xt73bk16q088 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q088/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1972 1972 1972-11-13 2020 true xt73bk16q088 section xt73bk16q088 I : l :y: Vol. LXIV No. 53 an independent student newspaper a
, |(zrn Monday, November 13' 1972 University of Kentucky
Eight pages Lexington. Kentucky 40506
h '
Universit all t 3 3 'll'
y oca es . mi ion
for Medical Center e pa ' ‘
The University is allocating 33-3 million organization for the staff, has donated across Rose Street and face the Medical prehensive care for entire family units
for one addition to the Albert E- Chandler $325,000. Center. through this department.
Medical Center. This amount, raised NEW CANCER therapy equipment In thisaddition,theofficesof the Student PRESIDENT OTIS A. Singletary, the
previously by bonds, makes up the major which is expected for this part of the Health physicians. the administrative Board of Trustees. the State Commission "‘
portion 0f the necessary funds. Center will make the therapeutic offices and the examining rooms will all be on Public Higher Education and Vice 5
The remainder needed for this four-story radiology unit one of the most advanced on the second floor. Presidentof Business Affairs Lawrence E.
structure will come from the Department treatment centers of its kind in the nation, lN THE 10 years the Student Health Forgy have. been credited by Medical ,
of Health, Education and Welfare’s Hill- according to a hospital spokesman. Service has been in existence, it has grown Center officials as responsible for making '
Burton fund. This hospital is also nationally from treating around 20,000 people in 1962 these new additions possible.
This money will make possible in- recognized for diagnostic ability and to about 44,600 last year.
creased in-patient and out-patient services treatment 0f heart problems. Also in this section will be the Depart- After the. contractors have the plans. it
by the Medical Center. The smaller building containing the ment of Family Medicine. Medical will take approximately a month more for
BESIDES THIS building, a two-story Student Health Service will be located specialists are trained to provide com- the actual construction to begin. " "—
structure will be built across the street to 7‘ _
provide space for the Student Health 0 O O .
Service and the William C. Willard Un'verS'f com 'Ies handbOOk
Department of Family Medicine, a new
addition to the College of Medicine.
The larger new structure, comprising . .
74,720 square feet of needed space, will 0 'mpro ve r0 9 o a V's e r ..
face Rose Street and be in front of the'
present main building. By PATHENSON dergraduate studies, is to not dergraduate Studies. George
This will house various out-patient Kernel Staff Writer only “make the role of the ad— Dexter. of the Office of Ad-
facilities such as a respiratory therapy In an effort to improve the role _ . missions and Registration and
unit, some parts of therapeutic radiology, 0f advising, the Office of Un- “5‘? more than a Signature on a Dr. Harriet Rose. of the Coun-
more space for diagnostic radiology, X- dergraduate Studies is preparing registration card, .bUt also '3" seling and Testing Center.
ray units and a pharmacy for the out- a University Adviser Handbook. °pp°rmmty 0f making educatw“ .
patients. Copies will be available to the a. more meaningful and The handbook, two years in the
Besides these, there will be new quarters advising staff before registration Significant activ1ty. making, seeks to deal With the
for the house-staff comprised of residents for the 1973 fall semester. . INVOLMED WITH Stephenson role of a, faculty. adVIser as an
and interns. The Physician Service Plan, Its purpose, said Dr. John '“ compilingthe handbook are advrser. sa'd NIChOIS' --e—
the Med Center’s professional Stephenson, dean of un- MlChael NIChOIS) 0f Un- (‘ontinued on page 4. (‘ol. 5
'Blacks must form alliances with other minorities'
Chisholm addresses state NAACP
5,3 . 3...... _. Vs ~ )~ By LINDA CARNES to the people she represented. _,
gig i, ' ; g’f: KernelStaffWriter * ’
‘7', ii" ' 1;}: " and We must not forget the power of the ballot box,
a ' a _ RON MITCHELL Chisholm said. The vote has little power in-
.1 A” 3‘" Assistant to the Managing Editor dividually. but when joined With others it obtains " 7
New York City Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm power.
r w ‘ . took time out from a busy Speaking schedule t0 Blacks should begin to look inside themselves and
§ 5. * ”2% deliver a 45-minute address to the state NAACP to develop individual strength leading to racial
" 5 g conference at the Continental Inn Saturday'night. solidarity so nothing will steer them from the 7’
3 ’ :35g":ijf555: f 5 w" Chisholm told over 200 persons that minority course. she added.
“ groups must bind together to form alliances. and “MINORITIES N0 longer want tokens in the
”it: g 5- , 15$" that they no longer want tokens from the Phlltlcal political system." Chisholm said. “We want and
9%; f 1. so It system. need to be involved.
54 " has . r :‘i; f . “MlNURlTlES ML'ST come together in 3 unified “it's no good to have the right to sit in front of the . ,
if“; . :.- " _ ‘ *1“ not ,i‘ A force to be reckoned with." she said. “Blacks must bus if you can‘t pay for the bus ride." she said. “We
WM " . form alliances with other minorities because we no longer want tokens for a subway ride. We want .-
K _ i ' I m can't change the political process alone." bread and meatanda piece of the pie."
at, ' " ,. Chisholm is the first black woman to be elected to ”ER SPEECH was interrupted sporadically with
‘s’ '* 5 . .' g W. ~_; - “ago the U-S- House Of Representatives. When (3190th in unanimous applause from the enthusiastic audience
it» ‘ ' " i 1968. she was placed on the House Agriculture of both blacks and whites.
(Kernel photo by Keller Dunn) Subcommittee on Forestry and Rural Villages.
SHIRLEY CHISHOLM SHE FELT this had no relation to the needs and As for change within the country. (‘hisholm
‘Minorities must come together in problems Of her 12th Congressional DlStl‘lCt since it suggested people need to make the Us. safe for
a unified force to be reckoned is one Of the nation's largest ghettos. She asked to democracy through social revolution.
with.‘ bemoved toacommittee which had some relevancy (‘ontinued on page 4. (‘ol. 5
We may not have too much sun today but at
H. Devaughn Pratt. a UK purchasing employe “'35‘ it Won't h“ 901d? n M” be 'mild With in‘
0d . was robbed and shot near Churchill Downs in o * 0d . creasmg cloudiness and rain; moving in tonight.
I" SI 6 0 Louisville last Thursday afternoon. He died u s' e 0 Th? high WI” h“ In the low 50 5 today dFOPPIhg to
Friday. For all details see page 4. the mid 40‘s tonight. There is a 30 percent chance -—
of rain today increasing to 70 percent tonight

