xt73bk16px0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16px0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2007 text GLSO News, September 2007 2007 2007-09 2019 true xt73bk16px0z section xt73bk16px0z _‘ ? Gags“ The GLSO NEWS
‘ Les tan
Semses , September 2007
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 22 Number9
Pribe Night at King’s Islam/lb Bluegrass Fairness

The Gay and Lesbian Community Meetn-Greet
Center of Cincinnati has scheduled their You are invited to attend the
Pride Night for Friday, September 21' Blue rass Fairness Meet-n-Greet on
GLSO is selling tickets at the Pride Center Fridag Se tember7 from6 mto 8 m at
for$42.99.Atthe gatethe pricewillbe $45. Comriliunitp Ventures Build'in 5:530 EE
We have thetickets NOW so come by 389 1.th Sty T k d t g, f th'I
WallerAve. GLSO makes a few dollars for oppliortunity toa gar: r9132 :goeut iDhe nelv:
each ticket we sell. Call if you need .
directions and to be sure someone is here. ElgsgrfsandalrrrrIlisnjs—S: tzlgettrt: 222::
859 253-3233. . . . .

This is a private GLBT event. Straight ginigtsteionjggnis toaglcscuSigheléssugj;
folks are welcome but we will be in the sup ort ’ g y
majority. So it is a great place to be your ppBlu'e rass Fairness an activist rou
fabulous self. The Parking lot will open at 5 for GLBTgpeople has been drummingg u:
pm; the park will be open from 6 until . . .. '. .

Midnight. There is more information at: \riizliklilnhgyEsridarfigbyl/fiiyoari/fddhizir1;?!

,kaprIdenIght.com. ‘ Peasevisitourwebsite: www.bgfair.org. It

. has a user-friendly format that will be
. . . There are volunteer opportunities
at thSLPSriCcl: 8:12?th 9.433832136315361: with Fairness , give us a call. See page 12
. fora Fairness Update on recent activities.
Octoberandwe need yourhelpto make It For more information go to
a success. Bring us your “trash" and we . ’
. . fl ,, WHNUU. g . g ' ' .
WIII turn them Into treasure$$$ to benefit b faIror orca|l859 951 4450
the Pride Center. We are accepting : 5%
donations of household items, furniture, filflit’fi’“"e&«mfi "
nic nacs, tools, books, appliances, . sponsor of the month
electronics, toys, collectibles, holiday
items. . . and we will sell them to benefit the -
Pride Center. So, clean out your garages, Bluegrass F almeSS ..
storage spaces, junk rooms, attics, . ff”
basementsand -yes-yourclosets. Friday, September 7

Donations can be dropped off at the
Pride Center, 389 Waller Avenue, Suite Meet-n-Greet
100, Mon.-Fri. from 10 to 3, Saturdays 11 {

