xt737p8tdv17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt737p8tdv17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1985 1985 1985-10-17 2020 true xt737p8tdv17 section xt737p8tdv17 l , ’ ‘ .
SGA V t d W (1" t t l . 1
0 CS 0 11 1 BS men PBSO llthIl, 14-11 ,
ByS(‘()1'l‘WARD Opposition to the resolution was UK in terms of supplying ui ment mu 5 and Uniro al because the volve nt n; -~ - . . , t .i ' '
Special Projects Editor bas!ed Prtlnlarilyton comm that di— and funding for research, eq p Uniarsity would iose money and astimrriiiaustlochgliigeyrlca has been aggighfixe gmernment. In the ‘ .,Z -- '.' t. .-
ves men is no a g means to Divesting, she said. could ham r subs uentl raise the c t '0 - ‘ -' - - . ~ , , . . ’ K " -3 :
The Student Government Associa- bring about change in South Africa, relations between (K and mg; moneq y OS f m ”2:22;” 3; 1%? SSSSUSEXQLSQI‘Z, {thfiufizatif :(?E:(’n$( :hfi‘t‘fifr '.
tion senate narrowly defeated a res that it is not in students’ best inter- companies "That can only hurt the But the resolutions sponsor. Sen» blacks are alreadx suffering in 'mes that in tudlnoe gsn 4, 1tr )\i 1 -' ‘i' l 'i
olution last night that would have eat and that student consensus may students."she said. ator-at-Large Theo Monroe. said L'K South Africa and that divestment 313 would Mural.“ “5:1,“. :m‘dim I 'Z s ‘ ':4 "girl
called for. total divestment of the notbebehindit. ‘ _ ‘ She added. “I don't really think President Otis A Singletary told would not doany more-harm bringing about an‘end to‘thc mun ‘ T" if: if: '
I'niversity s S] 2 million invested in College of Arts & Seiences Senator that we should be considering any him the only money L'K would lose m,‘ whom ”f lag-hm.” r “nu: we e, a ,"1'7‘
companies that do busmess in South Kathy Ashcraft said'that RJ- Be)" political issues atall mtht’sena‘te " would be the cost of transferring the Fischer described singling out regation knounas apahthci‘ii A >' ,1 " "1';
Africa nolds and International Business Senator-atelarge John Pischer stocks South Africa as the ~th . . . . ._ . ' x 1:: ' f-
. _ , . , _ - . pping boy Reading from a statemrnt pH . , , . , i_.
After a dlscuSSlon that lasted Machines two companies from said students would be adversely afr Fischer also said divestment for civil rights Violations as “hy . ared b\ the African student A550 " r'" i
about 40 minutes the resolution was which the University would divest fected by divestment from such would hurt blacks more than it cnhcaj m the highest degree" '05: Elam,“ Ming“ Am 558,, ., {ham v, ‘f {55'
defeatedltHl unaroll call vote. under the resolution. are helpful to companies as Ford Motor (‘0. Bur- would whites and that economic in- sidering the number of other. more ‘ milnffliwrg mm K .1 ’1: 5‘:
t c Act'on n l' l i'
0 .',..~,' ~.-'
. l 0 Israe 18 re ease tape,
curricu um ' 9 : a: -. -‘ ‘:
Klinghoffer s body,
postponed . h' b k - It i .. ..
. . S 1p 3C In a y ..: W
Counc11 to study _ g a; -
O ., ~ ROME Air A man Israel said ———————-———————~— , ,' 1
' ‘4 was PLU offiCial Mohammed Abbas T ‘. , . '
i. general StUdleS speaking to the Achille Lauro's hi~ A man Israel said was ' . , s
jackers told them in tapes of radio - c. , ,1 ".4 ‘i "
By CYNTHIA A.PAI.()RMO 3 conversations released yesterday to FLO Offltidi '. i H - ‘ '_
Senior Staff Writer v“. , ‘_ explain “our objective" to the cruise Mohammed Abbas \\ 8S 5 ~_W' ‘ ‘ , i. , -.._
' ship‘s passengers and not to harm . i ' i .. ' .1 . if
The Senate (‘ounCil yesterday thrlem 1 d h QUOIed as urging the .i I .. . a. -
voted to study the various com - “'39 531 t 6 conversation 0t“ " . i . ' ‘. ' '. .‘i
nents of the General Education Ki: 1 curred Oct 9. the day after Ameri- hUaCkerS IO ”6‘11 1h“ ' .L ~ : ’1 .
quirements before making a deci- x. ‘f can passenger U30“ Klinghoffer “'35 passengers WC“ and -‘ ' i .1 ‘ ‘. i .
sion on the total Swift Committee g , shot tWice and thrown overboard off ” ii h f '\ , , 3
Proposal. -~r e; i , thecoaStOfSyna [e I em our .f ’ » _ ’
The proposal is the result of the it? , . Abbas was With the four hijackers Objective was not [0 i : i~ '. i
committee‘s three~year study of the .A on the Egyptian airliner U S. Navy ‘ 1 . .‘ ,1 ‘- ‘.-_.‘>
currentUniversityrequirementS. _ ' jets forced down last Friday at a take COl'lII'Oi Of the ‘ r- - k
The concentration of the council's xW : NATO base in SiCii)’ The United Shi H I: i V " i -> i. .
discussion was on the proposed States and Israel accused him of di- p' r"; '- ~ _ W,
basic skills (Area it and inference ' reeling the piracy and the Reagan ——I_ . 1 ‘ -‘ W‘ . ,
and writing skills requirements ' administration demanded that he be w: : ._
(Area [1) ' held but Italy let him go and its [hem our ObJPCiin’ “£15 nut t,, 'aKt W s .. ,. I / ,
“Perhaps the most important ‘ splintered 0°31”th government may control of the ship Tell them omit ~ ' ‘ ' W'
question is ‘Does the proposal re- collapseasaresult your main objective l> «a: mi; :4 - f 5 '
quire too many hours of general ed- a The liner ended its voyage of ter~ hear menteno“ ‘ 3 W _
ucation requirements?‘ " said Coun- ; ‘ ror yesterday. steaming ”“0 "5 Barak said Abbas appointed T'} _‘ ' ’. ' ‘
cil Chairman Bradley Canon. 4»- ‘* home port 0f Genoa. “31.“ and U90“ Palestine Liberation Hrgamratiim ._ . ‘ , " " V :
”Deciding on the maximum or ‘54» ' Klinghoffer‘s W." was flown to chief Yasser Arafat to negotiate Lhe "3 . W: .'
minimum numbers of hours first is ' ' i Rome for an autopsy hijackers surrender and the release ' '

