xt73bk16q05h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16q05h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky College of Nursing Kentucky -- Lexington University of Kentucky College of Nursing 2005  newsletters  English University of Kentucky College of Nursing  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky College of Nursing publications Nursing CONnections, Spring 2005 text CONnections, Spring 2005 2005 2005 2019 true xt73bk16q05h section xt73bk16q05h � Editor
M. Claire Baker

Dorothy Brockopp, R.N., Ph.D.
Terry Green
Lynne Hall, Dr.P.H., R.N.
Nancy Mangrum
Lisa Pederson, M.S.N., R.N.
Julie Sebastian, A.R.N.P., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.
Sharon Sheahan, Ph.D., A.R.N.P.
Carolyn Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.

M. Claire Baker

M. Claire Baker
Nancy Mangrum
Julie Sebastian, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., F.A.A.N.
Sharon Sheahan, Ph.D., A.R.N.P.
Selena Smith, Center for Advancement of
Women’s Health
UK Medical Arts and Photography

is published annually by the
University of Kentucky College of Nursing.
Carolyn A. Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.
University of Kentucky
College of Nursing
315 College of Nursing Bldg.
Lexington, KY 40536-0232
Visit us on the Web at
On the cover:
Demetrius Abshire, junior B.S.N. student
Winner of
Best Undergraduate Podium Presentation
2005 Student Scholarship Showcase
Assistant Professor Patricia Burkhart,
Ph.D., R.N.

From the dean
We are pleased to share with you this publication in which a range of
College of Nursing faculty, student, and staff activities and accomplishments
are presented. We hope that you will enjoy hearing about what we are
Our people are performing exceedingly well in a very dynamic and
challenging time in health care and higher education. Our board scores
are excellent; we have enlarged our beginning B.S.N.
enrollment by 25 percent a year with the start of our
Second Degree B.S.N. Option; we have a new offering in
the master’s program with the addition of the master’s
level administration track and hope to announce
additional offerings in the near future; our research
activity is flourishing as are our two doctoral programs,
the Ph.D. and the D.N.P. (Doctor of Nursing Practice);
our post-baccalaureate residency program in partnership
with UK Hospital and part of a national effort is thriving; and we have
developed several new clinical practice arrangements which promise to
expand the contributions of our faculty in developing new models of
nursing care delivery and influencing patient outcomes.
Our most recent event was a highly successful Student Scholarship
Showcase, held March 4, in which students from each of our programs
presented. We are pleased to share with you some of the pictures and
details of the showcase in this newsletter (pages 4 and 5). It is an exciting time
in the College; it is a busy time.
One of the special opportunities I want to bring to your attention is our
campaign to increase the endowment for the Millennium Fund. We have
a commitment from the Research Challenge Trust Fund established by
the legislature to match dollar for dollar all that we can raise this spring
for this endowment!! Thus we are making a special effort to reach out
to alumni and friends of the College and asking each of you to consider
a contribution which will help support the scholarship of students and
In view of the limited state support available to the state’s universities,
institutions such as our College of Nursing must find other sources of
support to achieve out mission. We invite you to join with us in building
the endowment of the College through a contribution to the Millennium
Fund. This is a wonderful way to invest your resources, have them
immediately doubled, and provide a gift that will help support the efforts
of students and faculty in perpetuity.

Carolyn A. Williams, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.

� Contents

From the dean

The College

First Student Scholarship Showcase spotlights undergraduate and graduate work
Brockopp advocates for women in science and engineering
Faculty member volunteers as consultant in India

College development

What’s new with scholarships
2004-2005 student scholarship recipients
College phonathon coming in April
Ten good reasons to give
You make a difference
Thank you to Caring Society members

Student scholarship


Undergraduate program
12 All they want to do
13 R.N.-B.S.N. are four for four!

