xt73bk16mf8w_105 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Rachel Noble and W.N. Noble v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text Rachel Noble and W.N. Noble v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_12/Folder_2/66339.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_105 xt73bk16mf8w Lfi
‘ .. . /__./~'/ 47’“! é {z
. Nov. 1:, 1915.
hr. Sam'l h. Eileen,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
Jeplying to your letter of Novemoer
11, I receivel vnl riled your orior on motion to
reinstate case of Hoble vs. L k N.
This motion will so submittel to the
court t—morrow.
Yours very truly,
\m ‘
ow, 1 ~.

 ' ‘_ jog-figs ASSISTANTS
1: {fig 71;:2 CHARLES H. MORRIS
. gl%u{:1‘\§1.v; LEGAL D 1‘: PARTMEN’I‘ OVERTON 5_ HOGAN
ATTORNEY GENERAL November 13, 1916.
Hon. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:-
Youra of the 11th., to hand, and as

per your request, I have signed receipt for brief in

opposition to appellant's motion in Noble v.

L. & N. and have lodged same with the Clerk of the

Court of Appeals.

Yours truly,
CHM-H ,/ , 7 K‘
léi/I/éCLQ 7,7/(7; _ ;/ 74 0% :> ,,

 1er ///"
‘ ’ ,, / / ,1 , / / z / ’
. , 1%)) 7/4/ /.' //////////c /?////’/////fl/////////
‘1”/um» .0 ”MA/MM. , , /, , , . , , , ’l . '
I W /, 7”‘/f""/-WWW" , /////«, / //////////7///71 fl/y/fl/z/y z///// ///7//////.
/,///m /.. Ayn/Mu ’ /
/ . .‘/,|'.\'/ V.1/yaw/»///~/'//«"1‘ /, , /
.’LAQL/V;%%%?ZW9MW/ / /¢Aagf//4é.;a;;' Nov. 15, 1916
Noble v. L&N RR Co.
Juige Samuel M. Nileon,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I have read with interest eni satisfaction your
brief in opposition to apnlicetion for motion to
reinstate the appeal in the Hoble case, which accompanied
your letter to me of Uovember ll. it seems to me you
have demonstrated very conclusively that the Court
Shoula overrule the motion to reinstate. ,

Yours very truly,
District ittorney.

November 9, 1914.
1 Hon. Chas. H. Morris,
Asst. Attorney-General,
Frankfort, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Receipt is acknouledged oi yours of the 7th instant,
with enclosure, in the case in Court of Appeals of Noble V.
L & N E Co., on appeal from the Breathitt Circuit Court. Will
you kindly furnish me a copy of Er. fioDeniel’s Affidavit re-
ferred to in the flotion? I will need this in preparing my
I note that you have signed the name of O. H. Pollard
as one of the attorneys ior appellant. I presume this is one
to inauvertenee since Judge Pollard is one of the attorneys fm‘
Thanking you for your oronntness in sending me the
enclosure, I am, Very truly yours,
Sim/a Counsel .
\ .
V 2 i§\\l

> November 11, 1915.
Hon. 3. 3. ‘.'I'arz't‘ield,
Biotriot Attorney, 3&1! ER (30.,
Louisville , 113..
Bear Sir:
_’.).O—‘.Il'fyfljflffdzgiilé: yours of the Pyth instant, 11} 1611701318 7.
38321, in the Uourt 01'“ m; 36:55.. , I or: today preparing; a S 310:1: 5“:in
in Ooposition to 41:2")9115111ts' Elotion to Lei-_;;suzte this: aymeul. I do
not think the Motion ought to be granted, but the Court is 117-.c1ined
:o be liberal aboufi 971311 ‘.’lilt‘CC-Z‘S and we may have to litigate this I
care out on the mar: to 3:545:32: 5:11.
I timnic you 1’93: 3311‘: kind allusion to the reversal ':‘;{3
3:30:21 to have obtained in tha. ~flfl“ case iron the Breathit‘c Circuit
Va 1‘3; t I111}: 7:311: .1 ,
0 231111519]. .
‘3'.£Z,—~«—-- I—lorwith I hhnfi you carat-on ooogr 01" 21:7 Short bri 3: for
Eugaollc‘ao in the Noble case in t'_‘r‘lposaition to the Efiotion to Eleimtszte.
‘i ours , Poe .
8110.0 - $3 olth-Té

 .- .y
November 11, 1916.

