xt737p8tdx1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tdx1b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2004 2004 2004-09-08 2020 true xt737p8tdx1b section xt737p8tdx1b Wednesday

September 8, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915




Celebrating 33 years of independence

Columnist: Some cards
aren't worth their
weight in plastic

Page 5


UK asks attorney general about victims' names

mt muucxv mutt

UK legal counsel submitted a request to
the state attorney general Friday. seeking
an opinion about UK's policy to withhold
crime victims‘ information on police inci-
dent reports.

In its five-page request. UK legal coun~
sel argued that it has not implemented a
blanket policy to black out all information
for every victim. Instead. UK is withhold»
ing names and addresses of victims.

"There is no legitimate public purpose
in disclosing the identity of victims in di-
rect violation of their expressed desire not
to be publicly identified," wrote Barbara
Jones. UK's interim general counsel in the

UK first cited its new records policy
when the Kernel asked for police reports at
the beginning of the fall semester.

Kernel editors have argued that provid-
ing victims‘ names gives reporters and the
public the ability to question police activity
and provide details important to the carn-
pus community's understanding of crintes.

Between Aug :51 and ”Thursday. UK Po-
lice fileti 21 incident reports with 11 vic-
tims requesting that their names be kept
private, the report said.

Jones also argtied that the details of the
incident report. excluding the victim infor-
mation. are available on the UK Police Web
site within 24 hours after the incident.

"Providing their names to the general
public and the media serves no public pur-
pose except to expose them to re-victimiza-
tion by the perpetrator. possible retaliation.
harassment or public ridicule." she wrote.

“That is wrong." said Jon Fieischaker.
general counsel to the Kentticky Press As-

“No. i. there is no historical evidence
that aity of that is true. Victims have been
listed regularly and often for the past 30, 40.

50 years. And No. 2. it‘s not the choice of

the victim to be identified."

Jones would not comment further on
the case.

Nationwide. open records cases occur
fairly often. said Roy Moore. a media law
professor iii the (‘oliege of Communica-
tions aitd information Studies.

Moore said the press usually wins the
cases, but the trend is starting to reverse.

“Two reasons: One. there's a greater
concern with preserving privacy on the
part of the public. and two. security con-
cerns." Moore said.

"i don't think the support for open
records meetings and laws is as strong as it
once was from the public."

The Kentucky attorney general's office
had not received UK‘s request for an opin»
ion Tuesday afternoon. said Robert Jones.
acting director of the civil and environ-
mental iaw division within the office.

He said UK‘s request would be consid-
ered an “Office of the Attorney General"
opinion. which he described as more of a
“hypothetical legal decision” since the re-
quest isn't based on an appeal to a decision
or case.

The attorney general's office usually
takes at least two to three months to return
an opinion after requests such as UK's. he

The Kernel also might file a request for

See Records on page 2






Police withhold information
about rape of UK student


A UK student reported that she was
raped in her home Aug. 26.

The female student. whose name.
age and address were not released. was
reportedly raped by a known male at
her home between .‘i and 4 am. UK P0-
iice said drugs or alcohol were a factor.

A Student Health Services employee
called UK Police Aug. 30 and UK Police
contacted the victim. who filed the re-

UK interim Legal Counsel Barbara
.iones told the Kernel last week that 10-
cations of crimes would not be with
held even if the location of the crime
was the victim‘s residence. UK Police.
however. did not release the location of
the rape.

UK spokeswoman Mary Margaret
(Joiliver said the biacking out of the lo-
cation of the crime was unintentional
and that the information would be
made available today.





Bob*& Tom yu k
it up at Rupp

B]_JQSJi_ Sullivan


When Bob Kevoian and Tom Griswold

first hit the airwaves together in 1985?». they
were the wake-up call for a few thousand
listeners in a small Michigan suburb.

Since then. they've gained a iistenership
of more than .1 million each week relying
on comic chemistry and musical genius.
turning out countless catchy. classy tunes
such as "Prison Bitch" anrl "(‘amel Toe."

