xt73bk16nj2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16nj2j/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1934 journals kaes_circulars_278_annual_report_1934 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 278 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 278 1934 1934 2014 true xt73bk16nj2j section xt73bk16nj2j COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE T `
_ Extension Division
S i THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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State Champion County Group of Jerseys owized and exhibited by Christian
County 4-H club members, Kentucky State Fair, 1934.
Lexington, Ky.
Published in connection with the a1;:·icultur:1l extension work carried on by
cooperation of the Collette of A;:riuulturc, University of Kentucky, with the
U. S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed in furtherance of the work
provided for in the Act of Congress of May B, 1914.

. A
Lexington, Kentucky
]anuary 3, I935,
President Frank L. lVlcVey,
University of Kentucky H
_ My dear President lVlcVey: tt
I have the honor to present the annual report of the It
Division of Agricultural Extension of the College of Agri- E.
culture, University of Kentucky, for the year ended Decem- Ci
ber 3l, l934. ln this report will be found a statement of the ci
various activities of the past year, a list of publications and ti
a financial statement of receipts and expenditures. vi
‘ Respectfully, 0
, I
Thomas Cooper, Dean and Director J
Lexington, Kentucky rr
  January IO, l935. tl
Honorable Ruby Laffoon, El
Governor of Kentucky. (
Sir: if
ln accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State [
of Kentucky, approved March I5, l9l6, l herewith submit d
the annual report of the Division of Agricultural Extension
of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, for t}
the year ended December 3], l934. tl
Respectfully, y
Frank L. lVlcVey, President. PI

Annual Report of the Extension Division for 1934
T. R. BRYANT, Assistant Director
The task of putting into effect the Agricultural Adjust-
ment Act of Congress was placed upon the Agricultural Ex-
tension Service of each State. The Extension Service in Ken-
tucky devoted itself mainly to that work during the year.
th? ln addition an earnest effort was made to carry on a regular
gw extension program. About 30 counties that had not previously
’m' employed agents were added. These counties, their agri-
the cultural agents and the multiplicity of duties with the addi-
md tion of the AAA program increased the burden of super-
vision. Specialists in animal industry, agronomy, dairying and
other branches were taken from their usual extension work
to act as supervisory officers to assist the county agents with
r the adjustment program. ln addition five specialists were
detailed to serve as county agents when other properly trained
men were not available. Even with this heavy draft upon
the personnel of the Division and the difficult position in which
county agents found themselves, a creditable program of ex-
tension work was accomplished.
Tho county agents were forced to lessen their activities
in the 4-H club program, the field agents from the 4-l—l Club
State Department redoubled their efforts so that there was little
bmit diminution in the 4-H club program.
15209 The home demonstration agents in their counties increased
Ol their labor in club work. As a result club membership for
the year was 23,876 as compared with 24,720 the previous
year. The net loss was only 844. The percentage of com-
pletions this year was 78.4 as compared with 8}.4 in l933.
‘ Thus by strenuous effort, the losses in Junior Club Work
were held to very small proportions. The Utopia Clubs for

4 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 278
older boys and girls enrolled 740 members. The district club
encampments were attended by 2,lOO boys and girls, about v
the same as the preceding year. r
The exhibit at the State Fair was perhaps the best that a
was ever made by the College of Agriculture and the attend- , C
ance at Junior Week at the University had to be limited again
by the dormitory facilities of the University. There were 28 F
carload entries in the State Baby Beef Show and five addi- 5
l tional counties showed smaller numbers. This was fully equal 8
to previous performance. E
The women’s work showed an increase in practically all  
lines of endeavor and the reports of project leaders at their  
annual meetings, indicated satisfaction and enthusiasm. °
Tho the adjustment program made heavy demands upon E
extension workers, a number of indirect benefits accrued to
the community, in addition to the accomplishment of the ad-
justment work itself. Not the least of these indirect benefits
was the discovery, recruiting and training of local leaders.
These leaders, in discharging the duties of committeemen, ren- (
dered diligent service and also learned to assume responsi- {
l bility, to meet criticism and to understand the importance and
V difficulty of the county agents, work. The people in the {
counties have come to realize that capable leadership exists
in their midst and that when it is properly trained it can ac- (
complish any reasonable task. 4
The curtailment of production aided extension workers in J
showing the value of quality. This is illustrated by the qual- l
ity of the tobacco produced the past season, Tobacco grow- l
ers have always had a tendency to crowd their barns. Cur- ‘
tailed production enabled extension workers to demonstrate *
to the producers that the quality of the product brings a greater
net return than heavy production. One grower in western
Kentucky who had installed the improved ventilator system
in his barn had over BOO visitors who came to observe his l
method and learn of his results. i