Ron. Charles H. Morris,
Assistant Ettorney—General,
Er nkiort, Kentucky. '
Bear Dix:

Loco pt in acknowledged of yours or the 10th instant,
rd t1; encl.osu1re, ill rixfciwnlee to ifioblxz V. 31 c) E E1 Co. , ill tile
Court of Anneals Iron the fireathitt Uircuit Uourt, being Case
Io. 19": on the Locket 10;” the tall Torin, lff‘il 3.

I have prepared a Lemoranaun Brief in Cppoeition V
to the Hotiou to Zeinstate and con: thereof is herewith enclosed.
I also enclose a hccei t of for this cony, which you will
kindly sign and file with the Clerk oi the Court of Appeals
Vii thout retu'fliizig; same to lie.

Thanking you for your prompt and courteous attention to
the matter, I an,


. November 11, 1916.
R. K. Keenon, Bsq.,
Clerk, Court of Anpeale,
Erankiort, Kentucky.
Deer bir:

Referring to teleyhoge conversation of this morning and
to the Order made ay the Ucurt of apneels on the 9th instant, in
the case of Eachel Ioblc,&c. V. L. o n. 1. 1. Co., on a peel from
Breatnitt Circuit Court, being Case No. 192, on the :ocket of the
Court of Appeals for the dell Term, 1916, permitting Aaoellants to

enter notion to Leinntate the anneal and giving to the Annellee
live days in which to resnond to the lotion, by brief,etc., I here-
tith hand you a brief and ajfidavit :or the Appellee in ouncsition
to the Motion above-mentioned. I would like you to file the en-
closed anfl see that it is placed with the papers and goes out to
the Court when the fiction is subtitted.

I on forwarding fir, Uhirles h. lorris a carbon copy of
the enclosure enfi the asked him to sign a Receint therefor and
then deliver the Heceiet to you for filing with the original
cony of the orief herewith enclosed.

Kindly advise me that those matters have had your
courteous attention and believe me.

Very truly yours,

 ' COURT (I)? .,'TV>3.-‘Q)S 04,-? Z-CziiI’TUCK‘Z.
PAUL 23in, 191%.
Cars No.19“.
RACHEL NOEL}; and ‘.'J. ;.T. muslin, .I\:>P‘ZT..ZTJ.V‘-£e”31i.
V. ETLL)‘JI""; Sui (3,0331? 0031’ 03‘ ..‘-RPEELIJ-LE'S’331-315
IE} 01"")L21:.IITIL‘J?? ’20 LEG-715233 cm ':LV‘E‘T;'£.‘.‘-.'_2‘.‘. -‘.i‘LS'YIMJ.
LL‘:’LTI£32’IJ.Z;I1 :7; LIAJ'Zi-L'tflf'gill i‘. 11.7.1143: 091;")-113'Z’ APE‘ZZLL'R.
.'X'j"“‘.i-33; jr‘fi.\‘,-'..i 13:13:.‘2211172 OILS/fl": Gui/"fit.
’i‘ne undersigned, Charles 1.10:2:isgs attorney i‘or
the :‘iupellants and £03»? their attorney of record, J. LI. lie-
Daniels, 13:34., hereby aclfiiovzledgeé the recei~_,-t of a carbon
copy 9f Appallee'e brief in Oppositi on to .1.-1:130112111‘53' Motion
to heinstate the ..‘ngyeal, said carbon 4:01;; having been this day
delivered to the undersimed u" the attornevs 101' the Azmellee.
. J .. . ..
Given under my hand at i'raalri'ort, ;Lmit‘uclifij, this .
$ . ' '\ r7
dovember , 15:13).
Attorney ior .»myveilanfs and
;or J. Li. licll‘nx'iiels, Attorney
of record for A pellants.

