xt73bk16mf8w_104 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [71] Elie Tharpe v. L&N, Powell Quarterly Court text [71] Elie Tharpe v. L&N, Powell Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_12/Folder_1/66292.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_104 xt73bk16mf8w ‘....V. .,, ‘| r:- -u(\-. -

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1‘1 V/var’lg’ 4' 7
Hon. Se M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Ely Thorpe v. L. & N. R. Co.,
Powell Quarterly Court.

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of
april 15th with enclosures referred to therein relative to the
above case.

I have passed the bills enclosed for voucher. I
hOpe very much that John De Atkinson & Son will pursue the matter
of collection of our costs from plaintiff to a successful conclu—

Our Attorneys at Stanton are certainly making a
good record in the Powell Quarterly Court.

,. 17"
Mg“! M*'1-&~¢44¢,Efi' I Cr» 2;:
Assistant District Attorney.

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OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT. U Li“ ---‘»>l~1 . AH"- 17mm“.
B. D. WARFIELD, . 1:": (m U/ Apri 3. . ,9, 4
llileict Attorney. 7 ‘
[11, ///c‘ (my of E1]. {"3 Thorpe 7's. I1 5‘ :91 2‘3-‘3.'?-
I/Ir' jEI/bn/iug' [7117(‘(11/1’21gx rm")? lma' a! [11! if)? Zr 2 732m, 1914
'\ ,r . .7 » . . "0 .. a ‘1
of HM 55,1121 tel ,- .,7 (0101 (y ‘ OVVE’ *1 Calm/;'.
April 6,7 914 . “Fri :35. and Judgnen‘»; for Daft. for '7: ts coats ,
. Co 3; ";I l.) :7. l J. 3132;66:2"1; (l .
[SIGNED] Jno .1). Atkinson 5’»: Son.
Attorney L. d N. Railroad Co.
Ma" 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character. as petition. etc... etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting a judgment. state data and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and Whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed, what time. if any, has been allowed for filing.

 F0111) 102 LAW IHLI-Ak'rnH-LN'J'
- f 1411.}. N0.
l. . ~,— I
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT " v V v.- ‘ 1,4rl'lx\';l,ll.
B. D. WARFIELD, ‘ - j . {{(U/ W" V... r. ;.' /91 1
District Allornu-y.
1‘(,..,5V..l.‘m m, REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS.
[)1 Mix MM 0/ . 1‘ ; 7's. - i H H .
_ .’./m jb/bruz'ng />Ia(‘z't‘(1’1'7lg.~‘ 71mm lma’ a! //1(‘ I 721712, 191 --
of Mr 9 . a (bu/’2‘ (3f ' -- . - ’ (mm/J“.
'1 " ' ' ‘ ' {_»‘v , . , . . _
. . T W -' -. ’ rv w
[SIGNED] ' - - .. _-..
Attorney L. 8‘ N. Railroad Co.

neg-'3" 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character, {LS petxtion. etc. etc.

2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc.. etc.

3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost. ’

4. In reporting a._judgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether

bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time. if any, has been allowed for filing.

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mm: mm 5.21mi}; is 111 a 130.31 2.21m. Lo (’CLVlaJC you.
Yours avatar,
n,‘ ’ z") ,,j
.. Iw , n/a/
L.‘ X/ ,/\_/>( 2 {L j, ' ‘ 1 b
‘x‘k ,'I ' 13.2- /c;I \_
8 a «Lg; ” ( - warm: I a /
\,. ‘" ,r ., »--« .. \_., .,
Opy- 091.119.1118011, 1'23le-

EEVCLrY. 7"" ‘39 i CO‘-" 11:-‘.V :_, ,,, \ '-


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ift’lu‘l‘fl/ Hwy/ll Jyr/M.
7.I-#599'H71/ / /
...H-. . . /,/
.~lss/ (It’ll/I'I?’I.l//l/;II/I’I//. / . / / . A I
fl'r/‘z‘z’h-Jmmx ‘ ’ - (WNW/”G /// 4/1/1'4-
! ..»!ss'f (I'M/7 /'I"l‘l:l///(.!I/{‘/I/. /
7.. 7.’7/yr] 'I.
/ ”fly/If (Jilin/;lr/r/ll, IN YOUR REPLY REFER 1 I Q3] ”I O_ ’7
‘ ' TO DATE AND FILE NO. "— ' ' '“'
fir. ‘. . Moorman, ADA.,

;fl 1LT.
fetwr $511?