i not the right way," said Enid Waid- 4"" ' " V" " Genoa prosecutors charged two of the ship and more than {no people ', ' ' ;
hart, a professor of communica- ' ‘ more Palestinians in Klinghoffer's aboard. was at Egypt‘s pm, Said " ’ .1
tions. “To start. we need to look at ‘ ; a. ' death, bringing the number 0f de- shipto—shore radio station when the i ~. ,' .
thespecific parts ofthe proposal." ' ‘ 3W W fendantstoseven. W conversation took place ‘ j . ‘ '

Canon said deans of certain col- ~ :3— A'rW‘i‘l‘mfi‘ a?“ Maj Gen Ehud Barak. chief of Is . ,. , . . ,
leges including Agriculture and ”V i733”. 4»: raeli military intelligence. played a The hijackers, Israeli offiCials and A , W I ; I "
Business & Economics. are against “:2? “a" _, » w tape recording on Israel teiCVISion of Abbas' 19315!an Liberation From . , W. W ~ .
increasing the number of hours re- " ' ‘ a conversation in Arabic that be have said the mmal plan “as for a '. ' .' ,' F
quired. They are afraid students said was conducted 0“ 9 between terror attack when the ship reached ' W. ‘ . . .
would need 4‘2 to 5 years to com- Abbas and ”‘9 Pirates “ho had the Israeli port of Ashdod Italian . . ‘ ,
plete the programshe added gr abbed the Achille Lauro [“0 days prosecution sources quoted the I’dl- '. ’ .r W .

