xt73bk16px1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16px1j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1984-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, November 1984 text GSO Newsletter, November 1984 1984 1984-11 2019 true xt73bk16px1j section xt73bk16px1j NEWSLETTER a”

POST OFFICE BOX 11471 n __
(ESEESIIJ }*Ifgbl..ls.[:llAJEECEEZ[\J £53[:!l_lt=NF=EEEZ I:>f=hf\l[::EE§
Sunday October 28, 1984. 7*11 pm.
Arts Place, for details see our ad!
OUR FRIEND JERRY to teach our schoolchildren, preach in our pulpits

_ and force our churches to hire thea.‘

And we thought Jerry Falwell was so busy waging 'Here is ane of the ’Sisters of Per etual
pro-school prayer and anti-nuclear freeze caspaigns Indulgence’ I 53" in San Francisco - aclually
(not to mention leading the benediction one evening holasexual gen dressed 35 nuns. 1 can’t 1.; ine
at the Republican National Convention), that he ha how far these ailitant homosexuals will go - unless
forgotten all about the ’Say Threat’ he likes to they are stopped soon!I
preach about so often. As it turns out, he was Hen kiss aen, tongues entwined. open] in
merely taking his tine in putting together a new public. Other aen wear wowen’s clothin , aaZeup,
fund raiser nailing that makes his harshest attack and hairstyles. Bathhouses, aassage parlors, and
ever on Gays. leathershops are seen everywhere.‘

The aai ing includes a seperate, sealed enveloge l'Nili’cant homosexuals lan to convince this

. with the fo lowing aessage on the outside: F R generation and the next thal: the onl sin is to
- ADULTS GNLY! EXRllClt Photographs Enclosed: Please eel ruilt or shaae, that Jesus Christ was gay
do not let t ese Ehotos fall into the hands of that the Bible endorses lesbian and hoaosexual

innocent, inpressiona le children. behavior, that there are no values.I

Inside are three snapshots, one of two Ien ”With your help I will launch a “truth caapaign'
kissing, another of a nan dressed in a nun’s habit, to counter the hoaosexual attack on Aaerica.‘
and a third of a aan wearing a loin cloth _'Renenber, since hoaosexuals cannot have
portraying Jesus and wore l'nuns." Sounds like fun children of their own, the only way for the: to
so far, doesn’t it? Just wait, it gets better! ekpand their ranks is to recruit your children and

The following are a few of the more interesting line.”
quotes free the August 9th fund raising letter sen And now for the really bad news! People for the
out on a nationwide basis by the floral Majority Aaerican Hay, a non-gartisan organization founded
Foundation, the tax-exempt, tax-deductible, to coabat the Re igious Rig t, estiaate that
"educational" are of the floral Majority. Hopefuly Falwell and his Nora Hajori y Foundation have
you have had your Valium today, and your blood already taken in about $10 aillion dollars this
pressure in well under control. If so, you say be year and that. Falwell’s 01d Tiae Gospel Hour
read for Jerr ’5 latest, so here goEs: generates 10 tiaes that in a year. Now isn’t that

"l can’t {ell you how it aade me feel to see a Just about enough to aake you 055 your cookies?
hoaosexual blaspheaously pretending to be a gay In case you would like 0 add 0 Jerry’s war
Jesus Christ before thousands of ordinary citizens chest, don’t think we’re giving out his address!
in downtown San Francisco'. However, if you would like to contact People for

"Homosexuals everywhere are doing these ioaoral the American Hay they can be reached at 1424
acts, blatantl , openly in plain view of our Sixteenth Street, Northwest, Suite 601, Washington.
children! And these sane kind [sic] of ’nen’ want D.C. 20036. '