I again réturn Herewi13 ~1' hwnarc 1w two ut‘qchei Claim
in cuse of 31y Tfiorn, "s. L,¢ J. W. i, To. and 1c commectian with
same wish to cq11 uf+ention to Vr. Twew'? 1eiter 1nder j~i~ 'f
ice 2191: rWt. "_ich (VVQCWies‘ fu‘Wy"“it . ozr I”?quesi; 0f tvra 5T3: uTt.

It $011fi tnerfore, 99’1 fr3¢ Fflt”mfifi‘ 1w‘@ by ”r. Ghee
fhnt thi? c1wiw Mu" no merits nnfi ifi via.T of EH9 circumstnflcec
think came sfioqu b9 declinefl i'n viaw of tie evigence SHOWn by
inv¢9ticwtion a? cnnfiu-téd by tdir connwny.

Your? trJWy,
1“. I \f; q A v

»— 4 $3431 7-Liai
."I'r. ’I- . T‘oor‘tn'xu, 15345"...
131 '4'j‘.
"Tour ”if:

I “item: ifzturh ilere'jf‘. 447‘ t1'435r7‘ '14:- tw‘: 44'? "407143"! 01441???
in CHE"? 04‘ i4 5".r.)v".\.., "':. 4,. I. ?, To. and in con'teeti‘m with
Ema :wiew 4:20 c-fli 7?i,‘-’3Tliijfl tc‘z.f?'1e‘~'v Wai‘f'er enter "4 t4 f
to: 3‘.?12 2'4‘: ‘iC'i :~'<;'v‘.:7_1~“ 172.1473; 'ii‘. gmzr request a?" tn 5th :flt.

It ‘.”oi‘mi t I") n’foz‘efi C”, 4: Fri “1 imam?" *1-1 "'3 ':.}.7 ”T. ”4143.4
thwt t‘wii' W41 4 '1 merit? in Viv: of tin ei‘re‘wzet‘“'-0'3”
thin}: “’4‘34”. ' 1'.-27m? 'ieoizix'm’i 1w ‘Ii‘v’fli’ of t u: evidence swown my
inthimti'tn (3'444’4‘J ‘tr’é'i :.g’f :‘Lt' 'tij'q‘o'lz'gi.

Yimr—z‘ tru‘ly,
“‘.‘3: 55‘.-

 K / / ' fl /, j ' ./ / /

.i »mfl/y (w ////// 1/ (K) ///”// . //// ”fly / H”, /////y,

/' ,/// / ' // / /

» . ' / v' t
e ////////’r// /////'/I:/.
/ /: , / ,
‘6/21‘fl0-4w/Z / / / ./
1{é’lll'l'fl/flil/iIVy/iyl/I/r/v ill/.AIIIII/I’i'ffi/r'fl/ / , ' / / ,_
" ' ' Kill/7 (w, /7,,17nh‘ :14, 33.7,;
/ /
File 453
L ‘1‘}7‘37.’; I1
LILY. d. '1 39:;‘1‘1', .A‘.‘,;.1‘\-. ,
L'M'j 21711163,
Dz‘ki‘ 1313:"

lint-,3 notch '2',?‘.,:1,“;..w? T":‘o': v” .».;r‘ni Litrm’oh Z‘F?“j“j"75,I'E-';

shipment! \JOI/Tiixifllfifi to ill $211973), :_3t;.31“;1':, 1.5", [$2-07 i'fi'rr‘ficm .~.-5‘.
"viii l'/', j,I‘:3I.::=“t.:1.e;.‘ 11th) “:’Q‘I’h
“flour: funny,