“Those in favor of the proposal as earlieroffPortSaidEgypt estinians. who claim to be PM w. ’ - *
it is are from Arts 5: Sciences and . [h a transcript. translated and re- members, as saying they decided to I . . _ = 3 ',: ;
Fine Arts.“ said Ward Crowe, a pro- « leased by the Israeli armyi-Abbas seize the ship after a waiter saw _ . " ' ' ,
fessor of veterinary science “All “'35 quoted as urging the hijackers them wnth weapons ' WZ' .-
the opposition comes from the other to treat the passengers well and Gennaro (‘alabrese De Feo. chief 4: 'W . h '. 'iv .
I"'0f%510hi=1l SChOOlS-H "tell them our objective was "0‘ to prosecutor in Genoa. said all sewn ,, ‘ -, ' it". .a '.

Students fulfilling the bBSiC skills “mmwwsw takecontrolof‘the Ship Palestinians accused in the hijack " ~' ‘ . ' --
area would be required to complete The armys transcript quoted ing had been charged with kidnap ' : .1 ‘.‘_ , f ' 'W ,-
the mathematics and foreign Ian- Takeoff Abbas as telllng a hIJaCker called ping and [murder m Khnghoffer g _‘ ' “i 1’ “(H‘-
guage requirements' Niajed "Listen to me “Well. First Of death 3" '_ . i t", I W; ' ’.I ',

Under the proposed requirement, Shannon Barrett, IO~year-o|d son of Porn Bor- once while skateboarding yesterday on a all. the passengers should be treated _ . 4 ‘W , 5
students would need two years of fat? of Lexington, holds his arms out for bal- sidewalk near campus. very well. In addition. you must The Americans bOd} drilled I“ " - '4 ,i v.3 i. ‘

See (‘l'RRlu l.l'M ‘ apologize to them and the ships shore Monday near the Syrian port I“ - I

.Dase- crew and t0 the captain, and tell ofTartus " . '5, ‘ '.

P l' t
0 ice arres man suspected of recent dorm , campus thefts . .. .

By WENDY SUSAN SMITH Thornton. associate director for ad- Clay said more than $1,000 worth read one of the names on the door portable stereo was stolen. Appar- was circulated to the north campus I .‘ ' ‘ ' , I .,‘ .
and SAIIJAJA MALEMPATI ministration and transportation. of objects were reported missing at and pretend that he knew that per- ently the thief had entered while his reSidence halls last Sunday ' " ' ' ‘
Staff Writers The case is still under investiga- times when the suspect was seen in son. roommate was still asleep.he said. ”I was sitting desk and I saxi him ' . , V.

tion by the UK Police Department. the vicinity. “The increase in theft in residence Clay was able to formulate a de‘ enter the building.“ said a Keene '. 1' , 7
A man arrested on campus Tues- Bob Clay, assistant dean of stir “This guy is very clever; he knew halls is due to unlocked doors." he scription of the suspect when he was land Hall resident adyiser who . . -_ ' j
day night may have been mp0nsi- dents, said. “They hopefully ar- what he was doing, and he was good added. found breaking into a resident advis- asked that her name not be used ' l .i , '

ble for recent thefts at Keeneland rested the person resporsible for the at it." Clay said. “But his fatal mis- Dean Wade, a resident of Holmes er's room at Holmes Hall last Satur- had a SUSpICIOI‘l that he was the one ' - ' .
and "Oimfi halls and the Patterson great number of thefts in Holmes take was frequenting the scenes of Hall, said. “A couple of weeks ago I day who fit the description. so I called 5 '. - - i ’ ‘ “

Office Tower,UK police said. and Keeneland Halls. the crime.W” left my door unlocked when I went the police " w _ . ' ~ " '