 Th2 Established i894 Assustanl Managing Editor, Katie MrCarthy Ed I t I I r
to: .n . . mes As a l M M I Ednt r. N ill M r n
Kentucky ;:;.,.,:2:.'..,.M::::M.... “2.2.2.. M::::.::a...:, | OflC] S L
Editorial Editor Greg M'ar'mann Ass-stat" Managing Editor, Mike Board
Kernel Campus 56"" Make hem" Edl'ollalS represent the opmnons o! the editors not the University ,
0 the hook
one 00 a S U en 5 I1 that
. . . . mum: an E1
There’s an old tactic in the mer— The SG ploy worked like this: process. , _ FdW'
. . . . . . , ber Of ighiitkllt at Kt‘twttt ‘ '
chandismg busmess that has enriched students wanting a copy of the new Fortunately, after «1 num somt
countless grocery and department Student Telephone Directory had to complaints, the directories were 8' lldPI“ dist
stores. trek to the Student Services Store made available 1" the SG Office . psycl
It‘s called the “loss leader," and it on Rose Street, instead of the SG We've already expressed our regret lhl '1‘?! “It“ rollii
works like this: the businessman office inthe Student Center, to pick up OVCI‘ Student Government s in- . Ana,
offers potential shoppers a real their books. The directories, of CFeaSihg thVOlVemeht . 1" busmess ’9'“ . , ”" ’ stOP
bargain——-say, a free can of green course. were free—but nobody will matters instead 0t UhlVflSltY mat— «to, , \ . ltSt
beans—to every shopper who enters mind if the student stopped to buy a ters, SO we‘ll drop the matter at that. a hi‘lz‘ickv $5‘1Q1 Wt
his store. The merchandiser loses his pencil or a record album while BUt we wonder who would be. the ’ \‘K-‘flg \‘:\’:::Qt;v_; Steam. Ahd steam pipes. FOOt by suspension of one‘s car—or worst, a that
tit 1 t t \t j." I ._ e-x , \\ 9, foot, they are telescoping their way muffleh able
fl -Y,t 3‘ .j " Pt ‘ [fit a 7 / \ across campus, hoping t0 h00k UP The new steam lines are un- has
5 fl “”5““ t ' mt . f -" b T l before Winter t0_ the forest 0t UK doubtedly needed. But in the absence scie
‘. ,f‘tu,"\\1.~t '“' I i , t z ‘9’, bu11dings crying t0? heat. of work around the Chemistry- “0"
I Q. -4“? .11 , ‘ ‘ _ "Vt1ective.Buts1nce September, a small bumping ditch now growing there ltd"
”hf“ ' cm pipeline trench WhiCh once barely should be planked over-before a lot m1:
"“‘"‘”‘"** “New dented the Rose Street parking lot has of drivers get steamed, itl
_ and
Trivia is" If ins'. nificanf Halloween spirit as in K—3, CA included. Blazer was dead.
9 o . Then we hit the jackpot, Keeneland and
. . . . '5 hard to {Ind Patterson.Thegirls were really anxious to
In theTriVia Bowlarticle(Nov.1)writer Mouse's girlfriend, the longevity of see us Even the head residents Mrs
. . ,, .. - I 'ust didn‘t know how much humor and ‘ " ’ '
Linda Carnes inserted three words of Gunsmoke , or Superboys sweetheart J Roberts and Mrs Lane and Assistant HR '1
- . . - - . the s irit of Halloween had been lost until ' ‘
blatant personal opinion. in reference to (as spotlighted by Carnest produce the p . Mrs Howard enjoyed our costumes. me
Trivia she writes, “totally useless” and “Aha!" which never fails to show itself ”Ty tr'oomltflnahe andhl (went Trl‘ik 0h Patterson was havinga costume party and ad
H . H v ‘ I r. 7 - t V . t, )‘ . 30. t '
meaningless . whentthe not-so-tmial answer to a TriVIa itrejcltriligallvonwgnr‘ltlg Halloween Ait 0:: Mrs. Lane Offered us brownies and punch. ex1