Q: (C oat/x
{10110.32} Tiroisiifl awn

‘ fii/// 2 ..///i' // :/ / . // j/Q . / _ C///
, . /’///.)/‘////’ / , /fl)//’////’ . //////’/’//// //7/%////%
F1 an: i if: ,Ky.’
March 213t.1914.
L h F L 193IIO Z
151‘. Chi'LS.HCOt't,G.§*‘.f‘s
Dear Sir:-
Fefiurning all papers is you this Shipment of maxi consigned
Ely Tnorpe,stunior,Ky.ocver9fl fly Stuntum A1301 way-hill I?,December ISth.
I913 received at. Stanttcm 138031311611} 1.51113.CondL‘L'fi'iLll‘ Collier trail: 370.122..
This he; 25 meuf was plague in¢yare~rmcm in first class
connitlcn mitn no eVldence of neing,enrnnfe in nanolir: 251$ DOK Wfizie
in ware-room tne next morning one hérrd whiflk was ox top of box was
pilled 19038 contents were not disturbed. When Kr.Thnrpe wxs to receive
snipment l explairea to him iue muuner in which this board became loose,
he cemplained thai sow9 of 213 meat m2: miaaing,l reqfiirefi him to open
the box nné count the pieces,boy was $393 weighed as the actual neignt of
this box is not Shawn on the may—hill we Claim a sxoriage of 95 pounds,
I asked. firdett Agent Athol as. to how: +1c meat was weighed-z. lie. adviase-J
that ii was placed on scales wifih SBVSTfil ariicles of householfi-gccds
ganfl was thus weighed and that the weighi claimed by Ir.$horpe mas not ihe
weight or the box but included these articles of hcusehold-gocds. '
I then told Hr.lhorpe thui before any cluiw would be considered
he would have to make an affidavit as ?v the number of pieces he placed
in the box and the actual weight. he produced this affidavit bufi the
staiementa he made were absolutely incorreci and false as fihe number of
pieggg he glaimed to he in the hox was anon less than what was in the

& / ' /
/ . . // ,/ / . // ) . / /
r /_ 1 I / / ’ r /
, ///fl)// / - ,fl) /// / - //////// //////////,
r: n ,
LCD. /
be}: 1:731:33 11; was opened in the 'I:.7233,‘-e—I'<2<>2,1,tvher‘: preemfler’i with 1232i? fact 9:1I
J... .. “ .~ _ . _ I ‘ "H I _ . » ‘. _fi . _, _u: I, 1_- -I I: .- '.I 1 a , > p '. "
owe: {3141'}:an irrerlzlarw3.12:. 1: ::e afi immuni- ::e de'.:l.-.I1‘e.: 1.‘., I 153 false
and. the‘h he did 110?; {In-h {he me'i 12’: 5.9 "my '14: all 'ztuf. '..":ikf': 238.3,:i'nr ‘56,”:-
--e-"-‘ 1 ' ~ .- -' I.. -. J, «,9 —~ +u' : +*
3.’..1133‘Ilt only upon clrltmgjfil‘ :::.I,I.Il'b regimen are“. knew nGu.II111,_ «may to me
real frezttents :mIfi. V.7,:eig;}:":. 91"" 3103:. Time was absolutely; :12: 9.‘I:N:"i::~1.5:e
et-iistiztrz :17 {the 151319. -'.'.:'_‘ zieliivvtéy Ti? i"r23: hence 11:0 slzons'i; re;':.<.I:‘-': was
::eche but fix-.0415: 1;: "pie cam-3 :f‘I'31r1-7-1'-€A+:: IZ:‘.I;::.Drr~=~s>ill in case eui‘ég. 1:115;
filemhthir: is $2.11 ‘IXYICEV‘W V?:!5L"Il7ii for? is nI-rI‘.3’:i7:.,j_ I 21* 1:1-2.54.3; Tfi"::I::r ‘L‘l
rol’z'bery$33,193. :2:: I 31:1:239Ts4'32f: is? #107; i :3: ’I‘ slertmm that- 35133913332?
has Claimed. 1:31.911 71; :;;<::‘;1,1:,I,.l s 1101‘ "he. [:9 exis' 1.9:}.
Yours irnly,
f ‘
11:: 2‘: . a A»: en t .
\ ,1