Melvin Franklin Taylor. 23. of “This thief has been paying visits The thief‘s general procedure in to my morning class. My roommate A memo containing the subject's -~ ‘ '
Iexmgton was arrested for criminal to us for some weeks," he said. “He entering the rooms was to claim to was still asleep in the room. and I description * black male. about 180 Taylor went downstairs to the I ’ ‘ ‘
trespassing in the first degree and has been able to get things and get be a friend of one of the roommates. didn‘tthink anyone would break in.“ 185 lbs. and 21 years old, clean and Keerieland Hall TV room. said an- ‘ . . "
theft by unlawful taking, said Do" gonesoquickly." Clay said. “All he had to do was to But when Wade came home, his neat with goatee and short hair - otherRA i ' ~ _
;.::-'-- . .‘Wis:;=.:as'2:'-j.:.= " ‘ ' "_';:fo':‘?""=:---“ij-‘ff}_ -- .j, O '
SAB Plans - \ / - ,,. Hunger, poverty topics m . , .
w k f 2 " W r F d D f ‘ - ~-
ee or )‘Q 0 00 ay con erence Good Sex may be the best show on \ , K
‘ , . W . . . this week's cable lineup. yr .closer , .
awarenegg ' ' " a . By BETH LAWSON and exchange ideas on world hunger l00k at this week's cabl premieres. e
"' b’ \ . Staff Writer via a direct television hookup with ”DIVERSIONSmase 2.
. ~ . ,a\) George Washington University in
B) KIMBERLY SISK r , - / ; Lack of participation at this year's Washington. DC.
Staff Writer -—— World Food Day Conference shows The video conference‘s panel con- my H mm“ won the Kcmum
NW the need for education in the world sisted 0f experts Who gave their dif' Invitational at Spring lake Country
The Student Activities Board is \ i ”" hunger situation. said Joe Willett. a ferent perspectives on such subtop dub. Fm the highlights 5":

sponsoring an awareness week Oct. visiting professor in the department ics of world hunger as drought. the ”0‘11” 3. '

21-25 to promote the organization x ofayiculturaleconomics. political scene, population and birth

andsits activities A crowd of about too. including a coml'r the I be Se

“ AB is trying to make the cam- visiti Chinese del ation. attended 0 pane mem rs, n. . . . »

pus aware of the kinds of activities the :éond annuai ‘30,“, Food Day Paul Sarbanes D-Md.. said family 3: zr‘mmfb 2‘13?” 3‘33:

and events that the board does do." m‘“"'“"" "m “'4‘ "‘ nationwide satellite teleconference planning and abortion in certain to help the Ballot: Tutun‘Refu c!

said Joan Loughrey, assistant direc- yesterday afternoon at Seay Audito— areas have gotten intermixed. Fund For Nb new 6 ‘

torofstudentactivities. to two twister mats fromtheSABof- twister mats.“ she said. Partici- rium. “Family planning is an important ‘ ' ‘

_ rice inmsmdent Center. pants will be allowed to keep the “World Food Day is observed to complement to other devel-
SAB' the main programming Participants have until 4 pm. Oct. mats afterthecontest. increase public awareness 0‘ the 09mm“ headded.

Md °“ 9‘va 60“ “' “d9 V3” 24 to come up with the most original Wont the week. students world food situation and to develop 0n the local level, UK‘s panel dis-

ety‘of "“983 and many 32’5“!“ use for the mats. Entrants should may register to win prizes and tick- national and international support cussed problems of world hunger

60!” mm? V" d? "‘8'“: said turn ineithera detailed description eta. No sets of tickets to the for the stnieale min“ poverty. suchasmtmmmmd‘

“My ”mum Publ'f remit“ t!!- of their creation or bring it in for REM. concert. two tickets to the burger." said James D. Kemp. an feted as 30'0"” “Wilm- family

rector for the board. This week will judgingbytheboard. landon Savoyarrb performance and animal science professor and chair- planning. the use Of vitamim and Today will be manly sunny with the

sisxenshldsnts a bettu Idea of what The idea ft! the contest came as a semeeter p”, to the Worsham man of the UK World Food Day homegardens. m in the Iowa 70-. Tonight will

( m. m mm to m "I. m. numb" of mwwnibegmww TeleconferenceCommittee. “Y0\:Wcan if: adequlte good for a he felt with the low in the mid 50.,

A; a Made to the wars activ- Twister mats m m h“ year's riEmry boxes Will-k located at va- UK‘s College of Agriculture joined ”Hattie“. Tswana me you Tm VII be mostly cloudy
iti the m - .i i i Oil camp‘s locatloru, includlm all . . . “'39 "hm" you W. M a fl percent dinner of shows
a. II spamming e 101 attempt to stage .he world s largest . more than 150 colleges, universities b0 the her of the
. .. cum and the Classroom Bulld- . W“ ' "I” “W dune-hum».
Uses for e Useless Twists- Mat Con- Mter game. Martin said. We amount limitations W the population .. ”to am Mai-loft
test." in which madam can take up were stuck with a large moor of “" ”WWW" United Statee to wider rmbiam ‘ Summon "‘5