Graduate programs

Think again – D.N.P. students on path to leadership in quality of care
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program update
D.N.P. student wins informatics leadership award
Faculty and graduate student awards and honors
Ph.D. student and graduate news
Nursing Management Track new to M.S.N. Program
2004 Ph.D. graduates and dissertation titles
Master’s program update

Research and scholarship

New M.S.N. track


Attacking a killer – RICH Heart Program moves cardiovascular research to a new level
New Center for Nursing Research
Books and chapters
Research grant news

23 Four alumni awarded Robert Wood Johnson fellowships
24 2004 alumni awards presented at annual reunion
24 Alumni association board of directors, 2004-2005

Clinical practice activities
25 Good thing going – faculty expanding avenues of health care delivery
26 It was OK to get a bit emotional here

New heart research team

� The College

First Student Scholarship
Showcase spotlights
undergraduate and
graduate work
The College hosted its first annual Student Scholarship
Showcase in March 2005. The event provided an opportunity for
all nursing students – from undergraduate through doctoral
levels – to share knowledge and present it to fellow students.
Molly Johnson, B.S.N., R.N., C.P.O.N., a student in the
master’s program, gave the keynote address titled, “From
Brainstorming to the Boardroom: How to Get Your Evidence
Into Practice, ” which focused on a project she did on the
pediatric oncology unit at UK Children’s Hospital, looking at the
protocol they were following for central line dressing changes.
Assistant Professor Mary DeLetter, faculty co-chair of the
showcase, said, “I’m overwhelmed by the professionalism and
quality of the papers and posters today.”
Two winners were announced for each academic level (one
winner each in the podium presentation and poster presentation
categories). Winners each received a plaque and $100 (denoted
by an asterisk).

Stefanie Dagley, pictured here, and Tracey Spafford, both senior
B.S.N. students, won first place for their poster, Coronary Artery Disease
in Type 2 Diabetes: The Use of Serum Homocystiene Levels as a Diagnostic




Nine students made podium presentations of papers they
had recently written:
Christina Knox, B.S.N., R.N. , M.S.N. student: Issues Related to
Children Participating in Clinical Research
* Demetrius Abshire, junior B.S.N. student: Children’s Self-Reports
of Physical Activity as a Trigger for Asthma Episodes
Lindsey Connor, senior B.S.N. student: Motherhood and Rheumatoid
Arthritis: A Guide for Health Professionals
Sukjai Charoensuk, M.S.N., R.N., Ph.D. candidate: Factors Influencing
Depression in Thai Adolescents
Ashleigh Ohlmann, sophomore B.S.N. student: How Culture May
Affect Health and Health Care
* Frances Hardin-Fanning, B.S.N., R.N., M.S.N. student: Nursing
Therapeutics to Enhance Sleep Onset
* Marla De Jong, M.S., R.N., Ph.D. candidate: Anxiety, Depression,
and Functional Status Are the Best Predictors of Health Status for
Patients With Heart Failure
Shannon Raymer, B.S.N., R.N., M.S.N. student: Family Presence
During Resuscitation and Invasive Procedures: A Literature Review on
Patient and Family Perspectives
Chizimuzo “Zim” Okoli, M.S.N., R.N., Ph.D. candidate: Hair Nicotine
as a Biomarker for Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke

M.S.N. student Fran Hardin-Fanning won first place for both her
paper presentation and her poster. Her paper was titled, Nursing
Therapeutics to Enhance Sleep Onset, and her poster was titled, Cardioprotective Properties of the Mediterranean Diet. Julie Sebastian, assistant
dean for advanced practice nursing, presented the award.

Spring 2005

� Brockopp advocates for women in
science and engineering
Dorothy Brockopp, assistant dean for undergraduate
studies, in her role as chair of the University of Kentucky
President’s Commission on Women, will present a paper with
Mindy Issacs and Pam Bishoff titled, Creating Chemistry for
Success: Women Faculty in Science and Engineering. The paper
will be presented at the Ninth International Interdisciplinary
Congress on Women, June 19-24, 2005 in Seoul, Korea.

Ph.D. candidate Paul Lewis discusses his poster, Secondhand Tobacco
Smoke and Cessation Attempts Among Adolescent Smokers, with fellow
Ph.D. candidate Zim Okoli.