 COURT 01? ,zv‘;")*’;i.\.1'.i"; 0.3? Z-CTZII'."XJC}C~:_’.
‘ . -— m, . r
Cave No.19”.
“aw; LL 1932;); and ;!a_..":-.‘J_'-Z, _f~_.'i’”’.'3‘}.;.1.i3'i1’11.
‘7'. 31.11) '11 ’1: Eu?- £2.11 2 1);; '“'11' U?“ “LT-”3?.VLTJJEB'S 317;: 1}“
IT? :..)”Y‘V, IEIUZT ’.L‘U -:DL‘I'JH 1‘1: 1 ..Iiéeu'i.‘ 33:11 £31931?”
2:1/LEI‘.?'TI.,J;1L- 1Ir\_i’1_:{'il,;;_-21 Z‘Z':.[.f’.;..,..‘{.‘2 ,‘fi :XPTTLL ‘.';.
- .. - -- —- - .. a u 3 U 0 _. -— .- _. — u— .— _. - -
‘ LIT, ..1-$.24: {JIZQUIE ua9-‘éJE-L‘.
’“‘}. ~ ‘.‘: -:~' ',v ‘.u 1 ’"‘/"pm“ an 11 I ran". Qc: ' tt '4‘~(‘(X‘.7‘ "'
.‘..’-G DIR (41.71,»ILC1(, uufi.L.L.u.. 4-. ‘.LO-..,‘L.-~' <1 0-.-]..1L, .LOI‘
the Appellants ant? for their attorzwv 01' record J. 3 lic-
, r} ’
Laniels, .1..:qu hereby {willow}.sag-.33 the mount 31‘ a. carbon
:0 :1:; cf .Lypellsae's brief in 013.2031 Li cm to .Li)_;1e'}.ikzzn‘cs' Lotion
to Leinstata the 43.19211, ;szzid caroou com; having: been this (my
Galivered to the ul'masrsziggnm‘; 0;; the attorneys for the appelleo.
'"‘" 'I-a' ‘ ":1" .- '>‘-."‘ > "‘ 3"”4'" t unfitlw'fifl'v t1 :f‘
\JJ.V K111. MK ..1}. 1.1.] i‘édlu \lb .leiI1_-J.\)I‘ , -».“ LbAJ' ILL:
November , 12110.
,‘XtuOL’X-‘ie" .1. 01 3.1%??? ,‘.--ulh ~S find
. d— -\ > V
:.01' u. ‘4. 140...=:1.:116.Ls, Attorney
of rucord for .1 yolk-11115;.