Because I have been 50 diligent in trying quesdtion finally rolls from the tip 0f your declared so by the City of Lexington. My Needless-to-say we didn’t collect enough 0f
’0 preserve and protect the qualities 0t min . . roommate and I thought it would be a good candy to give to the children so we ended the
7 Trivia I am disturbed by those in- Were I to offer an opinion here (.85 idea to go around and collect candy to give up buying someThere must be something ne'
discriminate enough not to recognize or (.‘arnes did in her article) I would pomt to the children at the Med Center on Oct special about those girls on the Northside: ”t
appreciateits importance. ATrivia expert out that ‘tt is the emotional content of 31‘ ' ' ' better humor, more appreciation, kind-
is ytot one who can recall the least Tziwa which seperatesnfrom minutiae ()ur first stop was Kirwan-3 where they ness. . .maybe. better all around girls. 1
significant bits of information. He is one (t eQu'Z Bowl), making thelatter only fun hada mofa Corridor Ad i k' t What d0 you think? Ag
. - - - f those in‘ n."tiv l h l V sor wor inga . , . ac<
who recalls a s Cial breed of information or 59 5‘ e 9909 e w 0 p easure ‘ . “W" t‘ anelli
pe , , _ , the desk. We asked her if she would ask . . . . , . re(
that has‘ be?“ branded “Trivia" (with a :idigleemo::i;gés engycloaecrzasreiiiigentlhse the girls to bring us some candy but all we Business Administration Senior prt
capital T ’3 _ the taCtS. from the 01d dau hters and makin the. former got were snide remarks about calling the cri
worlds 0t telev‘S‘Ottv mowes, radio, and g. ' ‘. ' g police. Fortunately there were girls in the
0 music (ana) nothing less than an art form. .
P P . . . lobby who enjoyed our costumes and
Answers to TriVia questions are those ‘
Trivia is more than mere questions and bits of information that are perhaps the , r .
answers, Trivia has soul and integrity; it least easily remembered, but at the same (3 PO'ICY OI‘I Ion."
tugs at the heartstrings With facts from an time the most WORTHY of being recalled! ’0» ‘ In order that everyone may have ,
almost forgotten secular mythology that is M: “1/ , equalaccess to this forum, letters to wr
part Of. mo“ 9999'” Store 0f. fond . _ . Do" “053 "('5 /’ the editor should not exceed 250
’ memories. Questions about Mickey CiVilEngineeringSenior words. Issues requiring more ex' [:11
i ‘ t _ ,, g -.S g , 2- 5}. spread the word to others to at least come tended dlsc‘f'ss'on 5m." be run as an
2” : .' if; -- , é ” 3 take a look, even if they didn't have any comments and Shottltt n°t exceed , th
:3, . , - g candy 750 words. All submissmns should de
1%? ~ V Eta .1 ' . is t $3, a , f 3;: ()n we went to all the Blandings where he tYPed and triple-spaced. and co
e *- :2 .. ‘ . x . : "_- . § '- we got some better, some worse, must include the writer’s name, F
(I '3 xw , ., j, '. ”:3 w ,3' g - , . . 9 responses. Some thought we were classification and an address and
‘ I; ' -- .-’=:I:}. ‘ t ' '< *4; ‘ ridiculous, some were interested enough to telephone number where She or he .
3‘w»”‘°§fie '. 9'2““ ask who we were. one was nice, and some, can be reached. Material to length la
.. y 21“" .. ,%\-,t._...,v..g _ 9?: ‘1.” . . . . s ,. .4 $. . .
* .. . “e”- " likeaKD for instance,asked, ”What‘s the Will not be edited except for th
, , Then we tried the Northside of campus. ct
A “W” Bowl team in ““0““ At Jewell we got about the same response ”