 ' . I t t
Arts Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
. . . .I_:..,i:5::-_:.;,:?.:.VE_Efig‘\vqs\\§>: ‘\ ss;»~::$§§‘i§>‘lfii:23:53:}:;.:E13.§Ei=i§”:iV;“$3\Q§%\§\§:‘E‘\‘\§+ . :_ ‘31:,» 0‘33\\\‘t 33>:- \\:»\\ \‘x:_‘\’“3\ C"»¥ZE':'§"55’::;EE*1:132;gEiElgj'fiSEiE;
" . $23§§§t§§§§§§§§¥$“§§m\§§\§\\\’\\W§§s.;§§xfi " = ‘
Film lineup ' a" Music notes
.- makes ‘Sex’ y = » Jazz Seriest1ckets go on sale today; free concerts on tap
. . s
' L . ' l'iiff59:g.::-;.;z: 555:;:;;.:_;:;:;;:.;..,, :.:= W > :.;5.a;;;;.;;;53, Staff re "5 shows will begin at 8 pm in Memo- program will include (‘ount Basie‘s
: » , « worthwhile w a ml Hall “High Fm“ and a funk place mied
5 Q o ‘ Miscellaneous notes from the ,. "Dirty (iid Mun.“
‘ _ in ii i:si.I:v “ILLER ;:5§\ . i § -» world ofmusic. ,. ”‘9 -"’h"*l"l>~ ll "9“ local balld
.‘ t “I.” “m”. fl :\s _ (Em \> “390: Tickets for the 1985~86 Spotlight Bloch .Tsometiineisl goesf by the mfune And for mm lthing 'ompletel if
I ' I L C‘. A x‘ Ex-d— Q '5= =‘ Jazz Series go on sale today TheSe iug “1111- l” per mm 01‘ ‘rt‘t’ » t _l _ \ (l-
, - - Probably the most worthwhile w“ ‘§:§i\ < \' ries will feature performances by today l” ”ll" “"9” “"109” ”l the NU‘ “:nt hm 5“)“ ”‘9" for “we'll-‘- the
_ . ~ \iewing on cable teleVISIon next v \Q‘* , x the World Saxophone Quartet (va dent Activities ’Board concert com iAxington ihilharmonic “‘1“ if?!"
" " ._ ' , . , timxlSex " \ x‘ g: a; 7L singer Nancy Wilson (Jan 34. concer series . . . . t e , rs.
" i ' . .y \s ll that weren't suffICIent to “was?" "i; /lh my % = and the legendary Lionel Hampton The concert will begin at noon and :h-etpsrforin‘a‘?oe features works by
f _ ' “ \ LIM‘ ei en the most jaded T\' ad my ,’ t J and his Orchestra IFeb.26i rununtil l3WD 1" ““n ““m' "”"dll‘lll‘l'h‘"
V . ' ' ‘ f . . iict away from the boob tube. a gan- -' ’ “‘6. . -' yw Tickets are available at the Stu . Th“ -l‘:lll}§"'l-‘ “a“:‘iX’l‘lllljlllt‘fl "t”
~ ’ . ‘3 * Ier at this week's cable premieres - t , _ 'v; dent (‘enter Ticket Office and both lenll.‘ Jl ”l“ ““9150“ “M“ 1““ Full-time students with an ii) and
'~ __‘ .‘ ,' _ .ll lililllililtll} will $3 :1 0% Disc Jockey record stores, Tickets and ill Vl'ilfl‘ I'M-“UP- where the." activities card can pick up free tick—
‘ .. ; 3 x‘ . \o: eieii Jamie Lee Curtis can t -' for the ennui series are $27 tor gm opened lortheilysiei‘ic lel'COli'CS mg at the Student (bum. ”4‘” (if?
7 ' . , _ » :‘cst‘iic (il‘aild\i(’“. LSA. from the “-"""::“§ ’ / _y dents and $2 for the general public ”1“ t-ll‘fllli) features “3‘“ K and fice from H) a m to -l p in today
a ' ' ‘. ' - _ \i'i’.‘ i hea t‘urtis. the streetwise [ ' " - , "T" There will be no student discount for llll'mt’r l h Slum‘m J‘K‘l ”‘59- The” and tomorrow 'i‘ickets also are
. l p . r [I] ,W . 4 - ~ .. '
y _ a, i: 3 . .~ ~. . , owner of a demolition derby track. -—-——¢—-Jl L" tickets for individual shows. which lllUMCdl ”lllllf‘llll'> range from 3"” available at the dean‘s office in the
__._f ; I. ‘ . battles the local government to keep \ are priced at $9 for the Saxophone \ oung l0 lllt’ \ 9m“ l nderground. (‘ollege oi Fine Arts in 21H Fine Arts
' , .' "fi ; her business from being closed , ”mu“ kmmWhm Quartet and Jordan. and $11 for W” Building from ti ii iii to noon and 1
: _- j . down t‘ Thomas Howell ”The Out- ——__—__— The 'rux of the story i' the son and Hampton. There‘s more tree music on tap to toixopm
' . I, . . ", siders” assists her when she trys to fri ‘nds‘hkl ) b it“, n \iancusob and The Series is sponsored by the Stir night at the t‘enter for the Arts.
- l - ‘ V uncmer 3 plan to construct a h‘gh‘ RE‘FLICK'TIONS (‘otvote lvh l1 :6“) gated“, te‘ted dent Activities Board and the Office where the Room 22 Jazz Ensemble Tickets for the geneiul public
‘ "~ , - . . brow country club in its place while the It“ £93m}; for different of Minority Student Affairs All performs at it in the Recital Hall its range froinSlL’ {iotoszo
