xt73bk16n04w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16n04w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-03-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1952 1952 1952-03-28 2013 true xt73bk16n04w section xt73bk16n04w The Kentucky Kernei
Annual Recital
To Be Given
By Glee Club

Bart N. Peak Dinner
To Be Held Thursday

By University YMCA
'Y' Secretary
Has Served UK
1 or 30 Years


Hurt N. Peak v.iil be ho'iored at
a dinner at C p.m. Thursday in the

.Jr. PmI: has


the Fayette
CYui ty Io;?ro.eritative to the sta'c
legislature, and will run lor the
United States Congress, representing
the Sixth Congressional District.
He his sencd the University
YMCA and the school in general
for the past 30 ears.




UK Debaters

Enter Meet
In Cleveland

Eight UK debaters and discussers
will leave for Cleveland Wednesday
to take part in the National Tau

Kappa Alpha Forensic Conference
April 3, 4. and 5 at the Case Institute
of Technology.
Accompanied by Dr. Gifford Bly-tocoach of the debate team and
regovernor of the
gion of TKA, the delegates will also
participate in the National Student
Congress that will work with Mike
DiSalle, former director of the Office of Price Stabilization, and William O'Neal, Attorney General of



To Speak At Dinner

Places First
In Rifle Match


The University's Air Force ROTC
rifle team won first place in the
First Air Force Area s 1952 Inter- collegiate ROTC rifle match, the
First Air Force headquarters an- nounced this week. Seventy-tw- o
schools participated in the match.
Col. Edward D. Davis, professor
laciics. saia this
oi Air ocience
week that team members will receive
gold medals at a campus ceremony
planned for March 31. The team is
made up of 10 students in the Department of Air Science and Tactics.
They are Robert E. Koehler, team




Sisk, Robert E. Johnson, William L.
Welch, Carl W. Smith. Robert B.
Cregor, and Freddie C. Maggard.
The First Air Force area includes
the entire northeastern quarter of
the United States. Air Force ROTC
teams from throughout the area
competed against the UK team in
the match.
The team's next match will be
for the national Air Force ROTC

Radio Arts Class
Visiting WHAS
A field

trip to radio and television

station. WHAS, Louisville, is being
taken today by Radio Arts Class lb.
A tour of the plant and viewing
of the TV programs, ' Just Locking"
and "Carouse!" are planned during
the morning. Lunch will be in the
At 2:45 p.m. the class will meet to
natch "Ladies Day", a simulcast.
Afterwards the group will meet with
station officials. The students will
leave for Lexington after seeing the
radio show, "Old Kentucky Barn
A field trip is taken by the class
each semester. The first semester
trip is taken to WLW, Cincinnati.


t- -vk


Blyton will preside at the
opening general session of the conference Thursday morning and will
direct two rounds of the discussions.
Thirty-fiv- e
colleges representing
at least 25 states from coast to coast
will send delegates to this speech
festival. This is the same conference that met here in the spring
of 1950 folowing the opening of the
Fine Arts Building.
Nathanial Howard, editor of the
Cleveland News, will speak at
banquet honoring the delegates
day evening. Following that, the
delegates will be' guests of the
Cleveland Playhouse for a performance of "Second Threshold." A reception for the play cast and the
delegates will be held afterwards.
Mayor Thomas Burke of Cleve- ianu win luimauy welcome me siu- dents on behalf of his city at
luncneon mere inursday.
Tnere will be rive rounds each of
debate and discussion, the last
round of debate including a cross- examination type of rebuttal.
students making the trip in- elude Mary Alice Bowen, Ed Rue.
Bill Douglass. Lester Wise, Betty
Blake. Lee Dillon, Margaret Hoenig,
and Dorothy Neal.





i fi


By Merrill McCord
How can you cheat in schools?
This question was answered in a

Ohio Professor
To Give Lecture
On 'Nell Gwyn'

he held them in the palm of his
sophomore Commerce
major said he had seen a boy with
notes clipped to the back of his tie.
Perhaps the "cribbing" situation is
best summarized by a statement of
one fraternity man.
"The most common form of cheat- lnB on the campus," he said, "is
simply asking a person a question
when the teacher's head is turned.
If the Person knows the answer, he 11
tell you. It's not like in high




