xt73bk16px6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16px6g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 2008-04-04 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Thirty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Inorganic Materials for Biomedical Imaging and Therapeutics" text Thirty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Inorganic Materials for Biomedical Imaging and Therapeutics" 2008 2008-04-04 2017 true xt73bk16px6g section xt73bk16px6g ., . ,7 .4 . : ; , . 7 y. . _ 7. ,7. , ,7. _ : ,. 7V 2.-,-i1,: ,. *7: ‘7 7 ‘2. :._ «72 'w‘""'='2. 1,7}: --})}.V: Mtg,» 32:“: . . “.1135": fydhbi 73%;. “337.393“ 3t; ”flit;
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M Thirt —Fourth Annual
2008 PROGRAM - 29“.: f3 y - .{v A
8:30 am. Registration 8: Continental Breakfast, Atrium 12:00 pm. Lunch, Conference Room (GP-137), Chemistry 2:32 I» § ‘— 7} } 77“} .‘};-:tf?.rf73 } ‘3‘}: V }_
(Room 1—65), William T. Young Library -Phy5ics BUIldlng 'E m E’ 70 7}. 7377:: 53.17%“? .27”323"‘27'5'..":,;:-»7‘7~.r
. . . . . g9 O (D 0' . .R. 2" . :59; Ch I t 1,114 .1};
9:10 am. Welcome by Dr. Kumble R. Subbaswamy, 1:30 pm. Dr. Harry C. Dorri, Virginia Polytechnic Insti- 5 g _ Xuz. ,-.:,"-.:.;.ۤ};} .7 V7-V}7,} emls ry } }.V }V.7}}}}}77e_..7/;}.7}}
Provost, University of Kentucky - Auditorium tute and State Univer5ity } E CL} E 3 E ,, ”affirrl £737.: } }}7}}}7}}}€}7
(Room 1-52), William T. Young Library "Endofullerenes: New NanoProbes for Diag- 09- g 290‘}? gtgg§d§ & 33‘ 7‘15} ‘t7-,7Z:.*:3f?.}
. . . '- 2.3 32.727127: -.,.'-' 7 '77:
9120 am. INtFOdUCtOW Remarks ' Dr. Steven W- Yates, The encapsulation of metals and non—metals in fullerenes 8 § 7.737.}. Eiéi‘ii’ktffi’il 33%}53“
Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Univer- (endofullerenes) is providing new Vistas In medical research. 2 $@%.& Molecular 7;“? 3%}
sity of Kentucky Endofullerenes, because of their shapes. capacity for multiple ;\VV}V}}.}V}::}}};4.J f, 7 HE‘
. . endo encapsulants, isolation from the bio-enVironment}, and 3:3,} _ j}
9:30 am. Dr. Thomas J. Meade, Northwestern }Univers}ity exo functionalizability. are ideal nano-constructs on which to 5.7w&}};237}3.7€7§ Blology llilthlhif'svrl' .77}
.:seeing is Believm'Vg: Biomedical Dlagnostics engineer next generation diagnostic and therapeutic biomedi- 974597} .7 £35."??? 225.33
of the 21st Century cal nanoprobes. In our VT CNC laboratory, we have reported :tfi-ffé‘iifiififiriggzjl ’“l’hjicé’w
Fundamental biological and clinical questions have a family of very stable metal endohedrtal| gntitatllofulléarene: a]? 3773‘? ghfif—E}:
, . . . . . EMFS), A3. B N@Ceo (x = 0-3, A B = me a s a are onne :73} V 3.? V 3-..‘71'51'37 "2. 7}}:
dr'V37” technological advances 'l‘ diagnostilc techniques. Frfhm l/ia a trimetallixc nitride template (TNT) process. To illustrate, «3.5737727: 7577;} .l V :31. 77 .777; 323%
ex wvo DNA chip-analysis. tfo in twvodmo etiu a7r lmggllfnce: recent in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated markedly f‘ 73.74773: __ :17, 1}}; :72}?
last decade has seen Slgm man an - con inumg - ' enhanced 1H MRI relaxivity (~2 orders of magnitude) for func- eligdl..__:2~ 2 7: 7v}; , 9 f .7, 33:73}? :7
We are developing new tools t07 Investigate the ”male?” 9f tionalized gadolinium EMFs in comparison with Gd—DTPA 53:79:2377-77-7': 72G}; 7/ 7} 995:7??? "T?