Additionally, 19 students presented posters:
Robin D. Dennison, M.S.N., R.N., C.C.N.S., D.N.P. student:
Providing Evidence of Competence: Development and Use of a
Professional Portfolio; and Medication Safety: Development of an
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Model
* Lynne A. Jensen, M.S., A.R.N.P., B.C., Ph.D. student: Gender
Differences in Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs About Heart Disease;
and Women’s Interpretation of Prodromal Cardiac Symptoms
Corey Southworth, Bryan Yankey, Lindsey Page, Aliceson Trimpe,
Sarah Danhouer, Kristen Stumph, and Leann Hisle, junior B.S.N.
students: Catch the energy! FISH! At Central Baptist Hospital
Judy Schreiber, M.S.N., R.N., Ph.D. student: Spiritual Belief Systems
Expectations: Impact on Anxiety and Depression
* Frances Hardin-Fanning, R.N., M.S.N. student: Cardioprotective
Properties of the Mediterranean Diet
Terre Ament, M.S.N. student: The Problem with Domestic Violence
Peggy Riley, M.S.N., R.N., Ph.D. student: Influences of Culture on
Domestic Violence in Rural Eastern Kentucky
Dean Scott Treadway, Ph.D., R.N., Ph.D., 2005: A Feasibility Test of
the Systemic Terraced Exercise Protocol in Fourth Grade Children
*Stefanie Dagley and *Tracey Spafford, senior B.S.N. students:
Coronary Artery Disease in Type 2 Diabetes: The Use of Serum Homocystiene Levels as a Diagnostic Tool
Sandra Amshoff and Megan Popielarczyk, senior B.S.N. students:
Farm Exposure, Work Practices, and Perceived Danger as Reported by
Farm Children and Their Parents
Paul Lewis, M.S.N., A.P.R.N.-C., Ph.D. candidate: Secondhand
Tobacco Smoke and Cessation Attempts Among Adolescent Smokers

Faculty member volunteers as
health care education and clinic
development consultant in India
Associate Professor Sharon Sheahan participated in
a working vacation trip to India for two weeks in February
2005. She consulted on health care education and
clinic development issues for Reaching Indians Ministry
International (RIMI), an organization that is developing
college and seminary sites including medical and nursing
schools throughout India.
Sheahan was one of six people who traveled to Bombay,
Nagpur, Calcutta, New Delhi, Agra, Siliguri, and Darjeeling,
which is located in the Himalaya mountains 30 miles
from Nepal.
She discussed basic health issues with local congregations
and teachers in the schools.
Highlights of the trip included visiting Mother Teresa’s
clinic in Calcutta and a satellite site in Siliguri.

The College thanks the faculty and students who organized
the event: Assistant Professor Mary DeLetter and Lecturer
Jessica Rice, co-chairs; Leslee Bertram (B.S.N. student);
Assistant Professor Steve Browning; Assistant Professor Pat
Burkhart; Lecturer Karen Butler; Debra Hall (clinical nurse
researcher, UK Hospital); Lecturer Gina Lowry; Esther
Kenworthy (M.S.N. student); and Marla De Jong (Ph.D.
student). Thanks also to the judges: Associate Professor Sharon
Barton; Lecturer Diane Chlebowy; Debra Hall; Associate
Professor Terry Lennie; Lecturer Diane Murrell; and Lecturer
Wanda Lovitz. Finally, thanks to Dean Carolyn Williams for
her generosity and support in making the program possible.


University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� College development

What’s new with
The Pamela Stinson Kidd Memorial Scholarship recently
received a generous donation from The Elsevier Foundation.
Elsevier published several of Pam’s books, which are still in
print and widely used. The following books are among the
most recent: Emergency Department Management (1997),
Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Review (2003), Mosby’s
Emergency Nursing Reference (2000), High Acuity Nursing
(2000), and Primary Care Across the Lifespan (2000).
Contributions to this scholarship fund are still being accepted.
Associate Dean Marcia Stanhope remembers how grateful
she was to receive a scholarship from the members of the La
Sertoma Club while she was a student at UK. So, last year to
honor and thank these women for helping her, she established
the La Sertoma Club Scholarship. This scholarship will go to
students in the D.N.P. Program, the Public Health Track in the
M.S.N. Program, or to students in the undergraduate Nurse
Scholars Program. If you would like to join Stanhope in
support of this scholarship, send your contribution with “La
Sertoma Club Scholarship” in the memo area of your check.
Sally Siebert established a scholarship in memory of her
friend, Troy Gibson, a number of years ago. Every year she
receives thank you notes from the students who receive this
scholarship, and it makes her feel so good that she decided
to establish another scholarship and name it the Sally Siebert
Nurse Practitioner Scholarship. You can join Siebert in helping
nurse practitioner students by sending your contribution to
the College at the address below.
The College of Nursing is immensely grateful to the people
who support scholarships. Our students are in need of financial
help now more than ever as they face the fourth consecutive
year with tuition increases. If you would like to create a
scholarship in honor of or in memory of someone – or perhaps
you would like to name a scholarship for yourself – it can be
done for as little as $10,000 pledged over ten years. Please
call Terry Green, director of development for the College of
Nursing, at (859) 323-6635 for details. You can also send your
check to: University of Kentucky, College of Nursing, Office
of Development, 315 CON Bldg., Lexington, KY 40536- 0232.

