xt73bk16q218 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q218/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1983 1983 1983-09-14 2020 true xt73bk16q218 section xt73bk16q218 t i . .
W_WWW , ,-
Vol. LXXXVt, Nu. 5v An independent student newspaper serving the Uf‘lvef‘itty of tramway sin(9 law 3..., . .' . ._. J .
____________—_——————————-. .__________...__ __._ _______.._ ____..__....._..~

5 El ' R OK ° t 'k 'f

eagan s an s n es 1 neccessary to protect U . S . troops
From St!" and AP reports m" for the Lebanese army. The power SO they can defend them stemmed from £1 mac-[mg the Lft'3l which this declines! Yti ' ...\ ,' \ 'kl ': up {- v". ’iiw‘ , ' m -: ‘,’.ii».i‘i':~.mt
agency. Which has access t0 Prat selves We hate to see the Marines dent held mer the weekend “lll‘. ke\ the “at l'tiueh \t' .itiit i ' i ~ mt», ' is . i. :,..- i ., .. rams t...~
5 WASHINGTON — President Rea- dent Ami" Gemayel's inner Cerle or being killed like that. mthout national security and foreign piilirt whom} itshotiltltilremfx .ippii Int... u'. - x t: .~..-~ . .if,‘!l‘\t
gan has authorized Marine com- aides. said “If any 0f the Lebanese being able todefend themselves advisers 5 Smeral lie) Whiti- now ”22;. M “in“; .-.\ ,. A“, ..._,,_ “M,
mandei's in Lebanon to call in air army55 current front llnes 51" the Th9} should be ahlt‘ lti strike Reagans dfl‘lgufitwds ring-31.1135 including (TH?! «if VJ” llngl"\ \ Hm“. ought..- ‘Jn \tlali“

l strikes from the US. fleet if they mountain are penetrated. the UBb- back now became the hope of the House Democratic leaders unrxm Halter Ill. ueri- t‘ilistlillltfi .inh c. f it...“ .. . . \t. .- um

, deem it necessary to protect Ameri- anese government can count on L' 8 Lebanese is in the hands of the Ma on legislation that would malari- the greasional lumen about the ttLotti-t in v x» . a it. - ii . ~ t “.u'
cansorother units in the multinatio— Navy airandartilleryintervention“ rinsihesaid Marln9$5 mission under the domain The prospectiu- dppltt‘nlliitt til the twin \ - tom: .. w mt
nal peacekeeping force. his chief According to Jamil Kantara. pres- Kantara added his concern for the of the l9'TIl War Powers Art mean War Powers Act has ll‘t’t‘fflt' llllll" -t' \t ti ' 'is raw ‘ lrlrf .!
spokesmansaidyesterday. ident of the Lebali‘nose bStudent Assp— possible extenSion of the military in ing it would [)1 suhiect It) ”mgr“ at issue since fiitir \liilztlt'.‘ hm. ‘. \ .. “w i h. . ,- :t- , t... .,

. . . ciation at UK. t e Le anese peope tervention in Lebanon ‘ i hope that Sional approval But .it the same been killedin recent fighting .iiimu .t.i...: -. ..,-,.-. .... .
mepdssglllltsftfilcg;ij5¥t:elgggd support Reagan's decision to permit if they vote. that the} keep the Ma time. the legislation now being The latest deielopnii-nt :n the \t.i ' .‘hr- " .u . i .n »,,-~ ,
. ‘ _ Marines to operate air strikes if mil— rims in Lebanon at least as long as drafted would authorize that mission rtnes role underst‘tirml ttio‘ tlllt'llllYEJ ~ --....~ . . . .A ._ ,, . \.
Just off shore. may support Leb . . . h ld bec , V . . . . . . . . , i ii
anese army units, stretched [hm in liar) reinforcement S 01.1 . ome It takes because when the MdrlnRN for up to IR months Without further lacing Reagan llit' .itlmks ”It the ..t‘. ‘- ,t‘ t up.” -, pvt . 41.
their efforts to block Syrian-backed necessary. Kantara fully supports came to Lebanon. we saw it as a conga-55mm] debate thereby msu Marines are leading lti prt‘\\llll' at t‘, . ~ ' ..' .- . "mpg.“ ._. . .. ..
D . . . . - the action made for the Marines ex- strong influence against the Sovtet lating it from the tilt-t political cam step up the eiigiigi-iiii-iit ii! ttii- in 't w .~- til ti 'lttv‘u" ' ~ .~

ruse militiamen and their allies t ded . Leb . . . ¢ . . . . . . . . .
from Beirut. en powerin anon. domination in that area The boners paign troops and thdt m tum “Hum do“. .~. .. .. . ”“1 mm. V.“ 2-,.