 Annual Report for the Year /934 5
ub The extension service was called upon to cooperate with
mr various agencies of the Federal Government in undertakings
ranging from farm loans and better land utilization to relief
mt activities. The extension service gave effective help to each
 dl l of these endeavors.
‘ The economic situation gave impetus to the live-at-home
Egg program which the University has sponsored for a number of
{dp years. That the farm should feed the family and provide
ua] a greater proportion of the necessities of living has become so
evident that the idea needs no further promulgation by the
all University. However, all agricultural agents, including those
. in home economics, were taxed to meet the calls of farmers
nw and farm wives desiring to put into effect home subsistence
plans. This work accomplished a welcome saving of the
Fin slender cash resources of farm families.
&d· COUNTY .\G]3`.NT \\/ORK
5;:3 County agents devoted themselves mainly to the Agri-
fm; cultural Adjustment Work. This work was of such volume
msi- that county agents and supervisors carried abnormally heavy
and loads during the entire year. Reports are made for l I2 coun-
the ties this year, a net increase of 29 counties over lf}33, and all
. but two counties in the State had some county agent work
  during the year.
Statistical reports of results of the program other than ad-
yrs in justment work, show a surprisingly small decrease in the total
qua], figures. for the year. Only in demonstration meetings and
IOW, farm visits was a noticeable decrease found, whereas in office
Cm. Gills and letters written the increase was about 500 percent
mate a ve 1933.
eater , , , , )
Vstcm Thetobacco and the corn~hog programs were announced
YC his almost simultaneously in December, l933. It was necessary
in Kentucky to select the program that should be carried on

6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 278
first and give it undivided attention for the time being. As
tobacco is the main cash crop in Kentucky, it was decided to °‘
complete the tobacco reduction contracts first. There were gl
76,528 contracts signed by tobacco growers, who received
payments amounting to $5,68],865 in l934, Of these con- {C
tracts, 58,733 were for burley tobacco and the rest were about
equally divided between air cured and fire cured tobacco. ci
Tho late in starting, the corn-hog campaign developed
rapidly. The county agents had been overworked for several C<
weeks by the exigencies of the tobacco program; however, if
the corn-hog sign-up campaign was rapid and satisfactory. A;
The results were 23,283 corn-hog contracts with payments in M
l934 amounting to approximately $222,764. A A
Tho 76,528 tobacco contracts were signed as opposed to Mr
23,283 corn-hog contracts, there is no way of indicating the Ml
time spent by agents in furtherance of the work. Because of *3;
the complications and many delays of the corn-hog program, At
it is estimated that the signing of the 23,283 corn-hog contracts At
  actually consumed more time than did the tobacco contracts.
A The expenses of the committeemen and other overhead for FE
the corn-hog program in Kentucky amounted to more than  
$8.00 per contract, which is much greater than the correspond-
ing expenses of the tobacco campaign.
ln addition to the corn-hog and tobacco contracts, Ken- TC
tucky carried on the wheat reduction campaign, with 4,035
signers, and a cotton campaign in the southwestern part of
the State, with 29] signers, making a total of l04,l37 AAA Al
crop reduction signers in Kentucky. Li
Supervisors in 1934 were of two classes, the Assistant
State Agents, and the special supervisors. Six special super-
visors were taken from their usual activities as extension
specialists. These special supervisors had from ten to twelve

 Annual Report for the Year /934 7
5; counties assigned to each in connection with the AAA pro-
gm gram.
Cd The following figures show some of the accomplishments
H1- for l934 as compared with l933:
Mi wss 1934
Counties with Agents tt,...,..,....tt.,,,t.. V ..,..   ,.,,,tttttt,,,,,, . .,,, 83 112
County Extension organizations ,,,.,,, . ,t,t.,,,,,tt   ,,,,,,,,,,,, 73 70
Men tttt V tt..tt,ttttttt V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVVVV V V 5,180 7,942
ml Committees that built Extension programs V .V V .ttt 801 857
Yer Community leaders in community-built programs VV   9.476 7,655
’ Leader training meetings V. ,VV...   . .,VV     ,,,,tt   1,027 1,679
WY- Attendance of local leaders   VVVV.V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V ..VVVV VV VVVVVV 17,225 22,365
s in Meetings held by local leaders, not participated in
Attendance VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVV V VVVVVVVVA V V... V ....VVV.VV V. ,,V.V_V,   82,453 46,516
[ to Meetings held by AAA leaders V .... V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVVVVV V 4.133
the Method and result demonstration meetings ,,.., V ttt.,   2,691 1,802
` Of Attendance ....V.V.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V VVVVV.. V ..... VV ..VVV . .... VV 72.181 51,859
` Other Extension meetings V V...   VVVVV  .V VVVVVV V ..VV V VV.. V AVVVVVVVV 7,634 8,370
9·m» Attendance .,VV V VVVVVVVVVVV   ..VVVVVVVV V VVVVV   ...,. V . .V.c...   VV 395,084 420,539
acts Adult result demonstrations started or carried thru
LCtS_ the year ..VVi AV .VVV   VVVV V VVVVVV V VVVVV,.,.......VVV.,. V .... V ....... 46,645
for Farm visits made by County Agents V VV   VV VV V 56.687 30,389
Farms visited by County Agents   VV..V.V     V V VV.. . VVVV 26,189 18,239
han Office calls relative to work
md- Office   V VV  V VVVVVV V VVVVVVVVV 127,463 655,185
Phone   VVVV   VVVVVVVVVAVVVVVV. 64,806 173,542
7 Individual letters written VVVV VVV   VV VV VVVVVVVVV   . VVVV V .VVV 65,424 280,959
>~€n' Total all meetings hel;] by County Agents, including
  demonstrations, short courses. leader training
t Of meetings, ctc. VVVVV V V.V..V.V V .VVVVVVVVVV   VVVV V VVVV VV V VVVVVVVV 14.862 11,851
AA Attendance V   V VV V VV VVVVV V . V VVVV. 606,428 494,080
Livestock projects in 4-H Club work
completed   V V VV VV ,.., V VVV..V V VV 
Stallli Dairy   V 900 415
pc;. Poultry V V 78.474 2.220
lsion Sheep V V . VVVVV 2,653 359
Swine V V 2,813 1,04r
Yelvc Beef     593 359