 (33,212,333 u.” A3313, 3...;-‘3 0.3.“ .:EILIUJCAI.
. .. , .._ ‘.. - Il' ’.‘...‘h'x.’ 19".on
3. ., 3.? 'z
(13.39 -’vOoJ..9 -;
.4.-3L‘V-‘v‘1 ..1 -J-} "..J- (3.;).(‘3 3. n. ;-‘.J.'.‘.L.x.-3’ :;.v) -‘.J1leb-VL’ O
‘f " ‘T 3“ 3.33. 3““ > 33.3')?"-?"‘1‘".3*::3“"' 133‘: ‘13
‘ a .. .‘~/ .c... _ A 3.3.. \J 1.. J" , if.) s «.1, ..3. J..'a..JJLJJJ i) J t :.A'
~r - , 3~ '3': " 3.3, 3'3'3,.'3:~,31' r331 'fv " 313'” -~‘~ -. 2-33'v~.-
IL; 13’ v3 ..’—..:..L‘VJE TU ..’.i..«...L.JJ ..‘“ ...3.r_.%3:.. ‘..-.‘_; g1. RDA—[3.10
_, ...,.... W -. - I.. ; ,....-
~~"-1.3 '.', 1.1.. (:12 43:34". .11.. :-:JL- .~\f».[-i--\J.L.‘-‘ \2'\.;LD..:...~_-’.’ I‘m-9,. 34.1.24 1 ..
“.‘3f, 3371‘ '.';‘.-.I‘...”.‘ {JI_.=.:3.3’IT 03...?!“3.
The unc‘erssig'ued, Charles ii. 2.3013315; attorney 101‘
-". '3. .3 '.‘3 ~ - .3? ‘ r. .'- . ,..., .. .r‘ .. .._a— ‘,j ”'7'?
the .31 3,0 1.9113148 11.»:- .3.01 $113.71”? nttleJIOJ OJ. .LF300331, J. “. 4.3.0-
...m .1‘ ,,3: L. ‘3‘” < “-)",~:)‘q~.‘ _‘ z . ‘,“H-x ’.’ 1 '_33 4“}H .a>-),.{)—'y ~. ..1. .)_5.‘ ,3 """‘V“}'\" .~
#3:.” J."Lu, luau-xi. ' 11»/$3414.} éle {lib-3.1...ngu v.1..n ..-'u~.3..r .4 \J. '.L 9!.-'..; JQJJ.
.:'~...., . y. ’3.',;.3 3. . ..._- . -. .~~.. J. H ...
3027;? a. .3..,-pollsae‘.~,~ 33:133.. 1;. o3wa.~os~,;.tj 031 to .333;3£;.3_.:.2311u8' ...otiun
* . - 3 'w .3, ...3. . ~, .. a .3 .. . 4.3. -. *- __.-
to .'.-jlilfltixtd 3118 .-.3I;.'*32.:.L, :3:E:.l3l ml- L101; 3403.“ IL'JVBJ-{T 13067.1 “1.18 (13%.;
faljverec to the 37.110313731393193”: 3);; the attorneys :or the Aggnealliso.
1 .3 .. .- -. -- ~.. ..‘ .'-. -~‘3 '. . “..». . 3 - 4~ 3
Gum; 3413.9; 1.74 33533ch at 4.13.3311 olt, .‘-ththxCIJ, 3.11153.
‘ . 1 .s ."
JON/lebnr , $8.133.
Atforney :or .33.3>.we.LIrmI‘s and
. my .3. -... 130.253.316.33, Extorrmy
of $300136. for .3. vellumfi.

Fall Term, 1916.
Case 31.001920
BEISE‘JKE. ifififijlji, Illix1°oSITIOH To ;IYVJLLANTS‘
V. KUTIUH OP IOTixaih 9, 1916, T0 IEIESTATE Afifihll
ON 2093 T.
~ — — — - - — — — ~ o C o - - - - ~ ~ - - — -
“‘ -l"‘3'-L‘LL.J l '3'. 3.1.12-le ‘AJITJUlT CUES.

The Appellee earnestly objects to the notion herein
filed on November 9, 191%, on behalf 0: Appellants to reinvtate
the aspeal heretoiore divmiaeed by thie Court under Rule 111,
on October 3, lfilfi. The motion by A pellee to diemieo the ap~
peel was regularly made on the call of the Docket on Friday,
September 29, 1W1}, and, eonseopently, no notice to Appellant
or the making of the Motion was required, under the exoegtion
to be found in Rule LI of this Court.

Appellee's notion to Cimniee the appeal or to affirm
the judgment was based (a) upon the ground that on the fees of
the papers the record is not sufficient to sustain an anneal;
and, (b) upon the further ground that no brief for the Appellants
had ever been filed. Ae showing the utter insufficiency of the
rnoord, the Appellee, on the call of this case on the Socket,
entered a Motion to strike the Bill of chentione from the record

 O .
. (2)
and pointed out with considerable detail the paipahle defects to
be found in the record. of course, the Order of Dismissal obvi—

ated any necessity for a ruling on Appellee's Motion to strike
the Bill of Luceptions irom the record. With the Bill of Excep-
tions out of the record, it is submitted there is nothing left
upon which to base an anneal in this case.

The Order of Dismissal was entered October 3, 1916,
end the Motion to Leinstste was made November 9, 1915. More than
thirty days (exclusive sf Sundays) intervened between the entry
of the Order of Dismissal and the making of the Motion to heinstste.
Such being the case, it is submitted that the Motion comes too late,
under Section 790 of the Civil Code and Luis XIII of this Court.
Furthermore, the motion in question is in the nature oi a ?etition
for Rehearing and, under the same rule, should have been printed.