“Well. actually. l think he ShOUJd have all types of military advisers House Speaker Thomas P ti \i-ill weaken his argument that tfm an- \t..: w-

. 55 In Beirut, the privately-owned have given mlS order long before lnLebanOn 55 Jr. I) 51355. Sflld a \Ult' [5 llkt‘l\ not lfl'hnlcall} ”1““ng ltl hush}: “‘4‘.” \.;' ',i_. huh 1...“, ‘1'”
Central News Agency said the Rea- now,“ he said “The Lebanese. they Reagan's deciSion to allow local Tuesda} on the iwmmmg Mu; ties -. \t .1 ..» . ,‘1 . . .. ,, -:.
gan administration had, in fact. feel that the peace keeping forces Marine commanders to call in air lation lneflect it representsn (‘leI At issue is a prmmoit that i-.- z. . t. .- . ..9
pledged air and naval artillery sup should be given all the military strikes. described as a new ptillt') promise between the Hdlnlflhlrulltin quires the president llt within“ . i--

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. . f VV ‘ ' ' __. _ WV;‘“"S'EM-g“ . 5;." ;\*l"‘%i 5'; - -.z\"*‘{:.!‘§:‘f 4;, Health fee exemption forms .iii- “iv tutti to A ’- i-x'c-tuti-if
. ,V 54,5w:“55::25‘52NC'5’5’">‘é§5¢5;k§5‘;5i€,§31553‘“: . 5 '» “15555591.!‘3 ":5“: f" t‘ (kg-gag ,. .7 3“ .lV 9+1} - Q “'33“ -'wf.;fl.b due in 5H Patterson lower hula} .i' hr Mint in. ’~-i‘--* int" “hr”.
.5: ”j? » >5” ;5€'5“‘~{‘i§5:;§.x~‘:”$2;th 55 ”f“. . 5“ " , 5" " "' ' erg“ ~‘2Q'.-5_-”;-¢ )4:;i?‘.’V-~.;'IA:" >1": -.. the Close ()l business .ltl' llirrh .tll'ilill’ !.tt.i- .itii: .Nllii‘u .1.
("V 215$; 555 55":5“*‘%55";L? N" ~55 ‘5 555:;4a‘;:_:; 55 x . ‘ iv "."*‘5‘:3'-"3 {”3} K5; 5 dean of students. \fllfl The llt'flllli l ll"?! ' twin-H t'..it.. 'i. luv
42.34%:51 . _‘.. ‘ , V .i‘ , hfmfi“. ’ j. I;" ..\ w, \.‘,5r"5\ .: 53 .- -_ Fee Exemption (’ommittw (nkut vii-mp? .i' ..t: l iv. ltl'titlt‘tllll‘tfl
‘ 5 ‘5‘, ‘i “V . 55“" .. . " _ . I ' 4 . . ‘c t i i‘ ' "' that Birth 8 office n‘t‘PHt‘ the- ninth \ttitli-n' Mutt Ittllll‘lti '\\~-I Intimi
5 ‘ - ~ 5“". " ‘1“ J- 1* .~ . (‘uttons as it t'tinu-nit-nt'i- fut Nlll xit‘i- tin-sitter! ‘utttl Wen- MM
5 5 5 .. - 5 5 . rm“: . " _5 i V‘ 5 dents lliit‘ llll‘ tittla \lll‘l."l" 'ii uc-t .Iii’i.
g _ “3%; v , ‘. n 55 5 WEfsg‘ , 5 g is, 1;, A“ " . . , The exemptions t‘tlnlllltllf'l' tit.i|ti trititulx .Ill' must that lLI\O‘ ,.