And IUSt in C359 YOU think that bigotry 15 "0t Everyone has those Ioaents when they need
available right here in the Blue Grass, here’s a someone to talk to, but imagine what it would be
letter that appeared in the letters to the EdltOF like ii there was no one you could confide in, ask
section of the Lexington Herald/Leader recently: advice of, or simply ciat with when you are
THE MORAL CHOICE, by eg Snith. experiencing that need. Many of our callers are in
be have a choice: Iorality or inlorality. that very Situation, desperatly needing_to talk to
Hondale asks the question 'Do you want Jerry another person who is gay, wondering Just what it
Ealwgll to pick the next justice of the Suprele- geans t3 {s gayE ortpaybe Just :0 shaE§ thg pain 3f
our ?' zeing i eren wi l sooeone wio ai'h un ers an .
Here is Iy question. Do you want Bella hbzug, For many individuals their first call to the BSD
Jesse Jackson AFL-CID bosses, and honosexuals who Phoneline may be the first step in coding out and
are ailitantly pressing for .The gay Bill of learning to deal with their sexual idenity. As a
ri hts ' which if assed would force local school Phoneline listener, you can make a real difference
9 l P
boards in rivate and ublic schools to hire in sooeone’s life. Most everyone can spare a few
P P .
halogexual and lesbian teachers? hours each month, and this extremely worthwhile
Is this the group you want to flick the ngfit PFEIECttDEEdS gnu; REIPé ItlYD: "Ugldt likgartoifi
justice of the uprele Court, an run e 1" Offla 10? a 0U _ 0H 0 V0 UR eer 0 a 9
' ' ' 9 one of BSD s lost ll ortant roiects call Barr' at
adlhghdglgtlogaysh “:5. Reagan would have you 259‘3935- p p ’ y
believe God is a epu ican.‘
I had a drean that God was at the Democratic
convention in San Francisco, and when he saw the DIRECTORY
wild-eyed felinists, radicals, :igitagt hgnosexuags
and lesbians and heard he i era po icies e _ - q _ 7~=
shook his head as he silently departed. I heard 33% figzélgfigp"ééag;gi""'""""""'fi§_§33\§
hil say, I’I must be at the wrong convention. I’l ’ Advertisehentiu.ii'l':.::223—45§B
“0t '3" 9” “9“?” Hailing List ' 231—0100
. -l . ulna-Illusio-
Thank you P9?! "E really "EEdEd th‘t' Maybe we 630 Recreational Events..................231-0100
can return the_ avor. Have you ever wanted. 0 take Gay and Lesbian Delocrats................266-3934
a little vacation? He understand Kansas 15 nice - .i . , 0 -85'0
th' t' f _ . t 1 t' _ DlgdlIY/LBXIDQIOD........................L69 U
{5 1'9 0 year 395 C 059 your eyes{ ‘9 YPUI LDUlSVlllB Crisis Hotline..........(502) 637-4342
hEals together three tiles, and repeat af er us.... Dwensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685-5246
Cincinnati Bay Switchboard.........1513) 221-7800
National Gay ask Force Crisis LinelBOD) 221-7044
NBTF AIDS Crisis Line..............1300) 221-7044
Newsletter ........................ Check here to receive your free
copy of the 1350 Newsletter:____ MOVING .7
Helbership ........................ Io becooe a 650 lelber, include ' I “ ._\ r
the nelbership fee of $10.00 or . . .
$5.00 for students.
wane: Please send us your
* Change of address
-_-_-__________-____-_-_-______-__-______________-_ before you move.
CITY/STAIE/ZIP: ___________________-_-_____-‘
‘ Please nail above torn to: 650, PO Box 11471,I Lexington, KY 40575

; Q§a,fly
(3.50 square eso
Reel World String Band
Sliding Scale
$3.00 - $10.00
a When' 2
v ' v _
fix. SUNDAY “I ‘14 \
éflflfk‘ OCT. 28,1984 __..__ '
§fifiéfi§§é§ékr l7 t()"1 l’hfl ‘
“ Where:
, . ARTS PLACE 4. ,_
161 N. Mill .
No experience is necessary.
Just come by be¥ore 9:00pm
and we’ll have you dancing
like an old timer by the
time the fun starts.
- Most Beautiful ' - Most Bizarre
- Most Grotesque - Most Humorous