2004-2005 student scholarship
College of Nursing General Scholarship Fund
Richard J. Eckerle
Amanda Mildred Hankla
Aliceson Jo Marie Trimpe

D.N.P. UK Chandler Medical Center Academic Excellence
Victoria Marie Bradley
Karen McBroom Butler
Melanie Hardin-Pierce
Maria Eve Main
Mary Jeanne Noone
Deborah Smith

D.N.P. UK Chandler Medical Center Enhancement
Tukea Laverne Talbert

Doris Hatchell Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Sandra Kay Amshoff
Erin Grace Bohannon
Michelle Lynn Brown
Ashley Lynn Gass
Amanda Rae Hicks
Megan Proctor Popielarezyk
Kerri Ann Price
Stephanie Marie Romelfanger

Gorman Merit Scholarship
Jennifer Ann Pettibone

Harry and Marc Sample Scholarship
Ashley Lynn Gass

Holliday Milton Scholarship
Terre Anne Ament
Amanda R. Lancaster

Jane Badham Tudor Scholarship
Lauren Christine Smith

Jean Hayter Muncy Scholarship
Lindsey Marie Harp

Major Troy T. Gibson and Lt. Colonel Sally G. Siebert
Michelle Lynn Brown
Kerri Anderson Clark




Spring 2005

� Marcia Boyd Donaldson Scholarship

UK Chandler Medical Center Enhancement Scholarship

Ashley Lynn Gass
Jessie Nicole Grimm
Lauren Christine Smith

Kacy T. Allen-Bryant
Sherese Ann Bailey
Ashley Lynn Coble
Mary L. Dillard
Alexandria Kathryn Fields
Celestine Gertrude Gotchett
Cheryl Lynette Mitchell
Chizimuzo T.C. Okoli
Neika Yvette Powers
Jennifer Hatcher Patterson
Geraldine Cage Reeves
Kimberly Nicole Wordlow

Margaret T. Stoeckinger Foundation Scholarship
Kathleen Valerie Haley
Megan Proctor Popielarczyk
Mary Elizabeth Wethington

Mary P. Winternitz Scholarship
DeAnna Marie Matlock

Melva Jo Hendrix Scholarship Award
Theresa Lynn Crowe
Linda G. Gentry

Metropolitan Woman’s Club Scholarship
Jamie Lyn Haga

Nancy B. Hynson Merit Scholarship
Brittany Jordan Marcum

Pamela Riggs Peters Scholarship

UK Chandler Medical Center Floyd Wright Nursing
Scholarship Award
Leslee Anne Bertram
Allison Michelle Major
Jennifer Ann Pettibone
Stephanie Marie Romelfanger
Ashleigh Lynn White

UK Chandler Medical Center Wright Scholarship for
Outstanding Students

Brittany Jordan Marcum

Amber Christine Hoehne
Kimberly Dunning Parsons

Peggy S. McClintock Scholarship

Below are scholarships awarded for the 2003-2004 academic
year which were inadvertently left out of the last newsletter.

Leslee Anne Bertram

Phyllis Antrim Briscoe Memorial Scholarship

College of Nursing General Scholarship Fund

Amanda Mildred Hankla
Lindsey Marie Harp

Amber Elizabeth Grieshaber
Amanda Mildred Hankla
Kelly Jo Stidham

Samaritan Bookstore Volunteers Scholarship

Samaritan Bookstore Volunteers Scholarship

Sandra Kay Amshoff
Kerri Anderson Clark
Sara Elizabeth Douglas
Erin Leigh Evans
Daniel Pierce O’Barr
Rachel Gross Young

UK Chandler Medical Center Academic Excellence
Demetrius Alexander Abshire
Kristen Irene Bailey
Sarah Lindsey Conner
Patricia Elaine Fenley
Jessie Nichole Grimm
Sonya Joline Lichtenstein
Kimberly Nicole Skeene

Sandra Kay Amshoff
Lauren Christine Brightwell
Sara Elizabeth Douglas
Erin Leigh Evans
Ashley Lynn Gass
Amanda Rae Hicks
Amy Kristine Lee
Robin Rachelle Ray
Stephanie Marie Romelfanger

Jane Badham Tudor Scholarship
Heather White

Jean Hayter Muncy Scholarship
Kimberly Meredith
Continued on page 8


University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Major Troy T. Gibson/Lt. Colonel Sally G. Siebert

