xt73bk16mf8w_114 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. A.B. Akers v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court text A.B. Akers v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_13/Folder_2/66803.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_114 xt73bk16mf8w J
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 SAM .H URST ..,
Attorney—at-Lavv ‘
t Beattyville, — — Ky.
.1!; ff
:‘mwm'y- 5:, 72,1“
J ‘ Swan] VIL'l‘m 5
r_.. 1‘ r-' , '7 L,
mam Ham:-
' :4 n- B. ‘:1: *7. 7 .- n, I‘m no
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,/ ‘,1 .
‘CL(((V U 1/ ‘ Ll /

 ‘ Sriixl l-IIJIES’J‘
. . Attorney-at—Lavv
JBGQ‘ttyVijle, _ _ Ky
Sept, 8, 1916.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
. Iexington, Ky.,
Dear Sir:—
The case of A.B.Acres and Lloyd Acres, Vs. Lexington
6:. Eastern Railway Company are set for trial next. Honday. ‘L'-«5’ ’77,
I am today issuing requisitions as follows; Mr.M. Sergeant. " ’.’;
Supt. Eastern Kentucky Division for W.F.Atchison, Conductor, "
and WJ-Ideerson, Supt. Kentucky Division for Wm. Smith, agent
at; Torrent. Also subpoena for Mr.W.1).Lucas, Supt. 6f Schools
Lee County.
Yours truly,

 S A 1“»! Ii Uj'x’S’l‘ -
' Q fieattyvflle, ~ — Ky.
Sept, 8, 19M.
.‘.11‘ .‘.; .1? . .mder’son , .‘.-311311; .
i: ' » " v
1 2141.09 :17”,
near 313':—
: Enmc}. yrm harm-Kit]: Po-‘suiraltion for ‘:«'rz."~12.aith, .3.,W1‘nt
Livia 'i‘ori‘en“. firm i 1‘.‘;:‘«“‘.:é:". :1}: :1, '.»:itfirms; in t! :.: (ta-2:0 (3*? 31.2%.
110115.25; 1'53. a,!)3::3.f'f‘§‘35773 .. :j:*..(';*1;(':r-'n dikiaLy (luggizmy set Fm“ twin} j
:11?) leatt‘yvlf'iéa finna'iuy, 397%., 311, 1.’.) (.‘x.
‘7'-WV? 1‘.;‘1133‘,
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I, 3;. 12;/T1174? 1. 4m,

 SA M H U138 T, . f
‘ Beattyw'ue, — _ Ky. ,
J13. v iii, WW.
J wiggle: :;::r'vzg 1 TE . v.1, 1. :1. n n ,
£)~F=;n‘ .'§it‘,— {’11-um: i‘i2::_2 {~3;(TJ’.‘=’Y(‘Z§ lyri-fh'i (».1' :"rrwupfij-ygg EH
p ung‘ljcnn‘ vurw .'.«..2';..‘\ka .“‘»: V5. 7'.......‘..7'?'.‘.l".\.,..;rx {..;-g. LN Uil'atult.
{.TL}1EI‘i)i5"’ . fin “RU-Pa, (:.i.i'«1w~..,
Hum". ,‘2‘121‘J.
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kz/I/V. V!” /v/

 Form 162 |,.\\\' Inrxvnn '.:
I‘HJ :\H
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT 1751.». ;" \->;;7' .'":f'f , . ‘ .J ; I‘UI'ISVHJ i
B. D. WARFIELD. 1+1 (m M 3 ., m a
l2! ///(' my (If ...' “’7' ‘ ”.:: '9 .,If‘; .17": ., 'I?/i
f/n‘ /}>//m'in.g‘/Irm'nd'1'ug.v In 2: /nm’ a/ ///z' :_;.‘g 7} rm, /’// 1';
U/‘ly/Xt‘ i" -. .L,|_. i (NU/()7 N/ ‘.'?C} (IV/HILL
I222; 114.92»: 1 " ‘. '...
, ,7
, / 4/ ’
[S/mLV/w I U/mx \‘ WW
MInrnm L. & N. Railroad Co.

1...; 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character. as petition. etc”, etc,

2. Give date of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial. Etc. etc.

3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cost.