Two decades and Ho radio stations after
their start. “The Bob and Tom Show" audi-
ence is so big an upcoming live gig in Les
ington is eypwted to pack Rupp Arena

"The Bob and Tom Show " was syndicat-
ed iii i995 and quickly found its way into
the daily 6 ant-lo a.ni. time slot on Lexing
ton's 100.1 WKQQ. the sponsor of the live
Sept. 10 show

liver since. the (‘entral Kentucky audi
ence has shown itself to be especially re»
sponsive to Rob and Tours brand of niorn-




mm: nun | sun

The sun rose yesterday at 7:12 am. over the Keeneland Race Course. And while yesterday morning had clear. sunny skies, today calls for a
100 percent chance of rain because of spinott from Hurricane Frances.



ing talk show humor


“We did a show at Rupp a few years
back. and the place was packed." Tom said “We're looking

forward to coming back."

They also manage to feature comic and celebrity person-
llliiiOS. it's not at all uncommon to tune in and hear Kevin
l’oiiack bust out his patented Christopher Walken imperson-


Standrup comedians such as Tim Wilson and John Fox
also frequently spend time cutting up w ith the pair

But generating laughs isn‘t the only goal of this comic
team. Griswold said he and Kevoian have raised millions of
dollars for charities such as the Red (‘ross through the sale

of the'r albums
" We really feel


blessed. arid we love to
give back and iieip oth~
ers." Griswold said with
obvious pride,

But despite their \ilt'
cess. Kevoiari and (il'is
wold face a new chalit llL’t'
in today‘s postnl'lllt‘l
Jackson radio climate

Since last year's Super
Bowl and Janet Jackson's
infamous "wardrobe mai
function.” the Fit has rt-


Rob and Tom will per-
form at Rupp Arena Fri-
day at 7.31) pm

Tickets cost $24 » $49
and can be purchased at
the Rupp Arena box office
.it 432 W. Vine St or by

(bill trauma-axis.



doubled its efforts to curb
"iiidecencv' on the radio

As a result. (il‘l.\‘\\tilll \.tlll he and Kevoian have decided to
stop airing several classic bits and tone down new material.

"We haven‘t been fined
don't plan to be “

yet." (iriswoid said. "and we

He said i‘(‘(‘ regulations are so vague that what consti-

tutes a "humble ofteiise

is almost an arbitrary decision.

“There‘s no t‘tilit'i‘eii‘ list of rules front the i‘(‘(‘ you can
look at and say. ‘(1K. we can't do llli\.m he said

See Show on page 5

Hurricane Frances spins off numerous tornadoes in the South

By fillen Barry

ATLANTA Tropical
Depression Frances. now a
colossal. dying storm. beat
the Southeast with wind and
rain on Tuesday. spawning at
least 30 small tornadoes and
threatening severe flooding.

Before dawn in Atlanta.
trees flattened picket fences.
crunched parked cars.
snapped power lines and. in
a few cases. crashed irtto the
homes of sleeping families

More than 300,000 (‘yeoi‘
gians Were still without pow

er late yesterday

As the storni's eve wot)
bled up the east side of Al
abarna. its reach extended
into South (‘arolina
where at itiidmoriiitig a
lighting quick tornado
flipped a mobile home. iniur
ing the three people inside

in the mountains of
South (‘arolina and (ieorgia.
dark clouds dttittped lo inch
es of rain

Meanwhile. hundreds of
thotisandsol Floridians who
evacuated last week in ad
vance of tlieti Hurricane
Frances were making their

way home yesterday
They lined up at aid sta
tions tor diapers and deter

gent and ice, and waited for

hours to pump gas itito con
tainers for emergency use.

With a third major
sitli'lil. Hurricane lvan.
building in the (‘aribbeair
many survivors half-expect
another blow one aid Worker
said. even though officials
say it was not likely to hit

"Already. people are talk
lyan this” and ‘ivan
'i‘het‘re calling it lvan
' said Peter Tea

the Terrible.

hen. art American Red (‘ross

lvan made a direct hit on
(irenada yesterday. accord
ing to The Associated Press.
blasting apart scores of
homes and hurling hundreds
of the island's landmark red
zinc roofs through the air.