 N- I "tn-n . Till-I KENTl'('KY KERNEL. Monday, November 13, 1972—3
lCl IO 03 :9

lanoffi ' '0“ ‘ Clergy can't bear test tube babies

WASHINGTON—Sci Fi movie technically able to do, he does, so number of little lnvies. Rich since God created us vertebrates since they would have no parents
fans will be delighted to know little Invit will probably be born couples who fear that childbirth to be born fatherless in every to mourn them. nations could
that there is a near-genuine mad in the next 12 months, the first might ruin the wife’s figure can sense of the word. A further plus wage war without letup for
scientist type on the loose. He’s human since Adam to walk have their biological children is that all rabbits and other kinds centuries and have no fear of
an Englishman named Robert G. around withouta navel. This may incubated and hatched by some of children fathered by Morton's domestic political repercussions.
Edwards, and he's so scary that cause him certain psychological indolent, inner-city female. salt have to be females. Shortly, With so many advantages, the
some 0f the world’s most problems when he has to change Welfare mothers who refuse to women will be able to reproduce NW6] Prize winners are
distinguished chemists, into gym clothes, but as a com- participate in this great new themselves without the need of mistakenly trying to abort Invie.
psychologists and biologists are pensation he will have escaped program designed to foster black our services, so, men, the next “.‘5‘93" 9f attempting to strangle
rolling around bOth sides 0f the the burden of original sin and the capitalism will be forced by time you take your wife out for mm m hls leSl tube, they should
Atlantic crying 01“ to “Stop him, risk of an Oedipus complex. court order to undergo a dinner and she says, “Please be shouting happy birthday, for
stop him, for GOd'S sake, before THAT‘S SOMETHING of an hysterectomy and report for pass the salt.“ don‘t. now. rather than struggling to
it's too late!" exaggeration since Invie won't be work as a nurse's aide. The rich "a th f , adJUSt technology to the needs or