4. In reporting- a judgment. state (late and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party. and whether

hill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed. what time. if any, has been allowed for filing,

 .‘.‘L\l I‘IIUCS’I‘. '
Attorney-at—Laxv .
‘ Beattvviue. — — I\’\'. '7’ / / N»
. L4
- / J L
Tare.“ ", 1'71 '.
.F’-lain? Finzmfil T‘. il"1‘1..:<>22,
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 Sill! 1:1 111(8’1‘,
, p A /é Attorney—at—Laxv -
g/LA/ _ ,,‘. r ,
‘ Beatty\.-111e,,r — Ix; .
December 2,1015.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Dear sir,— Enclosed please find ReportdgigProceedings and
copies of orders in duplicate in the case of ifloyd Akers by—hia‘
‘next“friend" vs L.&.E.Ry.Co.,at the November Term,1915,Lee
’ Circuit Court.
Yours Truly,
, l
/ J/
/, ///”
/“ 'r/

 Form 162 LAW DI’J'AR’I‘MEN'I‘
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT. ‘4' 17 MW/ , . J __‘.
B. D. WARFIELD. 62 {/11} of ”([q- “A“ K“ 191.. {,._—
lelrict Altar-0y.
Louisvuifi. ,‘.,“ / RE7H3T 0F PROCEEDINGS. f f (7
In M: am of. £45 "/g (Ct/r"? . v5. Z 4 ’0. . ...,.... .. .. i
HI! fb/[arz'ing proradx'n‘g‘s gym fum’ (1! HM 7ZM‘M ' .THm, 191V,
of #1:, “a” W . . (our! (3f “Xi/QM . , .-Comzt].
.N . L. ..;: 5" £1.41». / z ‘- , v7. 1:: :'/’../..- -‘/' «.
/ / "
[SIGNED] . ' ' ' _
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
- Uk}3"1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc, etc.
3 2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whoge cost.
- 4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
, bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, What time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

November Term,l'7th dayfirih ;ry of 1"ovember 1915.
..H . [‘.‘-tern Plaintiff .


r _ 1'.):‘y-v(‘ {5 73,:{y‘LJK3rWAr
.J .L. »‘-J.-1a“(1J voml)a.ny, :-‘k,‘.v}p.u.v.xLL;.

.5113 cause hating; been submitted on the motion of
the ‘.‘.t;>:.enc1‘11t to smike from the petition certain portions there-
of only the (manner of.” :;2;§.‘t., to ..iso guzfilition :_mr 1.1.5: ':uct
:;«'~'.\I’_:».;;'5 ;, 1:., :‘.zg‘li: 'o‘..:'_":~n ..I‘gr'igco :‘.ml it .1:; ordered; met from
‘,‘nc yotltfion "In; follow-3.53;; words x;Je {giro the sane are i’xereby

’35,; 11. .- . ’..I
. r ' 5 ‘ . . ;'.I‘J'.‘ ‘~’
:ttrrim: ::m'd .';zlrnfil‘lsneo 1:33;! 1:1 so t’gd hlm twat he “a: Jooxggd
to 13::- *';.{.'1’5:;i{1 to e} tor 3:115". to“ thereanfter to 5,1“- to school
, . v» . . m . . . .
."JJT thwt Lhe gJ-laintlii has mean consent great. expense one.
annoyance in trying to lo 51.11 annotated elem-here and
will .5,/3513151110 ’...-:3 ‘)fi),T;5'L-‘;L5} . will“: Isa-.1. 21:31 .1.:_:,«.;.3 ".;:,.-i'1. ‘.»“..oroeted
"::‘: . i «1. (20114.33; artist: ..‘/5%; “grainli; in Benton of his
5'» ‘1
rejection and treatment on {34115.1 trainxfiggn and after 1:3. had made
I‘,‘ M ,5"
V“... . .
his; mind to secure 3 4:11:33“; eduoatimr all. of which caused
and ,.camtsee this plaintiff great mental pain. unmet}; and anguish,
and the (lemmrer to the petition is su§§§rine¢41mi plaintiff ex-
hMW _l ..V._,—- ’V—N"...V.ur-» .. "V.., .4“ m _ .. V ,_ ,1 . r. ”‘"‘" ~5N....‘._ ~m~w__v-,fl"‘
cepts am 1:.; {liken tirirtg 5.152;}: from the r".i.:'?1>2§; of 5.3113 Court
to amend the petition and 32511.55 cause is continued.
a ,3?
, , 2 5' 53f
. -«‘ ’4' 4 fi";
if“) 55 E, w Li
' ' f“ 55" ‘
2' . 5 ; " ‘-
‘_ UL! 5.,; if} ‘