if Lia“ *3? : i‘EE_4:P __a?feféi59__pip_ _:j§ After seven weeks of protest by the Bay
TE“§EEEZ§7; Eigiii .iE”‘E“??’_fj_L‘ti 32;-E’i‘fflfi Colnunity of Indianapolis, and only hours before
i? 553* E'E' 55‘ iEA’i' fgiifii‘d“? it '“J‘4‘ SEE another major rally was scheduled. Hayor Hillial H.
iEE calendar for tiE 5E"Ei51t5r.5555?155'. ELE- E: Hudnut offered to hold previously denied leetings
:55t52 rEQJLEEECfiE‘ “E FEEEVVE t"? righ:.:f-75i*55 between 9a leaders and city offiCIals. The Mayor
idVErii5l73 1”? *5 :5“:§§:.Er StafE 5”53‘E’iiiti' pledged that anti-gay discrilination .will not be
. “ _ RbItb ‘, .3 tolerated."
I . - ‘lli ”595 __ _. $4”‘”“ Area gays began protesting in July after lore
55ii.55g5 ffi'ii than two dozen young gay Ien filed conplaints of
searfisr P§§E if§=§j late night harassment and brutality against the
55951;.E§§E $ ”'22..,.._ Indianapolis Police Departuent. olice _in
L'Ssiiiitu i -=?5‘!7*ttr . Indianapolis have been routinely Videotabing
‘$§‘3“ ninzmun: pedestrians in ' ay zone", recording license p ate
-. --. .. . ‘L.-_L a _ _. 1” L_ .t, numbers of vehicles, and, according to several
an use “EH31EEter 3: §*“*E:”53 w?” fif,33-ift official sources, have secretly surveilled Iany gay
Le::--ingtor.tbatv bEr‘etCES -Fad'ligig" n:E£:""t“_ bars and business.
P-G' 55l.i23’§i Laiifiétfin' fiyt4""'. -9‘“ .is if The turnaround in the Hayors willingness to leet
non~profit giganigi‘lcfi “”355 iurp”sg.-§s -fi ga leaders apparently cane after the last gay
arouide educational. recreetgonaii SDL‘d§.i?ff rallv drew 450 people and received nationa
referrat aEiiECEE di’ECtil tnyfiiilng or FE‘: 1"? television covera e. City officials had breviously
‘5 Eiiiiésblifi Digtii‘ -u -_-,i ;. ’t- ._- r; illegally refuseg to allow the ra ly, be
“15”; CT opir.ous E Erezzfp .n z 3’ if ,3; or anizers went to the State Attorney General 5
letters bare thGSE of t”E eriters .39”- 9“ ”3L Digice for assistance in obtaining pErIlSSan for
necessarily represent those. it_ the_ God board c? the rally.
the ”EHEIEttEr staff. F”bllcatlfin a? the aim? ii? Kathy Sarris. resident of Justice, lnc.
Phatfigréph or any person. SigéfilgaiLE” GT,”tffr stated “Police do not recognize that prostitution
entity 1” . aTtICIEE or - auiert‘SIHE - 1“ ”Li? is not the problen they’re dealing with. They’re
newsletter is in no way Indication of T@?.;SE Hf: reall dealing with young people who are out of the
orientation gf SUCh pgrsafi' Organi‘d‘lfin ”r closet and Sllply have nowhere to go. They should
intiit'. ._ _ , .t_ r-.-. I. t , :1,.m; recognize this and take alternative leasures rather
inhalgslfin: fur L”: :tH:LEL‘Er ifr: ?’ Luigi than clandestine surve111ance.‘
All SEEMISSIQES become the proper.y 1”; If? Gay Leaders say they will urge city officials to
Lexington Bay SErYlCEE- 9rg5?lzati?Ti 17;; 7i; provide ’gay sensitivity training’ for all
EmeIESIGns “Hat ind]c?te ._‘hE_ ‘i:? -“ffiTI at“ officers and will also deland an end to video
address of the author, aithough no byitne wiit JE surveillance.
FUbllshed - “21%OUt;.1per§ifslgi 'Eix.‘h$L aiifiiil editor’s note: If this doesn’t sound familiar to
doe-original mthrizl oust tudlLdLE L.wE see c: you were have you been?
publication. Original eaterzal which contains I -
rames 5* PETEGQS M“ ind;cate_thatrttat :ng —__
(“e r'v o hisfier dermisszoo for the es of
55:2; gene in the rpooli.'::_u‘_ion. firerviote sub; mm...
n'ssions can not be ecce ted. The edi_eria Sta?
tie the rieht to alter sitnissions "-di 5:— "mm
aertisenentsi to meet publishing requirements. ——
HDRHDNE LINK FOUND in Dr. Eladue’s study group showed the .sale
study shows holosexuality lay be biological responses, the test woul not be a reliable
Indicator of whether a person had holosexual
A team headed by Dr. Brian A. Bladue at the tendenCIes. . . .
State University of New York, has found the first . Bladue said the study indicates 'there bay be a
clear laboratory evidence of biological differences biological baSis to homosexuality in 50.9
between honosexual and heterosexual nen--a hooosexual oen. absolutely not all.’ He speculated
dissimilar response to certain hormones. _ that the biological changes could p0551bly be
Hhile stressing that the potentially linked to hormonal exposure in 'the wolb or
controversial finding was useful for '”research inherited factors bu that either would be
purposes” in understanding the ' origins of difficult to prove. .
sexuality. Dr. Gladue enphaSIzed that he did not _Jeffrey Leyi of the National Gay Task .Force,
feel it ‘should be developed as a'diagnostic test' said that 'sc1entific broof' that honosexuality has
for homosexuality. a biological base even ually_nigbt be used either
There has long been a debate rover whether to bots er argunents for c1v11 rights protection or
environlent or biology plays a .bigger role in as a_ tool to discrilinate, a wey of sc1entifically
determining honosexual ehavior. Since not all Ien finding out who is gay and who 15 not gay.’
, at.__t_________~_A___4_*__

