xt73bk16q07p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q07p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1971 1971 1971-12-13 2020 true xt73bk16q07p section xt73bk16q07p , »~ /

an Independent newspaper published . - '
by students at the university of kentucky . ' .;
Monday, ”00 l3, 197] LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Vol. LXI”. x”. 7" ,
Student chooses five of eight ,.
Senate revises general st (1 r ' t .~
AB¥?AL1E1MATTH:thS resolution‘ commending the late Dr. AD. Kirwari Wendelsdorf said the proposal would allow ‘ f .
SSIS ant anagmg 101' . Student Government PreSident Scott Wendelsdorf students a certain amount of Chm“. m deciding '_
UK students now have more lee-way in their read and moved for the approval ot the proposal what was important to them [0 learn, increase the

choice of general study requ1rements. A tWO week allowmg students d_tSCTet10n 1" Wthh {WC 0t the student motivation to learn and increase the . ‘1', .

01d student government proposal WhiCh WQUId general StUdIeS requirements to take. general quality of education at the University. He :1 r V,

allow students to choose any five 0f the eight Wendelsdorf Idiscounted the eleventh hour also said the proposal would provide a more , .ii

proposal requirements was passed by the telephone campaign bOth PTO 'dhd C0D, concerning productive use of resources.

. University Senate yesterday. the proposals and appealed to the senators’ “sense . g ' -: _'-
The student government proposed amendment of reason and fairness.” Wendelsdorf said the proposal was fleXihle .’..,-, ‘1

to the University Senate Requirements for He called the amendment an “interim proposal enough to “Old any PTOblCmS m WHCEC - ,

Graduation was amended on the Senate floor and to relieve the harm 0f the present general ’equlremems b60395? the Senate .CQUId waive the t

passed to read, “The General Studies Component requirements until the committee system can regulations 1" an mdw‘dual case ‘f 1‘ chose to do j‘x l

in every baccalaureate degree program shall consist permanently allieviate them.” 50- _ _ ,

0f fiV? areas 0f StUdY by the student from the Requirements stifling He said each department‘s major requirements j -"

followmg eight areas . . . ’ - _ ‘ . Proponents of the amendment condemned the will remain and not. be effected by amendment J. ~'
The fight areas are those now lls‘ed m the general study requirements as being “stifling.“ and tht‘ proposal WIUVStlh Faith” 3 StUdt'nt I“
UniveISity catolog. ld R , '11 d th Major objections included the overcrowding of engage m broad areas 0’ ”“1er- .' V
Senate Chadirman 3She or; dovlf_l tChd ? l 6) classes and an alleged poor quality of teaching, S reading knOWledge -,
meetjmg t9? e; atd p.,m., lon ay m‘ e (1p (:15? In defense of the amendment Wendelsdorf said If thi , ‘ dp . . . . d “UK . _ i .r .
is“? Emil: t e oor ony room ”0w 1 d it would “rather than destroy. may be the only b) . L amdcn in]:nt 1‘5 (I???) d \ ”159mg If: .'
hlte '31 " assroom. . thing to save general studies." He was not opposed “7g“; 15%“: mg ‘1 “do: e g ‘m “0p (”mung j'
Kirwan eulogized to general studies but he said the present en CS or conc u e '
Following the addition to the minutes of 3 requirements were not doing what they should. Continued on Page 6, (‘01. 1 1‘
, - ‘ ’wi‘ .' m .t l
* ‘ "'7‘ »
.‘ ‘ ’5’" ‘
UK budget down - ' , , .2:
to t e ‘ ’ ' ~ ~ " > t x » '
are one 2 - , a. ‘ .
By LINCOLN R‘ l’EWIS,‘ JR- categories are the continuation and V:__S:.__;__._._;;.;_..- q ‘ .3: " x. .
Assnstant Managing Editor cost of living requests. Each UK unit 4, 21% t i I I . I.
Consider UK’s “bare bones” was asked to calculate the amount of W” & '__ ' ' ‘ ' . ..
1972-74 biennial budget request of money it would take to operate . r ‘a f" “I“ it e ‘;
$253.5 million: where did it come existing programs at their present ’3 N”: g ~ "g‘ Bis“: ‘ _ ‘
from and where is it going? levels. . g ts . x ' . ‘
ltiall started last February when UK The UK Budget Office took these . Jag. i; k ' . 1" 715‘. > I . . I
PreSident Otis A. Singletary sent a . ‘ , -_ . e. . " t a - - , .
‘ R . . ‘. figures and added the expected a an“ '- a " 4 " at .' ” x ,'
letter to each Vice preSident directing increase in fixed ‘ t , d ’ d d‘ d ‘. i . _, .3. a _ .
them to assess the needs of their ercen t ( th , cots S (a? d ‘1 . t if” .. g ._ e.) ‘3. =21, 4 . I it ..> . .
respective units in dollars for the l)nf1a tion) to it ”es flmii f? risc or ‘ .i f ' . ' 5' . i g , - .
biennial budget request. gt 1‘ 1““ We ' “ "2:? ’~ ~ ~ " " - . ~
First in the three budget request Continued on Page 16. Col. 1 « NE " . ~ _. E3763 1,
A mo 10 wand . -.
'l g . ’ I -- ‘- 7 ," V '
1‘ [I . l{21 V l\ IIOW’S ['10 $90 role ‘34 ‘ ” , .
. . . ’81s '1
that put the kernel together ~ a? . s ~ - ‘ .
~ , _ . . _‘ . ‘ ."l' 9 W‘ ‘P . .
If there is anything mystical or secret about how The Kentucky Kernel ‘- ’ .- e ‘ _ f
. evolves each day from the clutter of typewritter keys at night to pages of . ‘ i ' .;' 7 ‘
neatly arranged type and headlines the next morning. it has to be found _ , l. .
:omewtlrreKm allongfline 0’ hghtEd composmg tables directly one floor Trimming a tree—like this one in the Student Center—never takes t, I, '