 SzlAl 1*! LU€S'1‘,
. Attorney—at—Laxv
Beattyville, — - l\_\'- ‘
, fiagawwzy’ // ’
J1me 0th,10]5. /
Judge Samuel U.S‘Ji 1mm,
Toxingttm , Ky .
Dear sir,—
I enclose report 0P proceeding-gs case of‘ A.B.‘\kcrs
v L Q- E) 31y Co,‘f‘m' May Tormfim Circuit, COIH‘t,1H15,in which no
orders were entered. .
‘ despot: (.I‘ul 1y ,
.':; 1
fl/ {/ . . /‘A.b / f“

 8AA! I'IURS’I‘. ,
A ttorn ey—a t—La 'w
‘ Beattyvine, — — Ky.
,, ': _.4 f ‘z ' ' ‘ r
. , .

":‘J“‘ ‘.‘1 t ' , .4

: g .. ,\ .. j _ .
I‘_. . ,. . '. V " . ‘ _ " (;.., ’.‘ [_,_ilkn.‘ :7; 7' V ‘.".

' AIL/t ,/ \ LL‘/y; —
.._, ," I
(J, /7-// .' fl ’if/‘.‘ x '.V.- ' V K \ -.,_ I \: '::." , if" V ' ‘r . .._ “.,,,.-V.

 Form 28. ' {..‘.u IJKX'.\I'.‘I ‘.1x..\'1’
‘ 1 2. NY 5 2 2 .1) (‘ . ..
4 v < ‘ I
) _ 377/. 5' / 2
OFFICE OF ATTORNFV AT /)/ pyy/n/fi .247 ,
~- ' (v ’ “w ’ / !.l‘l!~‘.ll.|.I.
24/ :/ II3// 33.33 33/1/37/3/3, [.‘I’l of
General CUHHSPI.
LOUISVILLE. KY. 3 3 . 3 /3 3
_ /. '3.’ , ', ' / 7
In Um (WM 0! . (ll / ’ ' .///.7(3’ u ,’ 3 ‘3 ' ///’ f/
//n 7IIHII(."?/I3(3] [;I'Iu‘Mr/qu/x UV x"! //,1h/ .l/ Hz: 2’ {3 (.‘(A/i/ /,2' /I ."/'II. [N] 5)
~ . ./ x
. , 1 , , . / 3
'.H' {/H " 3/371' 33////_33] (UH/‘f H/ 2!! (Nil/MM.
/ r [3' 333' 3. . " 3
l , 3. z 2 3
,/ .
Antwan/Ir ‘2 {LL 2- . l»-—
3 Mtnrm‘) L. 1'. N. Railroad Co. 3
11”}. lt‘:\t‘li:”£‘ 2% film: :31! ]»l\ wklnp 'HHi Vh- 11' wwu’m-I- 1'. .'|> w-lHiun. . Ira. . {v-
3. (;Exl- 21;:th (xi :1” [mu-m riing~n \m-h :.~ Ixm?.--n- EH #1112 um. l'ur !1v\.\ I!‘1:x‘x.v1v . vau
.'5. 1n rvrmrting::Lmnmnmunrv>szh-n! \\'h(i~h-1‘1Nl.
4 in 1'1‘1-221'1‘2715’:xjnt‘whwnl.~lulx-(inh uml :unmmr :.: Juli-.12.: m. If 1:;-1H“: ‘Iu lam n. ~r..h 'm w‘m-l. ;;.:i_-., :.v H. x\}‘51]"'{"l21~l' at -: 'ffiit‘lu‘ ‘13:.5 Mn: lei
if nut HIM. \Hm: linu». if nny. MN I.. m. nilw'u. 2 r1 fur filing.

Civil Causes Febry Term 7th Day 8 day of Eeby. 1915. > , .
0.13.230. 15, page 448.
A. B. Akers, Plff. -

Lexington 86 Eastern Railway Co. Daft.
Come the bait. and filed motion to wtril‘w out cer—

tain words in the Petition which are set forth in said moti on ,,

and with’émtfimgsaid motion filed a demurrer to the petition

w and submitted. on said motion and petition.