Apeellants' lotion to Ieinstate is based upon the fol-
lowing four grounds, vizz— (1) Press of business in the jreathitt,
fistill and Lee Circuit Courts; (E) sickness in his family; (3)
i failure, after careful search of the Docket of the Seventh
Appellate District, to find the above-styled case listed under
that District or any other district; and, (4) Upon the ground
that Anpellants' Attorney, Mr. J.h. McDaniels, did not receive
notice until after the case was dismissed. We shall discuss
these grounds in order.

The press of business is said to have occurred in the
Circuit Courts oi Breathitt, fistill and Lee Counties. The record
on the enpeal was filed in the Clerk's oiiiee on August 28, 1916.
At that time, the Breathitt Circuit Court was not in session and
did not- reconvene until Monday, October 2, 15:316. The Lee Circuit
Court convenes on Monday, November 13, 191%. It was last in session
on September 23rd, at the end of a short two weeks' Soecinl Term,
beginning on September 11, 1916. So far as we are aware, there was


i no term, either regular or special, held in the Estill Circuit
Court between August 28th, 1916, the date on which the present
anneal was filed, and ceptember 29, 1915, the day on which this
case was subject to call on the locket. In addition to this, the
writer of this brief uttinded the Bee Circuit Court continuously
from ficptember 11th, to LJeptcu‘ber 23rd, 1915, and came into almost
daily contact with Mr. J. M. McDaniels, then in attendance on said
Court, and was engaged in the trial of two or three en es with
him in said Court, but, notwithstanding the feet thet,under Rule
III of this Court, Adiellants‘ brief was due to be filed in this
Court on September 9th, at no time did Ir. Hebe Eels ever mention
the subject of the present awnenl or the hriciing of the anneal
to the undersigned. Notwithstanding any sickness in his family
(if such flynw3xw;g}3r his engrosement vith business in the Lee
Circuit Courtx ;lr. flcDeanrLs certainly had nmrflt) onportunity to

bring the matter to the attention of the undersigned, if he had
been paying the §.inhtest attention to the appeal in this Court.

As to the claim of ”sickness in his family” we regret
that Appellants' attorney was not more explicit both as t; the
nature of the sickness, whether serious or slight, and as to the
extent thereof, whether merely temporary or nrotrected. It is,
of course, difficult for one to bbject to a claim of this kind
for the reason that such objection may possibly have the annearence
or being inconsiderate or ungrecious, but we do not think that such
a bread and indefinite statement as that contained in Apnellents'
Motion to Eeinrtate and in the accompanying Ariidavit should be re-
garded as sufficient to warrant the setting aside of the Court's
Order of Dismissal and a reopening of the case. As stated above,
certainly there was not such sickness in Mr. McDaniels' family as

. to interfere in the slightest with his attendance on the Lee Circuit
Court from the llth to the 23nd of September, during all of which

(4) -
time he had abundant opportunity to arrange for em extension of
time for filing Appellants' brief. to must, therefore, insiet that
this ground for urging the Motion to Leimstete is not euffioient,
under the circumstances.
Coming to the next ground Oiiored in support of Appellznte’
Lotion, we are at an utter loss to unfinrstend how it can be claimed
by i;oellants' attorney, under oath, that ha could not find this
ceee aiywhere on the Ulcrk‘o Iooket :or the Fall Torxg l“15, of
. this Court. 30 find it, all that was necevvary was to turn to the
Inflox, on page 3 of the Locket, and thvre fine, opposite '
"3reathitt Uountyfi’the figures 12, 10, plainiy showing the pages
on Mkuch awoeals iron the Breathitt Circuit Court-Were Casketed.
It is true the: this name-=21, in emit-on with nine other mmeels
from the fireathitt Circuit court, was placed under the firth £p~
Dellate Eistriot, instead of under the Seventh aroeiiete Fistrict,
and that it up ours on the Docket under the date, Hednosaoy,
centember 37, 1913, instead of under the date, Friday, September
29, 1916. it the some time, the writer of this brief was himself
interested in the apooals of three other oeeee irom the Breethitt
Circuit Court,dockoted in the Sfifim rmnnor as was the preheat appeal
of Noble v. L. e N. 1. Co., and ht no time did it ever occur to
him that the notice furnished by the Iocket was ineuflfieiont, merely
becaueo of the transposition referrea to above anfi emphasized in the
Motion to Leinstaae. We are prepared to Boy, however, that Arwo1~
lante' attorney did have actual timely notice of the dookoting of
the present nopeol. It was iurniohed him by the Clerk of this
LI‘ourt in ourouanoe of Rule XVIII, which provides that "Khan a
record is filed, he (the Clerk) will set the core one notify the
- oarties or their oounvel of the day it is set for." The attorneys
for the Appellee in the present caee received such a notice from
the Clerk by postcard in the following words, to-wit:

”Office Clerk Uourt of nopoals
”Erankiort, Jy., “mg 2? 1916
"Soar air:-
"Tho case of Joblo v. a o N Ry Go is sot ior hearing
on the :29 dag; 01': Dept, 1918.
”It is fiho outy oi the appellalt to filo his brief
twenty days prior to the any the case is sot ior hearing, and
13u3 :q>rx21151e to :ifilo }1is write: 1;a11 dzgro 2253.01‘ to t}uat tilflo.
Very truly young
1.1.ioonon, 0.0.A."
rho ohovo notice Has received at the ogfioo of the
In: orui Ukui on :hyutwt ‘9, JJJIG, amid ix: the uwlinazjf oouzwa: o;
tho nail tho oimilur aotioo gait to the otiornoy for Arnollants
unfit have boon roooivod not later than Aurust 2’. 191g. a full
mozth boiore this oasw was fine to be onlloé on the Locket ior
the 1&11 Torn. MQJCQ, bian if it more true that tho printed
Lonet was iafiuiiioiogt a, notice to the Afipollonts or their
attorney oi the dookoting of thie an>3al (a.thing we are utterly
unnolo to unfierstand) it Surely OfinflOt ho douiod that actual
notice by pofitoorfi was meat to lunollanfis' atlorney on Luguvt
?9, 1915, at Joattgvillo, Leatuoky, uni that ouch not so moot
have roaonod him in duo oouise of mail.
Iho uoxt ground roliod upon by tho 3 pollauts is
1:1—mt their ;a.’tior;1e;7 did not roooivo any noti cc of the {loci-mung
o; the oypool or or the Lotion to Lioni'o oome until after the
case was diauionod. This claim and owntontion have boon sufficiently
anwvored in uhnt prooodos. It is manifost that Appellanto' attorney
had notioo o"; the <1ool:o'ti;1g-. o:.' the up'rxoazl not only from the printed
Iookot, out, also, iron tho notion exyror l: iurnishod him by the
Glark of tho Court, purouamt to Solo EVIIX. In odfiition to thia,
an fihfiuSt 30, 181G, Judge 0. L. Toilard, one oi the attorneys for
the Aroolloo in tho pronout appeal, wrote to 1::. fioDaAiols tho fol-
lowing letter, from Jackson, Kentucky, viz:

 ‘ (6)
"August 30, 1916.
”Hon. J. h. McDaniels, ,
Beattyville, Ky.
"Bear 313;"

"will you kindly lurnieh we a carbon copy of
your brief in case 01 H. H. Noble v. L. & N. R.B. and
advise me when you file same?

”I will be pleased t) reciprocate the favor.

“Yours truly,
”O. H. Pollard.V

That Agocllants or their attorney may not have had
exeresu notice of the muzinfi oi the fiction to hisnieu can make
no difference under Rule 111, ior the reason that notice of such
motion does not have to be given where it is entered on the cell
of the case on the Docket, as was done in the present case.