. 1.2 . l. . The lack of chemistry between types of relationships .
i 2 ~ ‘2 t‘urtis and Howell is a real detri- . t . . ‘ ‘ ‘ "
. - _ _ as the distraught mother. and FBI k t D t
: _‘ -. , . ment to an already bad picture. Im- Christopher Collet and Corey Haim Aideosyneracieg _ Certain musi» ep eye on lsney ’ rep or says
.1 : 4 A y . _ probable situations ‘and an tall-too: are ilk“! fine as the two kids. but Clans almost make watching MTV
‘ g ' ‘ ‘~ Pged‘fldbl“ final“??? ‘cgnt “3"“ what should be a climactic con- “”thth because the." are “(filing The Associated Press as Hi] agents by some movie re script, Hoover directed agents to tell
. . . l L‘ lemon, “, 'C . e “h .3 ur ay frontation between Weller and the to put “5 ”lUCh “Wk ”“0 the” "l' viewers according to The Ariznnu Disney "the bureau will strongly ob-
' .. ~ onilBO.totheJunkyard _ . _ eldest son comes off as boring and d“"5“5lll“"d"ln[he'rmusw PHOENIX. Ariz. J Edgar Hoo Rupoiu‘u Jt‘t'l to any imrtruyul at the Flu in
_ ' ' ‘ '1; e , » - ”1““) are atou‘ple 0f pomts “1 1” inconsequential. . ver kept watch on movies made by this mm '
i. ' -, , ' , terest m 1984.5 i-irstborn. a 90‘9” "firstborn" premieres Sunday on One Of the") groups '5 The Talking the late Walt Disney to ensure they The “0“»‘Pilpt‘l‘ (“”9” an H” lllt’ ll
4 ‘ ', _ "I llall.‘ interesting bUl unsatisfying Showtime Heads Long known for their pro~ didn't depict FBI agents as foolish. obtained through a Freedom of ln- Disney bowed to the bureau's
. '. _’ l ; drama about ”'0 klfis WhQ fight to ‘ gressive music. they are now recog- and the bureau persuaded Disney to formation request wishes and said he would change the
. - ' g .- ‘ . drive their mothers sadistic b0} The final cable premiere is last nixed masters of conce tual video~ ~ ' v' - ”y 00 .. bumblinl officiils to "f . -- .
. . ‘ , P make changes in the moxies .i n “\l Pl '1 i j u _ f i. ( .ederal sun
. ' , . ‘ - friend Irom their house One of them year s iiearthreakers. which debuts making \iid she “as. their latest. Pilot" and "That Darn (‘a[_" - W“ "’E ”K “‘9‘ Sun“ 0 my aggmg" In my. mm although he
g j . ~. I! the casting 0f Peter Weller. ”if on ('inemax Sunday. To be fair. this uses chaotic animated images to according toa recently published re- “WW"WW“ H” agents lO-‘mg Sllr’ thought the change would M. "un
* r , hernic star of “Buckaroo Banzai. is a pretty good movie. the best of spin a cosmic tale of love. with a port. ’ "9111““? on “n A” force pilot Ch” realistic." according to a memo in
. . , 3 . ’d> thenasty loner WhO dISI‘UplS the the lot \‘ick Mancuso and Peter message that also is symbolic of the Hoover considered Disney a friend 5“” l” ”d9 ”l 3 "Wk“ [0 the moon my me ‘
. l . , ' - ' tamily ”lablllll'. . _ (‘oyote star as two friends caught up world today Even if you don't feel and a contact. but felt ‘ betrayed 'h“l‘l“-‘lllt"d
' '7 _ ' ' . The other ‘5 how a film with such 1“ the [10> Angeles singles scene. like thinking that much. the video when bumbling characters identified After receiving a summary of the MTN'UHNl'WdM"WI bring resulls
‘ ' 3 compelling premise can be 50 anti: meeting hathryn Harrold and sultrv will nonetheless entertain with its « . ' . - ' "\l
‘ ~ - as federal security agents in . oon
. , ’ . climactic. T9“ (13” 15 In good form (‘arole Laure along the way. colorful imagery and peppy sound. Pilot." 3 1962 film, were referred to
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, .. Managing Editor Sacha DeVroomen ‘k $4.00 All Draft lg] Al $2.00 * 1 HOUR CLEANERS 0R ON HANGERS
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3 J NWILLIAMS “it was really tough for me to pre- bad." Read said "We had trouble , , , . x f " {a ,
stiffwsgm pare for the playoff because i was on the first nine holes. but we got it gt ”2-,; l 3‘ L ‘ , ‘l' '1'
down after blowing my lead." Kess~ together when we needed to " ,7 1% a Z . : ,_ : : , . ‘ 2;, i .7 3.