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'ssz-s-arwzzz', 3:£i§.5§v.'i,_i:" “Li-3'. I '
To Check Out Fur ’N Feathers
F Th B t P ' I T
01' e BS [ICES n own.
2909 Richmond Road
Lexington, Ky. 40502

 / ,  , . . . _ '7
W 5 W W 77
> g   , 9 . 7

‘ ' / _

z m M W
WW flaw/3W Mm 740%”

. @ALM§§K§§%?IZI22A- mg) W \,

z: M . u"° 5 P .E C ' A L‘ 'g' 5; DOOR CHARGE

'. DANCING {RD 1030 ($386168 (MlYSTH (WLLLT’SdagS QE'VINCLUDES YOUR 1-8:: ‘Q

_ u<-)31——- (5? 31110611 anl‘LS 075 CHER” 91W. g DR1NK ON‘BEU‘EV §
g2 234 EAST SHORT gimp/(«cifim @KMQfifi‘wurII/efi)mms\‘ W0 7%
f ‘ flours 2pm~1am ' _ °° _ . _ f_ , Q N ,

by Sydney J. Harris
Sunda' Nov. 11 Veterans Da "Fi htin F ' “
y The homosexual in our society - whether you Y UGD Show y g g orties
afiprove of his or not _ is enmeshed in a Catch-22 Circus 01550
t at makes the Army version look positively benign. Spa-midnight
Consider the case of John Green, a 50-year-old sQ adnigglon or Toy of reater
electrician, who is suing the Central lnte ligence value. 411 proceeds to geneyit
Agency for $1 million. Green was fired from his needy children at Christmas.
job, and his five governeent security clearances
were lifted, when he admitted to being gay. Now, Sunday Dec. 2 First Annual Emperor’s Hhite
it is not a criae to be a honosexua in our Ball
society, but it might as well be. Green was Sheraton lnn Grand Ballroom
bounced because the C A (as well as other security Spa-midnight
forces) believ es that gays are more susceptible to 8:00-Cock-ails Available
being blackmailed than straights are. The official Receiving Line Opens
fear is that the threat of ”exposure” sight 8:30-Cooplieentary Chalgagne
pressure the closet gays to trade classified Toast by Esperor l I,
material in exchange for silence about their Greg Lee
tendency. But why are gays more likely to be the 9:00-Dinner Served
targets of blacksailers? Because if they are Spinach Salad Vinai rette
disclosed as such they will be fired fron Roast Prile Rib Au gus
sensitive jobs. lhis is the Catch-22. If nobody Broccoli Spears with
much cared who was gay and who was not, the Hollandaise
yotential blackmailers would lose all their Au Gratin Potatoes
everage. If our national attitude was "So what?‘ French Creal Cheesecake
then t e gays would be no more of a "security risk" Red Cabernet Sauvignon
than any straight aale who eight succumb o the served with dinner.
blandis nents of a seductive eeale foreign agent.
But since we do seem to care, and since housands Live Piano Music through dinner.
of gays are afraid to proclaii their true identity, Dancing after dinner.
our very attitude of intolerance generates the The evenin' will be highlighted
“risk“ in hiring them for military-industrial with four Boaland Perforlances
‘ ositions of trust. In effect, we force the: to selected by His Majesty.
Eide, and then penalize then for hiding. All we
have to do is to c ange our archaic attitude. to By invitation only.
brin it in line with most other civilized Call 268-2329 for lore info. and
counfiries and then quite automatically the for invitations.
homosexual is no longer any more fearful of being
"exposed“ than anyone else. And, just as $50.00 per couple in advance.
autoaatically, once this fear of stigma is removed. Closing date for reservations
the risk of blackaail evafiorates lize a puff of is NOVEIbEF 26th.
smoke. (Actually, and istorically, heterosexual
men have proved to be far greater security risks in Sunday Dec. 16 Christaas Dance Part .