If we had the slightest ground io: believinn >

the present anneali’oA e meritorious one, we would feel much
less dieposad to iueiet on the order of Sieniseal,:nuch less
inclined to resist the present Motion to Lcinetate. :he_elightest
examination oi the defective record filed by the Awpellante;bu§ht,
in our-oninion, to convince this Gourt that the e.peal here pre-
sented is one utterly without merit and we do not think it improper
to any to the Uourt now, as we said to the jury in arguing the case
below, that in more than twenty years of active practice in the
courts of Kentucky we have never encountered 8 more ilimey, more
friVolouS or more trifling lawsuit. Under thie firm conviction,
our duty to the appellee doés not permit us to waive any of its
rights in the matter and, rinewing our earnest objection to the
Motion, we akk that same may be overruled.

If, by any chance, the Order of Ecinetetenent be granted,
we ask that, before the case proceeds any farther, the Court will
take up and pass upon Appellee'c motion to Strike the Bill of EX-
ceptions from the record.

Respectfully submitted,
Counsel for Annellee.

The nifiunt, baLi'l M. Wilson, eta-tee that he is one
, of the attorneys for the Annelise in the above—Styled cause and
that the statements of fact contained in the foregoing; brief
for the nvnoollee are true.
Sign-ed zinc. sworn to bci‘ore 19 by said a:.1‘io.nt, 52111171
11. ‘:':‘ils on, this 11th day of ..v'overgibrar, 1916.

 .7'-n7,” //i
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/ 2”“), / ‘9,5/;’,’,7;//fff,§ij./¢,,,,,t .7,//'///.)’//////5. (7%, Nov . 9 , 1916
Noble v. Len RR Co. '
Judge Samuel m. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I See in the orflors of the Court of Appeals today,
that in the above case, "Appellant filed motion to set
asiae oréer of dismissal and to reinstate appeal, with
affidavit afid notice in support of motiong to which
motion appellee objects and given five days in which
to file brief on objection." I suppose you have this
matter in hand and will give it the necessary attention.
I congratulate you on your victory in L&E v. Smith,
the judgment in which was reverse& today, according to
the same newspaper report. \
. Yours very trui5, ,W,, x ‘
/ we
District Attorney.

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3..-KC '.'»‘a ‘L if!) "r. 31. 13031.4, LLA’L’S.
VS " .’:TlOl? "0 I) ‘A "“ '1 A?“ . .'.L: ECEI‘T.
LOU 1131i I'LL J '. ' ,2 'Iil’xju‘a’ILL'fi '1'; ALL :1) ': CV3“? 117.1}; ;‘x;?-7;F=ZLL“Z;=E.
' Comes now counsel for aygellanbs herein, and. pursua .t
to notice of motion accepted by zapggellue on féovmabor 6th. 1916,
( atizacnczd hereto) m moves the Court to Sift aside the order entered
in the above styled case on Octooor 33m” 1311"}, rli81"zii::i'3i21{>; said
appeal under rulo Three; to reiiirntflte the: appeal. on the. docket of
this Court, .':n-fi, to {grout aojgmllar’its 'Ll'iiZ‘Ey '.‘-.::er in which to file
brief, with 22:. reussom-Lble time thereafter to ang_;elloes to file
brief; or sash time, in each jmmnce as may seem tropcr to the
002.11%, zemd on this motion the aypollonts beg; lei-ave to file
affidavit of Counsel attached hereto, mu} apysends the foll‘ufi'f‘ing
grounds in supflort of motion to reinstate, . "
. ’}’/,,:x’4 ,// (' ‘ '
.‘ 1.... . ”../-4 -. , -
L ((7 {3}”: 7 ~: y'wmrrs’fiz 3";
/{/{/=d~~(/¢(. 0
{3313733 '.'}, “Th. +1.91? ILILy’Af'l‘i-fi
‘Ezm‘f 1»: .;CL .2118; ET};- COURT:
(1) The (loud; diSmiosed the aforementioned
appeal on motion of zappellee's Counsel, under rule 3, section 1,
because of too :L‘allure of amfiaollamts to file brief as directed
by said rule 3.


(2) Counsel for appellants ( J. I. Vcfianiels) files
his affidavit, in which he says that he was one of Counsel for ‘
;appellnnts. As a matter of fact, it was the affiant who had

‘ fentire charge of the case, and who was expected to brief same.