Students should not think they
have a monopoly on cheating tech- niques, however. Interviews with
several professors on the campus
showed that teachers are not entire
ly ignorant of "what's going on."
Hard To Deride Penalty
An Arts and Sciences professor
said it is hard to decide how to
penalize a student for cheating because there are different degrees of
"Should a student be kicked out
of school for copying someone's daily
assignment?" he asked. "The Uni- versity rules say a student caught
cheating will be expelled."
When asked of "cribbing" techniques, the professor recalled several
years ago finding a pencil with
scratches on it. An investigation

Kernel Has Many Readers
According To Student Poll



A sophomore Commerce student







said, "The editorials are definitely
the voice of the students."
An opposing view was expressed
by an Arts and Sciences senior who
said, "The editorial tendency seems
to be the viewpoint of the administration a little too often."
"I think the editorial page is the
most improved part of the paper."
said a Home Economics senior,
Society news, particularly the
column, was named most interesting
by 15 per cent of those questioned,
Although the author graduated
last June, one reader pointedly asked
for a revival of the "Spice of Life"
column. Aside from this one dis-- ,
senter, mast of the readers seemed
satisfied with the "Party Line."
Some Liked Jokes
Six per cent of the
said they enjoyed the jokes more
than anything else in the paper.
There were also some bitter rebukes
because the jokes occasionally get
left out.
Two per cent of those questioned
said they liked all of the paper and
seven per cent had no opinion.
Half of the students said they
felt the Kernel gave complete coverage to all departments of the Uni- versity. but 35 per cent said the cov- erage was insufficient.
Several of the dissatisfied students
said there was too much emphasis
on dances and social activities, and
not enough written about club, cultural .and intellectual activities,
A few students asked for more
human interest stories.
Despite the howls of injustice
heard last fall, only one or two com- plaints about the circulation de- -'
partment were lodged.

Independent Singers
To Meet Wednesday
A meeting of all male' independents interested in joining a
choral group for the
Sing will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in Room 128 of the


The group is under the direction
of John Koontz.




Will Be Junior
Carol Milkey has a standing of 2.0
in the Arts and Sciences College.
She will be a junior. Her activities
include Cwens. Suky, Mixed Chorus.
Choristers, House Committee of the
Student Union Board, and she has
held office in Chi Omega Sorority.
Ruth Sander is a transfer from
Stephens College. Since coming to
the University last semester as a
junior, she has been a member of
the English Club. Coffee Chat. Guig- -i
nol Players, and the YWCA. She
holds a 2.5 standing in the College
of Arts and Sciences.
Kim Sanford. a junior in "'s
and Sciences, has a 2.3 standing.
She is a member of the YWCA.
Cwens, and Alpha Lambda Delta.
She has served as secretary of the
Interdorm Council and treasurer of
Chi Omega Sorority.
Will Be Junior
Skippie Youmans will be a junior
in Arts and Sciences. Her standing
is 2.5. She holds membership in the
Club. Cwens. the German
i Pitkin
Club. Alpha Lambda Delta. YWCA.
Phi Sigma Delta. Outing Club.
WSSF. and Alpha Gamma Delta
The Student Union Board sponsors College Standards Week every
year, sports tournaments. Coffee
Chat, the Outing Club, and nuiner-- j
ous committees.
Faculty advisors for this year's
Board are Dr. Earl Kauf fman and
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre.

UK Students Average
1.43 In Past Semester









Concert Band
To Start Tour
Of Kentucky








Union Board's Activities Committee.
Society. Y
the Pryor
Cabinet, Guignol. and League of
Women Voters. She holds office in
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority,
Stanley Dickson will be a senior
in the College of Agriculture. He
has served as vice president of
pha Zeta Honorary, vice president
of Lances, secretary of the
fraternity Council, a member of the
Student Union Board. Block and
Bridle, Keys, and was past president
of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
Carter Glass, a senior in the Col- lege of Arts and Sciences, was on the
Kentuckian staff of 1949-5- 0
1950-5He is a member of Phal- Lances. SGA. and is treasurer
of the Student Union Board. He
has held offices as treasurer and
house manager of Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Pat Berrey Mentioned
Pat Hervey will be a junior in the
College of Arts and Sciences. She
has a cumulative standing of 26.
Her activities include membership in
Cwens, Suky, and Alpha Lambda
Doris McGary, a junior in the
College of Arts and Sciences, has a
2.4 standing.
She has served on
Suky, the Art and Poster Committee
of the Student Union Board, and is
a member of the Newman Club and
Alpha Lambda Delta.
Joyce Miles, a transfer student
from Sweet briar College, will be a
junior in the College of Education.
She has a cumulative standing of
1.8. Since coming to UK she has
been in the Women's Glee Club, the
YWCA, and on the Student Union
Board's Art and Poster Committee.