.. “”Wc”#mvvfif¥‘¢afi~t:flvfé)vi‘an ' 'M‘fifig . '. rhW.-ti‘;~ ““35 3" f _ »- - ‘ - ‘ ' formed last Vveiir when paunu-tit of lM‘dillilliitilt'l‘i'luf'iil ..ig.iti:1..tmti
«"i‘m‘flv 13*» “47"”‘1? 53’ ‘ 9‘54 .‘5.‘£iiii»‘-Z€"I~§§ a. t“ . " A"; 5,; 5 ' ”l" “WM" “"4”!“ W '"t‘tiii‘i" ”M" "V \' ’t-t't ‘i‘l"' .. W WW"-
%‘ ggésfi' 'gatig; AZW‘BEZ'?“ >4 CvfiA. 5 “z; ~¢ .. 5 "’ 3'»: .5" . 5 55 *. ‘ V e‘ . p . dator) for full “”10 Studt'ilh ‘\.ll int h ‘1‘! i'\t‘ltilt!iiit. .ililiitt .i'tim
51:3?!» ”VV‘» " 3,; - "2' ".5,./~""5‘.:5«i 5 5vfégfj5;§oig.5j“:v$5f“E“ ‘ 3,; '.‘ . 'W‘ 5 .7 hear cases from students “llll ion. ltiriin .iiiti .ixk tlllt's'iiilb iii Quit
.2173}; rM'E'ng‘f‘zitzrgfirjifl1?:‘15M‘1.-&'6‘§3~{§%‘Hw at“. t; W i .5 4 ‘-a' ‘ l parable health ”“5”” “ml” " “""5' ""5‘55 ”5'“ "555 5 mm"
"“. , 5 ”a“? 5 .5 w" '5. the”; 3’ l-th": ;' R’A’"Tfi3'h‘: .. :3 h . ‘ ‘_. . separate plan and mu) ro-fiiiicl thi- «Sh "titltfll 't'lllt‘t‘lilu'fiit" it viii
”if?“ a. . 4‘ ’5‘. , i V, V g“ ,r‘ff‘giii: ‘._ . ‘ flick; 1;;“13‘5 :1 ”miffsdk apu'yVfim ‘1‘. i; N {(‘f‘ l‘\0‘ll.lilltilt “MM
«r t " ' 5-: ‘25 .3 giwfi’gfi‘» 9W 4 . 2" 5 5' in «it yesterday Hirt'lt timl i~i~ i'i-«- “mini“ mm: t.i~.~i ..i ..
» i . -.. I"), _ ‘5 5e'y‘5r.5f~"w5‘ if“: ., . .. ; . . , . 5- I . ceived m'tapplictititins for refunds 'llitll'lilltit‘. i.i-.ittt. tw ti‘. .. ioiniiirt
.fi. .- ’ 5‘" .a’x VVIV’eislVgh-vttc 3.2.5; r" ‘. 525155 N" 5-" ”rife. u. '3“). .1 ~ "We really Ind no idea what in ex atili- margin 5 f-‘rrtittentieru said
Tiff-e5; “"51”; ‘itzfi5l'é..t:::’:£? X , t." 13:" 4-,; ‘25 -. . fig. ’ ..‘ '5‘ . . V peel because this vim the “PH tiiiii- \‘vi- ll'lHl in wt: lfll‘lll lint war llu'
._ 74"? l a”? 31*, ‘él‘5Tis-t5». is. "t 3: > at -- ”9‘35" " 5.2-5». ' W5 p Wk "fix 'for a mandatory health fee .lf'flll the Mitiltl t- ”W t‘tiiiwtiit'tit‘t' 1"!
i” i.“ n 2 . ., . l 1 ~.. 5 , ‘ ’ 5 ‘ 55 ~ I . 5 k. ‘ (‘ox. health serum». administrator tint imilttuthi-isxum
' . 3" tut-"“‘V »‘ , 1‘: -' 14:, 1.- ; . 1 ;~. , ' in ’3. V‘ ‘5 ”cf-3,. ” 5‘.xi . , ‘ said l'hc- liltililvtt; i~ ”ml the tl-ii‘ilr till
“5‘53 fir 5-'~ 1 ”in” ._ 3&1?“ 5‘ ' xii“ ‘56}! .5 ‘Q ‘ e“ ,. . ‘~ - ‘,_ ('ox said applications fur err-mp thi- mo-iitptiiii. T-Mivl tiuzt' u" it»-
\ "5" a . I”. A a 6" ti 5 ‘
h , $1.3; ."p y i 3‘ ' , $$flmfi fr Eli ,‘4'V . linn have not in...” ”“0“”, wt INN.“ h” “wulwmw “Huh,“
5 5 55 55 5 5 ‘““ 5' h H k ”H" “ "They 'the ('timltllltfi" (104'wa llt twig mitt ltir tiilt- .tl" tiring
" ‘ ‘ ‘ 5' ‘ wait until all .1 ltrations are m mime ft: 'hrN' zitiu .iri- anti-riniting
Off the top slit-said Pp 'lll'll. l tltitt' knits .9 that - the hrs!