continued on next page ' . 3E- “‘3

 African American/ Latino Leadership Conference ‘
The 12th Anniversary of the African HIV/AIDS was the 3rd leading cause 0f
American/Latino Leadership Conference death forAfrican-Americans age 25-34 in
on HIV/AIDS will be held Thursday, 2001- _
September 6th, Friday, September 7th and OBecause nationally, H'V was the 6th
Saturday, September 8th at the Crowne leading cause 0f death for HISPanICS age
Plaza Hotel in Lexington, Kentucky. 25'34 "1 2001- _ .
This conference is designed to draw For more complete Informetlen see
attention to, and stop the spread of, HIV www.aah|c.com or call Beverly Mitchell,
with a focus on HIV/AIDS education, Conference Chair. at 1-800-420-7431-
information dissemination, technical
assistance, HIV Testing, and medical GLSO Gargae Sa|e continued
. updates. Anyone interested in stopping the _ _
spread of HIV/AIDS should attend. The amt°3pm OurParkm'ot'? "eXtdOQVtO
goal is to mobilize the African American and Waller Center, Wh'cfh has a b'9 green S'gn'
Hispanic Communities by providing You can call the Pride Center at 859-253-
leaders with the skills and knowledge 3233 ro bew sure we are open. To
needed for them to return to their arrange p'CkUP call Jane at 859125?”
communities and implement interventions 0061; Donations. are tax-deductible;
to stop the spread of HIV. receipts Will be available upon request.
The conference will focus on these Mark your calendar for October 5'6
seven tracks: Faith Based, Hispanics, and tell yourfriends. Help us makethisa
Medical/IDU Men's/MSM Transgender great fundraiser forthe GLSO & the Pride
Women'sNVSW and Unique Issues. Center.
Why This Conference? ‘
0 Because the AIDS rate for African- 'Tu ‘
Americans in Kentucky is approximately 7 ‘27,“, GAY AND ‘
times higherthan the rate for Caucasians. _ é“ L E S B I A N ‘
OBecause Hispanics comprise {32" SERVICES 1
. . \.'
approx1mately1/5thofallpeopleestimated ‘ ORGAN|ZAT|ON y
to belivingwithAlDSintheU.S. L _ 'I: K t k
9 Because African-Americans comprise exmg on’ en "6 y
7% of the Kentucky population. yet 33% of Publishes the GLSO News Month!
A'Dscases- . . . Vol. 22 No.9 .
9 Because Hispanics comprise I
approximately 14% ot/Jf the USS. ponulatfion. P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 (
but account or 19 0 or a out 1 5 0 all
' www. LS . r I
peoplelivingwitthlDS inthe us. _G_29 I
9 Because African-Americans made up Pride Center Office Manager (
12.3% of the US population, account for , \
40% of the estimated AIDS cases BI” Chandler
diagnosed since the beginning of the 859 253-3233 s
epidemic. _ l
0 Because AIDS was the 3rd leading News Ed'tors i
cause of death among African-Americans Mary Crone - Sarah PhIIIipS r
age 25-44 in Kentucky, 2002. Nationally, t
Page 2

 ‘ C ty N
imperial Court of Kentucky WansKe/Ifwky
.m pixel: 2:22:01: a
$130 000 for local charities such as and resource group serving Lexington and
Moveable Feast Lexin ton GLSO The the state of Kentucky. Our mission is to
Pride Center AVOL A\g/ONK Blue, rass provide a safe place for transgender
. ’ ' . ’ .9 individuals and others who do not fit the
Fairness, Kentucky Fairness Alliance. standard endernorms
Nationally, the Court has contributed to Withigi the group. individuals can
LheHberggireArliglttii: argigufiffié 8;: express theirtrue selves and socialize with
dis laced ersonswith HIV others without fear of judgment and/or
p CongEatulations to ’ our newly- ridicule. At meetings we will support each
crowned Miss Closet Ball2007,Abri Leigh othernt (:ffering advice, resources and
This fall, the Court will be involved in a '"S'QF S lfm °ug°fvlm udnique etpgi'edncesa
nationalg'et-out-the-vote campaign forthe encoufanggd at: attfnnd szeiin'g: in gain
preSIdential election, cosponsored by the understanding and be supportive of their
Human Rights Campaign. _
_ We welcome everyone to become a 3/2323} fiefhsgexelcvehm: sfigsgng‘:
friend ofthelCK MySpace p age.You don't interest in issues concerning gender
t b b f M
22:2”; vi :wathenzraqg : if?) e wéipaclfLi: presentation, identity, and variance. The
www. myspacecom/i mperialcourtofkentu 538:3] maie’: 1;) 8 ”1:1 fiir:t Egiijnrdtaomdeerzgn
ckLWe Will be using Myspace to notify the TransKentu'ck & mail comgorinfo
community Of upcoming shows as well as Meetings are gee and you may dress
prOViding an interactive way for you to however you feel comfortable The
provide your feedback on events, and let , '
us know what events you'd like to see in TransKentnicky peergroup '5 notatherapy
thefuture. group ora a ing semice.
Karaoke Nighfl-g Bluegrass Women's Network
Tuesday Nights are Karaoke Tunes- Bluegrass Women's Network is a
days in the Gilded Cage Showroom of the social group for women Of all ages. We
Bar Complex. Hosted by Bill "Melater" havegonecamping,shared dinneratlocal
Chandler this event is a weekly fund- restaurants, and goneto the comedy Club
raiserforthe GLSO Pride Center. You can together. To receive emails aboflt events.
help make it a success simply by coming Contact debb oman mai|.com.
out and singing a song or supporting those . .
who do lexmqion llIOM leather/law Club
Audience members are invited to The Lexington Lyons will meet on
sing their favorite songs; bring your own or Sept. 10 at the Pride Center, at 7 pm. The
use one Of the'songs or; then CD5 ‘3’? w'” Lyons are a group offriends who celebrate
have there, Friends an 0t erau i1e_nhce strength, unity, and diversity forthose who
membei S WI” be encouraged to t'p' e enjoy the Leather /Levi Lifestyle. For info
tips w'” go to help support the GLSO visit http://wwwlexlyonsorg.
Pride Center.
Page 3