six-sid- ed



Hervey, Doris McGary, Joyce Miles, and Sciences,
has a cumulative
Carol Milkey, Ruth Sandner, Kim standing of 22. Her activities in- elude membership In the Student
Sanford. and Skippie Youmans.

Of 'Cribbing9 During Exams

lie Awarded



The students receiving the high- est number of votes will automati- cally be accepted on the Board. The
retiring Board will appoint any oth- ers needed from the remaining five
candidates. The new Board will
elect a president to serve for the
year. The remaining members will
committee chairmen.
To be eligible to apply for the
Union Board the student
showed that these scratches were
must be an upperclassman. have an
chemistry formulae.
overall standing of 1.5. and must
"A student bought a set of
pencil," the professor said, have previously served on a SUB
"and scratched the formulae on Committee.
Qualifirations Mentioned
them with a stylus. He sorted thej
Qualifications of each candidate
pencils according to subject matter
Bel Barnhill, senior In
and distributed them through his are: Emma
pockets. During the examination, he
selected the right pencil and wrote
with and from it."
Team work also plays a part in
cheating, he said. For a true-faltest, a set of signals can easily be
devised. Tilting the pencil forward
or to the right may mean a state
ment is true, and tilting a pencil
backward or to the left means it is
By Paul Knapp
said! The UK Concert Band will emA political science instructor
he had not seen many technique, bark on its annual spring concert
in cheating, but he often catches tour Tuesday. The musicians, di- students copying from each other rected by Frank Prindl. will leave
the Fine Arts Building at 8 a.m.
during tests.
Interspersed with miles of bus rid"In most all cases where I catch
a st.iifipnt rnnvinff " hp cnirf "ifr ing will be six concerts. Two of
wouia oe impossiDie to prove it, al- these are still tentative.
This is the first year in quite
though I would say something to
the student about it. I usually try some time that the band has taken
to embarrass the student by calling off from classes for the tour. Previously the members have given up
his name."
their Easter vacations in order to
A feeling commonly held by several students and teachers is that take music to the neighboring states.
some students spend more time de
Last year the group played convising a plan to cheat than studying certs in four states, and wore out
themselves and a pair of Greyhound
for a test would require.
bus'es in doing so.
This year they plan to take a
much shorter journey into the
Northern portion of Kentucky.
They will have concerts in
Ludlow, two in Ashland, and
may be able to schedule others in
Twenty-thre- e
per cent checked it Mt. Sterling and Millersburg.
Financially, the musicians have
as the most interesting.
an easy time of it. They spend the
On this part of the paper, com nights during
the trip with families
ments ranged all the way from "old of
local band members or other innews and not enough information"
to "it (the front page) covers all terested citizens, and eat their meals
phases of University life very well." either with these families or at
school cafeterias.
Even after careful tabulation of all
ine purpose or this tour, says
the answers, it was impossible to their
tell just exactly what a majority fun, conductor, is not only to have
but to serve as a musical inof those questioned thought of the
ducement for the promising musicpage. They do read it though.
ians of this and other states to attend the University.
Editorials Were Third
The trip also serves as good pracThe third part of the paper in
interest value was the editorial page. tice for the band's forthcoming
Although only 19 per cent said they Musicale on April 6 in Memorial
liked it best, this page came in for Coliseum.
the most comment both pro and




UK Students Vary In Methods

Forest Festival
For June


Student Union Board elections will Ik? held Wednesday in tlie
Students may vote in the SUB check room from 10 u.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Interviews of prospective candidates were held on March 20,
when a slate of 10 was selected. They are Emma Bell Barnhill.
Stanley Dickson. Carter Glass. Pat September 1952 in the College of Art