The committee wtll inform \lll am: no! ;' tli.t‘. tr llbl’ ”Ills? .wrlt
Jack Baxter. Red Mile gmundskecpcr. puts the finishing mg of the harness racing \czimii. the liltL‘N at the Red \tilc d‘m“ 0' ”5 ”“5”“ “V" ”3‘“ “'1‘ """'
touches on the shrubs in the infield vesterdav before the onen- during September are llt't‘ to \ttldt‘litx \Allli :i \illld ll), ('ha'm’n‘" m" “MM "4”" WWW" “NW““H Ali-1"“ d't'm" tit" I“ ”i"
' ' and exemption committee (hair t.'Ii Student ti~i.t-~i tutti t u. p ii.
man. said Hutu}
Program to continue until Sept. 29 l
C l' ' t t d t l bl ° 1 l t'
am 118 0 ice re 18 er S ll en V3 ua BS 111 severa 0C3 lOllS l
P P g 5
By KRISNPHER RUSSELL Police Department. program is an effort to prevent ; - _~ ._ ~ . - ‘ . ‘t , ~-\ . '
Reporter The registration process will the theft of portable valuables “5(5~:,5,::p1|:‘":,:; Si:&Fl);;(;'ca, . [.55 it" .- / /. l! ‘ ' l
involve mostly bicycles and such as stereos and televisions. (anth areas red lot of (‘om ' ' 5 s *- “ l l
In an efforttoreduce campus small possessions. Watts said. Watts said Operation it) will monwealthatflagpole , n .1 /‘ G fl ‘.
thefts. the University Police “There aren‘t that many thefts also cover the theft of items Today 9,” 8'30 am-4 ‘9. , ‘ ‘ f ,
Crime Prevention Office is of cars on campus each year. from cars. which Watts said is a pm ' i 5 5 5 '1. -, / / p '. 5
asking students to register their We're concentrating more on major problem at UK T0morrow915 Noon-7pm ”/j ) - 5 . i
bicycles automobiles and other registering valuables within a “That's our biggest concern. North Dorms east end of Cole 9311/ \ / / l
. personal items. car, such as stereos and CB ra- particularly from the Greg Page lege “9“. lot 5 7" .t I $6 ’ ,
UK Police Lt. Terry L. Watts. dios,"hesaid. apartment area." he said “It's MondayQIISB-witp m . /
project coordinator, said the The bicycle registration pro- such a remote spot that it's an Tuesday-91m Soon-75p m . 1 . .
registration program has been gram is a simple process, he easy target. Hopefully this pro- Shawneetovm Apartments m J ‘ I ‘
successful when implemented in said. “All anyone has to do is gram “ill be an effective weap- front of 1" building ‘ ' I l ' I
otherareas. fill out two small forms.“ Aper- on in stopping this kind of Wednesday 9,2, 8.3,, a m .4 . , “ .
Although specific statistics son's social security number theft." p m ' )V‘ ‘
were unavailable. he said that will serve as his or her ID mm The third form of registration ThursdavSI/Z2 Noon-7p m / .
“since this program was started ber. is the Vehicle Registraton pro- (‘ommnnwealth Village Apart ; 1" ’ I .
in 1976. the crime rate in every “When a thief sees the sticker gram in which partiCipants have merits / ' .0" / .
area it has been instituted in on the bike an identification their ID number etched into the Monday 9/26 8 30 am~ 4 " '- , /'YI
hasgonedownsignificantly." sticker stating the article has windshieldof their vehicle pm ‘ 5 ' . . '
The police are offering three been registered with campus pot This is the first year for such Tuesday9r27 Noon-7p m ,3,¢~ \
programs — bicycle registra- lice) . , ..tgu. rantee that he‘ll programs at UK Watts lsn5t Fratemitv 5Row. quadrangle on V \
tion. Operation Identification think tW‘Ce about stealing the sure what response there Wlll 'ne lluguelet brive "\
and vehicle registration. In each bike." Watts said. "Once the for registration Wednesday 91.28 8'?!) pm ,4 ' 9,
process, participants will have bike is registered. it becomes a “Realistically. I would expect p m ' 5 , /’
their valuables identified with lot eaSier to track down after a 50 [ercent turnout from the ”mum“. Sororitvtmve ' V m
an identification number. The it‘sbeenstolen.“ studen‘s."hesaid “l'mhoping Thursday" 9/29 i130 “"4
number will be filed in the UK The Operation Identification m ( Rl‘il.r‘rduc < m ' ‘ "“""‘ ' ' ' ' '
Concern for rights ;
Off-Cam us Student Board hel s solve roblems ' , - -
hflfi- a. - T‘
. Al'tl omit-l TV alias ~ “ ‘ "
. , . . Salmm not 1. ""3. '
By'l'RACY WHYTE students in limversny programs. work With Universny administrators tor for the Human Relations (flier said "we‘re more met-bed mun ,5?