No injuries were report-
ed The storm also damaged
homes in Barbados. St. Lu-
cia and St. Vincent and ap
peared set to reach Jamaica
by tomorrow

Hurricanes begin to dis
integrate as soon as they
move inland. btit their death

is slow and destructive. said
Joe Peiiflier. a meteorologist
at the National Weather Ser-
vice in (lreer. S.(‘

The majority of Amerir
cans killed by hurricanes
are not victims of the winds;
most are motorists who
drown after driving into
flooded areas.

“People get fixated ini-
tially on the strong winds
and the storm surge." said
Michael Eckert. a senior me-
teorologist with the National
Weather Service.

in the days after landfall.
with the drama over. "iieopie

take their guard down. and
they shouldn't."

Frances has been blamed
for 1:1 deaths so far in Flori-
da. in Georgia, five people
died in traffic accidents
caused by the storm. accord-
ing to a spokesman for the
Georgia Emergency Manage
ment Agency

According to the Florida
Emergency Operations Cen—
ter. nearly 13.000 people are
still in state-operated shei-

About 2.2 million people
do not have power.


 PAGEZ | Wednesday Sept 8 2004

public safety. 0 F [‘1 N 'l‘ l' (‘ K Y

"’l‘here's a major public

u 00 OFF on. CHANGE

only where the crimes oc- ‘

Continued from page] (3:31:31. by ‘t'g‘l'V95u‘Lllii’ ”:3 Aug. 29 Harassment reported at Greg Page Apart- V 71 5 NORTH BROADWAY

, ‘ , ,

‘ 3 , , l . ments at 3:23am. .
an opinion. dependlm»! on Slims“‘,):_lmt.:.15. Afltqhinm‘b Aug. 30 Theft reported at 744 Rose St. at 6:31 a.m. Your Downtown Loc‘mn
how thp university H). Li)“ Vcan‘tdtell mu Aug.;l(I(‘l‘111111’1;i)l mischief reported at 410 Adminis- ; Lexmgton. Kentucky 40508
sponds to several Upon Ilit‘re‘g ”U public interest in II‘dIlt)Il’l-Il\t'dI hart. an; . ‘ted 1 , g d H "I h [/a/m 233-4584 W km 11) U“ "um
records requests the news that ~ he said "That‘s ab- A111» 3“ Rdlx‘ *1 5‘1“?!" WP“! XV - I“ H“ MI imuutmcmm - U‘ L
paper has submitted smee . . ' . . . . Services emplmee at 8:38 a. m.

siiid lt delies reasonable , .
last week. (“wu‘wm ~- Aug :10 lhett reported at TioS l imestone St

Fleischaker said the out ”mm, 10.33.1111 ‘ , ‘
come of the case matters to axichkoiikvkernelrom Aug. 30 1‘hett reported at 411 S. Limestone St. at
' 10:59am.

Aug Jill Assault ieported at Speedway on South




l. Limestone Street. ' 259— 1692
C Inton recuperates Aug. 31) Assault reported at itiH‘ooper Drive at 12:11 SERVICE HOURS MONDAY FRIDAY
pm, 730AM 60OPM
after heart sur er Aug. ao Theft in progress reported at Parking Struc» 721 NORTH BROADWAY
g y ture No, 1 at 1:34 pm. 859-259-l692
Aug, 30 Theft of an automobile from 305 Euclid Ave. - . . . , .

at 1.31:1 pm.
By Dam Brown Aug 30 (‘riminal mischief at 5:31) S. Limestone St. at Oil and Filter

WE WASMNGIC'N 908' I .36 p.111. h $14 95
Former President Bill t‘linton testerdai “as "resting AW- 31'1“?" N‘PUW‘“ 1" 3““ R05“ 314 1113333 P-m C onge °