e ow .e erne so ”65‘ , . , long. There are always plenty of helpful hands. as people take -. ‘

The lights under those glass tables are swrtched on early in the morning tim off f l t . t ‘ f‘ d f . . , .
by a man who may very well have some kind of magical wand hidden l3 tt rgm “($1131 ehpapebrs IDO llld I: moment 0 peace m an .{

. . . . . . anCien ra i ion. a o . .,
Within the linotype machines and pica sticks of the Department of p 0 y 3“ Ose) A
Printing. To be able to translate the puzzles called page layouts. to ' _.

. coordinate the typesetting of . " .x_
_. illegible typed copy, and to At meeting today .
”s bring it all together under _————'— 1 ._
' headlines which don’t I»
g necessarily fit in the allowable ruSteeS a a 0V r ‘,
‘_ m space, is a talent with which Mr. m Ppr e f- '
to .1 Ray A. Dora amazes Kernel '~
\s fix editors each day. 0 3
As the supervisor for the OOSt 111 d or f > .
w . ' Kernel in the composing room m 668
- 3‘.- a for the last 13 years, Dora, .' .. ,_
a (fig ‘ .....W...e._ known as “Mr. Ray" to By MIKE WINES September meeting chaired by former . .
, 3’ .. students, has taught Kernel Editor-in-Chief governor Louie B, Nunn. _. .
t . , editors about the mechanical Dorm residents may find themselves ‘Good chance‘ 3 .‘ ’.
r 3%3 M 3 end 0f putting out a newspaper paying an added $25 a semester for room Since Ford has “already indicated his ‘ : ‘ i
mg c ‘ ., ‘ " Whfle domg a 10b that seldom and board next year if a recommendation willingness to do it in public.“ “’endclsdorf \- '
3?” ”’4‘. draws any of the praise it from the Board of Trustees’ Financial . ‘ . . .. , , 1.. . = .
We = ’- - ’ deserves Committee is ado ted at the b d’ t‘ said he thought he had a prtttyl gojo;w _ ; ~. -
~ ._ a, ' _ . , oar s mee in ‘ ~ ’ , ~ H v ' ' . ‘ .
" ., “‘1‘ ;§ As the Kernel breaks its ties today p g 32:“? 0t being named W'hmlttu ltd ) , '
x. 2t .“z‘th ”‘9 tllmverts‘ty and] mtOVT” The proposed Increase In rates teps the Trustee George Griffin presently chairs , _ - ,
I k ”t “ II l *" le tli'nn Inhgd ([31 a, p a? m agenda at the board‘s 2 P-m- meeting in the the (“ode Committee. which deals with ' 'i
T“ h“ y: la:a’f lr' ay 5 l'pta “mic! Patterson Office Tower. bUt the pre-meeting proposals to revise and rewrite the Student ~ ~ -
”'53 _ an .C eer “t perstohnaixy wl’ “luncheon" could result in more action as Code. Wendelsdorf, a law student. has . ‘
‘ r -* {swam ab pt“ 3| e eme l: Student Government President Scott attacked the Code in the past as a ' ,
. . , ' , ‘3 ory u w‘ mean muc Wendelsdorf has his first meeting with Gov. “repressive instrument." - . ,
' f . o - more to all Of the people who Wendell FOTd- Meanwhile the rise in dorm rates should «i
l m , i, ‘ ~ '- a“ if“? hag: CV10: knownhfirnd b UK , Wendelsdorf said Sunday he would face a routine passage at the formal meeting, ‘
MR. RAY A. DORA " ‘3' “3 ° y m propose at the luncheon that he be named Under the proposed semester room and ‘ . ». _
Continued on “89 10, COL ' chairman of the trustees’ Student Code board rates would rise to $537 for a three . .
(Staff Photo by Ken Weaver) R . . C . t t It h t t . ,
eVlSton ommi ee, a p im e sough a 3 Continued on Pose 12. Col. 4 ., .