Staff Writer services and employment. to develop ways of handling those and board adViser. said the organi- infonmng oftcampm mm“ ,4 "I Wmmu‘"
“For example. very few offcam- problems. he said ”We can‘t im‘ ration represents a large portion at their n‘hu" I“ . w m "
Off-campm students face many ”students are listed with the Uni- prove the parking situation over- the Umvcmty community Only 5,. To )om. student- must llve oft ~ U! m t.- -'..
[roblems those living on campus do versity operator while all campus night. but we can work With offiCials mo students “WM on campm but camp‘s. not be on .cgdemic woba- ‘ ~ W u H M
not. The Off-Campus Student Board students are listed," he said. “If to express offampus students” about 15m) students commute from tion and be mm!“ m promoting .50. V .5
gives studems the chance to voice there‘s an emergency and you need opinions and give them a fair rep mingtm or out (1 m to umm‘ the no“; ma interests 01 Guam “r ' ». Va; ‘1
their pobletm and complaints. said saneone‘s number off-campus. you resentation." she said u] tl’)‘ to 80‘ in. board m. ”gm _. . ._,'
JdinSclulte.boardcliairmn. can't get it." Schulte said the organization was volved with as many l“ related Clutch said nwlicatiom n v 1
“Our goat istorepruait the inter- Ifgu'm'dmngufldgrm 223%,? $8813? ngfg ”gm"w."wu;““;§f‘lu°55 mic in 215 Bradley Him :1 I; 35..
- at! of off-campus snidents.“ at the Registrar's Office probably offampus students in September mic 'nm 5. con- m Ol'um'utim W Adm”.
- - - With informing offcampm .
W”. . Mm mu. “id. (”‘5' madm‘hs‘mm 132 m mp W” hm by WA . . . W. lmfld In w m Cen~ / . ‘““ 7’
' um with . . ; . studentscftheirnghts "CIVIIdVIn- w . a . . .t. _ 33
WW‘ .°°"°“"°‘ Wherproblemmthelackof MismfmdedbymcStudentOr- m Guam” muw. , Wrath-u swim _ . ,
M ”dummv: University information offampu sanitation Assistance Fund min-e my (3‘13 (W 17.. Raid: m =2“ 5' "W ‘0 “a" 0‘ :fi I” b. ‘ , 1;;
365°?” “Jam ”"13”" it; mama receive. Schultesaid. "John puns include . survey concerning Amy Yet anmnmscimii. M who“ 1 duh-uni ,._ A;
"I“. he.“ "" ‘ miliitbe-dvertbedinmisorcat the amt:- bus system and “stint isdiflmfmthehoard. “STRAY Schultz mun-d dfampu ;,.,, .‘H'h' , _
' ‘ ,eturiu when champi- studen- vim numbers of Oflfimfll stir CATS h My concerned with Mbjdn. ‘wmmimmpao wan-km... ”, .'
Another tune. w" aid. ll "I m1v."llllld. (an. m dam w My“ * My“. I! M W . .2 'c- 5’ M5}
lock it my for attempt- 17: goal of the mutation is to Sharon Clutch. mist-in condim. in Uflmfly mi m3 he Iot."hnaid. ‘ ” “‘M ‘ ‘ "‘F 55'"—

 l t t l
2 - THI KENTUCKY KIINII. Wodllosdcy. “ptombor 14. 19.3
Harv. 'e Forol n Dome tile WWW-
flower «y Y ' “ ‘ ”to...
:24 ° . _ A. Cor$orvln__ ._-_. ., 7, .
ens can." Located off Versailles Rd. Pinchback Bldg. Gory Home
OF F 2 100 Oxford Circle “in..." A... can...
ALI. FLOWER NEEDS Next door to Ford's Fltnoee r e ViSiO
i. a bag it
For Students, Faculty 8. Sta 10% ”“0”". w/I.D.