The 2008 Mr. Kentucky Leather Contest E . 1. GLBT G
will be held October 19—20, 2007 at Plscopa 13“ rouP
StarbaseQ in Louisville, Ky. The two-day Cookout - see page 17
event is sponsored by Kentucky Leather Sunday Sept. 16
Productions, lnc., a not-for-profit Ky
corporation. The winner will represent
Kentucky at the 30‘h annual International The Ohio Lesbian Festival
Mr. Leather competition in Chicago, lLover _ _ _ ,
the 2008 Memorial Day weekend. The Ohio Lesbian Festival and Jetgirl
The contest is open to Kentucky Productions presents SIREN: A
residents, including the Greater Louisville Celebration ofWomyn s'Power, Saturday,
and Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Septemb‘? 8' 2007 'n KirkerSVIlle, OH' at
. Areas. Contestants must be male and be the Frontier Ranch. Th's all day event
at least 21 years of age as of Oct. 19, and features a range 0f performances,
must be able to represent Kentucky at the workgnggifn: accrlafttJmarket afre/al. ,
30th International Mr. Leather Contest over P ' . ete bratlon O .fomyns
the Memorial Day Weekend 2008.There is one; promises o e tan dexci ngneV:
a $25 application fee and the application co a ora l’on guaran ee m 0, 0C,
deadline is Oct. 12, 2007. The winner's K'rkerSY'Ue 0” septembe"? lTh'S Years
expenses for the Chicago competition will FeSt w'" include the A" Oh'o Day Stage,
be covered by Ky Leather Productions. the new Limelight Stage’ N'ght Stage, and
The weekend will get undenlvay with a anAtter l-lours Party w'th Jetgirl.
reception on Friday, Oct. 19 at StarbaseQ Luc'e Blue Tremblay and The Breast
forjudges, contestants, and special quests Exam Prolect w'” h'ghl'gh_t the N'ght
from 9 to 10 pm. A Meet and Greet will Stage. Other performances include Nyla
follow including introduction of the Stats, 4D Samson 8‘, Johanna Fateman
contestants, judges and special (of LeTigre), Gloria Blgelow, Cindy Wolfe
demonstrations. The contest will be held 8‘ Jenn L'tt' Shelley Graff, Tracy Walker,
on Saturday, Oct. 20’ at 11 pm. Doors will Royal Renegades, Bitch and the EXClting
open at 9 pm with a $5 cover Conclusion, Rebel Girl, Doctor Sustain,
StarbaseQ is located at 921 West Nedra Johnson, VJ's Lime & Coconut,
Main St. in downtown Louisville. For info and Sacred Shimmy Partyline. _
and/or contest applications contact Larry _ Y?” can save money by bW'"? a
Stanley Ky Leather Productions, Inc. at ticket in advance. Please VlSlt the festival
LDStaniey09@aol.com or 859-31 2-381 6. webSite “WW detai's
ll "7
LG BT and RecmeCk ' OUTsource is for GLBTQQA students
There is an e_group started by Patrick at U. K. Their mISSIOn Is to pi‘OVIde an
for GLBT individuals, their friends and afirmm safe, and 0°"fident'a' Space
families, who are involved in orinterested in w ere students can learn more about
experiencingworking class blue collar and gender-identity, human sexuality, and
. . . ‘ . . ' related issues. They hope to change the
rural lifestyles including, but not limited to, campus climate and culture to become
those commonly referredtoas Redneck. more inclusive of GLBTQQA students.
http:Ilgroups.yahoo.comlgro_p_u / Forinformation contact Susan at:
LesbigaytransRednecks/members susanmatsubara@yahoo.com.
Page 4