THESE 10 CANDIDATES will vie for five Student Union Board positions in the election Wednesday. They
are (first row) Joyce Miles, Doris McGary, and Ruth Sandner. Behind them are Carter Glass, Emma Bel
Barnhill, Skippie Youmans, Pat Hervey, Kim Sanford, Carol Milkey, and Stan Dickson. The polls will be
open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and all students are eligible to vote.

series of interviews conducted recently on the campus. The survey
showed that the techniques used by
"cribbers" are many and varied.
A soDhomore bov said he once saw
a girl who had notes written on her
legs. She pulled her dress up
throughout the test to copy them.
"I almost flunked the test," he
Another student said he wrote
notes on his shirt cuffs. He pre- Kleine Kammermusik Op. 24,
No. 2
Hindemith tended to stretch his arms in order
to see the notes. If the teacter
came near, he pulled his coat sleeves
Ruhig and Einfach
Wrote On Wrapper
David Schmieder, F'ute
Albert Asch, Oboe
A Jewell Hall resident revealed
Harry Carter, Clarinet
she once wrote notes on a candy
James Kennedy, Bassoon
bar wrapper. She kept the bar on
William Steiden, Horn
her desk during the test and copied
from it.
Waiting ....
Frank Prindl
Several students told of writing
Snow Legend
Joseph Clekey notes on small slips of paper, but
Sam Was a Man ..Vincent Persichetti their places of concealment varied,
Father William, from "Alice in
"I put all the slips of paper in one
Irving Fine shirt pocket," a junior man said.
Holiday Song
William Schuman "As I used them, I put them in another pocket."
Put Slips Under Beit
Another boy said he put the slips
under his belt, while another said




I'hott) tv Ktn

Erie Canal (Early American
arr. Tom Scott
Work Song)
Soloist: James Woodward, Baritone
Grandma Grunts (North Carolina
Mountain Song). .arr. Bartholomew
Nolan-Wilso- n
Cool Water
Soloist: Phyllis Dean, Soprano
Arkansas Traveler (American
arr. Branscombe
Folk Song)


