissom, Ed- considerable uncertainty, NASA will probably learn iron as the space shuttle. said Terrie doy Intensive individual. gr0up and body imogo ”'ti’Opy . ~. ~ , '

the disaster and "keep going.‘ Wag “midridgv. a Journalism 50pho— Offered under the direction of Susan c. wow. Ph D. and y . — . '~ . '
. nersaid. mo