 l Please join us for a
F ° M G
airness eet-n- reet
. Come meet the members of the steering
committee and find out what’s being done for
LGBTOQ rights in the Bluegrass and Kentucky
When: September 7th from 6 to 8 pm.
Where: 560 E 3rd Street
(corner of Midland and 3rd)
Why: Meet us; Learn more about the NEW
Bluegrass Fairness; Give us feedback it“
Refreshments provided 1
' u
Advocating for LGBTQQ rights in the Bluegrass through 3 ~
public education, grassroots organizing, and local lobbying L3
Po. Box 22032 Phone: 859-951-4450
Lexington, KY 40522 E-mail: info@bgfair.org E1;
www.bgfair.org Lay
Page 5

 GISO Pride Center
389 Waller Ave. 859 253=3233 open ill to 3 Mo — Fr l0 = 2 salt.
Discussion Group taxing-Ion lnsiglrl
Eve Wednesda Ni ht The Insight Potluck in September will
W Y 3
7 to 9 be at 7 pm at the Pride Center on Friday,
All Are Welcome September 7th. The "Out" activity will be
on the third Saturday, Sept. 15th. Meet at
. . ll 12 noon at the center, then we will have
MOVIE ng t lunch out, and hike at McConnell Springs,
A documentary that is relevant to off Old Prankfort Pike in Lexington.
‘ GLBT people will be shown at the Pride Everyone '.3 welcome to attend. .
Center on Thursdays, Sept. 13 and 25 at 7 Dana Is now the coordinator of Insrght
pm. Mom'stown explores the impact of and W?'°°mes new 'members and
globalization on communities and people. suggestions for other actIVItIes. Dana can
The film centers on working-class bereachedat859-230-2428.
people, including Mexican immigrants, in wfle§%*t‘mw
Tennessee who are caught in thethroes of 3m ‘ -»O;__ “
massive economic change, challenging ‘3 a ®~¢ ‘ .Enag
their assumptions about work, family, .- item We» ~
nation and community. W“ ' ”W . ’ “E
Immigration effects us all in a variety 5,, Saturday, October 27 S
of ways. GLBT individuals are . 1
disproportionally represented within the "~ Slug etar)’ Center
immigrant population because many are 257_4929 sf
fleeing discrimination and oppression in , g..-
their country of origin. Aaron Hutson will W JustFUND Kentucky
leadadiscussion afterthefilm. gar—rt. W “'
Buying or Selling a Home?
_‘ r " ‘u \r ‘ V "a
.\< I! MI!JE1$I()NE1
‘ Z‘X%‘ Really Consuitams
.1304PaflszlPi’ke _
E V E .. ‘21 Pamela R. Davenport
Takin Care of ALL Our Famil '3 Needs
Page 6

,{L Attomey- At- Law
Telephone: 359.231.5619
Email: mtbau gh@,wllgt.net
33 gm - Estate and life planning for
at "E i' individuals, couples and families
‘1: a. 1;; i Creating domesficpmlnelship
n. if: IV. _ agreements
ht ' ‘3'.” . . . . .
1 d " J Orgaluzmg and adwsmg small busmess
3“ 3’1 Advising and representing those purchasing
, or selling residential or oomrnercial
”321“, real estate
. may.“ szba. Bungh, HLC
.:;i m i‘ "" “”“fi‘m
i . I
3; Ann Olllges
Message TheropIsT
. / ’ KY Lic. No. 0926
145 Wol’ron Avenue
LeXIngTon, Ky. 40508
Phone: 859-421-1916
Page 7