8 Kentuclgp Extension Circular N0. 278
In club work and in a number of established agricultural
extension projects unpaid leaders are still used. ln contrast df
a large number of the leaders used in the AAA program W
are being paid. This threatens to make it harder to hold be
the unpaid leaders in the future. I-·‘
A During l934, homemakers in 28 Kentucky counties studied su
homemaking under the leadership of the home demonstration co
agents. There was brought to the farmer and his wife, infor- it;
mation and inspiration to aid them in their daily tasks. The HZ
county organization of women, known as the County Home-
. makers° Association, is composed of study groups of women f
in the various communities, known as community homemakers° .C
clubs. Three hundred and fourteen clubs, in as many com- m
munities, with an enrollment of over 6,000 women carried on YE
an organized homemaking program.
Emphasis is placed on the development of leaders in each
of the various phases of homemaking. The specialist from the
  University trains the local leader who is selected by her club O.
l because of her interest and ability. The leader who lives in tc
the community becomes a permanent source of help and infor- 8;
mation not only to her club members but to other women in ll
the community who are not club members. ln many instances a
the same woman has served as leader in one Department of tf
homemaking for a period of years. She disseminates and has 3
at her disposal information, bulletins and leaflets for distribu-
tion. Leaders in foods and nutrition, clothing, home manage- 9
ment, home furnishings, canning, landscape gardening and rec- E
reation, serve in their respective fields. During l934, 428
leaders, training schools were held with an attendance of
6,120 of whom 2,644 gave their services as group officers or C
project leaders. Thru their efforts, 24,805 farm homes re- S
ported changes in practices as advocated by the home demon- [
stration program.

 Annual Report for the Year /934 9
al The projects studied in a county during any given year are
lst determined by the homemakers of the county thru their ad~
km visory council. The choice of a county-wide major project is
Vid based on the needs and desires of the community women.
Leaders trained by the specialists maintain the project. County
minor projects give variety to the program. Special projects
desired by special groups in the county, and special activities
ed such as fairs, exhibits, tours, homemakers° and 4-H camps,
ion community recreation, community improvement projects, char-
01-. ity, relief and many activities of a cultural and educational
`hc nature complete the program.
nc- The major activities are divided into five main groups as
mil follows: Foods and nutrition, clothing and millinery, home
HS improvement, child training and farm family relationship, and
Hg; recreation and community improvement.
EEE There are I4 foods and nutrition projects, each consisting
llub of four lessons or four months work. Consideration IS given
S in to the production. of food on the farm for home consumption
{Op as a means of raising the standard of living of the farm fam-
H in ily of limited means. The farm family which produces an
mes adequate garden, dairy products, Including cream, milk, but-
t of ter and cheese; poultry products, home-produced meats, honey
has and sorghum and home-grown cereals may live and live abun-
hibu- Clantly on a·m1n1mum cash-expenditure of food, As a result
ag? of the work in home gardening, 3,658 families reported grow-
r€c_ lng I2 or more varieties ofyegetables, Two thousand one
428 hundred and seventy-six families raised one new vegetable.
5 of Thru the cooperation of the Dairy Department, 33 dem-
YS OY onstrations were given in making cream cheese. Four thou-
5 Y€‘ sand three hundred and twenty pounds of cream cheese were
m0¤‘ made and that not kept for home consumption was sold.