32:23:11W63EgVgegzlcfiSsenéaégflgglggvz‘ée”axial:eel”; (Omniscan), a common comlmercifillytavailatbleI clihnical mag— “3:7 7177:} V7 3, fl .3 “(£1
.' 7 - ’ - ’ : netic resonance imaging (MR con ras agen. n} is}presen- '2‘.'...'..= 7.7}, .V} V. 374‘" 2.55:;
gfigliulflgilliiihhd (porgt::gxtéfsegicggethraetagreenfigsrgpExits: '22: tation,_we will describe the preparation, characterization, and }}.}} 7291:)l . j V 7} Q gift,- $2.372“
ideal for rapid. point-of—care diagnosis. In vivo molecular im- EOtené'atngdgjtl} :zglhlbaillglbse’g these new TNT EMF diagnos- 7}; JV“ }..} .l‘i ’, 2."
aging has profoundly changed our understanding of biological '6 an p ' $12132” 3.} established in the memory of :33“ 21.7373. } .2;
events. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a_ powerful ex- 2:40 pm. Break (Refreshments Available) 9739297}; 7973;913:757
erimental and clinical tool, offers a non-invaswe means to h-fifi‘fi'p 77:5 Anna S. Naff ;,-:},7,.:15‘”3t.‘3~"-.
p ' 2 2 2 2 ' .~ 57'. «ca, :_.....\~a.
map StFUCtUFe and fUhCfiOh by sampling the amount, flow or 3:00 pm. Dr. Wenbin Lin, UniverSIty of North Carolina at 4.73.1775 zth‘filffs
environment of water protons in vivo. Intrinsic contrast can be Chapel Hill . } _ arr/743’}, 71 }}g§~777.__}}}g}5} .
augmented by the use of paramagnetic contrast agents. MRI "Developing Hybrid Nanomaterials "for 310- 1' 173;}? .}} —Inorgan—ic Materials for 37?} “E32373” g
is non-invasive and yields a true volume rendering of the sub- medical Imaging and Cancer Therapy #2.} 32""?«33 . . . d ii £5hgfim
ject with nearly cellular resolution. We directly observe devel- _ 7 _ ll f effective .7} 7}} V VV. :53: Biomedical Imaging an 27.} 723773.37};
mental events in living embryos by labelling individual pre— Early diagnosis 0f diseases a 0W5 or more 7 .7. 7 7}}. 1% Th utics ‘93:. _ 77$”
op ' ' t t th test chance of surVival and LO 3.32 rigs,” erape 7. 797777.}77.
cursors with a microinjection of a stable, non-tOXIc, membrane treatment, QIVIhQ Pa Ieh75 e grea f h t' 7 7 >‘ L0 fimhfi‘iis' #7:} 5K V “Hwy,
impermeable MRI lineage tracer and tracking the descendants recovery. 3)! harnessmg the power_o synt e '0 inorganic 3: o ”w; 3773:} —_“——‘——— £353 leg:%5
in an intact embryo. Temporal analysis of high-resolution, chemistry With that of the latest nanosmence and nanotechnol- .2 >6? fig? 7.7.7 7:97,} {7%}
three-dimensional MR images enables the reconstruction of ogy, the Lin QFQUP has developed new hybfld nanomaterials E f, 8 377772;}37’}; SPEAKERS fi’ifiggfi}
the cell divisions and movements responsible for any particu- for multimodaiirnaging. These} nanomaterials prowde 00”" (D 3 to V: 2 23%}33 :}2}%%;}1}fi77:
' ' tire kinshi toxic and sensmve MRI and optical imaging probes for early I C O 7.77}}}79,7A $7,353.31 §,";;2,‘3"¢’33'2~.:7;?.-
Iar descendant(s). This technique allows the en p _ _ 7 77 O , ,o.:,.:;, .2 .. V}, 7V3...
relationships of a clone to be determined. The full potential of and noninvaswe detection 0f cancer and inflammatory aithritis 7._ Q V 73V}? 3.533923% Thomas J_ Meade Tngéf}
this technique requires a highly efficient means of delivering inanimal models, WhICh potentially allows for the therapy to be 0 7}_ g r‘fwifix 3’: Harry C. Dorn é}}}7}:}}},r}}
charged MR contrast agents. We have developed a library of initiated at the most treatable stage. The L1” QFOLIP '5 also E o _ 2 :}72.5€%}V71}V37} b' L' fififif’?‘
molecular MR probes to elucidate signal transduction mecha- extending this powerful synthetic strategy to developing hybrid (D b C §Vfiaahfi9§ Wen In In «323.33%?