Slale Of 10 Candidates
Is Approved By Board

The third annual Cumberland
Forest Festival will be held June 23
through August 23 on the campus
Dr. John Harold Wilson, professor
A recent cross-sectisurvey of
of the University of the South, Se- of English at Ohio State University UK students showed that 95 per
wanee. Tenn.
This Festival is a nine-wee- k
study and authority on the Restoration cent of them read the Kernel with
session for strin? instmrnpntaiists and eighteenth century drama, will regularity, but onlv 46 Der cent
of all IpvpIs Tt is snrmsnrprf inintiv give a lecture on "Nell Gwvn and read the DaDer thorouchlv.
Most of those questioned who
by George Peabody College for the Restoration Stage" at 3 p.m. to- didn't read the paper at all gave
Teachers. Nashville, Tenn.; Pennsyl- - day in Room 210 of McVey Hall.
Author of the recent book about Jack of time as the main reason.
vania Colege for Women, Pittsburgh;
the English actress and mistress of Many in this latter group were
and the University of the South.
The Festival was originated by Charles II called "Nell Gwyn: Royal graduate students.
rjr. Roy Harris, a contemporary Mistress," Dr. Wilson will leave next
The sports section seemed to be
composer, who will be director of month with his wife for England, the most popular part of the paper.
this year's session. The staff of where he will do further study in Some 28 per cent of those inter- will include Johana the various libraries and museums viewed marked it down as their
Harris, concert pianist; Albert Gil-li- s, there. This is being made possible favorite.
Despite its popularity. Kernel
by a Guggenheim Fellowship.
violinist; Josef Gingold,
sports coverage got some criticism.
Dr. Wilson is the father-in-laof the Cleveland SymFlVe
phony; and Aldo Parisot, cellist with of Dr. B. R. Jerman, professor of An Engineering freshman claimed,
English at UK.
"It doesn't have enough about intra- the Pittsburgh Symphony.
Born in Springfield. Ohio, he re- - murals and minor sports."
Added instruction will be provided
More Women's Sports
Vnnfri ITsicalo
by the New Music String Quartet, ceived degrees from Oberlin College
"I'd like to see more about wom- which will hold oDen . rehearsals and Syracuse University, and Ohio State.
. i t.
1. :
Fl 'f- cplinly r;hin trine "v Vi ni nnl .
f rnnlich atv ... - civtrtc u'oc tho lnmmptlt ("if w.v.
iwo puunc concerts During uie res- - ua ...nP nn in. t
" Qt
abroaa wiU
awarded to the rye- - Hval
cVracuse for two vears and has junior gill. ' It s all very well to de- sons who write the best essays on
vote space to football and basketball
Academic credit will be granted taught at Ohio State since 1924.
"Why I Would Like To Go Hostel- - through George Peabody College for
He has two children. Mrs. Jerman but after all we girls would like to
ing In America." The scholarships Teachers More details may be ob- - and a son, Robin Scott, who is cur-wi- ll read about our activities too."
include all expenses.
Running sports a close second
tained from the Cumberland Forest rently working on his doctorate, and
This contest, which is being spon- - Festival Office, Sewanee, Tenn.
for readership was the front page.
one grandson.
sored by the American Youth Hos- - i
te's- Inc- - offers the following five
scholarship trips:
eight - week
U. S. to Canada trip; an eight-wee- k
trip to Mexico or Nova Scotia; a
French-Canadiand New England
trip; a Berkshire and
Connecticut River Valley
trip; and a
Door County,
Wisconsin trip.
The winners will join one of the
supervised groups sponsored by the
national headquarters of American
Youth HoMels. Winners who meet
requirements and who wish to travel
in Europe this summer may receive
credit toward an AYH European
trip in place of the scholarship.
Competition for the trips is open
to all United States citizens who will
have readied the age of 13 by July
1. In addition, they must apply for
a Youth Hostel Association pass.
Cost of this pass ranges from $1 to
$4. There is an age requirement
lor each of the trips plus requirements of good physical health.
Hostehng is known as "under your
own steam" travel. Often the traveling is done by bicycling. Gear is
carried in saddle bags and members
usually prepare their own food. Ex.
penses for food and lodging in the
.liui1'hotn lt Ken
summertime are about $1.50 a day.
were collected by the Red Cross last
A I K COED is shown donating one of the 272 pints of blood which
For more information write Na- -i
Monday and Tuesdav. Some 60 students who had pledged were unable to donate because or nli.wtai rea
Youth Hostels, Inc.. 6 E. 39th St..
sons. An addition 10 to IS were turned away because of lack of t'mr The moliil unit will return In May
New York 10, N. Y.
to take the remaining pledges made by AFKOTC cadets.







This is the first appearance of
the group on the Sunday Afternoon
Musics !e Series under the direction
of Miss Virginia Lutz, who joined
the University music faculty last
Their program is composed of
sacred, folk, and contemporary
songs. In the American folk song
group solo parts will be sung by
Phyllis Dean, soprano, and James
Woodward, baritone, both music students.
One number of the contemporary
group is a composition by Frank
Prindl, director of the University
Concert Band, called "Waiting."
One part of the program is a wind
quintet by Paul Hindemith, "Kleine
Players in this
group are David Schmieder, flute;
Albert Asch, oboe; Harry Carter,
Clarinet; James Kennedy, bassoon;
and William Steiden, french horn.
The entire program follows:
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
The Virgin by the Manger Franck
Ye Watches and Ye Holy Ones
arr. Davis

From 25 States
Plan To Attend







The Women's Glee
present its annual concert at 4 p.m.
Sunday in the Guinol Theatre

Thirty Years Of Service




Student Union
Election Set
For Wednesday



The master of ceremonies will be
Dr. Rhea Taylor of the Universitj
History Department. Dr. Taylor wa:
recently voted "Most Popular Professor of the Year," and was chairman of the YMCA Advisory Board
of 1948-5Several To Be On Program
Others featured on the progran-arDr. H. L. Donovan; Dean A. D
Kir wan; Dr. Adolphus Gilliam
pastor of the First Methodist Church
of Lexington; the Rev. Edwiue
Barry, Orrville, Ohio; Edward Dris-colsecretary of the Southern Area
YMCA; and John Proffitt, president
of the University YMCA.
Earl Holloway, baritone, voice instructor of the Music Department,
will sing.
Tickets for the dinner will be $1.63,
and may be purchased from members of the YMCA Cabinet, or by
mail from E. Tipton Carroll, University YMCA, Lexington.