 is coming up on Oct 11, so start thinking
US AND THEM what your next step "out" might be. Talking
by many crane to co-workers or extended family members
are possibilities. The Human Rights
Human Beings have been dividing Champaign is offering materials to help
themselves into groups throughout history. you come out and celebrate who you are.
In fact, the tendency to divide all that is To request sticxkers and pamphlets, go to
perceived into categories seems so deeply http://www.hrc.org/comingout. We will
rooted that some researchers think our also have some atthe Pride Center.
brains may be “wired" to make sense of the Why do people decide to stay in the
externalworld bycataloging. closet? Sometimes it is job security or
When we divide human beings into concerns aboutfamily knowing. It can also
categories we oftenthinkofthese groups as be internalized homophobia. As often
. "US and them”, SUCh as “we play bridge, happens with oppression, we tend to
they play scrabble." However, many Of the internalize what the dominate culture says
categories people have created over the about us. Our embarrassment or fear of
centuries are hierarchical, with value coming outis one way that oppression
ass'ng/figrtgtehfig :éelélue We have homophobia and Ezapélfhgltfliestggitrthgsd:
judgments, there islikelyto discrimination directed at for you your next step
be prejudice,discrimination, us, bUt we also need to may be to "come out"
mistreatment, and exclusion. look at our prejudices about those fears In
And as prejudice intensifies, against other minorities. other words, talk about
humans have found reasons to enslave, your reluctance to be more out with
kl", Startwars, and commit genOCide. people who already know that you are gay
Historically, most human cultures have In the Positive View ( page 16), the
included systems 0f oppression and Prism Research team reports that many
privilege. Oppression. simply put, exists GLBT individuals say that being gay
where individuals from groups With power helped them understand other forms of
institutionalize their values and their prejudice and opened them to appreciate
prerdlceS. PriVllege is the automatic and enjoy diversity_ Several reported
advantages people get by belonging to the becoming allies to other oppressed groups
favored group. Being privileged does not in the work for justice and equality for all
mean you buy into any of the stereotypes or people.
practice discrimination, bUt YOU Not all GLBT folks become more
nevertheless receive some Of the accepting ofother minorities as part ofthe
advantages ofyour group. coming out process. We have our share of
AS GLBT people, we know about the "us and them' prejudices existing within
prejudice and discrimination directed our community. We need to look at our
towards US- Some Of US have less classism, racism, sexism, ableism,
discrimination to deal with, others more. ageism, biphobia, .transphobia ..all of it. i
Many Of US work in a variety 0t ways to end plan to write more essays on "us and them"
the discrimination we experience and to issues and i invite you to submit your
obtain basic civil rights, such as civil opinionsfor publication also.
marriage The most basic way to work lwould also like to show films at the
against our oppression is to come OUt- Pride Center that speak to various forms
By telling people you are gay, you open of oppression. If any individuals or groups
the possibility that you can influence their would like to be involved with that, give me
ideas about GLBT people. Coming Out Day a call, mary crone at 859 255-5904_
Page 8

 Scott Ackerma‘n Real Estate Service With
Mobile: 859 338-8483 LB
Fax: 859 269-0065 Serving Lexington &
E-mail: Ackermanteam@aol.com All of Central Kentucky Q
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
i " Omce: 859-225-2348
. CELL: 502-220-5555
Member, Kentucky Bar Association: Fayette County Bar Association;
Louisville Bar Association; American Bar Association.
Section on Family Law & Committee on Alternative Families. &
National Lesbian & Gay Law Association.
Page 9