Ten good reasons to give

Kimberly Meredith

We’re all going to need a nurse someday and the
decisions she/he makes can save lives. Let’s hope
she/he is well educated and able to make the right

Margaret T. Stoeckinger Foundation Scholarship
Rebecca Nicholls Flynn
Melissa Joy Probst
Esam Abdullah Al Khasib
Diana Gollihue Williams

Metropolitan Women’s Club Scholarship
Jessica Leigh Murray

Pamela Riggs Peters Scholarship
Aimee Nicole Wathen
Many of these scholarships have been established in honor
of, or in memory of someone. In addition to these memorial
scholarships, College of Nursing students also receive
scholarships from other organizations as listed. Many more
students are eligible for and are in need of scholarships.

College of Nursing
phonathon coming in
Every year students call graduates of the College of Nursing,
asking for support of the College’s most urgent needs. Every
year you have given more. 2004 was our biggest phonathon
ever with nearly $20,000 raised, most of which helped to
equip the newly renovated clinical simulation laboratory
(parts of which is still being renovated). We also were able to
increase student scholarships and provide funds for research.
This annual appeal has become an important part of our
operating budget. We hope you consider your time at the College
of Nursing as making an important contribution to the person
you have become, and that you feel good about and well
prepared for your profession. We also hope that you will once
again say yes, or say yes for the first time, to the student caller
and even consider an increase in your yearly donation.
This year we are asking for help to finish equipping the
clinical simulation laboratory and for donations toward much
needed scholarships. Finally, for the last time, we will be asking for
donations toward the Millennium Fund to support research.
Following this last appeal for this fund we will apply for
matching funds from the Research Challenge Trust Fund.
Please take a few minutes of your time to listen to the student
and then make whatever pledge you are able. Remember all
gifts are needed and appreciated.





Your alma mater needs your help. It is costly to
educate a nurse. In 1964, the year of the first CON
graduating class, the tuition for one semester was
$81.75. Today it is $2,747.25 per semester for instate, undergraduate nursing students, and it will
go up again next year. Scholarships are needed now
more than ever.


The portion of the University budget that comes
from the state has been reduced each year for the
past four years.


The UK College of Nursing, a top 20 college of
nursing, is graduating the nurses that help fill the
national shortage of nurses.


The UK College of Nursing is preparing Ph.D.
level faculty for the future. Vibrant, inspiring
professors are critical to nursing education.


Your gift is tax deductible.


It is a good thing to give back to the institution
that has had a positive impact on your life/career.



Without help from alumni, faculty, and friends,
some students could not attend college.


If all University of Kentucky graduates helped
just a little it would make a huge difference.
It is good for you to give. Research has proven
that people who give live longer, happier lives.


The UK nursing students thank you for your

Spring 2005

� You make a difference
The following people have
kindly and generously given
to the College of Nursing
during 2004. We thank each
and every one for helping to
make a difference. Together
we can do great things!
Cynthia Absher
Cathy Adams
Dorothy Adams
Katherine Adams
Patricia Adams
Paula Alexander
Denise Alvey
Lisa Amburgey
Debra Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
Susan Arneson
Jane Arnold
Joan Arnold
Denise Ashby
Ashland Inc. Foundation
Linnea Axman
Ramonda Bamberger
Barbara Banik
Lisa Barton
Sharon Barton
Marguerite Battersby
Sharon Baughn
Paula Bayer
Leah Beckwith
Lora Beebe
Linda Beers
Patricia Bendel
Wilda Benham
Laurianne Berles
Ruth Berry
Christina Bethel
Cheryl Biddle
Kelly Binkley
Patricia Birchfield
Linda Birk
Agnes Black
Rosemarie Blau
Waldemar Bobrowski
Janet Boggess
Cynthia Bohen
Nancy Booth
Jenny Bottoms
Glenda Bourne
Jeanne Bouvier
Ann Bowling
Amanda Bowman
Laura Brakke
Jennifer Bramel
Patricia Brewer
Brad Briscoe