the spy system, bartering secrets for feeinine Have your picture taken with
favors, for greed, for revenge, or for political Santa at t e llperal Court’s
fanaticism.) Green seems n have a good case Christaas Dance Party.
against the CIA, especially since he di n’t even Circus Disco
bother to lie to the agency about his sexual 9:00—1:00
proclivity when he was aske to provide a reference $3.00 adlission
for a friend. He is not even subject to dismissal
on a charge of perjury.
(05 GS() NeedSYou! Q

Harshall submitted a quarterly financial report
(regort included in thiS 155U9)- Approxilately 102 of the opulation of the
arry EOOOUOCEd that there are 140 990819 D" the United States is. by self-definition, homosexual --
Iaillng list since the flurgE- Additional 20,000 000 adults. About 141 of the een and 4.251
HE‘S}? ters 3’9 being 19ft at t 9 “531 OBY bars. of the women in the United States identify
Steve VEPOVtEd t at 53035 grant application "35 themselves as predominately homosexual. These
coegleted and mailed t” the Chicago RESDUFCE fi‘ures are based on self-identification, however,
CE" Br: and due to the stigma attached to homosexuality in
Edwin reported that the phone company could not our society‘ they could represent an
reveil the 8.8 phonelines standing on the waiting underestimatifih,
list for call forwarding. Also that the nex . .
phoneline aeeting is scheduled for Sunday October ;/
48, 1984 2fe, at Coegrehensive Care Center. c
A Ha loween quare Dance Organizational '
Committee was formed consisting of: efreshlents “
and Snacks! Marque: Set-uE and Clean-up, Edwin: ‘2?
Booth and Tickets. John and dwin: Posters, Steve.
Jia discussed the possibility of holding a SSO a
event for members only. A Christmas party was \\§\
suggested. did also discussed the T-shirt “x
desxgnina contest for the Bowling league. Kieth '
lentione that Her? Enterprises prints T-shirts for mom
gay groups at a re atively low cost. - 2‘
Kieth also announced a party being held at the ‘ ‘=$* ’
anigaiian Ugiversaliat Churghh by B'gaericans for YOU WON'T STAND R GHOST OF A DANCE
on a cand erraro' ctober t a : pa. fl _, p
A eeeting with the Hayor was announced and Edwin 0“ Dundaii October t2gtt! P?°U "11h Sggnsggli
...... .... sssssssssss .... sss-ssss .. ..... .. it}i:t‘“?.§2”“$‘r’n332‘i.a11-603. seizes: .... ..
' .. ' a .. e u
”15“"55 “t the ”eatlng' on a sliding scale basis, froe $3.00 to $10.00,
. . . . which includes snacks. Set u s will be available
Lex1ngton Say SEFVICES Organization {or $.50. and you are invited to bring your own
Quarterly Repor bottle. 'Our last Square Dance was a great success,
Septelber 30: 4934 so put on a costume, grab a partner and join us for
' a great tile! Don’t worry about being
ReceiBts: $ inexperienced, instructions will be prov1ded.
Honitings lig'gg
en ers ips . 2
Recycling 14.57 it Q
Show Auc ion 672.50
yoiiegblaii gag Mi it
Yard a e . x
Advertising 80.00 ,. \‘_ ' e -"
Total Receipts $1065.89 ‘Qfi
Expenditures: 15 £5
Bank Service 8.71 /L/
Adlinistrative 8.30 Q; \33
Kiss-0H Suner 15.50 “1’
Newsletter 341.54
Posta e 20.00 - House For Sale or Lease
Show auction 81.56 1050 sq. feet, Ranch. Large 2 car
Hal. Sq. Dance 52.50 garage. 3 bedrooe, LR, Utility,
TRIEPODOE 153-07 it/ ining Room combination. 1 bath.
Volle ball 90.00 Selling Price: 046 900.00
Yard Sale 22.70 Lease/ ent: $400.00/no.
Info: 299-0352 ‘
Tot. Expenditure $803.88 . .
' - 6 piece maple family room groug. &
Excess of Receipts 6 Beice dining rooe set. Call 99-
over Expenditures: $262.01 0342.