 GLSO Newslefler Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ~‘
5: P'I'EMBE R 2001 “S“ "S °" “‘9 web a“ WWW-”9 \ ,5
Sunda Manda 'l'uesela Wednesda Thursda Frida Saturday -"
. mm.‘ ' Vi
Our Thanks to This Month '5 Newsletter Sponsor :3":er wednflsgiN'ght Center Open 10a-2p
“a...” . .ij -’ V ~V . ; 7:30p Trans Kentucky .3
BLUEGRASS FAIRNESS i 1““ W "“"'"""“"
. ‘ ..ts... a”? . $23-‘r1ifi'ifi’é‘fi M d
do 4 : 'v."ull. L' '4 l
- - - , :. ago-up... «1., s . on ays:
, , swam-m r '. n“. e \f " - -
Advocating for bGBT rights In the Bluegrass . V V m'm Q V f/f/il A; 053$ ; : 8pm _ Goy/ LeSblCll'l AA
through public education, grassroots 3 V .,.,,....... (3%} £1 : Discu 8510 n /Sp e ok e [[C all for
organizmg, and local lobbying. _ Discussion Grouo l Location] 278-7103
em " ‘ iMEEWW
. 10:30 a St. Mychal's 22665893?" f°r 83392: zip GLSVchiscussion 6p-8p Fairness Meet & . Center Open 193'2P Tuesdays:
11a UU Church ' 3‘ ‘ '°”p' , . Greet 560 E. 3rd St. 7 - -
.. , ‘ pm - GSA [Gay Straight Allion
- _ ,. 1 Wm _. - -
SouIForce ( Jamie 230 5625) . SE 79 Lexmgton lnSIght ; 9pm - Karaoke Tunesdoy @
,..._....,4 . 737?; Potluck @ the Pride l The B or Complex
; 9p Karaoke Tunesday *' £4 ‘ ' Center 1
‘ @ Th9 33" Complex 8p Gay/Lesbian AA l
fr‘hvgfr'l‘gggmfi‘: '°' Call for place 948-3434 ? xfil-‘ZigSstiscussion Group
fifiéfie‘re .
“ 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA (Co/l fc
10:30 St. M h |' - - ‘ . . .
11a U8 Churgtf a S - V 7p GSA (can for plfife 7p GLSO DISCUSSIOH ‘ center onen 10“ 2.: V LOCOf/Ofl] 278-7103
. . NE. 266-5904) e" -.., Group-PC l -
SoulForce(JamIe 230-5625 , 7p Lexington Lyons- g .. l .. th @ .. Vm,‘ r
6:00p Imperial Court . . ( i. ' .. t-n 2;; Fridays:
Mtg-PCV—qm WV ‘ ...... 'Yf’jfi : [if "I‘lgrld “s "‘ 8pm — Gay/Lesbian AA
6?;va 1 gmngskegunmlay ‘ 4” ‘ ,:;i"1i...'1, 28 ' , ' [Co/l for Location] 278-7103
‘ a 8" cm X ‘ : V..v ,
6. 5 8p Gay/Lesbian AA V . ; ., V
X A Weekly Benefit for Call for place 9483434 l Newsletter Dead-Ilne Saturdays:
we eeleiowwwmegdogem;“WWWr” WWWWMfisWWWWWWWW
10:30 a St. Mychars 7p GSA (call “(Pk-9.3 épgtegcmscussion f; lIVDVgidTeV hflgtgtgalfiiang:@ Center Open 103-2p
sallégrgehlufahmie 230-5625) 266'5904) °'e ' r ThaePridecCenter1tlla-3p ‘ “MW“ .
5p Integrity Cookout @ St . _ V.» $313th A. . l l :00 om - UU Church WOI'ShIl:
Martha's Episcopal Church ‘ 4....» . irflfl‘ " ‘ 1 Services.
: g#?kecmnefday ' 4/1 ‘ : ,_ . 1 0:30 - Moss, Si. Mychol The l\/
e ar omp ex 39 Gay/LeSbianAA “was [SQ "n l o m - SisterSound Rehearsal Q
?hw?,°:;y genefit for Call for plaoe 948'3434 7 . Lgndsdowne Presby. Church.
12:33; 3:; Myrfharf..p.a;m _ 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion CenterOpen 103.2,, ".qu
SoaulForceurc ‘ngi‘ 266'5904) 5"“ u" GmUD'PC _.._V_ . opm - The Imperial Couri
(Jamie 230-55625) ~ . V _ 9 a l SouIForce -Coll Jamie 230-561
6:00p lmpenal Court Mtg.PC t ..‘. VV . 4k V 'V 5:512} l
. J' V. . . ("WW ,, Wynn :- l
10:30 a 3'- MYChal's V eggfié’elfl 35 9P Karaoke Tunesday “@ ' l , 'IsI Fridays & 4th Saturdl
; 101V #9) rglgurch . 4 @ The Bar Complex 8p Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ 7pm - Lexington Insight
( Jamie 230-5625) . ,. 7230]) GLSO Board ”0- 93:11:: 22:2: for Call for place 948-3434
MOIIIIIIY ”Mil.“ More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call r
Mondays: sufurduy: email the group to confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings.
7:30pm _ .GLSO Board Mtg. [41h MGR] 7:30p Trans Kentucky 1ST SOT‘ Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
7pm - LeXIngton Lyons (2nd Mon.)
GLSO Page 10 GLSO Page ii