nisms of gene expression in whole animals. The modulation nanoparticles containing potent anticancer drugs- sue“ the?“ E '5 9 ES‘ filfibhg 3: “if”
of fast water exchange with the paramagnetic centers of lan— peutic nanomaterials can be selectively and more efgcien Y E 5 g) “lgfiil’fy‘lbl . _ it’lfifm
thanide chelates is triggered in vivo by enzymatic processing delivered to} tumors than current chemotherafpy, lea mg to Q2 .>—< €13,477 «91;? Friday, April 4’ 2008 f,:&grc}
of the contrast agent or the reversible binding of an intracellu- reduced tOXiCIty to normal cells and more e ective cancer 8 5 3 $76??? 5,; .2} ikfijkff’
Iar messenger. yielding distinct "strong" and "weak" relaXiVity therapy. fif:3:..,5’3§ finfq'ééfin‘
states. .77; EYE»): 7;} , $272,732.79" .77} 77,3}.
_ 4:10 pm. Closing Remarks - Dr. John P. Selegue, De- a :‘fiwlgml, .7}, Department Of Chemistry 337.7} A".
10540 a.m. Break (Refreshments Available) partment of Chemistry, University of Kentucky 0 }%€:~}§ UniverSIty Of Kentucky 27.)}: VV}}}}}E} 7! 7
- A2 :2; 2 23 '
- Rose Street Concourse, . D '._..:7..; 25* LeXIn ton, KY 40506-0055 7.7 .2‘3
11.00 am. {$22}; $833215 Building (http://www.chem.uky.edulseminarslnaff/welcome.html) .;th }}g}}}}}}w1w~?mhfigf .3?
333323233333933WW222WW‘WW‘“ 2%: 32' 3337:3777. ”ENAW” $32.37*“ch h if 323:" i . F" tee: “:33 “:7.
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1; 2143*, 25,3272. ""
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g established In the memory of Anna S. Naff 3555
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Frrday,Aprr| 4, 2008 9.10 am. 355,532.
; erlram T. Young Lrbrary Auditorium 5‘12;
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,2 Inorganic Materials for Biomedical Imaging and Therapeutics g
,,~ firm. , \,r_ {13.37;
——————-——————~———~— 2:5. .. 272::
2‘, Thomas J. Meade, Eileen M. Foell Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University. Dr. Meade received 1’ , .3; 1 33,513,355:
if, his BS. degree in chemistry from Arizona State University in 1980, his MS. degree in Biochemistry from The 3,235” fight
it ,3“ Ohio State University in 1982, and his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from The Ohio State University in 1985. Pro- 33:;- ’{~".T-_é‘._~'
'23 . fessional Experience: NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, 1985-87; Postdoctoral Fellow, Cali- 3,9253},
315%"; fornia Institute of Technology, 1987-89; Senior Scientist, GE Research and Dev, Schenectady. NY, 1989-91; 2‘; ,‘i.~'l.‘»" 94,2“?
3 3?, Senior Research Faculty, Division of Biology; Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology, 1991-95; 5:,_:';~"._’_';~~5‘5«,',23.,5j
. My}... y Faculty, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, 1996—02; Professor, Department of Chemistry ffj'._, ‘3?)
,4 ‘~ ' and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology and the Department of Neurobiology and ,.“1‘aj 5.35,:
,- ‘2 [,2 Physiology, Radiology, Northwestern University, 2002—present; Eileen M. Foell Professor, Northwestern Univer- 5?" rigs—ex
3 ., sity, 2005-present. Honors 8. Professional Service: National Research Service Award, Harvard Medical Maj-{33" 32:33:?
3 v’ ‘ “ School, 1985; NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1986; Cofounder, Clinical Micro Sensors Inc., Pasadena, CA, 33.,” stfi
4 1995; Grubstakes Award, Direct Detection of Gene Expression via MRI; Caltech, 1996; Watson Lecturer, Cal- 7",1'51’-2{.'f° .2
tech, 1997; Founder, Metaprobe LLC, Tucson, AZ, 1998; American College of Neuropharmacology Award, 1999; Founder, Imaging in :fifi‘iwfie
. 2020 Conference, 1999; Editorial Advisory Board: Inorganic Chemistry, 1999; National Academy of Engineering Award Lecturer, Cleve- 331313132? 3‘1“”
3, land, OH, 2000; Editorial Advisory Board: Bioconjugate Chemistry and inorganic Chemistry. 2001-present; Editorial Advisory Board: fi¢féy ’5‘»:
3 Accounts of Chemical Research, 2002-present; Neuroscience Award, Society for NeuroOncology, 2002; Frontier Lecturer, Texas A&M 53,55,555; ti; .