Women Singers
Will Appear In
Musicale Series



Sponsored Fy YMCA
The dinner will be sponsored by
the University YMCA. Dr. Morton
W. Walker, assistant to the president
of the University of Louisville will
be the principal speaker. Dr. Walker
is the former Dean of Men there,
and is past president of the YMCA





average. The fra- The overall scholastic average for below the
UK students was 1.43 last semester, ternities and their averages are:
p. Kappa Alpha. 1.33: Zeta Beta
Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan an- nounced this week. Overall average Tau. 1.327; Lambda Chi Alpha. 1.321:
for women was 161. for men 1.35. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 1.3028; Kappa
and for fraternities 1.25. Sorority Alpha. 1.3021; Kappa Sigma. 1.23:
averages were not released.
pjn Delta Theta. 1 18: Phi Kuppa
Among fraternities, actives av- - Tau. 1.17; Sigma Phi Epsilon. 1.15;
eraged 1.36. while pledges averaged Alpha Tau Omega. 1.15; Phi Siuma
1.05. The
and Kappa. 1.11 ; Tau Kappa Epsilon. 1.1:
averages are sample Delta Chi. 1.07; Sigma Nu. 1.0; Siu-m- a
averages derived by computing evChi, 0.97; and Alpha Sigma Phi,
ery fifth undergraduate student's 0.901.
was the only
Alpha Sigma
Farm House led all fraternities fraternity whose Phi
active average was
with a 1.64 avenue for its 35 mem- - below 1.0.
Theirs was 091.
bers. Twenty-tw- o
actives averaged
Eleven of the 20 chapters had
1C8. while the 13 pledges averaged
pledge class averages below 1.0. the
Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Gam- - Dean said. Only Farm. House, Delta
ma Rho followed Farm House, with Tau Delta. Alpha Gammo Rho. Tn- all-me- n,


and 1.47 averages, respectively,
One other fraternity averaged bet- average. Tri- ter than the
angle's 41 members averaged 136.
The other 16 UK fraternities fell


angle. Zeta Beta Tau. Lambda Chi
Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kappa
Alpha. Kappa Sigma. Phi
Theta. and Sigma Phi Epsil. :i were





� rape


Friday, March 28. 1952

CordeiTs Stewpot

Intramurals Do Not Recieve

Academic Freedom
Or Who lias Fallen
For Communist Line

The Support They Deserve
When the University gave its answer to the recent scandals that blackened Kentucky's sports,
President Herman Donovan issued the following
policy statement:
"If there is anything we are doing that we
shouldn't, I would be glad to know and we will
make whatever changes that are necessary."
Certainly the President has not been answered
with silence. Those outspoken critics of "over
emphasis", ltoth within the University and on the
outside, have had their say in the matter.
We bVlieve the athletic setup holds one very
good solution to the problem. The real trouble with
sports at present is that too many watch athletics,
and not enough of us participate. If we take the
necessary steps to give the opportunity for more
people to take part in sports, the problem w ill solve

Within the University, intramurals give the answer to the problem of mis placed emphasis. Opbasis and embracing alerating on a
most every popular sport, the intramural program
has gotten wonderful student response. But in
spite of this student response to the intramural
program, funds and space for carrying out the program are not lx'ing furnished in adequate portions
by the University.
An examination of the backing that intramurals
actually are getting at present shows extensive
neglect. No department of the University regularly
contributes to the upkeep of intramurals in terms
of money. Although the director is a member of
the Physical Education Department, intramurals
are not included in the P.E. budget. And though
intramurals constitute an important phase of athletics, the Athletic Department has no provision for
the support of the
The money that runs intramurals comes directly
from the pockets of the men and women who participate. State and University funds finance the
Physical Education Department, including the registration fees paid by the students. The Athletic
Department supports itself through gate receipts
and a portion of
registration funds, which
again come from the students. For the intramural
participants to pay twice for athletics seems unnecessary.
year-roun- d