/0 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 278
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Homemakers receiving some of the pressure cookers used in the 1934 canning ·
project in Fulton and Hickman Counties. Il
i Consideration was given to production of food for sale. li
p There are seven homemakers° curb markets by which rural  
i homemakers may contribute to the family income thru the U
E sale of home- roduced foods and the products of home crafts.
. P _ .
1 Some of these markets are in small centers with only four or a
i five sellers. Nearly $8,000.00 worth of produce was sold H
by small markets during the year. Henderson which has the h
lar est and oldest homemakers` curb market sold $4,279.48
g . .
worth of produce. This money is a means by which the
farm family may procure added comfort and educational op- a
portunities. a
Preservation and storage of home-produced food for the F
non-productive months is always emphasized. Canning work B
was given in every county having a home demonstration agent l;
` and in IS non-agent counties. Demonstrations were also given C
by the extension specialists in cooperation with the Kentucky I;

 Annual Report for the Year /934 ll
.,  Emergency Relief Administration. In home demonstration
  counties members of homemakers, clubs canned L392,482
  jars of fruits, vegetables and meats. Assistance was given to
  I4,684 families in their canning problems. One thousand one
ii? hundred and twenty-eight families actually produced and
preserved their food supply through the guidance of an annual
 E food supply budget. The value. to the farm families of these
 .. canned products based on a minimum price was $286366.45.
_  Better storage facilities for fall crops was emphasized as in
previous years. One thousand and eighty-three families fol-
lowed recommendations in constructing storage facilities, while
64 cellars were built and 992 storage mounds were con-
A new project known as “The l·Iomemakers` Market
Basket” is proving a boon to homemakers in the purchasing
of food. Information as to standards of products, merchandis-
mm ing practices, sizes and weights of cans and containers, inter-
pretation of labels, good marketing practices, all are means
,]€_ by which homemakers spend the food dollar more wisely.
mt Five hundred and twenty-three families reported improvement
the in food buying.
{ts' V The proper preparation and attractive serving of food is
OY an art whereas the genial enjoyment of food around the fam-
Old ily dining table is a social grace. Over 4,769 homemakers
jig have reported improved practices in food preparation.
the Keeping the family physically fit on a well planned diet
Op- and the correction of physical defects due to improper food is
a popular project. Homemakers in Kentucky are exceedingly
interested in the science of nutrition. Many families have re-
the ported improved health, fewer colds, greater resistance to dis-
Wk Base, a general feeling of well~being and decrease in doctor
§€¤I bills thru better dietary habits. Such conditions as indigestion,
Vw Chronic constipation, anemia, obesity and malnutrition have
~ home manicure, a good shampoo, a simple home facial, how metlm
to arrange hair, something about the use and abuse of cos- equi?]
metics, how to make some inexpensive, effective cosmetics famlh
such as hand lotion and dentrifices. Many reported that they On tht
could not keep a sufficient supply of the home-made hand lo- was t‘
tion because the men and children found it so useful, par- __,—x.—,_` ·
ticularly in cold weather. One thousand four hundred and  
sixty-three women reported improved practices in personal  
grooming. i i in
The home-improvement project includes home furnishing,  
home management and the improvement of the exterior of the .  
home. Kitchen improvement is an important feature. Many  
women do not realize that they have inconvenient, unattractive ,  
kitchens. By the use of a score card for convenient, healthful,  
attractive kitchens, the homemaker can find wherein her own E  ’@ 
kitchen is deficient. The aim is that homemakers may have  if
labor saving and attractive and well-equipped kitchens. l—l0me·    
made equipment, its arrangements and inexpensive home water  
systems were given major emphasis. ln the year, 9l4 kitchens  
were improved and l,lOl families obtained labor-saving equip-  
ment. Homemakers, like others, often fail to appreciate the O  
value of time, By a study of time-saving and energy-saving O“*·
equipment, tools and methods, homemakers are beginning to of hoi
consider time in its relation to housekeeping and the economic keep a
value of equipment which in turn bears upon the health, hap- improw
piness and comfort of the family. Homemakers have learned eleven
that efficient methods of washing dishes, making beds, clean- recomi
ing rooms and correct laundering save time for the enjoyment
of the family, reading, self-improvement, community activities,
etc. There were 752 homemakers with more time for rest T]
and leisure pursuits; 373 homemakers who achieved greater pmble

 l 2; !
  f Annual Report for the Year /934 /5 ’
A i`
l .1 I
  cooperation among members of their families, 201 families
l. if followed schedules; 2,604 homemakers adopted improved
Q if methods of accomplishing household tasks or made time-saving
    equipment. Sanitary home improvements for the benefit of
l i family health were made by 799 families. A project was based .
l ; on the whole science of household economy. The homemaker
» was taught to maintain a business center, to keep her records
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I5 Fahoma Camp, the homemakers camp built by the Fayette County Home-
l_ makers Association.
to sponsor other activities for the entire community. Dramatic
is; clubs, ch