 B/llé'yl‘JcS’S [rd/”1385’ W47? Who walked away a winner? It's a tie:
by Paul Brown Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came
out on top. The top two contenders
On August 9, Bluegrass Fairness already had solid leads in the polls and
hostedaviewing ofthe Presidential Forum continue gaining strength. While gays
dedicated to GLBT issues. The forum, were in love with Dennis Kucinich, most
hosted by Logo and HRC, sported six feel like the priority is to support a
Democratic contenders for president. Democrat WhO can win and wet the non—
Several people turned out to watch and to gay supportive Republican regime.
learn what the candidates think of LGBT Why a tie? Some gay people left the
people and issues. Here is a summary of forum feeling that Obama, being a black
theforum: man, has suffered inequality and
Who stole our hearts? Dennis understands what it is to fight for equality.
. Kucinich. Moderator Melissa Etheridge He does not compare the GLBT struggle
summed it up best when addressing to that Of black people. but having
Kucinich: “I hope you run until you win." experience as a person of color, the
Kucinich showed unabashed support for sentiment is that he will be more willing to
gay issues. One of only two candidates in fight for LGBT equality.
full support of gay marriage, he revealed However, others got the impression
that he keeps the HRC equal sign in his that Clinton simply has the experience.
office and encouraged people to think of She, tOO, has fought for equality as a
that symbol inside a heart because “there woman. She has put in her time and has
is no greater power than love on this what it takes to run our nation well.
planet.” Spectator Daryl Royse commented, “She
Contender Mike Gravel came in a isreadyto be president."
close second. Gravel, the other candidate 30. what's Up next for Bluegrass
in full support of gay marriage, provided Fairness? The group will host a Meet—N-
the most comical statement ofthe evening: Greet September 7‘“. This is an
“A good politician can tell you to go to hell opportunity for you to provide feedback on
and make it sound appealing." how you think Bluegrass Fairness should
Who stole our apathy? Bill spendtheirenergies. Detailson page1.
Richardson. The governor of New Mexico For the latest on Bluegrass Fairness, visit
fell flat with many gay people when he www.bgfair.org,orcall859-951-4450.
stated that being gay was a choice. When
pressed on the issue, Richardson said he
was no scientist and did not want to get
_ :oggedd 'Ctlowndin “sciedncesor arttytthing else “Keep the [me you find.
e l n un ers an . pecaor aron y? ”g:- _.,
Hutson wondered if Richardson had had Gelthelova you want!
any prep people to coach him before the ”a
event. - -
Surprisingly, John Edwards stalled as Jessrca B_°”mg.er LCSW.
well. His answers to questions appeared lmago RelatiOllSl'llP Theraplst
supportive, but many spectators EMDR TraumaWork
commented that he seemed very Couples, Family,lndividual
uncomfortable. A majority of watchers imagoconnection.com 552_5533
thought he was disappointing.
Page 12