What Edwards has gone ahead a complete test tube child. He’ll couple will be charged what it th 5 dree or our years down man, we can adJUSt man to the
and done is name a baby whom need to borrow some woman’s was costing the state in welfare , e roa yet, but Edwards or needs 0f technology.
he‘s not related to, who hasn’t body for eight or nine months. checks to the rent-a—womb some other talented genetICist '5 l“ '972' the Washington P0“
been born or even conceived. The Yet even this has great “facility,” as these females will 15.00“ gomg to be able to. order up .
kid is going to be called Invit, possibilities. For instance, Ed- be called. ittle lnvies according to fit!»
which is short for the Latin in wards’ achievement promises to prsldetermhnicrl) Speéflflcanonr: hail“: ,. a
hitro, meaning in the test tube as eliminate the soc1al strife con- 'l‘llE AMAZONIAN Wing of football team and you need a 309 igj'fi‘ “"9
PPOSC’d ‘0 a mother 5 womb. cerning welfare mothers. women's lib also stands to \v. . ho \ l' l - - u'I
yes. Mr. Edwards proposes to As everybody knows, these. l H. A A . . t' t t . amat . r itte salt. a little 3 «2,. f, ,3:

_ . ., . . . , . . )enei n merican seien '5 a epper. and a little something ". ' ‘

tonceive little InVit in a glass women won t take JObS, but Sit at Clark University has succeeded p1 . d . , P“: ‘ - ""
jelly dish in his Cambridge home and have babies. Now they in fertilizingarabbitwitha inch 9,,56 an you got a super-Joe I -=. ’5' I' ‘
_ . . p Namath. But better vet by a " :' ' v.
lniverSity laboratory, and, after can be putto work and stay home of common table salt. The en- rocess the men . ' h‘t ' ll _
the kid has multiplied himself at the same time by becoming suing furry‘ four-legged‘ twitchy- Elonin you can In: W iedca” {I ‘ w
about “)0 times, he Will be in- Hertz rent—a-wombs {01‘ any nosed baby is the first mammal them iii,” team in $851-$211 u,“ _ “ --.,.
sorted through the belly button h ’ ‘ . J' N” . e Ed“ f 9
into a woman‘s uterus where he- / ,,. ave d 00 ‘ amath playing ‘ £29355"
she~it will grow to be a big, fat, 7,--- ’7' ”/ H quarterback. (g, V , 3%
bouncing first of his kind in all /— “ E f ' — So perhaps for activities where 5)... l‘ '15“ In“
human history. ' ' c D variety is important, we‘ll have , l

Vt'llAT ’I‘ERRIFIES the A . B m f“ l to stick to older methods of
eminent scientists, “101“de a i H ‘l‘ll‘l ll ' 5 production. . assuming we don‘t "“57 2m§
number of Nobel laureates, is ‘ “ill "l l l5 3; forget how. Nevertheless, for - s'
that they think Edwards will be 2 mm fl ‘ ,§¢;"'.‘.::c/l/ many kinds of things. specially . fl .. /
able to do it. What all this means ' . lli h, v, a . é‘h 1’12 . developed Clones will be the best 3» h...» t .
has led to a rare marriage of , ‘ l 332““; '1‘. '7’“ sort of people for the job. We .. '
science and religion for the ‘ill l' fl 6 . could have the welfare mothers ' g§
Roman Catholic Church is also I W flag (a) Q” " 1,17, cloning out assembly-line K It; \‘“3
completely opposed to Robert {3" %/" $9 workers. or we could shift them E“ ‘ ' alvw
Edwards' dabbling experiments at: w/, {l / over to mass-producing soldiers. >
in synthetics. . “ The military clones can be

They won‘t be able to stop him / *0!me . '7"'?‘.’§;€‘;{'.-‘:§?”at“, genetically programmed to love ‘ x.
with alltheir prestige, both moral / {$3 the carrying out of orders and ‘
and intellectual. What man is getting their heads shot off, and, Love ‘4 (04