Z—THF. KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. Dec. I3. |97| Ma 1
- Should sm‘e students money
- , I97] Kentucklan Yearbooks —_———————————————-—-—-*-
I . . ‘ V
. ordered m advance Will be to run hook exc ange
~ ' * available after 1:00 p.m. -
‘I w d d D b 22 , BY KEITH BRUBAKER He explained that by using the Book Exchange
I- 6 hes a ecem er Kernel Staff Writer the student saves 10 percent on the purchase
I‘ . . Y! I The Student Government sponsored Used Book and/or sale of his books. However, If a student
, 197] . Exchange will go into operation Wednesday in leaves books which are not sold he is not paid tor
.. - . ,' , . I "1 room I 1 I Of the Room 245 of the Student Center. The exchange is them and the books are returned.
. - 1' 3 ' operated to give students a chance to save money If the student uses the SG Book Exchange to sell
- ' :_-I ' ° ° on book sales and purchases according to his books he runs the risk of being ‘caught’ with
‘ Journal'sm BUIIdlng. Co-ordinator David Graham. used books that no one will buy. Graham added
. - ‘ VI Graham said this will give students an thin the (11300}: EXCha?gf,,wm only accept books ‘
I I .' ' .-.. " opportunity to sell their books at higher prices and being use “6.3 Isergies :he students brin book .
. I I- . ‘ ' to buy used books at lower prices than the local Graham 5:1“ wten ho t three cog Sm
. '~ - ——SENIORS WILL RECEIVE THEM bookstores allow the student to do. they Wfll 1 cu a s r py car on
.- _ . I ~ I. information card--one copy for the Book
- ‘ .- IN THE MAIL ._... “The three bookstores pay 50 percent of the Exchange, one copy to be placed in the book, and
I _ . .' ,‘I ‘new’ book price for a used book and sell them for one as a receipt. When the book is purchased by
.I , ' , I 5 75 percent 0f the ‘new’ b00k price. The SC Book another student the information card will be so
. - I ' I . ' Exchange will sell students’ books at 65 percent of marked and the former owner may claim his
I ' . ' , fit: the ‘new’ book price.” cash.”
, - . I '. " 1 . Ir ’1 . . . . f Open during finals
. . . 7“. (W371)? I I. Five percent ee I . I . II
. I I I _ ’-»:‘6 .T ' .{4 The student who ‘sells’ his books to the SC The Bookfihxchdnge WI“ be open from Dec. 15‘ ‘
I ‘ ' . 'fi. '1‘“! II‘M" I Book Exchange receives 60 percent of the ‘ncw’ thru I)ec. H“ so students may S’gn .bOOks ”1 for
. " ' .I I it -'r ,I book price if his books are sold. Graham said that 5319 next semester. The Exchange “’71“ re-open m
l . " ‘ ”at. l a: - uni-fl" the Book Exchange charges a five percent handling the Student Center Jan. 17 thru Jan. *2! to sell the
' - ‘ ‘ flfl/ ' \ c‘iilp‘i {“1 books that have been collected.
. . n"-.‘ : ‘1 .
' . . '- _._. . Fa? ~ .
4 u '4. O .a .
1‘ v. 'l I .mfl'xfi‘ 1': Over six square feet oi .
I I I II I. ""1“: .-.-«.-.~=-.m _‘ color mod art and in: Ed t K
. I . em. WATERBEDS 1. or suggests U
, I' ' . ' . {Egg ’1 Call A Unique Christmas Gift!
, . . , ' . cg; ’s' .' Nancy Nollenberger 277-6135 bl k
- . " . ' ' .‘..' o I . .
.‘ ' .. . I ' i ' ":‘:’:-?i.;‘¥l’77fil_l.!!!:f 6} and we will have yours delivered! lelfed Supply—10 Year attraCt more ac S
7 ' I Seniors and d t l .,___,, Guarantee Frank Stanley, editor and people who have never been
I . . , 9’“ ,"a e l - lNMLl $18 00 while the last' publisher of the “Louisville publicized,” he said.