comfortably as he continues to recuperate troni coronary Alli!- ill Assault reported at 160 l-‘iiiikhouser Drive at
artery bypass surgery performed on Mondax; according to 9' it) a m
a spokesman at his charitable foundation Aug S'l Theft reported at Whitehall (‘lassroom
The breathing tube inserted into his lungs before Building at 2:20 pm. ‘ .
surgery had beeti remoted. and (‘linton was talking with Aug. .‘tl Theft reported at 550 S. Limestone St. at 11:56 c I N E M R 5 53'" b“ 509m“
his wife and daughter in the intensive care iitiit at New pm. Bargainmatinees helm 59m
York-Presbyterian t‘olumbia l'nii'ersm Medical (‘enter Aug. Lil Theft reported at Whitehall (‘lassroom *1 . f‘? *1 ‘- ’ 5 C ;' 1 ‘ . V' Chemafi-com
‘le was described as "awake atid alert ” Building at 4:53 pm. .. * ; .. . 4-
No further details about his condition “ere giVeii iii the Aug, 31 Theft front an automobile at K lot at 5:36 ‘ ' .
tlii't'e sentence statement. and the hospital did not make pin ‘ ‘ ‘ T
any member ot‘ his treatment team :nailable for inter Aug, 3,1 Thet‘t m prngrpgg at am Rose St 5:45 p m [1121;135:322 :56“; Paamsm
VIEWS Sept 1 Suspicious person arrested at 2‘32 State St at ___' g . . ’ . ‘géggiggégfi‘fff

The fifl»ye;ir-oltl former president \tas admitted to the 2.12 am . - . iANcflonMGAnsgngisuéNDo, ‘ Pflogfifisllzol’lfizglgi‘o
a.‘..,‘,.,.,.‘.',..l , t . ,. . > ERG PG ‘
LUSPNAI I‘Hddfi’fim' WPt 11‘ W 111‘s kl“ “1 1W” «”111 511"” Sept 1 Harassment at Mt) Woodland Ave. Apart- '; ' 3 V ’90” ”mm ”qu :{Efgggjfigiigifimm
tiess ol breath. lesting revealed tour sites ot extreme nar mpmS at 51:, am. . .V p : 00‘ “BLK‘10000%;2N40.0
rowing in branches of all three coronary arteries. which Sept. 1 Theft reported at 800 Rose St. at 8:11 am. 1:, ‘ V . ' H i -- rustlnomylwi...m.. 35???? ”"99“” "’
supply oxygen-rich blood to the beating heart muscle 301” 1 Theft reported at mg Awnmt of (‘hainpions ..i, V lifi‘aTfiWit'iti’

In the operation two teries that normally supply at 8:11:3ani. f - ~ ,  jtgsv‘eggamumoi
blood to the inside ot the \Il('\I \tall were used to so i )l\' t, n ,, ., . , . ., ._ , - ~ . - . ’ ~ . i C'gvémuswm PG'Jr
) l I . _‘ ‘ , ll » St pt. 1 Hit ft it poittd at .01 A\t1111( ol (hampions ‘ ‘ gngm “mum" m
.3 UL)“ I0 III“ [II It I l! S t'lU“ IISII t‘tllll IIHIII Iilt‘ Il-lI it!“ lll;...\ \ v »- ~ 4 . it v» ~ , . SYORYIPGI 3) ms aousws sovntumvwcm

. ilI Ill 1 i111]. v 320525735950 ”073°

vein trom his leg was reniox‘ed and used tor the same pur- gm" 1 Thou reported at M) Patterson Drive at 11:15 ' ’ - - 1- -- ‘ -' > ~ '
pose ‘1 m

\VlI-‘W’n 1* “Xi’t‘i‘lt'd 1“ “WWI JIM“ NV“ ”511" 1” Th" h"-“ Sept 1 Theft reborted 'it lot S l lmes'totie St at 3 "1
pital ' p m

Although pl “h m" ‘\ ”mp“ ” V“ ‘ ‘V' “W”! MW}. XV“ Sept 2 Theft reborted and arrest made at KeniiedVS "my H n pl" "HR"
vealed. many people indeit ike taiihai rehabilitation at Bookstore ,n 1M” ,1 m * , ‘
ter praSs surgery in the s.illlt' wax 'hai people \\ ho l1;l\'t‘ “I“ ., The?" ,n .M) \lumni l)ri\'e at 11 1‘1 1 m

.. , > V. ”r. "’_' _‘ ._‘ . .._ l4- .‘ i ..i,.