pro-rate- d

Dart Peak Honored
Bart N. Peak, executive secretary of the University YMCA and Fayette County representative
to the state legislature, will be the guest of honor
Thursday night at a YMCA sponsored testimonial
Xo one deserves such an honor more than Mr.
Peak. He has served UK students for 30 years.
While serving his first term in the state legislature, Mr. Peak became known as one of the few
representatives who read every bill. He also was
present at every session.
Mr. Peak's long devotion to the welfare of UK
students, his achievements as an individual, and his
sen ice to his state and his country well merit honor
and respect.

If the student must put up these entrance fees
to take part in intramurals, he is naturally discouraged. To get an expanded program, it would be
folly to increase the required expense on the student's part. The money has to come from some
other source.
There has been some indication that the Athletic
Department may supplement intramural funds. We
feel that this would be the best available solution,
because athletics should assume the responsibility
of taking care of every student desiring to participate, and not just a talented few.
Just why should intramurals be expanded? The
reasons are these: (1) students, especially
need easily obtained athletic outlets; (2)
the national situation demands its men and women
to be in good physical condition; and (3) athletics
can promote high standards of competition and develop leadership.
Response to intramurals definitely warrants attention. In reports to the University for both men
and women, it has been shown that intramurals
already attract large segments of the student body.
Total participation figures estimate over 3000 for
men and S50 for the women.




one-side- d


upper-classme- n,

Facilities for intramurals are already crowded to
the breaking point. One field must suffice for all
of the football and softball played by the men. It
has been trampled until it is void of grass, and is
reaching the hardness of a roadbed. The women
use another field, rutted by car tracks, and flooded
by rain, which is also leing used for varsity football practice. Other facilities are just as inadequate.
Our purpose is not criticism, but is meant to
motivate the needed response from those who have
the power to meet an evident shortcoming in athletic emphasis.

SUB Board Merits
Increased Voting
Next Wednesday the student body will elect five
Student Union Board members for next semester.
If past elections are any indication, this "student
body" will consist of a few hundred people.
Admittedly, the futures of the majority of University students will not be drastically altered by
this election. But those who fail to Vote will be
showing once again that regardless of their loud
talk, they care very little whether or not students
have a real voice in the operation of the University.
The Student Union Board plays a large part in
making the program of the SUB, one of the few
campus buildings of tangible benefit to every student. It is responsible for any number of
activities and with proper student support
could sponsor many more.


The Student Union Board deserves your vote not
only because of the good job it has done in the past,
but even more so for what it can do in the future
with your support.






Little Unbalanced

The Knappsack By Paul Knapp

Culture Has Caused Mankind
To Forget Finer Things Of Life
This thing called culture has caused man to
neglect some of the finer things of life, namely the
art of back scratching.
Men in general will admit that there is no feeling in heaven or on earth equally as satisfying as
having your back scratched properly.
Women will not admit their own feelings on the
subject in public. It is not, shall we say, socially
acceptable. Back scratching among that sex has
been replaced by back biting, which is an accepted
social grace.
Just for the sake of simplicity,
let us take for granted that all us
human beings derive pleasure
from having our back scratched
I stress this word properly because there are so few individuals who are qualified at this
important, relaxing and soothing pastime.
Women are not necessarily more efficient than
men but are nevertheless better equipped with the
utensile for doing the job. I'm speaking of course
of long finger nails.
There is another psychological advantage that
women have over men. It seems that a woman delights in seeing a man squirm and groan in ecstacy
just from the plying of her fingers around his backbone. This puts hiin under her thumb more than
physically. While she has him in this pleasureful
state of mind she can get whatever she wants from
a new hat to his whole paycheck. This, of course,
only refers to married couples.
Among the unweded the active participant can
gain nothing more than broken fingernails and the


thanks of the recipient. It has been
rumored that the cloest way to a man's heart is not
through his stomach, but therough his well scratched back.
Men do not like to scratch other men's backs.
And if one is finally coaxed into doing the deed,
he invariably starts carrying on some insipid conversation during the action, and will not let the receiver lavish in his pleasure.
Another ma