' Scholl '5 're ason ed analysis ' ”WWW
0' I II I lent . . . . 100’
's depreSS'ng'y 'rrai'on a, Unuwmi/ pregnann
(an Hull the ”mg/r from
, y . mommli [lie {beta and
.By DAVID WHY”? . Certainly the purpose of the Nixon expedition was to persuade the rob )0”, “mm,“ 0/ [on

Tom Scholl styles himself a conservative, which presumably voters, but the gathering was, after all, a public one, and ,
means that he holds fervently to the constitutional imperatives. In presidential policy and action were openly discussed. Under these , ,
addition, as a member of an intellectual community, he would be circumstances, the President cannotclaim that an unfriendly press if
expected to exercise some degree of reasoned analysis. His column might have violated his right of privacy. Nor can he claim a 1‘ m
of Oct. 31, concerning the exclusion of two Kernel reporters from “political" right to censor, because he is a public figure subject to ' " l
the Nixon meeting in Ashland, indicates, however, that he is public examination, and because no matter how thoroughly he Emko Mm nttt'rsyou thwnm-
neither a true conservative “01' a reasoning thinker. wraps himself in the weeds of the politician, it was by assertion of “1‘3"“ P“"“““’“i “dd 2““ 0f

. . Presidential perogative that the reporters were excluded. m'” W” “m “m M" 0' yo‘”
'"Og'ca' CODC'USIO" Finally, the President has neither constitutional, statutory, nor ""1”" and mm”””“"

How does the press‘ unfavorable treatment of Vice President inherent power to interfere with First Amendment Rights, except Dcvclnr‘cd With your nccds in
Agnew justify the barring of reporters from a Nixon meeting? To perhaps when the national security is in danger of imminent harm. m'nd- N" l"""“’"“ ”‘3‘ “mill"
accept the premise that Agnew has been treated unfairly does not dmurb your bndi‘ WW!“ 0! Ms“
require the conclusion that the President is thereby empowered to l your ,‘,.'t nLrJl hum. and well-
prohibit certain newspaper reporters, who might tend to the can f eXClUde .non-voters . _ ‘ bung chlmmv Dainty Gentle-
critical, from performing their constitutionally protected tasks. 5Ch°ll§ "105‘ outlandish. and most disturbing, assert“)? ‘5 that Natural. (thu of you WI“ be

the PreSident has the right to exclude reporters who do not intend to awarc of its presume.)
. . vote for him or who have “irresponsibly“ criticized him. Whether 1s 0 I “hm ”mm-(m ,5
DOVId Whlfe '5 a the criticism was irresponsible is one question (1 do not think that :C,:h.dl]1hhl,cd,nl; “Wis. mm
fhifd your law student. BXpression of amazement over the extraordinary timing of the (M, lmmcdlmly Iihtul by W”
___—_—— secret plan isirresponsiblejournalismt; Whetherthatisa basis for in, years of clinical mung and

When the President or vice president feels that he has been censorship is another. use by millions of women.
wronged by the press, the proper remedy, i.e., the remedy en- ATDRL‘UsToRts.
visioned by the framers of the First Amendment. is not to restrain First Am endm enf protects all F;;:“”;:;:'rm:)
the press. The First Amendment was deSigned ‘0 promote the full The purpose of the First Amendment is to protect not only that l .. TWO «“ng AM
and free expresswn of diverse Views; therefore, Nixon, Agnew, or expression which praises the government, but also that which

0 their several lieutenants may print or publish what they will to condemns the government. It protects that expression which is REGULAR. pREHL
demonstrate the unfairness or inaccuracy of the newsman‘s disagreeable, disgusting, and outrageous, This is necessary .4 1/“ ii/fbl/‘I
comments. because free exchange in the market-place of ideas provides the :hh/IW',» “ff/"m”
Facile characterization very breath of life to a free society. In short, the First Amendment Mm n e3 ll [5:75];

. . _ . , . _ protects that which Tom Scholl does not want to read and that MM if»? m up ,,,