His main reason given for his Failure to file was
because of illness in his family, and the pressure of business

WL~~.....~' .,,. ._ ,,_l.3‘xlw,¢i n
in the Courts of Breathitt, Estill and Lee Counties.

AL another reason, one onehich probably made him feel
that t e brief was not cue! Was becwuse the Clerk of this Court,
in preparing his printed docket, placed this aspeal inkthe Fifth ‘,

;;-r ;'1 .2 f? ‘54; 1?}.L' ... ,‘i’ ’ Q7.”
appellate district cell ( use current dicxet, case ha. 192, flafIQ) ’
when it should have bee; in the cell of the Seventh aqoellate District,
on either pages 21, 22, 23 or 24. ‘~. - - \ f; ”t ‘ ,L 1’

Wm .;;““1£.u1 A,i7'4'sid,».

(3} 4hile this may not be strong iétédfis‘fdr sustaining
his motion, yet the record will show a failure of notice to appellants
of the motion to dismiss. Ihere is no contention that the motion

was not made on the dny of the callgtdfieptw/Qyth.} yet it remains
that no notice Was given appellants of the notion, because of the
failure of the clerk to place the case on the docket under the
call of the 7th. District.

(4) in View of the foregoing stotcments, and the circum-
stances as they a year, we twink the Court would we justi”ied in
setting aside the order rererr d to, and in reinstating the anneal
on the docxet.

(5) Counsel for appellee objects to the motion, and asks
the Court for five days in which to present reasons for his objection.
Counsel for appellfizaéies not object to the granting of the time asked.

Respectfully submitted.
- / %//4\

 1 // y / ,
<*“D E""1
09 ::2-51'": ' ASSISTANTS
319??? W ,5—1‘. CHARLES H.Monnls
. REL-.1 fl am.- LEGAL DF: PARTM’ENT ovgm-ON S_HOGAN
‘ , "- ‘1‘ if
"*‘Nrucvd ' ' '7
Lovembc: Ttfi. 191 .
Jucge :muel wilson,
LexingtoL, Ky
. Dear Judge:
30315 97 foyerbrr 'tL. enclosing accepted notice of
aotio , received.
I egolose motion 33d _Iflunic, -.: ou will see tiereflom
that 5031 rcq est is savug LL :Me Notion,
I than; you fur ;;,r jlo pt caurner i? CfiiS RFCLEI.
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 N9 DI ‘
6 .--_.-..w
33.5% NW3? ° .
. ’:. mu .‘ i: ;‘ CHARLES H. MORRIS
, Ziovetnber 3rd. 1;?/16.
Eloy-1. Sam cl ;i 1301;,
Lax 1‘. rugjt 0 <1, 1”: .
Dear Si 1‘ :1,..:‘_l Erie gal:
I 22.11 9.11010 :.;i :1;; xioti 32c of :«1otjozzz in the case
31'” A‘oble, ctc . , vs . Louisvillc a; -.:iaslrvrille hailroad Com 22.1133 I
weal-:1 :39 very $1.15 to have gov. accept service oi the Sr: 6: :1. _d if
for . rev: 2.:; :l you 02.22.1107: do so , 3:1 ‘.'-2.:- SE} 2:.3': if; me at once .
1".‘J.' .J-‘..i- -.r,.A-u/"- 7" ~ <
..’lufl. _.L;i<_tk.3u .L:37t;$14>i, .‘. w..;,
‘1 on a ‘9; 3." 7:2. 1;?,
/" //v f/ "
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\L,.,,’ , _
' »‘/ x 27/ »
l/(Kp/é’ . / ¥ ‘ . Z5- '3'/“C(75‘u

3 - .l , 1 . ‘1 , H “www-” ~ ”-‘.
FRANKFORT ,i '7' ” ' '.. .
1 ' " , -.
MO 1:. 511.11.1'31 “$118032, it $1.3,
Lox E :';;j'b011, Ky,


 ‘9 D11,
6 . _
5‘ ::._"“"‘fi§1 ‘ ° . .
. rm f ;. CHARLES H.Mom=us
2’1" .. '. a 1 ,