 c §z *, Q_' {Q
‘\\1. S\. Zr“? ,6 ‘1: us ’
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“ ~sac*“ a§s1~$ Eafifififisas §§ 'sfi§§§§sfifi§aafiss§%
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BSD FALL CAHPDUT Awards were again presented this year. Along
by Steve the best: Host ooans and groans and general noise
from a single tent sooring)--again this
People cane frol Lexington Louisville, and a5 year--Jack. $100.00 gift cer ificate to gut
far away as Colorado to join the fourth annual fall central heating and air conditioning in is
caopout at Eddie’s fare. Everyone had a great tent--Hichael. The ability to gut large things in
tile--thanks go to Eddie frol a l of us. It was a small places (gueen size air ea tress in a twin
perfect weeken for a caIpout. The skies were size tent)-- in and John. Best light show
clear to view the stars, and it was ware enough to disglay--Steve and Mark.
be coofortable, yet cool enough to enjoy the ire. ther awards included: Bo Peep who found the
Nature had seen to it that a hickory tree had little Ilost sheep“, one half of the Lewis and
fallen last spring, so that--thanks to Eddie, Ron, Clark award this year, the oidnight creeper award,
and Peggy--we ha plenty of wood for the calpfire. and one other award so tastelessly naled that the
A few ennis shoes ne ted, but the continuous editor refuses to put it in print so you’ll just
Gregorian chanting by our two resident have to attend next year’s calpout to find out what
Cat olic5--Hark and John--kept the night alive. it is!
After the ritualistic eating calls of the wild died People who did not lake it to the cawpout this
down, the noises fro: the woods grew increasingly year really wissed a lot of fun and colpanionshig.
louder: crickets birds, frogs, and the wind r6 to make it next fall. Get involved wi h
rustling through the trees. 69 --you’ll be glad you did!
The next morning SOIE got up at daybreak, again
oeeting around he cawpfire and taking hikes
nearbyih Stgve did atgregt_joh of gookigg breakfast
over e ire wi r1 grin co ee acon
sausage, toast,’and scralblgd eggs. Jack‘s help RDDH HATE HANTED: Three bedrooni two bath house
was indispenSible. The trees were fantastic in on the East 51d”! “D" sookers 0" Y- For details,
their full autuon glorz--leaves in shades of red, call 273'5943 after 9‘00 PH'
yellow,f granged and Erown nixedtin with th: deeg
reen 0 he ce ars. veryone wen on se ara e an .
goint hikes through the woods (thick wigh leaves) HONDA PRELUDE FOR SALE: .1932 'PdEIi autowatic
and the feilds (thick with cow chips). Past one transeisSIon, PD'EE .steering and brakes, electric
stone fence was a distant view of a barn, with acre “”0" roof, Plr 5°"d1t1°"9d9 an/fn stereo. luggage
fields beyond. Luckily, even with lie and John’s L3Ck5. 'IChlla" radials, navy b1”? "1th oyster
help, we didn’t get lost and oade it back to cawp. Interlor- ”“9 “N"Efi dealer . “31"t91“9d! all
Eli, the hound dog 'keeper of the fare' was our serVice Cecords avai able for insgection. 56,000
._ constant cowpanion and guide. He also kept the “1195- 3’395-00 f1r'- C311 258'39 5-
__ cows at a coofortable distance.