()f whatSIgnificance.relative t0 the question of censorship. is the which Richard N'ixon does not want written .1; ,W. ,- “a
fact that the Ashland meeting is characterized as political, rather ‘ ' ‘ - 0/ W. ,5; [Zone
than official, business? (‘onsidering the nature of the meeting and Lamentably, Scholl fails to perceive that Nixon's action, which is ‘E “1:12;":
the conduct of the President, it would seem that such a facile just another in a series of assaults on the freedom of the press, is " '
characterization is. in this case ifnot always. a mere gratuity another strike on the wedge of repression. «a

 4~THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. November 13. I972
Chisholm addresses
' ‘ (‘ontinued from page I process, Chisholm added.
. WWW—e “As blacks we must liberate She said the nation’s leaders
Dry Cleaning 9,”qu ourselves because no one else is put Prlffl'lty 0‘ wealth before the
going to do it for us,” Chisholm PFOteCUOH 0‘ human values.
said. “We can go to the moon, but we
W - POLITICS ARE made and can’t bring back green cheese to t
. ' hout solid communit in- feed 0111‘ hungry citizens.
”“Wflmm’” Laundry ydivement our vote myeans "BUTIDON'T want to stop the i
. r. as: u, -’ ”mm“ “‘ ”mm“ “‘° ”m“ 2235?, 5.2 S£ZZZ"ZL‘L§¥;m ‘
T M 255-5525 '0‘: gm ufgnozfm . because when we finally succeed (
. = o 0 on: o g . I in blowin u this world we’ll
: A 606 S. 3’“d‘" 3. Add!“ At 5:31! CARL S need somegplage to go," she said. i
" [1,}. k” \x .3” Southhnd " g ‘ MUS'C CENTER , Chisholm said she felt a new 5
Q 4: fl . 8. Lime At Vino \ j v 6 day dawning. ”Today is an era of
I; \ —________.- .7 ,i . mass awareness and we can’t
it“ ALSO ‘1; ® BOND lessans tolerate political apathy,” she
BOX STORAGE by , said
» - ’° °' cm“ University
- I 255 E. Main 0
, _ compil es
(‘ontinued from page I ‘
. . lt attempts to minimize the
BOElng ls baCk duplication of existing in- I
. formation and to answer
technical questions in the ad-
viser‘s mind.
()NE SECTION of the hand-
book includes academic policies,
. procedures and regulations,
phone numbers of each college ,
and of people who might be of
help to students in these colleges
This fall marks the first time since 1969 traditional areas. Measured on the scale of an: agggssghfingtiiiwsisggdes '
that Boeing has had a formal recruiting pro- total company operations, these diversifica- articles on advising from the ,
gram on college campuses. A tion activities don’t. loom very faculty perspective and from the
lot has happened since then. dtistings , large yet. But we believe student perspective. Peppered .
It was a tough perlod. One 720*W-M-M”i they have potential for throughout the handbook are
which saw the aerospace in- M a i F the future and could quotf’s. both POSitive and
dustry plagued with man' NOW H‘R‘NG- “Mafia represent as much as negative, from S‘Udems "on‘
power reductions. It was a sER D ‘23:»: 25 percent of total “Wing “dVismg'
period of belt tightening, 3mm ENGlNEERS ASN $213: sales in a decade.
soul searching, and finally, (nasal? SCiENTiST _ Em“: A few of these pro-
ficcompliShment- :g‘cifigtuioav‘t . - ation in plannmtg wfl‘fi? grams are: 1) peOple - UK employe ‘
Now the airline in- Maggi: Pari‘cigom the smaties i’omv movers to unclog traffic
dustry has turned the COF- “$3,131.09; Cgfoi the Concept conditions in our cities; 2) bb d h 1- .
ner and jetliner orders are ”ngitvjist p hydrofoils to move people and r0 e ’ s o '
coming faster than we ever ”“5““ freight over water faster; 3) a
predicted. Orders for the 727- 100,000-acre test site where we’re growing dies of wound
200 have passed the 1,000 mark, and the crops in a desert that has been stabilized with , ‘
sale of ten 707’s to China represents a break- garbage from a nearby city; 4) a pollution I‘m 'Svu‘lfh' Ky' (Am—d
through which gained worldwide attention. control process that has application in de- Charges Of mum] Timer] and '
Boeing continues to pursue vigorously a salination and as a treatment of industrial :rzigtrgbfiréfzfd bf); Enact; '
number of major aerospace programs, includ- waste; and 5) aerospace programs that can stifling death of a‘ UK pur— ‘
mg a short takeoff and landing (STOL) air- lead to a better understanding of how to chasing employe near Churchill l
craft, hellcopters, the Airborne Warning and use this planet’s natural resources more Downs Thursday. ‘
Control System (AWACS), and space vehicles efficiently. Also arrested Saturday was r:
and equipment, among others. The point is—today Boeing is a lean, James Robert Smith, 24 0f "
Boeing Computer Services, Inc.,awholly- ambitious, and very inventive company. A Louisville.wh0 was charged With
owned subsidiary, is becoming recognized as place where new ideas flourish. Where an being an accessory after the fa“
a broad based company with services not only attitude prevails that nothing we did before 0f w'm‘fl murder and With being
In consulting, training, computer system de- is good enough for tomorrow. An organization an accessory after the fad 0f .
s1gn,tprogramming, and data processing, but that’s rebuilding. Strong. Healthy. And de- mbbery', , ,,
also 111 management, operations research, and voted to the development of new systems that ”' DEVAU'HN Pratt. (Eh 0f
management of customer computer facilities. can keep planet Earth on course and the 9:12 Royal Ave' was-ls 0t ml:- f,
While the major elements of our business people who live here healthy. 2;: h: firigncfiréifui‘haownf "
continue to be commercial jet transportation If this sounds like the kind of company He died early Friday. . S
and government defense and space require- you can grow with, let’s get together. The Police said he had been shot in '
merits, we have begun activities outside these place to start is with your Placement Office. the back with a large—caliber i
weapon. His empty wallet was ‘
found about 40 feet from the body.
RUE/N6 One of the survivors is a son,
An equal opportunity employer. Don BI Pratt, a f9rmer .UK
student, who IS servmg a five-
year prison sentence in a federal
institution as a conscientious