‘ With all the talk of so" being an ler said. “l'm Just glad I could come Although Rogerson essentially lost 'Jfézq " 3% - w“ . ,_ .: , : ’ y '-'.
individual sport Coach Bettie Lou back.“ a chance at Winning the tournament i921,- a .... ' ’ '1 i , "' I
Evans‘ Lady Kals looked suspicious- The Kats had to come back as after shooting four over par on the if!" k ,1 , W , \ ‘ '- .. 4:; '1; if t_- .:

I ly like a team at the awards cere< well after most of them had a tough front nine. she recovered to shoot gag; .« if « w, ' l ” " v “” . i O . " ' .E .' "11"" .5‘ '~

, mony yesterday. time on the front nine "i think they one under on the back ' " . . 1 , , ' ~ . l . ,5 q, ’1', I

UK’s women's golf team won its were pushing themselves too hard," “Being in that situation is like in y: f, .4 7 ( ~; ' . V341,“,- it a}.
own Lady Kai Invitational yesterday Evans said. ”They really wanted to basketball when you have a had first p I a 1 a . a t ' r i: Ii" -_' 1 ,'
at Spring Lake Country Club after keepourlead." half and then hit every shot in the ’ i "‘5, ';":‘-:"3‘§"T§ 32]"?
holding off a strong final round by After the turn. the Kats regained second half." Rogerson said. “You - ' ‘_{ '11.“. :-
runner-up indigna, The Kats' three- their composure and preserved the just somehow have to get it togeth- , '1 > .L 34,11,473
day total was 292-303.310.905 to In- team victory with Liz. Fry scoring 3 er " if : z". , i 2; -. :‘g‘ .
di ‘ Ibo-3053111316. N th (3 |'— 76. Amy Read and Kate Rogerson. ‘ _ 4 _’ y i : '1 _> H - [ET/w: _;
mamhedthirdatsa'l or aron 77; Cindy Mueller. no. and (‘athy Roger-‘0" 53“ ”‘1 “cm” 991’“)? 55;, -- ’. t ~.,I ,. .» ’5 ; iii-‘32- .e‘i
' , mance outweighed her own difficul- ~: . :, , , t. V. ,1. _ ..’».h .fl,
The drama of the team competi- Edelen,82. , : “es : A: w , . . . . .- :V."‘."f .1. , : ,
tion was complemented by the indi- .ponna Andrews 0: 510"“ ””0",“ ..‘ ,: 4 , 2.. 4w, : ..-. 5' '
vidual championship. as Kandi fimShed, ",“m, «1244-48-22-41‘ it‘ll? "You are playing by yourself, but 1731;? W ~ 3 . v ‘ :if‘fih'.
K9551" Of North Carolina defeated Read 173-73-77-2329i, R0“??? Vii” there comes a time when you have _' 2 .' -. t _ v , ,5 ”.1,“
Mary Fechlig of Indiana by parring 77‘226; and hdelen ‘ ”3"‘3282:“28' to think about priorities.” ltogerson ' 2;;2‘ _‘ z‘ : .. ; . . , . 4. .‘ ;: i ’, :93?