. . . ,- I . Students Only. ( V ____I l 0 Y ' Defender,” has suggested that Stanley said “more whites
- 'I ' . « . . — inn mm.“ the UK Journalism Department ought to be encouraged to work
. .: - , Ll ' - -
. , I . . M” ONE PER PERSON ”’R "”"‘““”I Phone 272-5600 hold counseling sessions in on black newspapers” because
' " . NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL UFPMILWAUKEE predominantly black high the experience is very valuable
; :I . I 3 . schools to attract more black and it gives them a chance to
- . U ' students to UK in general and “know the other side.”
. I . I ~ II journalism in particular. As chairman of the National
,. ‘II. . He said other universities—— Publishers Association, Stanley
i I I i . : Western Kentucky University for has been instrumental in steering
I . '. II I I , } T example, have 3 greater number some blacks towards careers in
. .:I I ' ‘ " of black students than UK. The journalism.
.. ..'I-.I reason, he said, is blacks don‘t Stanley has traveled
j' _ -' I . ' feel the ' can et “afar shak‘ at . - . , ' .
. g -. .. . ; —— A CAREER COLLEGE FOR WOMEN —— UK” ’ g ‘ ‘ “mm to “Mame We“
. - . . . , -' St 1 y “d tl I t indies and South Amenca.
w I . ,‘ j ’9 ' 0 an e 53‘ “”0 ‘5 “0 lie was at UK as guest of the
- -' WIlfl'el‘ Quarter Beglns January 3, 1972 enough effort made ‘0 promote Department of Journalism and
~ I, r f. ‘. V UK to black “Udell“; addressed a journalism class on
I' - . _ fl ‘ . ‘ ' ‘i/J w“ , \ t Th1": Kernel.IheI :fflld‘ Cimblwlk the “History of Black
- ' . . -. 1 ,/-* . H 7 o eimina e 1503 ion 0 .ac' ,4. n
I, I I , I . I . I a?» a,“ l ‘, . . Journalism.
I, ‘1. - .. _ « . “- r . _ . . . [I were: - / ,§ students b' lV n , th’m ‘ - ~ -. .
. ' ' ,- ‘ ._ ' . . «I “kit—i ‘ A“, a .‘P’ ' “9‘ "‘"“‘3“’-‘-*"/‘l' - ,' {51‘ 3. exposure incl,w linikint' s £101“ The Spanish departmentI has
, . ‘ ' #3,}; [1' _ gain ’ .... _ .I,I. ,. $141??? . “lurfi: ' ' I‘ I‘. I , l” I‘l " ‘“ announced open advising trom
. .. g . I 'I ‘93 'i' d— f . ‘II t l: 1’» g; {Vt-i!” I 74:“- g Q note Of 1m” achievements. l() a m. to noon and 1 pm to 4
a .I ..I I I-.. . i) I5 l‘. I ”In I'M _ r" “anI -. His newspaper. with over p m. The advising center is
. ‘ l. ._ 3‘» .u‘” KW-" V t 43:513. “‘1@“&& 13‘000 readers (75 percent Of lo ated in léoom ll4§ Ollie;
I I I II II I . - .. “/‘7/ --. _ Laetitia—21:.“ .I » X" Q:~ which are black). strives to TGW‘ ' H L
I I, I - II II . ' 'W‘“ MW“ “" motivate blacks to make them S W
1 I . I ‘» I ' ' . : COURSES: want to read, he said. havaeml t OtIhertItdetpacitments
I. I. .' , . . . Rth th . . . no msrue any
I I 0 Executive Secretary 0 Receptionist new: steurdiesanitdg:fs::r(l)s:tl;?::l(l particular hours for advising
" '9 - I ,' 0 Professional Secretary . Modern Office Training achievements, black problems 3:15:02;akitefieggfnellniufitgg
'. I, ,, . . and “stories of human - .
I ..~ ‘ ,, . . -, 0 Personal Shorthand and Typing interest—black or white.” asailable at. all times to
'l ~' “i “We concentrate on the little $133112“ advxee to concerned
~;I '. g ‘I Special Courses for College and former College Women, with credit giv 3n ' l
’ for many of your College Coursesl MAJOR REFINERY GASOLINE AT
, ,I . ,I . . ousmg urnis apartments) availab e on our campus 8 blocks from U.K.