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. November 13. 1972—5
0 0
Collins leading runner
A e S e e a S V a y “1 H e
By CHARLIE DICKINSGN position on the Commodores’ 46- muscle in the winning touchdown E O O I
Kernel Sports Editor yard line. drive. ; Famll l t 5
The normally stagnant Ken- But, refusing good fortune once The teams exchanged downs : :
tucky offense freshened up for again, the UK offense rambled and fumbles through the end 0f 3 2
one important fourth quarter through 14 plays and had to settle the first quarter and into the ; a ;
drive Saturday that brought the for Doug Sexton‘s 23-yard field second half until Vandy was able 5 a O 3
Cats from behind to a 14-13 win 3031- to score. 3 2
over Vanderbilt. In retrospect the drive did help Commodore quarterback Steve 1 Z
The Win, possibly the last ever to loosen UP ISonny (7011105. Lainhart hit Walter Overton ; ecause . . . 3
fashioned at Stoll Field, gave carrying eight times inIthe field Continued on age6 E :
Kentucky 3 3—6 record for the goal drive, who prOVided the p 2 Z
s ‘ HI) VI . ‘5 ’7‘ .-- .I “_ > II O * u to: g “to“ I33. ‘ Vt ‘ .1 . I 739.}. ~‘ : , . :
season. It also kept the ump :’ 'w.§'%{? 2 . . ,3 ANT: ‘3? $15???” 1 . . . ] don {go to pieces when :
m ‘5‘? fig“; ii; ”3‘: t” 5;? ; ~ “ “f - : I see the bill. I can get a :
"33"?4' #-“o"l’7"””~"“*”~-"w "’ :3“ ‘ " 'F 'I St k abaked ‘
Sport 1-. W a. . .. .«t a". .333: 3* e: : JU‘CV 3”“ y ca .’ I
"~‘ . if" *‘ , M3 lg mg .~ Q f