.5 University; 2003; Elkin Distinguished Investigators Cancer Award, Emory University, 2003; FMC Lecturer, Princeton University. 2004; 3133.}, ~
3 President, Society of Molecular Imaging, 2004; Founder, Ohmx Inc., Evanston, IL, 2005; Named Eileen M. Foell Professor, 2005; Allen & ’ j‘3;‘“?5§'.f,s.é;,w.
a Constance Ford Distinguished Award, Case Western Reserve University, 2006; William Beaumont Award, Wayne County Medical Soci- 3"" 3356?;
ety, 2007. Dr. Meade‘s research interests are focused on the chemistry of life sciences with an emphasis on coordination chemistry, bio- 52.13%.
inorganic chemistry, biological imaging and the development of electronic biosensors. Specific research topics include: Biological Mo- ‘ 3,35%
lecular Imaging -- Design and synthesis of spectroscopic and magnetic probes that incorporate novel functionality for magnetic resonance 7&12‘51 by;
and fluorescent in vivo microscopic imaging of biological systems with particular emphasis on nerve patterning, regulation of cell lineage, #331339";
gene expression and DNA transfection; Weak Interactions in Ligand-Receptor Binding -- Using transition metal probes to study long- 335%,...
, range electronic coupling through pi-stacked unsaturated systems, proteins, and the development of electronic DNA and protein biosen- -,3-'.-,,, “¥
sors; Metal Complexes As Enzyme Inhibitors -- Investigate the interaction of small molecule transition metal complexes as enzyme inhibi- 33523;: w;€§§";
3 tors for the development of therapeutic antitumor and antiviral drugs. 1'” 3455;31355524
5 3.525
g 3%, Harry C. Dorn, Professor of Chemistry, Director of the Carbonaceous NanoMaterials Center (CNC), Virginia «633%,?
gj 3 . Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dr. Dorn received his BS. degree in Chemistry from the University of 333,335
1 1 California, Santa Barbara in 1966 and his PhD. degree in Chemistry from the University of California, Davis in 1‘. :31
’ ' .23...5 . . ‘2; 1974. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Colorado State University, he joined the faculty at VA Tech in 1974 and ‘,"2 stair??? 2
335,3 initiated a research program that involved analytical applications and development of NMR techniques including «15.31;. 115%.
3, ” 13,32." direct coupling of high performance liquid chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance, HPLC-NMR. Today, 33'?” {4 if“
*5: W the HPLC-NMR technique has evolved as an important tool in the pharmaceutical and bio-medical fields. In the 154511352
_ mid-1980's the Born lab initiated a second research area involving electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and - 1,2355%" 3. ‘35
j" dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). These later studies provided new insight toward understanding fundamental «13,315,333. 5,2,; “:j
, ‘ nuclear/electron interactions. In these spectroscopic studies, weak intermolecular bonding interactions (e.g. hydro- 35;, 2:11;,‘33" ff;
5 gen bonding) are studied for intermolecular liquid/liquid, solid/liquid, and solid/solid interfaces. In the early 1990’s, 2'2. :Wgag‘y
the Dorn lab began a new area of research involving the synthesis, separation, and functionalization of the newly 123.555.513.335;
. discovered carboneous nanomaterials, nanotubes, fullerenes and metal encapsulated fullerenes (endohedral metallofullerenes). In col- “4‘9.“‘wgk.
laboration with Don Bethune and other scientists at IBM (Almaden) seminal papers involving the first bond length measurements and the '.-fj§r,"'2"“2.“«47-.;
corresponding solid-state dynamics of the soccer—ball shaped fullerene, 060 were published. In a collaborative study by VA Tech, the IBM 313%? 3,,
,, group, and Silvera (Harvard) 2 new phase of carbon was reported by collapse of solid Cso. Later, the IBM team and the Dorn lab pub- ; {Lség'wty
F Iished the first direct confirmation of metal encapsulation in a fullerene cage, Sc2@Ca4. In 1999, Dorn and Stevenson (VA Tech) discov- g
: ered a new family of trimetallic nitride template (TNT) endohedral metallofullerenes A3N@Cao (A=Group IIIB and rare-earth metals). In Mmhfifi‘";
collaboration with Fowler (Univ. of Exeter) we reported the first family of non-classical endohedral metallofullerenes A3N@C65 that are ,3321‘4'1;'1§§4..£15.-€.