 form 281 ' LAW “PZI‘.\II'I aux 1‘,
‘ x ‘ . V ' ' < V v ‘V I) ) ‘ ) ' ' “MN”
1101115“le (\z an mm!) («nu ma
/ ./'(’"
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ”:'/M7064 z? «.1/V /, 1,...
// ’ MIT/(ll M/y' ,'//,/////,% I," l 0%)
Gmxm‘ul COHHSQ‘I.
LOUISVILLE. KY, 4 .' / ' -
_ /"/ ' ,,1 ’ I I' 1
.,H {,17/('."t'!.\"' U]. (y // //) / Yr 5:1 . V. U //{/ ,/7
. ’ ,l' y/
H,” I‘y‘IHLHIXIfl/f‘] lu'm’ur/[w‘r/x (I? ,"I //II(/ «I/ Nu ,,‘( / _v'//1( ]‘/ V/VH'HI. lf’/7£ ’
/ V . 1/ ’ '1
f .’./z! 1711/1/50,- (UM/f 1le .r x {15" (bun/u.
,4’ " ‘
. I I, "
ax/hix‘li/H ~. .I‘ - . f . .. r ,
{attorney L {k N, fimlroml Co.

E?" L Aiian-tluh-n? fi'HH'JhH M'mhmsxmd 'h- 31'4'9121Hw11 )',:.:~ ]N'THi'vil. 1 11:. I ha

'.’. Hiv-duh-H1111]1vny~mdmg<,~\l<'h:1»nmxmnxtuxn'ih.1111 34'1'!1I'\\[NHLHII"1

Z’-. [urvpnrtinguv-mHinumu-t-~1:|1«-;11whmm-nsl.

. 4, In Jw-iun'ving :1 juvlzmrm. ~1:m- «intv um} nun-111.1 1,1 jvuhu . 1:1. I! “H" :1} in 1:11-1..~121!: :\ “Wm-3. 1:111}. :.Mi ‘.Hhflwr MN u: '.‘.:vme- r‘::» Inn "'1411'
1'. [mt {NHLWhHIrim-1.11“nymp-hummiwhuil'ur{i!in;:,

 . i ' ‘ v
. ‘1 7 .
511911;.3 .1113; K; JESSE; A": ‘vLUlfiv
Civ.: 1 Causes Febry ;.‘erm 7t}: ea); ’0‘ day; of .;Pe‘ngr. 1915. 125, page L148.
Rmngt on I}: Est-ate m tia- i.1~:I-a:; Go . .135 it”

Game the refit. urn-ii. filed motion to strike out cer‘
tain words in the reti tioa 173313.011 are :e‘t forth in self: are :25. on
and arithéaut.teamiiiggseizl :;.:.:’:;i-::a;.i 3:13.35; :2 derail-rear to the j: ati‘tion
and stlbzgittecl on. amid 3323311311 and pe tit-ion.

Attorney—at—La xv .
. BeattyvilIe, — — Ky.
Dec. 4, 1.014.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Ixmingttm, Ky.
Dear Sir:
At, the November Term, 1914, Lee Circuit Court, no orders
were entered in the case of A. B. Akcrs v. L. é: "E.
/ //
,4 - .- ‘
L;”/{0’0 i” Q? K‘Ag’évga

.32.»;- .5: m- L , "— 14 -
L'. ,_:::,. " t 71221“: i, I.
, {:.:}, If:
” .:L: " " ' ' '.. v ‘4 . 1 '_ ": ;.";“:'_ 01'5310
EX; i L‘A-L'i, ~ ” - ~ :. , ‘ ‘ " ' A ::::‘fij. " ,'bt‘iv'f-her
‘_ . 1 ~ ':1’ y}: v, v ‘ Z _ v. .; WI. . , . ,1” .'.a } “_‘. '. -:
2 " " n 9 ‘ '- . »- < , ~ . » v . .. , . 4,
j‘f;r..;';:~ .
/ \ ' I / ' / , ,7 , : . ”,r x ‘ / v
WM gfiw W 7MW& 0 E j ////W £725 2a

 s Attorney-aLLaVV.
BeattyVille, _ _ K37.
.. 111111101 _ . , ., [10% /9 Viv/$4
/ n
@516 1", ,/' V425, ff

Lee Circuit ceurt.
8391. Sept. term, llth day, 18th day of Sept. , 1914.
A. B. Akers Plff.
Lexington 8: Eastern W 00. Daft.
By agreement of parties this cause is oentinuod.