_. , , ,I _____________________ 94+Octane Regular ,,_,,,31-9¢
, BRADFORD SCHOOL 100+Ocl'ane Ethyl . . . . . . . .33'Ӣ
‘ :l' I‘. A I. '. i n u '
. . , - I' e' (formerly Fugazzi Busmess College) a
A. I 406 Lafayette Ave. Lexington, Ky. 606-266-0401 H East Main Street at Woodland Ave.
II I , , ours. 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon. thru Sat.
,~.- The Pertwil -
~ 3?. , _ . .. laby Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg
II . I" , g VI i:- i’E MVP sch/r K ALL Z/S mar/AMI/VDM HE t/Ow 24f AT LEAST A/O , _ _ A/O‘T fHAT §§§ ____________
w x .' l" ‘ GOLD "7. 1.5 ~ are/1"!" ~74 4"; «r “07 f0 VE ARE CERrA/N y e » —"f ?;\\
.., I , : I l . , I ,: i) ll A . «I. .i v“ i .I . ,Iv/ (:51 — - , . 0L, _ ){TU “‘0 l , , §
.I ‘. .- I II . , .I. i” P_ m 541*." “it h’)’ A (/7 W UV H/S fit/SE VE' MEAN _ _ __ L U fW f 3; The Kentucky H¢f0¢|
I r I1 ,- II . , .I‘ . a I' ' , ' ' - t r 57‘! . r 5,11 ,1 ,2: v’ (Huff? E’ I UV V/Z 1 MA K5 Z yt; l . The Kentucky Kernel. University
I, I . . _ '. 3 i v. . , . /_ u/ , I I I . 1 I I , I.) . II Station. University of Kentucky. Lex—
I '. . . I . I, . . . . _ _ . ‘rr, . / ‘~. ; H. . i Z , ' f: R T V// 1 21H ” .. mitten, Kentucky 40506. Second class
'. . ' «. ' ‘ I 1. ,2 a .4 ,< . l'w, ~ L7.» t- . "V “W MHI‘ <~.\'~~ ' .. ‘s t ‘ :n
.I ' I I .I I It: 'I I“ IIIII is...‘ I I ‘ . . I .k I ‘ I V “WIIII , " l‘ I' "‘I~ I? gag-m I m {)I‘I’liul‘. .iiid (iii?rrdillli?g}tlig"sunifvlo;
I . I I I’I.-','II I. I :’_t\ K i' I I III IIIIIIII .ii. A t w. I, iIII . . II .y-- ,7, I I: ~t’\;\l4)ll. II . I
, - . V , . , i we x. at» . . i . . v. . .« -M r"— n
I . I . i I .- -.— 1/. 5’," I . )l ”I, . l 1‘ I .I I .I f ». «an mung.“ i ,. ._‘. "l , . iI llIt .l in.) ~. UK Post ()l‘liu Rt 3 49.).
f ' ll ‘ ~‘~ 1-» (A) fiat % ”till . _. ' . 5' 1'. l’. ".I” EMI-Mucz‘wm l i V'W‘V' - *‘t 'y I l '.' 'll“ ("‘lm ‘" 13“” ll
.- . , , s I 4. 7;.- ‘irsizr ~ l" “xv-e".- * l4 2 :‘:::'es...... ~ ‘: ll”; I . ”A ‘
‘ .1 I I I t i 1’ ‘ I ,‘ ‘4'; -‘ t ‘k' Q ' .Ir' 3"] ' ,' ‘ .h'fi" t". \"'flqui; l . _ l. t it ‘- .. I‘ll") .u lwiim l.‘
', I ll. ll" ’ if, i 11 r'a : ,' 1/ 93‘. IL “$53- N...” , It: ». .3 I“) 5‘} r/ ""5, i'\ :fizfig 4 I.“ i H, l,“ i {.l " ' 1 1‘ 1' lHItlJ- it 1111:: liii‘.‘ \l
, I I I IV; ll ‘I II 3 I I I . t I II... I . N r. . _\_ II I. II Q . II_I/.II Vii-Ta ._ \ $32.1“ it .. f" . k . ml . I, . i“). ,i.I.,,.i,._m¢: 5H4 i.‘
I I MU .' l I 1 Mt“ V, Li's: v/fti: (/ 7‘ f’) lsviil‘lf'il .‘ é?" o WV. if}; I in... r g r ’. I ’. ’; M x . l' . m " tl' Sill-'1'
I Q '.L i. “’1 '};§f.*(f%r' ., ~ . [I ”all I ii: ‘l-l'y '/‘I. ’ I”““ l til“; ,r' “e, " )1; ¢ 1 " c l'” Mix". twin film . 3 l'
. , ‘ 0 L ‘ N? F4 l \"w ‘l' ,, . "it ' ~ a" .34. m \ wt‘l - fl ' 7 saw?" , 9‘“ H’ikfi J} 5" 1K 4 ~ , "-1 m Kmmrti. TELEPHONE;
. . U) . " " ‘ ‘dli 1' 4.0% é a . sf... 1 a '. thy/1% . n'rlm‘ii 34% l . (,L. ”:7 c',.,'.-‘.’ - t. iymh-I I\l.m:iuini! Fditm‘ 25771753
\ . ’ «fl-l ~ ' , r‘w‘rgu r til it. . ’ a; i . ”d l '-’I'i ‘ " “l 0 W‘“ ”W “1"“
. K -'~ T. w “"0 km" 1” “'7" cat/ill? ‘24” 71:5; yr ” Li: A: 1' "- maul! - I ‘ . I l I. t, ” 4‘2“ \Ad‘finlm" Editor" Sl’ofl“ " 2574740
. WIMJ&/ a a . k: ”6"” : eEme-Mu." - III .51 \I; 1,: :52 girl‘ I. I z (litiiillkm’lv. IBIuIinInIoeeI.II(IiIrIcIIilI;I-258I4G4fi
~ . .‘* 1' l
\r“ I
I 1 ”sum ‘
_ /