undergone orthopedit ptot i-daa s g... h .is ioint tt plat t . Sept ., Theft 'it Red Mile Road "ind llorsetnan‘s‘ I ane
I11t‘ltlt‘lt)ph}'Slt‘£llIlit’t'tlpV ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘

n - . . ~ at 324 p m.
tardiac rehabilttation consists ot tszipert ised exercise . , . . . , wekome Back! Now GO AWAY'
. . t i 'I A ‘ ' ' l‘ , i "' _ . on. o
“,ng of ””117,”qu ”INN” ”N! m tron m \m‘mm: I.” St pt _ Iht it from an automobile at l\ lot it 1.10 pm

s'ition counseling on diet t-lll‘t‘ l'lti'1 mom t“i"tll It (lt‘lln\ Sept .3 Assault at 800 Rose Stat 1:39 am. I Student Citis‘s’Dist'outit AirimeWotldwide
.tnd future actit'itx; .llltl in some programs lII\ lt'i' on “at s Sept. ‘_’ AWN} at 8”” R959 ‘8" in 6:23 am. ' “W" I'M" MW“
H, reduce \m,“ ‘ Sept. .1 l‘hett from a building and arrest made at Boo - Foiail, Buttail, iapan Ran WNW
()ptimal drug treatment iiiltt btpiss siii'gcrx gciieraiit R‘L‘“ 5L “III .‘spm. ‘ , ‘ . I Buds“.Umpmkz.Advetttuwtt-
consists of aspirin. which llt‘t‘l'in‘tsits Mimi (-lntgtng‘ p.“ Sept b lhett reported at 819 S. Limestone St, at mid (t1t‘ullkl18-3's', Yours
blockers. “'hlt‘ll help Pl‘ltlt't , Il‘ V3. -.tl‘l “Um 1““: I'llVIIllll night I lntemalionalStudent‘VoolhldenlIIVCatds \ \.
disturbances. among other '12::th sta'nts wit «it lti\\t‘ r SPIN *5 Th0“ IV‘PHI‘TM at Kentucky ( lllil(‘ at 1:2t; l Spring Bleak Patkmtes...aodmore! V







cholesterol and “1th also stabili/t the th [1 k.- m d \\ ills ot [1-111 "m
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who want to work are doing so A. s;niil.ii [It'l't't'lllJtht' t‘c h-mail dshafaakykernelxnm iisarowmimns-:naveioasmn.

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itional actix itics






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 Group attacks Bush's service

By Ronald Brownstein

lating the campaign warfare
over the Vietnam era. a new
group founded by a veteran
Texas Democratic operative
will announce today a televi-
sion ad campaign reprising
charges that President Bush
failed to perform his service
in the Texas Air National
Guard while on temporary
assignment in Alabama.

The ad, funded by Texans
for Truth, features Robert
Mintz, a retired Lt. Colonel
in the Alabama Air National
Guard. who says he never
saw Bush while serving in
the same unit where they
were assigned to in 1972.

“It would be impossible to
be unseen in a unit of that
size." Mintz charges in the
ad, which the Texans for
Truth group posted on its
Web site yesterday after-

One source familiar with
the group’s plan said it
raised more than 8100.000 to
air the ad after sending an e
mail solicitation to members
of MoveOnorg. an online ad-
vocacy group that has been
among Bush‘s staunchest op»
ponents. and DriveDemocra-
cyorg. a spin~off group in

“The money came in real-
ly fast." said the source. who
asked not to be identified,

This new ad drive ap»
pears in the wake of the ad
vertising assaults on Democ-
ratic nominee John Kerry
from Swift Boat VRGI‘ZHIS for
Truth. a conservative group
with strong Republican ties.
The group has accused the
Democratic nominee of this
representing his actions in
Vietnam and betraying fel~
low servicemen by pursuing
anti-war activities after to
turning from combat.

The source familiar with
Texans‘ for Truth plans said

it was considering running
the ad in some of the same
markets where the Swift boat
group aired. nearly all of
them in swing states

But the source added that
the group might also seek to
run the ad in states that haVe
suffered disproportionatcly
high levels of casualties iii
the Iraq war. The group will
announce its ad buy at a
news conference this morn

The new anti-Bush ad
comes as Kerry allies have
escalated their criticism of
the president's service record

and as both campaigns
awaited a piece from CBS's
60 Minutes examining Bush's
National Guard record

Texans for Truth was
founded last month by Gletiii
Smith. a longtime Texas he-
mocratic operative who ran
gubernatorial campaigns for
Ann Richards in 1990 and
Tony Sanchez in 2002.