Harv-v Harris own-r ABC’s new season 0 ers viewers more 0 the same
1 I 1 Crossroads Plfllfl 2734696 PhOI‘I. (606) 253_1111 ff f
Our ongoing look at the upcoming ' 0. . -« Passion" and has to contend with a
televison 58350" 11’r 0"” even "‘0"? ' ‘3 . ., female editor who'd like to get him
' GENERALCE“ enlightening as we delve into what . x .» ‘. between softcovers. Madeline keeps
““3"“ MAY'Xllfs‘t‘talfls ABChasin store forusthis Fall. ,__. . ' x ” . ' herself busy by taking 39’0““ and
$2.00 strontium. NOW. what needs in be considered -» rs - {f .,:t . cooking classes. So, we’ll just have
. before we look at the eight series ' - 0 ~zr to see if a comedy about modern
TURFLAID "All. that are previewed below is just 3 , ./' . marriage will make the ratings. If it
. unions-no In um um mam what goes into creating a series for- . . does, it’ll probably be largely due to
-’ M I a ' I realize that the people who con- “ ' ' 0 Hotel (Wednesday at 10 pm.) —
" “RETURN OF Mic-4:3. ‘ ceive these programs are usually ’ » It has been a number of years since
AY' THE JEDI" (eel mom. endeavoring to write for the mass . Arthur Hailey wrote his best-selling
. populace, but where, finally, is the ’ ‘ novel, Hotel. Now, we have the tele-
fAYE‘f'I'! M‘ll line drawn between aesthetic quality vison series that should turn out to
«Minimum am: In m—uu ’ programing and a lot of the 'A be the “Love Boat" of the mainland.
Altar-that "motto: I r . .
TROUSERS, SKIRTS, a NIGH?MAR§S U schlocl: garbage that fills the . The hotel of the tltle is called the St.
, ms 3:” to: 7:5: 9:“ screen. . Gregory and has been modeled after
SWEATERS« SPORTCOATS E In? my Ah. but the Golden Age of we .- San Francisco's elegant Fairmont
m. u. “a Home L3 vision has long since left us and now ., Hotel. James Brolin and Connie Sell-
iifi’agfi we have what we have. And therein - ., ecca headline this entourage weekly
ERculE swomoono lies the solution: Simply leaving the which has excellent chances of suc- .
. "‘ " television turned off. da cess. Why? The hotel‘s aristocratic
- Cutter to Houston (Satur y at 8 .... .. ( owner is played by none other than
. EACH Can You Wear p.m.) —- We have ABC’s alternative - " - the ever-wonderful Bette Davis who
conkn' LOHM? to “St. Elsewhere," yet another ad— will, undoubtedly, keep her eyes on
2 pc SUITS 3‘12. 211.22." 333.311. 1135?: dition t0 that “Medical Center" and ‘ all thatsoos on here.
PLAIN 1 PC DRESSES you with no obligation to buyl ll “General Hospital" category that. , o fianma Center (Thursday at '
2:: “:31" ;:.$"*..:::. 21.21:: has remained popular over the 8:00 pm.) — This seems to be the
titted by a doctor the some day years. This one wntem m the trials .1 title the exxutives have finally de-
V°° “Mb” ‘Njh.°:°°;""'"::; and tribulations of three likable ,. cided on. Cross “Emergency" with
:‘fl’ifirclanz‘m'l.l 7 mm... on enough doctors who reside in the “St. Elsewhere” and you get ABC‘s
mm..am...m.., Texas Outback. a place called Cut- newmedshow forthefall.
. EACH SottOontactLomutlSS ter. Dr. Beth Gilbert (Shelley Bette Davis (center), Connie Sell- 0 It’s Not Easy (Thursday at 9230
MW) Hack), a surgeon. Dr. Andy Fenton ecca and James Brolin star in pm.) — To try to explain what is
Senifleiiiileflzs (Jim Metzler), a GP, and Dr. Hal ABC‘s “Hotel n going on in this complicated sit-com
SHIRTS (no. em) Wexler, internist. all lend their serv- ' is truly not easy. All I can tell you is
L AUNDER’EC TO M Contafl mm ices tothe t0wnsfolk. . . . that Ken Howard plays a divorcee
('00- "95) o Hardcastle and McCormick serve his every Wish. The geme, who who lives across the street from his
Q PERFECTlON. FOLDED Contint I in.” (Sunday at 8 pm.) — Are we ready incidentally, is black, tells the ex so that they can share custody of
OR ON HANGERS . . ' for another variation on meting out weathercaster that he must serve the kick. Should prove to be a hit
1 HOUR CLEANERS "mu justice outside the confines of the him for 2,000 years or to his death. with those who are contemplating or
”WWW” law“- law? We already have “Hart to It isn‘t long before the weathercas- currently undergoing divorce.