 O / ‘ f/ 7) . / !///
, / _.. » ,,’
/ ' f f , ' V / ’ ;'"I »’,, , f/ ' /
.__ vim/7%” ////// / «xiv/x. ”MK/«Ky .fl/r/yfl/uw'
/ / /
7’ W /
, ////////’/// //r//
/ / , " ,
‘./////ifl;/. Ari/é / / ? /
,lluuknflfl/(y/l/Q/pr/4?é)y/((/z'/,';//r’;z,/ ////‘//‘// ”'./l /// T'r‘f 1’) ~x 1)) ,1
.__ , X ‘ w’/’-V_.//., “tub. ..,1" ‘
// //
1"i1e 4533
im‘z I.'. L 1")3110 2’.
Mr. J. A. Shea, Ammt,
F1 eming, hy.
Dow Sir:—
Azs yam were [NCOYIt ::t Stanton when this) shipment ‘.'/m; .1‘an-
cei'fed from (Who?) 12y. or: AtheT. Stanton veg—Lil‘l 1’2, Dricem’imr 11th,
1913, won’t you 1(1'T1C1J :"ive { imi’>1‘:':'1‘3;:'L<:>.r1 :vouu-astm’z by EL)". Iioorewiz-m,
xvii“; prorzpt 3.‘::et;.u.1ai of owners.
Your; ’;z‘xflj»
fi‘mnern] F1‘ei..<:h t 1.115:th .

 Form (ma—Revised June, 1904-
LOUISVILLE, KY. ,..._-...___-.,-_....._.._._w___-....,_ . , ,,,m 191%..
. . - - (i 7: N0
Bear Sir: Please furnish documents or information indlcated by X below. ' --
J. F. SrfltnR, F. C. A., Peru.--” , ., ,
I ‘2f’::::’:‘_.—‘~—_—_"__ __.. _— __ .___-.. __ WW " V , .TL;': 1:1:fif'ii,’ fifi“:””$ "_i Z 'Zlfiffl‘ZTI
I 1 I Atttioh 1t copy of liilling.......... \on (WWI-I‘ll}: t.lii~‘ s-liigtmwnim I lluw: (‘?‘m'n :.‘m1.'~ linw, in What car, (late and llll'lt‘l‘ \\ intt 911.5 ‘II‘ILVK‘F' d.

‘ I of . . nttd nd‘. 1>~ ,_ - , -'-—' ~_~—————~—~—~—~———~—
~— -——-*A ————————~—_—__ 8'» ,\'z:.rt-1mrt.
.‘ S I Altar-l1 it Stntomont in norm-dunno. with 1". C. A. ltiilu Sm] , 7_.—_—_——_.___fi__
_,.. —_——-——————--—-——u——~ . Li‘m tn‘ iZtYrI-‘fv Fm‘tl record of (‘:l‘t‘. If our 12nd riid (3r UT“, Huh 1.122
U I Authority for $1 nitzit-ltt-d. Collwt ritrmt. . b7 ' t3 Wti‘c Emit-nod. Show nntriis. number; 2:514.lliii[)r! .«ion: 31:
_._., ,._... ___ ___. __ mw i” 7* 5‘. ..4.
. 1” I ’l‘ltoru is Il()\i”i . , . — —- -___fim—m—h“-
——~ ~—— w—M*——iw-——~ . ~7 ,,, '.1: _v‘. ‘.'.i .. if:~'11;:".".‘:"'IN"HH‘, rtt‘t-E'rrf:f:i'r‘ 11w ':zttw ‘,\'F‘l‘1lit\‘~'Il\’ill‘t'i\'titl;liOil whirl: ('?.:ini for lv»-.< is 74.9, I.
17 I Authorize for S :1:: pm Slillt‘lill izt aunt-Enid . 7, ,,, ,.,mflfiqrfi
*v '_ i—Mu. .. Z’w‘w livii'w'i‘j.’ :ilitl‘A'll. in w ('l.llli1\Yitlitll‘avfll. lit-turn papers for
b. I llavc olnirtmnts say how that: arrived :it lusts forclnint. ;:ivtn. ':‘ filo. .iiftm‘ our room-(ls to Limo.
I flllliiorily for rate and attncti copy of (Ilintnttnii. if any. -. .‘._ f————rh——*‘M—~———
E. if *m— .33 ‘ llrt'uwl-iil1"dut'vutOitivoiwpriwOi':it".11:ilt~o.