Janet Brotherson
Lucinda Brown
Steve Browning
Gilda Bruggensmith
Janice Brumagen
Catherine Brunker
Ann Bryan
Elizabeth Bryan
Anthony Burgett
Patricia Burkhart
Catherine Burris-Schnur
Nancy Butler
Shirley Butler
Mary Byland
Kimberly Byrne
Patricia Calico
Donna Cambron
Donna Campbell
Donna Capestany
Gail Carpenter
Carol Carroll
Robbie Carson
Lyn Caruso
Karma Cassidy
Annette Castle
Cyndi Chandler
Sharon Chandler
Elizabeth Cheves
Catherine Chiappetta
Lari Chillag
Karen Christiansen
Norma Christman
Marianne Chulay
Mary Clare
Karen Clem
Ann Clinton
Tish Cobb
Ruth Colby
Janet Collins
Madonna Combs
Nancy Conn
Leslie Cooper
Candice Corrigan
Jennifer Cowley
Lois Craigmyle
Sherill Cronin
M. Margaret Cull
Jean Custer
Marilyn Dahl
Marcia Dake
Victoria Dambrocia
Judith Daniels
Barbara Davis
Joanne Davis
Katherine Davis
Patricia Davis
Tani Davis
Jamie Day
Jill Debolt
Debbe Dedman
Marla DeJong

Sandra Delaney
Mary DeLetter
Ellen Demos
Carol Dickey
Anita Dixon
Jennie Doane
Debbie Dobson
Melanie Donnelly
Jenny Dorris
Frances Drake
Cynthia Dumas
Melissa Dunbar
Rhonda Earls
Sara Eckert
Elsevier Foundation
Julie Emig
Constance Enlow
Donna Ensor
Lynda Erick
Shelly Eubanks
Peggy Evans
Pamela Fahs
Rita Farrell
Hobie Feagai
Katherine Feagan
Deborah Feldmann
Patricia Ferrell
Margaret Fessler
Becky Fields
Debra Finneran
Ann Fiser
Linda Fitzgerald
Katherine Fleck
Juanita Fleming
Barbara Floore
Linda Foley
Beverly Forester
Foundation of National Student
Nurses’ Association, Inc.
James E. and Helen S. Fout
Kathleen Franklin
Gail Franks
Margaret Friel
Edward Fritz
Ann Furtado
Brittany Fuson
Angela Galloway
Susan Ganote
Deborah Gardner
Angela Gaskins
Evelyn Geller
Robert Giglia
Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc.
Peggy Goodwin
William Gorman
Linda Gorton
Shelley Gover
Kenneth Gravett
Natalie Gray
Terry Green
Helen Grenough
Monica Griffith
Grogan’s Healthcare Supply
Jan Gross
Marianne Grosso

Rebecca Guthrie
Kathy Hager
Sarah Haggard
Ellen Hahn
Karen Hailey
Debra Hall
Debra Hampton
Gail Hanke
Mary Harney
Jill Harr
Ann Harrison
Phyllis Hasbrouck
Laurel Hawley
Nancy Hazard
Nancy Hazelton
Heartland Medical Sales and Service
Kathryn Heimerdinger
Sara Hellard
Elizabeth Hellebusch
Aneta Helmer
Cynthia Henry
Sheila Hickey
Leslie Higgins
Sheila Highgenboten
Karen Hill
Laura Hill
Martha Hill
Vicki Hines-Martin
Susan Hirche’
Janet Hogan
Ann Holden
David Holliday
Earl Honn
Tracy Honn and Mark Bernstein
Cynthia Hooper
Phyllis Horn
Julie Horowitz
Beverly House
Patricia B. Howard
Patricia K. Howard
Sharon Howard
Rebecca Hudson
Elaine Hughes
Marsha Hughes-Rease
IBM Corporation
Images Model & Talent Agency
Karen Ingram
International Paper Company
Carol Ireson
Claudia Isenhour
Janice Jackson
Roberta Jackson
Delwin Jacoby
Patricia Jaye
Kathleen Johanson
Carol Johnson
Jeanne Johnson
Joanne Johnson
Ramona Johnson
Susanne Johnson
Linda Johnston
Jefferson Joiner
Ann Jones
Carol Jones
S. Kathryn Joyner