Lumgmwou :‘ .'"'jILX'IL‘I‘LJQQJ " "may Hart" which has satisfied what little ter becomes endowed with a vibrant o Webster (Friday at 8:30 pm.) —
§;;"'\;°jsh5"jw;9:" Slug/Ml appetite I hold for this genre. Now personality and the program direc— Alex Karras and Susan Clark share
Lan,;.,,.',.:§.’£;,°° \ W we are given Milton C. Hardcastle tor falls in love with him. I’m not the spotlight with a precocious child
EACH (Brian Keith) who is a retired judge even going to conceal my snickers that will try to set everyone right.
that has decided it’s high time to on this one. But it seems that the Presented in the vein of “Different
5 o r catch up with all of those petty sky‘s the limit for this 1983 chapter Strokes," 1 wish them all the luck in
. crooks and cons who got off on tech- of “I Dream of Jeannie.” Wouldn’t the world.
nicalitiee while he served on the itbejustourluck? - Lottery: (Friday at 9:00 pm.)
bench. Ironically, he teams up with . 0h. Madeline (Tuesday at 9:30 The ’505 series “The Millionaire“ re-
a former ex-con turned racecar pm.) —— One of the more surprising turns with a twist —— accompanying
” drive, named Mark usmw McCor- stars to debut this pan on a network the mmeygive, is the friendly IRS
mick (Daniel-Hugh Kelly) to dis- series is the ever versatile and dy- man. Ben Murphy and Eric Rush
Seventh Anniversary September 8 - l7 pense justice. namic Madeline Kahn. The show’s star.
. 0 Just Our Luck (Tuesday at 8 topic centers on Kahn and her hus- The concluding segment in this look
AYlNG IN BUSINESS S ALE p.m.) — OK, catch this premise. band and the problems that effect a at the upcoming fall season will an
ST You have this TV weathercaster marriage after 10 years of heavenly pearintomorrow‘s Kernel, , .,
who gets this green bottle at a bliss. It’s all in good fun, of course. ‘ , ' ..
knickknack stand only to find that a Kahn’s husband writes Gothic to Barry J. Williams is a theater arts
. . o genie lives inside of it waiting to mance novels like “Love's Blazing seniorandKernelarts editor.
The One Time in the Year When Everything
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I I ‘ a
—__—_______________________.___._______ —— —. mt xlnrucxv KIINIL emu". September i. was J
Midey rem ii lr.’ .___ “Mi—H ' ‘
Sui-“s E 1 ' i g
Den Metager I
An Hm" S‘nvts i i t_\ M"‘”“ _ ’
- rfiu-wu ,_ ,__. .
a l
" B tC t b ' f ll w' h t ‘
- a a S egm a season It V8 eransi uvmc “one
y i
, . . . H ‘ ‘ ' l lb75 Stradel Drite
Any coach who can finish a so-called “rebuilding c... ., .. ~. ,
h a with a 31-14 d M prospects for the WSW . y \ l Sept. 16, Friday Night Sept. 17, Saturday
. followingseasmpromising,attheleast. g, . 1‘ . . g 3 'r.. Childcer - n
“m That’s the position UK baseball coach Keith Madison .542: may in. l . CO "n.n'°' Breakfast
BPS finds himself in this Fall, and while he doesn‘t want to . ~ ~ . <;~ ..-w u } s ' . , 1- WM"
:3: sound too optimistic, he does believe the Bat Cats are ., g, : ‘ ii . _ “" ' ‘. "
capable of going places. .
em “I think we can go to Omaha to the College World Se 3.")? .s ‘ .
f“ ris; I really do," Madison said. “The problem with " ’ ‘ l .m "or ropkt SOMII’Nlr Leaders:
”0 that,though.isthattheother coachasarethinkingthe ‘ DohngSRelotionshipg D, Rimu,_,lk,,,‘,w,.
same mine.” . Challen i ll .
_ In order to get that far, however. the Wildcats will . Q ' T d 3/3 0 Se hOOd 0' """‘ R"“‘l
ice have to shake the Southeastern Conference jinx that - ' . 0 CW 5 omon 8 099'955'0" Limit! Bally
1:18 plagued them last season. The Bat Cats lost only three 1 . . Stress Management Through welliiim pi we,“ sun
’3; gamutsit‘lseEtéle conference but finished with a disap- 1* Beyond Loneliness p... in, , y c, ,,
poin ' 6-11 record. I - ' '
lid. “we had peat success wmim the conference,” Mad' y _ q Ge't'ng Things Done [Lil t V Htilrilfll‘i
St- isonsaid.“Wewanttoimproveourconferenceplay.” ‘ ACh'eV'"9 YOU' l:Ull Potential Mort. ~‘Ult3i-‘N‘il ~
ler Morehead State. a team that made the College World , s . I \
ill! fill-limt years is onfhgff tIIie 5:253! teams the Wildcats - “' MW - ‘ , ‘ '
- ‘ ewx unng a sc e. ' . "g 7 ,...-. ,_ ,Mw‘ a,“ - - N .