 j .v.. ._.._.7 . .
. -——‘__ THE KENTI‘CKY KERNEL, Manila}. Du. lfi. l97l — I5 .
Get credit f ' l k ' ' ‘ ' '
The Umversrty Year for management, and child . '
Action group (YFA) is polling supervision. ' r ' z z a ' - .
SlivStgdems ”1 an effort to open Students who participate will ' . .
Kimucfiy-Cgretcenters around get 15 hours credit, according to J . ,
_ y‘i 05‘ “3‘5fo .099“ for Ms. Carol Haines of YFA. “The . . , _
:Oz‘irmtuninI otrganizations to law faculty liasjust unanimously . 7 i. ‘ .,
I . ten crs, center approved credit for law as — ree _ e Ivery erVICe -..’,
‘ students,” liaines said. 7 I ,I I I . ,
t , , YFA has “five different , .I I ,
r focuses,” llaines noted. “They - _I
dfll lg 5 are in day-care and child . - .- 4~
1 development, housing, economic . j ' ‘
development, education, and in ' 0 ' ‘ n
' ' FOR SALE """' law and legal rights.” I . "s r , I. I
S WW“W"N Some of the ugencles W1“ be ? a I- , I,
OLD ENGLISH Sh d P .. - . ~ . « .
FezziWig lineage. Ilntiei‘fiact)ig()nalu(§fal;:i on campus thls saturddy R.” »\ 5 I I” " '
Cliampionsl 277-8426 after 6 p.m. interviews with students, $2110 I _ - ‘ - . ".
n 30-N-Dl3 H . ‘ u -
———__-_____~_7___ aincs. 7 - ,‘ .
k - 1963tICHEVYdlmpala, blue 4-door auto- - ' ‘ 7 V i -
ma . t' , d d't‘ . H . 1 ‘ '. ‘
d $375!.CDag520257-I13322, 5?; 5.C(2"i7-18l2%3. We wantI 4“ types , Of ' -. ' - .
y 9D13 students~not just the typical _ . I . . ‘.
O PORSCHE, SIC. —-Engine. transmission, StUd‘Snt between 18 and 21- We _» r ‘
. t' d 11 . Le th ‘ - . 7 . ..
is Iéiiir.aRM-§§r fadigf’g’momz vfgee‘st urge married women who want .. - — - .' . I
Call 1-502-223-8251 or 227-6058 after5. to help and older students to . . - - ’.II
, _______2 come up here Saturday,” Haines ', . ‘ _- . i :
STEREO—S 'rc-20 c . tt ~ .. ~ '? -' ' ‘ .
5 was 0' ' R S ' f " ' “
I ' - _ o , - ‘ . ' ., .
, ———,—-— mmg oom erwce a 7, f;
. WATERBED. liner, frame, pad; 2 . . s . . i . .1
in month old. No leaks; $40. Call Bob Agency representatives Will be . \ . . . .' - .
3:51....” a‘ .....--‘.,°°:‘ In Room 3 03 of the I mperial Plaza Sir Pizza ' _ '
WAN-"n Administration Building III ,
W between noon and 3 p.m. ,1 '. 'I ; '
R —— i d .- _ ‘. ,I . ,
VW Camper for use liiiuiinegqugizaaieas saturdaY- - f- .
break. Fully insured. car to swap, , 1" ' 1‘ .
per mile-per day. Call 252-3797. 71313 . - . . . g ' ' . '
CO-ED needs an apartment and a I V‘” ~
female roommate for next semester. -' ' j . 4_ - '
Call 252-2529 or 299—6129 and ask to: I I ' 7
-- a................... 0 - ' '
anoyziblc h1llld;i_\" Sweet Sue. Cathy. ‘: - -
en Margaret. K;I§. DQlll>(‘. Ridge Rllll— -~ .‘ ‘.