 t 7. '.- l ‘ ' , . . ,
.,I , ' ‘ V . ’ ¥ :
‘ 7 l . . ' October 5, 1914.. '
_ Hon. Sam Hurst, ‘ / - y , ‘ . ‘
‘ (,’.'rmku > _ , ‘ I
' . Beatfigwi lla , 3%. ' \\y/ )7 -
' , , I“
t '1
. ewe -
, ‘ 363a? Slrzw ‘ J
. I :.1 ‘ . ' I
, Acknowledging: yours of uagfigember 21315, 111 reference to
suit of A. 73’ Akors ‘v‘, 3 c2; 3:1 1237.90... I am senfling you so much
of my file as will he ntear‘y to enable you to prepare pleadings.
' :"lease carefully preserve sat-1e aml believe me, _
‘ - Very truly yoursa V
. _ Em: a ' .
' 1. ’ :1 ~.
. film/3 ' ”\‘g
‘ ‘\
n q \
, 1 Counsel.
P. ::3. -
. Uigon :z'ei'er‘num "()0 111;; file, it ;.j )LL ”that you have practically
' all of'the i;1i'orr.:1;:rtio;1 that has come 'to‘ ::.e, ineluiing copy of lettéi‘ »
7‘ .. . _. .. ._ ,.K. ~a
llumu me 7);? 1.x. :.xDowell, a;_23>l;Lc.:1’i;1o.-1 2.01“ final” com; lllca'te and. '
entries in school cons-us. If {:11-":;:: be 81:71:311113: @1538 “that might be of
’ FN ~- — ' v. ._ " . I . " . ..’. ..‘... .L .I‘ _ ' 1 ' .1 ~\\ ‘
. l . . exam/lee, lei-L me mow gum I Mill]. try DO l1.:;:nlsn 10. ‘ .:‘" ‘-
. ’ ‘ ‘ 1‘;:
l, w ’ ' . 5i,
, 40mg, 0:0 . , w
.‘ ' ' t v '_. 1 ‘ my . ‘ [I'R
‘ l . , :Jcldu‘rx. , ‘L’ ‘1
‘- - ‘ ..\ -.
- , A :‘\\ V
. . . - , ' ,4“?

, Attorney-at—Law,
V Beattyvflle, — — Ky.
g H
,« 7-
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s Beattyvflle, - - Ky - , ._
def/4’ J/ _ /(
April 1, 1914.
Judge Samuel H. ‘.‘-.’Hson,
Lexington , Sly .
Dear Sir:
1 01101080 docket. report, and three copies-70f petition case
of A. B. [More V. L 3c EU.
I 21m 0111', of docket reports. Semi 1.18 a batik.
//// .f/z/
7" , z’f -~~
é/C COL/(J / %.-/1’, 244/: :2

 Form 161
\ I . r Imw I)EI’AII'I‘.\IHN'I‘
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT Leattyvllm, hy. h I “I!“ i
B. D. WARFIELD, L, ,, . I
District Attorney, _ _ _ [‘”[Il'qn'l’u
LOUISVILLE.KY. AprlI lst, 1914,. 7 , , . 191 .
‘11) :It'livm has 1w]: r'nmmc/u'rtl in Ilu ”Willi, CiI‘CUit , ,7 ,I'ruu-I 11‘/V LOG (Yum/y.
,,,,miil. AlUAIscrs , L é: E Hwy Co , .-
snmmnns mm «'ssuulr MRPCII 26 , ,7 [1;] 1 . um] Il‘rlx hrqu/WWW, , 7,,,7,,,,,._._.__ III] , _ um] is
,7./”,.,“,[4'77777 7 , , 1/411/ ”f , ApI‘iI nth, [1:14 _ l/u, u/lm'mf/s fur flu p/HIII/{fl
unfiljifll‘zlu. :iLQD'dIliel ,,, , ,
and ”IL :‘(IiLf [mu/u] is , ,7,,75;313,,0(‘0.00
The plaintiff alleges that on Feb. ‘3, 1014, he purchased :1
student's: ticket book for his son Lyoyd, under 18 years; old and,
that he boarded a train at ii‘jncastle for Stanton, going}; to college
and that the conductor took his; book and put. him off the train
about seven miles From home; that the son lost his; interest in education
and plf‘f'. has been put to great, expense trying; to get him educated ice.
and has suffered IIIBIIILLII ungusih M),
(800 copy 01‘ petition attached)
_'Mé.“ ” 1.00151XJB’rHéy’ET'a’JE R. Co'—