dy Returning for the Cats’ pitching staff will be southpaw In - . ‘ I 85.00 Registration Fee-Includes Everything
{C- . Paul K313“, and righthander Jay Ray, both of whom , . Phone 254-6795 for Registration
“9 were in the Top Ten in the SEC for their earned run ‘. _ , or Information
an averages Nationally, the team's pitching staff was
2: ranked 13thinERAsattheendoftheseason. IRII IUH\\4I\ ». - |
- veryfigretugzttg‘lolwgfdiggdmlfillg ‘11:; £23313): First baseman Stcte Kundick will he looking to put lugs ml pcnplc t‘lllt‘i lll.ln _.________.___.._.__.c__.__,_,,., 7 ' '
at when Jeff Parrett went to Milwaukee in the draft." Par- his own teammates when the Bat ( ills fall season hcgllh.
he iett was 14thinthenationinERA. ___._._______ '
‘8' Out of the bullpen will be hard-throwing Chris Carroll, mu U.I.SVUMN1 acrlvmrs .0an run-us
in the team's relief ace. /
I 5 “Chris I“ the tam m ERA last year." Madison said ' w I
“He’llbeouraceinthebullpen.” ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
I: Particularly impressive in fall practice has been the ‘ THE ( II!N [3‘31“ N I G HT '
mound performance of freshman John Kuester. He ‘ ‘ ~
I." sported a 51-0 record during his high school career in MX“II( (1,!“ ‘73 0
'5 Norway, Iowa, and is shooting for the No. 3 spot in the 0!“ TAIWAA \ k}
#9 rotation. But he will face stiff competition from Jeff 7&— \l (1%".
‘3: Hellman, Dan Whelan and Jack Savage. h d b fh 8 00 P ’ mm do you not Mm" vim a“
. Hitting shouldn’t be a problem either as the Cats bat- f 0 73 “ Mm“ '0 de‘"
“t ted .318 as a team last year. Brandt Ely, who was sec- T ”rs CY, sep em er ‘5 ' ° M Night, You ..i Leeieo mum in
or 0nd in the SEC with a .422 average, is the player the tickets m. LIN-Iv!
Cats will look to build their offense around. . ‘ ‘
:‘ 'Randy Clark,a_junior college transfer from Florida, $500 for UHK Students With UWKID ‘.t-
is Will. be an offensive punch for the team. Clark was re- _ - e ' ‘ ,\
, cmltedformSpowerhitth- , $7.00 for the General Public . -I l ll‘lhi‘l‘xl
‘ - Rick Campbell w1ll more than likely play at shortstop, . . if' f - e
”t and if he can bounce back from a broken leg suffered AVO'IObIe m the U-K~ Student Center T'Cl‘e' 0 'Ce rom
*" halfway through last season. Terry Ryan will be at sec— 10:00 AM-4:00 PM weekdays.
0nd. Ryan, a senior, provided an efficient glove as well ‘ ‘
-’ as outstanding speed for the Wildcats before his injury. "' ‘ ‘ ‘_"
3' Madison said the team had “pretty good overall ~
g speed" and mentioned junior Kenny Jackson’s “unlimit- ‘
ed base-stealing potential" in addition to the speed of w s . .
k Curious fans should be able to satisfy at least some of D LP
their questions about the 1983-84 Bat Cats’ potential by _ AN ‘ Z \r l a .r a i '
" watchingtheirperformancethisfall. [ith ll.K. h Flil)l‘a\ I is
"The competition in the fall isn’t nearly as good as in w
the spring,” Madison said. “In the fall, we play mostly 1 ( ' u
33 teams from the state. I’m not knocking the state teams LUSH PYLE d18(‘()ll"’ (.("ll)("' 8) "
because there are some really good ones. But still, the
overall level of competition isn't as strong. .
“Spring is our major focal point. During the fall, we & THE CARPETS V PUNDEROSUSE
. don tpromoteitandwedon tcharge admissmn. Studentceniel‘ Grand huroom - gtuhHO
infgrggtizr’llg: this story was also gathered by Report- Saturday, Septemb.r 24'h' I - - - I I
' "WM" ..00. 12.30 ' " ' , oilei good through September 25 mm
' . e e :
Tennis tournament slots 0 en ‘ .i ' . . . , s
: " $1.5m admission at door : Two can 5 :
‘ Entry fees will still be accepted for anyone m! BEVERAGES I (I. ) ' , I
interested in participating in the