mgr and other Donovan lliill Lovelies F ‘ 7 ‘. ‘
WWW , '5" E, . - II \ ‘I II‘
es FOR RENT I I " v: .. ~ ' , . ;
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.. . - . . vmg attic 48.50. - - . , .-
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, 4~THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Dec. l3. l97l . ______——————
poc or presz ent?
G .
9 f 1 72 l t
~ UK People 5 arty pushes to get on a ot or e ec Ions
. , . ’ 3y RACHAEL KAMUF Cooper, who may or may not doesn’t get it.” People’s Party Will not have a Christmas break members will
' Assistant Managing Editor 599k reelection and Dec There will be a convention in candidate. travel to various parts ot the
The Kt‘nlUCky branch of the HUddI?St0n’ Who has announced Miami a week after the If Humphrey or Jackson get state to setup chapters.
‘ People’s Party (formerly New he will 5°C“ the [Demouatic Democratic convention 15 held the nomination Snell said the According to Snell, the UK
- . Party) )8 trying to get the part) nomination), provrding we can there. Snell said it isihoped’that People’s Party is “off and chapter has no formal
‘ on the ballot {or the Noxember, “”d ”ommn‘ to “m' “trustrated liberals will stay. . running." membership but there are about
‘ . [973 elections. It is possible the People‘s Snell 531d ll 15 possrble that If The only other registered 90 people who have expressed
. 'lo le‘ this tor the senatorial Part) could endorse one of the thencnmmi“ nominate George chapter in Kentucky is at Centre an interest. worked or attended ,
. ‘ race. .1 petition bearing the mator candidates. although Snell McGovern tor l‘TCSIdChl~ the College. Snell said during meetings.
' signatures o! littltl registered saiil. “It is unlike!)
. . ', voters must he filed mth the lhe part) torniall} endorsed
\ .r i. . SCCICHD 0! Stan's willie l‘,\ l tight: \Valiaee in his unsueeesstul 77
.' i . March. lot the congressional bid for (‘ongress in the Dec 4
race. 400 sigziaiii'cs tr mi the \g‘t‘tltll election I
" ' L‘Uhgi‘cssinna! Lll\ll‘\l .aie \s ll no“ stair-its. l)". ~
‘ ' . ' - necessary lleriiair’lei‘ Speck. linstwi:
, I . l‘he Part} has out! September pediat ; i. lull .l'lLl anti-Mar FALL '97]
- .I to \lll‘lllll another l.tJOU names speaker; um lie the part} .\
4 , ‘1 . for the presidential race. iioiiiiiiatior: tor president. Spock
‘V “ ' V N‘ d Candidate it she «get the
‘L L ‘ "e 5 ”.0 percent Democratic nomination.
~ L " ‘ H ”W PVS’l’h' -‘ P11”) ““1" 1““ “What is unclear." he said. “is . Ik d T. T
'? . ' ' ' ~ percent (‘1 ”W "01" l” ”I" what will happen when she e on Ina umel‘