‘ exceptions to the well known isolated pentagon rule (IPR). In collaboration with Alan Balch (Univ. of CA, Davis), x-ray structural studies of “x “‘1
other cage TNT endohedral metallofullerenes, A3N@C75 and mixed TNT derivatives ErSc2N@Cao were reported. More recently, we have 3.52,}: ._ .3,, . ,
3 also reported the first exohedral organic functionalization of a TNT endohedral metallofullerene, SC3N@Cso. In collaboration with Gibson 3“,,“ =; i 9:
35 (VA Tech) we published a unique chemical separation ofthese TNT endohedral metallofullerenes, A3N@Cao based on selective chemical 35.-;1¥%,'f1,“’303
j reactivity. In a collaborative study with Alan Balch, we have discovered an ellipsoidal Tb3N@CB4, "BuckyEgg" that has been extensively 53‘ ,3"...,3,~j;:,r'.1;:'.‘3-,
3 described on the worldwide web. Dr. Dorn has given over 50 invited scientific presentations before professional societies during 2002-07; E: .'52;~1;..~z2;5,.;;
3‘ Director, VA Tech Center Self-Assembled Nanostructures & Devices (CSAND); VA Tech Representative to Science Coalition, 2000; ta :2,,“"f».j;n.csi“
31 Member, Advisory Committee, 2nd GA Tech Conferences on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2001; VA Tech Mini-Conference on 3123”,,”
NanoScience & Engineering; Member, NSF Working Group to Define Major Research Facilities for Nanoscale Science 82 Technology, 226*“(3
2001; Member, Advisory Committee, INano VA Project, 2001; Member, Advisory Committee, Frontiers of Nanostructured Systems, 2001; 3131;595:5333?
Session Chair, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Workshop, 2001; NSF CRIF Panel 2004; NIH 5}st 35.12.1373,;
. Study Section 2004; NSF WN Panel 2007; VA Tech Alumni Research Award, 2007; John Schug Research Award, 2007. ‘t‘f'ffifl!
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5“£§‘J¢y . a Wenbin Lin, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Lin :gwfi :1:
" ,_ aifig received his BS. degree in Chemical Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in ,="‘7.7:.'}I{2‘i‘ : 3‘2
f , ' ~ 5% Hefei in 1988, and his PhD. degree in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1994. :1 $.{i‘f‘ftflwtfgg
‘ '55 ,3 ;- 1 After an NSF postdoctoral fellowship at Northwestern University, he joined the faculty at Brandeis University '2."~:,.-;3;::‘"'5‘3:j4;5:3
5 . 1W” , . . . ’3 ‘1” in 1997. He moved to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2001 and was promoted to associate S535,» 3:233}:
: £35: ' f ' .5 32%.; professor and professor in 2003 and 2007, respectively. His research focuses on designing novel molecular ‘13:???" “1%;
37353.55} 51:35,. and supramolecular systems for applications in chemical and life sciences. He has developed rational syn- 52.1.3,“
233;, 1,5,1'35‘5.“ thetic strategies toward polar solids for nonlinear optics and chiral porous materials for asymmetric catalysis. 5:32;;"5" 4 if, 2
5 55 3;! His latest adventure into nanomedicine research has led to the development of hybrid nanomaterials for bio- ”$333,,
' 3 2' ' f3" medical imaging and cancer therapy. Dr. Lin has been the recipient of a National Science Foundation CA- 53512., ’5‘»
5 ‘ REER Award, an Arnold and Mabel Beckman Young Investigator Award, a Research Corporation Cottrell 1352.23}.
““5 Scholar Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, and a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award. He V3,, 5":
has already authored or co-authored more than 130 papers. fiat r5 2 4i: 3,,
FREE PARKING is available at the William T. Young Library in the Visitor Parking Lot on Hilltop Avenue. Naff signs “$551“
1 will Indicate the reserved area. For additional information, contact Professor John P. Selegue, Department of Chemistry, “1,3,“.
(859) 257-3484 or selegue@uky.edu. asKmf,»
2.11352 311‘ ,. '3
; 2008 Committee: John P. Selegue, Chair (Chemistry), Mark S. Meier (Chemistry), Michael J. Jay (Pharmacy) 4W;
Symposrum supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund £35,”:
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