Texans for Truth is a 527
organization. so natned for
the federal tax code that cre-
ated it. and is associated with
I)riveI)emocracyorg. a Texas
group directed by Smith.

founded last spring with
money left over after
MoveOn ran a campaign. di-
rccted by Smith. opposing ul~
titnately successful Republi-
can efforts to redraw (‘on-
gressional district lines itt
Texas to help the GOP win
more seats

Steve Schmidt. the deputy
communications director for
the Bush campaign. said the
charges in the new ad about
the president‘s National
Guard service have been "to-
tally discredited" and would
be rejected by voters.

"His campaign is focused
on the past. The presi-
dent‘s campaign is focused
on the future." Schmidt said.

The 30-second ad focuses
on the controversial period


in 13073 when Bush requested
a ll £ill\It‘I' from the Texas Air
National Guard to serve with
a unit in i\l.’ll)£llll.‘t while he
worked oti the Senate cam
paigii of Republican Wintoii

Bush received permission
to traiii With the 187th Tacti-
cal Recontiaissancc Group iii
Montgomery froiti Septem~
her through November 1072

Ever since 3000. Bush has
faced questions of whether
he showed up to perform that
service. In ait interview on
NB("s .Tlct't t/ic I’rcss last Feb
ruary. Bush said charges that
he had failed to report for
duty were "Just wrong."

"There tnay be no evi-
dence. but I did report. Ulllt't‘~
vise l \youldn‘t h l\t‘ been
iioiioi ably disc h: it ”t t Bttsh
said. "‘-llit military doesiit
Work that way I got an hon-
orable discharge. and I did
show up in Alabama ”

Since then. the White
House has pointed to one for
mer member of the unit who
said he recalled seeing Bush
on the base at the time. But
several other members of the
l‘thh have told reporters
they have no recollection of
seeing Bush during that pert
od. And it is that charge the
new ad highlights.

In the ad. .\lint/.. the re
tired l.t (‘oloticl from the Al
abrima :\II‘ National Guard.
says that after the president
cited his service iii the unit
he could not recall seeing
him there.

”So l called friends.
know. ‘llid you know George
served in our unit'.’ Nah. I
never saw him there'" .\lintz
says in the ad.

'l‘ht ad 1(1oseA with text
tli it It ids ' Georgi Bush has
some explaining to do '

Documents released by
the Pentagon last July
showed that Bush wasn‘t
paid for the five months in
107‘: when he was assigned to


the Alabama unit. which sug-
gests he did not show up for
duty: But they also indicate
he had already accumulated
enough credits to meet his
obligation for the year.

(‘ritics have previously
attacked other aspects of
Bush's Vietnamcra service.
including the fact that he
vaulted over hundreds of
other young men waiting for
admission to the National
Guard and obtained a cover
ed pilot‘s slot. despite the fact
he had fewer qualifications
than other applicants and re»
ceived a low score on a pilot
aptitude test.

Scrutiny of the Air Na
tional Guard service contin
ued yesterday. as the Penta-
goti released a new round of
records to The Associated
Press. The documents
showed that Bush was not
with his Texas guard unit
the 147th Fighter Interceptor
Group in 1972 when it
joined in a "24»hour active
alert mission to safeguard
against surprise attack" in
the southern United States.

Ben Barnes. the former
Texas speaker of the House.
has recently said he felt
“ashamed" of helping Bush
anti other well~connected
young men obtain a slot in
the Guard. CBS News an.
nounced that it would feature
an interview with Barnes

In a preemptive memo to
GOP leaders last night. Re-
publican National (‘ommit-
tee chairman Ed Gillespie
sought to portray Barnes as
an unreliable witness and
charged that Democrats are
"implementing a strategy of
vicious personal attacks
against the President and
Vice President."

Times staff writers Kath-
leen Hertnessey and James
Rainer contributed to this re





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