University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Janice Jurgensen
Deborah Karsell
Robin Kayiatas
Pamela Kayrouz
Sonja Kellerman
Sandra Kelley
Lynn Kelso
Kentucky Medical Services
Foundation, Inc.
Mary Kilbourn-Huey
Pamela King
Martha Kirby
Nancy Kloha
Kathy Kluemper
Martha Koerner
Katherine Kregor
Richard Krolikoski
Betsy Kullman
Pamela Lane
M. Christine Lannan
Mary Lavelle
Barbara Lavery
Vivian Lee
June Leigh
Terry Lennie
Theresa Lennon
Jeanne Levin
Carolyn Lewis
Andrea Lobring
Sharon Lock
Regina Lowry
Jan Lucas
Melanie Lutenbacher
Mary Ellen Lutz
Ann Lyons
Gayle Machmer
Debra Mains
Pamela Malast
Laura Malone
Christina Martin
Holly Masterson
W. Rush Mathews, Jr.
Elizabeth May
Mary McCall
Mary McClure
Anthony McCord
Carrie McCoy
Pamala McDaniel
Sandra McElfresh
Mary McElhannon
Joan McGill
Virginia McGregor
Tracy McKinley
Rebecca McLean
Catherine Medland
Kimberly Medley
Pamela Melton
Scott Mendzef
Jackie Merifield
Lynn Merrill
Barbara Metzger
Teresa Metzger
Nancy Miller
Patricia Miller
Robert Miller



Denise Miller-Tso
Susan Minton
Gail Moddeman
Max Money
Mary Montgomery
Joanna Moore
Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore
Deborah Morehead
Virginia Morris
Debra Moser
Joyce Mueller
Rebecca Mullins
Jacquelyn Murphy
Diane Murrell
Jodie Nation
Sharon Nelson
Karen Newman
Jennie Nickel
Sandra Nickell
Phyllis Noftsger
Tracy Nolan
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Barbara Nunley
Helen Nyerges
Marsha Oakley
Bettie Ockerman
Shirley O’Donnell
Lori Ogden
Susan Oldfield
Ameal Omran
Beth Osbahr
Donna Osborne
Leslie Palmer
Elizabeth Payne
Ann Peden
Terri Perkins
Tristan Perry
Lisa Peters
Susan Peterson
Ingeborg Petit
Philips Medical Systems, Inc.
Julia Phipps
Mary Pichotta
Cindy Pike
Mary Pippen
Roxana Pool
Patricia Powers
Lori Poynter
Mary Alice Pratt
Rhonda Prebeck
Song Preston
Martha Pride
Sandra Prunty
Karen Raff
Susanne Raisor
Mary Kay Rayens
Holly Reed
Patricia Reffitt
Rebecca Renfroe
Stephanie Repine
Vicki Reuter
Linda Rice
Yvonne Rice
Laura Riddle


Carol Riker
Laurie Ritz
Joyce Robb
Karen Robbins
Kittye Roberts
Karen Robinson
Kiersten Robinson
Sandra Roe
Sally Rogers
Kathleen Roper
Vicki Rosser
Deborah Royalty
David Rutledge
Patricia Ryan
Sadie Sacks
Saint Joseph HealthCare, Inc.
Melanie Sallee
Rosemary Sallee
Samaritan Gift Shop, Inc.
T. Kay Sammons
Judith Sandler
Sarah Sauer
Fred Scharf
Elaine Schermer
Barbara Scherrer
Jack Schlegel
Debra Schmid
Robin Schmidt
Judith Schneider
Mary Schooler
Jeanie Schureman
Juliann Sebastian
Karen Sexton
Paula Shannon
Beverly Shelton
Connie Shemwell
Terry Sherraden
Brenda Sherwood
Marissa Shih
Sarah Shingleton
Gwendolyn Short
Julie Shown
Pauline Siders
Sally Siebert
Sigma Theta Tau
Mary Rado Simpson
Nancy Sisler
Melody Skinner
Tina Sledge
Thursa Sloan
Nancy Slone
Diane Smith
Lenore Smith
Debbie Smothers
Linda Snodgrass
Mary Sohm
Barbara Southworth
Christie Sparkman
Eula Spears
Karen Stefaniak
Lisa Steffen
Janette Stein
Sidney Steinberg
Katherine Sterett
Merrille Stevens