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Page 13

 . . forerunners of our own. I must note that
“11511?!ng the T when I started out, l had no intention of
By Chr’St/"e Maxwell being an activist of any type, but I find
TransKentucky Leader myself more and more compelled to be
TransKentuckz@gmaiI.com one.
lMthin the last six months, i have
As an active member Of the accepted leadership ofthe group formerly
Transgender community (and active known as LexDGA. lhave come to know
participant,) i have often been very many lovely people from being a member
skeptical of the inclusion of Transgender in of this group. I have also learned about
LGBTQI. Forthelongesttimelwas under (others) struggles other than my own.
the impression that we were completely The transgender experience is a very
separate groups, who don't really want to personal one, but we also (all) have many
. have anything t0 do With the other. But i things in common_ What scares me the
have learned that this is the wrong way to most are the Transgender people who
view things. don't know about our group or others like
I think that there are issues on both it, who are all alone trying to do this
sides of the coin. Transgender individuals without support. I know how hard it was
have fortoo long been prone to hiding and for me and I had some very good
being anti-social. The rest Of the LGBTQi resources at my disposa|_
spectrum has taken to ignoring or What we can all do is try to be more
forgetting about the Transgender understanding and patient with each
community, because ofignoranceorlackof other. As a Transgender person, I will
participation from Trangender members. definiteiy try to be more visible and
So in effect it has beenaCOiieCtivetaiiureot TransKentucky wiii do so as we” We
all parties to bridge the gaps between the meet on the first Saturday ofthe month, all
Transgender and i—GBTQI community 353 are welcome regardless of your gender
whole. BUt i must stress that i am not identity. You may dress however you feel
accusing anyone 0t any purposeful comfortable. The TransKentucky peer
wrongdoing or harm. group is not a therapy group or a dating
For too long the two sides have been service. Please e-mail the group for more
divided, yet we do have many things in details: TransKentucky@gmai/.com
common. While one group battles for Our group is also working on new
equaiity based on sexual orientation the projects to improve the Transgender
other battles for gender identity, butin both community, and the bonds between us
cases we are trying to be ourselves in a and the rest ofthe LGBTQI community. It
societythatforthe most paitis against us. I is my personal hope that the T will no
think society has become far more longerbe silent, but be bolderthan ever.
accepting of Gay and Transgender to an
giggfigtg tTrgjgfgender 3"" has a greater We would. love to include your story,
One of the ways that Transgender essay, or opinion pieceinthls newsletter.
people can narrow that distance, is to it may need to be Edited 30 inCiUde
become more visible, to make people more contact information. Send by the 15th to:
aware that we exi1s:l and thtlat we age lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
ordinary people. is is a esson t e - -
Transgender community can learn from the Marycrone@in3ightbb.com
past actions of the Gay community and Put newsletter in the subject line.
Page 14

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Page 15

 7716 7305177176 ”View example, an Asian-American gay man
wrote, “I'm a better person, more senSItive

70“” 8! Increased 677129611“ AV “Nd to prejudice, discrimination, etc. because

compassion for others I'm gay.” A Latino gay man similarly

_ reported, “If I were not gay, I don't think I

By D" Sherry “Nd flozt’ Skippy would understand and/or appreciate

Empathy is an important quality in differences. between peoples (sex,

fostering positive relationships with others, gender ,"ethnic, race, cultural) as well as I
whether in close personal relationships, donow. , _ _

friendships, orin our connectionto others in LeS'P'a” respondents. made similar

theworld. The abilityto empathize leadsto Obsewat'fins- ,One Esme” paft'c'pant

compassion for others. Many eastern reported, I believe being a lesbian has

philosophies identify compassion as the made me nf1fore aware f’fwor'd issues and

foundation for peace in the world. howthey ah ect othfers. “

' Lesbians and gay men whotook partin _ Anot er 0f ered, I am less
our survey reported feeling that they had an iudgmenta|,_ because I ”‘9‘" how ea3ily
increased sense of empathy and others can Judge me. Being other has
compassion for other people who are made. _ me more sensmve to other
oppressed. This was the most common minorities and more consolous of the
theme mentioned by gay men in their work of acceptance that needsto be done
answers. One gay man eloquently stated, "I m the world. _ , (
enjoy being a member of the gay How has your own GLBTQ identity \,
community because it teaches me a lot of hé'Ped you understand and empathize
things about acceptance, openness, With other persons who are stigmatized?
diversity and sincerity. If I had turned out to Can you th'nk Of a speCIfic instance when
be straight, although i would like to think bemg G,'-BTQ contr'bmed to Y°”r?b'“tyt°
that I would be as accepting of