 6911;\1 [i LlleéS‘Y‘
V. A ttorne hat-Law
- 3 744%
lSeatty’VIIIG, - - Ky 2V ”7‘
March :37th, 1914.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I enclose copy of petitinn A. B. Akers V. L k E. rocket report
will fol 0w as soon as summons ie returned.
/' , ,4 ' ’/ ,,

Lee Circuit Court. L
A. B. Akers, Plaintiff,
Vs. Petition. ’
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, Defendant. '
Plaintiff, A. B. Akers, says that the defendant, Lexington & Eas—
tern Railway Company, is a xorporation,created under the laws of Ky. I
with power to sue and be sued and to contract and be contracted with.
~P1aintiff says that on or about Beby. 2nd, 1914, he purchased of
- defendant a book of school tickets for his son Lloyd, who was under the ‘-
age of eighteen years, which entitled him to send his son to college-at
Stanton, Ky., as a firdt class pisgfiggf passenger of the defendant's
passenger train. Plaintiff says that on Feby. 2nd, Ifl he had his son
‘ board defendant's train going from Fincastle to Stanton and that his son
presented the said book for hisga§re to be taken therefrom this defendant
wrongfully, unlawfully, wilfully nd wantonly refused to accept same as
fare and ejected his son from the train nearly seven miles from home and
/wrongfu11y, unlawfully and wilfully took said book away from his soniéid
‘ ghumiliated him1§§d so treated him that he was caused to be afraid to en—
'7 .:: ter said traigflthereafter to go to school, and that this plaintiff has
, i been caused great expense and annoyance in trying to get his son educated
4;] .: elsewhere and will continue to be; that his son has not since been inter—
t 'A" yg/ested in getting a college education partially by reason of his ejection
, géa ‘and treatment on said train, when and after he had made up his mind to
p I; ;get a college education, all of which waused and causes this plaintiff
,great mental pain, anguish and anxietgiyand caused him to be damaged in
' ithe sum of Two Thousand Dollars.
‘ Wherefore, plaintiff prays for Judgment against the defendant for
.t the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and for his costs and all proper relief.
, Atty. for Plaintiff. . _ ,_
Filed, summons and copy issued this fish Mach 26th, l914. *‘ it b 1
I , : p i .I 1- ‘ G. w. Cann,‘ clerk.- ’ - -

A. B. Akers, PLAIl-I'E‘U‘?‘.
Lexington P: Eastern Railway Company, DE‘"W=I.T)IUE’P.
Plaintiff, .A. 73. Akers, says that the Defendant, Lexing-
ton & Eastern Railway company, 19 a ccrporgtion created under the
laws of Ky. with power to awe and be eueri em to contract and be
contracted with.
Plaintiff says that on or about Web. 3nd, 1914, he pur—
chased Of Defendant a book Of echool tickete thr his son Lloyd, who 8
under the age 0f eighteen years, which entitled. him to send his eon
to college at ”Stanton, Ky., as a first close paseenger on the Defend-
ant 9 Passenger train. Plaintiff says that on Feb 3! 2nd he had his
son ,ooeid Defendant r: team going from Wineaetle tr.) Stanton and that tn
J’”~""""“~v~~w- "\M‘ _M-..
his; son presented the eaid book for his ftEL‘c‘e to be taken therefrom
this; Defendant wrongmlly, unlawmlly, wilfully and wantonly re—
fused to accept same ae flare and ejected his; son from the train nearly
seven miles from home; and wrongfully, ‘.znlawmlly and wil fully took
said. book. away from his son and humiliated him and so treated him
that he wee caused to be afraid to enter said train thereafter to go
to school, and that this Dlaintiff has been caused great expense and
annoyance in trying to get his son educated elsewhere and will con-
tinue to be; that his; eon has not since been interested. in getting
a college education partially by reason 01’ hie ejection am treatment

 on said. train, when and after he had made up his mind to secure a
college education, all of which caused and causes this Plaintiff
great mental pain, anxiety and anguish, and caused him to be damaged
in the sum of Two Thousand. Dollar-s.

‘:.':lm'sronr}, Plaintiff prays for judgment against the. Des-
fenden‘t for the sum of Two Thousand. Dollars and for his costs and
for all proper relief.

Atty for "laintlff.

Filed, sum-one and copy issued this March 96th, 193.4.

s. ' cann, Clark.
A Copy—Attest:
F e752: Lee C irouit Cour-t.
By a! ”M654 17.11,.