the first hole in a playoff after both took fourth. fifth and sixth l ry fin: said "When your Mums up by .30 w , W ,m _ ‘ '_. ‘. N." ”r; .
players tied for iheleadat222. [Shed '3-82-76'230 and Mueller A-Htt strokes. you can worry about “in N. d t k , ‘_- “i;
Kasler also won the 1%1 LKIT 80%;4' ll proud )t. [ht WdV fling It When )‘our team ‘ onl) up lp an “C i‘. Tl ’lf‘h .P.
whensheplayedforSouthCarolina. ‘ was rea y ( I " by It) and the second-place team is ‘ M th A ioctb it fit mt A g a tit . o s .r‘ or :.'",'_’J v. ' . i ,v , if. :1:
KeSSIer had led the first ‘wo days they were able to "3.1!" ‘th Indiana ClOSing in. lheleiim \\'lll('lllllt’.\ first Jeannle oore runs C _G.__d .e_r_______u cp .r___9 ’1 p .5.-- __. -..... ..- w c_______ _ _ J .53};th ”i“. i
of the tournament at the par-74 closed in on us. Evans said 1'. "5‘
course with scores of 71 and 74‘ but "We‘ve got different players who "This one was tor Bettie Lou and - - - - - -- --- - — - - - -- ; I ,‘ ‘ :f. _ . ' :3 ;:
she struggled yesterday before punt will play well on any given day. so Amy and (‘athv our \i'lllt)i‘\ ‘ she I v I 4 1 - ~ ,1. 4 2“
ing out a 77' Fechtig kept within wedon‘thavetoworry said "We're all realh close and t l, \ I l' H Ll; ' it“
striktijrgg hdistance indthe ezriifir “We all wanted to win this really real supportiteoi each other Hove YOU see" ' ‘ l l\ —_._ _,.._ I \ l‘l‘l‘ I
“m" - 5 0° "‘8 72 a“ 75' a“ 5 e : . »:< " " . ‘
had the lowest score yesterday at 74 ' : _ I " M3 ; ' ”1e new JUKEBOX I 5 “ ‘ "”l"'” I I: '1 .~.’ - 3;.
toforce the playoff. ‘ ' '- . '2 at l I .‘ ,w.‘ ,_ .- ., -
' Kossler took three strokes to ' ‘ : " . I i i ‘I‘ I
reach the green but sank a clutch ..‘“ _‘ m g I 803 AGAINl? 3 ' ' ‘r‘ 4 _ | w .ill\ I v I..‘- \-'.
putt jmt past the fringe. Fechtig's ' ' 4‘ " _- i I ‘ \j.‘ l: le is 1 it i. hilflt' -_ ' ~', -_ J4
puttforparwent wide by inches. ‘4, ~ f“. __ it I t 3 //,,/,‘¢ CA .\\\ I ' | . -' ’.._ ~
be A ‘ ‘ ' 4 \L " l : " i ‘ ,‘ . 4‘ ‘ I' ‘. I:
’ a; *- 5E: x 455:5: : '53:; ‘1 li" - s \\ \‘h ' ,. . .1 so ‘ c 1 i“’ ,l: l _ . _ : ‘. ..‘ ,I 4 ‘.
'5‘"; \ . if: “ 1" ‘- "J Vi! ‘ “. ‘k' ' -, . i : I ‘ " ' I _-I . ...: i ‘ ‘
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All. snows i: , WI e on : ‘\ ' ’. i ' Barber. Medoc‘s Meditation and Dance 0‘ Venuwc ,‘ ‘ ' - . 3
$2.50 BEFOREOPM. ' ' j)! SaintrSoens, Symphony No. 3 in C Minor Op “‘ "t ‘ b
momma your student loans. - A. , .
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