Virginia Stewart
Betty Stocksdale
Lee Street
W. Grady Stumbo
Ann Sullivan
Wanda Sutton
Margaret Swinford
Marilyn Swinford
Adrienne Sword
Vicki Tabor
Laura Talbott
Karen Tasman
Connie Taylor
Jeraldine Taylor
Shona Taylor
Virginia Taylor
Mary Templeton
Eula Thomas
Elaine Thompson
Pamela Thompson
Patricia Thompson
Lynne Tier
Linda Toncray
Judith Toy
Kathryn Trabue
Sandra Trujillo
Beverly Tucker
Peggy Tudor
Karen Tufts
Pamela Tuttle
Ann Underwood
Marinetta Van Lahr
Susan Vantreese
Patty Vari
Catherine Velotta
Anne Veno
Carl Vogel
Kathleen Wagner
Catherine Waits
Harriette Waldron
Carolyn Walker
Lee Wallace
Marsha Wallis
Heather Ward
Louise Sherry Warden
Nora Warman
Janet Warren
Cheryl Watson
Diana Weaver
Dixie Webb
Joy Weiner
Donna Wells
Susan Wells
Virginia Wells
Jennifer West
Leslie West
Jane Whalen
Mary Whalen
Kathy Wheeler
Margaret Whelan
Julia Whitaker
Deborah White
Judy White
Mary Whitworth
Lynnette Wickliff

Spring 2005

� Debra Wilcheck
Marian Willard
Janet Williams
Suzanne Williams
Teresa Williams
Mary Williamson
Lorinda Willingham
Cynthia Wilson
Kay Wilson
William Winternitz, Sr.
Alice Wise
John Withrow
Jennifer Woertendyke
Linda Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
Tara Woody
Toni Wortham
Cynthia Wyatt
Deede Wyatt
Mary Yates
Patricia Yost
Xiaoling You
K. Jane Younger
Hollace Yowler
Susan Zator
Susan Zeller
Anne Zettler
Carol Ziel
Kathryn Zink
Deborah Zuidema

“Thank you” to Caring Society
The following friends of the College have given at the $5000 level and
have become members of the College of Nursing Caring Society:
Debra Anderson
Dorothy Brockopp
Marcia Dake
Jenny Dorris
Pamela Farley
Becky Fields
Mr. and Mrs. James Fout
Gail Franks
Good Samaritan Foundation
Jack and Linda Gill
James Hile
Nancy Howard
David Holliday
Dr. James Holsinger
Patricia B. Howard
Lynn Kelso
Sharon Lock
Gina Lowry
Sarah Moore

Betty Morgan
Debra Moser
Doris Shouse Nemore
Nancy O’Neill
Elizabeth Owen
George Peters, III
Philips Medical Systems, Inc.
Mary Kay Robinson
Barbara Sachs
Samaritan Gift Shop
Julie Sebastian
Sally G. Siebert
Marcia Stanhope
Kathleen Wagner
Jo Ann Wever
Carolyn Williams
William Winternitz
Louise Zegeer

We appreciate
your support

University of Kentucky College of Nursing


� Undergraduate program

All they want to do
Movie actor Harrison Ford once said, “We all have big
changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.”
Students in the College’s new Second Degree B.S.N. Option
grabbed that second chance and are running with it on their
way to new careers.
The first class of Second Degree students began studying to
become nurses in June 2004. The kickoff was an eight-week,
jump-in-with-both-feet, 8 a.m. -5 p.m. course that made the
first few weeks back in school “crazy” according to Daniel
O’Barr, a member of that first class. Things have settled down
a bit now that he and his classmates are into their third
semester, and are following the same schedule as regular
B.S.N. Program students. (The first course is now a full
semester long, as opposed to eight weeks.)
O’Barr graduated with a double bachelor’s degree in animal
science and biology in May 2003. He planned to continue
on to veterinary school but when that didn’t work out, he
decided to take a year off to decide what his next step would
be. In the meantime, he accepted a position with an energy
company that involved a lot of travel.
Three months sitting behind the wheel gave him time to
think about who he really wanted to be. He knew he wanted
to stay in health care. Some friends and family encouraged
him to go to medical school – he wasn’t interested. What did
interest him was working more closely with people and building
relationships with patients.
When O’Barr isn’t in class, in clinicals, or studying, he’s
working in the Emergency Department of UK Hospital as a
nursing technician. It’s a job that suits him. ED experience




should help him after graduation, as he hopes to work in
critical care. That won’t be the end of the story, though, as
graduate school is already in his plans. With a master’s degree,
he says, he’ll “have more options available and a master’s will
give me that.”
Lisa Whaley, also in the first class of Second Degree students,
decided in her junior year majoring in biology that nursing
is where she really wanted to be. Her original goal was to go
to medical school. Like her classmate O’Barr, she wants to
spend more time with patients. Preventive care and patient
education – especially in women’s health – are what interest
She realizes that nursing is part business and that patient
satisfaction contributes to the success of a business/hospital.
“They’re (patients) not going to come to your hospital if you
don’t take good care of them. The nurse has the most