1.3mm " 331mg” “W m
mm o
9m amen Mime emu. aliasing Tamas CHANGE mu: 2:39“ To JUST
Gee'mue, You ,, use in same;
Mnsmoi Km 60le AVE To AoJucr LONELY I
wmmzs n' T04 NEW STAGE ALL ,
541.? .\'\\!"/"’;~ “:32;- OVER AGAIN
\ul ' fi ‘
RENDEZVOUS HITH THE PAST red "jonny angel" sign against a Iirrored wall.
-the days of glamour- This sign, as well as a l t e exit and restroo-
by Greg Lee signs and the infaoous l'jonny angel' sign high
_ . above the outside entrance, exeeplified the alen_s
"He brought a Good and DeSire to share with all of its designer, Rudy Stern, of Let There Be Neon"
who came to him; HUSIC, of course, of the only sort in New York.
to be imagined, sweet ioyer of bodies--LlGHT--every Walking through any of the three bricked
filament, fiber, illuoinate, gyrating, whirling, archwa 5, one was totally engulfed by the
IMAGE-ffor one may see one’s sel as one wants 0 atmosphere of the ioeense disco which included a
be: in a setting of unbounded flight and 1600 square foot oak dance lloor with a 23 foot
light--or--soft repose in the peripheries and ceiling. The mirrored coluons around the dance
cooforts of carpeted plateaus laid out for floor served the dual purpose of aesthetics and
pleasure. support for the fabulous ceiling--which was covered
lnbibe, recline, caress, carouse, fly, or float wi l Hirrex the NASA developed material which is
in the dazzling doaain under the benign dolination the most highly reflective surface known to Ian.
of...johnny angel" Mirrored cross beans supported the tent of Hirrex V
high above the dance floor. On top of these beans
Such went some of the promotional literatures were 250 pinspots which bounced into the ceiling
that preceded the opening of Johnny An el, what producing a ~laser-like effect when hitti3 the
was, in 1978 when it opened, the largest gisco in irrex g ane. These beans were accented by l 00 or
Lexington (naaed after a thourou hbred, of course). so live 1 lights _spaced. Six inches apart. The
Johnny Angel was mostly a blacg-tie extrava anza disco’s 50 f oodlig ts literally flooded the entire
when it opened but let us not forget the style of rope, and "1th the help ht the smoke Iachine, the
78 if you are thinking that everyone wore tuxedoes. CIDUde 0* vapor were able t0 hold whatever [01°F
Tioe seems to have rewritten wan memories of the was necessary to change the rooo’s atoosphere. The
opening, but accordin to the photographs of the CElllng also ,held a galaxy of mirrored balls
night and the report in the next aorning’s paper, orbite. hY ellipses 0t neon, sooe 0 these included
the opening "accooidateded everyone from society SittEIlte mirrored balls. . ,
coluon gaingtays to doubleknit heroes to Chasers radiated in a variety of 22 different
dressed-to-kill dance experts to leering drag patterns from the center 0* the prisw ceiling where
queens.‘ Of course interviewing people 599.5 to a star and stalactite shaped neon centerpiece was
have brought out a Stockwood effec . I could not hanging. Three sides ht .the dance floor were
i find one person that would admit to being absent at surrounded by carpeted tiers for relax1ng and
the grand opening. In actualit there were about CFUISIhg- Frog these TISeFS one could View _other
i 500 people present on that May glth, and only about areas 0 the disco yia the closed-Circuit monitors.
half of these were of the intended persuasion. th. Fleee ht hlrgno abgut 50 people th operate
Hany gays seen to hold the beleif hat if you the tlhltlhg 5Y5teei thhy was hired.. JlehY "35
weren’ at the rand opening, you’re no one. Yes, the compo er, naeed af er lte dealoner, that
those were the 3,7, of glamour. involyed no less than 12,000 connections, and ,over
5 Outside, the front the disco was renovated to 20 “1195 Pt “1’1”9- Jiooy Stlll lives in a llttle
‘ include the beautiful stained glass artwork of room all his 9”" behind the DJ booth.. JOh""Y
I Frank Close. Angel, with its literally thousands of lights and
Upon entering the million dollar ”New York" 32 9 pounds ht JBL speakers, "35 one 0t t 9 'OSt
style disco you were greeted into one of the lost 13V1$ products ht the disco-crazed era. It "35
uni ue realas in Lexington. The huge staircase considered by many 35 the hottest thlhg between
leaging upstairs was the argest frees anding one Atlanta and New thh: bet the end ht JO th Angel
in town. It was, and still is, adorned with “Tits was Just around the corner- .
. and gssl {ran the collection of one of the first Given a Halloween funeral with a casket and all,
owners. Johnny Angel "died" a couple years later, giving
After viewing one’s self on the top landing on a sieul aneous hlrth t0 fThe Bar, lnc.f N0 laJOr
’ closed circuit television, a clien would next structural chagges, 'hlth the exception of the
hap en upon the 45 foot pink aarble and brass bar. recently added cafe, were to cone about 1“ the
At the end of this trelendous bar was the radiant transition, 50 th15 ends the trithY ht The Bar.