. . ~' - . election the W”? W1“ b“ was nominated as a stand-in .
. . permantly nlaced on the ballot. candidate at the Dallas _
‘l fl _ kentueky late requires that the. Convention held last month. . Homecoming and B, S, & T
' ‘ ' . ' party mantain two percent of
_ s - . » I the vote in subsequent elections Chisolm instead?
. ‘. , » to Stay on the ballot. PCOple's Party llOpcs to . Clemson, Vandyl and Tennessee Games
. fl'. ‘ Steve Snell, a member of the exchange SPOCK tor Shirley ,
. , ‘. y. ,‘ executive committee of the UK Chisolm. a black congresswoman .
. ‘ ' ' People’s Party. would not trom New lork: Chisolm has . IndlCln Summer .
- - , . " 1 SPCL‘lllalC on the senatorial or given permissmn tor her name 10 L
x ‘ '1 congressmnai races. be mentioned but Snell said she
- ’ ' made ll clear she is working tor . James Gong .
" " ' , ' “l“ “”1 someone the Democratic nomination.
' ‘ He said. “The party is A stand-in was necessary. said
3 W .- . probably going: to run stunt-one Snell. because some states . Glorlo Sflenem
. ' . ‘ ' - , 3 regard?ess o! who else runs require .in early filing date and
; ' _ 5' ' treii'rring to John Sherman (‘hisolm will not be the party‘s C d S
A. j t ' : 1- -/ '
. ‘ _ ' TODAY . 'i 1 .. y . H . ..
-. ‘ . - . i. N] v F. R s l '1‘ Y s E 5: ATP, iffy ( ,9.“ T”. . n .md
~ .’ - ' .' »' \YliFi'I‘thi. .! Z' 17.. I". Rznm, ini.‘ “HUM s .t .«..i.. . .iiwun. Wh h I I n
', l ‘A L. ‘tl..‘.irt‘i"1‘ i)i.;‘.i\si.s~.t I'lillill ILNI I’RI‘IQGNKX‘. Y .1". t t t t
' . '- i ‘ V. "V manage 5 t}. 1.0m: fi‘li'lixx .‘l:v!'llt‘2 (witnsxvliriy‘. \Vi men‘s e er S our [rs emes er
' h -.4 ‘twamn: I: ‘It‘. "innit lt‘H i" RY“! "All;:i2-€*Ii?‘5\‘irlii't'71:,m.:_n
-' ». ' _ v‘ .“ “(1,“... ‘i l'."‘;. ‘fiwiidav t'tirmi'fizi 'x‘V-(im-stl'i‘. [
J i _. 'I . )4 t: ‘ ",- ~ .\I i' {3’ mi 3 jun... t-- ."i ram. \ :rnt.\,-., O L t D t F t It
.. ‘ ‘ {Wirig'sinl‘ Splint (22> H \II is It .1 ist: liinlif if.“ i» "I l” ’21:!- “ 1M". ’I': r as l on Orge '
. ‘ I, .. \l-‘ui Wt :‘ iivil.’ Hm»: . .1; *l‘g-‘WA "
. ,. IT .‘ l ' ’ - ’ i ' t)‘-' ‘
I .1 I. I‘..-\ Ill} I’li i‘y\':\l {\I. (L ‘5‘ 5 .._: (:l'i~ :‘ .‘sl‘x l.\l ()Il'éjlevlf s: ”I .ii'l
. ' ' SHIN. .l‘. tln l'mim'iai: Church. tins 2"" v: “‘t“""‘_‘l‘r“ 5"" 1‘ V ‘1‘ W“ "bl”
._ -- - ' : ' Elli; ill/i, i ,; ': ,. informant-m «all “4,“ M ‘t 17.. "l 8 p.21». “0““: “A
i ' '_ ‘, ,- "~l- I)’:il!‘..‘: ll r“ ,‘ BUN—Stir)“, CUMING [3P
. ‘ . i: i: A n i' x 'r r: A. x n your. (‘;.»\‘.\:
. .' i (fir.\.\h‘l_‘f~; IE;!["‘§ US til I‘Cl' '\ INS'I I Ii ”1 If \l1‘ s "inn: 57""- MT
- ' - ‘1 “I ,, mix" . r: .':'..' -~ " «l» .c’wiiTz-nwtz 1, Hit-ll