froe Stonewall Features
Dear Aunt Hary: Hy trouble started a few oonths ago
when I finally decided to tell ey wother I was gay. A 400 year old tradition in the town of Bisely,
(I’m 32 and we live together, my father passed England, says that the young mistress of the nanor
away) The problee isn’t Iy eother s disapproval of house had been sent there froe London to escape the
my sexual orientation, quite the contrary. At plague. But she was not that fortunate. Soon
tiees she seems alaost overjoyed. after her arrival, she died, tragically, at the age
Hhenever a friend of hers is at the house she of twelve. This threw the household into
always seees to find soee way to bring up the consternation, for her father a noble of high
subject of her son’s new found openness, and how teeger, was due to visit in a matter of days. The
wonderful it is that he’s able to talk to her about gir , however, was the daughter of his second
it. Could her reaction to Iy news be due to the earriage, and since he was busy with another wife
fact that now she knows there will never be another he ha not seen her in some tine. It seeeed that
wolen in ny life to replace her? the only hope for the hapless guardians was to find
Puzzled in Paris anogher child that could masquerade as the dead
gir .
Dear Puzzled: Perhaps your Iother is eerely over Hope came from an unlikely guarter. The girl’s
reacting in her attempt to be accepting, loving and neghew, the bastard chil of her bastard
supportive. Haybe s e is so afraid o hurting you ha f-brother, who had the sale red hair and fair
by expressing er quite natural feelings of color, lived nearby. This was indisgutably the
confusion an diseay that she is going to the best choice--but the nephew was a boy. ould they
opgosite extreee of denying to the worl (and east eake the_1eposture work:
Ii el herself) that there is an thing about the Certainly it was worth a try, and the governess
situation she can’t cheerfully handle. dressed the lad up in the girl’s frilliest dress to
1 think it is time for you to have another talk gresent him to t e father. Frightened as the_girl
with your mother, this time not about your rid been of her garent, there had been 11 tle
sexuali y, but about her adjusteent to your enough interplay etween the two for the father to
lifestyle. Honestly ask if her expressions of joy notice anything out of the way--the hoax worked!
are real or fabricated, and if real, why does she But the father was charted by_the ”prinCESS' and
feel that we . Pay attention not only to what she her audaCious llnd. Now the IBpOStUFE had to be
says, but to how she says it. If you detect any kept on at whatever cost. The boy hecaae used _to
signs of hesitency or discomfort on her part gently his gowns and Jewels, and soon rece1ved lore yielts
le her know you can handle any questions or fears and anltatanS from the foreerly feared. father.
she eight be experiencing. You eight also want to Years passed, and. after a brother and sister who
lention that your privacy is important to you, and acceded to the family titles d